Lens_flare banned - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

So since I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm going to ask here. What happened to him? And why are all the roms gone? Who are people saying he was? And everyone kangs others builds. He's been at least doing something with multiple roms for us. So why ban him?
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

Chaosmaker2k said:
So since I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm going to ask here. What happened to him? And why are all the roms gone? Who are people saying he was? And everyone kangs others builds. He's been at least doing something with multiple roms for us. So why ban him?
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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I pm'ed the mod about it just asking why so I can be an informed rom flasher. I don't want to use work that goes uncredited, if that's the case. As far as i can gather Lense flare is actually some other dev who got banned for some shysty stuff. Anyone actually know?
Sent from my EVO

Bastafari said:
I pm'ed the mod about it just asking why so I can be an informed rom flasher. I don't want to use work that goes uncredited, if that's the case. As far as i can gather Lense flare is actually some other dev who got banned for some shysty stuff. Anyone actually know?
Sent from my EVO
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Ya I'm just a flasher, not a dev and I understand these guys spend a lot of time making roms. So I understand that people don't want their hard work stolen. But looks like he knew a little something about roms and was trying to improve them. So looks like we lost another dev, notta is gone, deck don't really come here anymore, prelude is gone, mik gone. Oh and even the miui.us crew is gone
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

Chaosmaker2k said:
So since I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm going to ask here. What happened to him? And why are all the roms gone? Who are people saying he was? And everyone kangs others builds. He's been at least doing something with multiple roms for us. So why ban him?
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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Above is a url explaing a bit about what happened.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Above is a url explaing a bit about what happened.
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It says a whole lot of nothing. But thanks, I thought this forum was open and honest with everything. But I guess only some should know
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

Chaosmaker2k said:
It says a whole lot of nothing. But thanks, I thought this forum was open and honest with everything. But I guess only some should know
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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welcome to xda
where everything is opened source except the source

No need for details as PS says enough in the linked thread above anyway explaining the situation...
Closing this...
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

Yes it explains the same thing nothing
I don't think he is a criminal or rob some money as for a response like “ I can't go into details " . I think we deserve a better answer than that
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Look he broke the rules. Flat out blatantly broken and even admitted to such....
Gist of it involves a previously banned dev, a puppy account, and sharing of ones account.... That's all that's needed to know.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


Google Now for LTEvo!!!

I found this in the E4GT forums but this definitely works for our phones(voice search doesn't seem to be working though)
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Google Now....now??
Interesting, I'll check this out
Wrong section smart guy. Take it to themes and apps
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
BrianBaker said:
Good afternoon. This thread should have been posted in the Themes and Apps section. Not a big deal though. Mistakes happen. Mods would you please be so kind as to move this to the appropriate forums? Thanks for your hard work and dedication.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Fixed it for ya. :highfive:
Thanks for your contributions to the EVO community OP. It really is appreciated by some of us.
BrianBaker said:
Wrong section smart guy. Take it to themes and apps
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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At least hes contributing,,,Smart Guy!!!,,,Nice find bud Thanks:good:
BrianBaker said:
Wrong section smart guy. Take it to themes and apps
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It was in android development in E4GT forums thats why I posted here Mr. I think I know everything guy.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
this has been out for the longest while
and whats the use if voice search doesnt work
munsterrr said:
Fixed it for ya. :highfive:
Thanks for your contributions to the EVO community OP. It really is appreciated by some of us.
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...he linked to a file that was ripped out of the SDK and uploaded by someone else. He didn't compile it from source or anything. While that's nice of him to link to it here (I guess), it really doesn't belong here.
"Development" forums are pretty self-explanatory; if you made it, it goes here. If you didn't make it, it doesn't go here. We might sometimes be dicks about it but that's usually only because of how confident OPs feel about the fact they're perfectly within their right to put things like this in this section.
flex360 said:
this has been out for the longest while
and whats the use if voice search doesnt work
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Shouldn't you be coding or developing something innovative and new? Stop raining on my parade!
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
kram4362 said:
Shouldn't you be coding or developing something innovative and new? Stop raining on my parade!
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Now you're just being outright rude. It's not "your" parade. You didn't make this. You had no part of any bit of it. You for some reason are behaving as though you just brought us kernel source, but in reality, you simply reposted something that many, many people are already aware of and you had posted it in the wrong forum.
LiquidSolstice said:
Now you're just being outright rude. It's not "your" parade. You didn't make this. You had no part of any bit of it. You for some reason are behaving as though you just brought us kernel source, but in reality, you simply reposted something that many, many people are already aware of and you had posted it in the wrong forum.
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Play nice children.
It has been moved to its proper location and I for one do not have time to browse every single section on this site. Thanks for the link!
Sent from my Evo 4G LTE using Tapatalk
kram4362 said:
Shouldn't you be coding or developing something innovative and new? Stop raining on my parade!
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
I feel like the dude was just kidding around, but it was subtle.
Tapatalked from my shiny new HTC Evo LTE
I didn't know about this. Thank you for the link. Don't let other people discourage you from posting usefull topics
Sent from my HTC Evo LTE
That'll teach you to share again.
Edit. I didn't know about it either.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
A little unrelated and I'm sorry for that but the evo4glte forums are a little rude and have a minor troll problem compared to everywhere else I've ever been. Lets just appreciate all the development we can get now. Sorry for the rant
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Close this thread,
Sent from my super HTC Evo LTE
Jesus Christ I say smart guy and get blasted? Makes me feel like I should have said something a lot worse.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
mwedemeier11 said:
A little unrelated and I'm sorry for that but the evo4glte forums are a little rude and have a minor troll problem compared to everywhere else I've ever been. Lets just appreciate all the development we can get now. Sorry for the rant
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I think there are quite a few teens and pre teens "senior members" in these forums, because you are correct.....rudeness is common...sad...coming from the Evo forums, it's certainly a change for the worse.
power_tennis said:
I think there are quite a few teens and pre teens "senior members" in these forums, because you are correct.....rudeness is common...sad...coming from the Evo forums, it's certainly a change for the worse.
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Honestly don't think it has to do with age some people are just like that. I can see the confusion between posting here and Dev forum since the original thread was posted in dev forum. Someone corrected OP, now he knows. Lets just move on.
I have had the Google Now for two or three days now and even though it doesn't have Voice, I prefer it over the default search. Before if you wanted to search for something on the web you had to search and then tap on the result and it would open it on your web browser. This actually opens it up right away inline within the app without having to open a web browser. You can then select images, places or your own phone. I think people that are looking away from it simply because it doesn't have voice search should give it another look. Between the cards and the inline searching, it's obviously better.

