[HOWTO] Remove Ads from apk - Defy Themes and Apps

Hi there, here's a little tweak that I've just figured out and that hopefully some of you might enjoy...
But first off, a disclaimer:
Ads or (upgrade) nag banners 'sometimes' have a justifiable reason of being. Devs might use them to get some extra (very small un fact; most finally give this up in the end) revenue from them. That, in turn, that might allow or encourage them to continue pulishing more free apps for you to enjoy. So use your best judgement here and use these tweaks with discernment...​
Message to moderators: if this goes against xda policy in any way, please let me know and I'll remove all this from here.
OK, now that this is set clear, here's what that is all about:
I'm sure that most of you guys have seen ads (or upgrade) banners in free apps and being an xda member, you probably know a few tricks to get rid of some of them. I mean ads like the ones apps or games that do not really need internet connections can easilly be blocked by using ip-tables rules/firewall/anti-ads apks to completly block their internet (like with Droidwall for example). But what about ads on the apps that DO need internet connection and than cannot be completely blocked? What about the empty screen space left for banners on some others with blocked internet access?
Well, through my readings, I've found that some suggest to hack the apks and to simply decompile them, go in \decompiled_apk\smali\com\google\ folder and delete the "ads" folder altogether. Well, from my experience, this doesn't work very well. In many cases, the modded app will not install and in some other cases, the trick might work for a while and then the ads would eventually come back. That last case just happened to me: a while ago, I've tweaked the DI Radio app like so and things seemed just fine. And today, bam!!: ads banners again. God knows how/why they came back with that "ads" folder deleted, but they did!!
So with a little thinkering and code browsing, I've figured out a very simple way to get this done - here's how:
What you need:
- An apk decompiling/compiling/signing tool(s) of your choice;
- the excellent text editor notepad++ - get it from here
- PLEASE, do not fill this thread with questions like: how do I decompile/sign apks? - it's not the place here - thanks!
- And please do not full-quote this long post either
- If you rewrite/repost this somewhere else, please play it fair and give credits/link to this thread.
1. Pull and decompile your apk;
2. Go in \res\layout folder and select all the xmls files, right-click of the highlighted file and press "open" and they should all open with Notepad++ [just click OK if you get the "confirm 'Open' Action"];
3. Select Search/Find... and enter: "@id/ad" [no quotes ""] and press "Find ALL in All opened Documents" on the search popup dialog box;
4. Now look at the search results and there might be 2 possible (maybe more.. I've tried this on only 2 apks so far...) result types:
--> As a first illustration of this: for the DI radio apk I've mentioned above [I use an older version and not the latest that requires login every time...], you get an xml called "playing.xml" with this at line 6:
<FrameLayout android:layout_gravity="center" android:id="[COLOR="Red"]@id/ad[/COLOR]_frame" android:layout_width="[COLOR="Red"]320.0dip[/COLOR]" android:layout_height="[COLOR="red"]50.0dip[/COLOR]">
On that line, we can see some size attributes for that banner; just resize them to 0!!;
So all there is to do is to edit it like so:
<FrameLayout android:layout_gravity="center" android:id="@id/ad_frame" android:layout_width="[COLOR="red"]0.0dip[/COLOR]" android:layout_height="[COLOR="red"]0.0dip[/COLOR]">
-->> Second case: for some other apks (like for an older version of a very famous file explorer..), you might get multiple results (many xmls - 6 or 7 of them) all looking like this:
<com.google.ads.GoogleAdView android:layout_gravity="center" android:id="[COLOR="red"]@id/ad[/COLOR]view" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
So no banner sizes in this case but all there is to do is to delete all those lines completely and then save all the respective xmls. Then,
5. Recompile and sign the apk;
6. Backup [for restoring its data later..] and then uninstall your original apk from your phone (if still there)
7. Install your modded one and enjoy your app without any ads, blank spot or nag screen.
Final notes:
- Now, this doesn't stop the app to get the ads from the internet, but it does give you a simple way to hide them and this also make accidental clicks on them a story of the past...
- This is pure dirty hacking and not a general procedure; there might be different ways to implement ads in apps and ways to hide them; so please try at your own risk and feel free to share your results/tricks with us.
- Thanks to oSandmaNo for reminding me this one important drawback: when you tweak apps like so, you will get an error message when trying to update them on the Playstore. You will have to uninstall them before being able to update. so this mean that make a backup with Titanium Backup (or others) first in order to later restore the app's DATA ONLY. Obviously, the remove ads tweak will then be gone after the update, but since you've done it once, it should be fairly easy to do it once more..
- Read post #3 for a few additional tips.

