BetterBatteryStats Analysis? - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi there
I'm using Omega 27.1 + Phenomenal Extreme, and getting around 2.5% battery use per hour, and I wish to make it lower (I heard some people can get 1%/hour)..
I'm posting here some screenshots of my BBS, hoping someone could help me interpret them..
It's pretty odd that facebook and gmail kept my phone awake for so long..
I have facebook sync set to off, and refresh interval to "never"..
Anything else I could tweak? Maybe saving a longer log?
Thank you

brbbX said:
Hi there
I'm using Omega 27.1 + Phenomenal Extreme, and getting around 2.5% battery use per hour, and I wish to make it lower (I heard some people can get 1%/hour)..
I'm posting here some screenshots of my BBS, hoping someone could help me interpret them..
It's pretty odd that facebook and gmail kept my phone awake for so long..
I have facebook sync set to off, and refresh interval to "never"..
Anything else I could tweak? Maybe saving a longer log?
Thank you
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First, you have to put WIFI OFF when you don't use it. It drain you battery according to BBS screen : wlan_wake, wlan...
Secondary, you need view your Facebook events on the Internet browser because Facebook apps was know to drain battery (because it launch service and processus on your device).


[REF] Known identified battery drainers

In many cases, people who have battery drain issues have a tendency to end up being found to be using a known battery draining app or configuration. To help these people, I'm going to try to start a list here. I will, in the case of known rogue apps, include the reporting date so people can try updates to see if drain is fixed. (For example, Facebook is rarely a culprit any more, but it was the #1 most common battery eater in 2010.) The primary focus here will be things that shouldn't drain your battery but do.
Firmware bugs:
The UCKK6 OTA update contains a number of issues with wifi and bluetooth. Among these is that an oddball feature of our Wifi/Bluetooth chipset goes nuts and wakes up the phone once per second intermittently. Rebooting temporarily fixes it, turning off wifi temporarily fixes it, only permanent fix is to ditch UCKK6. for more details - Appears as a variant of the Android OS "bug" - this is the only one that is actually 100% a firmware bug. International XWKK5 is also affected.
LAN Environment (WiFi):
Broadcast LAN traffic can wake your wifi chip often. This also manifests as the Android OS "bug", but it's a small problem with the firmware base (XXKI3 and UCKK6 are known to be affected) and mostly a network problem. Examples I've seen so far include:
Windows Client Backup
Dropbox Lan Sync Discovery Protocol
Buggy piece-of-**** routers that spam lots of ARP requests continuously - The 2Wire routers that are required for UVerse access apparently fit in this category.
You are more likely to have the above issue on some firmware bases than others. For example, XXKI3 disables all of the chip's packet filters, making it vulnerable to this sort of thing. UCKH7 and XWKL1 don't, leading to significantly improved life on "dirty" networks. UCKK6 almost surely also has the same problem.
Configuration issues:
Hotmail calendar sync
Misconfigured Microsoft Exchange servers - 1) is a special case of this. At least one person has reported that calendar sync to a non-Hotmail account was problematic for them, but email sync was OK
A bad Exchange configuration - the client apparently goes nuts if it can't contact the server
BLN - On Galaxy S II devices, there is no stable BLN implementation that does not hold a wakelock when a notification is active. This means that an active BLN notification will drain about 4-5%/hour. I say this in bold letters in my kernel thread, but somehow people still don't realize it...
Rogue apps:
Words with Friends (October 2011)
Skype (October 2011) - Particularly insidious, as it does not directly hold a wakelock. However, it causes lots of background network activity, and this activity keeps your phone awake. Since most of the time is spent wakelocked in the network stack, Skype drain shows as Android OS.
Any IM app that works similarly to Skype is likely to have the same issues.
AP Mobile Widget on stock AT&T ROMs - this one also blows through your data allotment quickly if you don't have unlimited data
AT&T Smart WiFi can sometimes hold excessive wakelocks - this is why AT&T bloat is bad for you.
The Obvious:
3D or animation/action-intensive games
The Rare:
Apps that occasionally go nuts, but not frequently
Facebook - I've had it wakelock me once, and also, Facebook chat may have triggered my first obvious "AOS bug" episode once - so far, it's been responsible for drain once this month
StartingAlertService - some sort of Calendar notification related bug
The False Blame:
GPS Status and Toolbox - may appear to be high-drain but is actually not draining - this is an Android battery reporting bug - see for more details. Thank you for the info and the great app rhornig.