Wow, just wow,,read this

[No message]
i dont think that it is anyones place to spy into what he does on other sites...
and peartfan, if this is true, you should reconsider your views on other races. people who come from hispanic countries to america come here for to live "The american dream" and dont hurt anything. they are just tryng to live the life that they couldnt live in the country they came from. so just get over it, cause we arent getting rid of them.
Oh man this could go either way.... It could be someone faking it but I don't know the only person that could clarify is Peartsfan himself
Sent from my HTC Ruby using Tapatalk 2
EclipzeRemix said:
Oh man this could go either way.... It could be someone faking it but I don't know the only person that could clarify is Peartsfan himself
Sent from my HTC Ruby using Tapatalk 2
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Google search his name , that will say it all, no fakers here!
noneedfouraname said:
Google search his name , that will say it all, no fakers here!
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anyone can register a username on a forum and use someone elses name...
i could go on sdx-developers and make and account with your username right now
While it's disappointing to see a moderator (allegedly!) making such vitriolic statements, they're well within their rights to express their views.
Honestly, I don't care what personal views our moderators hold. As long as they're doing their job and not bringing it here it shouldn't matter. They're unpaid moderators on an online forum ffs. It's not like they're politicians or schoolteachers.
Also, this is not the place to post such things. If you feel that strongly about an individuals statements OUTSIDE of XDA take it up with them directly or report it. Let's not be forum drama queens.
noneedfouraname said:
Google search his name , that will say it all, no fakers here!
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How do we know its not you that made the account huh?!?!?! ....,lol
Sent from my HTC Ruby using Tapatalk 2
Does it really matter if he is a racist? This is the internet, you cant tell what race a person is through the internet. And if thats his personal opinion then ohh well. He still does a good job so i dont see why your trying to start a problem. What he does while not on XDA is none of our business. And you judging him on his opinions is doing what he is doing. Just leave it alone
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
^^ agreed. Seeing as he hasn't brought this to xda, I don't know why you had to.
sent from my NRGized Amaze,
powered by faux kernel v.19
He subscribes to the slowmoguys......
Who would have known.....
Sent from my unrooted Rhyme from xda premium
Also seeing how this guy only has 3 posts i think he only came here to start trouble.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
stumpyz9 said:
Also seeing how this guy only has 3 posts i think he only came here to start trouble.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Lol and he created his account today and his s/n is noneedfouraname (he spelled "for" wrong ha .. more like NoNeedForYouToBeHere
sent from my NRGized Amaze,
powered by faux kernel v.19
ziggy46 said:
anyone can register a username on a forum and use someone elses name...
i could go on sdx-developers and make and account with your username right now
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Its possible, but highly unlikely...
stumpyz9 said:
Does it really matter if he is a racist? This is the internet, you cant tell what race a person is through the internet. And if thats his personal opinion then ohh well. He still does a good job so i dont see why your trying to start a problem. What he does while not on XDA is none of our business. And you judging him on his opinions is doing what he is doing. Just leave it alone
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^^^ this. If peart is a racist, who gives a ****? What he does in his personal life is of no concern to us here unless he's making statements like that to the users on xda. Are you going to call the police if you find out he's smoking pot? Why are you stalking him? This thread should be deleted...
Sent from my Xoom
I've had my Dominican Republic Flag on my account for a while and he never treated me different, might be the language and not the race
aj_2423 said:
Lol and he created his account today and his s/n is noneedfouraname (he spelled "for" wrong ha .. more like NoNeedForYouToBeHere
sent from my NRGized Amaze,
powered by faux kernel v.19
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Lmao...binary, is that you?
Sent from my Xoom
mrmako777 said:
Lmao...binary, is that you?
Sent from my Xoom
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I liked Binary... I'm just saying
Sent from my HTC Ruby using Tapatalk 2
This in my opinion should be a closed and deleted thread. It's this kind of thing that makes good and respected mods and developers give up. It's totally unnecessary. Just pure flameage and childish. Not wanted ot needed here. Please keep the posts on XDA phone and development related. Thank you.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
That's not me, lol...I'm not a racist. Half my friends are of different ethnicities.
Thread Closed.
The OP will be dealt with.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Sent from my HTC One X, using XDA Premium.

