Need help modifying status bar - Sony Xperia P, U, Sola, Go

Hi everyone,
Is there any app by which I can configure every component of status bar.... Rom toolbox doesnt works properly ...
I want to make it blue like aosp... Wid center clock no battery percentage....

drsanket_xperia_u said:
Hi everyone,
Is there any app by which I can configure every component of status bar.... Rom toolbox doesnt works properly ...
I want to make it blue like aosp... Wid center clock no battery percentage....
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have you tried using UOT kitchen???

there are many in themes section i guess

@[email protected] said:
have you tried using UOT kitchen???
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Need to check it out what is it ( heard it first time)
@Jatin - m already using that toggle mod (v2)
Bt that mod has some wierd effect.... No matter I install v3 v2 v1
I always see v2 only.... The blue color flashable zips have no effect (on my cell dunno why)
Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2

drsanket_xperia_u said:
Need to check it out what is it ( heard it first time)
@Jatin - m already using that toggle mod (v2)
Bt that mod has some wierd effect.... No matter I install v3 v2 v1
I always see v2 only.... The blue color flashable zips have no effect (on my cell dunno why)
Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
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use this one then


[Q] Creating CM7-based ROM?

First of all, I know that this might have been asked million times, but please read before say anything!
I was looking for some good CM7 themes and I found that the ones that I most liked had the transparent statusbar. I've searched a bit for it and I'm patching the files right now.
But I want to make everything to run "out-of-the-box", so if I need to reinstall CM7 on my phone it will be already patched and all.
What do I need to do? Thanks!
But the transparency of status bars is soooo coool ppl ask devs to make transparent ones!!!! Ppl die to see transparent ones !!!! And u?
sent from my D®O!D™
that's exactly what I want, but I want it already transparent when I flash CM7.
but I think that I'm out of luck, since the tutorials that I followed ended up in nothing. No transparency at all. do someone have an working patch for 26-03 vo-1's CM7.2?
Renan Lazarotto said:
that's exactly what I want, but I want it already transparent when I flash CM7.
but I think that I'm out of luck, since the tutorials that I followed ended up in nothing. No transparency at all. do someone have an working patch for 26-03 vo-1's CM7.2?
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I didnt get u bro some themes ( like the one in my signature) bring status bar transparency....why do u want a patch??? I have used vo-1's cm7 b4 ...the status bar becomes transparent when u choose themes that have transparency .. what do u want??
sent from my SGA powered by the best rom ever --CM 7.2 by the late F.A.T. ( I ll miss u fat )
Check ICS theme by Achep!
Full transparent theme available
I have modified that and added battery circle mod... Lol
[My theme in Android themes maybe 3rd page]
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Dragonoid said:
I didnt get u bro some themes ( like the one in my signature) bring status bar transparency....why do u want a patch??? I have used vo-1's cm7 b4 ...the status bar becomes transparent when u choose themes that have transparency .. what do u want??
sent from my SGA powered by the best rom ever --CM 7.2 by the late F.A.T. ( I ll miss u fat )
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AFAIK, to enable status bar transparency, I have to patch the rom framework. I tried it and it didn't worked. Seems that I didn't make myself clear
pvrx said:
Check ICS theme by Achep!
Full transparent theme available
I have modified that and added battery circle mod... Lol
[My theme in Android themes maybe 3rd page]
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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I'll take a look.

[Request] ICS Files

Just want to request the ff if anyone has for ldpi devices
-ICS battery icons
-ICS Signal Icons
-ICS wifi icons
to sum it all up, everything in statusbar
ICS battery icon : Downlod the ICS Launcher then extract from root explorer then find the battery icon on res / drawable-ldpi... Or you can try the repencis battery , wifi , signal icon..its Similar to ICS
I'll upload my framework .. Maybe 2 days more
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
Like this ??
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
This is the framework of repencis all things u want in it OK BRO View attachment framework-res.apk
u can use uot kitchen for that or create or own mods by photoshop. Would'nt take more than half an hour
need battery icon like this? and wifii icon?
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda premium
ojas360 said:
need battery icon like this? and wifii icon?
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda premium
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There is 3 icons below ... How could you do that ??
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
ICS theme
SS: www*imageshack*us/photo/my-images/585/icsb*jpg
replace * with .
I'm working on ICS theming... SystemUI & Framework-res from Wintermod ROM, with little mod
WIP... fixing download bar.
Things left are move the clock in status bar to left. I was compile & recompile SystemUI.apk all the day, without error message but the clock just dissapear.
Maybe someone can help me move the clock on status bar.
I'll upload files later
Who would like to try this DXLE1 mod that i made
its a combination of things i found
View attachment 1080187
Maybe someone can help me move the clock on status bar.
I'll upload files later
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True,Dont have can Move Battery and sinal bar more to Left?
ojas360 said:
need battery icon like this? and wifii icon?
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda premium
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What kind of sorcery is this??
How did u manage to get those onboard menu/home/back buttons???

