Can Continuous Scrolling Be Re-enabled? - Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note II

Is there any way to re-enable the continuous scrolling in the home screens/app screens via a hack?

Idk about stock but beans build 1 has continuous scrolling everywhere, which is awesome
sent from my Note 2

Please keep questions in the Q&A section. Thank you. :highfive:

I asked this same question yesterday and got no replies. It is called infinite scrolling and I really want it as well! I think it is retarded that we have to manually select widgets or apps when one handed actions are very difficult with this device.

Continuous / Infinite Scrolling
Found this while poking around in the /system/csc/feature.xml file that enables/disables infinite scrolling on my SCH-I605 (running 'Beans' build 3 with the 4x5 TW launcher, so YMMV):
To Enable, find the "CscFeature_Launcher_DisablePageRotation" node in the file (was towards the bottom in my file) and set to "false" as below:
If the node is missing, try adding it somewhere in the file (as long as it's between the "FeatureSet" tags.
Make sure the file permissions are set to 644, then reboot.
This setting affects both the launcher and apps/widgets.
Change the "false" to "true" to disable scrolling.


[UPDATE 06/07/2010][APP][SOURCE]Wallpaper Changer - WaPaC 1.4

Wallpaper Changer - WaPaC 1.4
Created by Rapid​
Now OpenSource (see the bottom of this post)​
Because I don't have time to develop this application further and the current state of the program is fine for my use, I share the WaPaC's source by the community now.
A few terms, what you need to consider, before you use the source and consider to develop it in the future:
The WaPaC name needs to stay as it is, or if not and you use the source code, you need to mention it!
You need to mention my name, as the original developer of this program and where are the sources came from
You need to mention mohitsapru's name, as the developer of the scheduler component
I need a PM (or email) about the releases where you used the source or the release of a new WaPaC version
The future versions needs to be Windows Mobile version and Resolution free a.k.a. needs to work on every WinMo versions (5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 6.5, 6.5.X) and all resolutions!
I created a wallpaper changer application (WaPaC), to the scheduled wallpaper changing on WM's Today and on Sense. Tested on Samsung Omnia 2 with Sense 2.5 and everything is working fine.
The program is not a beta anymore, but still under development and may contains some bugs.
Changes in 1.4
No maximum files number anymore (maximum folders number is still 100)
A "Change NOW interface" added to select the needed UI to the change
Now the settings app shows the next time of the schedule
Random and continuously change setting added (you'll see randomizing popup window sometimes)
Intervals minimum set low to 1 minute with 1 minute steps
Besides the interval, now you can change the wallpapers at a specific time, like 8:00AM every day
The "back to the previous wallpaper" function is added and accessible with the "-prev" parameter and will change all choosen UI's wallpapers back to the previous one (not 100% if you use more than 1 directory for wallpapers storing).
The installer creates a "Change Now" and "Previous wallpaper" shortcut
Because I cannot create a setup.dll, the additional shortcuts is downloadable from the bottom of this post, but you need to edit the files, if you're not install the app to the device.
Several minor and major bugfixes
Changes in 1.3
The program is now compatible with CHT 1.8.X. You can change the wallpaper of the Home tab, All tab and CHT Lockscreen.
When you plug your phone to USB with Mass Storage settings, and the needed folder is not available to the WaPaC (or you deleted a selected folder), the app not crash.
Context menu added to the Selected Folders list to remove folders (if the folder is not available anymore, etc.)
The application is pops up a warning in the case you not select any UI, when you want to save the settings (not when you uncheck all).
Changes in 1.21
The folder changing bug fixed (when you tap on a folder and jumped to an other in the selected one)
Changes in 1.2
Redesigned interface
Separated setting for "Change on Windows start" (If you have an earlier version installed, then you need to uncheck and save, then recheck and save the "Start with Windows" option, because the shortcut contents is changed)
You can choose Minutes or Hours format at Interval settings
Interval changed to 5-1440 minutes or 1 to 24 hours
"Change NOW" button added
"Change only in idle state" option added (This means, if you're using the phone (the backlight is on) in the time when the scheduled change comes, the changing is delayed)
Maximum selectable folder number is 100
Changes in 1.1ß
- Folderselection is now free
- Maximum picture number changed to 10000/folder
