Anybody else less than impressed with a lot of CM10.x themes? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm sorry, but recently I've been seeing themes that something about them is just ugly to me. All of them that I've seen. What happened to all the cm7 themes that were amazing?
Sent from my N3xUS IV ;D

AW: Anybody else less than impressed with a lot of CM10.x themes?
Make it better by yourself?

Just because a person is not able to make a better theme due to a lack of ability to do so, it does not mean that one cannot have an eye for aesthetics. Many people couldn't design a phone but they can tell that one looks good. To be able to make is very different from being able to criticize.
Likewise, many people cannot cook masterfully but they can tell what is great food just by tasting it. If a person were to comment on the negative quality of food, you would be unreasonable to challenge that person to cook something better.
At that, I agree with the OP that there are some themes out there that just look tacky. Yes, I couldn't create a theme because I don't have the ability or resource to do so. But I can still have an eye for good design and good looks.


[Q] what is the best 2.2 rom

i really want a reliable and stable rom that will work great
Cool and Cool
lol just try them all. Your going to get different answers from everyone
whats froyo?
if you're a woman get TAZZ Froyo Pink
If you're a man, get TAZZ Froyo Blackened
Or just get TAZZ Froyo Vanilla
Shadow Rom all hands up. It's different has very good extras, stable and fast.
Jp50 said:
if you're a woman get TAZZ Froyo Pink
If you're a man, get TAZZ Froyo Blackened
Or just get TAZZ Froyo Vanilla
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Agreed. All women must adorn their personal items and the items that surround them with the color pink. It is a well-known fact that all women simply adore the color pink. This is, of course, in addition to ponies, unicorns, jewelry/fashionable accessories, roses, gossip, and the twilight saga. Therefore, it stands to right that if you do indeed happen to be in possession of a vagina (complete with matching set of ovaries), instead of a penis (thereby lacking a scrotum and the inherently corresponding testicular predisposition towards football, muscle cars, and pissing contests), then tazz's froyo pink is obviously the only correct choice you can make in this situation. Keep that in mind, lest you one day find yourself growing pit hair and telling everyone to call you Steve instead of Stephanie.
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
Im a girl and I hate pink lol and I love muscle cars. LOL just had to throw that out there in this silly thread.
is kaos froyo V37 out yet cause it seems like that would be i hope it has flash. ;-)
mjb413 said:
is kaos froyo V37 out yet cause it seems like that would be i hope it has flash. ;-)
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chances of kaosfroyo ever getting flash are somewhere between -1 and 1, exclusive of limits (ie. Zero). Porting flash over to the Eris would require a significant rebuild of the code and while I am sure there are devs here who could, I think it would be absolutely wrong to ask them to do so, we ain't adobe, we ain't payin' em, and they would be exposing themselves significantly (in a legal sense pervs) to do so.
That said, KaosLegendary, his froyo/sense rom already has flash working because it piggybacks off of HTC's FlashLite plugin to do so. If you want flash that badly, give KaosLegendary another few dev cycles and it'll probably be just as good as KaosFroyo.
wilshyre said:
Agreed. All women must adorn their personal items and the items that surround them with the color pink. It is a well-known fact that all women simply adore the color pink. This is, of course, in addition to ponies, unicorns, jewelry/fashionable accessories, roses, gossip, and the twilight saga. Therefore, it stands to right that if you do indeed happen to be in possession of a vagina (complete with matching set of ovaries), instead of a penis (thereby lacking a scrotum and the inherently corresponding testicular predisposition towards football, muscle cars, and pissing contests), then tazz's froyo pink is obviously the only correct choice you can make in this situation. Keep that in mind, lest you one day find yourself growing pit hair and telling everyone to call you Steve instead of Stephanie.
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
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Currently, I believe KaosFroyo is the best. It's served me well, and it's fast.
+1 for Kaos v36, however, Tazz and Conap's CELB ROMs are both top-notch.
I just saw ShadowRom thread...where has that one been hiding? (in the shadows?)
wilshyre said:
Agreed. All women must adorn their personal items and the items that surround them with the color pink. It is a well-known fact that all women simply adore the color pink. This is, of course, in addition to ponies, unicorns, jewelry/fashionable accessories, roses, gossip, and the twilight saga. Therefore, it stands to right that if you do indeed happen to be in possession of a vagina (complete with matching set of ovaries), instead of a penis (thereby lacking a scrotum and the inherently corresponding testicular predisposition towards football, muscle cars, and pissing contests), then tazz's froyo pink is obviously the only correct choice you can make in this situation. Keep that in mind, lest you one day find yourself growing pit hair and telling everyone to call you Steve instead of Stephanie.
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
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ROTFLMAO...that's funny. Touche.
I came from Kaos to Nonsensikal ROM. Now using Nonsensikal 9,0 - very fast, stable, includes Launcher pro and Autokiller presets, I love it really!
labnjab said:
Im a girl and I hate pink lol and I love muscle cars. LOL just had to throw that out there in this silly thread.
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Well now, that really is too bad. All the women I know seem to have a great affection for the.. satisfaction, shall we say, that only the particular anatomical assets of the opposing sex can provide. I would counsel you to reconsider your present gender preference, as I'm certain that you are simply unacquainted with the gratification that only a good penis can provide you, due to the specific needs of your biological framework. Now, please, be reasonable! I know that this is somewhat of an obstacle for you due to your gender, as it is also well-known that a woman's capacity for reason is slight, if not negligible, consequently making the ability to rationalize difficult, if not altogether impossible for you. But, I'm certain that with time and patience, you can be dissuaded, as it is also a known fact that women are irrevocably whimsical, perpetually changing their minds in accordance with whichever way the wind happens to be blowing. That being said, I would urge you to make the best of a bad situation, and use your disadvantages as a woman to facilitate this change. Please do not let my words go unheeded, Steve, as I'm sure that it would be mutually beneficial to everyone if you were to follow my advice, and go with Tazz's froyo pink the next time you flash a new ROM to your droid eris.
I use Tazz 11 vanilla and really like it. No problems for me at all.
Why are people going gaga over Flash?
Is it just me, or do froyo roms run too much junk in the background? I'm just sayin'.

