How to update phone, when the phone is in modified status (rooted) - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys, I'm just new to my phone Samsung GSIII, and I have rooted my phone using the cf-auto root which I followed here on the forums, and I have a problem on updating my phone, it is saying "failed to update firmware, try using PC software (kies).. blah blah." can anyone help me on how to update my phone? THANK YOU VERY MUCH
btw: I am also new with android phone, so I'm very sorry if my question is very "noobish" to some. T_T

Well, it clearly says "try using Kies", which would be the answer to your question. You can also flash via Odin. And please search before posting.
Hit "report" on your post and ask for it to be moved to the correct section, General is not for questions

Glebun said:
Well, it clearly says "try using Kies", which would be the answer to your question. You can also flash via Odin. And please search before posting.
Hit "report" on your post and ask for it to be moved to the correct section, General is not for questions
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I'm starting to think someone has a custom tapatalk signature just ask how to become a mod you seem to want it so much.

did I say anything wrong?


Flashed Wrong Kernel Maybe? Help Please!

Hi everyone I am Sean, and I just got my ATT SGS2 Yesterday. I think I followed a rooting guide for the non ATT one. The rooting was successful but my WIFI is down with no MAC Address, also I cannot seem to get any custom rom working.
Is there a way to get the Stock ATT Kernel so I can flash and start over. Is there a rooting guide specificly for the ATT version?
Thanks ahead of time!
BruteSource said:
Hi everyone I am Sean, and I just got my ATT SGS2 Yesterday. I think I followed a rooting guide for the non ATT one. The rooting was successful but my WIFI is down with no MAC Address, also I cannot seem to get any custom rom working.
Is there a way to get the Stock ATT Kernel so I can flash and start over. Is there a rooting guide specificly for the ATT version?
Thanks ahead of time!
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If u flashed the wrong kernel, go here Not trying to be mean, but it took me less then a minute of skimming over the Android development section to find this.
Here is the normal rooting guide,
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777
Waddle said:
If u flashed the wrong kernel, go here Not trying to be mean, but it took me less then a minute of skimming over the Android development section to find this.
Here is the normal rooting guide,
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777
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Umm, Sorry I wasn't aware I should be looking in the Development section? Since that isn't the right section...?
BruteSource said:
Hi everyone I am Sean, and I just got my ATT SGS2 Yesterday. I think I followed a rooting guide for the non ATT one. The rooting was successful but my WIFI is down with no MAC Address, also I cannot seem to get any custom rom working.
Is there a way to get the Stock ATT Kernel so I can flash and start over. Is there a rooting guide specificly for the ATT version?
Thanks ahead of time!
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Please read *before* you post a question. There is a lot of information available on the XDA I777 forums. Please read all the stickies in the general section, as well as the library sticky in the development section. You've been on xda-developers for several years and made many posts, so you *should* know the forum rules. People here will be glad to help you if you do your part first, but if you are looking to have your hand held, you will probably get little help.
creepyncrawly said:
Please read *before* you post a question. There is a lot of information available on the XDA I777 forums. Please read all the stickies in the general section, as well as the library sticky in the development section. You've been on xda-developers for several years and made many posts, so you *should* know the forum rules. People here will be glad to help you if you do your part first, but if you are looking to have your hand held, you will probably get little help.
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Excuse me, I did read. Why would I look in the development section for a troublshooting issue? Please do not post unhelpful comments like that. You obviously can't comprehend the issue fully.
*Sorry double post, Please delete*
BruteSource said:
Excuse me, I did read. Why would I look in the development section for a troublshooting issue? Please do not post unhelpful comments like that. You obviously can't comprehend the issue fully.
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You might want to think about buying yourself a nomex suit...
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA App
BruteSource said:
Excuse me, I did read. Why would I look in the development section for a troublshooting issue? Please do not post unhelpful comments like that. You obviously can't comprehend the issue fully.
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It's just that your questions are already answered in sticky posts in both the general forum and the development forum. I thought it would be better if you wnet and read the answers there rather than taking the time to write the answers all over again.
You clearly didn't read if you went and flashed something not meant for your device without VERY explicit instructions on what is OK to flash and how to flash it.
Entropy512 said:
You clearly didn't read if you went and flashed something not meant for your device without VERY explicit instructions on what is OK to flash and how to flash it.
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Actually as I have already explained I did read plenty, I found nothing in the Q&A Section, which is where a solution to a "Question" should be.
And the Guide I followed which was from XDA never once stated that it was only for the International version. Nor did it say it would not work for the AT&T version.
I have been with this community a long time and have never had someone as rude or unhelpful as you. Please do not reply to posts if you are not helping in anyway.
Even though you may have read threads in the Q&A section, a simple search would have pulled up the IMPORTANT threads taht are located in the Dev section that would have answered your questions... and why are they in the Dev section you ask? Because, when flashing anything to your phone like a rom or kernel, its considered DEVELOPMENT and you would have know that if you would have read.
Now go read some more and search. Thread closed.

