How to show table in Android application? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Can someone help getting a table to display on Android devices please? The table is made in excel which serves the purpose of helping non Arabic speaking people to pronounce words in Arabic. The idea is for it to show on all screen sizes from small screen devices to tablet screen sizes. Please see the attachment.

Just download quick office software from Google play its free...
Press thanks if i helped you
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2

ermacwins said:
Can someone help getting a table to display on Android devices please? The table is made in excel which serves the purpose of helping non Arabic speaking people to pronounce words in Arabic. The idea is for it to show on all screen sizes from small screen devices to tablet screen sizes. Please see the attachment.
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Do you need it to be an excel file, or you just want to display it in any format? If format doesn't matter, you can make a screenshot to a bitmap and use canvas.drawBitmap

shivam1688 said:
Just download quick office software from Google play its free...
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Should have been more clear. I don't want to view the document on a phone but to integrate the table into an app.
It was made in excel because of the ease of making a table. Could have done it on word but it needs to be viewed natively on Android without making it an image file....
Exception maybe if the table could be made into a transparent table in an image format?





02 XDA - Writing a web page for it

Does anybody have a list of guidelines to follow when writing a web page for the 02 XDA.
It would seem obvious to not make it graphics intensive, and size it appropriately for the screen, but I'm looking for the more subtle tips.......not using javascript etc.....
Many Thanks
Alex Stevens
Chubby said:
Does anybody have a list of guidelines to follow when writing a web page for the 02 XDA.
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Just rather obvious ones:
Strip everything unnecessary from the HTML
Minimize graphics, both in size and complexity
for GIF's: less colors in palette
for JPG's, higher compression
[*]Try to accomplish cool graphic effects using stylesheet tricks instead of images whenever possible
[*]GPRS is slow, so images may take a while. So specify sizes for all images, so the layout looks right immediately.
[*]Make sure it's viewable with graphics turned off (sensible alt-texts, one gif per button, etc...)
There's many more things one could do. I guess when you've done the above, it all comes down to UI design: trying to estimate how much to cram in one screen, based on various properties of your target audience and many other factors.
XDA developer Peter Poelman said:
[*]Try to accomplish cool graphic effects using stylesheet tricks instead of images whenever possible
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Stylesheets are not supported on Pocket Internet Explorer 2002. There is also a section in the Pocket PC 2002 SDK dedicated to building web application for PPC2002.
jrom said:
Stylesheets are not supported on Pocket Internet Explorer 2002.
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Whoops, I stand corrected. Thanks...
Does anyone know if XDAs will ever have stylesheet capability and if so when :?: ?
Style Sheets and XDA
WM2003 supports CSS as we use them heavily in an app. Annoying things that you often forget about are no on mouse over (hover) - logical. when you think about it, but annoying if you forget!