Always the best
Move this to android software hacking?
I don't want a Tapatalk sig!

Thanks buddy,
Well after a little more experimenting on this yesterday
[ ...nice way to spend time our last day on Earth... Oh wait! we're still alive; the doomsday that never came...], I realize(like I suspected) that there are many different ads implementation/removal methods and will have to had a few extra tips and tricks here.
I even still have an app that I can't figure out where the ad banner is.
But, if I may just add, the whole point here was to:
1- tell people that notepad++ is excellent tool for multi-open and multiple-files search tool - perfect for xmls...
and 2- make people realize that if ads are displayed on the screen, it is more than likely that there is/are entries about it somewhere in /res/layout/ that can be hacked...
Ok, from phone it's not convenient but here's one or two extra tips:
- search for "<com." and look for results related to google AdView or doubleclick - those can all be voided;
- if you find a line that you know/suspect is a banner, do not completely delete it and just use "<!--" (start - w/o ") and "-->" (end) to void that line;
- if a banner line entry is within a RelativeLayout, it might be preferable to add/change its size to zero with android:layout_width="0.0dip" (same with height) rather than void it;
- if you do the above (0 height/width), and the line has a: android:scaleType=fitXY" entry, delete it from the line. Other wise it might just bypass your change to 0 by 0 size...
- so search for "fitXY" is alao another thing to search for in the goose chase... so is "advert", "banner", "pub", ....
Ok, that's it for now...lack of coffee in the morning makes for messy posts...

So the difference between the results of this procedure and an adblock such as AdAway is? I'm just curious.

KicknGuitar said:
So the difference between the results of this procedure and an adblock such as AdAway is? I'm just curious.
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they will only block the ads but they keep a blank frame in the display and this will get rid of the whole frame
I don't want a Tapatalk sig!

nogoodusername said:
they will only block the ads but they keep a blank frame in the display and this will get rid of the whole frame
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Yep, that's the idea!
Why can't I ever come up with those 1-liner answers...?!? :silly:
Baahh! since I've already written an answer in a notepad, I'll paste it here in anyway:
Similarly to anti-virus solution and their virus defintion lists, AdAway is an app that blocks ads through the use of hosts files. It basically downloads and keep updated a list of known ads (and rogue) sites and just blocks any internet connection to them using a local redirection. I've already posted something on all this here.
Btw, I personally do not see the point of using such a specific app just for this as there tons of such lists freely available on the net and I don't think it is that important to update it so frequently... I just update the list once every 3-4 months or so and everything has been fine for me so far...
On the other hand, the object of this thread is to deal with apks' layouts and that means to aim at removing any wasted space that the ads might use OR leave empty if you do block them out. Just look at the 4th screenshot on the OP; it might not be clearly visible because I put some text over it, but you see that black rectangle at the bottom? Well that is what I called an app banner. It's black because I used Droidwall to block internet access to that file explorer, but I believe that it would be the exact same if I would only use either AdAway or just my hosts file. It's the layout design of the apk that still uses that space even though it didn't get any ads from the internet...With my tricks, I (at least the goal is to) regain that important screen real estate no matter what; even without any ad blocking solution... And btw, none of those are perfect either; there will always be one new ad site not listed/included yet...
Like I wrote more than once above, not all apps are coded the same and some other apks do not display anything when they do not get any ads from the net. So these tweaks would not be needed for those.
I feel that what I wrote is a bit confusing, but I hope you get my idea anyway.
Added two more SS as example...
[that freakin app had ads entry in a good dozen different xmls but easy doubleclick ones :victory: ]