[MOD][U][SOLA][GO][ICS] Toggles with Battery Cirlce Or Battery Block

I'll present completely rebuild Statusbar mod for Xperia U: Battery mods and toggles
--> 100% bug free
CircleBattery_White Date/Time
BatteryBlock_Blue Date/Time
BatteryBlock_White Date/Time
Just flash via CWM.
Credits to neectron for how-to and help
work in my xperia sola :good:
Seems to be working on xperia u thanks!
can you do a version without circle battery? toggles are very good.
nice work dude, can you add the brighness bar? with brighness bar your mod will perfect :good:
Awesome mod. Will I lose Small Apps if I use this?
Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
fikvalkrie said:
nice work dude, can you add the brighness bar? with brighness bar your mod will perfect :good:
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Give me a link to a working how to and I can do this.
babu.rajiv2007 said:
Awesome mod. Will I lose Small Apps if I use this?
Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
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Sorry dont know if small apps are incorporated in systemui.
sarsarhos said:
can you do a version without circle battery? toggles are very good.
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you mean stock battery icon and percentage numbers to the left of battery icon?
Sorry, no.
Does it change any other icons in statusbar except the battery icon? Thanks
otichac said:
Does it change any other icons in statusbar except the battery icon? Thanks
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Yes lock at the screeni
Will Do a Version with brightness bar soon. Any other suggestions for further versions
thebrainkafka said:
Will Do a Version with brightness bar soon. Any other suggestions for further versions
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support mini apps ?
I can upload the systemui.apk from mini apps if you agree to do it
Me‎ said:
support mini apps ?
I can upload the systemui.apk from mini apps if you agree to do it
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The version already postet in U section or a homemade specially on u stock base?
Please pn
Working perfect on my U, thanks
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app
not compatible with small apps please make a version that is compatible
rebj2007 said:
not compatible with small apps please make a version that is compatible
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Just tell me what is the hack and I'll adapt it...
thebrainkafka said:
you mean stock battery icon and percentage numbers to the left of battery icon?
Sorry, no.
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how about signal bar icon?? can make it as stock and also font??
it will be nice having mod with stock interface ..
dude i have been a great fan of ur status bar and using since i upgraded my sola to ics... now i am building my first custom rom and eagerly want to use ur great work on my rom.... i would be very greatful if u give me the permission.... thank you...
Wanna make a suggestion.
Like in AOSP Roms, I would like the Toggles to NOT have labels (WiFi, Bluetooth Toggle Labels or Text. Dunno what its called exactly).

