Wow, just wow,,read this - HTC Amaze 4G

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i dont think that it is anyones place to spy into what he does on other sites...
and peartfan, if this is true, you should reconsider your views on other races. people who come from hispanic countries to america come here for to live "The american dream" and dont hurt anything. they are just tryng to live the life that they couldnt live in the country they came from. so just get over it, cause we arent getting rid of them.

Oh man this could go either way.... It could be someone faking it but I don't know the only person that could clarify is Peartsfan himself
Sent from my HTC Ruby using Tapatalk 2

EclipzeRemix said:
Oh man this could go either way.... It could be someone faking it but I don't know the only person that could clarify is Peartsfan himself
Sent from my HTC Ruby using Tapatalk 2
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Google search his name , that will say it all, no fakers here!

noneedfouraname said:
Google search his name , that will say it all, no fakers here!
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anyone can register a username on a forum and use someone elses name...
i could go on sdx-developers and make and account with your username right now

While it's disappointing to see a moderator (allegedly!) making such vitriolic statements, they're well within their rights to express their views.
Honestly, I don't care what personal views our moderators hold. As long as they're doing their job and not bringing it here it shouldn't matter. They're unpaid moderators on an online forum ffs. It's not like they're politicians or schoolteachers.
Also, this is not the place to post such things. If you feel that strongly about an individuals statements OUTSIDE of XDA take it up with them directly or report it. Let's not be forum drama queens.

noneedfouraname said:
Google search his name , that will say it all, no fakers here!
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How do we know its not you that made the account huh?!?!?! ....,lol
Sent from my HTC Ruby using Tapatalk 2

Does it really matter if he is a racist? This is the internet, you cant tell what race a person is through the internet. And if thats his personal opinion then ohh well. He still does a good job so i dont see why your trying to start a problem. What he does while not on XDA is none of our business. And you judging him on his opinions is doing what he is doing. Just leave it alone
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

^^ agreed. Seeing as he hasn't brought this to xda, I don't know why you had to.
sent from my NRGized Amaze,
powered by faux kernel v.19

He subscribes to the slowmoguys......
Who would have known.....
Sent from my unrooted Rhyme from xda premium

Also seeing how this guy only has 3 posts i think he only came here to start trouble.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

stumpyz9 said:
Also seeing how this guy only has 3 posts i think he only came here to start trouble.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Lol and he created his account today and his s/n is noneedfouraname (he spelled "for" wrong ha .. more like NoNeedForYouToBeHere
sent from my NRGized Amaze,
powered by faux kernel v.19

ziggy46 said:
anyone can register a username on a forum and use someone elses name...
i could go on sdx-developers and make and account with your username right now
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Its possible, but highly unlikely...
stumpyz9 said:
Does it really matter if he is a racist? This is the internet, you cant tell what race a person is through the internet. And if thats his personal opinion then ohh well. He still does a good job so i dont see why your trying to start a problem. What he does while not on XDA is none of our business. And you judging him on his opinions is doing what he is doing. Just leave it alone
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^^^ this. If peart is a racist, who gives a ****? What he does in his personal life is of no concern to us here unless he's making statements like that to the users on xda. Are you going to call the police if you find out he's smoking pot? Why are you stalking him? This thread should be deleted...
Sent from my Xoom

I've had my Dominican Republic Flag on my account for a while and he never treated me different, might be the language and not the race

aj_2423 said:
Lol and he created his account today and his s/n is noneedfouraname (he spelled "for" wrong ha .. more like NoNeedForYouToBeHere
sent from my NRGized Amaze,
powered by faux kernel v.19
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Lmao...binary, is that you?
Sent from my Xoom

mrmako777 said:
Lmao...binary, is that you?
Sent from my Xoom
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I liked Binary... I'm just saying
Sent from my HTC Ruby using Tapatalk 2

This in my opinion should be a closed and deleted thread. It's this kind of thing that makes good and respected mods and developers give up. It's totally unnecessary. Just pure flameage and childish. Not wanted ot needed here. Please keep the posts on XDA phone and development related. Thank you.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app

That's not me, lol...I'm not a racist. Half my friends are of different ethnicities.
Thread Closed.
The OP will be dealt with.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Sent from my HTC One X, using XDA Premium.


Htc one x/s + sense 4 port!

