[Q] Upgrading CWM - the recommended way? - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I wish to upgrade my stock firmware to CM10, I understand that my current CWM ( is too old and might cause issues.
I see that there are many ways to install CWM, but in case of an upgrade, should I just use ODIN to flash the latest CWM, overwriting the old one? (I already rooted the phone).
I remember that when I rooted the phone and installed CWM I had to select a specific kernel that matches my vendor/release or something like that (I could be mistaken as to what it was exactly, it has been a while since I did that). I just don't want to brick my phone.
Thanks and sorry if I asked a noobish question.

GibsonLP said:
I wish to upgrade my stock firmware to CM10, I understand that my current CWM ( is too old and might cause issues.
I see that there are many ways to install CWM, but in case of an upgrade, should I just use ODIN to flash the latest CWM, overwriting the old one? (I already rooted the phone).
I remember that when I rooted the phone and installed CWM I had to select a specific kernel that matches my vendor/release or something like that (I could be mistaken as to what it was exactly, it has been a while since I did that). I just don't want to brick my phone.
Thanks and sorry if I asked a noobish question.
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just flash Siyah kernel v4.1.5 or 5.0.1 (tar file for Odin) thro pc or mobile odin and u will have the latest CWM recovery to flash any rom of ur choice

I thought it should be straight forward.
Not my phone, don't want to screw it up...

GibsonLP said:
I thought it should be straight forward.
Not my phone, don't want to screw it up...
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This is something you dont really need to worry about. Just flash custom kernel and your done. If your using custom roms you dont really need to worry, they all come with CWM included in kernel anyway so when you want to install next custom rom simply reboot into recovery and flash the zip.
If you're flashing a stock rom via ODIN remember to also flash custom recovery so you have CWM aswell as get rid of brick bug.


