what's more important: the idea or the programming? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i have a great idea for an android app (i'm sure you've heard that before!). but really, it's intriguing enough for me to consider either pitching to a programmer OR learning myself. i don't know how important just having the idea/funding is vs. doing it myself. plus there is always the issue of someone stealing your idea if you hire an outside programmer. thoughts?

if you want to earn money then idea, if you want customer satisfaction then programming

how do you go about finding someone to program that you can trust and won't steal your idea? there are thousand of apps out there, surely someone has done this.


Android APP developing: Patenting Apps?

Alright here's the deal. I have an app idea for a game that I plan on creating that is very simple, and I have a good feeling it will take off. My worries is that developing it will almost be pointless because of the lax android market policy. I am a new programmer, so my worry is I will make the app pretty decent, and some more experienced programmer will be able to duplicate it and make it better. This just doesn't seem right. I know this happens all the time (Fruit Slice, for example, is a Fruit Ninja knockoff and it's free).
Android is a love it/ hate it relationship. Users love being able to download just as good of knockoffs for free, but I'm sure this is a major turn off for developers who worked hard on their original idea's, just to have it undercut by another developer who will offer a similar (or even better app) for free. Part of me wishes I could just develop it for iOS, but I don't have a Mac or iPhone, and don't ever plan on getting one.
My question is, is there anyway to stop it? Like a patent, or something similar? This is my major hesitation to developing for android. I know I'm not going to be the best programmer out there, but it's the idea that make the apps, and that's where I feel like (I'm sure a lot of other people do too) I could do some contributing. Let me know how you guys feel about this
Anybody? 10Char
welcome to programming for any platform. There are (free) alternatives to almost every single program (android-based, windows-based, etc...)
I think you're in a very bad place to ask about that question. Programmers are usually not at all fond of patents since they tend to be overly broad, hard to detect and generally of low quality. (In case you haven't noticed that's also my opinion)
But yes, if that's what you want to do, a patent would be the way to go. Copyright protects your code, but not your idea.
Make it free. Put ads on it. If it takes off make an iOS one
Sent from my MOTWX435KT using XDA App
As far as I can remember, from my Intellectual Property Law class, software (i.e. apps) cannot be the subject of a patent. But of course, this changes from country to country.
Here are some links you might want to read up on:
Computer-based inventions... yeah, they're not supposed to be patentable: Not in the US and even less in the EU. The key point is how computer-based inventions is defined. The standard way around it is simply to patent "a machine doing XY" instead of "XY"
Basically, the patent clerks don't check for anything but formalities. I used to help out on the peertopatent platform, but it just became ridicolous because the clerks would let everything through no matter what prior art or explanations of obviousness we provided.
Patenting is the worst thing you can do. Don't you read all the patent BS going around lately? Also, spending money on a patent won't be enough, you'll also need to spent money enforcing it, and you won't make any friends by being a litigator.
All you can do is provide the best product you can come up with and hope for the best. If someone makes something similar but better, well, you'll just have to work harder. Or drop the whole thing.
But as others have said, you'll have this problem on *all* platforms. A practical example, when Nero released their burning app for Linux, my thought was "This is kinda cool, but why would I pay for Nero, when there's K3B and other apps that to the job, but are open source and free?"
The trick is to provide something others don't have. In the case of NeroLinux it's familiarity for ex-Windows folks or dual-booters. In your case it could be more features, better graphics, easier to navigate interface, regularly provided additional content... something in that direction.