For those of you who havent been on android-dev lately, we have someone who has ported the ruu from the htc one to our amaze. Hes having trouble getting the kernel working thats it! Can't wait, just thought id share.
Sent from my NRGized Amaze...
via xda premium
Vary nice
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
aj_2423 said:
For those of you who havent been on android-dev lately, we have someone who has ported the ruu from the htc one to our amaze. Hes having trouble getting the kernel working thats it! Can't wait, just thought id share.
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IDK if ill get in trouble for saything this but im going to keep it real. What that tell you?
Hot damn!
Ive been keeping my phone stock because theres nothing i want to put on it, Think i found my chosen one, Please let this be true!! Cant wait!
I read it as he is only working on the kernel currently, and hasn't even looked at anything else yet.. But still cool nonetheless!
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA App
thenikeman said:
I read it as he is only working on the kernel currently, and hasn't even looked at anything else yet.. But still cool nonetheless!
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA App
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Quoted from op
" I have ported the HTC One X and the HTC One S ruu to the Amaze. The only thing that needs to be done currently is that I need to have someone build a kernel."
Sent from my NRGized Amaze...
via xda premium
Well if he can convince fraux to lock himself in a closet till he builds it we might get a semi-working build in about a month. Building that is really hard. At&t galaxy s2 still dont have ics because of it and they have some beast teams working on it from month/s so dont get your hopes up. I think that our best bet is when htc release 3.6 for us the kernel is compatable. Im not saying that fraux is bad at building kernels im saying that its really hard. Plus we dont even have wifi drivers so pray to whatever you pray to/make blood sacrifices/rub someones belly etc for HTC TO LEAK THAT ICS RUU
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
Well those who are waiting for stock if the vivid got 3.6 we are getting 3.6. Also you are about 4 days late on the sens 4 port lol
TramainM said:
IDK if ill get in trouble for saything this but im going to keep it real. What that tell you?
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TramainM said:
Well those who are waiting for stock if the vivid got 3.6 we are getting 3.6. Also you are about 4 days late on the sens 4 port lol
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Really dude? "what that tell you?" "You are about 4 days late...?" Look man, AJ was trying to shed light for those of us that don't troll around other devices threads and giving us some info. If you already knew, then we are happy for you. Some of us, LIKE ME, found this post intriguing.
Thanks again aj
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
aj_2423 said:
Quoted from op
" I have ported the HTC One X and the HTC One S ruu to the Amaze. The only thing that needs to be done currently is that I need to have someone build a kernel."
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True..but the ROM has never booted yet. He made some changes to the build.prop thus far but has no way to test anything until it actually boots. That was posted a couple of days ago, so hopefully progress is being made!
I give this a few weeks until it actually boots I'm amped!!!
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA
glacierguy said:
Really dude? "what that tell you?" "You are about 4 days late...?" Look man, AJ was trying to shed light for those of us that don't troll around other devices threads and giving us some info. If you already knew, then we are happy for you. Some of us, LIKE ME, found this post intriguing.
Thanks again aj
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There should be absolutely no negativity towords any ones effort to try and compliment and/or further the development of our amaze which is already limited....
I would love to see this happen, keep working on it !
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
glacierguy said:
Really dude? "what that tell you?" "You are about 4 days late...?" Look man, AJ was trying to shed light for those of us that don't troll around other devices threads and giving us some info. If you already knew, then we are happy for you. Some of us, LIKE ME, found this post intriguing.
Thanks again aj
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I wasn't trolling i was waiting to see how long it was going to take to make it to XDA, i just thought that it would be a little bit faster. I was saying this was on Android-Dev site for a while now not trolling on other devices as it still is the amaze. So don't get an attitude with me, i just thought it would make it on XDA a lot faster like everything else does. I have seen you cuss people out on 4-5 General post here trying to bring back up topics that are hidden the bowels of XDA forums that might be important in the coming weeks.
TramainM said:
I wasn't trolling i was waiting to see how long it was going to take to make it to XDA, i just thought that it would be a little bit faster. I was saying this was on Android-Dev site for a while now not trolling on other devices as it still is the amaze. So don't get an attitude with me, i just thought it would make it on XDA a lot faster like everything else does. I have seen you cuss people out on 4-5 General post here trying to bring back up topics that are hidden the bowels of XDA forums that might be important in the coming weeks.
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Lol did u read the OP? Clearly the OP knew what site it was on... Which is PROBABLY why he posted it here. I.wasn't only one with this thought... SOMEBODY thanked and +1 my comment. Lol "i see you..." Good. Take a picture... Write a book... Don't just watch me... Lol
Bottom line is AJ found info that may interest a few of us, so he posted it, everyone but you was ok with it, and that's that. Happy Trolling... Keep watching me... I'll make sure I look my best for you
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
glacierguy said:
Really dude? "what that tell you?" "You are about 4 days late...?" Look man, AJ was trying to shed light for those of us that don't troll around other devices threads and giving us some info. If you already knew, then we are happy for you. Some of us, LIKE ME, found this post intriguing.
Thanks again aj
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I think its interesting never said I had a problem with it so let's not put words in my mouth but the dev who ported said he wanted it exclusively android dev on the orginal forum which was what I was hinting at but take it the way you want to I could give a _ what other people think or say
TramainM said:
I think its interesting never said I had a problem with it so let's not put words in my mouth but the dev who ported said he wanted it exclusively android dev on the orginal forum which was what I was hinting at but take it the way you want to I could give a _ what other people think or say
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Wrong! He never said that! He said that he was going to put it here when it actually boots, some one else suggested that it was only going to be there and he said "mabey" but trust me he will post it, if not ill post it on the "HTC Amaze everything you need to know" thread
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
Key word when it boots. None the less I never discouraged development at all. I just said I'm surprised it took a long time I'm being real you know how fast s*** usually gets to xda
TramainM said:
Key word when it boots. None the less I never discouraged development at all. I just said I'm surprised it took a long time I'm being real you know how fast s*** usually gets to xda
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It isn't really huge news, I mean its not like we could use it, a kernal isn't made yet, so we don't even know what works or not
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
It only took 2 days lol
Sent from my NRGized Amaze...
via xda premium
Looks like someone was secretly excited in the other thread... Lol
Quoted from htc one port thread on android dev
TramainM said:
I LOVE YOU! What a great end to a great day! Thanks man!
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Sent from my NRGized Amaze...
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Fathers day wish

