[Q] Mobile Odin Boot Loop No recovery Access & Not recognized by computers... HELP!!! - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

[Q] Mobile Odin Boot Loop No recovery Access & Not recognized by computers... HELP!!!
Full Story (summary below):
OK, here's my story. My GT-P7510 (Galaxy Tab 10.1-Wifi) was running AOKP's ROM a while ago and something went terribly wrong. It would not boot and was unable to mount to the computer.The only way I could think of fixing it was a full erase (minus storage). It didn't help. After a long time of being idle and thoroughly searching its storage I stumbled upon a ROM that was hiding in its depths, and immediately flashed it. It was a Cyanogen Mod. After flashing however the tablet was still unable to mount to the PC. After changing PC's, driver's, OS's, the whole nine yards, etc. It still did not mount to the PC. So I gave up on it. I was able to do nearly everything without access to PC mounting. So I kept it like that for awhile. Until pure idiocy struck me and I took hold of the notion that if I used Mobile ODIN and flashed a stock firmware with it, My tablet would be restored to its former glory. Big Mistake. Immediately after flashing Stock with Mobile Odin, I entered a Boot-loop of Mobile Odin's devise. All it does is run some Mobile Odin text really fast, and then restart. Again, and again, and again. (I really hate Mobile Odin now) And Mobile Odin has seized control of trusty CWM Recovery (at least I assume it has, but it could have also just replaced CWM with itself); So that whenever I choose recovery It simply runs the same faulty Mobile Odin text and restarts. And going to Download mode is pointless as the computer always says that "It cannot connect because the device has malfunctioned." (In Windows 8) . . . That's my story... Help?
:fingers-crossed: :crying: :fingers-crossed:
Very simplified summary:
In Mobile ODIN Boot-Loop, No Recovery, PC does not recognize, ODIN and ADB do not recognize. Trapped. Help?!?!

I am in a similar situation with my note II I am going to try to enter Download mode, with windows vista and see what I can come up with. Have you had any luck?
I plugged in and flashed the latest update via odin, and am booted into a fresh install. GL

Still at it.
Good to see that you got yours fixed.
Sigh... but alas my problem is a bit more complex. After a chat with Samsung about it they said that the OS is corrupted (duh) and that they wouldn't help me without quite a bit of money. Seeing as how the warranty is long gone.
However I have been tinkering with nvflash and there's a glimmer of hope in it. But that whole unable to connect thing is really complicating things.

I have a TAB 10.1 GT P7510, I used mobile Odin for flash a recovery, and don't boot, solution?


