cant make or receive calls /texts - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

Hey guys ...I've been running mean for a while now...I've recently updated to his latest and now my phone will only make calls or texts while I'm roaming.. have not flashed any radios in a while.. I'm s on but .1 12.. I nanded back to old backups but am having the same issue ..any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I'm on the road for work ATM.. BTW data works fine ..I called sprint but they couldnt do any thing ..thanks

I would try to update PRL first, then radio, if it's never been updated. I know you're on the road so it might not be a good thing to do in case you get in a tight spot. My other thought is to try a different ROM. Interesting that you don't have the issue while roaming. Almost have to think it could even be network-related, even though you said data was working.

Yea I flashed back to an old nand but it didn't change anything ..I have not flashed radios since the last HTC update a while back starting happening after I flashed mean 6.1.1 but it didn't all happen at once gradually gotten worse ..I do not use Google voice either there a latest radio zip I can flash ? And I'm guessing it works while roaming BC its not sprints network ..I don't wanna get a replacement and loose my 1.12 hboot

firmbiz94 said:
Yea I flashed back to an old nand but it didn't change anything ..I have not flashed radios since the last HTC update a while back starting happening after I flashed mean 6.1.1 but it didn't all happen at once gradually gotten worse ..I do not use Google voice either there a latest radio zip I can flash ? And I'm guessing it works while roaming BC its not sprints network ..I don't wanna get a replacement and loose my 1.12 hboot
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If you're on software version 2.13, go with the radio in my sig (it's the radio that matches that particular software version). I grabbed it from one of Captain Throwback's threads over at the MikMik forums.

That's the radio I'm already using ..I'm stumped..dunno if it could have anything to doing with upgrading twrp or what ..I'm stumped...can't be hardware related

firmbiz94 said:
That's the radio I'm already using ..I'm stumped..dunno if it could have anything to doing with upgrading twrp or what ..I'm stumped...can't be hardware related
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Have you called Sprint, sounds like your service needs to be refreshed.

Yea I called sprint but all he did is put in a ticket for a store..I told him it can't be hardware related ...I think I got a new guy ..


[Q] New Radio - No Service

EDIT: remove thread, VZW network issues, radio is fine
I just had this happen to me this morning. I flashed the radio the day it came out and never had issues until now. Now my 3G is just stuck in a constant upload and I'm unable to download any data at all. I have my mobile data turned off for now until I figure out wtf it is..
I was streaming Pandora at the time it cut out. Hopefully it's just a glitch or a bad app or something..
Nvm, just a glitch. My data is working fine now.
This has been happening since last night, thats when I flashed the new radio. I even flashed the stock RUU that jcase posted with hboot and recovery taken out, still same problem, no data at all. I think i''m just going to flash back to stock and see if I still have the problem, if so, its back to VZW for this TB.
All of these issues make me think mistakenly not flashing the new radio wasn't such a bad idea...
I'm currently running BAMF v.1.5 and I forgot/goofed up updating the radio. Everything seems to be working OK although I'm not in an LTE area right now and I only did it last night. If the radio leaks are anything like the old Droid 1 leaks, when the actual OTA is launched it often has a completely different radio than the leaks. I'll be waiting to upgrade the radio until I hear that these types of problems are rare.
lexxon87 said:
All of these issues make me think mistakenly not flashing the new radio wasn't such a bad idea...
I'm currently running BAMF v.1.5 and I forgot/goofed up updating the radio. Everything seems to be working OK although I'm not in an LTE area right now and I only did it last night. If the radio leaks are anything like the old Droid 1 leaks, when the actual OTA is launched it often has a completely different radio than the leaks. I'll be waiting to upgrade the radio until I hear that these types of problems are rare.
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Wasn't the new radio included? Or was it just built off of the new RUU?