To any layout block (within < and /> ) having the word "ad" in it should work as well
And right on about notepad++ being great for xmls and I use it along with VTS10 which also previews referenced drawables, strings and public.xml entries in the xml apart from having a complete fuss free environment for reverse engineering apps
Thanx for sharing!

bhupatib said:
To any layout block (within < and /> )
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Thanks I wondered about that; I will try it out on the next app I tweak for this..
having the word "ad" in it should work as well
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You mean searching for the word "ad" or adding that within the layout? Because searding for "ad" when an app 100+ xmls you will get A LOT of results with "android: paddingLeft=...(/right)"...
And right on about notepad++ being great for xmls and I use it along with VTS10 which also previews referenced drawables, strings and public.xml entries in the xml apart from having a complete fuss free environment for reverse engineering apps
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Thanks, I'll surely have a look at that VTS10 but when I tried to search for it I got just about every results possible (dry vaccum pumps, metal wires, remote house domotic system, etc...) except something related to Android
Thanx for sharing!
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NP my pleasure.

Can you update the app after modifying? No package signed incorrectly error?
Sent from my MB526 using xda app-developers app

[] AL [] said:
You mean searching for the word "ad" or adding that within the layout?
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I didn't mean it literally, just something to identify layouts containing adverts (lame, I know ). There'd be better ways of searching for it (like the id search you mentioned)
[] AL [] said:
Thanks, I'll surely have a look at that VTS10
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Sorry, I used the abbreviation (and wrong one at that; it's just VTS or Virtuous Ten Studio, formerly M10 Studio) without giving you a link. I should be banned
It's really great for themers and smali-ers like you

oSandmaNo said:
Can you update the app after modifying? No package signed incorrectly error?
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Oh! good that you mention this - I thought about it earlier today then I forgot about it...
You are right: you'll get that error and have to uninstall before beeing able to update.
This makes sense and even if you could, the update would replace the old version and remove your changes anyway.
So yes, this is an important drawback and I'll update the OP tomorrow.
I often tend to keep old versions unless new ones bring important fixes or options...why update what is not broken? hehe!
But at least, once you've found how the tweak is done for a specific app, it should be quite easy to do it again...
And really, I don't know about you, but I do not use that many such apps that show ads or blank space... Most don't if they do not absolutely require internet connection and if you use Droidwall and/or a hosts file.
But again, good point and thanks.

Sweet. Thanks. Works!
Sent from my MB525 using xda app-developers app

Luckypatcher is free and easier to remove ads.
Gesendet von meinem MB526

joke19 said:
Luckypatcher is free and easier to remove ads.
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Maybe, but that has nothing to do with xda philosophy where the forum is there to make people learn and try mods on there own.
Beside, in my mind, this is pretty much warez talk and that is against xda rules...
So I won't thank you for the suggestion


thanking you twice today, mate!

piunti said:
thanking you twice today, mate!
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Way to go!!!
and you're welcomed.
... Keep going, I have more threads... Hehehe!!
Any comments on why or what you thanked? Anyhow, I thank you here and once more on your post above..: fair enough?
Cheers mæite!
Edit: OK well thanked you there (theme thread) also.
Plz do not full-quote my long posts next time....

Madvertise Ads !!!
Awsome tut dude! I've been on it already but now I've encounter some kind of new ad engine called Madvertise!
Can't seem to get rid of it! Do you or anybody aorund know how?
I seemed to have figured out some of its files...
Messing around modifying/removing these files makes the APK file unusable!

Ty very much. I had problems with one app for coding. The ad covred the main sting while I was writing and I really could't see anything. But with ur help I can carry on with my work
P.S.: Does the ad eat traffic even when I can't see it? And I'm enclosing that app. Probably, some1 needs it.

thanks OP for great method
Thanks OP for this great method, i was having problems first when compiling but when i downloaded the latest apktool and aapt especially the decompiling was done with any problem. I removed ads from two apps as a piece of cake.


