Atrix 4G ATT unlocked does not recognise and network in india - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I got a ATT unlocked Atrix 4G for my parents in India. In US I used it with both ATT and t-mobile and everything was fine.
In India, my Parents have BSNL SIM and Atrix does not connect to the GSM network. Also tried using Vodafone SIM and the same issue.
Can connect to Wifi and add BLUR account.
Can some one throw some ideas on fixing this.
All your time is most appreciated.

Check what baseband you are using ? I have AT&T Atrix and it worked fine when I went to India. Even 3G worked fine.
If it is in the USA baseband flash radio again (only if u r unlocked).
If u r not unlocked flash the correct sbf (be very very careful) and ask people before flashing.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2

Check baseband version from aboutphone. Which firmware are you using?
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app

Radio is most probably stuck to US only
Well something very similar happened to me when i first brought it here to india, it got stuck to us only frequency or something check by dialing *#*#INFO*#*#.
Now if you do not intent to unlock your bootloader and use a custom rom simply plug it in to Motorola software updater and re-install the latest update from there. It fixed the issue for me and effect is similar to installing a SBF but within more secure environment.

I have a ATT Atrix bought in US working for the last 1.5 years in India. Dial the chars between quotes "*#*#4636#*#*". Then under "phone information" check if it is in USA band. If in USA band, only way out is to flash the radio if your phone is having unlocked boot loader and is rooted else you need to flash using SBF. Be very careful while doing this. Do a thorough reading in this forum about flashing radios to avoid bricking your device.
Edit: Noticed that kapilchawla has already replied.
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Did you unlock your imei properly?
Sent from my A500 using xda app-developers app


Atrix drops operator connection

Hi there, my atrix drops the connection to my operator a few times a day
Switching from 3g to 2g isn't a problem, but as said sometimes it drops completely saying "network with limited service found " and "your sim doesn't allow a connection to this network"
Does anyone knows help?
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
shadowjack1 said:
Hi there, my atrix drops the connection to my operator a few times a day
Switching from 3g to 2g isn't a problem, but as said sometimes it drops completely saying "network with limited service found " and "your sim doesn't allow a connection to this network"
Does anyone knows help?
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You're not close to the border or something? It sounds like you don't have your network choice on automatic so when you go out of your provider's coverage area your phone doesn't connect. Try putting the "Operator selection" on automatic
Sent from my Motorola Olympus using XDA Premium App.
i have Network selection on automatic!
and it works fine until I get completely kicked out. really works with switch between 2g and 3g + data...
I get an cross at the network signal strenght and an error when I retry to login...
I have completely no idea what's wrong, my operator says they don't support until they sell the Moto official with contract...
I flashed back to from 83 to 52 but still the same.
unlocked by vendor At&T atrix with root and activated sideload with an Europe sim
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
I don't understand how you flashed there but you should flash the 1.2.6 SBF and then do the OTA updates.
Sent from my Motorola Olympus using XDA Premium App.
I flashed the signed sbf with rsd lite.
1.8.3 ota from which I flashed still got the same problem
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
No clue then. I'm using it in Germany, also sim-unlocked, without any problems..
Sent from my Motorola Olympus using XDA Premium App.
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Gsm sim unlock?????

I've read many threads but I'm a bit confused. On Droid 2 Global, We should get SIM UNLOCK CODE to make phone work overseas on GSM. But some phones with certain IMEIs couldn't be unlocked since the code were not correct. The fact that Verizon didn't know nor Moto!!!
I want to know if this problem exists for PHOTON? And if we need unlock codes for using GSM overseas? And where can we obtain them?
for non USA locations it is already unlocked out of the box.(sim wise not bootloader)
Sent from my mopho
cornelious2 said:
for non USA locations it is already unlocked out of the box.(simply wise not bootloader)
Sent from my mopho
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Sent from my Motorola Electrify using xda premium
So there would be no problem using GSM. IS that OK even the device is BAD ESN?
And another questions are:
1. Is that OK with USSD and SMS delivery reports? (The problem with D2G)
2. Are All Photons could be unlocked (Boot loader wise)
3. Is its WiMAX could be used outside of US?
Many thanks
USSD does not work. Bad ESN should not matter, but is ethically questionable at best. 2.3.5 Photons and Electrifies (Except Electrifies rhat shipped with 2.3.5) cannot have their bootloaders unlocked.
Sent from my Motorola Electrify using xda premium

photon 4g worldwide gsm

hey guys i just bought a photon 4g sprint and i wanna unlock it so i can use on different gsm , but am facing problem here i don't wanna root the mobile , is there anyway to unlock it without routing . thanks in advance
It should be internationally unlocked, just pop in your sim card and you should be good to go
sent from my CM7 MoPho
Here you go a quick little read.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
, even if it's sprint phone , so it should work internationally without any problems ?
Ummm, yes...
sent from my CM7 MoPho
It is factory unlocked, so u can use it anywhere in world without root/ unlock