[Q] So heres what my current issue is

Ok, so for some reason today i havent received alot of texts or calls from anyone, and this kinda just randomally started happening, im a huge texter sometimes upwards of 2-300 a day so this came as a shock to me since im running bamf and have had no problems/issues ever with this..
now i was told that bamf has their own kernal so i never installed a new one on the phone..
and i did use a newer radio, but could the kernal or radio have anything to do with what happened today, is their a better kernal or radio that i could flash onto my phone and this problem will never happen again?
Thanks in advance!
Willis_G said:
Ok, so for some reason today i havent received alot of texts or calls from anyone, and this kinda just randomally started happening, im a huge texter sometimes upwards of 2-300 a day so this came as a shock to me since im running bamf and have had no problems/issues ever with this..
now i was told that bamf has their own kernal so i never installed a new one on the phone..
and i did use a newer radio, but could the kernal or radio have anything to do with what happened today, is their a better kernal or radio that i could flash onto my phone and this problem will never happen again?
Thanks in advance!
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Was your line suspended due to non payment? Lol
Sent from my Synergized Thunderbolt via XDA Premium App
lol the bill is paid.. maybe the network was screwed up where im at yesterday or something, maybe today will be better.
if you can make calls and text yourself, then I don't think its the radio
Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using XDA App
I did some work on my brother-in-law's Thunderbolt. When we used the 802 radio set (CDMA+LTE), he couldn't send sms/mms, we didn't test receiving, but once we backed down to the 627 radio set everything was fine.
bigdwg71 said:
I did some work on my brother-in-law's Thunderbolt. When we used the 802 radio set (CDMA+LTE), he couldn't send sms/mms, we didn't test receiving, but once we backed down to the 627 radio set everything was fine.
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Can you elaborate please? is that just different versions? or is one more more compatible then another?
So far it seems to be ok texting again, however (and i know this sounds stupid) but one of my friends i cant text.. literally i can recieve everything he says but if i try to send anything to his phone it wont recieve, he is a tmobile carrier and i have never had issues.. even put the phones side by side and he still gets nothing.

[Q] Change radios

I'm pretty new to HTC phones, is there a way to change just the radio file?
On my Galaxy S it was extremely easy to flash a lot of different radio files to the phone and do some data testing with them to see which one works the best in different areas.
I've been getting really crappy data speeds since we got the OTA update a week or so ago. I like most of the stuff in the OTA, I just want to flash back to the prior radio.
Is this something that's possible?
derek4484 said:
I'm pretty new to HTC phones, is there a way to change just the radio file?
On my Galaxy S it was extremely easy to flash a lot of different radio files to the phone and do some data testing with them to see which one works the best in different areas.
I've been getting really crappy data speeds since we got the OTA update a week or so ago. I like most of the stuff in the OTA, I just want to flash back to the prior radio.
Is this something that's possible?
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With S-On we can't flash radios, except the OTA , but I think Con pulled the radio files and made them flashable in his Stock rom OTA thread for people that were having main ver issues and couldn't flash the OTA.