Bootloader Unlocking Effort

Hey all,
I've been a lurker for a while, been looking for a way to encourage the now Google-owned Motorola Mobility to unlock their bootloaders much like HTC has wisely done, but it's becoming more and more obvious to me that they don't care about the "minority" of us that actually feels as though we are entitled to full admin rights on our phones that we either paid a ton of cash for, or signed a lengthy contract to obtain. Verizon is the one blocking it? HTC found a way, and so can Motorola Mobility...that is cop-out.
My proposal is that there be an effort to unlocked the bootloader, I am not some expert programmer, and I am open to whatever will help the cause. I know there was a bounty on it, but to me this isn't about money, I'll donate time, money, information ripped from my phone if it, in some way, contributes to unlocked that bootloader. Even if you need my unused CPU cycles to calculate things, I don't care, just tell me what I can to do help, because I am sick of not being able to use my phone to it's fully potential.
Maybe I am being naive, but I believe if we all worked together we could accomplish this goal. If you agree, please, let's organize and figure this out!
I love optimism
I'm down with the movement...
This phone does have mad potential to be so limited compared to other phones.
I just can't believe that we are running an unofficial, incomplete version of CM7 and it runs smoother than stock Blur.
Is that telling you something about Motorola?
Do you guys think Google will make that decision for Motorola or will Moto stay the same?
Sent from my Android
Worth a try...
Re: Google changing Moto policy
I don't know so much about Google changing Motorola's stance on the locked bootloader, we've tried petitioning the company themselves, but have we tried petitioning Google? Or maybe it's too soon, maybe they are working on it right now? Hard to tell, and I don't want to put pressure on Google too soon especially if they are trying diligently right now to do the right thing.
But the above poster is right, cracking it ourselves is definitely worth a try. I have contacts (unfortunately know inside Motorola), I know people with lots of knowledge on encryption, I'll be honest one of my friends does have a knack for the impossible, but this would be too much for one lone person. I also have a few computers in the house, to donate computing power. None above 5 GB of RAM unfortunately, but my friend with all of that know-how does also have a synchronous 20/mbit up/down connection to the net, if that helps, and I have another friend that is the linux admin at a an unnamed private university in Durham that might could lend a hand in some way.
We have the resources, we just need to pool them.
Someone with the realistic technical know-how, just tell us where to begin, and the shortest path to getting to our goal and we'll do all we can to contribute!
Thanks for understanding and not just writing this off as a pipe-dream...because I know if we work together we can accomplish almost anything.
spyda256 said:
I don't know so much about Google changing Motorola's stance on the locked bootloader, we've tried petitioning the company themselves, but have we tried petitioning Google? Or maybe it's too soon, maybe they are working on it right now? Hard to tell, and I don't want to put pressure on Google too soon especially if they are trying diligently right now to do the right thing.
But the above poster is right, cracking it ourselves is definitely worth a try. I have contacts (unfortunately know inside Motorola), I know people with lots of knowledge on encryption, I'll be honest one of my friends does have a knack for the impossible, but this would be too much for one lone person. I also have a few computers in the house, to donate computing power. None above 5 GB of RAM unfortunately, but my friend with all of that know-how does also have a synchronous 20/mbit up/down connection to the net, if that helps, and I have another friend that is the linux admin at a an unnamed private university in Durham that might could lend a hand in some way.
We have the resources, we just need to pool them.
Someone with the realistic technical know-how, just tell us where to begin, and the shortest path to getting to our goal and we'll do all we can to contribute!
Thanks for understanding and not just writing this off as a pipe-dream...because I know if we work together we can accomplish almost anything.
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i love your optimism i have some old pms that may help with the effort
SHA-1 brute force can be cracked for around $2 of Amazon cloud computing service.
Isn't boot loader use SHA-1 encryption?
(of course, the key may be much longer, but it may not be impossible for cheap. I say try to pool together like $100 and try Amazon cloud computing a try?)
Re: Amazon
I like the way you're thinking, does anyone else think this might be a good call? I know there was a bounty of around ~$800 somewhere, so I doubt if all of us who rightfully were promised and unlocked bootloader wouldn't mind pooling a bit of money for the computing power, hell I myself would give $50 to the effort if we knew it was a viable solution.
Other thoughts?
Also, ztotherad, if you could send me those PMs maybe we can sift through those and see if there are some other avenues, nothing is off the table at this point.
thanks again for coming together on this, that is the true meaning of community.
spyda256 said:
I like the way you're thinking, does anyone else think this might be a good call? I know there was a bounty of around ~$800 somewhere, so I doubt if all of us who rightfully were promised and unlocked bootloader wouldn't mind pooling a bit of money for the computing power, hell I myself would give $50 to the effort if we knew it was a viable solution.
Other thoughts?
Also, ztotherad, if you could send me those PMs maybe we can sift through those and see if there are some other avenues, nothing is off the table at this point.
thanks again for coming together on this, that is the true meaning of community.
