[Q] ROM Compatibility with Sales App - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi I have a Mobile Sales app running on an HTC HD2.
We have been running this app successfully on Telstra Australia sourced 512MB ROM devices running Windows Mobile 6.5 WWE_3.14.405.2 ROM.
We have just sourced a number of 1024 MB TMOBUS devices running 3.14.531.1 WWE ROM.
My problem is that the app will not run from the program shortcut unless the File Explorer program is running in the background with the apps install directory open – then it runs fine.
The app creates some temp database files when it runs – so its seem to be issues with write permissions in the apps install directory that having the File Explorer program open seems to overcome
Can I set the windows equivalent of a shortcut ‘start in’ directory on a Windows Mob device ?
Is there a registry setting to allow full write access ?
I have run ‘UnlockSecurity.exe’ to allow unsigned apps but makes no difference
Any advice greatly appreciated


[Q] Android on HD2 Q's

After installing Android 2.2 on my HD2 i restarteed the device, and it booted back to Winmob. I found an application that was supposed to relaunch Android on start up, but it stuffs up and the only way to get Android again is to delete the Android folder in the root of my SDcard.
How can i get Android on startup?
Are there any updates or apps i should install on Android to fix any bugs or anything???
in the android folder there should be a program called haret
haret is used to launch Android
Maybe you can give the name of the launch app for android, some launch programa's need a reg change to make em work
Thanks, and i forgot to ask.
My contacts dont appear in the contact book on Android, is there a fix for that?
If your build requires it you should run clrcad first to enable sound. And check if you need to run from Android folder or root of men card.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

[Q] Moving a Java App

on my Xperia X1 with a custom 6.1 Rom i have a special java app installed. It is for buying tickets of my local metro line. Now i tried to update my rom to a custom 6.5. I can install the java update, but i cannot login because he said the password is to short. i tried out serveral ways because i can change the password freely on the metro line webpage. but it seems to be an error in the textbox of the java app or someting.
My question is how to identify every related files (cant find anything in \programs files\ etc.) so that i can simply copy every file to the storage card and vice versa after the rom update.
Has anyone of you an idea?
best regards

[Q] HTC Win 6.5 Won't read HTM files

Help needed please. We recieve HTM files via email from SAP. We are able to view these files on other devices (eg Iphone) but not on any of our HTC device. We have an error of "unknown file type". How can we set / amend the phone to open these files. This is a very important issue for us as we are just about to choose between HTC or A.N Other phone for a rollout of new devices.
Thanks in advance
With something like SKTools or Total Commander it's pretty simple. SKTools is a paid app and probably no longer available, But Total Commander is freeware for PocketPC/Windows Mobile, I believe. You can confirm that, and get it here
On another note, how are you going to roll out new HTC devices which run WM6.5. You do know that the 6.x family is no longer supported by anyone, including MS, right? Because M$ pulled the plug on C++ and made C# the only language supported on the Windows Phone platform, none of the 6.x apps will run on the new devices.

App: File-System Watcher/Monitor ????

Does anybody know a simple File-System-Watcher app for android ? I mean a app that show me where a file
on the intern or extern memory is created, deleted or changed - and the better one: shows also the Process or the
application which create/delete/change the file on the storage.
... its simple: a app that shows the file system activity? (example: under windows, there is the Process Monitor from www.sysinternals.com)
...ok, i find a app called "FileObserver", but i dont find some compiled apk or some other files to install
it on android? Is it possible to run this FileObserver in a terminal emulator on the android? How can
i run this app ???
No, you can't.
It's an abstract class which is a programing component intended to be implemented and included in an application ==> apk.
It seems there is no ready to use solution like the one found in linux (inotify).
You have two choices : build it by yourself or avoid apk without source files.

[Q] Windows Explorer/File Manager for WP 8.1

Hi. I'm new to this forum that I searched for an answer to my question which goes like this: Is there a REAL file manager (similar to Windows Explorer or Free Commander XE or Total Commander for PC) that shows ALL directories and files on my Windows Phone 8.1, including system files on drive C: (the SD card being called drive D: )? So far, I tried "Files", "Folders Free", "Metro Commander" and others - they all are not satisfying my requirements. Thanks for your inputs.
Which app is good? When I download a file ,then open store,but idk which app is good to open the file.
Sent from my HUAWEI C8815 using XDA Free mobile app
@veryfunny: Not really, for the same reason that there's no such app (at least, without jailbreaking) on iPhones: Microsoft has locked down access to the file system.
The closest app I know of is my own WebServer app. That one lets you request any file system path, and if it can read the path it will display the contents. If it can't display it, you'll get a message about error code 5 (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED).
Hi GoodDayToDie
Thanks for your explanations. Sounds like Microsoft is developping the same proprietary behaviour like Apple...
I downloaded your own webserver from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=43364277#post43364277 and copied it onto the download directory on the phone. However, as I'm pretty new to Windows Phone 8.1, I do not know how to install it. Would you please let a greenhorn know? Thanks so much!
Works on 8.1.1 after patch
spavlin said:
Works on 8.1.1 after patch
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Do you have these apps?