Pauls ROM reviews. viperROM review + interviews with -viperboy- and Vinchenzop

Hello everyone, I decided to start a little something called "Pauls ROM reviews" where I give you the low down on the hottest ROMs for the EVO 3D and give you some information about the developer/developing team and a little information and background about the people behind the ROMS. I figured this would be a fun way to get to know our developers more personally and to learn more about their work, and some of their future plans. Too often I feel we take them for granted so I thought giving you all some more information about the developers we can build more personal relationships so we can all understand one another better. I feel this will help build a stronger community and set us apart from some of the other forums on XDA.
This is very much an "average joe" review and is in no way claiming to be or attempting to be editorial quality material, structure, or content. This is meant to be a brief "feel" for what the ROM is about and what I think are the benefits of it, so please be gentle.
Today we are going to dive into viperROM, arguably one of the most popular ROMS. The viperROM thread is hot right now, a lot of people are excited about this ROM and its getting a lot of downloads and attention. The developers of this ROM are really on top of their game, are online often answering questions and being really helpful when people have problems. I feel they have a great dedication to their fan base and really care about their input and concerns, so I figured this would be a great place to start for a first ROM. Plus this is one of my favorite ROMs right now, so I really wanted to help spread the word out there for those of you still on the fence about rooting or maybe trying this ROM. I guarantee you: you want to try it! This is really great stuff guys.
First I would like to drive right into the ROM and go over some of its features with you. To set the record straight this will not be an insanely lengthy, long editorial over every single feature of the ROM. I will only be discussing some of the things I find most relevant and that other people will find relevant. Any questions about other features that aren't mentioned here should be directed to the viperROM thread in the Android Development section of the EVO 3D forums.
First and foremost I find the battery life to be good. Considering the screen on this phone I didn't expect it to be amazing, but I can typically make it about 8-10 hours with a lot of usage throughout the day at work texting and internet browing a lot of the day with the phone awake most of the time. I consider this pretty good. If you aren't an extremely heavy user it wouldn't surprise me if you could squeeze a good 15 hours or more out of this ROM if you have decent reception where you are at.
One of the great things about this ROM is the OC script that is built into the ROM. I really like this, because I feel that it is one less app running in the background consuming space and battery, and I think overall a script like this is probably more efficient than an application governing the CPU. It is quite simple to run and allows the governor of your sleep state and awake state, as well as all the clock speeds your particular kernel allows.
Hotspot is unlocked as well, ads are blocked, there are memory tweaks in the ROM, and a lot of bloatware we don't use has also been removed. Luckily for those who do want some of these apps, viper was courteous enough to leave the zip files on the SD card to install at your leisure. The four in one boot option is something that is really nice as well. There are other great additions to the ROM; I would recommend reading about them over in the development thread as these things are what are most important to me. One other thing, this ROM has one hell of a theme. It really looks great and is quite appealing to the eyes. Many people have a lot of positive feedback on it, so if you are an eye candy lover this should be a treat for you. Now I want to tell you about the best part of this ROM..
This is the true icing on the cake. Not only is this ROM feature rich and does not sacrifice any HTC Sense features for those of you who love Sense ROMS, but it runs FASTER than any other Sense ROM I have had the pleasure of running in the development section. For me, this runs faster than even the stripped Sense ROMs. That really says something to me; these guys did a fantastic job of optimizing here. They not only provided a feature rich package for us, but it runs so damn fast. I am running it at the default 1188MHz without a stutter or a hiccup in speeds. I highly recommend Opera Browser on this ROM as well, it is butter smooth, scrolling up and down pages is absolutely flawless and lag free. This is more than I could say for the stock ROM. I suspect a lot of this might be due to the GPU acceleration which was added in RC 1.3. For those of you who have tried this ROM before but might be using something else, you need to flash ViperROM RC 1.3. You won't be disappointed!
The main point about this ROM that I'd like to get out to you all is that if you want a ROM that doesn’t sacrifice HTC Sense and has stellar performance this is the one for you. There are a lot of options out there right now and a lot of you are overwhelmed and don't know where to start. This is where you should start; I feel this is the bar for Sense ROMs right now. Start with viperROM and then compare other ROMs; I don't think you'll regret it.
Go here to check out a full list of features. Read the first couple posts:
Next it's time to meet -viperboy- and Vinchenzop, they are working on this ROM together and are a formidable team. I am going to ask them a bunch of questions. We will get to know these two developers a bit better, learn more about the ROM, their future plans for ViperROM and more. Let’s begin!
-viperboy- interview:
1. Tell us a bit about you, some of your hobbies and interests, what you like doing in your free time or whatever else you'd like your fans to know.
"Well, Android is my biggest hobby without a doubt. I do love cars as well, my daily driver is an 02 Nissan Maxima 6MT with about 5k in motor work (10k+ into the car total), quite the sleeper! haha I have a wonderful circle of friends that I know I can always count on and a wonderful girlfriend who puts up with all my Android nonsense lol
I used to work for Verizon Wireless as an In-Store Technician. I was very good at what I did, getting calls from District Managers 150+ miles away asking me how to solve major customer issues, leading conference calls to entire districts to fill them in on new technology and information we should know about (pulled many an article to share from Droid-Life and EngadgetMobile!), and, most importantly, making my customers happy. I am a people-pleaser and I did everything I could to make a customer happy, including honoring warrantys on rooted phones
I loved my job but I had to leave my full-time job at Verizon Wireless to work part-time at Best Buy so I could go back to school. I am a Multi-Channel Sales Associate (aka "Store *****" - the person you talk to on the phone when you call and ask me annoying questions like "Do you have one of them iPod 2 tablet things??") Everyone at works knows I'm nuts about phones and Android and I used to work in Best Buy Mobile and brought alot of my talent over there. I pretty much got everyone on the Android train and taught people how to mod their own phones! Quite a beautiful thing!
I currently attend Penn State University persuing a degree in Information Science and Technology. One day, I would love to work for HTC or one of the other OEMs with my dream job being working for Google in their Android division!"
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2. How long have you been developing on the Android platform?
