Every Time I Flash a CM ROM, Wifi Dies... - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

Hey guys, currently running Virtuous Prime right now. But whenever I flash a Cyanogenmod ROM (CM 10, CM9 RC and Nightlies) I can't reonnect to Wifi. Right now I'm sending this from my Prime without any issues. But if I flash a CM ROM, suddenly I can no longer connect to wifi. Wifi turns on, and it can recognize any potential networks it can connect too... but whenever I type in the WEP, it doesn't seem to allow me access to it. Anybody have any ideas? Does my Prime just not like Cyanogenmod?
Thanks in advance.

The plot thickens. Just for the heck of it, I decided to try and flash another JB ROM (Black Bean) and this time after trying to connect to wifi, I got nothing... but then I thought, why not set up a hotspot on me 3D? And I got wifi through that... the problem is, I only get a solid 300kbps on it.
So my question is, is it possible to have your mac address change when flashing a ROM? I always thought it was hard coded in (as I flash new ROMs on my 3VO all the time, and used to do the same on my Triumph). That's how my wifi is set up though, you have to manually enter your MAC address into the computer to get it to work... and for some reason I decided not to check it when I went on Black Bean.
A final word, no my hotspot is not encrypted.

i'm pretty sure that the mac address can be masked by software to change the mac address.
but no idea if any of the roms do that.
just find out the mac address for both roms and check?

All I can say is... WTF.

thebeastglasser said:
All I can say is... WTF.
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Or you can just register your new mac and say "cool it works"

Hey, I just wasn't expecting this. I'm a flashaholic and it's never happened on my Evo 3D or Triumph. I mean, I certainly will. I just think it's weird... Thanks for helping me out with my cluelessness guys.
This may be something that they want to document.

thebeastglasser said:
Hey, I just wasn't expecting this. I'm a flashaholic and it's never happened on my Evo 3D or Triumph. I mean, I certainly will. I just think it's weird... Thanks for helping me out with my cluelessness guys.
This may be something that they want to document.
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They know, at least I have seen incidences throughout the thread.