Just lost another Dev

I just noticed that another dev has left over a bunch of bull. I don't understand this forum for this device. I have had this phone for just under a month and seems like devs drop it right and left. I may get dropped from this site for speaking my opinion, but I find this place gets more childish as time goes on. I think it is great we have moderation, but there's a point when it goes over board. I'm seeing more and more devs not even posting there work here. Shame a great site is going down so quikly.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Not sure of what happened exactly, but on any forum, the mods are the ones responsible for keeping everyone in check. With that being said, I think that we have too few mods here, because it looks like things got out of hand way before the mods closed the thread or really did anything.
More mods means that someone might have been able to calm everyone down, or at least punish the offending party satisfactorily. There should never be a thread closed for something as great as the Devs make here because of some jackoff who ruins it for everyone.
I know that the mods can't be everywhere all the time....but maybe a few more wouldn't hurt.
Just something to think about.
Edit: fee to few*
What dev moved on ?
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
corcgaigh said:
What dev moved on ?
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thicklizard said:
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Ya, thanks . Just read the thread. This fcuking blows. Hope he has a change of heart. Great work and a positive attitude.
Really disappointed
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
thicklizard said:
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What was he involved in
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Not really involved in any thing just fed up with the politics of things. I see and agree where he is coming from! While I hope he changes his mind and continues to put out his work for the jewel, I completely support him!
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Seemed like a good dude - hope he comes back.
thicklizard said:
Not really involved in any thing just fed up with the politics of things. I see and agree where he is coming from! While I hope he changes his mind and continues to put out his work for the jewel, I completely support him!
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+1. I feel worse, because I was flashing stuff and I didn't get the updated PAC before it disappeared. I hope the next phone I get is something he'll be working on. Also blows because I was looking forward to the FirefoxOS that he had in the works.
I know he's not the only good dev, but he -was- a good one.
Listen he left to go dev for the note 2 which is the device he just picked up.
Everyone needs to stop with the drama.
By that I mean each dev is free to do as they please and go where they want. This garbage last night was just that and it will be dropped as of this post
Mazda's threads are set up correctly and credited correctly. He is GPL compliant and there are no issues
Jamie's comments last night...while having a little merit should have been dealt with in private and not brought into a public forum.
Unless you have the whole story between these two devs (which 99.999% of u do not) then I'd recommend minding ur business and not starting more issues or taking sides as its not ur place nor do u have any idea what your talking about.
Feel free to contact me via pm if u wish to ask me questions...if I don't answer then that means its none of ur business.
Thread closed
XDA Moderator

Funny mods

This is retarded. Who the **** cares really? Is Anyone getting paid for this? No. Is this some sort of patent lawsuit? No. Xda sucks because of sensitive twilight-emotional bull**** like this. It just seems like newts panties are in a bunch about the fact his Rom isn't the only one one the block anymore. This Rom has features yours doesn't, I prefer this build. Sorry. Drache, why are you on people's nutsack so hard? I do not get it. Take your lips off his scrotum, pull the pubes out of your teeth, and let the community grow for ****s sake. Every Rom is some level of a kang. And technically, HTC is mostly closed source so porting anything of theirs is the ultimate ****ing kang. So lets shut down every single HTC thread. Lets not forget every MIUI build as well. The only damn thing that's built from source up is CM and that's still a kang of AOSP, thankfully that's legally open.Yeah yeah go ahead and suspend me. I don't give a **** anymore. This **** is so goddamn retarded. When did everyone lose their balls and start crying over sunsets?! Mustafa, continue to build and link your own site somewhere. I'll be there. #****YouXDA
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
I'm lost?
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
Upstreammiami said:
I'm lost?
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
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They changed my post in mustafas thread and locked it. So I reposted it here. Verbatim.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
idkwhothatis123 said:
They changed my post in mustafas thread and locked it. So I reposted it here. Verbatim.
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I saw that... got out of hand rather quickly ... I can't code, mod, or port.. so I have to depend on these guys and the community. I didn't see the big deal, but apparently someone did..
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
Generally someone takes a hint when a mod (especially a Senior Moderator) changes a post due to it's sheer idiocy - and yes, that was me that changed your post. Seeing as you CAN'T take a hint...

