Hi guys,
I have a generic UK firmware 026 for x10i.
A few days ago I reflashed my phone using SEUS as I was having a few problems with the phone.
After reinstalling i noticed there are quite a few apps I cannot find in market. They were there before flashing but now it just cannot find in search.
Is there a fix for this?
I know there is a fix for rooted phones but mine isn't rooted and also its for version 020.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
I have also noticed this after debranding and going to 026 in uk was krange branded 020 before
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Search "Market Fix" on this forum... you must to root it to use the patch...
Thol said:
Search "Market Fix" on this forum... you must to root it to use the patch...
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Yeah but I'm baffled. I'm not rooted or manually debranded. My phone is factory sim free and I'm using stock 026 firmware why should I have this issue?
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
because some providers block some apps... and some apps are not available in some country...
Try to find your apps on WiFi... if it is not found... there a country lock...
With Market Fix, your X10 is open to all apps...
Thol said:
because some providers block some apps... and some apps are not available in some country...
Try to find your apps on WiFi... if it is not found... there a country lock...
With Market Fix, your X10 is open to all apps...
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Sorry but your theory doesn't really make sense. I had apps available before reflashing. I had 026 before and still have now. All I did was reinstall.
But have tried you WiFi theory, that failed I'm afraid.
Buy the way does market fix work on unrooted phone?
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jayman1986 said:
Buy the way does market fix work on unrooted phone?
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The market fix replace 2 system files, so root is needed to do that..
I'd debrand my French X10 on 014 to an sweeden 026 (for no serve me), some of french apps are not avalable after that...
With the Market FIx, i can found it again...
So, i tell you a solution, if you don't believe it, wait if some one have an other solution..
Same problem for me.
Same problem here. Have a German device flashed to Generic Nordic. Live in sweden. Installed som swedish apps and it was all green (some of them I also had installed befor the flash). After quite some time I wanted to star over from scratch again (had so many bad apps I didn't use that I wanted to totally get rid of).
I used SE Updateservic and did a repair.
Still on Generic Nordic, bur now several apps can't be found for me any more, though I just had them. I thought that I should try to repair the device again, but at the same time 2.1 was just around the corner.
But now when 2.1 is delayed I maybe try to see if another repair can fix things.
Thol said:
The market fix replace 2 system files, so root is needed to do that..
I'd debrand my French X10 on 014 to an sweeden 026 (for no serve me), some of french apps are not avalable after that...
With the Market FIx, i can found it again...
So, i tell you a solution, if you don't believe it, wait if some one have an other solution..
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Hi iv been looking for the market fix you talked about and can't find it. I'm already rooted with univsal androot, does this make a difference?
Iv got r2ba026 fw btw, thanks in advance
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Thread with info for Market Fix for R2BA026, X10i/a:
mattiL said:
Thread with info for Market Fix for R2BA026, X10i/a:
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Thanks very much
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Try, here in Canada I swear they block all the good apps. This was the only way I got some apps on my phone.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
So from what I understand will this allow you to view market apps from other countries and see everything relesed instead of the market saying it can't find what your looking for?
Quite a few times iv been on appbrain and you click on an app, it goes to the market and it won't find what you just clicked even though its shown on appbrain.
Could someone clarify for me? Thanks in advance
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LAHAL Droid said:
Try, here in Canada I swear they block all the good apps. This was the only way I got some apps on my phone.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
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How could you download directly from AppBrain? It takes you to market and it says that its not available
Right guys, all your suggestions were useless, but thanks for trying, and those who kept banging on about country restrictions- you were just talking nonsense as it was not the problem I was having, as I thought I had explained but noone seemed to grasp.
Anyway I believe I have worked out the solution to this problem myself.
Go to setting, applications, manage applications, market, uninstall updates(this will take you back to original factory version, and will reset market)
Don't worry as market will Automatically update itself a few hours later.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
jayman1986 said:
Right guys, all your suggestions were useless, but thanks for trying, and those who kept banging on about country restrictions- you were just talking nonsense as it was not the problem I was having, as I thought I had explained but noone seemed to grasp.
Anyway I believe I have worked out the solution to this problem myself.
