[Q] best suggestion required!!!!! - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

this is my first post on this forum but first of all hi to all
i hv galaxy s2 i9100-gt
its dead or bricked 3 days ago
i had tried jig device but no response
i hv warranty of my phone
what should i do send it to jtag or Samsung customer service center
my phone was dead doing omega rom
omega simple not aopk
plz help me out for if send it to service center in warrant can they get knowledge it is faulted by doing a rom
sorry for bad english

Theyll check for water damage and non stock firmware.If they cant boot it up they cant tell about the firmware.

theunderling said:
Theyll check for water damage and non stock firmware.If they cant boot it up they cant tell about the firmware.
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how can they check about stock rom either its motherboard is dead a jig that works perfect on my bro galaxy s2 but not getting into download mode on my s2
in one post on this forum i see a reply from a member that if jig is not working then motherboard is dead that only way to send it in warranty to service center.

Just take it to Samsung Care... Theu wont identify anything...
And if you are from India/Pakistan/Philippines then they don't even know about Root
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

infinitycoder said:
this is my first post on this forum but first of all hi to all
i hv galaxy s2 i9100-gt
its dead or bricked 3 days ago
i had tried jig device but no response
i hv warranty of my phone
what should i do send it to jtag or Samsung customer service center
my phone was dead doing omega rom
omega simple not aopk
plz help me out for if send it to service center in warrant can they get knowledge it is faulted by doing a rom
sorry for bad english
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If jig doesn't work then most probably the motherboard is dead(if it doesn't turn on at all it is a hard brick), and by replacing the motherboard by warranty they won't be able to tell whether you had a custom rom.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus
I thank people who write helpful posts, so i expect the same.

Yup take it to care - in all probability they won't know what you did the thing is you'll now have to make up a believable lie , which ofcourse is fairly easy, in case they ask you - what happened
clearly,god is a democrat!

thanks to all of you friends and for your good opinions........
thanks again and hope for next help
thread can be closed by moderators.....


warranty issue

after searching a lot I didnt get even a single satisfactory result so here i am putting this thread to ask questions about warranty of your HTC GENE
I have upgraded my HTC new gene to windows 6.5
now i am having some hardware issues like dead screen pixels
so wanna ask you guyz "how can i contact HTC service centre?? Do i need to install the previous version ??
I forget what was the SPL version or rom version i had before so kindly help in that also
rockyyyrulz said:
after searching a lot I didnt get even a single satisfactory result so here i am putting this thread to ask questions about warranty of your HTC GENE
I have upgraded my HTC new gene to windows 6.5
now i am having some hardware issues like dead screen pixels
so wanna ask you guyz "how can i contact HTC service centre?? Do i need to install the previous version ??
I forget what was the SPL version or rom version i had before so kindly help in that also
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hmm you can switch back to old orignal rom
but I don't know about SPL did we want to change our SPL also ?plz some body answer
Yes, the SPL needs to be flashed back to original. I think any original rom which also flashes original SPL and is according to your phone's firmware (old gene or new gene) will make it servicable. If you can find it, good, otherwise, forget the warranty. And lemme tell you one thing, 1-4 dead pixels do not qualify for a phone exchange, so be sure that you have atleast 5 dead pixels before you do all these hassels, and dead pixels is the main cause for you to go to service centre.
original rom
can anybody please send the link of original new gene rom
still searching for solution
please give me the link of original rom if you have
or else I will throw my gene and will again start using nokia 2600 haha still the best phone on this earth
chek this out @rockyyyrulz
besfen has provided the original ROM chek the below link
hope it helps
rockyyyrulz said:
please give me the link of original rom if you have
or else I will throw my gene and will again start using nokia 2600 haha still the best phone on this earth
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haree said:
besfen has provided the original ROM chek the below link
hope it helps
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the rom is for Old gene only. I already checked it haree.
Rahul don't flash that rom as i know you have a new gene.OK
rockyyyrulz said:
please give me the link of original rom if you have
or else I will throw my gene and will again start using nokia 2600 haha still the best phone on this earth
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The 2600 whose Keys are missing and obviously has no touch screen to dial
just for incoming. (only green button working)
rockyyyrulz said:
I have upgraded my HTC new gene to windows 6.5
now i am having some hardware issues like dead screen pixels
so wanna ask you guyz
how can i contact HTC service centre??
Dont hesitate to contact the service center ...guys frm svc center are very much aware that we can upgrade the devices ourselves....
Do i need to install the previous version ??
No ...i feel its not necessary for you to install the older version...i once bricked my phone and took it to service center ..my SPL was changed and i was not asked anything about it...all it costed for me was just rs 100 for them to install the company shipped ROM to my device...so dont waste time searching for original shipped ROM...i doubt if it is even available in the forum...I forget what was the SPL version or rom version i had before so kindly help in that also
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see my answers above in red...
sorry [email protected]@rockyy
sorry for providing the wrong ROM man
a word of advise to Rahul pls give ur details at the bottom of ur signature to avoid such mistake in the future at least say new gene or old gene
rakesh_4utoo said:
the rom is for Old gene only. I already checked it haree.
Rahul don't flash that rom as i know you have a new gene.OK
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well thnx still for trying
and @rakesh_4utoo dont you dare to say a word against my 2600 i can buy the keypad hehe
sure man
will go to them soon to screw them
Still searching
new gene original rom & spl
Its really hard to find. I think you should try to give it to customer care as it is. They may not say anything as it is extremely common for Windows Mobile owners to come to them with their mobiles in patched condition.
krazy_about_technology said:
Its really hard to find. I think you should try to give it to customer care as it is. They may not say anything as it is extremely common for Windows Mobile owners to come to them with their mobiles in patched condition.
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I think, Sumit is right in saying that, becoz I remember myself submitting my Vox to HTC Service Center, with a 96 DPI cooked ROM, as it had some issues with keys. I was given warranty, without any objection. The issue was fixed and when I was getting the device back, they had also flashed the original ROM for Vox. So, I think, there is no harm in giving a try by submitting the device as it is.
gene is now not available
@ Rocky
I think u should give ur device to service centre without caring for the warranty....they won't even bother to ask u why u flashed ur device and also the gene device is now not available in the market...so better do it as early as possible.....might be a chance they won't provide any service later on....
good luck buddy...get ur device rectified
imblfmstr said:
@ Rocky
I think u should give ur device to service centre without caring for the warranty....they won't even bother to ask u why u flashed ur device and also the gene device is now not available in the market...so better do it as early as possible.....might be a chance they won't provide any service later on....
good luck buddy...get ur device rectified
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yes you r right when i brick my device i just sent it to service center that time they don't have mobo for gene to replace but i brick my device on second day when i brought it so they give me total replacement
that's why some body ask me about htc i tell his to not buy gene and go for Viva or touch with wifi + more ram
dheerajk27 said:
I think, Sumit is right in saying that, becoz I remember myself submitting my Vox to HTC Service Center, with a 96 DPI cooked ROM, as it had some issues with keys. I was given warranty, without any objection. The issue was fixed and when I was getting the device back, they had also flashed the original ROM for Vox. So, I think, there is no harm in giving a try by submitting the device as it is.
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I agree to you as they dont even bother which rom you have installed or what have you done with it, its in warranty they will just go for it.
atlast ......I am going to HTC center with my fingers crossed hehe ... ...am damn lazy .....but still if someone can provide original SPL then i will be thankful to him {last try} ...I got the original windows 6
HTC service centre experience...delhi
well for all the delhiites am here sharing the sarcastic boring and soporific xperience of me and my friend rakesh....{user name ;;rakesh_4utoo}
we went there to get our HTC repaired ...my handset is in warranty but his handset is 1 and a half year old ....well first in my case they were so damn irritating that I am here sitting at my home without getting even the handsfree replaced at two of their service centres ...REASON {non availabilty..as i know it was a stupid excuse} and and and most interesting case is that they were charging 7500 bucks for rakesh's handset who they havent even touched properly.... ...new handset is costing 9500 and rakesh's handset is working properly but only problem is battery drain.......phew thats it ....

[Q] Help| Galaxy s2 wont turn on in any way.

Hi everybody,
i have a problem with my galaxy s2, my little brother tried to install rom and the divice crashed,(he dont know witch rom)
since then it wont torn on, wont charge, cant go to download mode, i have been tried jig but still the same.
the divice DEAD.
i dont have worrnty,
i did read all posts but didnt found any answear.
hope u guys will help me i am lost.
If he doesn't know which ROM to install why did you let him? Only a JTAG repair would help since you don't have warranty too.
Sent from my potato running a potato.
1.beat up brother
2.pray you dont need new mb
its his phone...
so ty i will order jtag from ebay and i will cheak it out
ty very much
al3xz31 said:
Hi everybody,
i have a problem with my galaxy s2, my little brother tried to install rom and the divice crashed,(he dont know witch rom)
since then it wont torn on, wont charge, cant go to download mode, i have been tried jig but still the same.
the divice DEAD.
i dont have worrnty,
i did read all posts but didnt found any answear.
hope u guys will help me i am lost.
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Why on earth have you created this topic when we already have plenty of this 100% exact same subject????
All you're doing is adding to the flood on needless topics that plague this forum. You have no need to simply clone topics for fresh replies that are same answers that have already been given before.
al3xz31 said:
its his phone...
so ty i will order jtag from ebay and i will cheak it out
ty very much
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You cant just order Jtag from ebay. Jtag is made with RiffBox, which a very expensive piece of hardware. You also need some other skills and generally, Jtag is used only by professionals who know what they're doing.
What you need to find is a Jtag repair shop in your area. Jtag repair is much cheaper than getting a new motherboard.
Sent from my GT-I9100
ROM flashing is not something to joke around. Flashing a ROM without knowing what ROM is it could lead to the bricking of device. I bet your brother don't even know whether that ROM is compatible with the S2 model.
Could it be that he flashed a non-G version of ROM to a i9100G, or vice versa that leads to this condition?
Thread closed
Hopefully you can fix it without replacing the motherboard. No need for another thread on the subject.