[Q] Trying to install cyanogenmod 7 on SGS2

Hey everyone,
First of all, i apologize if any of what i'm asking here is stuff that has been covered before. I have been searching myself for answers for the last several days and have found plenty of good info, but i am new to android and i think i need to ask some question to help get a base level understanding of what i need to do. I am a bit nervous about bricking my phone so i maybe haven't been as adventurous trying to get everything running as god intended.
Firstly, i have used and understand Odin, using it to flash roms and such. I have rooted the phone and installed ROM Manager and clockworkmod on the phone, but when i boot into recovery mode, it is still on the android recovery 3e and i cannot do the update.zip, I get signature verification failed. Now i KNOW this is cause of the android recovery 3e, and i have found this issue has been encountered plenty before, but my confusion is in some of the solutions i have found. Mainly the terminology and how the steps directly apply to the phone. For example, I found on another forum thread :
1- Copy the Zimage from your rooted kernel and paste it to SD card of your phone.
2- Flash the Stock kernel via Odin to get rid of Yellow triangle.
3- Flash the Zip file (Zimage) via CWM which you've already pasted in Step 1.
i don't really understand what the zimage is. Why do i need it, what IS it frankly? Where do i get it or a stock kernel for my phone. Does versioning matter much? i read that for the most part the kernels are almost identical to each other, and the fact all i really need is for the android recovery mode to be 2e or whatever it is (so it will not do the signature check on the update.zip file), that i don't really need to pay much attention to the actual kernel version.
What i really need i guess is for someone to break it down for me and either explain the steps or give me a detailed step by step on how to get clockworkmod recovery working so i can proceed with the cyanogen mod running on phone (not enjoying touchwiz at all).
Again, sorry if i am giving anyone spasms at my noobish-ness, but i have been searching for my answers for a day or two now and i haven't been able to find anything that really tells me what i need to know.
Phone : GT-I9100M
Android : 2.3.3
Kernal :
riccochet said:
Hey everyone,
clockworkmod on the phone, but when i boot into recovery mode, it is still on the android recovery 3e
That means you have not installed it flash CWM and \Root from here .
Root + CWM .
Beware of following instructions from a separate rom to the one you are flashing .
1- Copy the Zimage from your rooted kernel and paste it to SD card of your phone.
2- Flash the Stock kernel via Odin to get rid of Yellow triangle.
3- Flash the Zip file (Zimage) via CWM which you've already pasted in Step 1.
i don't really understand what the zimage is.
ZImage is the kernel .
Why do i need it, what IS it frankly? Where do i get it or a stock kernel for my phone. Does versioning matter much? i read that for the most part the kernels are almost identical to each other, and the fact all i really need is for the android recovery mode to be 2e or whatever it is (so it will not do the signature check on the update.zip file), that i don't really need to pay much attention to the actual kernel version.
You are confusing yourself .
Flash correct CWM from above link .
Choose the custom rom and follow the instructions posted for that rom .
CyanogenMod as the man says
Warning : Not for new users, flash this build only if you know what you are doing !!!
#Followed by his install instructions ~~~
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Thanks for the reply. I have been doing more reading and i think i am understanding the rooting process a bit better.
I looked at the link you posted (thanks for that, i saw the forum post for the i9000 but i never could find the i9100 post for some reason) and i DO have another question after reading through a good chunk of the posts on it.
There is no CF Root for my kernel, but the reply that was made to someone else with my kernel version was :
"Flash the Stock 2.3.4 ROM (XXKG5, XXKG6 or XXKG7) and root with CF-Root-XXKG6."
I understand that process and how it works but i thought you were only supposed to flash roms based on your firmware version? My KDD kernel version is running on 2.3.3
Will this cause any issues if i flash the stock 2.3.4 ROM?
Download cm7 zip for the newest nightly.
Copy it to internal sd card.
Flash any cf root kernel
Boot into recovery
Wipe data and cache, you will lose all your data on your phone, so backup sms (I recommend sms backup +), also you will lose App data so you might want to back that up first using something like titanium backup.
Wipe dalvik cache (under advanced)
Chose install zip from sd card
Select the cm7 zip
If you get stuck at the boot screen go back into recovery and flash the zip again
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Thanks Veyka.
I think i'm ok with the CM7 install process. I am probably going to wait until i really feel like i understand the whole process from front to back before i start messing with that though.
I can't get to that point yet however since i haven't been able to get CWM recovery working yet. I have the Android Recovery 3e, which will not install from zip files that aren't digitally signed.
So i'm trying to get CF Root installed and working, however, as mentioned in my previous post there is no CF Root for my kernel. I would like it clarified if it is ok for me to flash to a 2.3.4 stock ROM (i'm running 2.3.3) and then use a CF root for a the new ROM.
I was under the impression that this was not a good idea.
If i should not be doing this, is there a recommended way to upgrade my firmware to 2.3.4 so i can use a newer CF Root?
Pick a new stock rom, I would go for kg6, flash it via odin.
Then flash the kg6 CF root kernel via odin and you will have cwm recovery.
Don't put the pit into odin and don't tick repartition or update bootloader.
There is a good thread with all the info you need on flashing stock roms with odin and a list of all avaliable roms.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Thanks for all the help. I was able to make sense of the process (which is actually quite simple, just needed to put it all together in my head to make sense) and get everything done.
Appreciate all the help!
veyka said:
Download cm7 zip for the newest nightly.
Copy it to internal sd card.
Flash any cf root kernel
Boot into recovery
Wipe data and cache, you will lose all your data on your phone, so backup sms (I recommend sms backup +), also you will lose App data so you might want to back that up first using something like titanium backup.
Wipe dalvik cache (under advanced)
Chose install zip from sd card
Select the cm7 zip
If you get stuck at the boot screen go back into recovery and flash the zip again
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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I have rooted my phone using the quick root guide found here and therefore I have my stock kernel back w/ root. Do I need to install a cf root kernel?
Also, when the new ROM gets flashed how does one recover the apps and data lost?
NABNAP said:
I have rooted my phone using the quick root guide found here and therefore I have my stock kernel back w/ root. Do I need to install a cf root kernel?
Also, when the new ROM gets flashed how does one recover the apps and data lost?
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Use Titanium Backup PRO for your app. You can backup all of them then restore on any rom.
Is there anything that Titanium Backup doesn't back up for which I need to use another application?
NABNAP said:
Is there anything that Titanium Backup doesn't back up for which I need to use another application?
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sms.. use another app to backup your sms.. for example sms backup as mentioned before..