Go to setting, applications, manage applications, market, uninstall updates(this will take you back to original factory version, and will reset market)
Don't worry as market will Automatically update itself a few hours later.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
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I didnt see any options to uninstall updates. Where is this>?
SGK128 said:
I didnt see any options to uninstall updates. Where is this>?
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exactly where he said, after going to "Manage applications" scroll down to the Market app and it's the first option...Uninstall updates, Clear cache, etc etc
my first option is clear cache.. no uninstall updates.
look at this thread it is quick and easy:
Hi! I got recently problem with my Android Market. I'm not quite sure what's the problem, but I think because I removed the important system applications. You know google's apps. The problem is that when I want to download an app from the market, it just stands on beginning to download the app, it never goes further....
How should i fix this?
Please help me.
Regards Paul
Can you try to delete the market app from /system/app back it up to sd card
And then place it back and reboot
Not sure if it will work but worth a try
Sent from my U20i using XDA App
Exactly thes same problem here . Help!!!
owain94 said:
Can you try to delete the market app from /system/app back it up to sd card
And then place it back and reboot
Not sure if it will work but worth a try
Sent from my U20i using XDA App
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I can test, but I don't think it will work..
Go to settings - manage applications and scroll down to market (impt: only market app and not the other market related apps) and then uninstall updates. And then download the apps u want.
Sent from my U20i using XDA App
Market servers are down. Be patient . WIll be normal soon
yes, I have had issues as well. No "downloads" were showing...
downloaded one app and now they are back.
could have been a Market server issue as well, but was screwed up for 2 days.
btw: the uninstall updates trick does work in most cases when Market is acting up
is the server still down ?
because i faced the same problem since couple of days
rodrigez rom .. miui .. 1.3V
my local time now 21:10
GMT time 18:10
best regards
The servers are up and fine. Check
Sent from my E10i using XDA App
when i try to download somthing it just says starting download... help?
Clear market data+cache
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palle14 said:
Hi! I got recently problem with my Android Market. I'm not quite sure what's the problem, but I think because I removed the important system applications. You know google's apps. The problem is that when I want to download an app from the market, it just stands on beginning to download the app, it never goes further....
How should i fix this?
Please help me.
Regards Paul
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Hi this issue is affecting a lot of android users of all makes including the new blade/sanfranciso. DONT PANIC resetting will not fix this is a market issue i have contacted google by phone and will recieve a call from them which i will then update you all on asap you can follow me on @jayfromcornwall on twitter, dont mess with your phones or reflash you will be wasting your time just sit tight until i get the info back !! kindest regards to all from jay
please dont ring orange uk about this android market issue spoke to lyndsey @orange and they are now aware of the problem and can do nowt
still doesn't work for me anyone else?
But so i get it right, it's nothing wrong with my phone. It's wrong with the server on Android Market?
I had this problem from last thus till yesterday. Was so p'd off I uninstalled the markets app. I'd recently updated and after uninstall the app was still there but as the previous version, it's working fine now. So I think it's something to do with the updates.
Sent from my X10mini pro using XDA App
My updates just keep failing, all 3 of them, nothing seems to work
Are you guys using the patched market ?
Sent from my E10i using Tapatalk
Same here
I have the same problem in Norway, some apps will and some apps just won't install or download. Have tried to reset factory settings and deleted app, in fact some new apps newer installed won't install to..
I had the same problem and i solved reinstalling the firmware using SEUS..
same issues with my phone
Ok i just bought a new Optimus one p500 today.
So I've just started checking it out.. but one thing i noticed was that the default android twitter app doesnt allow me to log into my account.
Even though the Username/password were right, it keeps showing "Invalid Username/password" message..
i tried from the native browser and that was able to log me in .. right now its just the android twitter app..
any1 else faced this problem?
ajphoenix said:
Ok i just bought a new Optimus one p500 today.
So I've just started checking it out.. but one thing i noticed was that the default android twitter app doesnt allow me to log into my account.
Even though the Username/password were right, it keeps showing "Invalid Username/password" message..
i tried from the native browser and that was able to log me in .. right now its just the android twitter app..
any1 else faced this problem?
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Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
awkward ... :/
err.. so nothing i can do about this?