[Q] Sprint doesn't recognize my Photon

Bought my dad a replacement Photon 4G off of Amazon. Tried to do a ESN swap online and was instructed to call Sprint. They're saying that the ESN on the phone is not showing up in their system. Now I'm no newbie when it comes to phones. I've sold almost every carrier there is and I've been rooting,flashing, unlocking and jailbreaking device for a couple of years now. But I'm looking at a almost brand-new looking, Sprint branded, Sprint bloatware loaded Motorola Photon 4G. I've searched high and low on here (XDA) and everywhere else online to no avail. Any ideas? By the way I did contact the seller and the phone was a warranty replacement and emailed me a copy of he paperwork from Motorola
I'd take it in to a Sprint store and have them give it a shot. Unless the ESN is bad (doesn't sound likely), it should work fine.
Try see if it there's.
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using xda premium
Tried that. Not in their system either.. A Mobile IP unknown warning keeps popping up to...
rbeavers said:
Try see if it there's.
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My phone was the same way. Neither recognized by Sprint or Motorola. Turned out that my phone was likely a development phone for testing gsm and had a unique radio. You might have to use yours on a gsm carrier whether or not the baseband you have is unique. Just out of curiosity, what is your phone's baseband?
Sent from my Magical MoPho using xda premium
Baseband version N_01.29.10R
JohnH4 said:
My phone was the same way. Neither recognized by Sprint or Motorola. Turned out that my phone was likely a development phone for testing gsm and had a unique radio. You might have to use yours on a gsm carrier whether or not the baseband you have is unique. Just out of curiosity, what is your phone's baseband?
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That is different from mine. If you can use a gsm carrier for this phone, you could flash the kidi radio and use any gsm carrier you like.
Sent from my Magical Photon using xda premium
Wouldn't work because my dad has Sprint. Anyhoo the seller sent me another Photon and allowed me to keep the first one. Now my dad is up and running. I'll take your advice and flash the kidi radio for it but I'd still like to know what's up with the original phone.. Thanks!
JohnH4 said:
That is different from mine. If you can use a gsm carrier for this phone, you could flash the kidi radio and use any gsm carrier you like.
Sent from my Magical Photon using xda premium
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Kinda sounds like someone mighta swapped the wrong sticker for the ESN .. If it doesn't show up in the system. Glad you got another one.