wish for some updated roms and the sense 4 rome to work perfect,,,lol,
happy fathers day all
Wrong forum bro
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
crose948 said:
wish for some updated roms and the sense 4 rome to work perfect,,,lol,
happy fathers day all
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Father of two Amazing kids both Girls My wish is always the same ..... I hope the lil one don't run into my balls lmfao & I'll show MOMS what Father day is like ...... CAN WE SAY ADVENTURE TIME ...... i take both my kids out on that day .. camping , beach , GOOD OLD FAMILY TIME ^_^
EclipzeRemix said:
Wrong forum bro
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it was meant to go hear so you dev;s could see it too, i know its in wrong forum,
crose948 said:
it was meant to go hear so you dev;s could see it too, i know its in wrong forum,
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Intentionally knowingly posting in wrong forum will get people infractions
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
crose948 said:
it was meant to go hear so you dev;s could see it too, i know its in wrong forum,
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You received a warning from me a few months ago for this type of behavior, and decided to repeat this violation again, knowing it was against XDA rules?:banghead: Check your inbox.
Failure to comply with a Moderator's request, and blatantly disregarding XDA rules will earn you infractions and/or a ban, depending on severity. I strongly recommend you read and understand XDA rules.
Thread Closed!
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"~Rush
Sent from my HTC One X, using XDA Premium.

Thread Closed!