[game]Mosatsu for wm6.0+ .net3.5

my english no good..
this game transplant from Mosatsu iphone Part1....
press and hold the screen pop-up menu 'Models',select a girl...
Video :
great NSFW app , nice fun.. will go nicely with the HDWobble App
Nice APP
But a little bit slow at my HTC hd2
sjshih said:
Nice APP
But a little bit slow at my HTC hd2
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Same for me......too slow, but very good program.
it works fine on the diamond .. as you can see from the video
it worked good on QVGA,too..thaksssssssssss
Are there any more models available anywhere?
nice one, any more models?
There is a spelling mistake to one of the image folders. I made a correction and the amendment appeared in the application, so it looks like you can add your own girls
Made up a cab file I hope you don't mind i will remove it if the author wants PM me
wapvirus said:
Made up a cab file I hope you don't mind i will remove it if the author wants PM me
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thanks for you help ……^o^
this is awesome i checked you can add your own pics, anyone brave enough to share some home made of your other half hehehe....
Just saw the cab file haha.
Great application!!
Great app, thanks a lot!
Lol, this is fun. Works just fine in my t5353+ (HTC Diamond 2 clone)
Works great on my Touch Pro 2 (Tilt 2)
And . . ., a few Google searches later:
For those of you who want to find out more about Mosatsu, there's a very interesting book of the same name which continues the concept - search Google for "Mosatsu, Photographed by Tommy (12 June 2008).rar"
And for the OCD amongst us who can't stand the shortcut in your start menu without a corresponding glorious icon, I found one:
moltenfire said:
So . . ., a few Google searches later:
For those of you who want to find out more about Mosatsu, there's apparently a book of the same name with each page scanned - "Mosatsu, Photographed by Tommy (12 June 2008).rar"
And for the OCD amongst us who can't stand the shortcut in your start menu without a corresponding glorious icon, I found one:
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To change the start menu icon look here:
"Icon"="\\Storage Card\\Program Files\\Mosatsu\\Icon.png"
(or whereever your .png happens to be)
Remember to soft reset afterwords.
moltenfire said:
To change the start menu icon look here:
"Icon"="\\Storage Card\\Program Files\\Mosatsu\\Icon.png"
(or whereever your .png happens to be)
Remember to soft reset afterwords.
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Thanks for the info, but, how exactly? I'm at Mosatsu.lnk and I see (Default), Group, Rank.
Where do you add that line "Icon"="\\Storage Card\\Program Files\\Mosatsu\\Icon.png" ?
Is it a Key, is it a String Value, Binary Value, DWORD? I tried with String Value, but I wasn't able to get it working.
Also, if you install it to the main memory, how do you type in the exact address? Is it just "Icon"="\\icon.png or do you have to add "Icon"="My Device\\icon.png"?
Great apps
marasp said:
this is awesome i checked you can add your own pics, anyone brave enough to share some home made of your other half hehehe....
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i will upload 3 pics from Bleach girls non nude (respect users in this forum)... xD... im searching more...

