[Q] Galaxy Player 5.0 Odin Issues - Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0, 5.0

Recently I obtained a Galaxy Player 5.0, I've been trying to put CM9 on it. I downloaded Odin 1.85, and the correct kernel. Now, whenever I boot it into download mode, it doesn't see it. Recovery or just straight turning on will let it see it, but not in download. I uninstalled and re installed the drivers, and even tried using Kies to install them. Nothing. I've tried the newer Odin, Nothing. I'm trying to put Clockwork Mod Recovery on it.... If there's a way to fix this, or put it on it a different way, I'd appreciate it. Also, I previously had it rooted, then unrooted it with SuperOneClick, if that helps any. I'm just tired of spending 4-5 hours a day on trying to figure this out, and so far I've found no threads that are exactly like mine. Any help would be VERY much appreciated

KannibalKorp said:
Recently I obtained a Galaxy Player 5.0, I've been trying to put CM9 on it. I downloaded Odin 1.85, and the correct kernel. Now, whenever I boot it into download mode, it doesn't see it. Recovery or just straight turning on will let it see it, but not in download. I uninstalled and re installed the drivers, and even tried using Kies to install them. Nothing. I've tried the newer Odin, Nothing. I'm trying to put Clockwork Mod Recovery on it.... If there's a way to fix this, or put it on it a different way, I'd appreciate it. Also, I previously had it rooted, then unrooted it with SuperOneClick, if that helps any. I'm just tired of spending 4-5 hours a day on trying to figure this out, and so far I've found no threads that are exactly like mine. Any help would be VERY much appreciated
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Which brand of the Galaxy Player do you have? (International, or USA)
Also, were you able to boot into the Clockword Mod?

It's the USA version, and I'm trying to put it on there for the first time. (I'm new to this) I have to US .Tar, but Odin doesn't see it to begin with so I cant put CWM recovery on there.

Apologizes for not reading your problems for thoroughly.
Remove the drivers you have now, and kies, reboot, and install this:
(Click Here!)
Reboot again, and before you plug in your device to the computer shut it off.
Afterwards, when the device is turned off hold the bottom volume button and the power button at the same time.
Shortly after you will see the triangle, and if you get this far please let me know. I'll guide you with the rest.

Omg. Thank you SO much, man, it finally recognizes it. You're amazing! Now what?

Glad you made some progress.
Since you're using the Galaxy Player 5.0 (USA), make sure you're downloading (This!)
Next step is to open up Odin with your device, make sure your device is turned off before you connect it.
Turn on the player while holding down on the bottom volume button, don't let go till it does boot on. If it works, you'll see the download mode triangle/android.
Connect it then, to the system. If Odin refers it as a COMP (#) then it should be ready to flash.
Use the downloaded file, by placing it in the PDA section of the program. Simply put, you must browse for where you downloaded the file.
Once ready, just flash.
Now you should have Clockword Mod!

I was able to do the rest on my own, but I wouldn't have gotten that far without you, thank you SO much man, I honestly can't thank you enough!!!


[Q] how can I reboot my Vibrant,after trying almost everything?

