[Q] Cannot mount efs on gs3 gt-i9300!!!! - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

10 hours after i tried using the swapper 2...my galaxy s3 GT-I9300 rebooted suddenly and got stuck in the galaxy s3 logo. I was rooted and had sotmax v14 running on it. I flashed it several times with that ROM and also cm 10.1 from the sd card. Then i flashed it with a stock ROM using odin. I had access to download mode and recovery mode. In the stock recovery mode it showed something like "E:/eror mounting efs((invalid arguement)).
I have very little knowledge about flashing and i do not even know what EFS is and thus i dont remember of taking a backup of that efs. I flashed it with CF root to access CWM recovery. Now in CWM recovery when i chose sd car it says
"E:cant mount sd card" and when i tried to mount efs it displayed "error mounting efs".
I have been trying hard for 2 days with little food. Any help would be highly appreciated. Help me. What should i do now?? Iam stuck on the galaxy s3 logo no matter what i do...i tried everything factory reset wipe data cache etc etc. please help!!!!

I have very little knowledge about flashing and i do not even know what EFS
So why start complicated stuff on an expensive phone .
You already have one bricked phone thread running .
You would be better off at a service centre as you just keep digging a deeper hole for yourself .

You posted in the US GSIII forums so you won't find any good help from us here. I'll get a mod to move this to the international GSIII section, you'll find more relevant help there.

Be very careful to make sure you always pick the right device forum so you do not end up with a $700 paperweight.
Thread moved to Intl forums


Stuck On Bootloop

I was trying to install the JB update using Odin but I kept getting all kinds of errors (mostly the NAND read write fail) and eventually the *update failed* yellow icon recovery mode. after endless hours of browsing and reading up on the internet, I tried installing the Clockwork recovery which *yaay* worked. so, I went on ahead and got the Slimbean ROM and installed that via Clockwork. installed fine but wouldn't boot, just got stuck at the Slimbean logo. thinking that perhaps the ROM was wrong, I got the CM 10.1 but that got stuck too. where am I getting it wrong?? any help would be really appreciated
I did not put android debugging on as I thought that since I would be installing stock firmware, that it isnt really needed.
the phone was previously on GB, never rooted or toyed with before,
I have tried deleting dalvik cache/ data wipe and factory reset
& it's the i9001gt variant.
Before we go anywhere, is it actually an i9001? Or i9100?
If it's i9001, then you're in the wrong forum.
If it's an i9100, try flashing hawkerpaul's ROMNuke script, then immediately flash Slim/CM.
Sent from a galaxy far, far away
Still Stuck
Hopper8 said:
Before we go anywhere, is it actually an i9001? Or i9100?
If it's i9001, then you're in the wrong forum.
If it's an i9100, try flashing hawkerpaul's ROMNuke script, then immediately flash Slim/CM.
Sent from a galaxy far, far away
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its the i9100g. thought I'd post here since there's no 19100g help forum. I did try the ROMNuke script for the i9100 as I couldn't find a i9100g version and it seems to flash ok, but am still stuck at logo on both CM and Slim.
one thing I should mention, I used the PIT file that comes with Odin and chose repartition (whew!) at the very beginning of trying to flash the phone before I knew what PIT files are. could that have somehow messed things up?
I'm sorry, but I really don't know much about the i9100g. I don't know if cleaning scripts are compatible, or if that's adversely affected anything. To get the best help, post in the i9100g Q&A. Its stickied at the top of the i9100g android development section.
Sent from a galaxy far, far away