- No need to refresh the list when you put new pictures in a selected folder
- Selected folders list stored and displayed after start and easy to modify.
- You can add a folder to the selected folders list by checking the checkbox near the folder's name. You can remove by the same method.
The program's not listing the directories with the following names:
- Windows
- Program Files
- Application data
- ConnMgr
- Documents and Settings
- Temp
Changes in 1.03ß (1.02 skipped, because some real trouble):
- S2U2 background change added (not tested)
- Settings saving corrected (HKCU\Software\WaPaC\)
- Interval steps changed to 5 mins
- Settings application supports all resolutions (tested on VGA, QVGA, WQVGA, WVGA, Square)
Changes in 1.01ß
- Start with Windows option problem fixed
- Clear Sense Background option added
- maximum 10000 pictures from multiple folders
- changeable interval from 10 to 720 minutes (12 hours)
- chooseable user interface to change background (Today and Sense)
- same wallpaper for the 2 UI or not
- start with Windows possibility
- not use memory at all, the changing starts with schedule and then quit
- separate settings application (only WVGA resolution supported yet)
- you can start/stop the scheduling in the settings app
Special thanx:
mohitsapru for his help
It is possible the program is working on other Sense, Manila or TouchFlo versions than Sense 2.5, if the wallpaper stored in the same place.
If you want to test it, download the cab and please give me some feedback and ideas, if you have any, to improve the app.
If you appriciate my work, don't forget to buy me a beer...
Big thanx to who's appriciated my work 'till now!
5€ Matthiew Marks
7€ donwhann
5€ Joao Costa
5€ Naga01
1.01ß added
Thanks, gonna try on VGA - WM 6.5.5 - Sense 2.5.2012 and report back!
ps. why don't you attach the program here, too?
Hi Rapid81
This looks a great little app.
I have just tested it and unfortunately I get an "IndexOutOfRangeException" error when I hit the Load folder's list button. It starts to look at my whole sd card and then bombs out with that error.
Maybe adding the option to choose the folder without indexing the whole card is the way to go.
I am running this on a Touch HD with Energy 16 May 23569 CHT ROM.
Hope this helps.
Look forward to testing the next release.
teorouge said:
Thanks, gonna try on VGA - WM 6.5.5 - Sense 2.5.2012 and report back!
ps. why don't you attach the program here, too?
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1.03 version uploaded. Now the settings app supports all resolutions.
ed_sambo said:
Hi Rapid81
This looks a great little app.
I have just tested it and unfortunately I get an "IndexOutOfRangeException" error when I hit the Load folder's list button. It starts to look at my whole sd card and then bombs out with that error.
Maybe adding the option to choose the folder without indexing the whole card is the way to go.
I am running this on a Touch HD with Energy 16 May 23569 CHT ROM.
Hope this helps.
Look forward to testing the next release.
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I need to look through the whole system, because no SelectFolderDialog in NETCF. Maybe more than 100 folders contains pictures. I rised this number to 1000 in 1.03.
Rapid81 said:
1.03 version uploaded. Now the settings app supports all resolutions.
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Wow! Couldn't even install it yet and you release an update!
Going with 1.03 then.
I've been waiting and hoping for a new wallpaper changer since antworks doesn't seem to change the today screen without locking up after a while. Glad to see yours has S2U2 changing and Sense as well.
I'm also getting the same error when it tries to load all the folders, and would agree that rather than try to index all the wallpaper, just allow the user to choose the folder. I have a 16Gig sd card, so it takes a lonnnng time to try to index that if I ever want to make a change.
Keep up the good work!
The biggest suggestion I have is a problem I have with other wallpaper changers. If the phone has been in standby when the wallpaper changed, when you power it on it takes 5-10 seconds to come on because it is loading the wallpaper. If there was some way to refresh the wallpaper beforehand so it would just power on instantly, that would be awesome.
S2U2's own wallpaper changing appears to not change while the phone is in standby. That's pretty cool too because it saves battery, plus fewer things running that might cause an error, say in the middle of the night, which = no alarm in the morning.
I tried to write my own wallpaper changing script with mortscript, but was never able to get it to be stable, so I appreciate what you're doing very much.
Gryphyn said:
I've been waiting and hoping for a new wallpaper changer since antworks doesn't seem to change the today screen without locking up after a while. Glad to see yours has S2U2 changing and Sense as well.