So I want to to root my Vibrant but I can't...Every way I tried it needed to reboot my vibrant to recovery didn't work...
I tried GS Tweaker, ONeSuperClick, rom manager, terminal emulator.....
I got my update.zip file into my SD card but Im stuck with the rebooting thing
I tried all the ways of rebooting: the manual rebooting, Android SDK application... everything thing, I spent the whole day finding ways, watching videos and reading from vibrant wiki..
So what I reached to yesterday is:
while I was talking to one of the pro of android in one of the chat room somewhere, he said maybe because my phone needs "hardware updating" that the buttons can't reboot something like that (since I'm not in the states and I cant get OTA updates from T-mobile)... so I need to download ODIN and find Samsung drivers...
can anyone help me in this please?
try http://www.akaskriller.com/free/flashing.php
there are some files that you may need to ODIN. good luck, hope it works out.
qatarneh said:
So I want to to root my Vibrant but I can't...Every way I tried it needed to reboot my vibrant to recovery didn't work...
I tried GS Tweaker, ONeSuperClick, rom manager, terminal emulator.....
I got my update.zip file into my SD card but Im stuck with the rebooting thing
I tried all the ways of rebooting: the manual rebooting, Android SDK application... everything thing, I spent the whole day finding ways, watching videos and reading from vibrant wiki..
So what I reached to yesterday is:
while I was talking to one of the pro of android in one of the chat room somewhere, he said maybe because my phone needs "hardware updating" that the buttons can't reboot something like that (since I'm not in the states and I cant get OTA updates from T-mobile)... so I need to download ODIN and find Samsung drivers...
can anyone help me in this please?
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ok....thats weird
first try pulling out your battery.....then put it back in...then hold both volume buttons while you turn it back on w/ the power button....when the black samsung screen pops up let them go...the phone should go into the stock 2e recovery...
if you still want the drivers then here you go ....http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=728929
Odin and a nice guide on how to use it can be found here...http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=849028
should have all the info you need.
Thanks man! you're advice just worked with me
Thanks a million guys

[Q] Help...unable to go into Recovery.

Hi everyone. I have a samsung galaxy s vibrant on android 2.2. I am a total noob with any modifications but am going overseas next month and wanted to unlock my phone. After looking into rooting etc. I downloaded odin and darky's ROM resurrection edition. I followed the prompts to go into recovery and wipe etc. and remove battery and turn back on. After using odin and restarting my phone now just flashes the start screen showing galaxy s GT-I9000. I can't enter recovery mode just download mode. I'm unsure what to do and even tried mounting another recovery file on odin which lead me to the same point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try re-flashing it and see if that works, sometimes that's all it takes. It's possible you just had a bad flash.
I've tried about 5 times now and it seems to keep failing to boot after flash and sticking on the initial boot screen and flashing on and off. Is there a way to download and flash an original ROM and mount on odin to start over?
Try getting into download mode. Hold and continue to hold up & down volume controls while holding in the power button. When the Vibrant logo comes up release only the power button. If you do get into recovery that way scroll down to install zip from sd card and install whatever rom you've got on there that you want to use. Let me know if that works or not.
I can still only get into download mode. I've tried flashing again with both ROMs I have and they both are doing the same thing. Holy frustrating lol
Spike84 said:
I can still only get into download mode. I've tried flashing again with both ROMs I have and they both are doing the same thing. Holy frustrating lol
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Look for a hard surface... concrete for example.. now take your phone and throw it as hard as you can... Just kidding don't do that, that's a permanent reboot. I know the frustration, I've been there many times. You may want to go back and read through the noob guide, I'm not sure what else to suggest. Hopefully someone else will read this and have a better suggestion. Good luck.
haha yeah the thought crossed my mind. I appreciate your help. I'm still reading through the forum. Most instructions seem to require me to reach recovery mode or usb debugging. My phone is no longer being recognized on the computer but odin is obviously still recognizing so I'm going to try a fresh 2.2 on odin and see if that works.
Good luck, I'm rooting for ya. If that does not work and your close to a T-mobile store I'd just run it in and have them check it out, they may have to replace it.
Thanks again. I'm actually in Canada and using a sub provider from bell "virgin mobile".