If you're having battery drain issues, I suggest the following:
Install BetterBatteryStats. The XDA edition from the author's thread on these forums is free. (Market version is paid.)
Also, having CPUSpy to see deep sleep percentages is VERY useful
BBS now shows kernel wakelocks - make sure to check these. If you have an older version that doesn't show kernel wakelocks, use the instructions below.
Get ADB up and running (Google it, and if you're on Windows, Googling Droid Explorer may help)
Using ADB, do the following:
adb shell cat /proc/wakelocks > wakelocks.txt
adb shell dmesg > dmesg.txt
Zip em' up and post em' here for analysis.
Edit: Specifically, to get a good baseline measurement of idle drain - make sure to have CPUSpy installed for this procedure:
Charge phone to full
Reset timers in CPUSpy, otherwise the percentages and bars will be wacky
Let the phone sit for a while - Overnight is best. Then provide data:
Deep sleep percentage
Time the phone was sitting
Percentage battery drained
I don't need screenshots of the above, just the numbers. Screenshots use up massive amounts of thread space
Grab /proc/wakelocks as mentioned above and post it, OR use BetterBatteryStats 1.4 or above to pull kernel wakelocks.
Note: If you're at or below 1%/hour idle drain, not much point of posting your wakelocks.
If you have high wlan_wake, wlan_rx_wake, or svnet-dormancy wakelock times, then you have an app eating data or one of the wifi wakeup bugs described above. Install Shark for Root -
Start it, and change parameters from:
-vv -s 0
-vv -s 68
This tells it to only capture the first 68 bytes of each packet, which is all we need for this purpose. This provides two benefits: A smaller capture, and privacy for you. (It captures packet headers but not contents)
Then start a capture and let it sit for a bit.
Note that your drain will be higher during the capture than normal - we're collecting data here, not directly nuking the drain.
After a while where you are positive you are encountering drain, stop Shark and then pull the .pcap file - load it in Wireshark on your PC or post it here. If you post it here, MAKE SURE you have a truncated capture as instructed above!
Thank you sir. Will do in a few.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
Words with friends is an insane battery drainer. I had a screen on time of 4 hours and 15 minutes with 35% battery use and Words with friends had a 45 min cpu usage and was 26% of the battery drain...There is no way that should be so close to the screen usage. CRAZY.
chase10784 said:
Words with friends is an insane battery drainer. I had a screen on time of 4 hours and 15 minutes with 35% battery use and Words with friends had a 45 min cpu usage and was 26% of the battery drain...There is no way that should be so close to the screen usage. CRAZY.
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I spent a while testing that app before finding out it is a phone-wide issue. Emailed the dev today but we'll see how it goes. Not a small dev anymore.
Yea I hope they fix it...I love playing it but it kills my battery. If that app didnt run I may have like 5 hours of screen time on a single charge if not more. I looked at many of the reviews of it and many of them mention the battery killing it does.
Just discovered an interesting feature built in to the stock rom. Go to task manager > storage and you'll see it©.
The tower defense game Sentinel 3 will put a HEAVY drain on your battery.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
gtg465x said:
Just discovered an interesting feature built in to the stock rom. Go to task manager > storage and you'll see it©.
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Huh? What happens?
Apparently an app I come to love and use on all my devices is Battery Monitor Widget. According to to someone's post from the BBS thread and due to my own investigation. BMW will cause a lot of wake time up to 970 awakes over a 12 HR period. That is a lot time consuming battery and resources.
rebooted my phone reset cpu spy and going to leave it not charging and I will abd into the phone and get the demesg and other file and post here.. been losing 30% over night on about 8 hours which I know is way off... no skype I have wifi data sync and gps on as well as syncing a google account twitter tango and facebook.... which I understand might be alot but shouldn't this phone be able to handle all that? I also live in a basement with poor service but right next to the router... getting a microcell on Friday which I hope helps. My AOS is around 65% in battery status and suspend and events/0 are definitely running more than one minute every 10 hours, more like 20 minutes at least every charge, and my phone is lasting 11 hours give or take with minimal to no use
penskyc said:
rebooted my phone reset cpu spy and going to leave it not charging and I will abd into the phone and get the demesg and other file and post here.. been losing 30% over night on about 8 hours which I know is way off... no skype I have wifi data sync and gps on as well as syncing a google account twitter tango and facebook.... which I understand might be alot but shouldn't this phone be able to handle all that? I also live in a basement with poor service but right next to the router... getting a microcell on Friday which I hope helps. My AOS is around 65% in battery status and suspend and events/0 are definitely running more than one minute every 10 hours, more like 20 minutes at least every charge, and my phone is lasting 11 hours give or take with minimal to no use
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Suspend and events/0 at 1 minute every 10h aren't too bad. AOS at 65 is a bit high.
