I installed then new ROM on an English TyTN. Now it shows a specific icon when it's connected thru GPRS, EDGE, 3G or HSDPA, and it's cool.
Well, I noticed that when it's connected to data network and it shows the H icon of HSDPA, any attempt to make a phone call fails.
The issue appears also if the device is connected but it's not transmitting or receiving data.
Disconnecting the data connection fixes the problem, making me able to make phone calls again, but this is not a workaround when Direct Push is enabled, because when I disconnect the data connection it tries to immediately reconnect...
Does anybody has the same issue?
My provider is Telecom Italia Mobile.
I have the same issue! this is extremely annoying, and sofar i dont know any workaround then to turn off push and disconnect the data session. In hoping the official WM6 rom with its upgrades will take care of this issue...
In Holland a similar problem was found by several users. It turned out to be a problem of the service provider (KPN), some problems with their hardware. The issue should be fixed later this year. You should check if more customers of the service provider have the same issues, as it might not be your phone or rom version that causes the problems.
Depends of you network ...its nothing related with your phone or radio version. Just disable hspda.
ive been using the phone for a few weeks now and it was fine until today, i cant connect to the internet via edge . ive tweaked with all the settings but nothing seems to work. everything else is fine . ie i can make calls and send text's but i cant connect to the internet. i checked under the status and it shows the mobile network state is disconnected. i have no clue as to wat this is since im new to android.
pls help!
Have you turned MOBILE DATA off via the power on/off menu .
ive checked that too.
Go to Settings- Wireless and Network- Mobile Networks- Access Point Names and see if the APN is ticked or not or the correct APN is ticked.
everything is back to normal again,it connected to the internet, by itself . must be a random bug in the os
problem solved. peace
I have experienced the same thing with my phone, except that it shows "activated". After a while it just started working again.
I've had the phone for a couple of months now and everything has worked fine till now, a little bugs here and there but no issues. A few weeks back (on android 2.3.3) I was unable to make or receive calls, but surprisingly was able to make text messages. I tried everything, turning flight mode on/off; the phone on/off; etc. I was on the verge of contacting Samsung but then suddenly the thing started working once I came back home from the office.
There has been no problems till then but today suddenly (now on android 2.3.6) the outgoing calls no longer work, same for outgoing text message; but I still get incoming calls and messages.
Just to be sure that this wasn't a SIM or service issue, I tried changing SIM's (different SIM did not work on the phone) and used my SIM on different phone (where it worked).
Also 3G doesn't work as well, but connection here is spotty so I wouldn't trust that. The only message I see different on the 'About Phone' tab is 'Mobile State-Disconnected'. I have full signal strength and all that.
My thoughts are that it was, or rather is a phone specific issue and would appreciate someone else's thoughts on the matter. As to my problem I assume it will sort itself out in a little while.
FYI: Samsung Galaxy S2; Android 2.3.6; NOT rooted; Indian version; On Airtel Mobile Network.
Mobile network state disconnected.
Hi guys, I have the same problem with my network connection also my 3g does not work anymore, I`m play with some secret codes like a ##72786# on my epic 4g touch sprint phone flashed to metro pcs and now I have no 3G service. In the setting menu under network status say Sprint. How can I get my 3g back?. The mobile net. 3G is on and the wifi is off. I need to change the network to metro pcs in the status setting and how can do that? Thanks for your help and sorry for my bad English.
I purchased a Chinese Android mobile which has the MTK6573 chipset. It is called a Star A3.
Love the phone however I regularly see the alert/error "Restricted access changed" in the status bar and the signal drops off both SIMS. If I pull down the status bar and check details it says "Voice call service blocked".
What is interesting is that it is always the Vodafone NZ SIM card even if I swap cards between SIM slots. Other SIM is 2Degrees.
I've searched the internet but there seems very little info on this subject other than to say that some HD9 users have had the same issue and have Spice Mi 350n users.
Some suggest it could be a IMEI issue but I'm not so sure.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Can provide more info on request.
Thanks in advance.
*** Additional info... I've turned off my SIM data connection which was linked to my 2Degrees SIM and now both SIMS manifest the same error. If I re-enable data on the 2Degrees SIM only the Vodafone SIM gives the error ***
I have the same issue on an IHTC HD2 bought on fastcards with the same chinese android. I don t know what the problem is. Everytime I turn the phone on there is available network, but after 5sec it gets blocked for good. I only have one SIM card and data connection doesn't work. This is freaking annoying ...
Thanks for the attention
Sounds like a slightly different issue than the one I have as my phone will reconnect and I can use it but it frequently drops off.
Perhaps turn your phone on without the SIM card in it and get your IMEI numbers.
You can google websites to check your IMEI numbers are valid. Perhaps they are not valid and your carrier blocks the phone?
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
Have found one other thing...
If you go into mobile network settings and change the network mode from say Auto to WCDMA only or GSM only you receive the "Restricted access changed" error notification immediately so I'm guessing it is related somehow?
It would appear the "Restricted access changed" notification appears whenever the network mode is changed from 2G to 3G either automatically or manually.
Images attached.
Occam's Razor strikes again
I had this same problem with an unlocked phone on AT&T network. Seemed to happen totally at random. It was driving me nuts, and nobody from AT&T could figure it out.
It occurred to me that the problem might be physical when the phone failed to recognize the SIM at all one time. Seems to be that the SIM card wasn't making good contact with the socket. I put a few pieces of scotch tape on the SIM card so that it fit a lot tighter and made really good contact, and I haven't had a single problem since.
(I don't know enough about it to explain why this worked for me, but I theorize that a loose or weak connection somehow fails out and introduces some kind of garbage data that the phone and/or network doesn't like, and it gets blocked as a result.)
Thanks for the post.
The problem is that between me and my friends there are about 5 of the exact same model all doing the exact same thing.
And ALWAYS when you go into network settings and change from say AUTO (WDSA/GSM) TO GSM ONLY.
I'm curious to know if taping the SIM card so it makes better contact solves the problem for you. Does this problem happen with different SIM cards of different brands and networks or do you and all your friends have the same?
Hi again, tapping the SIM card does not appear to make any difference. I've also tried thickening the SIM card by sticking a layer of tape to it.
Seems to happen in low reception areas where the phone may lose signal and then reconnect to the network... I guess similar to how it is replicated by changing network mode.
Can you repliacate it on your phone by change the network mode? e.g. auto wcdma/gsm to gsm only
Hi i had the same version Star A3 iam frome Egypt and had the same problem i tried to put different sims from different agents but the same problem any person can tell me how to connect my android mobile with pc or from where can i get its driver
Thank you
Dr.Ahmed Hassan
I just changed my htc desire to a one S. Same Sim. It keeps popping up 'preparing sim' and 'restricted access changed'. Never did this in the desire. Only the handset has changed. It's not a poorly fitting sim. You can shake, bash, etc. no effect. It'll happen quite often. Could certainly be as others state when switching from 3g to gsm etc.
It seems I spoke too soon. My phone (Blu Studio 5.3) started doing it again. I can produce the "restricted access changed" message by switching from WCDMA/GSM Auto to GSM or WCDMA only and from WCDMA to GSM or vice versa. It's something with the switchover.
I have noticed that I get Restriction Access Changed message only when 3G is turned on. I turn 3G off and the phone does not lose the network any more. Yet to figure out why it happens...
This started happening to me today and like the post above mine only after switching 3G off does the restriction go away. This is annoying but I'm about to reinstall my rom and see if that helps.
Just had the same problem on my SGS3. Only thing that fixed it was a powerdown and a battery pull. Hope it doesn't happen again.
Same problem
I have tried putting in 2 different sims. i bought a fake iphone 5 from china. it is saying no service: restricted access changed. Please help!!!
I'm getting this today with a Nexus 4 running on O2 UK. I've never seen it before on any phone and have been on O2 for years.
I sometimes can't dial out and calls in are going to answer phone. Also, texts are not getting through.
Airplane mode off/on seems to work.
The weather is appalling here today (Snow) I wonder if it is to blame.
I have contacted O2 and spoke to a guy (who knew a lot less that I did about the device/network). Anyway, a new SIM is being sent out. We'll see.
---------- Post added at 03:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:06 PM ----------
Update. My wife's phone also not working (O2) although she is not getting the "Restricted access changed..." error in her notification tray.
I can confirm this is happened on my Nexus 4 also. cell reception disappears for a moment then comes back. after that all seems to be working as normal and hasn't caused any problems with me, except for the mystery and intrigue. does anyone know what causes it? I receive the notification "restricted access changed" and then when i pull down the notification bar to look at the notification, the notification is GONE ! it does not stay in there.
I'm definitely putting my Nexus 4 issue with this down to the heavy snow that day. It hasn't happened since.
New Nexus 4 here with t-mobile prepaid. Had it happen last night when I got home for the first time. It was showing 2 notifications, one for voice and one for data. When you click them, they go away. Saw them appear a couple more time through the night and this morning they were also showing.
No snow here though...
Is it possible to block my phone from auto connecting to a certain mobile operator? Eg. when I'm on a ferry there is an operator (MCP Maritime) which charges insanely high rates which my phone auto connects to.
I have the Oneplus 5 and really just want the phone to automatically connect to any available regular provider with the exception ot the maritime network.
Really appreciate your help as I've searched Google in and out with no joy.
Many thanks
I have read and found success making options for wifi calling appear in the stock menu when it was absent before, however the phone is nonetheless unable to make wifi calls after enabling. Tried placing phone in airplane and turning wifi on.... or just choosing the "wifi only" option for making calls in the network menu - Resulting message always states to connect to a wireless network to proceed with the call, even though I have an excellent connection and internet works fine.
I have done an exhaustive search for methods to successfully use T-Mobile's wifi calling feature on my phone.
My initial research revealed that the option should work so long as your phone supports wifi calling as well as your carrier.
The wifi calling option was absent (as well as VoLTE) on the stock ROM, so I had high hopes that a custom ROM which included the feature would allow me to utilize the service with T-Mobile (my current GSM carrier).
After a slew of unsuccessful attempts to make calls using wifi vs the mobile network, I finally called T-Mobile's tech support who was actually quite helpful, but essentially stated that wifi calling through T-Mobile requires the carriers own proprietary software to work... in other words, even though T-Mobile likes to promote the ease with which you can BYOD (bring your own device), it would appear that the wifi calling feature is only possible when buying a phone directly from T-Mobile unless a custom rom is built which is at least partially based upon T-Mobile's own proprietary software with regard to wifi calling.
If ANYONE has had any luck at all placing wifi calls on the T-Mobile network domestically in the U.S. using the global/MEG7 version of Redmi 5 Plus, your assistance would be immensely appreciated. I have found that, although my phone does not support multiple LTE bands used by T-Mobile, I am still able to make LTE calls quite frequently in my region using the single supported band.... however, my home is a "dead zone" so to speak and, even though I am smack dab in the middle of an excellent coverage zone, my service inside the house is poor enough that others' attempts to call are unsuccessful, leaving me unaware of the call unless a message is left.
At this point, I am getting ready to throw in the towel so any advice or success stories would be greatly appreciated - or, on the flipside, a validation that wifi calling is just not possible at this time so I don't have to drive myself crazy with a continued search for which a solution does not yet (or may never) exist.
Many thanks for your help!