Edited by Moderator: Please refrain from sharing or linking that site on XDA.
That site has no money or members. Pointless post
How much did they pay u to create an xda account soley to post this? Get that trash out of here.
Wtf happened to report post function on xda app?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
your first post on XDA and you post about a defunct dev site. lol!
andy55 said:
your first post on XDA and you post about a defunct dev site. lol!
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I pmd peartfan to exterminate the trolls
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Edited by Moderator:
Eggy, you know better than to post that.
XDA strictly prohibits any website that requires membership to access development. Not to mention ESPECIALLY that website. (for obvious reasons).
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Edited by Moderator...
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD[/QUOTE]
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
I wont take direction from a troll with your post count... nor do u know a damn thing about me and android-dev. Being upset means i would have to think about something, and that dead site is not on my mind till a troll drops by to bring it up.
I just viewes the sgs2 dev threads along with the one s/x forums and it looks like they will need to pay a lot of $ to get any development going. All above mentioned foruns could already be in the dying forum section lol.
Dont speak negatively... LOL i will forward ******* PMs to members here including myself and let you decide who talks negative. Go away trolls
Tell ********* we say hi if u can find him
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Ouch, talk about a slap in the face.
Edited by Moderator.
Galaxy S2 forum in the dying section? Lol yea sure
Sent from a Galaxy S2 with CM9
Edited by Moderator...
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
why dont you make a rom and claim the money? it would be dumb not to lol
so post count means development is dead? Look at the roms lol
Sent from a Galaxy S2 with CM9
glacierguy said:
1) u will beat me to it cuz idk how to dev
2) I make 70k per yr... 200 for how many hours of work? Lol yeah right. Ladies get that time of mine
3) i doubt that site has the $... they can barely stay afloat with the minimal donations they get
4) im no longer a caring member of a-d
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Well imo for someone who knows how to 200$ is worth it. And im sorry glacier, but who the **** cares about whether that forum is dead, or if they talk **** about us at xda, just settle down a bit man, its their money anyway!
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
eggydrums said:
Well imo for someone who knows how to 200$ is worth it. And im sorry glacier, but who the **** cares about whether that forum is dead, or if they talk **** about us at xda, just settle down a bit man, its their money anyway!
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Go get ur cash then bro... im not stopping you
Edit: I will constantly ask u for etas btw
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
lonz358 said:
so post count means development is dead? Look at the roms lol
Sent from a Galaxy S2 with CM9
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Maybe u should look... i see a couple of stable and just as many alphas and betas... nothing as good as whats posted on xda by recognized devs. Its ok man... i see u love that forum... u dont have to convince me bro. AD is seriously thriving... booming with great development
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
glacierguy said:
1) u will beat me to it cuz idk how to dev
2) I make 70k per yr... 200 for how many hours of work? Lol yeah right. Ladies get that time of mine
3) i doubt that site has the $... they can barely stay afloat with the minimal donations they get
4) im no longer a caring member of a-d
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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i might make that much when im your age too... but for now $200 for me, a 15 year old, is great. and im going for it.
eggydrums said:
Well imo for someone who knows how to 200$ is worth it. And im sorry glacier, but who the **** cares about whether that forum is dead, or if they talk **** about us at xda, just settle down a bit man, its their money anyway!
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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im glad you understand!
ziggy46 said:
i might make that much when im your age too... but for now $200 for me, a 15 year old, is great. and im going for it.
im glad you understand!
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Did you read the requirements?
Dark Nightmare said:
Did you read the requirements?
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yes i did. and im meeting them
ziggy46 said:
yes i did. and im meeting them
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Just saw your post, ignore my question.