WiFi Won't Disconnect Issue

Hey guys, I'm new here so let me know if Im messing up any board rules or customs!
I did a quick search but didn't hit on any exact results... I connect to my home or work WiFi without any drops (which is a whole other situation) but once I leave the range of the WiFi network my EVO doesn't realize and stays connected which means I won't get emails because there is no active connection... So far my only fix has been to turn my WiFi on and off again.. is anybody else seeing this?
It's not the end of the world just a minor nuisance! Im set to auto frequency, best performance and always keep WiFi on during sleep. I feel like that last one might be the issue but I don't want to go to 3G on standby!
Sent from my EVO using XDA
solo89 said:
Hey guys, I'm new here so let me know if Im messing up any board rules or customs!
I did a quick search but didn't hit on any exact results... I connect to my home or work WiFi without any drops (which is a whole other situation) but once I leave the range of the WiFi network my EVO doesn't realize and stays connected which means I won't get emails because there is no active connection... So far my only fix has been to turn my WiFi on and off again.. is anybody else seeing this?
It's not the end of the world just a minor nuisance! Im set to auto frequency, best performance and always keep WiFi on during sleep. I feel like that last one might be the issue but I don't want to go to 3G on standby!
Sent from my EVO using XDA
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I have read about some other people having the same issue here. Wifi as a whole is very glitchy on this device right now and hopefully fixes will be part og hts's fist update.
I am experiencing the same issue. Would love to know how to resolve it.
Sent from my EVO using XDA
I'm also experiencing this. It is slightly annoying, but not a deal breaker. I'm sure it'll be fixed soon enough.
Mine does this as well, but goes a step further. Once I leave the Wifi area I can toggle Wifi off to drop the connection and use 3G. However, when I go back to a wifi area, any network ive previously connected to states not in range. I can pick up new networks, but not existing networks. The only solution is to reboot the device.
Is something the HTC set for battery saving, what happens when you connected to wifi with any device is that it check every 60-90-180seconds (wherever the programmer set) so your phone won't check right away, but when it does it will disconnect, every phone has it but probably HTC put up a high number that way it saves more battery
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
This is starting to get quite frustrating. If I leave the house and need to use navigation or anything requiring data I have to toggle wifi off. Has anyone figured this out or is it potentially a hardware issue where I should seek a replacement?
I made a thread about returning my EVO for another one. I had the same issue. The second EVO is working perfect so far. Way better battery life with this one too.
sminker said:
I made a thread about returning my EVO for another one. I had the same issue. The second EVO is working perfect so far. Way better battery life with this one too.
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Were you by chance also having issues with MMS downloading? I really like the phone but some of these little quirks are starting to annoy me.
Anyone else having this problem? I haven't seen a fix or any other posts which makes Mr think this may be a device issue. Thanks for any help.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Anyone else with this?
I flashed the OTA today hoping it would rectify and it has not. I am rooted, s-off, TWRP so my options are open for mods but don't know what to look for here. Anyone, anyone? :fingers-crossed:
browning said:
Anyone else with this?
I flashed the OTA today hoping it would rectify and it has not. I am rooted, s-off, TWRP so my options are open for mods but don't know what to look for here. Anyone, anyone? :fingers-crossed:
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I'm having the same issue, but with an international One X. It didn't happen initially, but after flashing various ROMs it seems to have started happening.
OliverHaslam said:
I'm having the same issue, but with an international One X. It didn't happen initially, but after flashing various ROMs it seems to have started happening.
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I spoke with HTC yesterday and they were not aware of a widespread issue with this. When I get more time I will dig into it a bit more as I believe it can probably be fixed with mods to wpa_supplicant. In the meantime, I will be sending some logs to HTC as well.
browning said:
I spoke with HTC yesterday and they were not aware of a widespread issue with this. When I get more time I will dig into it a bit more as I believe it can probably be fixed with mods to wpa_supplicant. In the meantime, I will be sending some logs to HTC as well.
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It's definitely software-based, as it didn't happen with MaXimus 2.1 or CM10, but DOES happen with MaXimus 2.2 and the stock ROM. Oddly, it never happened with the stock ROM before now.
Does it happen to you on more than one WiFi network?
OliverHaslam said:
I'm having the same issue, but with an international One X. It didn't happen initially, but after flashing various ROMs it seems to have started happening.
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OliverHaslam said:
It's definitely software-based, as it didn't happen with MaXimus 2.1 or CM10, but DOES happen with MaXimus 2.2 and the stock ROM. Oddly, it never happened with the stock ROM before now.
Does it happen to you on more than one WiFi network?
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It happens on every wifi network I've been on - private home networks, work networks, and open networks. It doesn't always fail to switch but 90% is too high for me.
browning said:
It happens on every wifi network I've been on - private home networks, work networks, and open networks. It doesn't always fail to switch but 90% is too high for me.
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Using the stock ROM?
OliverHaslam said:
Using the stock ROM?
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Yes, I 'm 100% stock. I'm rooted, s-off but no major mods. I have modded build.prop to restore the app associations but nothing else.
browning said:
Yes, I 'm 100% stock. I'm rooted, s-off but no major mods. I have modded build.prop to restore the app associations but nothing else.
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I'm having this issue too and it's quite frustrating. Any fixes on this yet?
had the same issue on cm10. iibooted into twrp and did aasystem wipe and wiped cache and davlik. installed the rom after that and it seems to have solved my issue.
gianmarco00 said:
I'm having this issue too and it's quite frustrating. Any fixes on this yet?
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I'm having this same issue too

why my amaze can't see my wifi???

