[Q] Default location for saving new contacts - HTC One X+

Does anyone know how to change the default location for saving new contacts? At the moment, when I go to add a new contact it will save it to the phone by default and I have to manually select Google contacts every time I save someone new. It'd be nice to be able to skip that extra step each time. I tried searching some of the other forums, I know there may be fixes for other HTC phones but I can't get them to work on my AT&T HOX+.
Thanks and happy new year to everyone!

Same thing drives me nuts, but I haven't found a fix I don't understand why HTC wants us to save to the phone and not the cloud
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2

Andrew149 said:
Same thing drives me nuts, but I haven't found a fix I don't understand why HTC wants us to save to the phone and not the cloud
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
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Weird.. my HOX+ picks the last used account when I want to save a new contact (Hotmail /Exchange Activesync)...
...but I do have this very annoying extra step you mentioned when I make a new calendar item. It always defaults to my Google account instead of the Exchange account, even though Google Calendar sync is turned off and is hidden in the Calendar app..

Also to mention that the stock HTC contacts app limits emails to 3 per contact when saved to the phone and doesn't have custom labels for emails/numbers. So annoying!!
So I've had to switch to the Google cloud for contacts which doesn't have those restrictions.
Sent from my HTC One X+

Try this
There's also a paid version, have everything that is missing from htc people app.
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2

bigdave79 said:
Does anyone know how to change the default location for saving new contacts? At the moment, when I go to add a new contact it will save it to the phone by default and I have to manually select Google contacts every time I save someone new. It'd be nice to be able to skip that extra step each time. I tried searching some of the other forums, I know there may be fixes for other HTC phones but I can't get them to work on my AT&T HOX+.
Thanks and happy new year to everyone!
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This started happening when i got my OG HOX, very annoying. Other android devices i've owned (EVO, Sensation, Nexus) worked properly. I've lost 10-15 numbers because of the way this is now. A couple very important ones... If i add a contact to my Google account it should seem easy enough to remember that and save the next contact there too. But nooo always wants to save to phone, even when phone is unchecked as viewable contacts... And its been almost a year and its still not fixed.. Thanks Android, HTC, ATT or whoever is responsible.....

Just quick update to this thread:
I have been using Viper Rom for the last week or so on my AT&T One X+ and last night I noticed when adding a new contact it DID default to Google contacts. Not sure how or why this change occurred, whether it was something I did or something cooked into the ROM. In fact, I noticed that under "Phone" in my contacts list there are zero entries. Maybe my phone contacts got disabled somehow? Either way, it's working great now. I never use "phone" for storing contacts anyway.
As a side note: I wish there was a way of combining the best bits of every ROM. Viper seems to have this contacts thing fixed and has some great UI tweaks but is very laggy; Elegancia is smooth, quick and has great battery life and also has the bluetooth distortion fixed; Blackout ROM has their custom kernel.


Anyone ever heard of losing phone numbers on the Aria?

My wife has a stock AT&T 2.1 Aria, which she says she's repeatedly lost phone numbers. Sometimes when rebooting or the phone reboots (not often), the other day she says she had JUST put in someones phone number that day and we rebooted the phone and it was gone.
I don't get it, don't the numbers sync up to Google? Or is Sense doing something silly and storing it locally? She's really frustrated with this, and I've never heard of any such thing.
Maybe she needs to show me how she's putting in phone numbers, or there's some setting somewhere. I asked her to make sure she's not looking at data from Facebook as I know this can vary as it's dynamic from the app (as I understand it anyway) but she says this happens on numbers she puts in on the phone manually herself.
Any suggestions (besides upgrade the ROM, unless it's a KNOWN fix for this issue) would be appreciated.
First thing I'd look at is where she saved them sim or Google it'll go to either. then look and see what she has her phone set to show, either or both.when I first got mine I thought I'd lost numbers but I'd saved them to my sim and had the phone set to show Google contacts.now I only save to Google contacts much easier.
Actually I think stock also has a "phone" destination too.
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
mtnlion said:
First thing I'd look at is where she saved them sim or Google it'll go to either. then look and see what she has her phone set to show, either or both.when I first got mine I thought I'd lost numbers but I'd saved them to my sim and had the phone set to show Google contacts.now I only save to Google contacts much easier.
Actually I think stock also has a "phone" destination too.
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
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That's what I was afraid of, multiple places to store phone numbers instead of just Google. I'll look around and see if there's a sim vs Google setting somewhere, and have her input a sample number and see what she picks or is default.