[Q] Failed Kies Mini update now stuck on Vibrant Samsung Boot Screen

Complete Noob here. I'm hopeful that I can get some assistance restoring my phone to a semi-useful function. I've searched these forums, and while I've found some solutions, none of them seem to work when you can get your phone past the initial boot screen when turning on the phone. Here's the story, appreciate it if you can help.
Yesterday I saw that there was an update from Samsung for the vibrant, so I installed Kies Mini on my computer and followed the instructions. It would have been nice if the program would have detected that I was running the 64 bit version of Windows 7 as a Samsung Tech person told me afterward that it wasn't compatible with that version of W7.
When Samsung heard that the screen on my phone showed a picture of a cell phone, with a orange triangle connected to a computer they said I'd need to mail them the phone and wait over a week to get a working phone. I figured I have nothing to lose at this point, and searched for a "do it yourself" solution. I found one click unbrick or something like that, and it went to work, but my phone now is stuck in the initial boot screen for the Vibrant. So all you see is "Vibrant" and "Samsung" on the phone.
I've read several posts about putting the phone into developer or restore mode, pushing combinations of the up/down vol button with the power button, etc., perhaps I'm doing this incorrectly, but nothing seems to get my computer to recognize the phone. I downloaded Odin, and the pit and pda files to start back at Eclair, but odin doesn't detect the device, nor does it have anything listed in the id-com section. I also tried the heimdall one click for the vibrant, but again it can find the device.
Couple of questions -
Can the phone be returned to a working status or should I just return it to Samsung and wait a week for the phone?
Is there any chance that I will be able to recover anything that was on the phone? I expect not, but wonder if so. I backed up my important files, but it would be nice not to have to start from scratch.
sounds like you are able to get your phone into download mode, but odin is not recognizing, which means we have a driver issue. Put your phone into download mode, and then uninstall kies on your computer, then re-install it, this will uninstall and then reinstall the drivers, I have to do this nearly every time I use odin.
Thanks for the quick response. I assume I'll need to do this on an XP machine, and not a 64 bit W7 machine? Plugged the phone into a XP machine, and now the phone is able to get to the downloading... yellow icons. I hope this means I'm making progress
Try the drivers here:
And stay away from Kies. It will murder you're phone.
Sent from my ZenDroid using XDA Premium App
Okay, thanks for the link. I see what I can do with that. Prior to your post, I got into download mode, download the pit file s1_odin_20100512.pit and the pda file T959UVJI6.tar. Tried to reload things on the phone. The phone now boots to a screen where it says
Android system recover (2e)
Samsung Recovery Utils
Vol up
Vol down
Power - select items
etc, given the option to reboot, reinstall packages, clear user data, or delete cache
below it says...
Movi_check Start
checksum confirmation need_checksum[0]
Not need checksum confirmation
Movi_check already executed...
movi_checking done!
update media, please wait
E:Can't mount /dev/block/st110
(Invalid argument)
E:copy_dbdate_media: Can't mount DBDATA:
copy default media content failed
The ji6 Odin file is known for doing that. Pull the battery, get back into download mode, and use these two files in Odin.
Sent from my ZenDroid using XDA Premium App
Same thing here, but I got it finally by using an ancient version of odin to flash to stock jfd. Kies picked it up right away after that.
That said, now that I have no fear of odin there are no traces of kies left on my pc...
Do you know if those file are located some place else, the link doesn't appear to have either file?
Sorry about that. Didn't realize the links were dead.
This should have both the pit and tar files in it.
Sent from my ZenDroid using XDA Premium App
Thanks so much. It worked. Now to replace my backup files. No more Kies for me.