[Q] Safest way to avoid superbrick bug?

Galaxy S2 i9100.
Bad chip.
Bad Firmware: Stock 4.0.4 with (Stock) Kernel XWLPT.
Rooted with S2Root+Using SuperSU.
Searched forums, only similar thread is for Galaxy Tab. I'm assuming it's not relevant enough for me to follow it directly.
If possible, explain it like I'm 5:
What is the safest way to install a custom ROM? (Ideally, I want to install CM9 and later CM10 when it is more stable). I've seen people saying to flash Siyah kernel first, then do whatever afterwards. How can I do this? Almost a complete noob here, what buttons do I press in Odin and what procedure do I follow to flash a safe kernel then a custom ROM.
NB: USB is a little buggy, on-device flashing preferred for that reason.
Redclient said:
Galaxy S2 i9100.
Bad chip.
Bad Firmware: Stock 4.0.4 with (Stock) Kernel XWLPT.
Rooted with S2Root+Using SuperSU.
Searched forums, only similar thread is for Galaxy Tab. I'm assuming it's not relevant enough for me to follow it directly.
If possible, explain it like I'm 5:
What is the safest way to install a custom ROM? (Ideally, I want to install CM9 and later CM10 when it is more stable). I've seen people saying to flash Siyah kernel first, then do whatever afterwards. How can I do this? Almost a complete noob here, what buttons do I press in Odin and what procedure do I follow to flash a safe kernel then a custom ROM.
NB: USB is a little buggy, on-device flashing preferred for that reason.
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Yes,, you need to flash a custom kernel.
1. First post your full ROM details
2. Can you confirm that you have ROOT access?
3. If your USB is buggy, you still flash Siyah kernel using mobile Odin, or the temporary CWM recovery. Root access is needed.
Thanks for the really fast reply.
Jokesy said:
Yes,, you need to flash a custom kernel.
1. First post your full ROM details
2. Can you confirm that you have ROOT access?
3. If your USB is buggy, you still flash Siyah kernel using mobile Odin, or the temporary CWM recovery. Root access is needed.
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1. Stock 4.0.4 from samsung; Kernel version 3.0.15-I9100XWLPT-CL941023
2. 100% have root access. Running Droidwall (which is working) among other things
3. I'm unsure if it's the phone, USB port or drivers which are buggy.
Is it possible to get a definitive procedure to flashing Siyah with mobile Odin? (presuming it's safe to do so). After that, is it safe to just flash the full CM9 ROM with CWM?
The safest way to avoid the emmc bug is to flash a custom kernel. Like siyah or dorimanx. If you have root access, and CWM, you can install one of them. Do you have CWM? well then follow these steps.
-Download a custom kernel. Eg the .ZIP file of the latest version of siyah kernel for S2 from gokhanmoral's site.
-Store it in your internal SD card on your phone.
-Boot into recovery. ( Vol-up + Home + Power button )
-Go to: install zip from SD -> install zip from internal SD
-select the kernel's zip file
-select 'yes'
Let the phone reboot once your done. You should have a custom kernel and no chance of the emmc bug bricking your phone.
The reason I suggest using CWM rather than Odin, is incase you have a faulty usb port, that might pose a problem while installing via Odin.
Hope this helps.
The safest way to avoid the emmc bug is to flash a custom kernel. Like siyah or dorimanx. If you have root access, and CWM, you can install one of them. Do you have CWM? well then follow these steps.[...]
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I have root access but no CWM. When I originally rooted the phone the sole reason was for droidwall.
Is it safe to install CWM and flash a custom kernel as long as I don't do any data wipes?
Can I install a custom kernel and have the phone as is (without noticeable differences) until I flash a custom ROM?
What happens to SuperSU and it's settings when I flash a custom kernel (and will I still have root access)?
Finally, if anything screws up what is the recovery procedure? I don't have a copy of this kernel/firmware as I installed it as an OTA update.
Redclient said:
I have root access but no CWM. When I originally rooted the phone the sole reason was for droidwall.
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you can download cwm or temporary CWM. Just have a look around for the links.
Redclient said:
Is it safe to install CWM and flash a custom kernel as long as I don't do any data wipes?
