Some MIUI questions and bugs - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm a long time MIUI user on my old VIVO, but now installed it for the first time on my S3. I'm having a couple of issues though. The most important one for me is that the dutch dictionary doesn't work. Where can I download an external one? Preferably one I can flash or install... Another thing, and I'm wondering if any one else is experiencing this because this is just a major bug, is that search in the browser doesn't work. Whenever I type a query in either one of the top bars (the adress bar or the search bar) it just goes to the google startpage, without searching for my query. So I have to type it all over again every time... Is there a fix? Or am I alone in this? Also, is there a way to remove the search bar? It's obsolete in stock android; you can just type a query in the address bar...
Many thanks in advance,

Installing the UK version from fixed the browser issue, but removed the option to install dictionaries for the keyboard, but it seems to come with Dutch installed. I have English and Dutch as input languages enabled, but only English typing has spelling correction. When I try Dutch, it only shows my contacts as suggestions..??

No one having similar issues?

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Farsi (Persian) Font

Please Help me
I have HTC Wildefire , want to use farsi keyboard and font
HoaXB0Y said:
Please Help me
I have HTC Wildefire , want to use farsi keyboard and font
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
download "slideit keyboard" from market. and then download persian language for slideit keyboard. may b persian is available for other keyboards also but i have personally seen it for slideit keyboard only.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
Connecting letters depends on your rom. At very first check out that your browser shows Persian sites like gooya correctly or not, then try MultiLing or SlideIt Keyboard. Its available in market and you don't need any font to install.
By the way you need to flash your phone with cyanogenmod rom to read Persian letters connected together (at least I experienced it by myself).
For non-cm7 ROMs, the letters may not appear connected.
1. Use Opera Mini browser for browsing persian / RTL sites: it render the text with connected letters but still there are some block characters due to non-supported unicode type character. but text is readable
2. Use "Mirsal" (you can find it in Android Market: and use this app for messaging, it works perfectly and support RTLs with arabic/persian/urdu language keyboards
Hey guys,
This dude here introduced a font:
I already rooted my SGS II i9100G.
The problem is I have no idea about steps he said to install that font.
Currently im using Juffo Rom which support persian language but has some issue:
it shows "گ" instead of "ک" and the letter "ژ" has not been defined.
any help? is a full featured font for Persian (that as far as I know designed for android by farsitel group). I suggest you to use it
i am gonna help you out this time only coz you are kermooni
i assume you want farsi on a sense rom, 2.3 cyano already has support
the whole font thingy fits into two categories:
1. web based font processing (web browser and gmail and such)
if rooted: just search "brightidea" in market, install and run the patcher and you are good to go. i made a request to the author and he made the patcher compatible with any wildfire sense 2.2. credits to him
if not rooted: as mentiond your best bet is to use a browser like opera, unfortunately gmail wont work and i dont know any workarounds for it.
2. frame work (system menus, contacts, sms and such)
if rooted: search for DK CUSTOM rom in development section, there is an optional patch that takes care of the problem.
if not rooted: i am afraid there isnt much to do to remedy this, at least there is no way to take care of the problem completely.
you can use multilang keyboard to type in farsi regardless of all this, the above solutions are to properly read farsi.
side note: the reason you can easily type well connected words with multilang is that it takes care of the processing and connecting them before saving them, thus there is no need for the operation system to reprocess them again, it just reads them and shows them as they are. but if you try to read words that have not been processed by a program like multilang, like the text on websites then since these ones are not processed to be shown connected the OS just reads them as they are thus you see separated letters. the above solutions help OS to be able to process and connect the letters on its own.
let me know if you need help