[Q] Galaxy s2 data recovery when panic upload screen

My son has a Galaxy s2 running stock 2.3 which he bought in Singapore over a year ago, I think. He states that it has not been rooted. Over the last several weeks he has been getting the 'kernal panic upload mode' screen when the battery was getting low. Last week it became permenant regardless of the battery level. Yesterday I was able to talk him through entering recovery mode. He wiped the partition cache and rebooted with no apparent effect. A picture of the recovery mode screen idicates that the system was unable to mount /data (unknown error: 0). But it did show media files were copied succesfully. ... I've attached a picture of the screen. The phone is no longer recognized in Win7.
My basic question. How might we rescue the pictures and some text from the phone before redoing the os?
Kim, flash siyah v5 and try cwm.
Also drill your son on what is that he did exactly, cause he must have done something.
Sent from the little guy
I had thought that if all else failed I would have him use Odin to re-apply his existing os. My thinking was that the file and partition structure would be close enough to what's there to allow normal usb connection and to d/l his pics and what not. Then I'd get him to install something with a little more support for recovery and snooping about. Decent enhancements!!
I don't know what he did other than I think he might have overloaded the little beast with too many apps constantly calling home on an older os. But, that's just a guess. Thanks for the upgrade suggestions. I'm only starting to research that aspect. I suspect that going direct to the better burns will be the way we'll end up going.
Be well,
Siyah is a custom kernel, no danger regarding existing data.
By flashing it you'll be able to access a temp recovery called clockwork mode.
Sent from the little guy
Greetings gastonw,
My son's getting the usb drivers from the Samsung site for the i9100. I found the tar Siyah-s2-v5.0.1.tar for Odin.
Odin3 version is 3.04. Don't know what else I need.
I'm going to be doing this long distance and I've not handled a smart phone personally so ...
1. Start the phone in download mode.
2. Connect phone to computer
3. Start Odin (making sure that Kies is not running), Odin should recognize the phone.
4. Load the tar in the pda section
5. check automatic reboot, and start.
6. I presume that I will know when it's done because odin will report success or finished, and the phone will boot.
To grab the data off this phone do we use the recovery mode or will it now be called clockwork mode?
At which point I presume we shut the phone down and do a normal start/boot.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks for your help. Reading the specs on the Siya work I'm almost tempted
to go get a phone for myself.
Be well,
Lol, that's awesome, your playing by the book
Custom recovery will become CWM instead of stock recovery.
And go ahead and get yourself a new phone, you're in for a hell of a ride.
Sent from the little guy
Thank!! My son called and said the usb still doesn't work. Hum .... I hope not, but I may be back to see if there's a way to transfer something from an sd card in order to save the data. On the flip side ...
Odin doesn't see his device or the pc calls it "unknown device"?
Can he get it to boot, he can use airdroid app or dropbox to transfer over wifi.
The custom kernel is just to get rid of that pabic message.
Sent from the little guy
Mornin' gastonw,
Well, as of a couple of minutes ago, win7 did not recognize the phone. Hopefully with a reinstallation of the Samsung specific usb drivers win7 and/or Odin will recognize the phone.
Interesting. When he booted into download mode the top of the screen said something like, 'Odin download mode'. Does this indicate that it might be rooted? To the best of my knowledge he was unaware of the three button boot loader mode and hence would not have changed the phone from the basic generic non-branded phone that he bought. Just wondering. If it is rooted is there a way to manually do, via the recovery mode, what Odin will be doing? It seems to me that if recovery allows to d/l from the sd card there must be a destination to be designated. I have no idea what the drive and directory layout is, and I'm a tad rusty on linix shell commands, don't even know what shell android uses. But, if I knew where the package had to go ... .
I'll write again when I know more.
Thanks again,
Well the last I heard is that no USB *and* it's probably a win7 problem!!!! Good golly miss molly!
Anyway, snooping about I found a thread [howto] which indicated that putting a clock work mod zip on an sd and d/ling it thru the recovery mode would install the clock work mod recovery boot.
Now I can not find a further reference to a zip with the name format used in this post. However at the modclockwork site I do find two
http://clockworkmod.com/rommanager. One is for 'touch'. I don't know the difference between the two. But, am I understanding correctly that I can put the appropriate zip on an sd from which I can d/l thru the standard recovery mode which on restart I presume will give me access to cmw recovery mode? Seems to easy. LOL!!!
Any help would be appreciated.
This is how you root & flash cwm via recovery: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=7psIQU69h3M&desktop_uri=/watch?v=7psIQU69h3M&gl=MX
Tell him to try another PC to see if it sees the device.
Genuine s2 usb I assume?
Sent from the little guy

[Q] Stuck in Odin mode "Could not do normal boot."

