[Q] MultiFloatingWindow such as computer - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am new on this forum, I am happy to see that there is a real life development and improvement on android systems
I just want to share with you some concepts of multiwindow which are really impressives ! I think that you saw it on youtube, but I am enjoying to have a such app on my new device !
Tieto concept: /watch?v=cwvxWIt30lU
The perfect Ixonos concept: /watch?v=1ltxfMCNlNc
I don't know nothing about codes but I just put this topic, to know how I can have the same app.
I saw Xmultiwindow on Xposed, but it is not floating windows and it seems that there are some bugs with non-common apps.
How can we imagine and code the perfect MultiFloatingWindow app ? Do you know an available app which is like these concepts ?
Thanks for reading
I am Hoping that I express well myself and you would forgive me for my english...
Best Regards

For Tieto solution you can find source code on github : /tieto/multiwindow_for_android [I haven't reached 10 posts yet and I cannot put outside links]


Developing new tabs

This may be a really stupid question, but is it possible to create a tab for practically anything? I know they have updated the Weather Tab in the Touch HD to pull more weather data, and there is also the stock tab where you can get stock info right from the tab. My question is if these tabs can be formatted to show anything from an internet source or feed. For example sports scores or news. I've seen this in Bell's UI for the TP, but is it possible to do if you can find the right source? I don't know how to program and wouldn't be able to do this, I was just throwing it out there as a question to see if its possible. Thanks!
does anyone have any ideas on this?
I'm wondering the same thing. Some tabs on TF3D like the People and Mail tab are pretty far from useful. It would be great if these could be edited or replaced.
It's entirely possible. I've stumbled onto docs and dev tools for writing your own tabbed whatever on this site. It wasn't of interest to me so I don't know where they are offhand but a little searching should bring them up eventually. Maybe check the wiki, also.
I'm really intersted in this so I can make some useful tabs. I'm so sick of the music tab!
I've been keeping an eye out but haven't seen anything useful in the way of docs or info yet. If anyone finds some info could they please post links here?
-- Maz
Yes, I am interested in developing new tabs, too. Seems to me that developing a visual voicemail tab that would work with the youmail.com service just makes a lot of sense to have on a phone.
I asked that question before, and got the following links in response.
Unfortunately, I've got a ton of VB6 experience that does no good here. I'm willing to write some good psuedo code, if there is anyone with LUA experience that can help me with the tab.
Whoa guys and girls you have no idea what you are asking. This is not something you do by editing a tab a little bit. Creating new tabs will requires you to be able to create mode9 files from scratch and have some real experience with lua coding. Only one who's done that on this forum is D-man (calender tab). I've been working with xbox on the rhodium manila editing mode9 and lua files I can do, but creating them from scratch is very hard and will consume a lot (like a whole lot) of time. For someone with experience it will be hard, and I'm ready to team up with someone who thinks he can but it's probably a project of weeks or maybe months. But hey I might be wrong here , 12

Android App Development for X10

Hi all,
re: App development.
I have some experience of JAVA and have a fair bit of experience with JS and PHP, so coding is not alien to me.
I have come across a few things where I have thought "an App would be great for that!" and would like to investigate App development. I have read through a couple of tutorials, but they all assume more Android experience than I have.
I'm not after specifics from board members here, but wondered if anyone knew of an 'Android Apps 101" or an Android App development alternative to the famous 'Hello World' intros there are for most languages.
Thanks for any leads people can give me.
I think the Android Developer's Guide is great http://developer.android.com/guide/index.html
Just started developing a small app myself a few days ago, and the biggest problem so far is Java itself. The android development itself is really easy. You can create UIs via drag & drop when using eclipse + android plugin and the rest is well documented in the guide I posted.
:/ how I managed to miss that I don't know...
thanks very much - exactly what I'm after
rpedroso said:
Can you make a Remote Play app???????
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Like Playstation 3 remote play? Probably not, it'd be ridiculously difficult.