"I have been deving for Android for less than 6 months but I've learned so much, it's insane! Right now, my big projects are viperROM and viperMOD Voltage Control. viperROM is my first ROM and I've created and I'm very proud to put my name on it. viperMOD Voltage Control has been about 4 months in the making, starting out as a fairly simple shell script and now the app is almost complete! I found that I really enjoy shell scripting the deeper I got into viperMOD and I would consider that my "specialty"."
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3. How do you feel about the future of the EVO 3D? Do you feel there are great things to come and still more potential to be unlocked in this phone?
"I think there is a great future for the EVO 3D! This phone has some of the best specs out there right now and the hardware is incredibly powerful, so there are many things going its way. There are a huge amount of ROMs out not even a week since we had S-OFF which I think really says how much interest there is in this phone. I would say that within the next month you will see some very amazing things starting to happen to this phone, so yes, plenty of potential still left in this phone (overclocking and tweaking the GPU, powerful custom kernels, etc)"
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4. What about the EVO 3D inspired you to know you wanted to develop for it? Is the EVO 3D your primary phone? If not what is?
"Truthfully, the hardware was the main draw for me. I didn't care much about the 3D part of the phone, although it is a cool "Look what my phone can do!" feature. I really see some tremendous potential in the hardware (And software too). Yes, the EVO 3D is my primary phone. I used to have an HTC EVO 4G before this and almost every Verizon Android phone when I worked for them - D1, DInc, DX (most recent phone when I left). My Dad, stepsister, stepmom, brother, and girlfriend all have Android's (EVO 3D, HTC Hero, Samsung Epic, HTC EVO Shift, and Samsung Captivate, respectively) but my mom and stepdad are too technically challened to want an Android lol"
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5. What made you choose to develop on the Android platform? Have you ever considered WebOS or iOS? What are your feelings about these platforms?
"I have had alot of phones in my day, even when I was in grade school and high school I would call Sprint and play the retention game and get new phones literally every few months. My Dad never cared as long as hit bill wasn't messed up lol I started over on working with BitPim to mod the RAZR2 and posting guides on how to work with it at the age of about 13/14. Once I found how much fun it was to modify phones, that was it! I moved away from dumbphones and started to get into smartphones. I had phones WinMo phones like the Moto Q, HTC Mogul, and HTC Touch. That was my platform of choice until I go into Blackberry. I really liked how solid they were and I wasn't a power user like I am now, so I liked it. The Blackberry 8900 was one of my favorite phones, to be honest. Looked great and was just fun to use! I would say the D1 was and always will be my favorite, as it was my entry into Android, then the HTC EVO 4G, and then the EVo 3D (slowly moving up my list!)
A little more on topic to the question you asked - I really liked the customization that you get with an Android phone. I liked that it was easy to hack and easy to make it feel like it was meant for you. I love that there is a ton of support out there for Android, XDA really is a wonderful site (minus the douchebaggery that can go on sometimes) I bought the original iphone back when it came out (had to drive to philly to get it since that was the closest apple store at the time and ATT wouldn't sell me an unlocked one!) and beta tested the original jailbreak and unlock for it. I managed to get it working on T-Mobile's prepaid sidekick plan and used it for a while. It was a cool phone at the time, but it still felt like it was lacking something. I also had the Pre for about 2 weeks and I just did not like it. No customization and I didn't think it had a good future (seems like I might have been right lol)
I feel like webOS will continue to be pushed by HP for a while, but I don't see it suceeding as a mobile platform and I see that slowly coming to and end. As for iOS, it does a great job with having almost identical SW between the devices (something android undeniably still lacks at the moment) and when jailbroken, I don't mind using it for a few days, but then I get bored but it will be taken over by Android and we are seeing that happen now. Android is only going to continue taking an even bigger lead."
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6. Are you surprised by the success of viperROM?
"To be honest, yes I am. I built the ROM as a fun project for me to see how I could do and I thought I might get a small following of people from the EVO 4G that liked viperMOD Voltage Control to use my ROM. I had NO idea that it was going to hit it off like this! It was, to my knowledge, the first booting and working EVO 3D ROM on S-OFF day. Just for a few stats, scott951 gratiously offered to host our ROM but we had no idea what we were in for. In less than a week, we blew through over 7TB of data, so with the ROM being ~350mb, if my math is correct, that's almost 21,000 total downloads of RC1, RC1.1, and RC1.2. It was so much that scott951's host suspended the account, forcing us to look elsewhere for a host. We settled on and multiupload for mirror (after a failed attempt with wupload) and since then, we've had over 2500 downloads of RC1.3 in less than a 24hr period. I would say that's pretty good.
Also as it stand, we have the most posts and views of any ROM thread in EVO 3D dev "
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7. What are some of your future plans with the EVO 3D or the Android platform in general?
"I would like to get more into kernel development. I find it interesting and there is alot of technical information to learn which is fun for me to learn. Plus, that means that I can have a device running everything I made and I know everything can work together in perfect harmony. I'd also like to play with the GPU a little bit more and see how far it can be pushed.
The next big thing I'm going to need to get ready for is the launch of viperMOD Voltage Control and supporting as many devices as possible. I want to get this app to work on any device with a compatible kernel!"
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8. What kinds of things can we look forward to in future releases of viperROM? Are there any surprises we will want to keep our eyes open for?
"Well, I can't tell you everything I know but RC2 will be very nice. I am already working on it and I hope to make it the fastest Sense ROM on the EVO 3D with all the optimizations that I have planned. More details when the time approaches "
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9. What the hell is this "3VO" I keep hearing about?!
"Seriously, WTF is a 3VO?!?"
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10. What do you feel sets viperROM apart from all the other ROMs for the EVO 3D?
"What sets viperROM apart is the OC daemon that I implemented and build a script to work with it, battery life that is better than any other ROM while maintaining excellent performance, and lastly but most important is unparalleled user support. I am in my thread as often as possible to answer questions and support my work. If it takes more than an hour or so for a response from me, that is out of the ordinary. I also respond to every PM and email that I get. I want my users to have the same great experience I do when I use my ROM and I want to make sure they enjoy it, that is very important to me. "
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11. How did you and Vinchenzop team up?