my amaze takes about 4-5minutes to find and connect my wifi i've tried about 5or 6 roms and every one of them happens the same thing.....
but recently i've tried the fastamaze and the nightmare one and my wifi is detected within 0.5 seconds and i can connect to it....if someone has any ideas on why this happens please tell me!
slaude said:
my amaze takes about 4-5minutes to find and connect my wifi i've tried about 5or 6 roms and every one of them happens the same thing.....
but recently i've tried the fastamaze and the nightmare one and my wifi is detected within 0.5 seconds and i can connect to it....if someone has any ideas on why this happens please tell me!
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It's a stock bug, once the devs get a good foothold in the ICS foundation, it's gonna be fixed, just a little patience for now, k?
yeah ok but why the nightmare rom and the fastamaze rom work flawlessly , the wifi that is... they're on ics too.?
slaude said:
yeah ok but why the nightmare rom and the fastamaze rom work flawlessly , the wifi that is... they're on ics too.?
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Yeah but you see the difference is, most of the roms are stock based, therefore the bug is still there, nightmare and fastamaze on the other hand had to be built from the ground up when it came to hardware things like wifi, so until the guys have some source to work with or have the time to make their fixes from those roms workable on stock, it's gonna be a little glitchy.
i wonder why the phone can see all my neighbors wifi except mine it takes like 5minutes!?
slaude said:
i wonder why the phone can see all my neighbors wifi except mine it takes like 5minutes!?
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Everybody has this issue, been puzzling for a while now, the home router is always the only one to he harder to be detected, gonna play with my moms phone later and check it out.
Sent from a Galaxy Nexus?
try changing your wireless security type on your router. WPA personal AES works well for me.
I mistakenly deleted my nandroid of my original stock shipped ics rom. When i try to go back to stock with one of the stock roms listed, any wifi is detected but will not connect. Goes through the authenticating and obtaining ip address and juststrats over. I can use energy rom and no problem.
mike102871 said:
I mistakenly deleted my nandroid of my original stock shipped ics rom. When i try to go back to stock with one of the stock roms listed, any wifi is detected but will not connect. Goes through the authenticating and obtaining ip address and juststrats over. I can use energy rom and no problem.
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Reflash the kernel manually.
Sent from a Galaxy Nexus?
Dark Nightmare said:
Reflash the kernel manually.
Sent from a Galaxy Nexus?
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I have tried this many times. WIFI just will not connect on any of the stock roms. Im on energy and its fine.
mike102871 said:
I have tried this many times. WIFI just will not connect on any of the stock roms. Im on energy and its fine.
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I guess the glitch seems to be worse for you than normal, not much I can say unless someone pulls the files from energy and make a flashable for your phone.
slaude said:
my amaze takes about 4-5minutes to find and connect my wifi i've tried about 5or 6 roms and every one of them happens the same thing.....
but recently i've tried the fastamaze and the nightmare one and my wifi is detected within 0.5 seconds and i can connect to it....if someone has any ideas on why this happens please tell me!
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I'm using NRG and the stock ICS radio, and my WiFi connects within a few seconds. Connects instantly, but takes a few seconds to acquire IP addresses & etc.
I think I have the same issue...
I just flashed CM10 onto my Transformer Prime & I'm experiencing the same issue that you describe; the device can see each & every WiFi network in the neighborhood except mine. Please forgive my ignorance but I am not familiar with your device; is it running Jellybean? Your post came up in a Google search that I did re my problem & your post is the closest to describing my problem. Sorry if I am barking up the wrong tree but I've been pulling my hair out trying to sort this one out so any clue would be a massive help to me at this stage.

