[Q] somewhere between hello world and multi thread Java - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

m trying to get into Android Dev but I'm really struggling to find a decent set of guides that help. the internet is full of hello world howtos and all the Android books I've seen are too far the other way. is there a decent forum or set of how to that someone can recommend please?
I have gripped XML and the basics of eclipse, but have been pulling my hair out how something as easy as switching between activities when a user clicks a button is taking me loads of code and I still haven't really got it working...
any help welcomed thanks guys and girls.


Developing new tabs

This may be a really stupid question, but is it possible to create a tab for practically anything? I know they have updated the Weather Tab in the Touch HD to pull more weather data, and there is also the stock tab where you can get stock info right from the tab. My question is if these tabs can be formatted to show anything from an internet source or feed. For example sports scores or news. I've seen this in Bell's UI for the TP, but is it possible to do if you can find the right source? I don't know how to program and wouldn't be able to do this, I was just throwing it out there as a question to see if its possible. Thanks!
does anyone have any ideas on this?
I'm wondering the same thing. Some tabs on TF3D like the People and Mail tab are pretty far from useful. It would be great if these could be edited or replaced.
It's entirely possible. I've stumbled onto docs and dev tools for writing your own tabbed whatever on this site. It wasn't of interest to me so I don't know where they are offhand but a little searching should bring them up eventually. Maybe check the wiki, also.
I'm really intersted in this so I can make some useful tabs. I'm so sick of the music tab!
I've been keeping an eye out but haven't seen anything useful in the way of docs or info yet. If anyone finds some info could they please post links here?
-- Maz
Yes, I am interested in developing new tabs, too. Seems to me that developing a visual voicemail tab that would work with the youmail.com service just makes a lot of sense to have on a phone.
I asked that question before, and got the following links in response.
Unfortunately, I've got a ton of VB6 experience that does no good here. I'm willing to write some good psuedo code, if there is anyone with LUA experience that can help me with the tab.
Whoa guys and girls you have no idea what you are asking. This is not something you do by editing a tab a little bit. Creating new tabs will requires you to be able to create mode9 files from scratch and have some real experience with lua coding. Only one who's done that on this forum is D-man (calender tab). I've been working with xbox on the rhodium manila editing mode9 and lua files I can do, but creating them from scratch is very hard and will consume a lot (like a whole lot) of time. For someone with experience it will be hard, and I'm ready to team up with someone who thinks he can but it's probably a project of weeks or maybe months. But hey I might be wrong here , 12

good place to learn code

Hello this is my first post and hi everyone.
I hope my post fits in here and appropriate.
I am starting to learn android development. Where is a good place to start learning the code itself? I am not talking about installing eclipse, the concepts etc etc.. i passed those... i need a place to look at which explains me line by line, in detail about the code itself. i am a beginner to writing java too. I just know some php as far as programing thats all.
You could try here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/android/AndroidGuide.aspx and browse around here: http://developer.android.com/guide/index.html .
thanks for reply, i looked at google already. and the code project i saw that one too. but when i tried even the hello world tutorial at google android site yesterday, there was many things i did not know in that code. even in the tutorial it doesnt explain what is what for everything. as i am a beginner i want to learn the details of code.
You could try here: http://www.codinggreenrobots.com/episodes/ .
http://commonsware.com/Android/ is the book i see lots reccomend on IRC for android.
thanks the tutorials are great (they really need to improve video quality though)
You can also try this http://developer.android.com/resources/index.html It has a lot of codes, tutorials, etc that will make you pro within few days of hard work ...
yes i know that one in google android site i already mentioned in my question. but there it doesnt explain to me line by line the code. thats my problem. it assumes I know some coding. well i know close to nothing.

[Q] Faceniff

Hi guys,
so i've recently downloaded installed and bought faceniff.
i really like the app, but i was wondering if there was a way to make it show the full password.
i've decompiled the apk, and i have looked at it for a while but i cant seem to make sense of it all. i have some experience in C++ and C, also PHP VB.NET etc but not in java.
has anyone looked into this ?
when the code is found it shouldn't be too much work, only thing i need help with is finding the code that puts the ***'s over the middle of the password.
many thanks,
ps. ofcourse i would release the apk (with buy option still enabled).
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
I would just like to bump this. Its a reasonable question
any news?
Necromancing the thread, since it's relevant to my interests

[Q] Simple Quiz Game Coding

I wasn't sure where to post this so apologies.
I am currently building my first android project using eclipse with absolutely zero coding experience prior to this. I have read a couple of tutorials and noob guides.
Basically, what I've done is create an app on Buzztouch.com for the quiz game and downloaded it to further edit in eclipse. What I'm looking to do is add rounds to the quiz so if they score 6/10 they continue to round 2 etc. However, I have no idea where to start. I have looked all over the internet but can't find anything.
If anyone has any suggestions, their help will be much appreciated.

Questions for my Project (Completly unexpierenced)

(Sry for my bad English)
Hey, there
I have a project coming in my mind just a month ago and now I started with the only possible solution I could find, I have a lot of Questions on what I did already is the right way to go on and how to possible move on now.
First of the so called "Project" is a Location based game and the only Way I could find to get a working Map with getting my current location was on Android Studio so my first few Questions are:
- Was it the right program to start of with ?
- How far can I take my Project in Android Studio ?
- Is there a better Program to make my game ?
- can I switch over at some point to unity with losing the Map functions etc. ?
- Can I mix up the code in Unity and work with it without problems ?
You may or may not laugh a lot right now, but please remeber I am only a newbie searching for help. xD
Next of I only got a few things that worked out for me, I can make marker, title them, and replace the markergraphic with a own one.
By that said, Im still thinking about how far I can go, because I dont think that I can make a Fightsystem and Charakters+Wappons and their Strength in Android studio, but if you say thats possible thats fine,
but please if you know some tutorials based on what my problems are, feel free to leave them here, I would be so happy.
If you have any helpfull tips on how I should continue or on what to do now please tell me,
Thank you