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yeah it is. Even wiping data won't cause problems. Siyah isn't affected by the emmc bug.
Redclient said:
Can I install a custom kernel and have the phone as is (without noticeable differences) until I flash a custom ROM?
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yea your phone will still look the same. A custom kernel doesn't change your ROM or data.
Redclient said:
What happens to SuperSU and it's settings when I flash a custom kernel (and will I still have root access)?
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yes, you'll still have root.
Redclient said:
Finally, if anything screws up what is the recovery procedure? I don't have a copy of this kernel/firmware as I installed it as an OTA update.
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You can make a nandroid backup with cwm. That will create an image of the current state of your phone to restore incase necessary. Just make sure u have a custom kernel and follow steps mentioned in the guides on this site and you shouldn't need to worry
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for all the help so far.
I've installed Mobile Odin (v3.35)
I've installed FlashKernel (v2), there was a v1 higher up the page but I'm going to assume that v2 has some bug fixes or other updates (please correct me if I should be using FlashKernel-I9100-v1 rather than v2.
Now, I'm not sure where to go: Should I install CWM or flash straight to Siyah kernel. CWM seems safer since I can do a backup and hopefully have some access if anything goes wrong.
How do I flash CWM with Mobile Odin? Which flash (mode? partition? not sure about terminology here) do I choose (Kernel, ..., etc) and probably importantly: which version of CWM should I be using? I've seen many threads talking about CWM4/5/6. Are they simply updated versions? designed for different kernels/android versions? Are there any specific versions which try to mitigate the superbrick bug?
Redclient said:
Thanks for all the help so far.
I've installed Mobile Odin (v3.35)
I've installed FlashKernel (v2), there was a v1 higher up the page but I'm going to assume that v2 has some bug fixes or other updates (please correct me if I should be using FlashKernel-I9100-v1 rather than v2.
Now, I'm not sure where to go: Should I install CWM or flash straight to Siyah kernel. CWM seems safer since I can do a backup and hopefully have some access if anything goes wrong.
How do I flash CWM with Mobile Odin? Which flash (mode? partition? not sure about terminology here) do I choose (Kernel, ..., etc) and probably importantly: which version of CWM should I be using? I've seen many threads talking about CWM4/5/6. Are they simply updated versions? designed for different kernels/android versions? Are there any specific versions which try to mitigate the superbrick bug?
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Flash Siyah kernel straight using mobile Odin. It comes with a permanent CWM recovery too.
Todays almost all kenels are safe
so resure yourself
And be careful, when you flash rom in recoverymod
if. battery is off when flash rom, your device have hard brick
so you must have change your main board
I'm korean.. so my english speak is not so good.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Siyah kernel flashed and working perfectly. Didn't realise how instant it would be. Thanks again to everyone, this community is friendly and helpful.
I'm just wondering as I'm in the same boat as the OP was once in.
When it comes to choosing the Kernel does it matter if its JB based or ICS because I'm on the stock ICS rom.
wmichael10 said:
I'm just wondering as I'm in the same boat as the OP was once in.
When it comes to choosing the Kernel does it matter if its JB based or ICS because I'm on the stock ICS rom.
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You don't have root access, right? Flash a custom kernel with Odin (like Siyah), but make sure it's compatible with your firmware. So if you're flashing Siyah, flash the version (v4 and/or v5 is what I thought) that's meant for ICS, otherwise your phone won't work.
Sent from the Matrix
Actually I used another method that allowed me to gain root access, but I'm on stock kernel and rom. I kind of feel safer when flashing a kernel and rom from recovery.
So say I use Siyah ICS for my Stock ICS rom, If I wanted to flash a JB rom like the one leaked from samsung would I need to also flash the Siyah kernel for JB too?
I have I9100T as well and 4.0.4 on it, what do I do? Will Siyah work for me?