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i can def send you them, idk how much help theyll be
Uh, I think it's already been established that brute forcing it is impossible.
Stuckinabox said:
Uh, I think it's already been established that brute forcing it is impossible.
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In one of the many threads concerning bootloader unlocks, I believe the chances of us finding it were determined to be 1mill:1. It would take us over a decade to manually come up with the key. I don't want to kill confidence, but I'd like to keep things relatively rational.
Sent from my MB870 using xda premium
Stuckinabox said:
Uh, I think it's already been established that brute forcing it is impossible.
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it's been established that brute forcing is nearly impossible, not completely impossible
it is something that would take an insane amount of resources to accomplish , and/or time ,
it would really come down to "how lucky are we?" really, as in::: how lucky are we that we stumble across or know a genius that can crack it, stumble across needed files, etc...
good luck to all who try, I wish I could do anything to get us there, but I don't know the first thing when it comes to this stuff, don't give up the dream!
Basically, what it comes down to is:
Find out what their hash key is. (encrypted password)
Then, try to go through all valid characters and see whether the input matches the output hash.
If one is lucky and they used short enough password, then it will be quick to find.
If unlucky and they used really long password, then the answer is that we won't be able to find it in REASONABLE time. (I would say 1-2 months to be reasonable - at $2/hr, it would cost $48/ day).
Only issue is when do we stop?
hpark21 said:
Basically, what it comes down to is:
Find out what their hash key is. (encrypted password)
Then, try to go through all valid characters and see whether the input matches the output hash.
If one is lucky and they used short enough password, then it will be quick to find.
If unlucky and they used really long password, then the answer is that we won't be able to find it in REASONABLE time. (I would say 1-2 months to be reasonable - at $2/hr, it would cost $48/ day).
Only issue is when do we stop?
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There was some kind of crazy algorithm applied to each character to generate the correct item for each number of the key, correct? We would have to come up with that too?
Sent from my MB870 using xda premium
THANK YOU! Finally ... a revived movement. I pledged $100 on another thread and I'm good for putting it toward an unlocked bootloader again!
To learn from one of the most influential groups of our generation ... anonymous utilizes botnets to pool computing resources ... if we get a tool that could function similarly, could we not pool 1000s of computers together to crack it faster? It would make what is not feasible for a small set of computers to do... feasible. If all most users have to do is download a tool that gives us access to processing power and bandwidth ... users will download the hell out of it.
Count me in.
[ sent from _base2 ]
I understand doubters, and odds are likely against us, but that's ok, no one person can do it, and maybe not just one method, but somehow we WILL get to our goal. Whether Motorola capitulates or we find a method to crack it, we will not have this awesome hardware go to waste.
I am not generally a "black hat" kind of person, but in this case we are in the right so far as I am concerned (please don't quote DMCA BS to me, lol) because they made a promise to their customers, and it will be kept, whether they like it or not.
So, I am with the above poster that mention he didn't know quite where to start, or where we have already made progress, but if someone can help us out, explain the process, we figure out how to move forward. (Please forgive the run-on sentence).
I've minimal experience programming, only VB.net, C++, and a bit of Java from college, and I do tier 2 desktop support for a bank these days, but on my off time I'd love to spend it on something worthwhile, all of you deserve this, and we'll make it happen.
Maybe it's the troubleshooter in me that sees the problem and says "oh no, there's a way, we just need to find it". I have a colleague, the one I spoke of before, he has a knack for doing incredible things, so once we have a breakdown of what we need to do, perhaps he can be of help.
So my friends, where do we go from here?
spyda256 said:
I understand doubters, and odds are likely against us, but that's ok, no one person can do it, and maybe not just one method, but somehow we WILL get to our goal. Whether Motorola capitulates or we find a method to crack it, we will not have this awesome hardware go to waste.
I am not generally a "black hat" kind of person, but in this case we are in the right so far as I am concerned (please don't quote DMCA BS to me, lol) because they made a promise to their customers, and it will be kept, whether they like it or not.
So, I am with the above poster that mention he didn't know quite where to start, or where we have already made progress, but if someone can help us out, explain the process, we figure out how to move forward. (Please forgive the run-on sentence).
I've minimal experience programming, only VB.net, C++, and a bit of Java from college, and I do tier 2 desktop support for a bank these days, but on my off time I'd love to spend it on something worthwhile, all of you deserve this, and we'll make it happen.
Maybe it's the troubleshooter in me that sees the problem and says "oh no, there's a way, we just need to find it". I have a colleague, the one I spoke of before, he has a knack for doing incredible things, so once we have a breakdown of what we need to do, perhaps he can be of help.
So my friends, where do we go from here?
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sir, did you get my pms?
Re: PMs
Nope, just saw them, thanks for that!