Unless one of the above apps you use is implemented badly, your phone should be able to handle the above. I have Google and Facebook and get great drain. I haven't heard reports of Twitter causing problems.
Tango is an unknown - it's in a similar class to Skype so could be driving excessive idle network traffic.
To the person who posted that a game drained their battery - well, that should be pretty obvious. I guess I'll add it to the first post later, but I'm primarily focusing on the "non-obvious" stuff - things that SHOULDN'T drain your battery but do.
Tango is all good had it installed on my phone forever my batt life is amazing. It doesnt require a sign in. Look out for anything that make you sign in besides google as far as im concerned
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
Entropy512 said:
In many cases, people who have battery drain issues have a tendency to end up being found to be using a known battery draining app or configuration. To help these people, I'm going to try to start a list here. I will, in the case of known rogue apps, include the reporting date so people can try updates to see if drain is fixed. (For example, Facebook is rarely a culprit any more, but it was the #1 most common battery eater in 2010.) The primary focus here will be things that shouldn't drain your battery but do.
Configuration issues:
Hotmail calendar sync
Misconfigured Microsoft Exchange servers - 1) is a special case of this. At least one person has reported that calendar sync to a non-Hotmail account was problematic for them, but email sync was OK
Rogue apps:
Words with Friends (October 2011)
Skype (October 2011) - Particularly insidious, as it does not directly hold a wakelock. However, it causes lots of background network activity, and this activity keeps your phone awake. Since most of the time is spent wakelocked in the network stack, Skype drain shows as Android OS.
Any IM app that works similarly to Skype is likely to have the same issues.
The Obvious:
3D or animation/action-intensive games
If you're having battery drain issues, I suggest the following:
Install BetterBatteryStats. The XDA edition from the author's thread on these forums is free. (Market version is paid.)
If BBS doesn't show any significant wakelocks, and no apps show as hogs in Settings->About Phone->Battery, do the following:
Get ADB up and running (Google it, and if you're on Windows, Googling Droid Explorer may help)
Using ADB, do the following:
adb shell cat /proc/wakelocks > wakelocks.txt
adb shell dmesg > dmesg.txt
Zip em' up and post em' here for analysis.
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Can you please take a look at this one to see if there is anything out of order?
Much appreciated!
Entropy512 said:
Suspend and events/0 at 1 minute every 10h aren't too bad. AOS at 65 is a bit high.
Unless one of the above apps you use is implemented badly, your phone should be able to handle the above. I have Google and Facebook and get great drain. I haven't heard reports of Twitter causing problems.
Tango is an unknown - it's in a similar class to Skype so could be driving excessive idle network traffic.
To the person who posted that a game drained their battery - well, that should be pretty obvious. I guess I'll add it to the first post later, but I'm primarily focusing on the "non-obvious" stuff - things that SHOULDN'T drain your battery but do.
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what I meant to say about the suspend and events/0 is that i wish i was getting a minute every 10h, it is more like 20minutes.. I just finished my over night test, I put the phone down at 11:09 with 69% battery left, waking up just now with 30% at 8:16, did not touch the phone once.. should have been asleep the whole time.. also my suspend is at 31minutes (BBS) and my events/0 is at 30minute (BBS), i also reset my cpu spy. deep sleep 5:49 hours, 200mhz 1:29 hours and 800mhz 1:21 hours (14%)
and lastly, here is my dmesg and wakelocks... so yea this looks pretty horrible to me!
I actually went to the at&t store to exchange this phone yesterday cause I am convinced something is wrong with it, no one really seems to be getting the severe drainahe and stats that i am getting, so I assumed it has to be the phone, well its 2 weeks old and the guy wouldnt take it cause he needed proof there is a battery problem.. Also I went back to stock yesterday before i was going to exchange my phone and the issue seemed to be happening aswell no matter where I was and what apps were installed, hoping these files will figure something out! thanks for your help!