I'm also getting the same error when it tries to load all the folders, and would agree that rather than try to index all the wallpaper, just allow the user to choose the folder. I have a 16Gig sd card, so it takes a lonnnng time to try to index that if I ever want to make a change.
Keep up the good work!
The biggest suggestion I have is a problem I have with other wallpaper changers. If the phone has been in standby when the wallpaper changed, when you power it on it takes 5-10 seconds to come on because it is loading the wallpaper. If there was some way to refresh the wallpaper beforehand so it would just power on instantly, that would be awesome.
S2U2's own wallpaper changing appears to not change while the phone is in standby. That's pretty cool too because it saves battery, plus fewer things running that might cause an error, say in the middle of the night, which = no alarm in the morning.
I tried to write my own wallpaper changing script with mortscript, but was never able to get it to be stable, so I appreciate what you're doing very much.
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My problem is, there is no SelectFolderDialog in NETCF. That's why the application runs through the storage. If I'm creating a SelectFolderDialog instead of this method, you'll select only one folder and no subfolders o more separated folder. I'll try to came up with a workable idea, but I'm not making any promises.
This app change the wallpaper when the phone is in sleep mode. The phone does not came alive, just change the wallpaper in the backgound. You can't see anything about it, just the new wallpapers when you unclock your phone.
I guess I solved this "I want to select the directories on my own" and "why the apps runs through the whole system" problems.
Now you have a "file explorer"-like thing and a second list where is the app stores the selected directories. The directories stays checked and reloaded on settings app restarts.
Still testing, but if I'll not found problems, I'll upload it soon.
The solution is not 100% finger-friendly...
Something like this:
1.1ß uploaded
Been testing it this afternoon. The folder selection is very helpful, I can get it to run now.
It appears to change the wallpaper in all 3 places (S2U2, today, sense) just fine. I've noticed though that the spinning "busy" icon starts up and keeps going and going until I do something like click a tab. Then it pauses for a bit and makes the switch. When the phone has been in standby and I power it on, S2U2 will have the "busy" icon on its screen and will wait until I unlock into Sense to make the change.
I did have a couple instances of it freezing up, I thought this might be due to trying to change the Today background, since Antworks autowallpaperchanger would do something similar. It wouldn't freeze all the time, just some of the time, and I would have to not change the today wallpaper to fix that.
so far this is exactly what i was looking for. thank you very much for this!
Not even sure what started this problem, I did so many different things to get wallpapers I confused myself, now I dont know wich is causing problem. Can you help?
was getting errors when restarted phone about WaPac so I removed the app and soft reset etc. Now I get following message....
The file "WaPac cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or onew of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
So I reinstalled, same problem, removed same message...
Any ideas, I guess Im not completely removing all I need to???
Not even sure what started this problem, I did so many different things to get wallpapers I confused myself, now I dont know wich is causing problem. Can you help?
was getting errors when restarted phone about WaPac so I removed the app and soft reset etc. Now I get following message....(also trying to get a good 'screenshot' program so I can show you easier, but had probs with bsbtweaks install also-another day/thread for that!)
The file "WaPac cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or onew of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
So I reinstalled, same problem, removed same message...
Any ideas, I guess Im not completely removing all I need to???
recap-ive got cookies home tab, cookies hdwall patch, HDWalls,
808Granato said:
Not even sure what started this problem, I did so many different things to get wallpapers I confused myself, now I dont know wich is causing problem. Can you help?
was getting errors when restarted phone about WaPac so I removed the app and soft reset etc. Now I get following message....
The file "WaPac cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or onew of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
So I reinstalled, same problem, removed same message...
Any ideas, I guess Im not completely removing all I need to???
Not even sure what started this problem, I did so many different things to get wallpapers I confused myself, now I dont know wich is causing problem. Can you help?