[Q] NEED HELP. (GP 4.0 us) seems fully bricked now

a while back (about 3 weeks) i bought me a galaxy player us version 4.0. great player.
love it honestly.
but of course i wasnt satisfied.
so i rooted.
that was two weeks ago.
and tonight. i found myself trying to flash a custom kernel. called
"steves kernel" or something like that. and to my surprise using odin, it worked. rebooted. looked around. and the only thing different was the boot logo. booted to home screen. and worked naturally. wanted to boot into te CWM recovery that came with the custom rom to backup. "obviously was too late". and i backed up and rebooted. and of course. it was stuck in a bootloop. witht he fireworks looking thing. i looked for hours on end. for a stock rom of the 4.0 US version. i found what claimed to be 4.0 but either didnt match the md5 or were intl versions or WTF EVER.
(pretty damn steamed over here)
i unplugged my galaxy from my computer. and it instantly shut off. and now what seems to be a (from my experience with a psp; correct me otherwise) in a full brick. because it wont power on. it wont flash. it wont be recognized in windows. or any OS for that matter. nothing. tried battery pulll. nothing. someone.
(also think i could get my money back from bestbuy if all else fails??)
When posting things like this, post EXACT links to what you actually flashed.
Flashing something without bootloaders in Odin shouldn't have done this.
try this - forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1386669
the unbrickable recovery should be able to get your device back into download mode. when I bricked my player to the point that it wouldn't turn on it was able to save it.
I think it works under windows, download the unbrickable resurrector and the
Samsung bootloaders from the link. you need to have Java runtime installed for it to work too.
open the unbrickable resurrector ".jar" file, and select "galxay player" from the dropdown in the bottom left. plug your player in ane above the text box it should say "device detected." or something to that effect.
now hold the "volume down" button on your player and hit the download mode button in the program. keep holding the download mode button until your device comes on in download mode. if after 5-10 seconds the screen is still black, unplug your player, restart the program and try it again. it took me 4-5 tries sometimes but it always managed to bring it back.
when you do get it into download mode, fire up Odin and flash the player bootloader from the "galaxyplayer-bootloader.zip". make sure to check the flash bootloader box on the left side or Odin. if just the bootloader was screwed up, your device might boot now.. if it gets stuck at the Samsung logo you need to put it back in download mode (power + volume down) and reflash a good rom or recovery rom (not just a kernel). if it doesn't want to go back into download mode you can use the unbrickable process again.
good luck.
i am going to try this method. do you think it will help with my 4.0 though? the tut is for the 5.0.....
this isnt the EXACT link. however this is the exact software i used. (odin was 1.83 i do believe)
http // www anythingbutipod com/forum/ showthread php?t=66820
(fill all spaces with .)
That's why in the notes section for each of Steve's kernels it says not to use CWM
Try following logo20heli's work on it here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=21302504&postcount=41 since he did the same thing and got stuck in a boot loop
woer said:
That's why in the notes section for each of Steve's kernels it says not to use CWM
Try following logo20heli's work on it here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=21302504&postcount=41 since he did the same thing and got stuck in a boot loop
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i looked there. however, i couldnt find any proper download links for anything.
macdomerocker said:
i am going to try this method. do you think it will help with my 4.0 though? the tut is for the 5.0.....
this isnt the EXACT link. however this is the exact software i used. (odin was 1.83 i do believe)
http // www anythingbutipod com/forum/ showthread php?t=66820
(fill all spaces with .)
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I'm not sure if it'll work with the 4, I doubt trying it would hurt anything though.. just wouldn't work.
exodus454 said:
I'm not sure if it'll work with the 4, I doubt trying it would hurt anything though.. just wouldn't work.
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well if anyone can help me out. this would be tremendous. i will post the results to that in a wee bit. gotta try it first
Read my thread in development.
Hyperrunner said:
Read my thread in development.
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yes. however if you have read my problem it is FULLY BRICKED. so i have NO clue on how to get it unbricked. meaning that i couldnt get it to go into download mode if you were here in person. now if you know a way to unbrick me. please say so. THEN i can follow your tutorial.
lol just got back from bestbuy. they swapped me out because i bought it within the last 30 days.. so im good

[Q] Help? Phone is messed up and possibly bricked?