I recently got my new Verizon Galaxy S4 and decided to play around with it. I got it rooted fine and got a few apps on there (like Titanium backup) and decided that, since I would eventually want to play around with ROMs, I would want to unlock the phone.
I looked around and found there were some options for me, the one I chose being the "all in one" option that roots, unlocks and installs a custom recovery mode for you. I went through this process and now get nothing but the Downloader Mode (could not do normal boot). Even if I pop out the battery and try to reboot it, I get this screen.
I later found that apparently the ME7 model currently will not accept attempts to unlock the phone and install a custom ROM or recovery menu. How do I fix this? I tried using Odin, but it doesn't recognize the phone as being connected. I am currently trying other methods like Kies, to see if there is any way to at least to an emergency recovery and get it back to normal.
EDIT: Ran into the same issue with Kies as I did with Odin, it does not see anything connected to the computer.
Do you have the correct drivers installed? Does adb recognize the device? You're in Odin mode when you try to use Odin to push something? I believe with ME7 you can Odin back to the official stuff.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4
TheColdOne said:
I recently got my new Verizon Galaxy S4 and decided to play around with it. I got it rooted fine and got a few apps on there (like Titanium backup) and decided that, since I would eventually want to play around with ROMs, I would want to unlock the phone.
I looked around and found there were some options for me, the one I chose being the "all in one" option that roots, unlocks and installs a custom recovery mode for you. I went through this process and now get nothing but the Downloader Mode (could not do normal boot). Even if I pop out the battery and try to reboot it, I get this screen.
I later found that apparently the ME7 model currently will not accept attempts to unlock the phone and install a custom ROM or recovery menu. How do I fix this? I tried using Odin, but it doesn't recognize the phone as being connected. I am currently trying other methods like Kies, to see if there is any way to at least to an emergency recovery and get it back to normal.
EDIT: Ran into the same issue with Kies as I did with Odin, it does not see anything connected to the computer.
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You need to make sure you have the drivers for the phone and have a solid USB connection (I prefer the rear of a tower)
sent from my GE gs4
I ended up getting it to work. I had to go here:
and get files to get the computer to recognize the device. Even afterwards, Keis had no idea what was going on, and Odin saw it and was able to install a stock firmware I downloaded earlier, saving the phone.
For now I will be satisfied with just root access and will wait for ROM capabilities.
I hate to hijack a thread but I'm stuck here. My GS 4 (Vzw) was supposedly successfully rooted using TWRP, but now I have no way to enter any sort of recovery. The package I downloaded for the root does not have an Odin version to run. I've been getting the endless prompts to install the 4.3 update but there is no way to do this on my phone. I get the same "Could not do normal boot. Odin mode. Write protection enabled" message with the downloading screen. I try to boot into recovery via CWM or Goomanager but it always goes to the same screen. I can't make any backups or restore now either or I would just do a factory reset. Any ideas? I'm on VRUAME7.
Um.... there's no recovery available with ME7.... are you on the MDK bootloader?
Sent from your mom's smartphone
I don't think so but how would I confirm? I'm just trying to get the 4.3 update installed but at every attempt it goes into Odin Mode and gets stuck.
BoltsRUs said:
I don't think so but how would I confirm? I'm just trying to get the 4.3 update installed but at every attempt it goes into Odin Mode and gets stuck.
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You're said that you're on ME7 - what you need to do is to flash the "No wipe" ME7 ROM onto your phone. It's in the Development forum.
You've got to update to MI1 before you can install the 4.3 update (MJ7).
ONLY flash files intended for whatever release you're running. You can't mix and match, can't go backwards, and can't skip updates.
Theres also an ml1 factory image in the dev section.
Hit thanks if I helped you out. Doing a little bit of reading goes a long way. Sent via tapatalk.
TheColdOne said:
I ended up getting it to work. I had to go here:
and get files to get the computer to recognize the device. Even afterwards, Keis had no idea what was going on, and Odin saw it and was able to install a stock firmware I downloaded earlier, saving the phone.
For now I will be satisfied with just root access and will wait for ROM capabilities.
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Hi! Sorry to kind of "butt in" on your thread, but I'm somewhat of a noob and have the same exact problem as you. If you don't mind, can you explain what you downloaded from Intel and what you did afterwards that fixed your problem? I'd really appreciate it, since my phone's been dead to me for more than a week now....
nyankat said:
Hi! Sorry to kind of "butt in" on your thread, but I'm somewhat of a noob and have the same exact problem as you. If you don't mind, can you explain what you downloaded from Intel and what you did afterwards that fixed your problem? I'd really appreciate it, since my phone's been dead to me for more than a week now....
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On that page I linked to, look for this:
Download and run the IntelĀ® Chipset Software Installation Utility so Windows* properly recognizes the SMBus controller.
Get the proper driver download according to your OS, then install it. This should allow Odin to see the phone for you to install a clean copy of the stock ROM onto the phone.
If you want more details I am sorry to say I cannot provide them. When things involve me fixing my own technology, it is a lot of rapid-fire troubleshooting and I just go with what sticks without really memorizing what I did (so if I run into this issue again, I have to re-research).
TheColdOne said:
On that page I linked to, look for this:
Download and run the IntelĀ® Chipset Software Installation Utility so Windows* properly recognizes the SMBus controller.
Get the proper driver download according to your OS, then install it. This should allow Odin to see the phone for you to install a clean copy of the stock ROM onto the phone.
If you want more details I am sorry to say I cannot provide them. When things involve me fixing my own technology, it is a lot of rapid-fire troubleshooting and I just go with what sticks without really memorizing what I did (so if I run into this issue again, I have to re-research).
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Thanks! Finally Oden recognizes my phone
my amazing method
the same problem was with me 3-4 weeks ago...
follow the url-
dbloo dbloo dbloo dot autoroot dot chainfire dot eu
(i cant post the URL because the website is not allowing me.....understand and use the code)
1) choose your samsung model and download the recovery file
2) download and open odin on a dekstop
3) connect your device to the dekstop
4) press the volume down, home button and power button together till the screen changes
5) press the volume down button again
6) odin will show the message "attatched or connected"
7) click pda
8) attatch the file you downloaded
9) your device will be fixed and will be restarted
ur welcome
hai i am stuck at download mode with message as could not normal boot how to fix it