There's alot of careless and sloppy developers out there that has no concern on users battery. Android support Push notification since froyo and it's only implemented in a few apps like tango. Why? Go to the appstore the same exact IM and video chat apps uses push notification, but not on the android version. Instead you have to log in all day clogging your Ram and battery. As of now the only IM client I use it's Google Talk screw Skype oovoo ect or any other apps that has no push. BTW Facebook it's another mess, soon Ill be deleting and using the browser.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
penskyc said:
what I meant to say about the suspend and events/0 is that i wish i was getting a minute every 10h, it is more like 20minutes.. I just finished my over night test, I put the phone down at 11:09 with 69% battery left, waking up just now with 30% at 8:16, did not touch the phone once.. should have been asleep the whole time.. also my suspend is at 31minutes (BBS) and my events/0 is at 30minute (BBS), i also reset my cpu spy. deep sleep 5:49 hours, 200mhz 1:29 hours and 800mhz 1:21 hours (14%)
and lastly, here is my dmesg and wakelocks... so yea this looks pretty horrible to me!
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It seems to be the same issue as everybody else is having, getting excessive network traffic waking up the phone. Either you do a network capture of the packets and identify it by the highest common port which comes in (complicated), or you turn off each service off one by one. In the last case I'd start with the network location service (Kill it with Titanium) as that was known to be a *****.
AndreiLux said:
It seems to be the same issue as everybody else is having, getting excessive network traffic waking up the phone. Either you do a network capture of the packets and identify it by the highest common port which comes in (complicated), or you turn off each service off one by one. In the last case I'd start with the network location service (Kill it with Titanium) as that was known to be a *****.
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so you think I should freeze each app one by one and let chill for an hour and see if there is drainage or not? is ot just processes or apps? cause I would never know to do something about network service unless u said something.. BTW I did, and i still lost 4% battery in an hour of idle.. so thats not it.. what about using this the other way you were talking about
penskyc said:
so you think I should freeze each app one by one and let chill for an hour and see if there is drainage or not? is ot just processes or apps? cause I would never know to do something about network service unless u said something.. BTW I did, and i still lost 4% battery in an hour of idle.. so thats not it.. what about using this the other way you were talking about
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Exactly. By services I just mean running apps I guess. You can do it as in that guide too, but its hard to later find out which App listens to which port on Android...
AndreiLux said:
Exactly. By services I just mean running apps I guess. You can do it as in that guide too, but its hard to later find out which App listens to which port on Android...
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ok, so I did try this to an extent, i would disable 4 apps at a time for the most part, only apps, none of the red items like wifi manager and stuff like that (even though i did try that at a different date)
I had no success.. I went back to stock, uninstalled all bloatware, at&t live TV, my account, bar scanner, all that bs, right now I have BBS, Cpu Spy and titanium, only apps that are not stock and are in the list of installed apps. I am still getting this issue!! could it be that I have poor service (though this never affected the iphone this badly) I lose 40% overnight though and it seems odd to me that would be because of low service..
GO.Keyboard and GO Contacts ( especially GO Contacts) was draining my battery at a phenominal pace. GO Contacts was using more battery than the display
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App

Help Me Analyse My Better Battery Stats?

My battery life isn't bad, but it could be better.
The long period of time my screen is off (see pic) is when I went to sleep, it's also when I set my custom ref. In the other pic you can see how many time my phone woke up when it was supposed to be sleeping!
Attached is also my log, it's the paid version with everything ticked, so it should have all the info needed, except I can't make heads nor tails of it.
irish-sid said:
My battery life isn't bad, but it could be better.
The long period of time my screen is off (see pic) is when I went to sleep, it's also when I set my custom ref. In the other pic you can see how many time my phone woke up when it was supposed to be sleeping!
Attached is also my log, it's the paid version with everything ticked, so it should have all the info needed, except I can't make heads nor tails of it.
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google is your friend. There are many threads on XDA about BBS and explaining things.
Thanks, but if you can tell by the time i made these logs you can see it was over 12 hours ago, I've spent a good portion of the day trying to figure this out.
I wasn't being a ****, i posted in the q&a section, so while i appreciate your reply, i could do with someone helping me understand this and in turn I'll learn something and maybe not have to ask again.