good place to learn code

Hello this is my first post and hi everyone.
I hope my post fits in here and appropriate.
I am starting to learn android development. Where is a good place to start learning the code itself? I am not talking about installing eclipse, the concepts etc etc.. i passed those... i need a place to look at which explains me line by line, in detail about the code itself. i am a beginner to writing java too. I just know some php as far as programing thats all.
You could try here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/android/AndroidGuide.aspx and browse around here: http://developer.android.com/guide/index.html .
thanks for reply, i looked at google already. and the code project i saw that one too. but when i tried even the hello world tutorial at google android site yesterday, there was many things i did not know in that code. even in the tutorial it doesnt explain what is what for everything. as i am a beginner i want to learn the details of code.
You could try here: http://www.codinggreenrobots.com/episodes/ .
http://commonsware.com/Android/ is the book i see lots reccomend on IRC for android.
thanks the tutorials are great (they really need to improve video quality though)
You can also try this http://developer.android.com/resources/index.html It has a lot of codes, tutorials, etc that will make you pro within few days of hard work ...
yes i know that one in google android site i already mentioned in my question. but there it doesnt explain to me line by line the code. thats my problem. it assumes I know some coding. well i know close to nothing.

Beginner looking for android app project to join.

I am an aspiring android developer trying to teach myself the language. I would like to find a project, maybe open source, that I can get involved in as a real world experience with android programming.
I am wondering if there are people here that are either working on, or who could recommend, a project that I could join? I think that working on a modern app would be a great way for me to continue my learning. I have been working with books, but I worry that the information might not be completely up to date.
I am excited to get involved with real world app programming. I hope to be helpful to any project that I join Thanks to everyone in advance!
Hi MastrFett,
It is great to see how exiciting a person could be when learning. I do not have a project but I recommend you to do one for your own.
When doing something that you are going to release you do the best of yourself and you learn much more. Facing real problems is very exciting. There are lot of things that a book wouldn't explain you; you will discover them when you know that not only you is going to use your app.
Try something and upload it on Google Play. Don't get bored reading questions/answers on StackOverflow -it will be your best friend :laugh:-
Thanks. My only problem is I don't feel like I have many good ideas of my own right now. I think the few I have would require algorithms more advanced than my level of skill. I'll have to keep thinking.
I was just hoping to find something that would give me the chance to just jump in head first on a project right away. I do eventually want to do something on my own when I come up with the right idea.
You need a good idea if you want to become rich
If you want to learn, you don't need great ideas I know it could be frustrating at first... Imagine something you need or that will help you in your daily use of your smartphone.
For example, yesterday I made for me a widget in which I could see the next alarm time. With pressing on the widget, the Alarm Clock app is launched. That could sound 'easy' but it took me several hours. I did it because I wanted a nice widget to do so and a shortcut to the Alarm Clock app which I didn't have.
Good luck!
There is an app idea I had, but I found out there are a lot that already do what I want on google play. Should I still make the app for experience? I don't know if it is worth it if the app already exists.
MastrFett said:
There is an app idea I had, but I found out there are a lot that already do what I want on google play. Should I still make the app for experience? I don't know if it is worth it if the app already exists.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There are already three apps like mine (see my signature)
But I still made it and posted it. Result : 110,000 downloads and #11 in the Top New Paid category last week

Looking for coder to create a development duo

Hello! I am a fairly experienced graphic designer, I am 16 years old and have been designing for 6 years. I was wondering if anyone would like to help me develop apps, I am looking for a coder, That is willingly coding the graphical layouts and designs/ideas I put together, From that, I would really love to just make a new friend. So please, Hit me up if you're interested.
Here is some idea I've been having:
So, It's an omegle app, No big deal, But I used to design for a guy that developed this app, Now unfortunately I can not reach him anymore, And would like to recreate that app (I use Omegle a lot and a nice app for my android device is simply perfect.).
Here are my mockups so far.
( I can not post links since I'm a new user. PM me and I'll find a way to get it to you, However, I'll try to post it somehow. )
http ://ninja mock . co m/s/cktsvz
Just remove the spaces.
- Enitoni
Uh.. Hello? I was at least expecting a reply of some sort. :/