Question - Batch Files & WinMo

I have a question about WinMo / Batch files
I want to keep 'certain' images in one folder, along with 2 batch files
If hide.bat is executed it converts all the file extensions (.jpg) to .895 (or anything random)
If show.bat is executed it reverses the process.
Where as this entire process is working flawlessly on the PC the batch files do not execute on Winmo, what is the way around?
I feel this should be the easiest way to hide unwanted content when you leave your phone unattended around home or work OR worse, give it to your partner to play with
P.S. - if there is already a utility that does that please let me know!
have a read up on mortscript.
Methinks someone is trying to keep their Pr0n hidden ....
Mortscript is your way to go ....
but there are , I know I've seen them in action , just don't know what it is called, a program that keeps an encrypted file store on WM that can only be access with a pw.
I know a little off base from your question but .........
samsamuel said:
have a read up on mortscript.
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Thanks Sam I will read up on this.
watcher64 said:
Methinks someone is trying to keep their Pr0n hidden ....
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Ofcourse, what else???
Its pr0n for them..... for us its 'me' time
disregarding the nature of yours khmmm... "important documents of sensitive nature", I'd rather recommend more adult solution, i.e.
FreeOTFE: "free, open source, on-the-fly transparent disk encryption program for PCs and PDAs"
p107r0 said:
disregarding the nature of yours khmmm... "important documents of sensitive nature", I'd rather recommend more adult solution, i.e.
FreeOTFE: "free, open source, on-the-fly transparent disk encryption program for PCs and PDAs"
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+1 That was one I had seen but could not remember the name ....
But what I wonder who does the OP give his phone to that might see his "Sensitive" Documents, hell my HD2 rarely leaves my hand when it is on , except when I need a free one .......

Looking for Developer to...

I was wondering how hard it would be to create a simple application that would connect to a server or website checking for updates. I plan on loading font .apk's on the server or website, and would like a application to periodically check for updates or manually check for updates, be able to preview the font, and then download the .apk if wanted. How hard would it be to create such an application?
jzero88 said:
I was wondering how hard it would be to create a simple application that would connect to a server or website checking for updates. I plan on loading font .apk's on the server or website, and would like a application to periodically check for updates or manually check for updates, be able to preview the font, and then download the .apk if wanted. How hard would it be to create such an application?
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Well, this depends on how you approach it, but I think the easiest way to do this would be to create a feed using XML. So if you were doing your font updater, you would load a file like this:
<Font name = "Font1" example = "http://www.myfontsite.com/FontExamples/Font1.png" location = ""http://www.myfontsite.com/Fonts/Font1.apk"\>
<Font name = "Font2" example = "http://www.myfontsite.com/FontExamples/Font2.png" location = "http://www.myfontsite.com/Fonts/Font2.apk"\>
The problem with this is that you will have to maintain this XML file, making sure its always up-to-date(Easily manageable with some simple scripts).
If you aren't willing to do this, you could go down the road that is wrongly mislabeled as "The Easy Way" and hard-code the locations of all your APK's and all of your example images, but I would only do this if you were planning on dumping all the APK's and images in the same place(For example, if all your APK's were here: http://www.myfontsite.com/Fonts/). You would request the directory information from the server and parse that into your list of font APK's and correspond them with their example images(probably by naming them the same; i.e. Font1.apk and Font1.png).
If you decide to use the first option, you could do a bunch of cool things with the organization, like break things into categories and apply taggings and it would only require one request to the server per update. If you go with the second method, organization is guaranteed to be a mess if you try anything large scale, and adds a layer of complexity if you try to break things into folders and categories. This would require a ping per folder you have to check, which can have a high complexity factor if you have a lot of folders.
I just want to point out that even though this is directly related to development, this is a type of question that belongs in the General section(Questions ALWAYS belong in General). I'm sure a Mod will come around, scold you, then move the thread.
Anyway, I do hope this helps,
Good luck,
Edit: Having a bit of problems getting the XML looking correct. Sorry if it looks ugly :S
Even easier would be to manage the updater as an RSS feed. Then it becomes quite trivial, as there are several examples of RSS readers online already.
Great! Thanks for the reply!
Yeah, the XML approach I think would be the better option as well, just because we could use this thread to hold everything I currently do no have any hosting at this time. Would you be up to making such a application? It seems you have the know abouts to so.... I would be the one to maintain everything and update it. I would monitor this thread and when new ones pop up, I wouldn't mind adding it to in the XML.
Also, how would the RSS feed work?
jzero88 said:
Great! Thanks for the reply!
Yeah, the XML approach I think would be the better option as well, just because we could use this thread to hold everything I currently do no have any hosting at this time. Would you be up to making such a application? It seems you have the know abouts to so.... I would be the one to maintain everything and update it. I would monitor this thread and when new ones pop up, I wouldn't mind adding it to in the XML.
Also, how would the RSS feed work?
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Wish I could...I've got about 50 projects already on the back-burner and no time to finish them Tell ya what though...I've finished a mini project a couple weeks ago with some buddies at school for my friends website. Its an Open-Source RSS reader that was made to read in the latest articles of his site. With some slight tweaking, I'm sure you(or some other dev) could mod it to work in your favor...Here's the github address:
I don't think this is the latest code, but all the working elements you need are in here.