ICS update WiFi/Router issues

Sorry to bother the community with something thats probably a waste of time. But I need a professionals help/advice. I just recently got the Amaze from a relative and it was on GB when I recieved it. The stock kernel worked just fine, I was able to connect to wifi perfectly with no hassles. But as soon as I recieved the OTA ICS it stopped working.
I did some research and found out the ICS kernels dont like certain settings on WiFi routers, but for the life of me I couldnt find what settings worked. So I decided to S-Off and Root. I installed fauxs kernel at the time which was v008 and everything worked again! Wifi was good but a little spotty at times. But as faux continues to develop awesome kernels the latest just does not work with my wifi router.
Does anyone have any clue on why the kernel does not like my router? I have a DLink, also anyone know how to combine faux kernels v008 to the latest v11. At least I could try to get the modules that worked in v008 and make a hybrid with v11 so I could get the best of both worlds.
Ive actually tried to combine the two kernels in many ways but keep coming up with "WiFi error" when trying to turn it on.
I am certain that some where someone has done this but ive tried Googling it and tried advance searching through XDA but cant find anything that actually helps me understand how to.
Thanks again!
Sent from my Amaze 4G with S-Off
Have your tried to setup WiFi Manually? You know type in the network id then password. It should work. That's how I got mine to work with faux latest build.. but I have a netgear router so that could also be a factor. But its worth a shot.
G1Master said:
Sorry to bother the community with something thats probably a waste of time. But I need a professionals help/advice. I just recently got the Amaze from a relative and it was on GB when I recieved it. The stock kernel worked just fine, I was able to connect to wifi perfectly with no hassles. But as soon as I recieved the OTA ICS it stopped working.
I did some research and found out the ICS kernels dont like certain settings on WiFi routers, but for the life of me I couldnt find what settings worked. So I decided to S-Off and Root. I installed fauxs kernel at the time which was v008 and everything worked again! Wifi was good but a little spotty at times. But as faux continues to develop awesome kernels the latest just does not work with my wifi router.
Does anyone have any clue on why the kernel does not like my router? I have a DLink, also if no one does know could some one help me out in telling what files I could combine faux kernels v008 to the latest v11. At least I could try to get the modules that worked in v008 and make a hybrid with v11 so I could get the best of both worlds...
Thanks again!
Sent from my Amaze 4G with S-Off
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Did you copy the modules from version 8 to version 11? Or replace them ?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Double0EK said:
Have your tried to setup WiFi Manually? You know type in the network id then password. It should work. That's how I got mine to work with faux latest build.. but I have a netgear router so that could also be a factor. But its worth a shot.
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Actually No I have not tried that. Will do now. I will let you know what happens.
So I tried to flash v11 and flashed it twice. Rebooted afterwards. Told the WiFi to forget my router. Did it manually and still the same thing.
Double0EK said:
Have your tried to setup WiFi Manually? You know type in the network id then password. It should work. That's how I got mine to work with faux latest build.. but I have a netgear router so that could also be a factor. But its worth a shot.
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Yes I have actually tried to copy the whole Modules folder from v008 to v11 and no go. I get "WiFi Error" once that happens I have to re install the whole rom again.
I even tried to do copy the Modules folder from v008 to Kozmiks kernel, just for sh*ts and giggles. Major fail. Same thing "WiFi Error."
Basically any kernel (even stock) but v008, the WiFi scans connects to my router. Go to test it out . Google page loads about 1/4th of the way and just chokes.
Wow 164 reviews and only 2 ppl have tried to help. Thanks XDA.
G1Master said:
Wow 164 reviews and only 2 ppl have tried to help. Thanks XDA.
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hey, I tried to help in your other thread.. the kind of security you are using on your router(there are so many options, some of which android just can't handle), the kind of router.. there are so many factors involved that may be the issue.
We can try to help you out, but besides switching modules from the version of the kernel that is working for you to the newest release, the "why" is beyond anyone but a kernel dev.. there's only so much the community can do.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
I don't know if this would help but maybe if you change the broadcast channel on your router perhapsk
Flash 8 thru 11 cuz 8 was messy n 9 was good but 10went back to stock module's,n 11 its the good one
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Silentbtdeadly said:
hey, I tried to help in your other thread.. the kind of security you are using on your router(there are so many options, some of which android just can't handle), the kind of router.. there are so many factors involved that may be the issue.
We can try to help you out, but besides switching modules from the version of the kernel that is working for you to the newest release, the "why" is beyond anyone but a kernel dev.. there's only so much the community can do.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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aznvi3tric3guy said:
I don't know if this would help but maybe if you change the broadcast channel on your router perhapsk
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invisiblefire101 said:
Flash 8 thru 11 cuz 8 was messy n 9 was good but 10went back to stock module's,n 11 its the good one
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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SBD I did thank you though sir. Everyone thank you for your information as well. I'm just going to give up on it really. Ive tried many ways to configure my router. Ive reset the whole router more than 10 times back to Default settings and messed with the settings in every way possible.
The D-Link Dir-601 is old anyways perhaps I just need a new router. Just doest make sense on why one kernel works and One version of the phone works as well. Stock GB or Modded GB from NRG works. ICS just doenst like it for one reason or another.
I think ive managed to make a hyrbrid of V8 and V11 faux123 kernels. Combined moduels and the zImage from the Kernel folder as well. Some how the zImage made it bootable. Not sure if in V11 kernel makes the cpu1 go offline. but it does. Ill let ya'll know what happens
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Help - Anyone else have to toggle wifi after leaving phone idle to get data to work?

