[Q] General Voice Search Punctuation Issues with Non-English Languages ? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

It seems there is a general voice search / voice recognition issue with non-english languages. The problem is basically that punctuation is written in plain and not recognized. It seems to affect a number of devices (if not all?) running ICS / JB.
So period will write "period" and not "." .
Same for comma that will end in writing "comma" and not ",".
(this of course in earch different Language)
This basically makes the voice recognition totally unusable and useless for anything but English.
So far, this issue has been reported with the following languages:
I'm not allowed to post links yet but if you go to Android official project page, in the Issues and search for punctuation, you'll basically see all those.
Are there other people experiencing this issue ?
Is there anyone aware of any workaround/solution ?
Was it actually working for someone before ?

Half a year and it's still not working.
I wonder if it's working for anyone.. another OS version, another device maybe... while I doubt it.
Come on google, stop jackin' it in san diego and fix that damn bug already =)
If someone has an alternative, since I don't expect them to fix it before 2015, that would be nice.


Japanese texts sent from SGSII and "readable" on other devices (iphone4 for example)

Japanese texts sent from SGSII and "readable" on other devices (iphone4 for example)
Hi all,
So here is my problem. I'm running on Cognition 1.5 and since I do not have japanese nor french on this ROM I decided to download smart keyboard.
However most of my japanese friends use devices such as iphones (yeah nobody is perfect ) and when I try to send them texts, they see "question marks" whereas I can read perfectly the texts they send me in japanese.
Since Iphone has japanese in native language and after having tested different applications other than smart keyboard, it is highly likely that the "problem" is coming from my system.
So I had a look at the thread listing official firmwares.
And it seems that, as it is said in the thread, CSC DOES have nothing to do with the keyboards available (tried out of despair to flash the ones including DCM )
It indeed added japanese in the language settings, but did not add the japanese keyboard.
However I was wondering if texts typed via a third-party app like "smart keyboard" would be readable on other devices as long as "Japanese" is available in "language settings" and, if necessary, if I select it.
PS : I am sorry to create another thread about this issue, but all threads about this issue are obviously dead/unanswered and my problem is slightly different than the ones adressed in those threads.

[Q] input language

From what I understood back before ICS there was no way to add another input language dictionary to an already compiled version of android on a phone. So most keyboards with multilingual support have separate language packs which can be downloaded optionally. However, this means you had to choose to use a keyboard other than the built in Android keyboard.
Now that ICS is out I flashed it on my Nexus S and noticed there are add-on dictionaries in the Language & input setting in Android Keyboard under "Keyboard & Input Methods" (click the 3 sliders to your right) and then towards the bottom under "Text correction" clicking on add-on dictionaries brings up a page with all available. Some are installed and some can be installed. Unfortunately none with the language I want.
So My question is, how do I add another add-on dictionary and has this issue been fixed in the new Android ICS 4.0?
Here is some additional info I found over the months of FroYo and GB input language dictionary issue:
Here is the exact keyboard but with some additional language packs which, unlike Google's, can be added later:
Anyone? Bump...
Anyone? Bueller?
This is very interesting for me too. I don't see Norwegian in the list, but I'm hoping once the Galaxy Nexus is released in Norway, the add-on dictionary will pop up in that list
I have a UK Galaxy Nexus, but this would also be interesting for everyone on custom roms who would like to use the standard keyboard and who are not writing in english.
+1 for this message.
Portuguese appears on the list, but there's no dictionary available for download.
+1 for this. I have the same problem on my Galaxy Nexus. There is a refresh button on the dictionary list so maybe Google will eventually add it but nothing so far.
Wait. So Android 4.0, the newest bestest Android version ever...
Is just for English users. Seriously?
I just thought/assumed it was a shortcoming in the current experimental builds I was running. This makes me seriously reconsider putting money into the Galaxy Nexus.
josteink said:
Wait. So Android 4.0, the newest bestest Android version ever...
Is just for English users. Seriously?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Currently the system KEYBOARD have: english, Cestina, Nederlands, Francais, Deutsch, Italiano, Russian and Espanol.
and we're awaiting more to come as it checks online for more dictionaries downloads.
But is it going to be possible to set the phone language to English, but set the language for spelling correction to Dutch? I know you can set the keyboard language to Dutch and install the Dutch dictionary but that only show correction suggestions in the bar above the keys and not if you touch the word. So now every Dutch word I type gets underlined even though I've set the keyboard language to Dutch. It doesn't do that if I set the system language to Dutch.
obsanity said:
So My question is, how do I add another add-on dictionary and has this issue been fixed in the new Android ICS 4.0?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
+1 I'd really like to know how to do it too
4.0.3 is supposed to be the "baseline" release of ICS, according to JBQ from Google.
The source is now available and so is some unofficial builds.
Has anyone checked them out to see if they include anything new in this regard?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Running aosp 41 which is great but nothing more other than what was already mentioned in add-on dictionaries. I assume it could be included in the ROM when compiling bu tthe developer has not answered my question on this yet. You could probably just compile the keyboard apk and replace the default. I know this was possible on GB because CyanogenMod 7 initially had about 100 dictionaries for the HeroC but sometime down the road it was cut out from the build to save space.
Is there any new news of how to add dictionary to Android ICS??
Anyone solved this?
I've been trying to solve this weird problem since I started using android.. Not that i really miss the feature, but just because I can't stand it not being solved.
I use a USA (Verizon) droid 3 in the Netherlands. I used morelocale2 to set it to country: the Netherlands and language: English because by default I can only choose English and Spanish. With morelocale it works fine.
When I press the mic key in my homescreen, it uses dutch voice recognition (which works flawlessly btw). But when I want to use this voice recognition in any other app, it says "voice dictation does not support current language". When I change the input language under multi-touch keyboard settings to English, it will English voice.
I don't understand why it says it doesn't support it!! It DOES, as I can use it in the homescreen without any problems!
This has not been fixed in Jelly Bean either.
Text correction is just available in a few, select languages. Availability of languages doesn't seem very improved since ICS, but the list has gotten a little longer.
It seems absurd though, that we should not be able to add our own dictionaries.
josteink said:
This has not been fixed in Jelly Bean either.
Text correction is just available in a few, select languages. Availability of languages doesn't seem very improved since ICS, but the list has gotten a little longer.
It seems absurd though, that we should not be able to add our own dictionaries.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
But other phones in my country that are "native" European phones can use voice dictation in all apps.
For me it doesn't work, even though it works in my home screen. There must be something I can change..
Can't load English UK dictionary
I have an excellent 5.7" MT6589 device known as STAR or BLUEBO B6000. I can set the system language to English UK and select the additional English UK dictionary and it says it's downloading but it never seems to load and the keyboard spell checker thinks that every word is wrong. This seems to be an issue with a few of the available ROMs, mostly based on 4.1.1. Any suggestions.