was getting errors when restarted phone about WaPac so I removed the app and soft reset etc. Now I get following message....(also trying to get a good 'screenshot' program so I can show you easier, but had probs with bsbtweaks install also-another day/thread for that!)
The file "WaPac cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or onew of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
So I reinstalled, same problem, removed same message...
Any ideas, I guess Im not completely removing all I need to???
recap-ive got cookies home tab, cookies hdwall patch, HDWalls,
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If you checked the "Start with Windows", then you have a WaPaC.lnk in the \Windows\StartUp. That's all. And I recommend you to stop the scheduling before you remove the app.
Been testing without S2U2 just to have fewer things running.
When the phone is awake, if the scheduled change begins to run it won't finish until you force a screen refresh by hitting the windows button or something like that. It just sits and thinks forever with the spinning icon on the screen.
Are there any executable modifiers such as "-now" to open the program and force a screen change immediately? It would be great to be able to make a shortcut to switch the screen on command.
Gryphyn said:
Been testing without S2U2 just to have fewer things running.
When the phone is awake, if the scheduled change begins to run it won't finish until you force a screen refresh by hitting the windows button or something like that. It just sits and thinks forever with the spinning icon on the screen.
Are there any executable modifiers such as "-now" to open the program and force a screen change immediately? It would be great to be able to make a shortcut to switch the screen on command.
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If you checked the "Start with Windows", then you have a WaPaC.lnk in the \Windows\StartUp folder. You can use that to change immediately.
thank you-easily fixed
wow. welcome to computers 101. sorry for all the hub-bub. I will take it slower so I can better tell my 'issues'.
Will also keep checking back on this app-sounds great, Im just not the right person to be dealing with beta and giving anyone feedback yet.
Thanks for the link info.
Okay, so it doesn't seem to like switching the today wallpaper, which antworks didn't either. It tends to lock up from time to time if I ask it to change the today screen. Any idea why this is? Like I said, antworks changer behaves the same way. I can't figure it out.
I'm running WM 6.5 stock Sprint rom with Goodthings2life's tweaks. Sense 2.5. Touch Pro 2.
Gryphyn said:
Thanks for the link info.
Okay, so it doesn't seem to like switching the today wallpaper, which antworks didn't either. It tends to lock up from time to time if I ask it to change the today screen. Any idea why this is? Like I said, antworks changer behaves the same way. I can't figure it out.
I'm running WM 6.5 stock Sprint rom with Goodthings2life's tweaks. Sense 2.5. Touch Pro 2.
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What UI do you use? When I alphatested the app, and I not used any UI, the background not refreshed, just after a program open and close. I cannot figured out a way to refresh the empty today right now, but I'm looking for it. But when I used Sense or Windows Default, the Today, Start Menu and Lockscreen changed properly.
Rapid81 said:
What UI do you use? When I alphatested the app, and I not used any UI, the background not refreshed, just after a program open and close. I cannot figured out a way to refresh the empty today right now, but I'm looking for it. But when I used Sense or Windows Default, the Today, Start Menu and Lockscreen changed properly.
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Just using Sense UI 2.5. It is weird because it doesn't lock up the phone every single time, just some of the time. I don't have the weather animations going, don't have animated wallpaper. No start menu/lock screen modifications, all stock.
I'm not using S2U2 right now as I test this, but it would change just fine, Sense would change just fine, it is only the today/lockscreen that causes a problem. It seems to be something about the refresh, because the phone would lock up before the screen changed, but after rebooting the wallpaper would have changed. So, I know it isn't the copying of the files, that is being completed.
EDIT> Think I just figured out the problem, after reading this thread:
It most likely is a file extension issue, which is why it works sometimes and doesn't work other times. It works until the random function hits a file that is the wrong extension and locks up. Although, that doesn't explain why the images are there once I reboot. Anyway, I'll test by splitting the file types.
EDIT 2> Well, hosed there. All my files are jpegs.