Development Request - Keyboard idea

Hi all,
I had an idea for a better keyboard for the streak, but I can't find any step-by-step walkthroughs for making android keyboards. If there's one available, let me know and I should be able to tackle this.
If not, I think the streak needs a split keyboard. Imagine the left half of the keyboard on the left third of the screen, the right half on the right third, and a big numpad/d-pad in the middle third. When I'm typing in landscape mode, I know I'd appreciate minimizing my thumbs' reach.
Any takers? Or good keyboard making tutorials?
-- David Z
I thought the same thing when i first got my streak.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Great Idea!
If someone does make one you should add settings so you can control where the DPAD is, so you could make it like the original Dell Keyboard too!
I'm guessing you've not tried swype then?
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
While we're on the subject of thumb reach, might I suggest a portrait keyboard with more keys on the left/right side, so you don't constantly mis-type those O's and P's as a leftie (for example), when using the streak one-handed?
I was thinking of a real multitouch keyboard.
First, you have the standard qwerty keyboard, with shift, enter en dpad buttons. A tab button would be cool too.
Second, if you tap and hold the keyboard (anywhere) and slide it to the left, on the right side it will reveal the nummeric keys, where you can input your numbers. Releasing the keyboard and it'll slide back in position. Slidng the other way around, gives other keys.
I'm dreaming of such a keyboard a long time now.
Radddogg said:
I'm guessing you've not tried swype then?
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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I'm guessing you blatantly did not read the OP's idea then?
Zelman said:
I think the streak needs a split keyboard. Imagine the left half of the keyboard on the left third of the screen, the right half on the right third, and a big numpad/d-pad in the middle third. When I'm typing in landscape mode, I know I'd appreciate minimizing my thumbs' reach.
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If somebody makes this, I will personally buy them a drink
I love the Streak, but my thumbs don't...
Hi guys- I don't know of any tutorials, but basically you need to create a custom IME (that's the term used by Android SDK). There is an android SDK example for creating an IME I believe. Also, here is the source code for a Latin keyboard IME someone made:;a=summary
+1 to the initial idea.
Myself and my office mate were just discussing UI's and both of us agreed that a split keyboard option would make the streak far more ergonomically friendly and probably speed up typing.
BTW, for mocked up examples of what we are talking about see:
I would really love to see a keyboard like this!
Dell's 1.6 stock keyboard makes good use of the additional space instead of just making the buttons ridiculously large, but it really should be symmetric.
With smartphones getting larger and tablets on the rise it's high time for new keyboards, so I think not only the Streak would benefit from it!
All thumbs up for the idea!
Here's an idea: find a developer and start up a kickstart for this... Perhaps we could post this to the general android development forum.
Basic Version
Hey all,
Here's a basic version. It's just a slightly modified version of the soft keyboard that comes with the SDK. It's only usable it in landscape mode, unless you have really small fingers.
Any thoughts/ideas/feedback? Basic changes may be within my ability. A lot of the programming is way over my head, so if anyone wants the source to do some fancy stuff, let me know.
Zelman said:
Hey all,
Here's a basic version. It's just a slightly modified version of the soft keyboard that comes with the SDK. It's only usable it in landscape mode, unless you have really small fingers.
Any thoughts/ideas/feedback? Basic changes may be within my ability. A lot of the programming is way over my head, so if anyone wants the source to do some fancy stuff, let me know.
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Nice work will give it a try
Works fine i would just prefer the buttons to be a bit bigger about double the size infact and would like the numbers on the end and not in the middle and the numbers a different colour but thats me other than that a great start thanks
Awesome! Some color / shading might help to distinguish between the letters and numbers and more easily find keys. May be its something you adjust to but i find myself having to search for letters.
Two other layout thoughts. 1) maybe stretching out the spacebar a bit. since thats a frequently pressed key it'd be nice to have it by the other letters and closer to the thumbs., 2) rearranging the numpad to have the zero at the bottom center as with a typical dialer numpad. This would require splitting the spacebar into two segments.
Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
gtg203a said:
Awesome! Some color / shading might help to distinguish between the letters and numbers and more easily find keys. May be its something you adjust to but i find myself having to search for letters.
Two other layout thoughts. 1) maybe stretching out the spacebar a bit. since thats a frequently pressed key it'd be nice to have it by the other letters and closer to the thumbs., 2) rearranging the numpad to have the zero at the bottom center as with a typical dialer numpad. This would require splitting the spacebar into two segments.
Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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Can't get color to work, yet. Good idea on the spacebar(s). Check this version out.
Here's the current state of things (as of the build above). I'm going to look more into changing the color of the number keys, but I don't think it's really as necessary with this layout. Any and all suggestions are welcomed, and I will let you know what I can/can't/will/won't do.
Also, anyone with android programming experience who can tell me things like, "What are the image format requirements for icons like the one on the delete key?" please let me know if you can offer expertise.
Zelman said:
Can't get color to work, yet. Good idea on the spacebar(s). Check this version out.
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hi thanks alot for the keyboard, its amazing, only 1 bug/error or maybe its just me, as i type a text, after every fullstop, it automatically changes to capital which is good, but it doesnt change back to small case letters after the first letter has been typed, for example if i type this and then stop. IT CONTINUES LIKE THIS. hope u understand? plz help cause otherwise this keyboard would be perfect for me
kag8 said:
hi thanks alot for the keyboard, its amazing, only 1 bug/error or maybe its just me, as i type a text, after every fullstop, it automatically changes to capital which is good, but it doesnt change back to small case letters after the first letter has been typed, for example if i type this and then stop. IT CONTINUES LIKE THIS. hope u understand? plz help cause otherwise this keyboard would be perfect for me
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I have definitely seen the same issue. I will take a look at the source, but if anyone has the SDK and has a good eye for troubleshooting code, feel free to post hints.

[Q] Use video file to make live wallpaper(apk) ?