You went 15 hours and still have 60%, that's insanely good, mine dies in less time than that. Although it seems because you haven't used anything except having the screen on, I use heavier applications constantly.
You could use lowest screen brightness and if you're using stock firmware, disable data when you don't need it, since I figure some of the bloatware apps would want to connect to the internet.
eksasol said:
You went 15 hours and still have 60%, that's insanely good, mine dies in less time than that. Although it seems because you haven't used anything except having the screen on, I use heavier applications constantly.
You could use lowest screen brightness and if you're using stock firmware, disable data when you don't need it, since I figure some of the bloatware apps would want to connect to the internet.
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Yeah, it was overnight though, usually get about 4-5 hours screen time during the day. I'm on check rom with most bloatware disabled and most if not all apps are set to manual sync.
I'm wondering what keeps waking my phone up overnight.
1) Nail the samsung push service com.sec.spp.push
2) Remove any battery monitoring widgets you are using, maybe you have a battery icon on your clock widget, try removing that or something.
Looks like you are using viber, whatsapp and vlingo, so thats 3 big background apps.
I would also be inclined to swap to something other than go launcher as well.
If in doubt ask in the BBS thread here
veyka said:
1) Nail the samsung push service com.sec.spp.push
2) Remove any battery monitoring widgets you are using, maybe you have a battery icon on your clock widget, try removing that or something.
Looks like you are using viber, whatsapp and vlingo, so thats 3 big background apps.
I would also be inclined to swap to something other than go launcher as well.
If in doubt ask in the BBS thread here
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Thanks very much, I'll have a look at all of this then. Thanks veyka!
Thanks everyone else too.

[Q] Unusually fast battery drain

I am using Slim Bean 3.0.0 (but I used to have the same problem on every ROM I flashed, including RR 2.7/3.1, CM9/10, stock, Neat Rom Lite and others).
The battery drains about 6%/hour even if it in deep sleep (as it can be seen in the screen shots). There is no abnormal wakelock, but I can find that android and android gsf are doing a lot of wakeups. Is it normal? Also Android OS and Android System seem to eat lots of battery, but I don't know how to explain this since I have no major wakelocks.
I only have the default gapps installed and facebook app.
im using paranoid with dorminix kernel, i have my emails syncing every 5 mins, i got similar results but with longer display on,i dont use facebook or gmail, i use k9, i would advise you to use Dorimanx kernel and stweaks to help reduce drain while screen off, limit cpu max frequency perhaps
republicano said:
im using paranoid with dorminix kernel, i have my emails syncing every 5 mins, i got similar results but with longer display on, what are you cpu states?,
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I do only have Gmail and calendar syncing (it's doing this by push technology), so it's not doing this so frequent.
It was doing over 90% deep sleep (as seen in the last screenshot), this is why I think that the battery drain in kind of unexplained.
11 Hours + isn't bad.
iamjk said:
11 Hours + isn't bad.
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Yeah, but out of these 11 Hours +, about 7 were during night, when it was sleeping, and it was supposed to have very little consumption.

cannot get good battery life what so!

i am getting terrible battery life on my 5 day old Galaxy 4 for VZ. i have disabled every thing i can, i use twitter, FB, Instagram, syng google and contacts, google keep etc. i cannot get over 1.5 hours screen on time, and it drains when idle also. i get maybe 7 hours total..
i want to love and keep this but man, i am getting gnex battery life with it. i have read so many good reviews on the battery life but something is up.
any ideas??? would rooting and installing like clean rom help?
Questions and help issues go in Q&A and Help section
Thread moved
Rooting and apps like Greenify.
Sent from my GT-I9001 using xda app-developers app
The phone probably never sleeps the way you have it set up. All that stuff syncs in the background and therefore never lets the phone sleep. Stuff you don't have to know about constantly you should either turn off sync and manually sync it or try making it sync like say every hours or 4 hours not every 15 min. Honestly there are maybe 30-50 things that can cause your battery drain from a stock device that is new. But that is where i would start.
Also, make sure your GPS is off and your not using location services from VZW but just the normal google.
Eric214 said:
The phone probably never sleeps the way you have it set up. All that stuff syncs in the background and therefore never lets the phone sleep. Stuff you don't have to know about constantly you should either turn off sync and manually sync it or try making it sync like say every hours or 4 hours not every 15 min. Honestly there are maybe 30-50 things that can cause your battery drain from a stock device that is new. But that is where i would start.