[Q] Bricked phone help.

I bricked my phone and I can only boot into download mode. I need a rom which I can flash using odin. Is there a way to use odin to install roms in zip format or do I need a rom in .tar or .md5? If so, could you give me a link for a rom in md5/tar format.?
Jb leak here.
Don't worry, you're not bricked yet.
gastonw said:
Don't worry, you're not bricked yet.
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Thanks, but just to make sure I understand this right (I have the same problem) .. this will put the stock ROM on my phone, then I will have to root again, and then use CWM to put a custom ROM?
Is there a rooted ROM that can be flashed using Odin? I'm not too pick on JB or not, it will be replaced anyway.
Thanks again.
slepax said:
Thanks, but just to make sure I understand this right (I have the same problem) .. this will put the stock ROM on my phone, then I will have to root again, and then use CWM to put a custom ROM?
Is there a rooted ROM that can be flashed using Odin? I'm not too pick on JB or not, it will be replaced anyway.
Thanks again.
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No need to flash stock rom.
Just flash Siyah kernel (.tar) via ODIN (This will give you custom recovery) then wipe data and flash custom rom of your choice. It will come pre-rooted and with its own custom kernel which you can then replace with Siyah again or other kernel of your choice.
slepax said:
Thanks, but just to make sure I understand this right (I have the same problem) .. this will put the stock ROM on my phone, then I will have to root again, and then use CWM to put a custom ROM?
Is there a rooted ROM that can be flashed using Odin? I'm not too pick on JB or not, it will be replaced anyway.
Thanks again.
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when u have problem like this the best way is to flash a 'Stock ICS v4.0.3' firmware on ur phone using 'ODIN' to have a clean flash and booting of ur phone
then u can simply flash the tar version of 'Siyah kernel v4.1.5/5.0.1' again from 'Odin' in dwnld mode to automatically root ur phone and install latest CWM recovery, which can be used to install the custom rom of ur choice
Sun90 said:
when u have problem like this the best way is to flash a 'Stock ICS v4.0.3' firmware on ur phone using 'ODIN' to have a clean flash and booting of ur phone
then u can simply flash the tar version of 'Siyah kernel v4.1.5/5.0.1' again from 'Odin' in dwnld mode to automatically root ur phone and install latest CWM recovery, which can be used to install the custom rom of ur choice
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He has no need to do that. As I said above all he have to do (If they want custom rom) is flash kernel like Siyah via download mode then flash custom rom in recovery. No need to flash stock unless thats the rom you want.
TheATHEiST said:
He has no need to do that. As I said above all he have to do (If they want custom rom) is flash kernel like Siyah via download mode then flash custom rom in recovery. No need to flash stock unless thats the rom you want.
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redmok said:
I bricked my phone and I can only boot into download mode. I need a rom which I can flash using odin. Is there a way to use odin to install roms in zip format or do I need a rom in .tar or .md5? If so, could you give me a link for a rom in md5/tar format.?
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Just Flash the root injected tar of JB from here:-
redmok said:
I bricked my phone and I can only boot into download mode. I need a rom which I can flash using odin. Is there a way to use odin to install roms in zip format or do I need a rom in .tar or .md5? If so, could you give me a link for a rom in md5/tar format.?
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he wanted to flash via odin, let him do that.
Or not
I don't know what to put here...any ideas?
gastonw said:
he wanted to flash via odin, let him do that.
Or not
I don't know what to put here...any ideas?
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And that is exactly what has been advised. What's your point?
The user only has access to download mode so is assuming he has to use download to flash rom. It sounds like he isnt aware that he can easily restore his recovery via flashing a kernel. It also sounds like the user wants to use a custom rom otherwise he would already know that he can flash stock via download.
This is why its been advised to flash kernel via download instead of rom. That way once he has his recovery back he can simply reboot into cwm and carry on where/how he wishes like for example flashing his normal/preferred rom via zip like usual.
Read this thread again and see if he can actually perform a kernel flash just to get to cmw so he can go flash a stock rom.
Here's the answer: yes he could.
now...wouldn't it be better if he flashes a stock rom, take a long breath as he realizes he's not bricked (read the topic) and then flas a stock rom when he's sure about giving it another try?
read beyond the words kid, beyond the words
TheATHEiST said:
He has no reason to flash a stock rom unless he specifically wants a stock rom. If he does then yes he can simply flash stock rom as normal but its my guess that he wants a custom rom since he was asking how he can flash a ZIP.
If that is the case then flashing a stock rom (.tar) would be a complete waste of time and it would be much quicker to simply flash kernel like Siyah and reboot into recovery and then even restore a backup if he has one or just flash a rom zip from card.
Oh and stop trying to sound patronizing, I'm 30 years old and no "kid".
@ OP
If you want a stock rom then read one of teh many topics we already have on stock roms/how to flash them.
If you want to use custom ones via cwm then simply flash Siyah kernal and then reboot into recovery and then do as your normally would.
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"No"? Man you are typorragic.
You really didn't get what I'd just posted, did ya?
PS: Sorry, thought you were 20.
TheATHEiST said:
Yes, I got exactly what you posted and I answered your question. I would suggest you start to learn to actually read before you try and "read beyond words".
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That's a good one, keep using it, I don't mind.
Someday you'll just get it, I'm confident you will.
Issue solved right?
gastonw said:
That's a good one, keep using it, I don't mind.
Someday you'll just get it, I'm confident you will.
Issue solved right?
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I was getting it before you was born "kid".
btw, you can try and be a keyboard warrior all you want, you still talk nonsense.
TheATHEiST said:
I was getting it before you was born "kid".
btw, you can try and be a keyboard warrior all you want, you still talk nonsense.
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You are the one that keep posting back. I was just watching a guy reading and comparing specs on SII and SII Plus, he's got a lot of spare time I think.
And I am a keybord warrior, but I made my point like 3 posts up. You just can't let go.
BTW, I am a kid, I'm only 12!
TheATHEiST said:
Your "point" was pointless.
Well you been 12 actually explains alot.
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For you, I know it does