Team Bamfs neat little treat

Its not allowed to be posted but if you check out there site. Theres a goody over there
Disclaimer: I dont know them or even know if this is allowed but I figured id share as their roms were rock solid on my GNex
Running it now...pretty smooth . Thanks for the heads up
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
Ohhhh buddy haha, I'd be careful with this.
Sent from my little R2D2
Where is it. I couldn't find it!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
imablackhat said:
Where is it. I couldn't find it!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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Same for me
Edit: I found a goody
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Mod should close this thread. They specifically said don't share it. Don't cause problems please. I appreciate the effort but you clearly didn't read their op.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Wth you have to pay to join there forum... !? I use to have a account when I had my thundrrbolt it was free then. Ill stick to xda an optional donations.
hopesrequiem said:
Mod should close this thread. They specifically said don't share it. Don't cause problems please. I appreciate the effort but you clearly didn't read their op.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
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My intent really wasnt to cause problems. It says don't post it, which I didn't, I just told people about it.
Mods feel free to close the thread if its that big of a problem.
bL33d said:
Wth you have to pay to join there forum... !? I use to have a account when I had my thundrrbolt it was free then. Ill stick to xda an optional donations.
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Go back and read VERY carefully.
bL33d said:
Wth you have to pay to join there forum... !? I use to have a account when I had my thundrrbolt it was free then. Ill stick to xda an optional donations.
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Lol no
hopesrequiem said:
Mod should close this thread. They specifically said don't share it. Don't cause problems please. I appreciate the effort but you clearly didn't read their op.
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Who cares what team bamf thinks. They have Devs who steal phones from people and then don't release work for months and months on end. I say share everything they want kept secret!
Also I want to point out I've had access to this since march 23 where another user on here compiled it. So this is really nothing new.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
nosympathy said:
Who cares what team bamf thinks. They have Devs who steal phones from people and then don't release work for months and months on end. I say share everything they want kept secret!
Also I want to point out I've had access to this since march 23 where another user on here compiled it. So this is really nothing new.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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Haha haha.. XD
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
That's silly....
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note ²
nosympathy said:
Who cares what team bamf thinks. They have Devs who steal phones from people and then don't release work for months and months on end. I say share everything they want kept secret!
Also I want to point out I've had access to this since march 23 where another user on here compiled it. So this is really nothing new.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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Thats an ignorant statement.
Unless you have proof that they STOLE someone's phone, you should probably STFU. Thats not how they operate.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
hopesrequiem said:
Mod should close this thread. They specifically said don't share it. Don't cause problems please. I appreciate the effort but you clearly didn't read their op.
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No where in his initial post does he say don't talk about it. Plus no offense but he can't stop someone from making a post on another forum about it.
This "treat" keeps wiping my MicroSD card on boot.
It could mean don't post the ROM itself anywhere or don't mention it outside of the BAMF forums. Either way he has one of the two pretty strictly posted in the op. Not bashing on anyone for defending it being brought to light but don't be ignorant to the fact that he might not have wanted his own personal ROM spread out yet
Sent from my little R2D2
He didn't actually repost. He just said there's a treat there.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
lostnuke said:
Thats an ignorant statement.
Unless you have proof that they STOLE someone's phone, you should probably STFU. Thats not how they operate.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
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My memory is a little fuzzy seeing as how this happened a while back, but there was and still is proof if the mods have not deleted everything. Just because you have had positive experiences with some of their devs does not mean they are all good or even that most of them are good upstanding devs. There is no reason for that type of attitude either, if you cannot act like an adult and discuss things without attacking others then you should just leave the thread.
Unless you know exactly what you are talking about and were there when it happened, the phone being pretty much stolen, you may want to take your own advice.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using XDA Premium HD app
lostnuke said:
Thats an ignorant statement.
Unless you have proof that they STOLE someone's phone, you should probably STFU. Thats not how they operate.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
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Joelz has taken phones from people donating only to not release ROMs, drop the phone support and then go to sell them for profit. He is a part of team bamf still yes?
How about you STFU since they have had the proof of him doing so and turned a blind eye. I haven't supported team BAMF since the thunderbolt and won't long as they keep Joelz.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app