Also, make sure your GPS is off and your not using location services from VZW but just the normal google.
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great what about some of the apps that people have said to install? i dont really want to root..especially since there is NO recovery...
also..i checked and i did notice it was awake allot, and GOOGLE CONTACTS took ALLOT of kernal usage..
Honestly I dont like apps used to control other apps. That means they run in thr background causing cpu cycles... hence waking the phone.
if youre not going to root, then go into the app manager and disable what you dont use and what youre able to. Not all apps are disablable. I even disable maps untill I need it
I noticed a lot of battery drain with my rooted ME7 version. Greenify helped but what really worked for me is this: Go to System Settings>More>Location Services and disable Wi-Fi & mobile network location (Google Location Services). Use VZW and Standalone GPS only. It may take your apps a tad bit longer to display your GPS position but you'll gain a lot of battery life. My GPS is always on, sync everything including 2 different Google accounts (all at the shortest interval) and have the other usual things running, ie. Facebook, Google Voice, Weather Bug, Go SMS, etc.
You've got wake locks and need to determine what they are. Read this, it should help
loginfailed said:
Rooting and apps like Greenify.
Sent from my GT-I9001 using xda app-developers app
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Yes , I Agree ! :good:
;55828122 said:
Yes , I Agree ! :good:
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I use greenify on all my phones!
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
It's not as hard as you think...
dvigue said:
great what about some of the apps that people have said to install? i dont really want to root..especially since there is NO recovery...
also..i checked and i did notice it was awake allot, and GOOGLE CONTACTS took ALLOT of kernal usage..
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If you don't want to root, there's not a lot you can do as far as wakelocks. However, I would download Macrodroid and set up some profiles that turn off everything (sync, data, wifi, bluetooth) when you turn your screen off, control your syncing to once an hour or hour and a half, and turn on your data/wifi when you turn your screen back on - or rather, when you unlock it. This simple task will take you less than 20 minutes and will save you hours of battery life. Like others said, disable GPS unless you absolutely need it. Also, I would turn off a lot of the gitchy features (air gesture, air view, multi windo, smart scroll, smart stay) all that crap that is cool to use once or twice but just eats your battery like crazy.
If you choose to get Macrodroid and want help setting up the profiles, let me know. Good luck. By the way, that doubled my battery life. Once I rooted, controlled the wakelocks and bought a zerolemon 7500 battery, I can actually get over 3 days of usage with something like 9 hours of screen time.
Edit: Found two pics to prove the above claim...

[Q] Help me to convert my Stock JB Xperia go to any other custom JB

Hello friends,
I'm using Xperia Go with stock JB version(6.2.A.1.100). The battery life of this stock rom is way too much annoying with 3G on. Example: Last night, charge was up to 82% & at morning it came down to 25%. Now think what if i use data traffic at day
I want a custom JB rom for Xperia Go with a good battery life with 3G on for some hours(which may last one day) & of course with a good ram where less important system apps are not preloaded & as much as low bug possible.
Well! The main problem is I'm not expert in these processes. So if anyone gives me a nice guideline, i will be very grateful
IMPORTANT: MY PHONE HAS LOCKED BOOTLOADER,I saw many people install CWM in their stock JB with locked bootloader & then convert into custom JB rom. I want to use that process, because I don't want to downgrade into ICS as I'm not an expert to do many things right
Seems that i want everything
My Phone: Xperia Go rooted with doomlord kit version 14
Build number: 6.2.A.1.100
Kernel version: 3.0.8+ (I think its the stock kernel)
My pc operating system: Windows 8
One question: When I will install CWM in my xperia before installing custom rom, will I loose every data & does unlocking bootloader wipe data?
In principle, unlockicking bootloader does not wipe any data, however I have seen a few posts that claimed it did.
Rooting should not wipe data waht so ever.
With that said, always backup your phone before making any changes. In any case data on internal storage will not be wiped. only data on device memory (contacts, sms, etc.)
Now to the real issue.
I tend to believe your problem is not the ROM itself, I use stock JB on my XP with decent baterry life.
First check your battery stats to see what takes most of it (no rom will change your screen battery consumption).
Second install Wakelock Detector and see which apps cause wakelocks, especialy screen wakelocks..
Rooting your device should be sufficient to let you tune it for good battery life and performance.