"That is a funny story, but the short and sweet version is we had a chat one time via PM about how we noticed that a certain dev or devs weren't really doing their own work and were claiming other peoples work as theirs. We both found it repulsive and ridiculous and decided that we would make a good team together and we really do. I do almost all of the ROM work and he does almost all of the theme work and that really helps me out because it gives me more time to work on my stuff. He always gets things done quickly and fixes things for me almost right away if there is anything that isn't correct the first time around. I'm happy to have him as part of viperROM "
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Vinchenzop interview:
1. Tell us a bit about you, some of your hobbies and interests, what you like doing in your free time or whatever else you'd like your fans to know.
"Besides android, I love to spend alot of time with my family. I play alot of guitar around the house, as music has always been a huge part of my life."
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2. How long have you been developing on the Android platform?
"Truthfully, not very long. Maybe since March or April of this year. I had never even used Linux until I wanted to jump into Android development."
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3. How do you feel about the future of the EVO 3D? Do you feel there are great things to come and still more potential to be unlocked in this phone?
"Absolutely! This phone is a borderline mini-computer I know, that term has been used for years to describe "smart-phones", but this is the first time that I feel that it really applies to a phone correctly. With the obvious talent in the dev-pool on the Evo 3D, I think many great things are in the future of this phone."
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4. What about the EVO 3D inspired you to know you wanted to develop for it? Is the EVO 3D your primary phone? If not what is?
"Yes, the Evo 3D is my primary phone. The thing that inspired me to develop for it was that I used to do dev work on the Evo 4G, and I wanted to translate my ideas and efforts to help in the Evo 3D community as much as I did for the 4G."
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5. What made you choose to develop on the Android platform? Have you ever considered WebOS or iOS? What are your feelings about these platforms?
"I choose the Android scene because that was what was on my Evo 4G. I saw that phone when it first came out, and knew I'd wanted it. Once I had it, I knew I wanted to personalize it, and well, you know the rest.
As far as WebOS and IOS...It's been a few years since I've used a phone that had any windows-based software on it (I think it was when the Moto Q came out), so I'm not familiar with the specifics on that side of the fence. IOS? Well, as stated earlier, I love music, and in my personal opinion, IPods have that market covered, at least in my house."
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6. Are you surprised by the success of ViperROM?
"Not entirely. When you have as much dedication and passion put into something that I, and more specifically, Viper have put into this ROM, its bound to have fans support."
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7. What are some of your future plans with the EVO 3D or the Android platform in general?
"Just keeping up with whatever projects Team Viper (derek and I) feel needed to be put out into the community to fill any niche that needs attention. More specifically, fulfilling requests of our seemingly, very large ROM-followers."
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8. What kinds of things can we look forward to in future releases of ViperROM? Are there any surprises we will want to keep our eyes open for?
"Top Secret! No, not really...with us, we're more worried about the overall base of the ROM, which from feedback from the users, we've succeeded thus far. So currently, future plans consist of aesthetic changes/options. Applying user feedback requests, and just trying to make everyone experience their phone the way they should...their way."
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9. What the hell is this "3VO" I keep hearing about?!
"I personally, don't like the whole "3VO" thing, I let the phone and its capacities speak for itself. Nicknames only work throughout this community, and don't apply to real-world encounters, so to me its still an "Evo 3D"
Thanks for your time guys im sure people will enjoy reading this!
Thanks to anyone that has made suggestions, donations, given feedback, positive or negative, because those are the things that keep not only viperROM, but this entire, wonderful developing community, going strong.
~Vinchenzo Pisegna"
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great interview, i like reading about the devs that make my dreams come true
Thanks for the interview, PaulB007 and great work putting it together! I realized I talk too much after reading this
-viperboy- said:
Thanks for the interview, PaulB007 and great work putting it together! I realized I talk too much after reading this
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I realized afterwords that I forgot to add in the question about how you and your partner started working on the ROM together, you could elaborate on that here too if you'd like and I can add it to the OP.
PaulB007 said:
I realized afterwords that I forgot to add in the question about how you and your partner started working on the ROM together, you could elaborate on that here too if you'd like and I can add it to the OP.
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You can just throw in what I sent you if you'd like, that's fine with me.
I think It's a good idea..I enjoyed reading about the devs and found it interesting that two average guys were able to put together such a complete Rom without tons of experience..must be smart guys..good job op..hopefully some other devs will participate..and i know more will be coming around sooner or later..hint myn..
Great Stuff and great Idea. Beings that I just rooted my first Android Phone Ever this will help me get a look at some of the Roms out there and get some user feedback.
Viper Rom Sounds great!!
Updated OP with additional interview question in the -viperboy- interview section for those who missed it.
This is one of the best threads out. Very good idea. I enjoyed reading this. Thanks. Great thread.
Locked & Loaded
"" Shooter on Deck""
Yeah I too just rooted my first android phone, and hearing about all this makes me want to learn more
Thanks for the interview
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Awesome worked. Can't wait to see what u do for the other ROMs and devs
Nice idea man, damn a lot to read lol, but is good specially for new people to know their developers, you should contact zone23, Ava and myns since they been in the of evo as well and they work has been recognized as well
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Thanks paulb, either I'm like I am in real life...soft spoken, and only speak when something is worth saying, or it just appears that way based on the 8 part novel that Derek wrote when responding to his interview questions...trying to get on the best seller's list viper?
Thanks for the positive feedback fellas, I appreciate it. If I get enough comments and views I will continue to do this in the future.
Thanks for this thread and you should definitely keep do this
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Vinchenzop said:
Thanks paulb, either I'm like I am in real life...soft spoken, and only speak when something is worth saying, or it just appears that way based on the 8 part novel that Derek wrote when responding to his interview questions...trying to get on the best seller's list viper?
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LMAO, hey, I thought he was going to edit some of it so I gave him my whole autobiography lol
-viperboy- said:
LMAO, hey, I thought he was going to edit some of it so I gave him my whole autobiography lol
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Haha nah, I didn't want to edit it, I figured they'd appreciate seeing your personality and not mine editing yours.
Nice interview. Cool to get to know a little bit of what makes devs like Viperboy and Vinchenzop tick.
Wow, what a pleasant read. There should be more posts like this one.
Sent from my 3D Beast
Paul, this is one of the greatest idea's here and really enjoyed reading this. I hope you continue to do it.