Hello, I am trying to make an android live wallpaper for Xperia P.
The resolution for the screen is 540x960.
1) I exported the animation as .mp4 and it came out around 4mb. Is there a way to create an .apk using this mp4 file that will work as live wallpaper and if yes how?
2) Do I have to multiply the width if I want to fit more than one screens? So for three, would it be 540 x 3?
3) Can I just repeat the main live wallpaper(540x960) instead of multiplying the width so that the same animation appears on all screens?
Thanks in advance :good:
Anyone that has created a live wallpaper before willing to help?
For that you will have to decode the video yourself so that it can be drawn on canvas if you can do it then it can be done its difficult I know but that is the only way
Sent from my GT-S5302 using Tapatalk 2
Hit Thanx Button if i helped you!
Are there any examples so I can try it? I have no coding knowledge on android.
ZenorGR said:
Are there any examples so I can try it? I have no coding knowledge on android.
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You kidding bro
first learn java and get some android experience use as starting point to learn android programming then only you can make live wallpapers okay do that and I'll surely help
Sent from my GT-S5302 using Tapatalk 2
Hit Thanx Button if i helped you!
So I found this tool to create the live wallpaper using a video file:
The tool was made using code from another tool an xda member made.
But I encounter one issue, the animation skips always on the same frames so it's not smooth. The video format I used is .avi I tried few of them .mp4 was even worse.
Any idea why would that happen or how to fix it?
It's the tool's fault afterall it's not easy to generalize a code so that it can be used in different forms that's why coding is preferred over tools if it were this way anyone could build a graphic vedio and use it as live wallpaper and have it published
Bad luck my friend try contacting the developer of the tool he might know the answer
Sent from my GT-S5302 using Tapatalk 2
Hit Thanx Button if i helped you!
I hear there is a live wallpaper tutorial on the SDK? Can I use that and explore it so I can get an idea? I suppose it doesn't use video and draws it on canvas, the animations are coded but I could give it a try.
If you know which SDK/tools I have to download from the manager let me know.
EDIT: Nvm I found it. If you have knowledge about drawing a video on the canvas and you can help me out, let me know.
ZenorGR said:
I hear there is a live wallpaper tutorial on the SDK? Can I use that and explore it so I can get an idea? I suppose it doesn't use video and draws it on canvas, the animations are coded but I could give it a try.
If you know which SDK/tools I have to download from the manager let me know.
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You ll need SDK PLATFORM AND Samples for SDK and also Arm EABI system image if you don't have a device download the above for android 4.2.2 that is ap 17
Open eclipse
Android project from examples you'll find it there
Sent from my GT-S5302 using Tapatalk 2
Hit Thanx Button if i helped you!
Send me your file I will make it for you. Takes about 5min
Also send me the raw mp4 or m4a or what ever video format it is. I will just use that. i have got one here as a template with a video decoder already built into it. Its nothing fancy. It plays in a loop and you can pick the frame rate.
ZenorGR said:
1) I exported the animation as .mp4 and it came out around 4mb. Is there a way to create an .apk using this mp4 file that will work as live wallpaper and if yes how?
2) Do I have to multiply the width if I want to fit more than one screens? So for three, would it be 540 x 3?
3) Can I just repeat the main live wallpaper(540x960) instead of multiplying the width so that the same animation appears on all screens?
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Try this.
Depends of your launcher, many let you to choose don't scroll the wallpaper.
Hey guys, i have the same problem
I am quite good at animating and GFX, and i have tested my videos as wallpapers with the video live wallpaper app. But i was wondering, how can i create an actual APK out of this, so i can show it to some friends of mine, and why not publish it in google play? Any tutorial i have seen has been useless, all i want is a tutorial where i will only have to write down some code, load the video file, and then to convert it all in a .apk file?

Edit PDF

Good evening to everybody,
I m searching for a complete app that allows you to full edit a pdf. I know there are a lot of apps for reading and editing pdf, but i can't find an app that satisfay all my needs.
In particular what i need is:
- Possibility to edit pdf with spen: writing some notes, highlight in a confort way and so on..
- Search for a word in the pdf file, so the apps must recognize the text and don't open it like an image;
- Palm rejection
Thanks in advice!
Try Xodo -
techops said:
Try Xodo -
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Thank you for your advice, is what i m using rn. But sometimes i dont find it very user friendly
What I don't like about xodoo is that it doesn't catch the differences in pressure while I m writing
Thew-95 said:
What I don't like about xodoo is that it doesn't catch the differences in pressure while I m writing
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New update adds pressure sensitive ink stroke support.
Amindpdf has these functions you mentioned