Looking for Custom Quotes Widget

I'm looking for a very simple app. It allows me to go in and add quotes, I have an extensive txt file of my favorite quotes. The ones I find inspirational or motivational or thought-provoking etc. I want to populate the widget with that.
Every app I found was populated from other sites based on category, etc.
Anyone know where I can find it?
Alternatively a widget which pulls from a url and displays the returned text (I'm a web developer and haven't learned android dev. yet.)
this probably won't meet all your needs but give it a go. http://www.appbrain.com/app/23-000-great-quotes/com.cramzy.quotes
trickjarrett said:
I'm looking for a very simple app. It allows me to go in and add quotes, I have an extensive txt file of my favorite quotes. The ones I find inspirational or motivational or thought-provoking etc. I want to populate the widget with that.
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Such an app would be really great!!
So, now there is an nice App for this: "PersonalQuotes", exactely what I was looking for! Works perfect, have a look! you will find it in the Market
have a look to my new app
trickjarrett said:
I'm looking for a very simple app. It allows me to go in and add quotes, I have an extensive txt file of my favorite quotes. The ones I find inspirational or motivational or thought-provoking etc. I want to populate the widget with that.
Every app I found was populated from other sites based on category, etc.
Anyone know where I can find it?
Alternatively a widget which pulls from a url and displays the returned text (I'm a web developer and haven't learned android dev. yet.)
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Please have a look to my app. download link is there in my signature..
Quote widget for android- app updated
Check out : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bhanu.bhanuquoteoftheday
its updated from scratch, new simple and smooth UI with complete overhaul from scratch.
try and let me know your feedback.
trickjarrett said:
I'm looking for a very simple app. It allows me to go in and add quotes, I have an extensive txt file of my favorite quotes. The ones I find inspirational or motivational or thought-provoking etc. I want to populate the widget with that.
Every app I found was populated from other sites based on category, etc.
Anyone know where I can find it?
Alternatively a widget which pulls from a url and displays the returned text (I'm a web developer and haven't learned android dev. yet.)
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I don't want to start new thread, but there are some news about Quotes App/Widget with syncing to/from a cloud?
I looking for this regularly from 2-3 years and didn't found any good.
How can I delete all your 4097 quotes in just one click? All I want to add just my qu
yogi.306 said:
Check out : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bhanu.bhanuquoteoftheday
its updated from scratch, new simple and smooth UI with complete overhaul from scratch.
try and let me know your feedback.
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How can I delete all your 4097 quotes in just one click? All I want to add just my quotes. Thank you.
I love your APPS however I cannot modify it.
There is no way right now to delete all quotes.
and we wont add that in future. as no need of such option.
engrbugs said:
How can I delete all your 4097 quotes in just one click? All I want to add just my quotes. Thank you.
I love your APPS however I cannot modify it.
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[SUGGESTIONS][CHEFS] To chefs offering adblock for /etc/hosts