HTC offline navigation

Maybe I've over looked it and if I have I apologize but what ever happened to HTC's offline navigation from the desire hd
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Haha, wow I completely forgot about that feature. They showed it off like it was going to be the next best thing. I wonder what happened to it.
yeah the whole HTCSense.com thing they made a big deal about and i just realized now that I dont show my EVO3D when I log into that site. Used to work fine when it was ported over to the EVO4G.
I deleted my account since I couldn't change the device from the one i created with the EVO4G port rom way back when. When creating a new one I found it odd that they even offer the ability to select the EVO3D as your device but you can't even set it up b/c you need the ability to sign into HTCSense from your device which we can't evidently since its not there in the setup to begin with.....WTF???
Yeah i was thinking about this feature and forgot about it.... Looks like htc did too lol.
sgt. slaughter said:
yeah the whole HTCSense.com thing they made a big deal about and i just realized now that I dont show my EVO3D when I log into that site. Used to work fine when it was ported over to the EVO4G.
I deleted my account since I couldn't change the device from the one i created with the EVO4G port rom way back when. When creating a new one I found it odd that they even offer the ability to select the EVO3D as your device but you can't even set it up b/c you need the ability to sign into HTCSense from your device which we can't evidently since its not there in the setup to begin with.....WTF???
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Stock ROM had HTC Sense Accounts..
intx said:
Stock ROM had HTC Sense Accounts..
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yeah thats what im on the original OTA xHausx one posted. They are in the accounts and sync but when you redo setup like htcsense.com asks you to do, you dont get an htcsense.com page to log in.
on a side note im continuing to show there is an update for htcwatch, but ONLY when I view it under the htc hub apps page. I dont have it in the notification pulldown at all and when i select update it updates it fine but whenever i go back to see the app in htc hub it shows theres an update for it.
Keep in mind I dont have anything blocked here and have all the htc/sprint spy stuff still on it since im only on the stockrooted one xhausx originally put up. real odd behavior since it acts fine and says update is there but not in the notification pulldown.
Also noticed i can't connect to the HTC Sense server right now for some reason. opening up HTC Likes app from the app drawer gives me the "unable to connect to the HTC Sense server. please try again later." message. Guess they might be doing work on it b/c i have full connection here fine....would explain why i couldn't get it to work on htcsense.com earlier too i guess.
BUT, i can go to accounts&sync and have HTCSense sync both HUB and Sense fine...
I'm not sure what is OP's question about it. I have offline Navigation on my Rogers EVO 3D. I read that it is a 30-day trial, but I didn't see anything like that when I use it.
dabackwoodboy said:
Maybe I've over looked it and if I have I apologize but what ever happened to HTC's offline navigation from the desire hd
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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Hmm, I know my maps work offline, Google Maps or HTC keeps them somehow. I wonder where its being stored?
Kill your data connection & then open Maps, it works.

[Solved] Losing Contacts After Flashing ROMs

I've noticed multiple times that some contacts that I've recently added after flashing a ROM never seem to get stored on Google's servers and I lose them after flashing to a new ROM. About 95% of my contacts are usually there but there's always a few that I lose in the process. I've taken to writing these numbers down because I continually lose them. I've never actually tried a manual sync before flashing a ROM, mostly because I never think of it. Even ROMs that I have have running for a week or two will still lose these numbers and it's very annoying.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
brando56894 said:
Does anyone know how to fix this?
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Do a manual sync before flashing a rom.
I figured that may be it, but should it auto-sync after a certain period of time?
Make sure you are saving them to your Gmail and not phone
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
werdna87 said:
Make sure you are saving them to your Gmail and not phone
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
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Ladies and Gentlemen, We have a winner! I never realized that it primarily saves it to your phone and not to Google. I'm assuming that this is a Sense option and not something that exists in AOSP since I never remember having this problem with my OG Droid or my Inc that I always ran AOSP on. After I saw this I saved a new number and there it was right in front of my eyes. If it had teeth it would have bitten me in the ass!
brando56894 said:
Ladies and Gentlemen, We have a winner! I never realized that it primarily saves it to your phone and not to Google. I'm assuming that this is a Sense option and not something that exists in AOSP since I never remember having this problem with my OG Droid or my Inc that I always ran AOSP on. After I saw this I saved a new number and there it was right in front of my eyes. If it had teeth it would have bitten me in the ass!
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Glad I could help. I noticed the option recently when creating a new contact and after some were erased :/
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
so in my people app i have unchecked the dropdown to show "phone" contacts, and I have it set to only show my google contacts.... when I "add" a person, the "phone" contact is no longer an option and the default is "google"
that should keep you on the right path!