[Q] Spell-check with different input/system language problem

I have a problem with the spelling correction build within ICS. I’ll try and explain as good as possible.
Device: Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Android: Stock, unrooted, 4.0.1
Build: ITL41
My system setting is set to English while my keyboard/input language is set to Dutch. I prefer it this way since it’s much easier to look up problems and answers with English as a system language then Dutch (should a problem arise, the chances someone has asked it somewhere online in English are ‘a bit’ larger). However most of my texts are to Dutch friends, so the input language is Dutch. So far, so good.
If I mistype a word, the auto-correct does correct the word to a Dutch word. If I type words correctly, the auto-correct does nothing (and rightfully so). However, here’s my problem. The correct word remains correct, however ICS feels the need to underline it in red, showing it’s wrong. Touching the ‘wrong’ word gives suggestions for correct words, all of them in English.
Is there anyone who knows how to have the system language and the input language be two different languages, yet not have the spellcheck use the system-language?
I hope I’ve explained it clearly, such things are always more clear in your own head then when you type them out!
(If this has previously been discussed, my apologies, I couldn't find it)
Anyone? Having the same issue here. Thanks!
@ppdebie do you have the solution already?

[Q] Google Voice Search vs. System language.

I have faced one problem with Google Voice Search. I need it to recognise polish language (and that's not problem - works perfectly), buy I have also noticed, that Voice Search recognises that language, which is set as system language.
That's very annoying, beacause a lot of great ROM's here do not have polish support, which means that I will not be able to use Voice Search (talking in English isn't any problem for me, but using it for looking for polish websites etc. is almost impossible).
So, my main question: is there any option to set the language recognised by Google Voice Search manually ? Or it always recognises the language, which is set as system language ?
Thank you for your help and replies

[Q] Can some Dev translate MIUI ROM 2.3.7 Chinese ROM

I found this MIUI ROM for the Aria while looking for a GB MIUI build. I installed it and it's surprisingly smooth (despite of my Aria has a cracked screen). It's in Chinese so I went to language and keyboard settings using my Evo 4g with MIUI as a guide. I set the language to English. The translation isn't perfect. I'm sure somebody can translate this to English because I have a Dell Streak 5 with MIUI translated from Korean.
Some things are missing on install like Keyboard, ringtones and Gapps.
Compass is Oval instead of circle, but it's working
Here are some few things that I tested working:
USB Storage
Camera (shots are not perfect or its just me?)
Bluetooth (I don't have a BT device to connect with, But it's scanning)
Did not test: Mainly because I dont have an AT&T SIM
Phone Call
Internet sharing
Kinks that needs fixing:
Battery status is missing on the status bar
Some of the settings Menu Force closed
Some of the settings menu are redundant (goes to spareparts settings)
Some Games FC'd also
I think this ROM has a lot of potential if handled by an experienced Dev
I like GB MIUI rather than ICS because it runs smoother at the moment. Plus most themes out here are made for GB. I will try to contact the Dev that translated the Korean MIUI DS5 ROM to English and ask for Help and/or Guidance.
Screenshots below
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I don't know whether this is right but, did you try manually installing google apps to change the language at startup?
aster190 said:
I don't know whether this is right but, did you try manually installing google apps to change the language at startup?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I did not try that but i did try to flash language packages from different ROMs but no luck.

[Q] General Voice Search Punctuation Issues with Non-English Languages ?

It seems there is a general voice search / voice recognition issue with non-english languages. The problem is basically that punctuation is written in plain and not recognized. It seems to affect a number of devices (if not all?) running ICS / JB.
So period will write "period" and not "." .
Same for comma that will end in writing "comma" and not ",".
(this of course in earch different Language)
This basically makes the voice recognition totally unusable and useless for anything but English.
So far, this issue has been reported with the following languages:
I'm not allowed to post links yet but if you go to Android official project page, in the Issues and search for punctuation, you'll basically see all those.
Are there other people experiencing this issue ?
Is there anyone aware of any workaround/solution ?
Was it actually working for someone before ?
Half a year and it's still not working.
I wonder if it's working for anyone.. another OS version, another device maybe... while I doubt it.
Come on google, stop jackin' it in san diego and fix that damn bug already =)
If someone has an alternative, since I don't expect them to fix it before 2015, that would be nice.