Jelly Bean Alpha on the works for Amaze

just thought i'd share just incase no one has heard on this matter....
good news
WOW, REALLY??? DID YOU JUST GET BACK FROM PLUTO? Do some reading maan, this is an old news for us!!
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda app-developers app
uh i've double checked the "SEARCH" before posting and nothing came up. Sorry.
LOL! SportsStar is working on it
b33j7030 said:
uh i've double checked the "SEARCH" before posting and nothing came up. Sorry.
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It's the CM10 WIP by sportsstar :thumbup:
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda app-developers app
If you read the date of that written article you wouldn't get bad comments...was posted July 17th
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Spastic909 said:
If you read the date of that written article you wouldn't get bad comments...was posted July 17th
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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ok DAD....
b33j7030 said:
ok DAD....
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No need to act like a ten yr old. Next time pay attention
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Spastic909 said:
No need to act like a ten yr old. Next time pay attention
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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smh.. there's really no need to stretch this out. I'm not stupid by any means and yes, I. CAN. READ. I have searched the forum to determine if there was infact a thread in regards to this subject and found none posted under AMAZE forum so there it goes. Now kindly lay off. People in this forum I swear....
Maybe he thought the [JB] CyanogenMod 10 thread was JingerBread
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G
Here's the link.
Remember that xda is: "the old man across the street that screams at you for stepping on his lawn"
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Spastic909 said:
No need to act like a ten yr old. Next time pay attention
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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Why is it everytime I see u comment in a thread its something negative trying to get on someone about something? And its always over something that's no big deal. He didnt do anything wrong, he searched and didn't see anything so he posted it, people miss things its ok. This is a place to help and inform, not to yell over small errors. Now if there had been 10 other threads about this subject, then I'd understandyour frustration. Just try and relax a little man that's all I'm sayin.
As to the OP, for future reference, there is a "everything jellybean" thread that is stickied, so post there next time
sent from my NRGized Amaze,
powered by faux kernel v.10
aj_2423 said:
Why is it everytime I see u comment in a thread its something negative trying to get on someone about something? And its always over something that's no big deal. He didnt do anything wrong, he searched and didn't see anything so he posted it, people miss things its ok. This is a place to help and inform, not to yell over small errors. Now if there had been 10 other threads about this subject I'd understand. Just try and relax a little man that's all I'm sayin.
As to the OP, for future reference, there is a "everything jellybean" thread that is stickies, so post there next time
sent from my NRGized Amaze,
powered by faux kernel v.10
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i dont think he missed anything... the xda search feature isnt really that good. (everytime i search for something it never comes up with relevant results. ex: search for jellybean, i get things for gingerbread and other crap)
sometimes i just go to google and type "amaze jellybean xda" and the thread im looking for will be the top 5
This forum is seriously full of dicks. It's amazing how quick you guys will jump to flame someone as if your entire day was ruined by reading some old news or reading a question you don't even have to answer. Grow up.
spiz516 said:
This forum is seriously full of dicks. It's amazing how quick you guys will jump to flame someone as if your entire day was ruined by reading some old news or reading a question you don't even have to answer. Grow up.
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Day ruined? Nooo, on the contrary, it made their day to be able to comment on them missing the news ;P
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lorddart said:
Day ruined? Nooo, on the contrary, it made their day to be able to comment on them missing the news ;P
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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Ah, good point.
Forum police do something better than bash on people.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2

Lens_flare banned

So since I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm going to ask here. What happened to him? And why are all the roms gone? Who are people saying he was? And everyone kangs others builds. He's been at least doing something with multiple roms for us. So why ban him?
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Chaosmaker2k said:
So since I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm going to ask here. What happened to him? And why are all the roms gone? Who are people saying he was? And everyone kangs others builds. He's been at least doing something with multiple roms for us. So why ban him?
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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I pm'ed the mod about it just asking why so I can be an informed rom flasher. I don't want to use work that goes uncredited, if that's the case. As far as i can gather Lense flare is actually some other dev who got banned for some shysty stuff. Anyone actually know?
Sent from my EVO
Bastafari said:
I pm'ed the mod about it just asking why so I can be an informed rom flasher. I don't want to use work that goes uncredited, if that's the case. As far as i can gather Lense flare is actually some other dev who got banned for some shysty stuff. Anyone actually know?
Sent from my EVO
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Ya I'm just a flasher, not a dev and I understand these guys spend a lot of time making roms. So I understand that people don't want their hard work stolen. But looks like he knew a little something about roms and was trying to improve them. So looks like we lost another dev, notta is gone, deck don't really come here anymore, prelude is gone, mik gone. Oh and even the crew is gone
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Chaosmaker2k said:
So since I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm going to ask here. What happened to him? And why are all the roms gone? Who are people saying he was? And everyone kangs others builds. He's been at least doing something with multiple roms for us. So why ban him?
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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Above is a url explaing a bit about what happened.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Above is a url explaing a bit about what happened.
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It says a whole lot of nothing. But thanks, I thought this forum was open and honest with everything. But I guess only some should know
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Chaosmaker2k said:
It says a whole lot of nothing. But thanks, I thought this forum was open and honest with everything. But I guess only some should know
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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welcome to xda
where everything is opened source except the source
No need for details as PS says enough in the linked thread above anyway explaining the situation...
Closing this...
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Yes it explains the same thing nothing
I don't think he is a criminal or rob some money as for a response like “ I can't go into details " . I think we deserve a better answer than that
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Look he broke the rules. Flat out blatantly broken and even admitted to such....
Gist of it involves a previously banned dev, a puppy account, and sharing of ones account.... That's all that's needed to know.
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