So, I think if you changed your main ver back using the main ver fix you could flash the original RUU prior to the OTA , then flash the Con rom with the updated radios pulled out . So then you would have original radios with the rest of the OTA updates. Sorry if this is confusing, trying to explain the best I can.
mjh68 said:
With S-On we can't flash radios, except the OTA , but I think Con pulled the radio files and made them flashable in his Stock rom OTA thread for people that were having main ver issues and couldn't flash the OTA.
So, I think if you changed your main ver back using the main ver fix you could flash the original RUU prior to the OTA , then flash the Con rom with the updated radios pulled out . So then you would have original radios with the rest of the OTA updates. Sorry if this is confusing, trying to explain the best I can.
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No, I'm pretty sure I understand what you're saying. Edit my mainver back to 1.0.0 then RUU back to how it was stock/new. Then flash Con's ROM that includes the OTA updates and bug fixes, but his ROM sticks with the older radio file.
I think I'll try that.
I wonder if others are noticing a serious drop off in data speeds as a result of this new radio. I mean even my wifi is a lot slower. My home internet connection is 15Mbps down, and before I could get 14-15M over wifi, now I cant get over 5M, meanwhile my mac and my laptop both still get 15M so I know its not a cable modem or wifi router issue, its an issue only with this phone.
derek4484 said:
No, I'm pretty sure I understand what you're saying. Edit my mainver back to 1.0.0 then RUU back to how it was stock/new. Then flash Con's ROM that includes the OTA updates and bug fixes, but his ROM sticks with the older radio file.
I think I'll try that.
I wonder if others are noticing a serious drop off in data speeds as a result of this new radio. I mean even my wifi is a lot slower. My home internet connection is 15Mbps down, and before I could get 14-15M over wifi, now I cant get over 5M, meanwhile my mac and my laptop both still get 15M so I know its not a cable modem or wifi router issue, its an issue only with this phone.
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Well, I think Con does have 2 versions or I know there are 2 versions out there. One with updated radios and one without . I have the new radios and get about 11mbps down and I have the 15mbps service as well.
mjh68 said:
Well, I think Con does have 2 versions or I know there are 2 versions out there. One with updated radios and one without . I have the new radios and get about 11mbps down and I have the 15mbps service as well.
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Before the update on 4G I could get 28M down, 14M up on a consistent basis. All different times of the day and different locations around town. Now since the update, its considerably slower. Like 6-12M down and 1-2M up. Night and day difference. What I dont know is, if Verizon is doing this on purpose or if it's just a flaw in the new radio.
Also, like I said above, my wifi performance has been basically cut into third of what it was. Which is ridiculous.
derek4484 said:
Before the update on 4G I could get 28M down, 14M up on a consistent basis. All different times of the day and different locations around town. Now since the update, its considerably slower. Like 6-12M down and 1-2M up. Night and day difference. What I dont know is, if Verizon is doing this on purpose or if it's just a flaw in the new radio.
Also, like I said above, my wifi performance has been basically cut into third of what it was. Which is ridiculous.
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It is ridiculous, I don't have 4g in my area yet, but from the numbers I can't wait dang !