[NEW UPDT][U/P][Smallapps/Non Smallapps][mod]Theme ICS/JB statusbar and JB font

Hey guys, I just want to share my SystemUI for you. Tested on Xperia U.
Compatible (works) with small apps
I also want to share Jelly Bean font. Don't know if it already shared..
Ok here you go
Since i installed new firmware C.1.0 and I wont downgrade to B.10 cause B.10 is laggy. There is no CWM so i can't install small apps. I can say small apps user just will get ICS theme and maybe will be no update for small apps user. Cause i can't testing it will work or not. Also i got many errors when recompiling SystemUI for New JB theme maybe someone can help me ?
ICS Theme With/Without Battery Percentage
JB Theme
I'm still learning how to make glowing button when we pull the notification bar.. so this one not glowing whe you pull it
-Added toggle buttons
-Change theme to ICS
-Using stock AOSP ICS icons
-Removed battery percentage
-First release
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ICS Theme Small Apps version
ICS Theme Non Small Apps Version
ICS Theme Non Small Apps Without Batttery Percentage
Jelly Bean Theme Non Small Apps
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JB Font
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170 Downloads JB Font just 3 users hit thanks button ?
How to install it ?
Copy the SystemUI-V2.apk from this post into system/app and set the permission rw-r-r--
and rename the existing one to SystemUI.apk2
and now rename the new ( V2) one to SystemUI.apk , this will prevent the confilict ( like i encountered , when i disabled the old one and dont renamed the new one !! )
And then reboot
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Thanks to
AeonWorld, niaboc79 who has ported small apps
neectron, for tuts
Don't just say thanks. Press thanks button is more than enough!
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app
Cant download directly from the link..
it needs a permission from the file owner
Plz put it on other download sites
Sent from my XPERIA sola
Debbii said:
Cant download directly from the link..
it needs a permission from the file owner
Plz put it on other download sites
Sent from my XPERIA sola
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Updated link
Works with two fingers gesture?
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app
Flare_91 said:
Works with two fingers gesture?
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app
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What did you mean with two fingers gesture :silly:? It's a statusbar mod and font.
please make a version with toggle and small apps working.
rebj2007 said:
please make a version with toggle and small apps working.
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Read and look the picture on the first post. It compatible with small apps so for sure small apps are working. Maybe soon i'll make with toggle buttons
Sorry, this ui havent toggle button, so will not have two fingers gesture xD
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app
ichambi said:
Read and look the picture on the first post. It compatible with small apps so for sure small apps are working. Maybe soon i'll make with toggle buttons
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okay. i hope those two things work with one mod. others systemui has a many bugs.
Flare_91 said:
Sorry, this ui havent toggle button, so will not have two fingers gesture xD
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app
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For now, you can use widgetsoid for toggle buttons. Download from play store
rebj2007 said:
okay. i hope those two things work with one mod. others systemui has a many bugs.
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Yes.. But I have a problem with decompiling systemIU. Anyone can help me?
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app
ichambi said:
Hey guys, I just want to share my SystemUI for you. Tested on Xperia U. It also compatible with small apps. But it just small changes. No toggles button. Using stock icons from Sony.
I also want to share Jelly Bean font. Don't know if it already shared..
Ok here you go
JB Font
For now, if you want to get toggle buttons, you can download widgetsoid from play store.
AeonWorld, niaboc79 who has ported small apps
Press thanks button if i helped you
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app
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The status bar while pulling it down does not light up Blue like the Jelly bean one! Fix it soon please..
Jason Fernandes said:
The status bar while pulling it down does not light up Blue like the Jelly bean one! Fix it soon please..
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Did you mean settings button? That was because I change it to gray..
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ichambi said:
Did you mean settings button? That was because I change it to gray..
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app
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I mean there is a Blue Light that GLOWS when you Pull the Notification Bar down........
Jason Fernandes said:
I mean there is a Blue Light that GLOWS when you Pull the Notification Bar down........
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Are you sure about that? I mean.. I think there's also no blue light when I was using stock systemUI
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ichambi said:
Are you sure about that? I mean.. I think there's also no blue light when I was using stock systemUI
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app
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When he Pulls the Notification bar down there is A BLUE LINE!
Very Very Nice
viirus6200 said:
Very Very Nice
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Press thanks button is enough
Jason Fernandes said:
When he Pulls the Notification bar down there is A BLUE LINE!
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Ooh i don't think it's possible to make that glowing blue in ICS..
NEWS: New update is on the way
Updated.. you can download it now
Great Job... One more favor though...
I like the new icons on your 1.1 update which was based on stock AOSP ICS icons. But can you also provide another one with percentage? I think its really helpful when charging our phones because through it, we will know if its exactly 100% fully charged. Or maybe, a cool icon with percentage inside it. Thanks a lot. I'm looking forward for your next update too. I hope the 14 toggles are already there. :good:
limeric29 said:
I like the new icons on your 1.1 update which was based on stock AOSP ICS icons. But can you also provide another one with percentage? I think its really helpful when charging our phones because through it, we will know if its exactly 100% fully charged. Or maybe, a cool icon with percentage inside it. Thanks a lot. I'm looking forward for your next update too. I hope the 14 toggles are already there. :good:
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I think battery percentage inside battery stock ics icon is better. Ok I'll try it soon
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app

[Request] SystemUI - Status bar for GB

Hi i was thinking there are so many status bars . And i was thinked why i can't find tabbed or someting like thet status bar for gingerbread ? I am searcing for it becouse all gb status bars some times have lagg and hangs i hate thet . Did some one know any status bar for gb with one have brightness control and dosn't lagg ?
Ainster said:
Hi i was thinking there are so many status bars . And i was thinked why i can't find tabbed or someting like thet status bar for gingerbread ? I am searcing for it becouse all gb status bars some times have lagg and hangs i hate thet . Did some one know any status bar for gb with one have brightness control and dosn't lagg ?
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There is certain status bars but theyre in roms and cannot be extracted
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
Code SyGma said:
There is certain status bars but theyre in roms and cannot be extracted
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
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Use it from my rom
Sent using King Kai's Head from King Kai's Planet...
Don't wanna create new thread thet why im asking here . I have tryed to search status bar with brightness control for gingerbread rom i know there was posted one and i have downloaded it many times but now i can't find it if any one know i will be really thanks full if you post it here .
me too i want ics status bar but no brightness control hpdi ray and settings.apk here after 4h search i found it :good:
its mpdi can anyone port it to hdpi so its HD
IceThor said:
its mpdi can anyone port it to hdpi so its HD
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True can any one port thet status bar from mdpi in to hdpi ? i have tryed by my own hand and only 40% are hd but have 2 buggs .

