good place to learn code - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello this is my first post and hi everyone.
I hope my post fits in here and appropriate.
I am starting to learn android development. Where is a good place to start learning the code itself? I am not talking about installing eclipse, the concepts etc etc.. i passed those... i need a place to look at which explains me line by line, in detail about the code itself. i am a beginner to writing java too. I just know some php as far as programing thats all.

You could try here: and browse around here: .

thanks for reply, i looked at google already. and the code project i saw that one too. but when i tried even the hello world tutorial at google android site yesterday, there was many things i did not know in that code. even in the tutorial it doesnt explain what is what for everything. as i am a beginner i want to learn the details of code.

You could try here: . is the book i see lots reccomend on IRC for android.

thanks the tutorials are great (they really need to improve video quality though)

You can also try this It has a lot of codes, tutorials, etc that will make you pro within few days of hard work ...

yes i know that one in google android site i already mentioned in my question. but there it doesnt explain to me line by line the code. thats my problem. it assumes I know some coding. well i know close to nothing.


[Q] Faceniff

Hi guys,
so i've recently downloaded installed and bought faceniff.
i really like the app, but i was wondering if there was a way to make it show the full password.
i've decompiled the apk, and i have looked at it for a while but i cant seem to make sense of it all. i have some experience in C++ and C, also PHP VB.NET etc but not in java.
has anyone looked into this ?
when the code is found it shouldn't be too much work, only thing i need help with is finding the code that puts the ***'s over the middle of the password.
many thanks,
ps. ofcourse i would release the apk (with buy option still enabled).
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
I would just like to bump this. Its a reasonable question
any news?
Necromancing the thread, since it's relevant to my interests

[Q] Suggestions for surviving nooberty

I am extremely new to the world of smartphones and shell commands and tar files, etc. I'm looking for recommendations of websites, online videos, anything like that to learn as much a possible about not only Android but also writing scripts and knowing what the difference is between ROM and RAM and why it's called a kernel, writing code, stuff like that. I made a pretty cool weather app with Tasker and Zoom that I get a generic xml weather report for that is suppose to come from a soap request but I can't figure out how to generate one. I downloaded nusoap to my phone but can't figure out how to install it using Android terminal emulator. Is there an alternative to T.E. I could use? It constantly telling me "permission denied" is very frustrating. Currently no computer so please make sure any advice is phone friendly. And any help with terminal emulator would be beyond great. But please keep it as simple as possible and pretend I'm 4 years old. I'm not kidding. Sorry this is sooooo long, it's my first post and this is about a quarter of what I wanted to ask. Thank you very much in advance.
The only help I can give you is don't be afraid to search google. Out of 7 billion people, atleast 1 other person would have had the same problem
For me was pretty simple: get to know your phone (use the subforuns to find yours) > get to know android on your phone > start experimenting.
And read, read, read!

[Q] somewhere between hello world and multi thread Java

m trying to get into Android Dev but I'm really struggling to find a decent set of guides that help. the internet is full of hello world howtos and all the Android books I've seen are too far the other way. is there a decent forum or set of how to that someone can recommend please?
I have gripped XML and the basics of eclipse, but have been pulling my hair out how something as easy as switching between activities when a user clicks a button is taking me loads of code and I still haven't really got it working...
any help welcomed thanks guys and girls.

[Q] I do not think I am to stupid [APP EDIT]

Hello folks,
I try since a few days to edit apks. I fail so hard that I started questionning myself. I got this smart phone just recently, but I managed within a day to root it and to put a new ROM onto it. So I can't be that stupid.
No I downloaded an app, which for some reasons contains the "Send SMS without notification" thingy. I would like to remove it, since there is no reason for the app to do it in terms of its functionality and it is somewhat from a dodgy source.
I went to all of the threads here and checked the programs like:
APK Tool
Easy APK Editor
etc. etc. pp. pp.
I follow the instruction closely BUT there is never an explanation of HOW to use this tool. It is always said how to prepare usage, but never how to actually do it.
I am not a programmer and English is not my mothers tongue. I just don't know what Decompile/Compile means, I don't know how to use this "Batch" files if not explained well.
And I am sure I am not the only one. I could not find ANY good explanation on that topic just people writing "Works fine" or "Does not work fine".
Any can help here and take a tool and write a real APP Edit manual? Or any other solution here?
Thanks guys,
this forum is great, keep up the good work!

[Q] MultiFloatingWindow such as computer

I am new on this forum, I am happy to see that there is a real life development and improvement on android systems
I just want to share with you some concepts of multiwindow which are really impressives ! I think that you saw it on youtube, but I am enjoying to have a such app on my new device !
Tieto concept: /watch?v=cwvxWIt30lU
The perfect Ixonos concept: /watch?v=1ltxfMCNlNc
I don't know nothing about codes but I just put this topic, to know how I can have the same app.
I saw Xmultiwindow on Xposed, but it is not floating windows and it seems that there are some bugs with non-common apps.
How can we imagine and code the perfect MultiFloatingWindow app ? Do you know an available app which is like these concepts ?
Thanks for reading
I am Hoping that I express well myself and you would forgive me for my english...
Best Regards
For Tieto solution you can find source code on github : /tieto/multiwindow_for_android [I haven't reached 10 posts yet and I cannot put outside links]