[HOW TO] DISABLE (not delete) DOWN ANIMATION for sense framework.

Ok, so this is pretty simple. Some devs have deleted their down animation, but the system still calls for it, so you're left with about an 8 second delay. Also, some ROMs have their own, but somehow it still had the delay. I think I have a fix for both. I just tested this with the d3rps, all confirm the disable works.
Using a root file explorer, navigate to:
system/customize/CID/default.xml and open it with a text editor. You could also pull it with adb and open with NotePad. Go toward the end of the file and where it says:
blahblahblah just edit out the blahblahblah. Now when you reboot it won't even call for animation, ths solving the delay issue people keep complaining about. Done.
Now for the delay even with animation, I believe (only a hunch) its because the down anim is built incorrectly. I have one I grabbed I think from the sensation forum, and when I use it, it works properly with no delay. But when I use other created down anims, they work but there's still that delay. Here's the zip. If anyone wants to use it as a template for their own down anim, I think it will solve the delay afterward.
Happy flashing
He shoots, he scores. Conformed working.
-- Sent from my 3D Shooter --
Sorry to be dense, but what is down animation?

[DEV QUESTION] APK Decompile "Single Screen Non-Scrolling"?

I am attempting to change the default settings for wallpaper scrolling. What I am trying to do is make the default setting "Single Screen Non-Scrolling" instead of "Mutli Screen Scrolling". Does anyone have any experience in modifying the samli files to accomplish this?
I have uploaded a copy of the Workspace.smali I am working with. I have found references at line 4201, 16220, and 18887 that deal with scrolling and wallpaper dimensions. Could someone look over this and let me know if any of these line are able to be modified to change the scrolling? Thanks.

[APP] AOSP browser with normal viewport (zoom)