I was debugging on the phone, and all of a sudden I saw something that caught my eye:
D/FlurryAgent( 5172): Sending report to: http://data.flurry.com/aar.do
D/FlurryAgent( 5172): Report successful
I've checked the list of applications that I have installed (rename .apk to .zip and then use Total Commander to search for FlurryAgent within the archives) and I was almost shocked to see how many are containing a reference to the agent (within their classes.dex file).
I suspect that it wasn't put there for nothing ...
User britoso has provided a workaround here: you need to add three lines to /etc/hosts.
Chefs, please make sure your updates are including those three lines
PS: None of the applications asked if its ok to send usage data to analytics company flurry.com ...
sounds like the iphone scandal
andrewddickey said:
sounds like the iphone scandal
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It seems so... we should be ready for valpurgis...
Ferrum Master said:
It seems so... we should be ready for valpurgis...
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I'm not sure I get the connection...
There are *.flurry entries in the Adfree hosts file.
Ok, they said Flurry Analytics is to improve their apps. But, location? Is that really necessary? Glad I have Adfree installed.
Yea BC someone trying to steal/gain malicious information from u would go through the effort/be stupid enough to put evidence of it on logcat lol... come on ppl think. I mean I understand why this posted n more power to u. But if your THAT worried u need to be watching the traffic that doesn't broadcast it to yourself, not the traffic that does lol.
My 2 cents, take it for w/e its worth lol.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
blakwhite said:
There are *.flurry entries in the Adfree hosts file.
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In my Adblock list I only found www.flurry.com, I'm still using V3.6 from wolf.
I guess I need a kernel with droid wall - and I will only allow certain applications to pass through.
And if some app requires internet connection and it doesn't tell me why beforehand, tough luck.
viulian said:
In my Adblock list I only found www.flurry.com, I'm still using V3.6 from wolf.
I guess I need a kernel with droid wall - and I will only allow certain applications to pass through.
And if some app requires internet connection and it doesn't tell me why beforehand, tough luck.
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i recommend LBE Privacy Guard as well. It needs ONLY root and it allows you to totally take control over your apps' permissions
zmod already has these entries on hosts
Adolf1994 said:
i recommend LBE Privacy Guard as well. It needs ONLY root and it allows you to totally take control over your apps' permissions
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Thanked, this is a very good app.