[Q] help a noob, efs folder vanished, failed to mount. tried many things

Hi guys, firstly I'd just like to say I have followed all the protocol that is required on here and been reading and researching/ applying fixes for the past few days now. I have tried to help myself as far as i possibly can but i am still having no luck and i don't think too many people have had the exact similar issue after reading all the other threads that are similar to my issue.
with some of the fixes it is my first time using them as i have never needed to in the past, so bare with me if my level of understanding isn't as great in some departments.
Now onto the issue:
I own a galaxy s3 i9300 and it has been rooted on stock rom since day 1 about a year ago. A few days ago my phone battery died, and when connnected to the charger it had this grey icon with a circle. It wouldn't boot up either so after searching on the net i thought i would listen to the advice of clearing the cache etc etc but this didn't work and neither did the wipe data/dalvik in CWM.
So i reflashed a stock jellybean rom and it worked fine.
It was then at this stage i thought i might as well upgade to a custom rom as every galaxy i had owned before i had done it on, and my current Note tablet is also running custom rom.
I first loaded a stock 4.3 rom and then flashed the slimbean 4.3 with gapps ...and it worked perfectly. I found a couple of issues with the browser which i use a lot so i downgraded to a 4.2.2 version of slimbean with gapps and this made the browser really fast again and all was perfect.
I had been using this for two days or so and everything was smooth, including charging etc until one night it had that same grey battery icon again with the circle and would get stuck booting at the samsung logo.
So as this had happened before i thought i would just flash a stock rom....this is where it all started going mad
Bearing in mind, every flash i always did it properly and wiped cache/dalvik cache and wiped data three times for each one just to make sure as i didnt have anything of value so wanted a fresh wipe each time and didnt need to back anything up.
now before i get flamed i realise i made a huge stupid error in not backing up my efs folder before hand as i had done with every previous phone but because i was under pressure to get it working it skipped my mind totally.
So i flashed a stock jellybean 4.2.2 rom and still bootloop with the EFS not found invalid argument error
i flashed a 4.3
i flashed a 4.1
i flashed a different 4.1
i flashed a different 4.2
i tried loads but nothing worked
so after reading that this would not help as it doesnt touch the efs i looked into fixes that others had done
i tried to follow this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2197515
So i downloaded efs professional / adb tool
i downloaded busybox
and cwm was already on the phone but i downloaded philz cm incase i needed that too
now as the phone doesn't turn boot up i can't access anything, i can only access download mode and CWM.
When i open efs professional it says current device offline, turn on allow usb debugging to confirm your phones RSA fingerprint and click ok.
I have no idea what to do about that because i can't get into the phone.
Regarding busybox i have no idea how to get that to install on the phone, i have tried writing some stuff to push it in the adb shell (but because its my first time using adb shell and command prompt i have no idea if i am doing it correctly). Can you install it with odin?
also regarding adb shell i followed the guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2197515 and got into [email protected] and SU....and then when on the phone in cwm i clicked mount efs...and obviously it failed. I went into the log as said and /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 was the file it failed to mount
the thing is everything after that step doesnt work, as i can't create an image of mmcblk0p3 as it says it can't find it as if it doesnt exist.
So im screwed as it effectively is saying i don't even have that file or efs folder i think?
The thing is i never had any issue with losing imei or anything like that at all and this just happpened out of the blue without me doing anything as such
any ideas?.....would be HUGELY appreciative for anyone willing to take the time out and help me with this as i'm not sure i can explore any more avenues on my own with my limited knowledge and at the same time don't want to give up.
PS. I also have access to a galaxy s3 i9305 ....and can possibly try and source another i9300 from a family member IF this helps in any way or makes life easier?
Stickied faqs and guides .
service centre repair is your best choice if you have read and tried the stickied fixes .
Reads like efs partition corrupted and your phone was already suffering with nand memory issues.
There is no substitute for an efs backup, you cannot recreate the unique information it contained.
Take it to a reputable repair centre, they will be able to get it back to normal, but you are still left with why it keeps corrupting -which may require a new motherboard.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Mod Edit
Please refer to ,and post in the stickies in the General section.
Thread closed
Forum Moderator

[i9305] Mobile/Recovery/Downlaod mode doesn't work

Good morning,
Today I decised to change my ROM. I installed ported to i9305 LTE ArchiDroid v2 (I had done before full wipe and backups). It was my first "Kitkat". I broken something at interface (there were a lot of otpions to choose) so I decided to "make backup" from mobile, not recovery (I had CWM). My S3 had restarted and I saw "laoding screen and loading" of ArchiDroid and every times it went to CWM. I wanted to make backup and... all of my backups were deleted. So I put The Galaxy Project on my SD card and installed it. And my phone didn't start.
It stuck in screen "Samsung Galaxy S3 i9305".
After X times I got access into download mode. I wanted to install clear 4.3 but Odin made "FAIL".
Now I have on boot (normal, CWM and download mode) this: "Firmware upgrade encountered an issue, Please select recovery mode in Kie and & again."
I tried to "repair it" via Kies but it needs working recovery mode... But I haven't :/
It has only 1 month but with Knox=1. If'll give it at warranty" can they check a flag or custom rom, installed X times or something? But I prefer to repair it in my phone.
How can I repair my phone? Please, help me.
this is i9300's forum ,are you sure you got the correct ROM for your device ? I'm afraid if you flashed a i9300 rom on i9305 you did a brick .
Ask in i9305 forum
alecore said:
I'm afraid if you flashed a i9300 rom on i9305 you did a brick .
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Oh, sorry. I make mistake and wrote in wrong section. If any moderator can move it - very thank you.
I flashed right ROM in th 100%. TGP for i9305 (becauase I used it before) and ported Archidroid for i9305 because it worked...

[Q] Samsung Galaxy S3 i9305 CM11 stuck on bootloop, cant get to recovery

I'm sorry to make a new thread about it but after a while of searching I simply could not find a solution to this problem.
So to the actual problem: I hastily wiped my phone and accidentally the whole ROM with it. Now the phone is stuck on boot with only the "Samsung Galaxy S3" etc. showing. I cannot get to recovery to flash another ROM or anything. The phone doesn't boot far enough for my PC to notice it to flash it with Odin or anything. Now I'm wondering if there is any way of fixing the phone.
All the help would be much appreciated.
You posted in the wrong section, ask a moderator to move it for you.
Are you sure you know how to put the phone in download mode, I'd suggest you go read the sticky thread on how to flash properly with Odin.