[Q] Need help fixing soft bricked phone

:highfive: Hi !
I run Windows 7, Samsung Galaxy S7390G (rooted) originally under stock rom (because there's no custom rom for my phone :crying:,) and without any custom recovery (because there's no custom recovery for my phone)
I had problem with my internal SD card, I posted on forums, but not this one, and had no help, so I decided to restock my phone.
I used Odin, because I failed with Heimdall, and Odin began flashing my Rom, but gave me a red "fail" message error.
I tried the SamMobile's stock rom for my device, S7390. I tried several ones, always S7390, and Odin failed each time, and stuck me in half-bricked state.
Note: My old computer is with Linux Mint, but I can't use it for now, but I can make a live USB with a Linux distro under the Window computer that I use now if it helps.
I have sometimes some trouble with the USB drivers, and I have been forced to reinstall them many times, trying different packages. For now, but I don't know if it will last, Odin is able to recognize my phone, but each time I try to flash a Rom, it fails. I tried another USB cable, and other USB ports, same thing...
I don't know what to do? I read that there was solution with the adb command, I'll read about it, because I have poor knowledge, but I despair
Even if I know it can be repair, but I can't do it! :crying:
I can only access to download mode.
Please, help a poor despaired French girl. Thank you very much.
None to help? :crying:
Same Problem
No worrys darling you can just go to recovery mode of your phone and select wipe factory data reset and then your phone will reboot and it will be as new as you bought it that time only.
Hope it helps
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app