I'm so frustrated not sure what to do about it anymore. If I let me phone site idle anywhere from 10 minutes to 1+ hour. I will wake the phone it will show wifi is connected but there is no connectivity. No matter what app I go into, browser, slacker radio, play store etc. Nothing will load cause it can't connect. I have to toggle wifi widget off & back on before it will work again. The problem is intermittent as far as when it acts up but it usually does multiple times a day. It did it on stock rom, now stock with goodies 1.79 also just tried this method here but same issue. I have not updated my radios yet cause I don't want the new hboot but I might just update it to see if it will fix the issue.
Does anyone else run tomato firmware? My wifi router & home router both use tomato firmware so I'm not sure if it's just an issue with this or what. The same issue also happens on friends evo LTE at work. Tomato is some of the most rock solid firmware I have had and never had an issue like this with any other device or phone. Evo3D worked perfect and the orginal evo. I have tried everything I can think of to get it working from settings it to 2.4 only to replacing the settings apk nothing helps. I have no idea what to do about it anymore I have tried averting I can think of.
I guess I could try flashing different firmware on the router but I'd rather not. Does anyone else here run Tomato firmware 1.28 that could report if they have this issue or not? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Does anyone run tomato firmware or have this issue?
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Try changing the security on the router to wep.
Its actually a very common problem on a lot of routers with wpa activated, its not just the phone
om4 said:
Its actually a very common problem on a lot of routers with wpa activated, its not just the phone
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I have the problem. Don't think it is the router, since none of my other wifi devices have this problem, including my OG EVO. Tried a few of the fixes on the forum; so far, nothing's worked. I ended up using Llama to turn off my wifi when I'm at home and my screen is off, and turn it on when I'm at home and my screen is on; this way, my wifi is always cycled when my screen turns on.
Have not updated to the 2.13 firmware yet, though, since I'm waiting on some of the ROMs to get updated.
well I was just stating it is a known issue with routers in general, my father has a great internet connection, his brand new top of the line laptop has the exact same issue, my cousin's tablet on my dads router, same issue, he has wireless cameras for security, same issue, every time I go visit him, I power cycle his router and release all dns leases for good measure, My old (ancient by todays standards) Dell Inspiron laptop from 2000 runs Ubuntu with a work around that allows me to use windows firmware as a means to enable wireless, it reports a 2MB connection almost all the time and on his network, my dusty old wireless b/g runs circles around his spanking new wireless n laptop, the network manager used by Ubuntu will automatically disconnect and reconnect when ever this issue come up
edit: I just remembered stock has an issue when you enable best performance from wireless menu, something to check on
Thanks for some feedback, what I don't get this was never an issue with my 3D or my original evo. I'm running WPA2 AES at home and WPA TKIP at work. Exact same problem. Why is it only an issue with this phone and never had an issue with the other phones? I could use lama I suppose but I would rather not it should work correctly. I don't have any problems with any other device. I haven't seen any feedback on this issue except for now from you guys. I would have to think it isn't affecting that many people and I can't be the only one using WPA. I really don't wanna knock it down to WEP but it seems like there is no way to fix it. Since I have an office job and at home during the evening it's extremely frustrating to pick up your phone multiple times a day and nothing works. I guess I could try a different router or firmware but it has to be an issue with the phone have ran this router for years with lots of different devices and it's never had an issue.
I was never this frustrated with the original evo or the 3D. I have no idea how to fix this issue or where to even go from here. I'm seriously considering dumping this and getting a GSIII and I have been very loyal to HTC but between this wi-fi issue that I can't get rid of, the lame ass htc dev s-on restrictions and the horrible multi-tasking I'm really starting to dislike this phone. If I could fix this stupid wi-fi I could live with the other stuff. The only thing I haven't tried is updating my radios from the latest ota cause I didn't want the new hboot.
rgosborne said:
I have the problem. Don't think it is the router, since none of my other wifi devices have this problem, including my OG EVO. Tried a few of the fixes on the forum; so far, nothing's worked. I ended up using Llama to turn off my wifi when I'm at home and my screen is off, and turn it on when I'm at home and my screen is on; this way, my wifi is always cycled when my screen turns on.
Have not updated to the 2.13 firmware yet, though, since I'm waiting on some of the ROMs to get updated.