[Q] Help! I Think I Hardbricked my phone!

It seems that I have hardbricked my phone. It's not even showing the Samsung logo when I hold the power + volume down + home screen button. I am a total noob at this and don't understand a thing people do to unbrick it. Is there a video tutorial somewhere? Do I need an external SD card? Should I just return this to the AT&T (my phone is AT&T carrier) store and hope for an exchange (Just bought it 5 days ago...yeah shouldn't really be rooting and things yet...)?
Can anyone help me please?
One last question: Does rooting violate the warranty and will void it making it so I can't return/exchange my carrier? If so, how much will it cost to get the company to unbrick or change phones?
mick5000x said:
It seems that I have hardbricked my phone. It's not even showing the Samsung logo when I hold the power + volume down + home screen button. I am a total noob at this and don't understand a thing people do to unbrick it. Is there a video tutorial somewhere? Do I need an external SD card? Should I just return this to the AT&T (my phone is AT&T carrier) store and hope for an exchange (Just bought it 5 days ago...yeah shouldn't really be rooting and things yet...)?
Can anyone help me please?
One last question: Does rooting violate the warranty and will void it making it so I can't return/exchange my carrier? If so, how much will it cost to get the company to unbrick or change phones?
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Brother, I think its recovery problem . find attachment and flesh via odin . may be its help u
What did you do before it hardbricked?
If you have done absolutely nothing, it maybe the phone's fault.
sam77744 said:
Brother, I think its recovery problem . find attachment and flesh via odin . may be its help u
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It won't even turn on so it doesn't connect to ODIN at all.
mick5000x said:
It seems that I have hardbricked my phone. It's not even showing the Samsung logo when I hold the power + volume down + home screen button. I am a total noob at this and don't understand a thing people do to unbrick it. Is there a video tutorial somewhere? Do I need an external SD card? Should I just return this to the AT&T (my phone is AT&T carrier) store and hope for an exchange (Just bought it 5 days ago...yeah shouldn't really be rooting and things yet...)?
Can anyone help me please?
One last question: Does rooting violate the warranty and will void it making it so I can't return/exchange my carrier? If so, how much will it cost to get the company to unbrick or change phones?
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You are in the wrong forum unless you have a I9300 .
JJEgan said:
You are in the wrong forum unless you have a I9300 .
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complete tech noob here, but how do I know if I have an I9300?
mick5000x said:
complete tech noob here, but how do I know if I have an I9300?
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What phone did you buy ??????????
You say AT & T is not that a USA carrier ???
Sticky top of every page if you flash wrong model stuff you brick your phone .
The i9300 is the international version. AT&T have their own version of the device and there is a forum dedicated to it http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1705

Hard Bricked and Jtag Unrepairable

Hi Friends,
Recently i got my new i777 and while flashing the slimbean rom via cwm from a stock kernel got my i777 hard bricked. Guess what i never thought that my device could even get this worse. More over as it was hard bricked ( as it looked completely dead ), i live in india so no device warranty or support was found from samsung officials. So thinking that i would get my deivce jtag from the professionals, but after approaching three of them, they all said that my device could not be jtag as its BootIc is corrupted. So the jtag option is also out of reach. So i am asking is can the SOC or motherboard can be repalced by new one to get my device ressurected. Any professional advice is appreciated. Thank you guys for reading this. And by SOC i meant to say this ( look in the attachments ).:angel:
virajjjj said:
Hi Friends,
Recently i got my new i777 and while flashing the slimbean rom via cwm from a stock kernel got my i777 hard bricked. Guess what i never thought that my device could even get this worse. More over as it was hard bricked ( as it looked completely dead ), i live in india so no device warranty or support was found from samsung officials. So thinking that i would get my deivce jtag from the professionals, but after approaching three of them, they all said that my device could not be jtag as its BootIc is corrupted. So the jtag option is also out of reach. So i am asking is can the SOC or motherboard can be repalced by new one to get my device ressurected. Any professional advice is appreciated. Thank you guys for reading this. And by SOC i meant to say this ( look in the attachments ).:angel:
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At this point isn't it just easier to get a new phone? Even if it's a cheap one temporarily.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
You can buy new board.
Im from UK but this is wot I found
:*: Neebi :*:

[Q] Upgrade s3 gt-i9300 ic motherboard problem

First of all, hi there. Im a new member and also a noob hehee..
Ok, direct to the questions.
I just upgrade my s3 gt-i9300 to a custom rom and it got softbricked.
I search anywhere to fixed the problem via odin and ota, but still cant fixed it. Pit problem and so on.
After all of the time i wasted, it still not solved and still stuck into samsung logo.
So, i decided to repair it to the technician. The technician said, my phone cant be repair using software , so he's gonna change the 'ic' of the motherboard. The cost is RM250.
The next day, my phone is done repairing.. but now, my phone version is only ics 4.0.4.
So the technican said, my phone cant be upgraded anymore. He said whenever u change the 'ic' of the motherboard, it wont be upgraded anymore.. so i got angry and said, why didnt he tell me before .... so, anyone can help me??? Is that true? Or the technician just troll me so i can send my phone to him and he got money more? Im confused about this.. anyone pls.. thanks a lot..
heartkeeper said:
First of all, hi there. Im a new member and also a noob hehee..
Ok, direct to the questions.
I just upgrade my s3 gt-i9300 to a custom rom and it got softbricked.
I search anywhere to fixed the problem via odin and ota, but still cant fixed it. Pit problem and so on.
After all of the time i wasted, it still not solved and still stuck into samsung logo.
So, i decided to repair it to the technician. The technician said, my phone cant be repair using software , so he's gonna change the 'ic' of the motherboard. The cost is RM250.
The next day, my phone is done repairing.. but now, my phone version is only ics 4.0.4.
So the technican said, my phone cant be upgraded anymore. He said whenever u change the 'ic' of the motherboard, it wont be upgraded anymore.. so i got angry and said, why didnt he tell me before .... so, anyone can help me??? Is that true? Or the technician just troll me so i can send my phone to him and he got money more? Im confused about this.. anyone pls.. thanks a lot..
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First of all welcome to xda. I've requested this thread to be moved to the troubleshooting thread cause this is the General thread and not meant for questions such as yours.
As for your question... I don't think he changed your ic just like that he may just have flashed a stock ics rom on your phone so he may had charged you quite a bit. You can always upgrade the 4.3 when you use ODIN if you want to know more there are stickies you can start here http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3/help/frequently-questions-t2148708. Also be careful on flashing custom roms always make sure that it's for the GT-I9300 model that you have.
heartkeeper said:
First of all, hi there. Im a new member and also a noob hehee..
Ok, direct to the questions.
I just upgrade my s3 gt-i9300 to a custom rom and it got softbricked.
I search anywhere to fixed the problem via odin and ota, but still cant fixed it. Pit problem and so on.
After all of the time i wasted, it still not solved and still stuck into samsung logo.
So, i decided to repair it to the technician. The technician said, my phone cant be repair using software , so he's gonna change the 'ic' of the motherboard. The cost is RM250.
The next day, my phone is done repairing.. but now, my phone version is only ics 4.0.4.
So the technican said, my phone cant be upgraded anymore. He said whenever u change the 'ic' of the motherboard, it wont be upgraded anymore.. so i got angry and said, why didnt he tell me before .... so, anyone can help me??? Is that true? Or the technician just troll me so i can send my phone to him and he got money more? Im confused about this.. anyone pls.. thanks a lot..
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SignetSphere said:
First of all welcome to xda. I've requested this thread to be moved to the troubleshooting thread cause this is the General thread and not meant for questions such as yours.
As for your question... I don't think he changed your ic just like that he may just have flashed a stock ics rom on your phone so he may had charged you quite a bit. You can always upgrade the 4.3 when you use ODIN if you want to know more there are stickies you can start here http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3/help/frequently-questions-t2148708. Also be careful on flashing custom roms always make sure that it's for the GT-I9300 model that you have.
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Thank you for your answer. So, can i upgraded my s3?? Coz the technician said that my phone will be damaged if upgraded. I still worry about this. By the way, is it really true that whenever the ic of the motherboard changed, the android can't be upgraded anymore??? Pls help me..
Maybe he changed the motherboard, maybe he didn't. It wasn't repaired properly, leaving it on 4.0 and telling you not to update it means the efs is patched to get it working, this might be your old motherboard with a bad fix or a 'new' motherboard with a bad coding of your imei and serial number.
Either way the technician isn't capable of repairing the phone so best try getting your money back, use the update excuse as a lever.
Leaving the phone on 4.0 will mean sds happens, as that version has a bug that kills the nand memory.
Thank you for answering. Here another question more. So,are there any way to fix my phone? If i upgrade my android to 4.3 will it be damaged?

