skype crash causes reboot (Mini Pro cyanogenmod 7.2) - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, A

I installed the mod several times (including cache wipes and stuff).
But everytime when I call somebody, the phone crashes after a few minutes and reboots.
My phone isnt overclocked and has got Droidwall installed(the configuration shouldnt get in the way with skype).
I logged the session with alogcat but couldnt find something suspicious exept "no longer want skype.raider"
Do you see something that I dont or do you know the problem?
Thanks for helping me
p.s.: this is my first thread. i tried my very best not to post in the wrong forum and i searched web before.

fleanegan said:
I installed the mod several times (including cache wipes and stuff).
But everytime when I call somebody, the phone crashes after a few minutes and reboots.
My phone isnt overclocked and has got Droidwall installed(the configuration shouldnt get in the way with skype).
I logged the session with alogcat but couldnt find something suspicious exept "no longer want skype.raider"
Do you see something that I dont or do you know the problem?
Thanks for helping me
p.s.: this is my first thread. i tried my very best not to post in the wrong forum and i searched web before.
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You're running CM7.2? Is it definitely a Mini Pro and not a X10 Mini Pro?
Sent from my SK17i using xda premium

Ticklefish said:
You're running CM7.2? Is it definitely a Mini Pro and not a X10 Mini Pro?
Sent from my SK17i using xda premium
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its a sk17i too. so its definitly not a x 10 mini pro. i dont use the cyanogenmod 9 because i think it slower...

does no one know? :crying:

Thread moved. Please post your questions/requests for help in Q&A where they should be.


[Q] Trouble with market downloading

I'm having trouble downloading apps and games from android market with my xperia x10 mini pro. Every time I try downloading anything it just says "*name* could not be downloaded. Please try again" (or something like that, translated from swedish). I have had this problem for the last couple of days now and I'm thinking that maybe it has something to do with the new update in market?
Is anyone having the same problem, and have anyone found a solution?
There are at least 6 topics over this...
Number 10 who can't even look through the first pages or use the search button before starting a new thread should be rewarded....
If you would have bothered to look for 30 seconds you have found the solution, in settings, applications clear the update at the market application in the list....
Sent from my rooted X10i using tapatalk
clear update worked for me the first time, then the problem came back again and it won't do the trick anymore, it's like my x10 is alive and have a grudge against me
When it's haunted, download "exorcist" from the can't ;-D
Sent from my rooted X10i using tapatalk
pollpixx said:
when it's haunted, download "exorcist" from the can't ;-d
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lolol :d :d :d

[Q] Help!!!!

Hi im new in the forum i think is great, but i need some help, the thing is that i have a SE xperia 10 mini but every time i conect it to the wifi it appears as conected but internet doesnt work, i thought it wos something on my device but a friend lend me hers and in doesnt work either, somebady knows why does this happen, help please
Wrong section dude, cud have posted in general.
Btw is data enabled on ur phone?
Sent from my X10minipro using XDA Premium App
carlosp96 said:
Hi im new in the forum i think is great, but i need some help, the thing is that i have a SE xperia 10 mini but every time i conect it to the wifi it appears as conected but internet doesnt work, i thought it wos something on my device but a friend lend me hers and in doesnt work either, somebady knows why does this happen, help please
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I think you must check your Network Device(Router) might disabled your Wi-Fi!!!
Hi,you should try Blade wifi fix, it works 4 me
Sent from my X10mini using XDA App

Stopping Data Usage. Please HELP

I have searched and searched and searched. I can't find anything for the Sony X10 that will let me stop app data for certain apps. Is there anything like droidwall or hisurfing that can give me the abilities to stop apps from using data? I'm in canada and only have a gig a month. I often get close or go over.
I'm rooted with wolfbreaks 6.1 v06
Same issue would appreciate a solution also.
Sent from my X10i TripNMiUI using XDA App

How do I uninstall timescape?