For me AOSP is still the best browser, it is quick, smooth and still does flash... The major problem I always had with it is that websites always loaded zoomed in (like almost every Android browser) because the viewport used to render the page was small. This has always been too big and blurry on all the 10 inch tablets I've had. The fix for this was to enter "about:debug" menu and untick "use wide viewport" in debug settings. I'm sure some of you have done this plenty, however this option never stuck and I had to manually enter "about:debug" every time I started the browser which gets confusing and annoying.
But now thanks to a handy XDA thread a quick recompile I can now browse with the correct zoom to my heart's content. The browser now loads in debug mode by default rendering pages spot on.
This the AOSP browser was taken from this thread: recompiled apk is attached below.
Here are the instructions from that thread to install the browser:
Turbotab said:
> Must be rooted.
> Copy the browser.apk into the system/app folder
> With a root file explorer change the file permissions of the browser.apk to -rw-rw-r (you will see this represented as 664) If you don't do this, it won't install.
> You must rename the BrowserProviderProxy.apk & BrowserProviderProxy.odex otherwise the browser will force close, just add a 1 to the name e.g. 1BrowserProviderProxy.apk1 Do not delete them, if you still want to OTA update Android. Android checks for any changes to the system/app folder before performing an OTA, so you will have to delete the browser.apk and rename the two file back to stock, when it is OTA time.
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Once you have restarted your device for the app to install you will need to open the browser and go into settings -> Debug and untick "use wide viewport" you should also untick the "show javascript console" box as we don't need it.
And you should be able to enjoy your quick browser without having your pages all zoomed in.
The chrome sync from the other thread should still work with this browser, but I have not tried it and cannot confirm this. The usual disclaimers apply, the apk is provided "as is".
Thanks to the original people who brought out the browser.apk in the original threads and thanks to the guy in this thread for the guide on how to keep the browser in debug mode and thanks to the other threads on xda which helped me in how to recompile apks. Hope I'm not stepping on any toes and have posted in the right place.
And here's my current favourite browsing setup on my nexus 10:
Status bar hidden courtesy of GMD, status pie menu from LMT and the quick controls enabled in the labs menu of AOSP, with all of those mods you can see almost twice as much webpage
v4nt0m said:
For me AOSP is still the best browser, it is quick, smooth and still does flash... The major problem I always had with it is that websites always loaded zoomed in (like almost every Android browser) because the viewport used to render the page was small. This has always been too big and blurry on all the 10 inch tablets I've had. The fix for this was to enter "about:debug" menu and untick "use wide viewport" in debug settings. I'm sure some of you have done this plenty, however this option never stuck and I had to manually enter "about:debug" every time I started the browser which gets confusing and annoying.
But now thanks to a handy XDA thread a quick recompile I can now browse with the correct zoom to my heart's content. The browser now loads in debug mode by default rendering pages spot on.
This the AOSP browser was taken from this thread: recompiled apk is attached below.
Here are the instructions from that thread to install the browser:
Once you have restarted your device for the app to install you will need to open the browser and go into settings -> Debug and untick "use wide viewport" you should also untick the "show javascript console" box as we don't need it.
And you should be able to enjoy your quick browser without having your pages all zoomed in.
The chrome sync from the other thread should still work with this browser, but I have not tried it and cannot confirm this. The usual disclaimers apply, the apk is provided "as is".
Thanks to the original people who brought out the browser.apk in the original threads and thanks to the guy in this thread for the guide on how to keep the browser in debug mode and thanks to the other threads on xda which helped me in how to recompile apks. Hope I'm not stepping on any toes and have posted in the right place.
And here's my current favourite browsing setup on my nexus 10:
Status bar hidden courtesy of GMD, status pie menu from LMT and the quick controls enabled in the labs menu of AOSP, with all of those mods you can see almost twice as much webpage
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Thanks, was about to ask for a screen comparation! Awesome. However, I can't find the option that you say we have to untick (usew wide viewport). My browser is in spanish and I can't find it, where is it?
I'm not at my tablet at the moment but make sure you're in the settings menu, the debug option is at the very bottom.
I am looking at the screen on my phone and "use wide viewport" is the 8th option down, the javascript console option is the 6th option down.
I'll check where the options are on my tablet when I get home to be sure.
v4nt0m said:
I'm not at my tablet at the moment but make sure you're in the settings menu, the debug option is at the very bottom.
I am looking at the screen on my phone and "use wide viewport" is the 8th option down, the javascript console option is the 6th option down.
I'll check where the options are on my tablet when I get home to be sure.
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Oh, for me the java option is the 3rd in Settings - Adavanced. Seems it's pretty changed.
Hi, you seem to be in the wrong settings menu, you should have another option as below labelled as debug:
It is the same on here, the viewport option is 8th down. If you do not have the debug option type about:debug into the address bar and go back into settings. Have you definitely installed the browser apk from my post?
v4nt0m said:
Hi, you seem to be in the wrong settings menu, you should have another option as below labelled as debug:
It is the same on here, the viewport option is 8th down. If you do not have the debug option type about:debug into the address bar and go back into settings. Have you definitely installed the browser apk from my post?
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I did on my nexus 10 but I was looking to the settings menu from a nexus 10 that hasn't got your modified aosp browser, I guess that's why! Sorry lol.
The 4.2.2 Evervolv Browser.apk works great.

[REQUEST] Scrolling homescreen on stock 4.2.2 GT-I9195 launcher

I tried myself but always get errors when recompiling apk. Basically, this will work simply by decompiling SecLauncher3.apk, edit Bools.Xml in "values" folder
<bool name="config_fixedWallpaperOffset">true</bool>
<bool name="config_fixedWallpaperOffset">false</bool>
and recompiling the apk.
I'm on 4.2.2. Xposed module for enable scrolling homescreen does not work. Can someone edit the launcher for our gt-i9195??
nvm, I did it after an extra bit of trial&error.
I attached the modded launcher if someone needs it. Some things:
_obviously, this apk won't install like regular apks! Move it to system/app
_backup original seclauncher3.apk just in case. Oh, backup with titanium data of tw home too
_modded apk is smaller than stock one. Don't worry IT'S FINE
_don't worry about bootloops, if something goes wrong your phone will reboot in touchwiz easy home (assuming you've not deleted it)
_fix permissions of seclauncher3.apk after everything is done (rw- r-- r--), even if I don't think it's that important
_scrolling from the very left to the very right homescreen with one swipe to the left looks weird, don't know why. Maybe this feature was just meant to be off. However, if you turn off infinite scrolling, problem will stay hidden (very simple to turn that feature off, do a little search)