Did you try updating twitter app? I've got it once, and I just had to update it.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
Update your twitter app using the market
It will work then.
EDIT: Got ninja'd on my first post... sigh...
ah.kk .. thanks..
lol. seems there's a lot of stuff for me to learn here..
Oh, and should i really root my phone.. Right now its got 2.2.1..
so should I root and install a custom ROM now itself, or use the phone for a week or more, and then decide?
ajphoenix said:
ah.kk .. thanks..
lol. seems there's a lot of stuff for me to learn here..
Oh, and should i really root my phone.. Right now its got 2.2.1..
so should I root and install a custom ROM now itself, or use the phone for a week or more, and then decide?
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Well, i rooted and installed a custom rom on my phone three days after purchasing it... But I had done my "homework" a few days before, learning a bit more about Android.
Take your time and do what you want, but I do believe you won't regret rooting your phone
stormpack said:
Update your twitter app using the market
It will work then.
EDIT: Got ninja'd on my first post... sigh...
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Hahaha we posted right at the same time lol.
Regarding root, I'd say exactly as you. Take a little time and read about custom recovery, root, roms, 2.2, gingerbread, froyo etc. See development section for such knowledge. Everything is there!
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
Hello all
Firstly This is not my app, I take no credit, all credits due to the developer of this app!
firstly most of us dont like the new android market, here is an apk installer that will allow you to get your old market back!
i have tested this on my X10 mini pro and it works
1. Install the apk using app installer
2. Run OldMarket_v1.1.6.apk
3. Open Old Market and you Have two option
4. Choose Old Market
5. It will prompt you to REBOOT so click on reboot
6. Once the phone has rebooted test it out
Thank u I'm gonna try for sure.....As i've got a big problem with my market....
kashem58 said:
Hello all
Firstly This is not my app, I take no credit, all credits due to the developer of this app!
firstly most of us dont like the new android market, here is an apk installer that will allow you to get your old market back!
i have tested this on my X10 mini pro and it works
1. Install the apk using app installer
2. Run OldMarket_v1.1.6.apk
3. Open Old Market and you Have two option
4. Choose Old Market
5. It will prompt you to REBOOT so click on reboot
6. Once the phone has rebooted test it out
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Once the old market is installed, and you run it does it autmatically update them to the new market again?
And also you should link to the original dev.
evilbarcode said:
Once the old market is installed, and you run it does it autmatically update them to the new market again?
And also you should link to the original dev.
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Try freezing "market updater" using titanium backup. Or delete it maybe??
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andy_dunlop said:
Try freezing "market updater" using titanium backup. Or delete it maybe??
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
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Ok ill have a look and see.
You can also stop the market updating itself by opening up terminal and typing:
su -
pm disable
You will get a message to say its been disabled. I usually just use route explorer to move a copy of the old market (vending.apk) to system/apps and set permissions, run terminal with the above command and voila! Must say though, it will be nice to see how this installer works, especially if it cuts down on excess finger tapping..
I've never been able to use any of the new markets, its awful. Not sure if there's any weird issues with the internet around here but it was so hard to get anything installed. It could take 20 mins to install a single app, I could have configured my whole phone from scratch in that time!
Good work!
Sent from my U20i using Tapatalk
obsidian_eclipse said:
You can also stop the market updating itself by opening up terminal and typing:
su -
pm disable
You will get a message to say its been disabled. I usually just use route explorer to move a copy of the old market (vending.apk) to system/apps and set permissions, run terminal with the above command and voila! Must say though, it will be nice to see how this installer works, especially if it cuts down on excess finger tapping..
I've never been able to use any of the new markets, its awful. Not sure if there's any weird issues with the internet around here but it was so hard to get anything installed. It could take 20 mins to install a single app, I could have configured my whole phone from scratch in that time!
Good work!
Sent from my U20i using Tapatalk
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Haha yeah i know what you mean, i had a few problems with some of the new versions as well, just like that but with mine it would never actually install. It would finish the download then say it was corrupt and could not install. Or something along those lines. But the newest one seems to work for me now. The only reason i want an old market is for the old theme of it.