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None of my other devices have this issue either just this phone. What router do you use? I have a WRT54GL with Tomato 1.28 at home and a WRT54GS with Tomato 1.28 at work.
I'm using a WRT54G (old one, equivalent to the -GL) running DD-WRT. It's been rock solid for everything else.
rgosborne said:
I'm using a WRT54G (old one, equivalent to the -GL) running DD-WRT. It's been rock solid for everything else.
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I wonder if it's something with the router then. Like I said I run Tomato on a WRT54GL at home & a WRT54GS at work. All 3 of our models are very similar hardware wise. I was thinking about trying DD-WRT which I don't really care for I prefer tomato. I don't really want to replace my router for 1 phone when everything else works perfect on the network. I even have three 3M-50 wifi thermostats hooked up at work and one 3M-50 at home. Even those have been rock solid no connection issues what so ever just this stupid phone.
Now that you mention it I had to do the exact same thing on my Asus rtn16 running tomato firmware.
I was running my Epic back then I thought it was the phone.
Running my EVO now with a Netgear 3800 I never have to toggle wifi for data.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
fastmikey1969 said:
Now that you mention it I had to do the exact same thing on my Asus rtn16 running tomato firmware.
I was running my Epic back then I thought it was the phone.
Running my EVO now with a Netgear 3800 I never have to toggle wifi for data.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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I wonder if it's an issue with the aftermarket firmware but I just have never had issues on any other devices. I wonder if there is settings I could tweak to make it go away but I wouldn't know which settings to change.
Its the fact the wpask, tkip and other advanced encryptions are very broad standards, the hardware supports it but how well if supports it is the problem. Some routers implement the protocols in a very different way then others.
I.e. broadcom vs atheros, many atheros chipset fully support all standards while broadcom uses more proprietary implementations
---------- Post added at 11:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 PM ----------
This has been a big issue with desktop Linux, I wouldn't be surprised if the issue stands with android as well
om4 said:
Its the fact the wpask, tkip and other advanced encryptions are very broad standards, the hardware supports it but how well if supports it is the problem. Some routers implement the protocols in a very different way then others.
I.e. broadcom vs atheros, many atheros chipset fully support all standards while broadcom uses more proprietary implementations
---------- Post added at 11:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 PM ----------
This has been a big issue with desktop Linux, I wouldn't be surprised if the issue stands with android as well
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Maybe it's time to just upgrade my routers. It just pisses me off I have used tomato for years without any issues on any device.
It happens, not much you can do about it. There's a whole consortium of these guys, you think the standards wouldn't be so lax. Then again they are still arguing about the new widi (yes thats a thing now) standards
Sim-X said:
Maybe it's time to just upgrade my routers. It just pisses me off I have used tomato for years without any issues on any device.
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I updated to the new OTA (2.13) and still get the wifi dropouts.
rgosborne said:
I updated to the new OTA (2.13) and still get the wifi dropouts.
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I updated my radios and went to mean rom 3.9 and updated to 4 tonight. So far it has been much better. I have only had to toggle it once but I haven't had that much time to test so will see how this week goes.
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Sim-X said:
I updated my radios and went to mean rom 3.9 and updated to 4 tonight. So far it has been much better. I have only had to toggle it once but I haven't had that much time to test so will see how this week goes.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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I will say it has been much better, but not completely cured. Probably had to toggle twice in three or four days.
Well I have given the new radios a good run and I have to say the issue is pretty much cured. I have only had it happen one time and I'm not sure if my router just glitched or I didn't wait long enough. So I am very happy with the new radios & mean rom the phone has been rock solid. I was seriously considering getting rid of it because I couldn't stand the wi-fi dropping all the time it really made for a very poor experience. Yes I had to upgrade the hboot to upgrade the radios but I'm not gonna wait forever for s-off and I really don't think it's that big of deal. Mean rom now has an s-on kernel installer that automatically does it now so it really isn't any different. So anyone having trouble make sure you upgrade your radios see if it helps.