[Q] Spell-check with different input/system language problem

I have a problem with the spelling correction build within ICS. I’ll try and explain as good as possible.
Device: Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Android: Stock, unrooted, 4.0.1
Build: ITL41
My system setting is set to English while my keyboard/input language is set to Dutch. I prefer it this way since it’s much easier to look up problems and answers with English as a system language then Dutch (should a problem arise, the chances someone has asked it somewhere online in English are ‘a bit’ larger). However most of my texts are to Dutch friends, so the input language is Dutch. So far, so good.
If I mistype a word, the auto-correct does correct the word to a Dutch word. If I type words correctly, the auto-correct does nothing (and rightfully so). However, here’s my problem. The correct word remains correct, however ICS feels the need to underline it in red, showing it’s wrong. Touching the ‘wrong’ word gives suggestions for correct words, all of them in English.
Is there anyone who knows how to have the system language and the input language be two different languages, yet not have the spellcheck use the system-language?
I hope I’ve explained it clearly, such things are always more clear in your own head then when you type them out!
(If this has previously been discussed, my apologies, I couldn't find it)
Anyone? Having the same issue here. Thanks!
@ppdebie do you have the solution already?

[Q] Google Voice Search vs. System language.

I have faced one problem with Google Voice Search. I need it to recognise polish language (and that's not problem - works perfectly), buy I have also noticed, that Voice Search recognises that language, which is set as system language.
That's very annoying, beacause a lot of great ROM's here do not have polish support, which means that I will not be able to use Voice Search (talking in English isn't any problem for me, but using it for looking for polish websites etc. is almost impossible).
So, my main question: is there any option to set the language recognised by Google Voice Search manually ? Or it always recognises the language, which is set as system language ?
Thank you for your help and replies

Some MIUI questions and bugs

I'm a long time MIUI user on my old VIVO, but now installed it for the first time on my S3. I'm having a couple of issues though. The most important one for me is that the dutch dictionary doesn't work. Where can I download an external one? Preferably one I can flash or install... Another thing, and I'm wondering if any one else is experiencing this because this is just a major bug, is that search in the browser doesn't work. Whenever I type a query in either one of the top bars (the adress bar or the search bar) it just goes to the google startpage, without searching for my query. So I have to type it all over again every time... Is there a fix? Or am I alone in this? Also, is there a way to remove the search bar? It's obsolete in stock android; you can just type a query in the address bar...
Many thanks in advance,
Installing the UK version from miuiandroid.com fixed the browser issue, but removed the option to install dictionaries for the keyboard, but it seems to come with Dutch installed. I have English and Dutch as input languages enabled, but only English typing has spelling correction. When I try Dutch, it only shows my contacts as suggestions..??
No one having similar issues?
Try MIU forum .