I see DooMLoRD Easy Rooting Toolkit is compatible with your device and firmware version and it is indeed easy rooting toolkit
Well, there are plenty of JB rom's you could try it all depends on you taste.
Regarding battery life, try checking if any apps run in the background.
You can use greenify too, it's an app that hibernates apps so that they don't run all the time
or they don't run on their own and just end up wasting resources and battery.
You could also try different kernels that have different governors.
Underclocking your device below the average helps too, by allot during the long run actually.
Look around the forums, just beyond the first page, sometimes you can find some really neat stuff you might like
ChikeD said:
In principle, unlockicking bootloader does not wipe any data, however I have seen a few posts that claimed it did.
Rooting should not wipe data waht so ever.
With that said, always backup your phone before making any changes. In any case data on internal storage will not be wiped. only data on device memory (contacts, sms, etc.)
Now to the real issue.
I tend to believe your problem is not the ROM itself, I use stock JB on my XP with decent baterry life.
First check your battery stats to see what takes most of it (no rom will change your screen battery consumption).
Second install Wakelock Detector and see which apps cause wakelocks, especialy screen wakelocks..
Rooting your device should be sufficient to let you tune it for good battery life and performance.
I see DooMLoRD Easy Rooting Toolkit is compatible with your device and firmware version and it is indeed easy rooting toolkit
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My friend,
I uploaded some screenshots. The first two photos, i uploaded the app use right after charging my mobile & in the next pair of photos are next mornings'. In between i just make a call for 10 min. Nothing else. Now say what should I do?
btw, bt the wake lock detector, i found just facebook,messenger & whatsapp which might drain some extra battery.
Pias94 said:
My friend,
I uploaded some screenshots. The first two photos, i uploaded the app use right after charging my mobile & in the next pair of photos are next mornings'. In between i just make a call for 10 min. Nothing else. Now say what should I do?
btw, bt the wake lock detector, i found just facebook,messenger & whatsapp which might drain some extra battery.
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Are facebook,messenger & whatsapp always on in stamina prefs?
I have whatsapp, viber. facebook, tahoo messenger, and talk, set to always on in stamina prefs and I only get about 1% per hour standby drain.
Is your movile data on or are you using wifi?
I can see in battery stats the phone is awake most of the time which it' shouldn't be in standby.
Below my stats for today, you can see there very little drain for standby time. I had 5 minutes calls and a bit of data on time, and still only about 35% drain for 12, while you had 40% drain for standby time only, this need to be fixed.
I must note though I have the 98screenstate_script that cap CPU speed when screen is off.
As I said, can't change screen on drain, you can set adaptive brightness or manually low to save some juice, not much though.
We need a bit more detail to know what cause drain.
In WakelockDetector check :"statistics since unplug" in prefs.
Charge battery full, no calls or nothing till next morning, or at least a few hours with no calls or screen on, take screen shots for all 3 wakelocks (screen, cpu and wakeup triggers, battery stats + graph + screen on time.
CPU Spy plus may also help if you install it, reset timers just before you unplug the charger, and take screen shot in the morning.
I tried to use two thing.
1."First You Setting--->APPS--->All Tab---->ECO Mode Controller (Click Clear Data and Force Stop)
Then Again you Go Setting--->APPS--->All TAP---Setting.apk (Click Clear Data and Force Stop)
Charge Your Mobile 4 to 5Hours
After 4-5 Hours While Charging That Time You Click Vol Up+Power Button( after 3 times Vibrate)
Remove Your Charger and Again Plugin Your Mobile The Sony Logo With Comes And Charging Logo has been Shown
Then Power On Your Mobile While Charging
Then Go Setting--->Power Management TURN ON BATTERY STAMINA MODE"
After that I saw that charge duration came from 10 Hour to 3 day. But i think still charge is leeching, but a little bit slow.
2. I added whatsapp, facebook, messenger & one other app(360 mobile security) to the stamina prefs as u said.
But though charge leeched from 100% to 64%.
I must say a little improvement. Because is usually go down below 50 sometimes.
My mobile data is 24/7 on.
I've added the screenshots you want.
Note: Just one call came up that time. I couldn't receive though
Mobile data can cause some drain, but I think all traffic goes through wifi if wifi is available, and stamina mode supposed to turns it off when in deep sleep.