[App] Looking for Beta Testers for 9GAG+

the app is nearly finished and currently in public beta. You may find it here: http://www.windowsphone.com/s?appid=e4a9c785-efde-4794-8663-d562724e4fbd
I'm looking for beta testers for yet another 9GAG client for Windows Phone (8+). I know there are already plenty of clients available but none of them satisfy my demanding Actually there's only one client by Rudy Huyn (Market Link) which is quite good but keeps crashing since the last few updates. In addition it's somehow slow - I don't like that. So, I came up with another one
The app is not finished yet and still under development.
What's working?
viewing posts
viewing comments
downloading images, saving theme into the media library
sharing posts
pan and zoom (up to 25x)
rendering of extra large images (greater than 4000x4000)
What's not working (yet)?
gif animations (ironically I included the gif section already )
uploading images
posting comments
all items on the start screen (screenshot 2, bookmarks working since
up/down-voting comments/images
What's missing
license information and credits (guys who made the wallpaper, screenshot 1-6)
you tell me
Known bugs (so far)
double tapping a downscaled images which aspect ratio is nearly the same as the device's screen, sometimes doesn't initiate a zoom (like screenshot 11)
when there are too many replies to a comment, the client will not fetch all of them correctly
still some concurrency problems resulting in an app crash
you tell me
I attached some screenshots of the app. If you'd like to help me, just send me a PM with your LIVE e-mail address (the one you are using for the market). At the moment I'm looking for up to 10-15 testers.
I wish I could pay you for your efforts but I can't However, I will offer each beta tester a refund for the in-app purchase to remove ads (~1.5$).
During beta stage there won't be ads and if so, all in-app purchases are free during the app is published within the beta market. There won't be a "stand alone" paid version of this app.
I appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
Yeah, Rudy Huyn app is good, but crashing (mostly on devices with 512MB RAM).
9gag app for devices with less RAM would be good. Lookin forward.
qpkqkma said:
Yeah, Rudy Huyn app is good, but crashing (mostly on devices with 512MB RAM).
9gag app for devices with less RAM would be good. Lookin forward.
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You're welcome to give it a try
shoputer said:
I'm looking for beta testers for yet another 9GAG client for Windows Phone (8+). I know there are already plenty of clients available but none of them satisfy my demanding Actually there's only one client by Rudy Huyn (Market Link) which is quite good but keeps crashing since the last few updates. In addition it's somehow slow - I don't like that. So, I came up with another one
The app is not finished yet and still under development.
What's working?
viewing posts
viewing comments
downloading images, saving theme into the media library
sharing posts
pan and zoom (up to 25x)
rendering of extra large images (greater than 4000x4000)
What's not working (yet)?
gif animations (ironically I included the gif section already )
uploading images
posting comments
all items on the start screen (screenshot 2)
up/down-voting comments/images
What's missing
license information and credits (guys who made the wallpaper, screenshot 1-6)
you tell me
Known bugs (so far)
double tapping a downscaled images which aspect ratio is nearly the same as the device's screen, sometimes doesn't initiate a zoom (like screenshot 11)
when there are too many replies to a comment, the client will not fetch all of them correctly
still some concurrency problems resulting in an app crash
you tell me
I attached some screenshots of the app. If you'd like to help me, just send me a PM with your LIVE e-mail address (the one you are using for the market). At the moment I'm looking for up to 10-15 testers.
I wish I could pay you for your efforts but I can't However, I will offer each beta tester a refund for the in-app purchase to remove ads (~1.5$).
During beta stage there won't be ads and if so, all in-app purchases are free during the app is published within the beta market. There won't be a "stand alone" paid version of this app.
I appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
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I can help
qpkqkma said:
Yeah, Rudy Huyn app is good, but crashing (mostly on devices with 512MB RAM).
9gag app for devices with less RAM would be good. Lookin forward.
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it even crashes on 1gb devices
9GAG+ works perfectly so far, of course only the implemented features. I've used it a few times already and can report no crashes.. and the comment design is awesome
can you add the option to directly hum to the first post of a list, e.g. when I click trending? so far, it looks really good
th0mas96 said:
can you add the option to directly hum to the first post of a list, e.g. when I click trending? so far, it looks really good
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You mean switching to fullscreen directly instead of showing the list first?
Yep, would be nice I think.. Maybe as an option?
beray07 said:
I can help
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You're very welcome. Just send me a PM with your market e-mail address, so that I can grant you access to the app within the beta market.
th0mas96 said:
Yep, would be nice I think.. Maybe as an option?
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Sounds good I'm going to finish the bookmark system this evening (currently I'm stuck at work ;(). Afterwards I will implement the settings page. If you're lucky you can use it tomorrow morning
I think you're doing good job, from screenshot I can see 2 good differences with other's app