[Q] SGSII- can't update CWM

Hi everyone.
i rooted my phone with this guide which installed a based CWM recovery on my phone with Siyah-s2-v6.0b4.tar using Odin.
Now i want to run a touch CWM recovery but no matter how i tried- no way worked and i always get the based CWM recovery again.
I tried ROM manager and RECOVERY tools but none of these actually worked (although i got success messages).
I also tried to download the recovery file from the official site of CWM, but when i tried to copy it to my sd card an error message popped out saying copy can't be done and the device is not connected or working or something.. i can copy other zip files without any problem.
can anyone help?
1) Do not use Rom Manager with the SGS2. It will break recovery and/or cause bootloops eventually. It may even brick your phone. You don't need it.
2) Any recovery flashed independently of the kernel on the SGS2 will only persist until the next reboot, which is why what you're trying isn't working. If you want a touch version of CWM, flash/run a kernel which has this. Which kernels ? Read the kernel threads in the development section (I don't use PhilZ on my SGS2, but his comes to mind as I use it on my I9505).
MistahBungle said:
1) Do not use Rom Manager with the SGS2. It will break recovery and/or cause bootloops eventually. It may even brick your phone. You don't need it.
2) Any recovery flashed independently of the kernel on the SGS2 will only persist until the next reboot, which is why what you're trying isn't working. If you want a touch version of CWM, flash/run a kernel which has this. Which kernels ? Read the kernel threads in the development section (I don't use PhilZ on my SGS2, but his comes to mind as I use it on my I9505).
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thank you very much! i'm relieved i didn't brick my phone, that could have been a mess..
flashing kernels is like regular flashing? just installing the zip file? do i need to wipe any data or cache or something?
thanks for your response.
Follow the flashing instructions for the kernel in question to the letter (always on the first page of the kernel thread, always very clear/precise/easy to follow).
MistahBungle said:
.... I use it on my I9505).
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In that case, great to still see you in the s2 forums
Sent from a galaxy far, far away