[Q] 4.2.2 WIFI tethering workaround?

I love the CM 10.1 build of 4.2.2. It is my dream phone right now. The problem is that no WIFI tethering works on it as of yet. If anyone has anything working I'd love to be proven wrong. This is a show-stopper for me. I can't use bluetooth because my laptop doesn't have bluetooth.
I tried every tethering app out there. Barnacle was the best in that it reported the errors it was seeing instead of just refusing to work.
Anyway, I am thinking of working around the problem by keeping a ROM stored as a TWRP backup that I can restore when I need tethering. I don't need tethering on a moment's notice.
I would like the tethering ROM as slim as possible. I haven't tried any yet. Would a restore be any faster with a slim ROM?
Can someone suggest what ROM I should use that has a small footprint and can restore quickly? I'm thinking that I won't have any apps and no account logged in. If I'm tethering I will be using the other device for email etc. And I'm sure the phone will work no matter what I'm running.
Can anyone suggest a better workaround than this?
I pretty much tether all day with my jellybam install. It has been a rock solid performer on my note and has kept me from having the itch to try any of the 4.2.1 ROMs.
There is supposed to be a new version released tomorrow, but quite frankly , I don't know whether I'll bother as the current version is exceptionally stable ( with flaps kernel )...
I'm sure with cm 10.1 going nightly, they'll have tethering fixed shortly. Its a pretty important feature for many of us.
crutzulee said:
I pretty much tether all day with my jellybam install. It has been a rock solid performer on my note and has kept me from having the itch to try any of the 4.2.1 ROMs.
There is supposed to be a new version released tomorrow, but quite frankly , I don't know whether I'll bother as the current version is exceptionally stable ( with flaps kernel )...
I'm sure with cm 10.1 going nightly, they'll have tethering fixed shortly. Its a pretty important feature for many of us.
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I tried jellyblam for quincyatt and I got a boot loop. I went back to recovery and wiped everything again, reinstalled, and I still got a boot loop. Oh well. Thanks for the suggestion.
mchahn said:
I tried jellyblam for quincyatt and I got a boot loop. I went back to recovery and wiped everything again, reinstalled, and I still got a boot loop. Oh well. Thanks for the suggestion.
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Sounds like a bad download...Did you download straight to your phone? While I've never had this issue, I have heard that some prefer to download to their computers and transfer the zip to their phones..
You might be right. I did download it to my PC and copy over the zip. However, I had trouble copying and I had to copy a second time. So, I'll try again.
I did a fresh download, copied, wiped, flashed, and it didn't work. Apparently bam won't run on my phone.
...and your using the latest version of twrp?
Yes. I checked. I might be doing something wrong but I doubt it. I'm guessing there is a bug somewhere that rarely shows up. Until the source code is available these custom roms are somewhat a shot in the dark.
I'm just going to go back to my ICS backup when i need tethering. I guess I started this thread with the hope that someone would have a workaround. I really like 4.2.2 and I've decided to live with this. Maybe it will be fixed soon?
Thanks for your help.
The only tethering app that seems to work is "Open Garden." It's in the Play Store but you'll have to side-load it if on AT&T.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
thx -- I couldn't find apk anywhere, I'll look again. Is that bluetooth only? I need wifi.
apk is not on their home page. Any idea where to find it?
How do you keep AT&T from seeing that you're tethering?
knoshann said:
How do you keep AT&T from seeing that you're tethering?
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I don't know who you are replying to, but I tethered all the time with ATT when using ICS. I didn't know they were trying to block it.
For a while they were changing people's plans to a tethering plan if AT&T caught them tethering. I got a warning email myself.
knoshann said:
For a while they were changing people's plans to a tethering plan if AT&T caught them tethering. I got a warning email myself.
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I know that Verizon has folded tethering into the normal data plans. They make it sound like a benefit but they're raising the overall price so they are really forcing you to buy tethering. I thought ATT and the others were going the same way.
I assume they realized they couldn't enforce it any other way.
mchahn said:
thx -- I couldn't find apk anywhere, I'll look again. Is that bluetooth only? I need wifi.
apk is not on their home page. Any idea where to find it?
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Assuming you're looking for Open Garden, go to http://www.open garden.com and tap the big orange Get APK button to download.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
chp said:
Assuming you're looking for Open Garden, go to http://www.open garden.com and tap the big orange Get APK button to download.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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I've been to their home page a million times because everyone said you could get the apk there. I was going crazy because all I ever saw was a big orange button to download a version for windows. I had just now typed a reply to you that said you were crazy and then it hit me. You meant to go there on the phone! I'd only been there from my laptop.
Thanks, I'll give it a try now.
-- later --
As I feared, open garden is bluetooth only.
I was researching the hotspot issue that only a few users have been having and found that it is inherent to android 4.1.2 and newer. What I found out:
"Throughout the previous iterations of Android (<4.1.2), Android has not identified for the carriers which data is for tethering, and which is not.
Android 4.1.2 introduced that ability (and requirement) for Android devices to properly flag when data is for tethering purposes. This is the first time this has been used in a vanilla release of Android...
For everyone frustrated by this update to Android: Android respecting a carrier's request to know if data is for a tethered device IS NOT A BUG. IT IS A FEATURE. It's not a feature for users like you and me, it's a feature for manufacturers like Samsung and HTC, so they can in turn build devices that carriers can have more control over.
So, to be clear, THIS IS NOT A BUG. Google INTENDED to respect carrier tethering rules. The only way to circumvent this is to either get a plan from your carrier that allows tethering, revert to a build of Android of 4.1.1 or earlier (I used wugfresh NRT tools, google it, they're amazing and simple: FOR NEXUS DEVICES ONLY, SORRY), or for a developer to find and KILL THE ****ING ABILITY FOR ANDROID TO TAG DATA AS TETHERING DATA and release that to the public; either by providing an modded Android image, or as an app (much less likely to work unless you're rooted)."
Copied from a past on another forum, and apparently I can't post a link to it.
Even though I clicked on Thanks, I'd like to thank you again for that clear explanation. I'm sure it won't take long for that to be hacked.
i think the next nightly may fix it
Next to fix on next Nightly
msm8660: Add Wi-Fi AP module args (i wonder if this is it?)
rkpsym ftewed
I sent JamieD a message about it a few days ago. I'm not sure if all developers were aware with source of the problem. Its especially hard when only some users report having an issue. Hopefully they get it working soon.