anyone else getting that busy sound when they call out???

so all day my evo lte has been all f ed up!! when i try and make a call out i get a loud busy sound but i can still here the number im calling ringing?? so i call sprint 3 diff times they all had my do prl update profile update.. hands free activation.. u name it they had me try it and it still messed up... so they put all that in my file and said i need to go to my sprint store that my phone was no good.. well i get there and they say that its been happeing to a few people and they dont kno what making it happen or how to make it stop.. im not getting calls either?? sux!!!!!!!!! anyoner else having this problem???
Mean Rom?
I had this issue for a whole day and sprint couldn't do anything.
This was after running the latest mean Rom. I updated to twrp 2.2.2 and reinstalled and no further issues.
Sent from my EVO
clavin78 said:
Mean Rom?
I had this issue for a whole day and sprint couldn't do anything.
This was after running the latest mean Rom. I updated to twrp 2.2.2 and reinstalled and no further issues.
Sent from my EVO
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yep i was on mean rom also.. it stoped doing it so far
What recovery? When I was on the older twrp I don't think the kernel installed correctly. I pushed the boot.IMG but saw some other folders in the kernel folder in the zip.
Sent from my EVO

HELP! Woke up to VERY shotty service (unintelligible voice calls, dropping suddenly)

Hey XDA,
I woke up today and noticed that all my calls (in/outgoing) are so shotty (choppy, studdering, that's the best way I can describe it) that it makes calls just impossible... Oh, and my signal is normal (between -89 dBm and -92 dBm... my normal signal at home)
Now, I have researched online to see if Sprint outages were going on in my area; they are not. Nothing has changed in my phone (software or hardware-wise) - I have not messed with anything at all. I literally woke up to this.
Also, I have not dropped, bumped, banged into anything, sprayed with a garden hose, or anything that would make me think "Ok, this could've been my fault..."
It _feels_ like it is my radio... but what could cause all these sudden issues with my calls? My radio was updated last year to the latest at the time ( and I have had FLAWLESS service. Never any issues, seriously.
Oh, I should note: If I call my voicemail over and over, about 1 out of 10 calls I will be able to hear the automated voice clearly; then if I hang up and immediately call it again, it becomes unintelligible.
So, wtf... Has anyone ever experienced this and knows how to remedy it? It isn't turning LTE off, tried that and does not change anything. Please help me, I need some ideas to look into... - zmag
It's possible Sprint is doing work in your area. Having said that, you're a couple of firmware versions behind. You didn't mention if you tried to update your profile and PRL. If all else fails, try ##72786# from the dialer and choose reset from the menu. If you continue to have issues after following the steps above, call Sprint and see what they can do for you.
Sent from my HTC device
Well, due to some odd quirk on my rom I'm using, I am unable to update my profile and PRL...
I am using my original shipped stock rom (rooted) 1.13.651.1 with the Beastmode kernel.
When I press on any of the 4 selections in the update menu, nothing opens (no app runs)
I was running MeanBean until I messed with the build.prop permissions and it caused a bootloop - I was unable to remedy it via TWRP, so I (unfortunately) had to restore a backup (I didn't have one of MeanBean)
Does anyone remember if I can update my profile and PRL via MeanBean? I can't remember if it works on that rom, or if I need to run a stock rom.
Also, should I try updating to the latest radio (PIMG175 or w/e it's called) via HBoot? (I have HBoot 1.12.0000 Lazy Panda) If so, can someone kindly post a link to the latest .zip (CaptainThrowback is whose .zip I used for my last radio update)
And what exactly will happen if I do the ##72786# reset? (Is this a radio reset, or a full blown reset similar to factory data?)
Thanks in advance - zmag
zmag said:
Well, due to some odd quirk on my rom I'm using, I am unable to update my profile and PRL...
I am using my original shipped stock rom (rooted) 1.13.651.1 with the Beastmode kernel.
When I press on any of the 4 selections in the update menu, nothing opens (no app runs)
I was running MeanBean until I messed with the build.prop permissions and it caused a bootloop - I was unable to remedy it via TWRP, so I (unfortunately) had to restore a backup (I didn't have one of MeanBean)
Does anyone remember if I can update my profile and PRL via MeanBean? I can't remember if it works on that rom, or if I need to run a stock rom.
Also, should I try updating to the latest radio (PIMG175 or w/e it's called) via HBoot? (I have HBoot 1.12.0000 Lazy Panda) If so, can someone kindly post a link to the latest .zip (CaptainThrowback is whose .zip I used for my last radio update)
And what exactly will happen if I do the ##72786# reset? (Is this a radio reset, or a full blown reset similar to factory data?)
Thanks in advance - zmag
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Just curious, have you checked out the newer stock ROMs? That's the OG stock version if I'm not mistaken...with the latest tools you can even S-off and root HTC's 4.3 releases.
Yes, you can update your profile and PRL with Mean Bean. As far as updating your firmware, click the top link in my sig. There is a section on firmware updates and also a link to Captain Throwback's firmware thread.
Sent from my HTC device
Thank you kindly FinZ28 & shadowguy1
I now believe it was something on Sprint's end, because after some more testing, I noticed as soon as I drove away from my house I would get normal, clear service - but when I got towards my house it would go back to crap again...
Now I get normal service again (knock on wood) at home. Still don't know why my mom's Galaxy S2 worked fine the whole time, but w/e - I just hope this isn't a common occurance.
I plan on switching to Ting in July when my Sprint contract runs out. (Sprint towers used, but a pay as you go plan) Only thing is they charge full price for phones via Ting, but you can switch most Sprint phones to Ting. I'm paying way too much for unlimited talk text and data, I don't need it. Ting seems more reasonable. For 3 lines (mine and my parents) we did the math it should be about 50 bucks a month, so ya...
I will check out the newer stock roms, or go back to MeanBean. Thank you guys for your help, if this happens again or keeps occuring I'll at least know what to do! - zmag