Can't make definitive conclusion, but I don't like this messenger, 490 times wakelocks. Why do you need it anyway, you can chat with facebook itself. Is the messenger in stamina active apps?
The active apps that require network can only work if wifi is connected, which apps you have there?
CPU stats look reasonable with 86% at deep sleep, and only 5% above 200MGHz.
Are you rooted, we can try and even lower that if you are.
Force stop the messanger for one day and see how it goes.
The see if turning off mobile data make a change, but don;t do both things at once so we can indentify which cause the drain, or cause most of it.
EDIT: I'll install the messenger on my phone and see if there's a change.
ChikeD said:
Mobile data can cause some drain, but I think all traffic goes through wifi if wifi is available, and stamina mode supposed to turns it off when in deep sleep.
Can't make definitive conclusion, but I don't like this messenger, 490 times wakelocks. Why do you need it anyway, you can chat with facebook itself. Is the messenger in stamina active apps?
The active apps that require network can only work if wifi is connected, which apps you have there?
CPU stats look reasonable with 86% at deep sleep, and only 5% above 200MGHz.
Are you rooted, we can try and even lower that if you are.
Force stop the messanger for one day and see how it goes.
The see if turning off mobile data make a change, but don;t do both things at once so we can indentify which cause the drain, or cause most of it.
EDIT: I'll install the messenger on my phone and see if there's a change.
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Yes,the messenger is added in stamina mode. The messenger app is so cool you know & easy to use
I have facebook, whatsapp, messenger, 360 mobile security & play services are in stamina mode.
Yes,the phone is rooted. But i don't know how to make the system lower.
Ok, I will stop the messenger while again full charging my phone.
You should try messenger
Pias94 said:
Yes,the messenger is added in stamina mode. The messenger app is so cool you know & easy to use
I have facebook, whatsapp, messenger, 360 mobile security & play services are in stamina mode.
Yes,the phone is rooted. But i don't know how to make the system lower.
Ok, I will stop the messenger while again full charging my phone.
You should try messenger
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The attached flashable zip adds init.d support and install the S98screenstate_scaling_mini, a modified version of S98screenstate_scaling.
This script caps CPU frequency and twaek CPU governor parameters. Help saving some battery when screen is off.
If you experiance problems delete the file from /etc/init.d and reboot.
ChikeD said:
The attached flashable zip adds init.d support and install the S98screenstate_scaling_mini, a modified version of S98screenstate_scaling.
This script caps CPU frequency and twaek CPU governor parameters. Help saving some battery when screen is off.
If you experiance problems delete the file from /etc/init.d and reboot.
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Sorry my friend, i'm a rookie in those case. What shall i do with this file & how?
Rather I could use this apk file easily. So will this apk work?
Pias94 said:
Sorry my friend, i'm a rookie in those case. What shall i do with this file & how?
Rather I could use this apk file easily. So will this apk work?
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Yes it works, I have used it before but you wil have to set the conditions at parameters yourself, and for some reason not all parameters changed as I wanted them too, but it may be governor issue rather than the app.
I rather a simple script doint it instead.
All yuu need is to flash it in recovery.
ChikeD said:
Yes it works, I have used it before but you wil have to set the conditions at parameters yourself, and for some reason not all parameters changed as I wanted them too, but it may be governor issue rather than the app.
I rather a simple script doint it instead.
All yuu need is to flash it in recovery.
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Sorry, I've no recovery installed so I guess i have to use that apk file :/
Can you tell which recovery should i use for my stock doomlord rooted JB kernel?
Note: You are really helping me! Thanks!
Pias94 said:
Sorry, I've no recovery installed so I guess i have to use that apk file :/
Can you tell which recovery should i use for my stock doomlord rooted JB kernel?
Note: You are really helping me! Thanks!
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I have an adb version of it too, not sure how good i tested it
Extract and run install
USB debugging must be enabled of course.
ChikeD said:
I have an adb version of it too, not sure how good i tested it
Extract and run install
USB debugging must be enabled of course.
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but did u try facebook messenger yet?
Pias94 said:
but did u try facebook messenger yet?
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Yes I have installed it, but only had 53 alarm wakeups., facebook is on top with 76.
I had an excess drain today.... 15% for 10 hours standby normally Google+ won't wake so much but today its on top of CPU wakelocks with over 1 minute, second is facebook with half a minute, but I think it's an app I made that caused soe of it.