[Q] Weird problem

Okay guys I have this problem with my Atrix 4G. It's usually on NottachTrix 2.0.0 or 1.9.0 since 2.3.0 was giving me weird errors. The problems I am having are that I have a strong signal of 4-5 bars and then either after an idle or just by watching it sometimes the signal degrades and eventually it's greyed out with a little x over it and it stays like that indefinitely. I've tried turning the wifi on and off, the GPS on and off, I've done a factory reset. I've repeatedly flashed the radios. 30, 36, 37, and the sbf of OLY_ATT_01.97.00R. I've done it with the sim in and out, with the sd in and out fixed permissions. " And I still have the issue of the signal either being completely off, or just degrading. I'm using this on T-Mobile but when I search for providers all it shows is AT&T and when I go to About Phone -> Status I consistently have between 90-120dBm under signal. What am I doing/not doing right?
Sakuryu said:
Okay guys I have this problem with my Atrix 4G. It's usually on NottachTrix 2.0.0 or 1.9.0 since 2.3.0 was giving me weird errors. The problems I am having are that I have a strong signal of 4-5 bars and then either after an idle or just by watching it sometimes the signal degrades and eventually it's greyed out with a little x over it and it stays like that indefinitely. I've tried turning the wifi on and off, the GPS on and off, I've done a factory reset. I've repeatedly flashed the radios. 30, 36, 37, and the sbf of OLY_ATT_01.97.00R. I've done it with the sim in and out, with the sd in and out fixed permissions. " And I still have the issue of the signal either being completely off, or just degrading. I'm using this on T-Mobile but when I search for providers all it shows is AT&T and when I go to About Phone -> Status I consistently have between 90-120dBm under signal. What am I doing/not doing right?
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i'm not knowledgeable about this issue, but based off of what you said, you're using ATT radios on a T Mobile network. perhaps a T Mobile radio would work? if i'm wrong with this statement, then i am and i'll admit it, but thats what i would try.
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
Im not sure that's how it works since the radio wasn't designed for this phone. Oh and it was working before and kinda worms if I reboot the phone but it still degrades
Sakuryu said:
Im not sure that's how it works since the radio wasn't designed for this phone. Oh and it was working before and kinda worms if I reboot the phone but it still degrades
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i'm not sure either, thats why i suggested trying it out. its still a fastboot flash radio radio.img kind of thing
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palmbeach05 said:
i'm not sure either, thats why i suggested trying it out. its still a fastboot flash radio radio.img kind of thing
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I always flash through CWM except for the 00R radio. And I just tried the other radios on the internet from the internationals to the UK to all US radios, still no luck at all. Is this a SIM issue or is my phone SOL?
Sakuryu said:
I always flash through CWM except for the 00R radio. And I just tried the other radios on the internet from the internationals to the UK to all US radios, still no luck at all. Is this a SIM issue or is my phone SOL?
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i think i need to back track here and ask if you unlocked it so it is capable of running on different carriers. next would be did you set up the correct service settings like the vpn and stuff. and have you tried flashing, via fastboot or cwm, any t mobile radios?
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palmbeach05 said:
i think i need to back track here and ask if you unlocked it so it is capable of running on different carriers. next would be did you set up the correct service settings like the vpn and stuff. and have you tried flashing, via fastboot or cwm, any t mobile radios?
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Does this phone even have T-Mobile radios? I've flashed Via CWM, I am bootloader unlocked and SIM unlocked I have no clue what a VPN is but the APN comes with the phone I think.
Sakuryu said:
Does this phone even have T-Mobile radios? I've flashed Via CWM, I am bootloader unlocked and SIM unlocked I have no clue what a VPN is but the APN comes with the phone I think.
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lol apn is what i meant, not vpn, my bad. but yes, do you have the T Mobile apn info set up so it should work? and this phone was never made available for T Mobile, so it doesn't have any T Mobile radios. you would have to look for T Mobile radios to do what i was talking about trying out
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palmbeach05 said:
lol apn is what i meant, not vpn, my bad. but yes, do you have the T Mobile apn info set up so it should work? and this phone was never made available for T Mobile, so it doesn't have any T Mobile radios. you would have to look for T Mobile radios to do what i was talking about trying out
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What T-Mobile radios do I look for? Isn't each radio made specifically for each phone? And When I catch signal it does work.
Sakuryu said:
What T-Mobile radios do I look for? Isn't each radio made specifically for each phone? And When I catch signal it does work.
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ok its hardware issue. below is a paragraph about a different device that might point you in the right direction
"Did u follow the guide on XDA forums? They have the original guide for unlocking AWS bandwidth for ATT note 2 so that it could work on T-Mobile 4G.
If you flashed it correctly your phone should virtually pick up tmobile 4g any where you go.
Unless you live in a rural area that is."
it would be a hardware issue that should be able to be fixed using whatever was used in the case above. it may be about the note 2, but they did ask about other devices, so i would think it might work
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
From What I was reading, that method was for phones that have T-Mobile Variants that just have the 1700 Band blocked. Tmobile reps say it's probably a SIM issue which I'm hoping it is so I don't find out I have to buy a new atrix. But if its Software I'd love to be able to fix it now and get it over with.
Sakuryu said:
From What I was reading, that method was for phones that have T-Mobile Variants that just have the 1700 Band blocked. Tmobile reps say it's probably a SIM issue which I'm hoping it is so I don't find out I have to buy a new atrix. But if its Software I'd love to be able to fix it now and get it over with.
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Okay it's working somewhat now that I found the 38P radio
Sakuryu said:
Okay it's working somewhat now that I found the 38P radio
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I quite had somewhat similar problem but enabling 'use 2g only' I was able to avoid the loss of signal
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