I was glad to see team Viper up first as there ROM is not only sweet but they seem like great people as well.
For anyone who hasn't tried their Rom yet, what are you waiting for! Also, there ROM thread is a joy to be a part of. It is like a family in there.

[Q] Replace HTC Dialer with AOSP one

HTC Dialer sucks. It will be highly desirable to replace it with aosp ones. There is currently no one working on it. I am surprise.
crazypotato said:
HTC Dialer sucks. It will be highly desirable to replace it with aosp ones. There is currently no one working on it. I am surprise.
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Interesting. Glad it surprises you. Why does everyone assume that developing is so easy? I bet I can get you the standard dialer pretty quickly. Use craigslist and post the following:
HTC AMAZE 4G for a cheap non-HTC device.
Seriously. I don't understand why people spend so much for a device to want to go for AOSP stuff.
Besides... check the Market. You might find dialer alternatives. Worth a shot.
Binary100100 said:
Interesting. Glad it surprises you. Why does everyone assume that developing is so easy? I bet I can get you the standard dialer pretty quickly. Use craigslist and post the following:
HTC AMAZE 4G for a cheap non-HTC device.
Seriously. I don't understand why people spend so much for a device to want to go for AOSP stuff.
Besides... check the Market. You might find dialer alternatives. Worth a shot.
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Folks, quit peeing in Binarys cereal... dammit
zPacKRat said:
Folks, quit peeing in Binarys cereal... dammit
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Oatmeal. I don't eat cereal. I eat oatmeal.
Quite a few decent dialers out there. There are even a few on XDA....
This one is free on the market and has a presence on XDA with themes as well. It's rated highly.
jeepers007 said:
Quite a few decent dialers out there. There are even a few on XDA....
This one is free on the market and has a presence on XDA with themes as well. It's rated highly.
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I like this one better, I tried dialer one, now I use exDialer, its awesome AND themable.
currently I have the ICS theme, I'm just loving it
seansk said:
I like this one better, I tried dialer one, now I use exDialer, its awesome AND themable.
currently I have the ICS theme, I'm just loving it
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I'm not a critic of the original dialer, nor am I a fan.. but the ics theme looked good enough I am giving it a try, thanks for pointing it out, nice find It IS good that it has a contacts replacement, I DO HATE the htc contacts!
Silentbtdeadly said:
I'm not a critic of the original dialer, nor am I a fan.. but the ics theme looked good enough I am giving it a try, thanks for pointing it out, nice find It IS good that it has a contacts replacement, I DO HATE the htc contacts!
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yea with the stock sense dialer its was hard to get to my faves, but this one makes it much easier combining the goodness of snese ui dialer with the goodness of AOSP dialer, and ICS theme looks great.
Binary100100 said:
Interesting. Glad it surprises you. Why does everyone assume that developing is so easy? I bet I can get you the standard dialer pretty quickly. Use craigslist and post the following:
HTC AMAZE 4G for a cheap non-HTC device.
Seriously. I don't understand why people spend so much for a device to want to go for AOSP stuff.
Besides... check the Market. You might find dialer alternatives. Worth a shot.
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Amen to that ! If you want the AOSP look... get a non HTC device and leave us, HTC and HTC Sense lovers, alone! hehe
NRGZ28 said:
Amen to that ! If you want the AOSP look... get a non HTC device and leave us, HTC and HTC Sense lovers, alone! hehe
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theoretically what if I like everything about the amaze besides sense UI?... I love the camera, design, build quality, screen, speed, 42mb hsdpa, etc...there are not other phones on t-mobile or other carriers that come close to this phone, or that i like that come AOSP. the only phones with true AOSP are the google flagship phones, and probably G2x and I can't think of other ones.
seansk said:
theoretically what if I like everything about the amaze besides sense UI?... I love the camera, design, build quality, screen, speed, 42mb hsdpa, etc...there are not other phones on t-mobile or other carriers that come close to this phone, or that i like that come AOSP. the only phones with true AOSP are the google flagship phones, and probably G2x and I can't think of other ones.
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So by that logic, I would like a Ford Mustang Shelby with a 4 cylinder engine because it's better on fuel.
No I want the 454 big block blower
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Binary100100 said:
So by that logic, I would like a Ford Mustang Shelby with a 4 cylinder engine because it's better on fuel.
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you're assuming that sense is a 8 cylinder engine and aosp is a 4 cylinder engine. In terms of cars you have the choice of getting a regular mustang which looks the same, can get all the same interior features of the car, but with a different engine...this is not possible with phones...analogy is not the same...I'm not saying I hate or like sense, as I've said before there are parts I like and parts I don't like...but trying to create a compelling argument.
If I wanted an AOSP device on T-mobile, my only choice would be a G2X. I'd rather get the better phone and sacrifice things I don't like about sense than get a older crappy phone like the G2X...all I'm saying is that options are very limited when it comes to AOSP. you cannot make the same analogy for cars.
I myself don't like sense, touchwiz, nor the True AOSP. In my personal opinion, there are a lot of things about sense UI that slow the phone down and also drain the battery, the interface however looks great and has many neat features. Touchwiz is a piece of crap but it is lighter so it doesn't bog down the system as much. I was using CM for the longest time and was very happy. I am not a big fan of True AOSP either, I actually like a modified and more customizable yet light, version of AOSP. In my opinion this is why CM has been so successful. I'm sure xboarder's release will be amazing and make a lot of people happy on this forum. everyone has personal preferences and it's is not fair to say they should have gotten a different phone, since there are no other options...believe me after my nexus one, the nexus s pissed me off, cause it was not a big upgrade...and I waited another year for the next nexus, galaxy nexus, which also didn't impress me. I knew I wanted a good camera on my phone, fast, a better screen, and as you know at first I went with samsung galaxy s II, but hated everything about it. I can happily live with my phone with a 3rd party launcher lockscreen and dialer for the next two I'm not complaining at all.
I understand when people come and complain when the AOSP from xboarder is going to be released, it get's frustrating. But I don't regret this is the decision I made based on the availabe phones on the market and I'm not one bit unhappy about it...doesn't mean I wouldn't be happier with a different rom that is more AOSP like, that is why we have XDA right? so we can have options in terms of roms, kernels, and more control of how we like to customize our phones. That is why we unlocked it and possibly voided warranty.
Binary100100 said:
So by that logic, I would like a Ford Mustang Shelby with a 4 cylinder engine because it's better on fuel.
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I think a better analogy is... why would you buy a shelby mustang, only to put a ford fiesta body on it ? Yes, it'll be fast as hell, but it sure won't look like it
NRGZ28 said:
I think a better analogy is... why would you buy a shelby mustang, only to put a ford fiesta body on it ? Yes, it'll be fast as hell, but it sure won't look like it
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looks is a matter of opinion , besides I usually run 3rd party launchers anyways...with 3rd party lockscreens and 3rd party dialers!!! I just don't like a lot of sense stuff bogging down my system...although this is easily taken care of in Titanium backup, i usually freeze i said its not a biggie...everyone has their own preference...I'd rather run 3rd party things on a lighter system, Sense has some great features for me and some that I care not about...again personal preference...I get it you guys are big sense fans , I guess what I'm trying to get at atleast for me I wish I was a developer myself and could make a rom to my own liking lol...things I want from sense and things I don't want...and I'm sure its not as easy as i just described it...People come in to the office and ask to put gold crowns on their perfectly healthy teeth!!! do I agree with it? NO, its retarded and as a doctor i know it can jeopardize the integrity, lifespan and durability of the tooth...Do I still do this for them? yes, its their choice, and I explain everything to them and make them sign papers and make detailed notes about the situation...ultimately everyone has personal opinions about everything...It's not fair to shoot down people's opinions, just respect them...some people love tattooing their body and having lots of piercings, would I do that? NO. would I become friends with someone like that, enough each their own I guess...
Binary100100 said:
So by that logic, I would like a Ford Mustang Shelby with a 4 cylinder engine because it's better on fuel.
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Ford kinda did that with the SVO in the early 80's
NRGZ28 said:
I think a better analogy is... why would you buy a shelby mustang, only to put a ford fiesta body on it ? Yes, it'll be fast as hell, but it sure won't look like it
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In the auto enthusiast world we call that a "sleeper". Usually it just means a highly modified car that you didn't MAKE look like it is highly modified. Not everyone wants to look like the fast and the furious.. but I think we are getting off topic a bit now.
I kind of understand why someone would want some AOSP goodness.. I replaced the launcher, the dialer, the contacts menu, and I'm happy. Sense is still there, I'll bet you it is still taking up processor, bogging things down, when I don't really like the majority of it. I am all about trying to create a custom look/feel, and AOSP for me would just mean there isn't a lot of extra bling/extras in the background I don't even use.
If I could modify the number of tiles on the stock launcher, theme it and dialer/contacts, change the dock(more buttons), change the screen animations.. then I wouldn't mind the sense part so much

What ANDROID stands for

Im not sure if you guys have come across this site but take a look at it. I know it for about a year but went back to it. Try some of these customization out. Because im limited with sense, I went Paranoid android. Join and see what you like and also post below
Some great looking designs on there. Love the 8-bit donkey Kong and red/black boombox, looks like the Nintendo virtual gear laser thing. Can't remember technical term for that, want to say monochrome but that's not it.
Thanks for the link though. Have to try out some of those theming apps.
Yeah its a great site, some guy came up with an insane holographic style UI. He posted everything he used to design it but it looks like more trouble for me then its worth lol
om4 said:
Yeah its a great site, some guy came up with an insane holographic style UI. He posted everything he used to design it but it looks like more trouble for me then its worth lol
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Does CM10 have the red mono color like cm7 used to? Think they had green and blue as well. Thought it was a nice addition. Gets old after a day or so. People will still be all like how u do that? Nice way to get girls to talk to u. Well, better than pooping your pants and asking them if they smell that. That's my personal fave. Surprisingly it doesn't work too well.
from my flying AOKP'd Evo LTE and xda premium

Got my G2 today, my impression.

So I got my G2 today, and this is my impression:
I've heard a lot about this device. A LOT. And it made me desire it so bad. But I'm really disappointed.
1. With the speakers: they're bad. So bad. My previous device was HTC One, and switching from One to G2's speakers.. is a big downfall.
2. With the camera: it's bad. The quality is bad. On paper it's better than the One's but the quality of the picture is just not good. Looks too blurry and noisy altogether.
3. With the expectations: on paper the G2 is twice better the One [specs-wise], but I can't notice any difference using it.
4. And most of all - with the developers: the G2's UI is simply screaming "Root me! Flash another rom!". And I did. But no rom is good. I've tried 6 of them, one by one. First off, they're full of bugs, they're incomplete. Secondly, they fail to give you the Nexus 5 experience. It feels like you're using only the skin, a launcher, not a clean android rom. The developers are just not as good as the One's developers. The roms I had with the One were so good. The Nexus 5 experience was so good, I could feel I was using a Google Edition phone. No bugs, no imitations.
I'm already missing my One......
MaorSwan said:
So I got my G2 today, and this is my impression:
I've heard a lot about this device. A LOT. And it made me desire it so bad. But I'm really disappointed.
1. With the speakers: they're bad. So bad. My previous device was HTC One, and switching from One to G2's speakers.. is a big downfall.
2. With the camera: it's bad. The quality is bad. On paper it's better than the One's but the quality of the picture is just not good. Looks too blurry and noisy altogether.
3. With the expectations: on paper the G2 is twice better the One [specs-wise], but I can't notice any difference using it.
4. And most of all - with the developers: the G2's UI is simply screaming "Root me! Flash another rom!". And I did. But no rom is good. I've tried 6 of them, one by one. First off, they're full of bugs, they're incomplete. Secondly, they fail to give you the Nexus 5 experience. It feels like you're using only the skin, a launcher, not a clean android rom. The developers are just not as good as the One's developers. The roms I had with the One were so good. The Nexus 5 experience was so good, I could feel I was using a Google Edition phone. No bugs, no imitations.
I'm already missing my One......
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Developers just not as good?
Holy crap, just go away already. Are you PAYING anyone for Dev? I came from the HTC One, and This phone runs circles around it. Better battery, YES better camera, better screen.
You criticising the dev community here is a very crappy thing to do. Very very sad.
gunnyman said:
Developers just not as good?
Holy crap, just go away already. Are you PAYING anyone for Dev? I came from the HTC One, and This phone runs circles around it. Better battery, YES better camera, better screen.
You criticising the dev community here is a very crappy thing to do. Very very sad.
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I know it sounds bad. My apologies if I offended someone.
Just had to unload my thoughts.
Not to be argumentative...but I find posts like these absolutely bewildering. You had a Nexus 5, but got the G2. You like the HTC One, but turned it in and got the G2....and it sounds like you got the G2 based on what you saw in writing, rather than having tried it out -- at least not long enough to realize you don't like the speakers, camera, stock GUI, etc. I hope that, in making a purchase like this, effectively "blind", that you still have an option to return the phone -- that's the only option I can think of that would make an impulsive uninformed purchase reasonable, unless you have money to burn.
There must have been hundreds of posts describing the UI in detail, and dozens of articles discussing the pros and cons of the stock UI vs vanilla KitKat and the various ROMs that are available, along with many, many photos of the screens. Also - many, many articles that discuss and contrast HTC One speakers with those on the G2, and on many other phones. After 4 or 5 months on the market, there are SO many discussions pro and con on this phone that pretty much none of these topics should come as a surprise -- the only variable would be your personal reaction, and how your opinion comes down each topic. There are numerous people who absolutely love the G2, a number who don't like it, and many with mixed feelings. But it seems that virtually every major topic, including the ones you've described, have been fleshed out in great detail here and on another dozen or two sites. With the topics and points of contention - and strong personal opinion - well known, wouldn't it have made sense to explore these "live" up front, before making the purchase?
Again - I don't mean to be contentious, I'm just genuinely bewildered. Also - in the interest of full disclosure - I've been using cell phones for about 22 years and have owned dozens -- all different manufacturers, OS's, ROMs, carriers, etc. I was a flashaholic with my last few phones, most notably with my GNex (flashing ROM's many times a week at the end). For my purposes, to my taste, and based on a combination of criteria, this is the best phone I've owned or used, period. But, after reading about it in depth, I went to a couple of stores that had live test models, and spent enough time with a G2 to have an excellent idea of my reaction to each item that was a question for me. By the time I bought it, I knew I liked it, and that the issues some people complained about didn't bother me. In the time since I brought it home, I've come to appreciate it even more.
No doubt some will like it and some won't. It's great that we have choices. I simply don't understand knowing that polarizing issues such as the ones you describe exist, making a purchase without checking these out for yourself, and then coming online to complain about them after the purchase has been made. Am I missing something?
No intention of picking a fight or offending -- I simply don't understand this scenario.
A lesson in life for you.
1. Never read and listen things in one way. People like it, they praise it and say a lot of good things about it. Do read the negative side of it.
2. Do not just read on the web, go to store and spend 30' or 1hrs to really try it out before commit.
3. Do expect less, there is nothing perfect in this world, this one is good, don't expect the other as good as it. Latest doesn't mean greatest.
4. Seek your happiness elsewhere. If you don't like a "thing", just divorce it and marry the next one with care.
You heard a lot. A LOT about the G2 and still bought it? Thats braindead.
You dont feel a difference between the HTC One and G2? I'm having both Phones and the HTC feels a lot worse than the G2, performancewise.
Sound is worse than the htc? Of course, the one is having one of the best (stereo) speakers... lol ... you guy such a bad troll.
How do you not get the Nexus experience with CM11? Troll. This phone flies with cyanogenmod.
Sent from my LG-D801 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
jonstrong said:
Not to be argumentative...but I find posts like these absolutely bewildering. You had a Nexus 5, but got the G2. You like the HTC One, but turned it in and got the G2....and it sounds like you got the G2 based on what you saw in writing, rather than having tried it out -- at least not long enough to realize you don't like the speakers, camera, stock GUI, etc. I hope that, in making a purchase like this, effectively "blind", that you still have an option to return the phone -- that's the only option I can think of that would make an impulsive uninformed purchase reasonable, unless you have money to burn.
There must have been hundreds of posts describing the UI in detail, and dozens of articles discussing the pros and cons of the stock UI vs vanilla KitKat and the various ROMs that are available, along with many, many photos of the screens. Also - many, many articles that discuss and contrast HTC One speakers with those on the G2, and on many other phones. After 4 or 5 months on the market, there are SO many discussions pro and con on this phone that pretty much none of these topics should come as a surprise -- the only variable would be your personal reaction, and how your opinion comes down each topic. There are numerous people who absolutely love the G2, a number who don't like it, and many with mixed feelings. But it seems that virtually every major topic, including the ones you've described, have been fleshed out in great detail here and on another dozen or two sites. With the topics and points of contention - and strong personal opinion - well known, wouldn't it have made sense to explore these "live" up front, before making the purchase?
Again - I don't mean to be contentious, I'm just genuinely bewildered. Also - in the interest of full disclosure - I've been using cell phones for about 22 years and have owned dozens -- all different manufacturers, OS's, ROMs, carriers, etc. I was a flashaholic with my last few phones, most notably with my GNex (flashing ROM's many times a week at the end). For my purposes, to my taste, and based on a combination of criteria, this is the best phone I've owned or used, period. But, after reading about it in depth, I went to a couple of stores that had live test models, and spent enough time with a G2 to have an excellent idea of my reaction to each item that was a question for me. By the time I bought it, I knew I liked it, and that the issues some people complained about didn't bother me. In the time since I brought it home, I've come to appreciate it even more.
No doubt some will like it and some won't. It's great that we have choices. I simply don't understand knowing that polarizing issues such as the ones you describe exist, making a purchase without checking these out for yourself, and then coming online to complain about them after the purchase has been made. Am I missing something?
No intention of picking a fight or offending -- I simply don't understand this scenario.
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I agree with most of what you said, but you're also wrong; I've read lots, watched lots of videos, watched lots of screenshots of roms and stuff, read about pros and cons, read comparisons to the HTC ONE.
The only thing I couldn't do is try it live. I don't know where you live, based on your English I'll guess US, but in my country there's no place we can try devices, only iPhone and Galaxy because it's mainstream. Higher quality like HTC, LG, Nexus and stuff, are not offered by stores to try. Only people who are familiar with quality and brands buy these phones here, and we buy new phones based on what we're told.
I've bought the G2 for two reasons: battery and money. I'm short on money so I sold my One for cash, and bought the G2 in credit so I have some cash for a while. As for the horrible UI, I knew what I was getting into, but I thought that I could replace it with Google Edition roms like I did with the One when I didn't like the Sense, but as I mentioned, the developers are not as good and the roms they offer are bad compared to the roms of the One, so now I'm stuck with the stock GUI.
you're right in everything pretty much in regards to speakers/camera.
speaker: it sucks because it's tinny, but what's worse is LG uses their own limiter/compressor on it, which makes everything sound awful. i assume they did this so you could get maximum volume without clipping. with the help of xdabebb, i've disabled their equalizer/compressor/limiter and it sounds more natural now, but obviously volume is a bit lower because it's not amplified as high.
camera: yeah, it sucks. there's nothing more to say. i've never been this disappointed with a phone camera until now. the quality is just bad.
malikadnanm said:
How do you not get the Nexus experience with CM11? Troll. This phone flies with cyanogenmod.
Sent from my LG-D801 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I'm not a troll.
I've used ARHD GE with my One, it felt like Nexus.
But with Paranoid and CM11, they changed something. It's not the same. There are bugs in the gallery, in the home screen you can only scroll to the right and not to the left and some other minor things, and it feels like a skin and not like a real stock clean android rom, like it with with ARHD GE on my One.
gunnyman said:
Developers just not as good?
Holy crap, just go away already. Are you PAYING anyone for Dev? I came from the HTC One, and This phone runs circles around it. Better battery, YES better camera, better screen.
You criticising the dev community here is a very crappy thing to do. Very very sad.
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Paying anybody? So if your gonna spend time to 'develop' and release a piece of crap worthless piece of software because you want attention and internet fame...make sure the fckin thing works first...thats a new thought, huh?
Of course the trolls come out as soon as anyone displays the SLIGHTEST hint of internet guys should really grow up...
coming from the note 2 , G2 is a beast
It's the best smartphone I've ever used but sadly yes the speakers disappoints me
however i could never be happier with a smartphone
Still saying the devs are bad? The aosp roms have the same issues. Common among them is the freezing. Blame kernel source and drivers not the devs.
I feel that CM is amazing on the G2, especially for not have a designated dev for our device. The freezes aren't that big of a deal to me, but I can see how that might be very annoying to other people. This is by far the best phone I've had especially comparing to my previous HTC devices - original HTC G1, HTC One x. and HTC One. :good:
gunnyman said:
Developers just not as good?
Holy crap, just go away already. Are you PAYING anyone for Dev? I came from the HTC One, and This phone runs circles around it. Better battery, YES better camera, better screen.
You criticising the dev community here is a very crappy thing to do. Very very sad.
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I don't think this is a good knee-jerk reaction to have. The devs aren't babies and I'm sure they can handle someone not thinking their work is up to par with another dev community. That said, as a prospective G2 owner who plans to root + ROM, it's definitely valuable to hear if things aren't as good as they seem to be. Sure I'm not going to base my entire decision off one guy's opinion, but I'll be more aware of these issues and it'll do nothing other than help me make an informed decision.
And to be honest, looking through a lot of the ROMs, he does seem to be right. I believe it when they say many problems will go away with the kernel source, but right now that's the state of things.
Well I don't usually chime in on threads like these but... anyway...
Ok I have had the HTC One (my son has it now)... Still have the S4...
I have a Sprint G2 on the latest ZVA update. Rooted with Xposed Tweaks.
I have to say that I'm not happy with the speakers but there are some mods out there that help this considerably. Your point on this is somewhat true.
On the Camera however... You are waaaaaaaaaay off! I have personally went out and compared pics between old HTC One pics, Current S4 pictures and G2 pics. There is no comparison the G2 pics are so much better and not just by a little its significant. I couldn't believe how much better.
I loved the HTC One but the reason I got rid of it was the Camera. The pics were just bad. Look at all of the reviews on Cameras... The G2 is always up there so I'm not just dreaming this up. Here is one of the better more comparison based Reviews...
I have played around with the stock camera app and really like it and I also have used the ABetter Camera app and it's really good.
So what you're stating seems to be one of two things... You're just trolling... or you have a defective phone and need to try another one.
MaorSwan said:
I know it sounds bad. My apologies if I offended someone.
Just had to unload my thoughts.
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Go ahead and unload your thoughts in the toilet not here. I'm sure you do that every day
I don't get it. I love the G2 stock ROM. <shrug>
testnet said:
I don't get it. I love the G2 stock ROM. <shrug>
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Exactly... most of the phones that I have used lately the best setups are the Stock Rooted Roms with Xposed tweaks. I really feel that is the reason for less Custom Rom development. Really no need. Get rooted, use exposed, tweak and customize it how you like.
SooooneR said:
Well I don't usually chime in on threads like these but... anyway...
Ok I have had the HTC One (my son has it now)... Still have the S4...
I have a Sprint G2 on the latest ZVA update. Rooted with Xposed Tweaks.
I have to say that I'm not happy with the speakers but there are some mods out there that help this considerably. Your point on this is somewhat true.
On the Camera however... You are waaaaaaaaaay off! I have personally went out and compared pics between old HTC One pics, Current S4 pictures and G2 pics. There is no comparison the G2 pics are so much better and not just by a little its significant. I couldn't believe how much better.
I loved the HTC One but the reason I got rid of it was the Camera. The pics were just bad. Look at all of the reviews on Cameras... The G2 is always up there so I'm not just dreaming this up. Here is one of the better more comparison based Reviews...
I have played around with the stock camera app and really like it and I also have used the ABetter Camera app and it's really good.
So what you're stating seems to be one of two things... You're just trolling... or you have a defective phone and need to try another one.
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I used to think that too.. I've watched numerous still and video comparison videos, watches numerous samples, and I used to think that the G2's camera is the best out there.. but then I got it, started taking pics and videos, and it wasn't like what I've seen online at all.. Moreover, my brother's friend has G2 as well, checked his pics and videos, and it was the same - bad quality pics and videos.