help please

ok well this is my first time trying to put install a custom rom on my phone but i just have a few questions. i have read all the stickies already but just need a little clarification. i havent quite decided on a rom yet but i know i want to try the siyah kernel. Do i install it through mobile odin?? and then do i do the same for the rom on my choosing?? im already rooted. and depending on the rom i choose, do i have to be on a specific firmware like on 2.3.4 or 2.3.6?? do i have to flash using mobile odin or cwm. i dont want to trip the flash counter. and last question i think, how do i get cwm, or is it already in the phone
First, please use more descriptive thread titles so people that actually search can find relevant info. This title is useless.
Second, all you asked about is covered in the FAQ and various stickies. You obviously did not read the one about not tripping the counter or you wouldn't have asked. CWM is included in almost every custom ROM and kernel. Reading would have told you that. I suggest you go back, read and forget flashing until you completely understand what you are doing. We are not here to bail you out of mistakes you make from not reading and understanding.
thats exactly why im asking. before i make a mistake
fcb1 said:
thats exactly why im asking. before i make a mistake
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Don't ask, read. This is a self-service forum, not the Help Desk. No one in here is paid to give answers, that's why you need to find them for yourself and only ask when it is absolutely necessary. At this point, for you, it isn't as the answers are already here if you take the time to look.
then there wouldnt be a q&a section in the forum.
fcb1 said:
then there wouldnt be a q&a section in the forum.
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The existence of Q&A does not relieve you of following forum rules, which clearly state not to start new threads without first searching and reading the stickies. This is common understanding for almost all internet forums and something you agreed to when you joined XDA. Q&A is for the rare item not covered in the FAQ or stickies or found by doing a search. Your questions do not qualify.
fcb1 said:
ok well this is my first time trying to put install a custom rom on my phone but i just have a few questions. i have read all the stickies already but just need a little clarification. i havent quite decided on a rom yet but i know i want to try the siyah kernel. Do i install it through mobile odin?? and then do i do the same for the rom on my choosing?? im already rooted. and depending on the rom i choose, do i have to be on a specific firmware like on 2.3.4 or 2.3.6?? do i have to flash using mobile odin or cwm. i dont want to trip the flash counter. and last question i think, how do i get cwm, or is it already in the phone
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Firstly you probably want a kernel with CWM. Siyah & Entropy both have that. Flash it in Odin (This you will have to look at stickies for) and you will gain root/cwm. Then choose a rom that is safe, I would say anything in the dev section that says 2.3.4-2.3.6. You don't have to match your version to the ROM. With the zip you download, enter CWM mode (look at stickies) and flashing it in there. You will now have whatever kernel they use with that ROM.
Want more info? Look in the stickies
Miami_Son said:
The existence of Q&A does not relieve you of following forum rules, which clearly state not to start new threads without first searching and reading the stickies. This is common understanding for almost all internet forums and something you agreed to when you joined XDA. Q&A is for the rare item not covered in the FAQ or stickies or found by doing a search. Your questions do not qualify.
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Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I believe this thread has run its course....
As stated.. you can post in boards, but you only should do so AFTER searching/reading existing posts to see if your question is answered. There is no reason to make a whole new thread when there are plenty of guides and stickies out there with great info...

[help] neo v update not allowed (ICS4)

goodmorning xda developers
i have problem of my neo v updating to ics 4.1.(.562)
see SS below
sorry for my bad english
lexus.exe said:
goodmorning xda developers
i have problem of my neo v updating to ics 4.1.(.562)
see SS below
sorry for my bad english
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you unlocked bl via official way, relock it then try again.
how to relock it check in sticky threads in dev section.
Madfysh said:
you unlocked bl via official way, relock it then try again.
how to relock it check in sticky threads in dev section.
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i can't update my unit via pc companion because is unlocked, so i need to re-lock now i know ajehe
sir thank you
Your Phone is rooted :S
You have a rooted phone, done through offcial sony bootloader unlock website, because of this sony knows, ur imei and thus if you will try to install official updates from companion, it will show you a error, and so i suggest you to download the latest 4.0.3 from other sources and flash it on ur phone using CWM!
I want to bring your attention to some of the forum rules. They are done to improve and for you to get the best of this great community. Not following this rules you show disrespect to any other member.
1. Search before posting.
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.
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3. Post only using a clear subject and message.
You're most likely to receive a helpful answer to your question if you use a short subject title that describes your problem and a message that explains in detail what your problem is and what you've tried to solve it.
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5. Post a message only once.
As a large forum we don't need unnecessary clutter, You're free to edit your message as you like, so if you do not receive an answer revisit your message and see if you can describe your problem better. Not everyone is online at the same time, it might take a while before you receive an answer.
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2.6 All members are expected to read and adhere to the XDA rules.
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General - Question & Answer section is not a place where everyone can open a new thread with the own question. It is needed to search before, read the sticky threads, read the wikis, read and read once again, and post in an existing thread, if necessary. Repetitive topics will be deleted/closed without previous notice. Topics like 'urgent help' or 'do I brick my phone?' and so will be deleted/closed. Infractions issued to reiterative members. Remember is about development. Thanks for your cooperation. Best regards,

If i flash BTU firmware will it brick the phone?