Android wont boot up after CWM

Hello. I have galaxy S2, and I wanted to install CWM. I installed it (CWM-KitKatCompatible-i9100) with odin with auto reboot unchecked and after that it doesn't boot up. It can go to odin and CWM modes, but the android doesn't launch. I did a recovery to phone storage, but still I cant launch the phone... Can anyone help me?
Flash a compatible kernel to your installed rom via recovery. Or you can flash an insecure kernel via Odin.
Simple cwm flashing won't boot up your phone.
banjara said:
Flash a compatible kernel to your installed rom via recovery. Or you can flash an insecure kernel via Odin.
Simple cwm flashing won't boot up your phone.
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Would you mind explaining how to flash a compatible kernel to my phone via recovery? Also I didn't install any rom just cwm. And where should I get a proper kernel to my android? Sorry for dumb questions, but I'm not experienced enough as you see...
V6xas said:
Would you mind explaining how to flash a compatible kernel to my phone via recovery? Also I didn't install any rom just cwm. And where should I get a proper kernel to my android? Sorry for dumb questions, but I'm not experienced enough as you see...
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Well, there are 3 kernels which are quite popular here which have their depth range till kitkat roms.. A simple search on xda for them will lead you to the respective threads.
1. Gustavo's
2. Dorimanx
3. Apolo
If you want a KK rom then download a KK compatible kernel mentioned in the op for those threads, put that on external sdcard and boot to recovery. There you can flash the Kernel file. As you don't have a rom on your phone it would be better if you download a rom and gapps package too and flash them. After flashing a kernel, reboot to recovery and then flash rom and gapps.
If it's difficult for you to put those files on sdcard, you can flash a stock rom via Odin, flash a kernel e.g. philz, apolo,hirox via Odin. Search for these keywords here on xda. Once you have a working kernel and rom, you can download a custom rom and gapps, put it on your phone and follow the procedure which I mentioned first.
If my steps are still confusing to you then you require to search for these terminologies here on xda,read and understand them carefully and then proceed.
You didn't mention what OS/Firmware was on your phone before you started.....this is VERY important to know as it will decide what you can / cannot flash.....
Custom kernels are OS version dependent.....some will only work with ICS, others will only work with JB.....some are exclusively for KK.
You need to check this.....
My wife says I'm a phone geek....She's probably right
keithross39 said:
You didn't mention what OS/Firmware was on your phone before you started.....this is VERY important to know as it will decide what you can / cannot flash.....
Custom kernels are OS version dependent.....some will only work with ICS, others will only work with JB.....some are exclusively for KK.
You need to check this.....
My wife says I'm a phone geek....She's probably right
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well I couldn't check cause it couldn't boot up, unless there's another way... But whatever I managed to write 4.4.2 Kitkat on my S2 and there's alot missing feature's like, I cant organise my program menu, I cant add many widgets that I had used in my previous android, there are no notes, phone file explorer and other what is irritating... Maybe there's some another pack that I missed when installing or what?