I'm on WB rom and I want to uninstall time scape it's giving me fc on infinite please
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Use an tool like root explorer to delete the timescape apk(s) from the internal storage. Get sure ypu deleted every part cause timescape consists of various apks...
This worked well on stock 1.6 as well as 2.1
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Infinite view is giving fcs in contact for me.I want to remove it completely please help
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Dude just do what he told.
Sent from my X10i using XDA Premium App
Neo said:
I'm on WB rom and I want to uninstall time scape it's giving me fc on infinite please
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
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Always read your Rom forum for custom roms an DEV posts but you can check this out to.
Don't know if this will work on custom roms but here it is anyway.
I would use Titanium backup pro, and here is the forum for apps that can be removed.
BUT I need these apps for my network to work.
(SemcCheckin.apk, Sim Tool Kit: Stk.apk)
Also if you don't know about an app is, use Titanium backup freezer first, one at a time to see if you have any problems, then if none then delete the apps.
Always reboot between freezings/deletions to see if all works.
If you have lagging or it's freaking out just reboot first before you try anything
and if it still is just unfreeze that app.
If you deleted apps already and you find that you need it then go here.
Most of Xperia X10 Default Apps
Read all the post in this forum to.
If you find this or these posts and forums helpful then Please click the THANKs button on this and all forums.
Thank you

Opera mini/mobile problem with my 5830i

Hi brothers,
i have an issue with Opera mini browser since i bought this phone (5830i), when i try to open ANY page it keeps looping at the address bar than it shows error in network message. I tried both with stock and custom rom, 3G and wifi and still nothing.
I've been looking for a solution before i ask for your help guys.
Review your network settings in opera
Go to advanced and change http to socket/http
That might help cos I was getting the same error when I used http as the protocol
And it would be really appreciated if you post your questions in the help thread in the stickies cos our general section is really flooded
So it is a kind request to post in the help thread to get more answers cos many people won't answer here cos ur flooding the general and could be harsh on you
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda premium
rahulnandwani said:
Review your network settings in opera
Go to advanced and change http to socket/http
That might help cos I was getting the same error when I used http as the protocol
And it would be really appreciated if you post your questions in the help thread in the stickies cos our general section is really flooded
So it is a kind request to post in the help thread to get more answers cos many people won't answer here cos ur flooding the general and could be harsh on you
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda premium
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Thanx for the quick reply. I already did change the network settings but nothing happens. The "weird" fact is that when i run test network, it tell me that i have a working network connection !!
And for the post, i think that this problem, if it is a common one, should be solved -i wish- and the solution should be clear and distinguish from other topics.
Which browser are you using opera mini web browser or opera mini mobile browser
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda premium
Me facing the same problem.....but after reinstalling or after 1-2days it starts working fine again........
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda premium
rahulnandwani said:
Which browser are you using opera mini web browser or opera mini mobile browser
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda premium
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Opera mini web browser (i tried also the mobile version but still the same problem).
bounty hunter14 said:
Me facing the same problem.....but after reinstalling or after 1-2days it starts working fine again........
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda premium
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Now 2 days ago, but same problem persists ...
does anybody having the same issue ??
i read somewhere if you have any voip app installed then opera mini might give you error...if you have installed voip app, uninstall it and try operamini, it might work..!!
What's voip?
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda premium
rahulnandwani said:
What's voip?
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda premium
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voice over internet protocol
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
omrisaber said:
Opera mini web browser (i tried also the mobile version but still the same problem).
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Any firewall is installed?
omrisaber said:
Hi brothers,
i have an issue with Opera mini browser since i bought this phone (5830i), when i try to open ANY page it keeps looping at the address bar than it shows error in network message. I tried both with stock and custom rom, 3G and wifi and still nothing.
I've been looking for a solution before i ask for your help guys.
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You might have changed SIM .....
Sometimes opera tries to access web via 1st SIM's access point using which you installed & 1st time you used the app ....
It happened when I had a symbian ....
Well uninstall opera » delete all the folders and cache opera created ( from system + SD card ) » restart your phone and install .... See if that works ....... :cyclops:

