Porting features off other roms?? - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi I was using the quick reply feature for sms off the miui rom the other day and I really liked it but I didn't like the rom as a whole so I changed back to omega, is there anyway to port certain features off other roms that we like or is there anything I can download that's similar? Thanks
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[Q] Best stock like rom but FAST

Hoping someone can help me out.
I've tried various ROMs from TEAM, CM7, WOLF and I can't seem to find a stock like ROM with Timescape (100% Stable) that is stable while at the same time very fast. Any mods, any new ROM coming out that might be useful to me??
Cheers Sean
Why would you want to use Timescape? Just asking.
Try this one, it's what I'm using http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1307572
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CM or stock ?

hi all
just wondering which do you prefer and why ?
stock or cm ?
i prefer cm more since it has more features ...how bout you?
cm for more options , battery life
If you want to go to work safely and foremost a stock, with cf-root b84fix and OC and a2sd.
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tohno said:
hi all
just wondering which do you prefer and why ?
stock or cm ?
i prefer cm more since it has more features ...how bout you?
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Overall -cm. For me battery life lasted longer in cm than stock. And obviously features add to it.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
CM Permission management is the biggest selling point, I love the fact that is integrated and no need to install extra apps or modify apks, plus the 640*480 video recording, last time I checked stock only lets you record video at 320*480, then of course the pletora of additional features and the coolness level
nice idea to make a poll like this
Definitely cm!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
stock !!!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
my opinion
Why? (This is just my opinion, i don't wanna pi** anybody off with this.)
Stock has some samsung-only apps like "AllShare" etc. but i dont care about these.
And it has its own contacts browser which supports quick call/sms by swiping over the contact. i really love that feature, but the pros of cm are alot more:
- its looks better (menu effects from ics etc.)
- it has awesome customization options
- it has the theme chooser <3
- and the most important thing: it defo runs faster/better!
i prefer stock based roms
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
i love cm but can`t install in my galaxy pro,no custom flash recovery anywhere
Stock with CF-Root b84.
it seems cm is more desired than stock ...still what's the upside for stock?
CM7 More speed and better Performance and better Settings
i wait for CM9 Beta
(Custom) Stock. Full stability and more comfortable for daily usage.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
stock FTW
for me its modified stock... Ive tried loads of roms and so far omega rocks my world and my phone....
there's some kind of magic when you revert from CM to stock... you know... all working as they should, you have the assurance that your phone won't give up on you. The thing is though after a few minutes on stock and having tried CM you miss lots of things which I can't be bothered to mention now.
So CM for me!
yea...once i use cm and tried back to stock ( based rom) it feels rather odd ...and limited =(

Rom that has all of note 2 features

Hi I am looking for a Rom that has all off the galaxy note 2 features I have been searching for the past 2 hours with no luck please help thank you
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go to themes and apps and you can grab the mod there and flash over any Sammy Rom
there's no such rom like that. its good if we have one, but for now the only thing we have is to flash the different features which has been ported to our phone.

Stock applications on CM 10.1

Hello, dear XDA community!
I am using Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for almost 1 month and beginning from day 1 I realised that Samsung did something wrong with android and spoilt everything with their TouchWiz UI. I tried a lot of different ROMs and found that the best one for me is CyanogenMod 10.1. Everything is cool about this ROM, but I miss some features from the stock ROM.
The features that I miss are:
* S Note
* Samsung Keyboard
* Samsung Camera
I tried extracting these apps from deodexed ROM (I used Omega ROM + correct permissions), but for some reason they refuse to work...
Can someone tell me how to add these apps to my beloved CyanogenMod ROM?
I will appreciate all links, guides and suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
They will not work cm lackes tw framework they rely on
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
I have managed to run twlauncher with 4.2.2..with DF-1 ROM....
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
Hi can you please put the link for the 4.2.2 rom on which the touchWiz UI is working. I really want it. Will really appreciate it. Thank you.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
adishakthi said:
I have managed to run twlauncher with 4.2.2..with DF-1 ROM....
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
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That can be done but still doesn't give you the apropriate fw to use tw fw reliant apps
I think the only one that'll work is weather widget
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium

Rom question: Which Rom has both deodexed (stock rom) with paranoidandroid?

Dear fellow note 1 users
Just a quick question: would it be possible to have the current stock rom combine with paranoidandroid?(hybrid)
I'm running the stock rom which has touchwiz ui and would love the hybrid capabilities of PA.
Anyone knows of any rom that has one.
I've tried some hybrid here but it has no touchwiz and have no hdmi out.
Do advise if you know of any or any workaround.
Thank you so much in advance! :thumbup:
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
wangiles said:
Dear fellow note 1 users
Just a quick question: would it be possible to have the current stock rom combine with paranoidandroid?(hybrid)
I'm running the stock rom which has touchwiz ui and would love the hybrid capabilities of PA.
Anyone knows of any rom that has one.
I've tried some hybrid here but it has no touchwiz and have no hdmi out.
Do advise if you know of any or any workaround.
Thank you so much in advance! :thumbup:
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
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your only way of achieving this is by using xposed frameworks