My Ace 2 is EE branded:
Latest firmware info
GT-I8160 Galaxy Ace 2
Added: 2013-0-10
(From sammobile)
If i flash a BTU firmware, then update it via Kies to jellybean, will it brick the phone or is it safe? Has anyone else done this?
Your telephone would explode because you did not used Q & A Thread, and you did not bother to use search function.
Have you ever read XDA rules? Please do. Do not open new thread for each question. Most of questions (including yours) are already answered.
I dont want to sift through 176 pages on the Q and A thread sorry.
Anyone answer please?
You can always use search function.
Most people are using it with good results. It's not that hard and I assume you are grow enough to use it.
But if you somehow cannot find it, then you can add a post on Q&A Thread your question and someone will answer you. At right upper corner you will get info at Notifications: that there is a reply.
fair point, my bad.
Please Search before create a new tread
Upgrade via kie ? what do u mean ? why dont u upgrade using odin?
Sent from my GT-I8160 using xda app-developers app
Well my question as i fully expected has been ignored and lost among other questions.
So will it brickmy phone? If it wont, which firmware should i flash and where is the guide to using Odin?
you propably don`t get reply and people have right
EazyDuz said:
Well my question as i fully expected has been ignored and lost among other questions.
So will it brickmy phone? If it wont, which firmware should i flash and where is the guide to using Odin?
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no it wont brick your phone if done correctly(there are how-to threads about this, no further answers will follow here...)..
xda search is your friend and also is google - try to search on your own a bit and if you don't find anything, then you open a new thread -- here are more then 5mio users, someone does have your problem and there is a discusoon going on about that for sure..
no need spam more posts - read forum rules first!
yes it will brick it. So wait for kies.
Ive google searched loads for EE branded firmware and it just finds my own threads. Thats why im asking here but it keeps getting ignored so i have to keep asking cuz surely someone knows
monstro78 said:
yes it will brick it. So wait for kies.
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Why will it?

[Q] I need an official firmware..

one of my friends got her S3 stuck in a boot loop, it can go into recovery and it is detected by odin. So I thought I could just flash the official firmware and this may fix it.
I went over to sammobile but they changed something with the firmware section since the last time I was there.. I can't find older firmware.
The phone is I9300 and I am looking for the latest firmware for Egypt.
Do you guys have any idea what I should do?
Alternatively, I am trying to save the data here, do you know of any non wipe firmware? I am trying to get her phone up without losing data.
Any help is appreciated
Questions go in the q&a forum, report your own post and ask a moderator to move it.
If you want the latest firmware then just download it from, you will have to factory reset before it will boot.
boomboomer said:
Questions go in the q&a forum, report your own post and ask a moderator to move it.
If you want the latest firmware then just download it from, you will have to factory reset before it will boot.
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I have looked into the Q&A but I didnt feel my question falls in there, as Q&A is mainly about the S3.
I have looked at the threads containing a collection of official firmware but nothing related to Egypt.
I did my search before I post. I could not reach a desirable result that is why I asked.
Apart from that, thank you for your answer. I hope someone else can help me with an answer that will resolve my problem.
Thank you.
Note: funny thing about your quote, I already mentioned I looked in Sammobile and didnt find Egypt. Missed to read that?
Sn3aks said:
I have looked into the Q&A but I didnt feel my question falls in there, as Q&A is mainly about the S3.
I have looked at the threads containing a collection of official firmware but nothing related to Egypt.
I did my search before I post. I could not reach a desirable result that is why I asked.
Apart from that, thank you for your answer. I hope someone else can help me with an answer that will resolve my problem.
Thank you.
Note: funny thing about your quote, I already mentioned I looked in Sammobile and didnt find Egypt. Missed to read that?
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You don't need to install an Egyptian firmware on your friends S3. You can basically install any firmware made for the GT-i9300. Doesn't matter from what country it says its from.
Sn3aks said:
I have looked into the Q&A but I didnt feel my question falls in there, as Q&A is mainly about the S3.
I have looked at the threads containing a collection of official firmware but nothing related to Egypt.
I did my search before I post. I could not reach a desirable result that is why I asked.
Apart from that, thank you for your answer. I hope someone else can help me with an answer that will resolve my problem.
Thank you.
Note: funny thing about your quote, I already mentioned I looked in Sammobile and didnt find Egypt. Missed to read that?
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I didn't miss reading that, it was irrelevant as you had missed the basics issue. Don't ignore the posting rules, they do apply to you.
Tovagulet - Thank you
boomboomer - I apologize if I missed the posting rules. Again, I didn't feel my question fit.
Thanks for your help
Sn3aks said:
Tovagulet - Thank you
boomboomer - I apologize if I missed the posting rules. Again, I didn't feel my question fit.
Thanks for your help
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You didn't feel your question fit in the questions section?
How'd you work that one out?