Am I doomed

Greetings all,
I am a real noob and have recently taken to playing with my android devices.
Unfortunately I am in a predicament with my old S3 I9300.
I really screwed up and failed to make a Nandroid back up when using TWRP to flash Cynagenmod 13, after following the correct procedure on my other I9300 and successfully flashing it I became cocky and made the fatal error of not having a back up. A bit of back story but perhaps unrelated it was also suffering the old "Failed to Mount EFS" message which I have recently learnt to fix on my Old Old I9100 S2 using ADB.
After flasing It was in a Cynagenmod boot loop and was not able to be recognized by my pc via download mode or recovery, so was unable to use Odin, Kies or even ADB.
After experiencing USB issues with Cynagenmod 13 on my other I9300 when the flash was successful, I decided that perhaps it would be better to flash Android Revolution as the USB connections just seem to work better. After the flash seemed to be successful and the Samsung Logo just hung around and never booted.
I played with it all day, trying to get Kies, ADB and Odin to recognize it to no avail, (I tried every little trick on Google, reinstall drivers, restart pc , restart device, plug unplug, play with the buttons and the battery etc.....) the thing is, is that Odin would recognize it in bootloop.
After growing tired of this not working, for some stupid reason I decided to flash CWM over TWRP via MicroSD, i just thought maybe I could get ADB to work or something. Anyway the flash worked and I continued to try ADB, KIES and ODIN but nothing.
To make matters worse currently when I try to go to Recovery CWM is now looping (I'm hoping its a passing phase), so with recovery gone my phone is restricted to Download mode. I really think my last chance is to get download mode communicating with Kies to get the Firmware.
Feeling frustrated and about throw my phone on the recycling heap after googling and reading so many XDA threads I decided to reach out and ask for any help or suggestions in finding a way to get my phone recognized in Download Mode.
I thank you for your time in reading this post and look forward to hearing any advice.
muddled said:
Greetings all,
I am a real noob and have recently taken to playing with my android devices.
Unfortunately I am in a predicament with my old S3 I9300.
I really screwed up and failed to make a Nandroid back up when using TWRP to flash Cynagenmod 13, after following the correct procedure on my other I9300 and successfully flashing it I became cocky and made the fatal error of not having a back up. A bit of back story but perhaps unrelated it was also suffering the old "Failed to Mount EFS" message which I have recently learnt to fix on my Old Old I9100 S2 using ADB.
After flasing It was in a Cynagenmod boot loop and was not able to be recognized by my pc via download mode or recovery, so was unable to use Odin, Kies or even ADB.
After experiencing USB issues with Cynagenmod 13 on my other I9300 when the flash was successful, I decided that perhaps it would be better to flash Android Revolution as the USB connections just seem to work better. After the flash seemed to be successful and the Samsung Logo just hung around and never booted.
I played with it all day, trying to get Kies, ADB and Odin to recognize it to no avail, (I tried every little trick on Google, reinstall drivers, restart pc , restart device, plug unplug, play with the buttons and the battery etc.....) the thing is, is that Odin would recognize it in bootloop.
After growing tired of this not working, for some stupid reason I decided to flash CWM over TWRP via MicroSD, i just thought maybe I could get ADB to work or something. Anyway the flash worked and I continued to try ADB, KIES and ODIN but nothing.
To make matters worse currently when I try to go to Recovery CWM is now looping (I'm hoping its a passing phase), so with recovery gone my phone is restricted to Download mode. I really think my last chance is to get download mode communicating with Kies to get the Firmware.
Feeling frustrated and about throw my phone on the recycling heap after googling and reading so many XDA threads I decided to reach out and ask for any help or suggestions in finding a way to get my phone recognized in Download Mode.
I thank you for your time in reading this post and look forward to hearing any advice.
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Hey Mate,
Firstly we all are noobs here helping each other, secondly from my experience of S3, it is such a device that under any condition, if your hardware is intact, you can recover your phone from almost anything, so yeah you might have a solution to your problem.
Coming to the problem at hand, i had the same thing happen to my S3, (only twrp logo showed, couldn't access recovery, no ROM, only download mode available) the way i fixed it was using odin, now i know you say that odin is not recognizing your device, the thing is firstly Kies is useless in this situation acc. to me, it only works stock ROM and that too with difficulty, what i would say is go here - http://developer.samsung.com/technical-doc/view.do?v=T000000117
and then install the drivers to your PC, next up download the official firmware from sammobile or any other site (careful of the version you are using), now put the phone in download mod, start odin and then connect your phone. Now, hopefully odin will recognize your phone and you can flash the official firmware, also i would recommend to stay on the official firmware for like a week before returning to flashing again as i have noticed that constant flashing and wiping leads to not only errors like "unable to mount EFS" but also serious errors like "Unable to mount /system" or "Unable to mount /Data" ,which clearly sucks
Please try the method and tell me if it worked , if not we'l try something else but we sure as hell will get your device working again
If still not recognized then here is a suggestion :
Exit/uninstall from nokia/ovi suit.
Exit/uninstall bluestack. (if u r using it)
Update your drivers(phone specific)
Use correct odin version acc to ur phone
Sent from my Micromax E352 using XDA-Developers mobile app
I'm just gonna throw my 2 cents in too. I didn't read your whole thread as I'm in a slight rush right now.
But basically -
Can your PC recognise your phone when it's plugged into USB in Download Mode? If so, use ODIN to flash any stock firmware and you're back to square one (working, but stock) phone. Then go from there. Obviously try to flash the right firmware or you'll end up no further forward.
If it can't recognise it, try reinstalling the drivers, uninstalling the programs mentioned above and using another USB cable. My experience with my own S3 has shown potential wear with the USB port on the bottom of the phone presumably due to it's age and as a result it doesn't recognise many USB cables.