1 comment part ,yours is cleaner
2 screenshot 6, I like it! so I can click only the post I want (everything but the stupid duck )
just sent you pm...
qandrav said:
I think you're doing good job, from screenshot I can see 2 good differences with other's app
1 comment part ,yours is cleaner
2 screenshot 6, I like it! so I can click only the post I want (everything but the stupid duck )
just sent you pm...
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Thank you I just sent you a PM with the market link.
I just submitted an update to the market. Bookmarks are working for now Still no settings
At the moment there are 3 testers. So, don't hesitate to drop me a few lines
I'm busy right now , can't try the "bookmark" error you described in pm, but I was thinking if you can add "resume last position" for the sections...(like the other app), bye :good:
Bookmarks work fine so far, only removing them from bookmarks is only temporary (reloading the list gets all bookmarks again)
th0mas96 said:
Bookmarks work fine so far, only removing them from bookmarks is only temporary (reloading the list gets all bookmarks again)
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Are you sure on that? Coz actually it isn't possible. The list maps directly to a database. When you remove an item from the list, it's removed from the database automatically. I also cannot reproduce what you are saying. Is anybody else experiencing the same?
I just pushed another tiny update to the store
- submitting crash reports should work now
- added (basic) settings. choose which channel shall be displayed on the hub page and whether to start browsing channels in fullscreen or in "quick browsing mode"
- localization: en, de
shoputer said:
Are you sure on that? Coz actually it isn't possible. The list maps directly to a database. When you remove an item from the list, it's removed from the database automatically. I also cannot reproduce what you are saying. Is anybody else experiencing the same?
I just pushed another tiny update to the store
- submitting crash reports should work now
- added (basic) settings. choose which channel shall be displayed on the hub page and whether to start browsing channels in fullscreen or in "quick browsing mode"
- localization: en, de
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I update right now!
the home is better with icons before "bookmark, settings ecc"
Maybe it's normal but when you navigate through the two pages of channels sometimes it makes some lag, but not everytime.
Are you interested about italian translation?
qandrav said:
I'm busy right now , can't try the "bookmark" error you described in pm, but I was thinking if you can add "resume last position" for the sections...(like the other app), bye :good:
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I will definitely think about this feature. At the moment I don't have clue how to implement it without breaking user experience.
The problem is quite simple. The collection of items displayed in a list are fully virtualized. That means items are both loaded and rendered on demand - starting with the most recent post in a channel. It's more or less simple to initialize a channel from a specified point (last position the user left) but at that time I don't know anything about the ancestor items (posts). In the end the list, which is shown to you, will start at the last position you left and you won't be able slide left to view newer posts. The only solution which currently comes to my mind is to load a channel from the beginning and skipping all items until I reach the one you viewed last time. Of course I can do this but it's a damn waste of resources (CPU, memory and traffic).
As said, I will think about this one. But not now
qandrav said:
I update right now!
the home is better with icons before "bookmark, settings ecc"
Maybe it's normal but when you navigate through the two pages of channels sometimes it makes some lag, but not everytime.
Are you interested about italian translation?
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Well, it shouldn't be normal
Just to make sure I get your point. You're talking about the list view and fullscreen view of a channel? The lag occures when you switch between those two views?
An Italian translation would be great but at the moment I need to finish the app first. Afterwards I could provide you with a list of strings
Starting to test it tommorow
ok tried a lot and no more lag , never! I think there was some bloatware running on the phone.
about the "resume last post" I'm not a dev but I understand to fix... I prefer your app over other's becuase it's faster, if I have to choose between "resume" and speed, the second one is better!!!
good job!
excuse my English with
I'm not a dev but I understand to fix
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I wanted write
I'm not a dev but I can imagine creating "resume position" is a pain in the a**
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As I told you in the Email, great app.
Here are some ideas to make the app better:
1. For the channels icon you can take the latest picture from tha cahnnel (you can make it refresh every time the app starts or sth. like that)
2. Resume from the last picture you saw in the channel. That means when I'm watching a channel and than go back to the menu and watch other channel and wann go back to the previous channel so that I musn't start watching from the latest picture but there will be a pop up window or sth like that so I will be able to choose if I want resume or start new session.
3. When I tap on the picture there is always some free space under tha picture (see in the attachments "screen 1.png"). It looks really crappy so you should remove it.
That's all till now I will tell you when I found sth.
like to help you with beta testing, wrote you a PM with details