[Q] Where i can get a custom rom made?

Hi Guys,
I am not new here but had to create a new account as i forgot my login details as i gave up a little signing on looking for a rom that was native BT5 for the xoom which was the reason i got it. But i have a question i hope you can answer. Here goes.....
I have a client of mine who has bought a huge supply of Samsung Galaxy SIII and wants me to source a secure software to encrypt everything. I have no idea on who i need to speak to or how to go about it. But basically I need the most current ROM for the SIII, but with some extra features that not only encrypt and secure all connection but also open a few options.
Just so you know there is nothing dodgy about this but my British community live in spain where we are blocked on many english sites for things such as gambling watching online tv e.t.c
Money isn't a problem if i find the right person but i know this isn't the marketplace and so i am not looking from here. I just want your advice on where to look and who is the best person or people to speak to.
I am not a novice but i'm not an expert. I am completely genuine and have no issue giving out my number to chat or anything else that may be required. I just want to find someone who's good and i promise this will benefit most XDA users by the finished product.
All the best Lyndon
Download the sdk and follow a guide on the net, developers here are already overworked....
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Thank you but...
speedyjay said:
Download the sdk and follow a guide on the net, developers here are already overworked....
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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I appreciate the fact you replied but it isn't the answer i'm looking for. I'm not necessarily asking for a developer from here just direction on finding one somewhere. The reason I placed it here is I know the developers here work hard and i appreciate that but I have funding that might help the development for the end user and the developers aren't going to be working there butts of for nothing and might enjoy the challenge and the potential earnings.
I know this isn't the place for selling or buying but I could make the right people the money they need to support the next year of development for one or more devices and so i would appreciate productive answers. My strongest still is networking and I get all kinds of requests i don't deal with time wasters or people who deal false hope. So i'm looking for someone with the skills and dedication that could get this done and not a bull answer that is fed to people to keep them quiet.
I agree that developers work hard, I think everyone who downloads something that they want/need that has been developed free should donate and i believe that the developers are skilled individuals that haven't just sat there clicking the start button and have got off the arses and learnt multiple O/S's and mastered terminal/console/CMD while understanding the science of computing. I myself have spent hours watching computer science leasons on itunesU spent time learning PHP,HTML,MYSQL, CompTIA A+,Networking+ & Security+ videos along with ethical hacking courses. I have windows xp,7 & 8, Mint, Backtrack, Snow Leopard & Mountain Lion, Android, Windows Phone & IOS. So i am more than aware of there capabilities and hard work they provide to the majority of people who don't even say thank you and the even fewer people that donate.
But i am not here to ask what do i do to learn it myself, I'm not even asking for someone here to do it, Just where to look to find someone who wants to earn money doing what they do in a time where no-one has work. So please answer constructively.
All the best Lyndon
Im trying to be as helpful as possible but I could sit here and recommend all the developers involved in S3 development because they all do an outstanding job, your best bet is to contact them directly and ask for advice
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
ih4x3r said:
I appreciate the fact you replied but it isn't the answer i'm looking for. I'm not necessarily asking for a developer from here just direction on finding one somewhere. The reason I placed it here is I know the developers here work hard and i appreciate that but I have funding that might help the development for the end user and the developers aren't going to be working there butts of for nothing and might enjoy the challenge and the potential earnings.
XDA forum Android Development and hacking worth a try .
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[Q] Another things to do

Iv'e been starting to learn Java, for App Development on Android.
Now I'm realizing that writing code just isn't for me.
But I LOVE Android and everything about it, and want it to be my future job.
What else can I learn? For a job on Google, or even for a startup for my self (not all the guys on these little companies are dealing with code, right?)
I know that there are people who are finding bugs, and who are designing the OS. What else?
If you are not into the nuts and bolts of it, you can consider sales and marketing of the products or perhaps something like tech journalism.
lalec said:
If you are not into the nuts and bolts of it, you can consider sales and marketing of the products or perhaps something like tech journalism.
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Everything include on developing on Android / Android it self is writing code?

phone noob interested in learning all i can

hello internet, my name is jackson, im 25 years old from australia, and have absolutely no idea how a telephone works and i am interested in learning all i can about the android phone.
i do apologise if there is an existing post of similar nature or if im posting in the wrong section.
i have zero knowledge in customising phones, dont have any party tricks and feel confident that my phones have been spied on in the past.
defending myself from hackers and secure top secret encryption for random data i want kept secret are my priorities, but id like to learn all there is to know. i dont know anything and google does my head.
please if someone could direct me to some helpful articles for begginers id appreciate it, i dont even know anything lol.