[Q] Howto find and remove Spy-Software on the phone

Hello, my Girlfriend has an admirer which started out as a good friend. He confessioned his love for her some time ago and started to become more and more aggressive while being rejected. He recently started to show some stalker like behavior and started to appear near her flat at late nighttime.
He also hinted, that he always knew when she was chatting with my through Whatsapp. I'm therefore afraid that he might have installed some Spysoftware on her Android-Phone (HTC One X+)
Is there a way to identifyWhatsapp Spysoftware and to remove it?
Unmensch said:
Hello, my Girlfriend has an admirer which started out as a good friend. He confessioned his love for her some time ago and started to become more and more aggressive while being rejected. He recently started to show some stalker like behavior and started to appear near her flat at late nighttime.
He also hinted, that he always knew when she was chatting with my through Whatsapp. I'm therefore afraid that he might have installed some Spysoftware on her Android-Phone (HTC One X+)
Is there a way to identifyWhatsapp Spysoftware and to remove it?
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i doubht theres any such thing but if u feel that freaked out just backup contacts and other stuff to google and do a factory reset lol.
if your serious apps arent important.
Unmensch said:
Hello, my Girlfriend has an admirer which started out as a good friend. He confessioned his love for her some time ago and started to become more and more aggressive while being rejected. He recently started to show some stalker like behavior and started to appear near her flat at late nighttime.
He also hinted, that he always knew when she was chatting with my through Whatsapp. I'm therefore afraid that he might have installed some Spysoftware on her Android-Phone (HTC One X+)
Is there a way to identifyWhatsapp Spysoftware and to remove it?
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There is a messaging app called whatsapp, I've never used it so I don't know how she could remove him as a contact on there or just get rid of the app.
Personally I use lookout mobile security for virus/spyware. But a scanning app may not flag messaging apps as spyware, no matter how flexible it may be with its users info.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
While this can be done. I doubt he has the know how on how to pull it off and is just making noise. Worst case would be to catch him doing it and call the cops.
She would have to remove him in her contacts list for the app
Wayne Tech S-III
do a factory reset. just to be safe.
Also format sdcard for make sure.
Run ruu. Burn phone. Buy new one. All good answers
Sent from my Vivid 4G using Tapatalk 2
try this
about whatsappp it's indded simple to know when sbody is chatting, on every messaging window just under the contact name there is the last contact log, if in chat says online, even if chatting with another one... so maybe no spyware on her phone, just a smart stalker, but she can freeze him simply long press on stalker name in whatsapp contact list and block, also in android contact add him and from menù choose "send all call to voice box" or similar after choose a fake number as phonebox, doing this her phone is virtually not reachable from the stalker
plus add his number in a black list, you can find a lot of call blocker app in the market
and last but not least call the cops

Syns All your Facebook Contacts pictures Automatically

I was all set to get the HTC One when it comes to Verizon. But now I am having second thoughts since I read somewhere at some tech site , about HTC One automatically syncs all the pictures From your contact list in Facebook. It puts all these pictures into an album in your picture gallery.
I don't want my so-called friends pictures. This would fill up all my storage space. I have all kinds of institutions , police departments , florist shops etc etc on friends list plus all those people who I don't even know. I surely don't want all this put on my phone taking up my valuable storage space. Loading up my phone with this crap. What in the world was HTC thinking ? I don't want to have to install any thing to prevent this. I assume that as soon as you get your phone turned on , that it begins this automatic sync. So I do not want this to even begin. I guess I will need to wait until something else turns up.
Perhaps some one with an HTC One could please tell me about this ?
It doesn't store anything on your device....
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