[q] grand duos stucked at logo screen after installing chainfire 3d

Guys, i am in serious problem here so this thread is not so decorated. :crying:
Hi, My Device Details are Follows:
Rooted with ClockWord Mod ( CWM ) 6
I recently downloaded Chainfire 3d with a greed to run hard core games smoothly. And after installing, my pdone stucked at Samsung Logo Screen.
I Done All These:
Cleared All Cache, DAlvic Cache, Reset, etc.
'ADB Shell' isn't working (i think it is becouse MY MTP DRIver isnt installed properly. i tried to reinstall to but it fails.)
What Should i do ?
Should i go to service centre ?
Moderators, as i am newbie here, plz dont delete this thread if i added it on wrong place!
If you already have cwm recovery,just instal a custom rom
Link of Custom Rom & How to Install it on GRAND DUOS
nophyan said:
If you already have cwm recovery,just instal a custom rom
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Friend, i am new to this, so plz give me:
Link of Custom Rom & How to Install it on GRAND DUOS !
gtasince94 said:
Friend, i am new to this, so plz give me:
Link of Custom Rom & How to Install it on GRAND DUOS !
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You can choose one here http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-grand-duos/development
Chainfire doesn't work on anything past Gingerbread (and not even on every device), which is why you had this problem. This forum has dozens (100s?) of posts from people that did the same thing. A factory reset or clearing caches does not affect the /system partition so that wouldn't be of any help after you installed Chainfire. Your options are to install a custom rom or use Odin to restore the phone to stock with the original firmware. Don't let this scare you from modding your phone, but you have to research more about what you are trying to do and since you already have CWM, utilize the built in backup function. If you would have done even that, you could have just booted back to CWM and restored your entire set up and all you would have lost is about 10-15 minutes of time.
Plz tell whole process in installing custom rom
es0tericcha0s said:
Chainfire doesn't work on anything past Gingerbread (and not even on every device), which is why you had this problem. This forum has dozens (100s?) of posts from people that did the same thing. A factory reset or clearing caches does not affect the /system partition so that wouldn't be of any help after you installed Chainfire. Your options are to install a custom rom or use Odin to restore the phone to stock with the original firmware. Don't let this scare you from modding your phone, but you have to research more about what you are trying to do and since you already have CWM, utilize the built in backup function. If you would have done even that, you could have just booted back to CWM and restored your entire set up and all you would have lost is about 10-15 minutes of time.
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Thats the problem friend, i haven't made a backup of my phone before installing CH3D driver. Coz i thought that installing driver will not malfunction my phone. :crying:
Plz tell me the link of original Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos i9082 STOCK ROM or Custom Rom And the process.
( I think the process may be to Download the Rom in zip format and put it in SD Card and then open CWM recovery Mod and Install Zip from SD Card. )
But I have tried to Do that in CWM-touch-i9082-chotu.tar but after doing that, the Logo comes and phone goes off and restarts again and this process goes for unlimited times. :crying:
gtasince94 said:
Thats the problem friend, i haven't made a backup of my phone before installing CH3D driver. Coz i thought that installing driver will not malfunction my phone. :crying:
Plz tell me the link of original Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos i9082 STOCK ROM or Custom Rom And the process.
( I think the process may be to Download the Rom in zip format and put it in SD Card and then open CWM recovery Mod and Install Zip from SD Card. )
But I have tried to Do that in CWM-touch-i9082-chotu.tar but after doing that, the Logo comes and phone goes off and restarts again and this process goes for unlimited times. :crying:
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You've got to wipe/factory data reset your phone before you flash the rom.
It's fine that you are new to this, as we all have to start somewhere, but the fact that you are new means that you should do more reading about what to do and what not to do. There is an entire sub-forum here on XDA dedicated to your phone. Any question you've had has most likely been asked and answered multiple times. I suggest reading the stickies in the General forum for your phone and there's even a Help and Troubleshooting section there.
FInally I send it to SERVICE CENTRE and got it repaired.
es0tericcha0s said:
You've got to wipe/factory data reset your phone before you flash the rom.
It's fine that you are new to this, as we all have to start somewhere, but the fact that you are new means that you should do more reading about what to do and what not to do. There is an entire sub-forum here on XDA dedicated to your phone. Any question you've had has most likely been asked and answered multiple times. I suggest reading the stickies in the General forum for your phone and there's even a Help and Troubleshooting section there.
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FInally, I repaired my I9082 from service centre at a cost of 2.75$.
They upgraded it to 4.2.2.
NEW FEARURES IN 4.2.2 (discovered by me)-
1. Changed Look
2. Settings is divided by 4 parts
3. Data usage from both SIM can be seen.
5. DEVELOPER OPTIONS is hidden (Unhide it by Tapping 7 times on BUILD NUMBER. (See attached pic ))
BUGS IN ANDROID 4.2.2 (Discovered by me)-
1. Freezing of Device (happened once) due to TouchWiz Home hanged.
gtasince94 said:
FInally, I repaired my I9082 from service centre at a cost of 2.75$.
They upgraded it to 4.2.2.
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Seriously...? Read what it says on the very first line of the thread about Chainfire 3D: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1087427 and think about what happened after you installed it. A little bit of common sense is needed here to stay out of trouble.