Cheers for the info tho, ill have a look, havent installed this yet, just finished putting Flame.E 0.2 on my mimmi.
evilbarcode said:
Once the old market is installed, and you run it does it autmatically update them to the new market again?
And also you should link to the original dev.
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no it doesnt update back the new market, i been using it often since i installed it and still got my old market!
and also i found this app on the internet somewhere, dont know where its original source
kashem58 said:
no it doesnt update back the new market, i been using it often since i installed it and still got my old market!
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Ohk thats cool then, good to know.
kashem58 said:
and also i found this app on the internet somewhere, dont know where its original source
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Fair enough, didn't realise that.
The markets getting ready for ice cream sandwitch ,,i think there leaving the older phones out in some way coz mini pro
With new market is slow
But neo n new market is great
And xoom market is rocket fast
Thanks and yes best to.freeze market vending
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
kormatoes said:
The markets getting ready for ice cream sandwitch ,,i think there leaving the older phones out in some way coz mini pro
With new market is slow
But neo n new market is great
And xoom market is rocket fast
Thanks and yes best to.freeze market vending
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
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But isn't ICS supposed to support all android devices, no matter what size shape or colour lol (correct me if im wrong about this). If that is true then it must be something else that is cause it to be slow? i mean that to me makes sense i dont know about anyone else.
evilbarcode said:
But isn't ICS supposed to support all android devices, no matter what size shape or colour lol (correct me if im wrong about this). If that is true then it must be something else that is cause it to be slow? i mean that to me makes sense i dont know about anyone else.
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My wife's phone recently updated to the new market, she has a htc wildfire and she says the new market if awful on that too. She had the phone waiting 10 mins to update an application!
Sent from my U20i using Tapatalk
Not all fones because mini pro never got past 2.1 so. Think how all phones and the new market is verry fast on new phones so was proberly mobile data problem
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
kormatoes said:
Not all fones because mini pro never got past 2.1 so. Think how all phones and the new market is verry fast on new phones so was proberly mobile data problem
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
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Hmm i guess that makes sense, well all we can do now is wait and see what happens with ICS then.
Can't be long now I have a neo and XOOM also so wonders witch one will get it first '''race on lol suppose to be this month or next
Sent from my MZ604 using xda premium
I guess it is not much supported on Mini Pro. i was trying a lot of times to update and it doesnt come to the update page. loading for eternity.
i gotta change back.
Im confused coz making a video about it it was like lightning lol I post link soon
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
This works fine, thank you for sharing, i just deleted marketupdater with titanium backup
kormatoes said:
Im confused coz making a video about it it was like lightning lol I post link soon
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
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very nice, looks cool having both sizes, one extreme to the other. On a side note, whats the xoom like lol? I was looking at them on gsmarena, they look cool.
Very cool indeed brown there're epic
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
I installed the mod several times (including cache wipes and stuff).
But everytime when I call somebody, the phone crashes after a few minutes and reboots.
My phone isnt overclocked and has got Droidwall installed(the configuration shouldnt get in the way with skype).
I logged the session with alogcat but couldnt find something suspicious exept "no longer want skype.raider"
Do you see something that I dont or do you know the problem?
Thanks for helping me
p.s.: this is my first thread. i tried my very best not to post in the wrong forum and i searched web before.
fleanegan said:
I installed the mod several times (including cache wipes and stuff).
But everytime when I call somebody, the phone crashes after a few minutes and reboots.
My phone isnt overclocked and has got Droidwall installed(the configuration shouldnt get in the way with skype).
I logged the session with alogcat but couldnt find something suspicious exept "no longer want skype.raider"
Do you see something that I dont or do you know the problem?
Thanks for helping me
p.s.: this is my first thread. i tried my very best not to post in the wrong forum and i searched web before.
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You're running CM7.2? Is it definitely a Mini Pro and not a X10 Mini Pro?
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Ticklefish said:
You're running CM7.2? Is it definitely a Mini Pro and not a X10 Mini Pro?
Sent from my SK17i using xda premium
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its a sk17i too. so its definitly not a x 10 mini pro. i dont use the cyanogenmod 9 because i think it slower...
does no one know? :crying:
Thread moved. Please post your questions/requests for help in Q&A where they should be.