So I have been told my phone had the wrong firmware installed and I am not even sure where to post this any more...
I have US Cellular as a carrier. and I have the Samsung Galaxy S Mesmeris.
I went to install an update and downloaded the update from the Samsung site and followed the instructions to get to the download mode. was installing it when at like 99% i got an error message. SO I tried it again and same thing. So I downloaded Odin but must of been the wrong once because I redownloaded a different odin and it looks way different the second one has more options where as the 1st one I downloaded and used has only 2. 1) being Start and the 2) being Master Clear.
So I was getting the error that showed a pic of a phone - ! Computer so I read that odin could wipe it and get it back to the way it was.
Well now I am getting nothing but a AT&T World phone screen and it wont even let me get back to the download mode.
I tried every combination with holding the volume button down and up and putting battery in and still just get the AT&T when ever I unplug the USB. Nothing more.
Can anyone walk me through the steps to get it back so it is US Cellular and not showing AT&T?
Someone told me I had the wrong firm ware installed and that it was bricked.
Any help would be great!
xxampdxfatalxx said:
So I have been told my phone had the wrong firmware installed and I am not even sure where to post this any more...
I have US Cellular as a carrier. and I have the Samsung Galaxy S Mesmeris.
I went to install an update and downloaded the update from the Samsung site and followed the instructions to get to the download mode. was installing it when at like 99% i got an error message. SO I tried it again and same thing. So I downloaded Odin but must of been the wrong once because I redownloaded a different odin and it looks way different the second one has more options where as the 1st one I downloaded and used has only 2. 1) being Start and the 2) being Master Clear.
So I was getting the error that showed a pic of a phone - ! Computer so I read that odin could wipe it and get it back to the way it was.
Well now I am getting nothing but a AT&T World phone screen and it wont even let me get back to the download mode.
I tried every combination with holding the volume button down and up and putting battery in and still just get the AT&T when ever I unplug the USB. Nothing more.
Can anyone walk me through the steps to get it back so it is US Cellular and not showing AT&T?
Someone told me I had the wrong firm ware installed and that it was bricked.
Any help would be great!
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1. Remove battery.
2. Insert battery.
3. While holding down the volume down button plug into usb. It should go into Download mode.
4. If you got into Download Mode, then it is pretty easy from here on. Go into Odin, you can get it from here http://www.mediafire.com/?429fcpdtpckkcea (Link from Droidstyle guide)
You can get the stock mesmerize rom from USCC from here http://android.clocktowergaming.com/mesmerize/Samsung_i500_Mesmerize_EH09.rar
Click PDA and select the rar file and hit start.
If everything goes well, your back on stock where you can go on your way to flashing roms.
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions &
Read the Forum Rules Ref Posting
Thanks ✟
Moving to Q&A

[Q] Hard bricked after using the Galaxy S3 Toolkir

Alright, so here's my problem:
I just upgraded to the Galaxy S III yesterday, and today decided to try to 'root' the device. So I found the Toolkit here on XDA (from here), and went through the initial steps without any issues (driver installation, device recognition, etc..).
I then went to the 'rooting option' menu, where I selected the first--and most basic --option, which was to only install Super User, and the push the permissions.
I was following the automated guide, opened Odin, selected the correct file, 'boot-insecure-i9300xxale8-gsm.tar', and made sure only 'auto-restart' and F.reset time' were checked, and clicked 'start'. The flash appeared to have gone well, but when it tried to restart, the phone never rebooted. I attempted to reboot into download mode (Vol. Down + Home + Power), but the device was unresponsive. I then browsed around the forums a bit looking for other methods, including taking the battery out for several minutes, then putting it back in whilst holding down the 'download mode' button combination, and other various variations of that method; yet again, none prevailed.
The device gives no indicator lights when plugged in, no light up when the power button is held down, and is overall seemingly unresponsive. However, when I hold down the 'home' button alone - after about 30 seconds - a green vertical battery appears on the screen, with a little white loading indicator on it, but vanishes after about 5 seconds or so, and the device becomes unresponsive once more.
The device is not being recognized by my computer whatsoever, no beeps or anything when plugged in.
Any ideas as to what I can do?
EDIT: I have been able to get into 'Download mode' somehow, but after trying to reflash the stock rom, it went back to the 'Unresponsive' mode. I have it in Download mode again currently, so what do I do from here?
I assume it is still under warranty, since it is less than a few days old. Return it to the store claiming hardware malfunctioning.
Forget about the toolkit. In my opinion, it's quite useless (as you know by now), and it tends to automate tasks that are simple by nature.
Even although I appreciate the effort the developers of the toolkit put into it, I would never do it, since I want to have control of the entire process: I want to know exactly what is being done and why, and that is something the Toolkit won't give me.
If you want to root your phone and keep it stock, do this:
- Install the drivers for the device.
- Install SiyahKernel for S3 version 1.3 using ODIN.
- Install superSU (from market) and let it update it's binary su
- Install MobileOdin (free version)
- download the latest Samsung ROM (such as DBT [Germany] or ITV [Italy]) using CheckFus downloader
- copy the downloaded and unzipped ROM to your phone's external SD card (just the .md5 file)
- using MobileODIN, flash the ROM and select the "EverRoot" feature
- after reboot the ROM will be updated, stock, but with root
- Install TriangleAway to get rid of any annoying triangles and to reset the binary counter
Done. supposing the ROM is already downloaded, the entire process takes exactly 4 minutes.
Simonetti2011 said:
I assume it is still under warranty, since it is less than a few days old. Return it to the store claiming hardware malfunctioning.
Forget about the toolkit. In my opinion, it's quite useless (as you know by now), and it tends to automate tasks that are simple by nature.
Even although I appreciate the effort the developers of the toolkit put into it, I would never do it, since I want to have control of the entire process: I want to know exactly what is being done and why, and that is something the Toolkit won't give me.
If you want to root your phone and keep it stock, do this:
- Install the drivers for the device.
- Install SiyahKernel for S3 version 1.3 using ODIN.
- Install superSU (from market) and let it update it's binary su
- Install MobileOdin (free version)
- download the latest Samsung ROM (such as DBT [Germany] or ITV [Italy]) using CheckFus downloader
- copy the downloaded and unzipped ROM to your phone's external SD card (just the .md5 file)
- using MobileODIN, flash the ROM and select the "EverRoot" feature
- after reboot the ROM will be updated, stock, but with root
- Install TriangleAway to get rid of any annoying triangles and to reset the binary counter
Done. supposing the ROM is already downloaded, the entire process takes exactly 4 minutes.
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Thank you so much for responding!
I have the phone in download mode right now though, as I've been able to get that far. Is there anything I can do from here to fix the issue? I really don't want to take it back up, and face the chance of confrontation if they decided to call me out on the issue.
I tried flashing the Sinyah Kernel via Odin just now, using the PDA mode, but once again, just flashes the Samsung logo for a brief second, and disappears, leaving me with a black screen.
Samsung don't seem to really care if you have rooted or not, so far about 4 people in 2 days on this and other for mums have returned phones because they have possibly bricked them, all got them exchanged with out a problem.
To unroot and return your galaxy S3 to stock for warranty watch this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8Tga_yKywc&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Zenno said:
Thank you so much for responding!
I have the phone in download mode right now though, as I've been able to get that far. Is there anything I can do from here to fix the issue? I really don't want to take it back up, and face the chance of confrontation if they decided to call me out on the issue.
I tried flashing the Sinyah Kernel via Odin just now, using the PDA mode, but once again, just flashes the Samsung logo for a brief second, and disappears, leaving me with a black screen.
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Flash a stock rom for your phone and location or if it was a branded phone flash that .
Even if it does not boot you stand a better chance under warranty .
Say you where doing a Kies update and it just failed to reboot .
JJEgan said:
Flash a stock rom for your phone and location or if it was a branded phone flash that .
Even if it does not boot you stand a better chance under warranty .
Say you where doing a Kies update and it just failed to reboot .
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I tried to reboot the stock firmware 'boot-stock-i9300xxale8-gsm.tar', but when Odin failed to reboot the phone, and I manually put it back into download mode, it still said my binary was 'Custom'.
Should I be trying to flash that under 'Bootloader' in Odin or something? Because I've been doing 'PDA' and it hasn't been working.
Download an original, stock ROM from samsung-updates.com or use checkFus downloader.
That is what you'll flash.
This is the one I use: http://samsung-updates.com/get/1932/Samsung_Firmware_GT-I9300_DBT_I9300XXALF6_Android_4_0_4.html
After some further browsing, I was able to fix it thanks to this post here, posted by 'mskip'.
Whew! That was stressing. Thanks guys for helping out though!
How to get out of hard brick to download mode
Zenno said:
After some further browsing, I was able to fix it thanks to this post here, posted by 'mskip'.
Whew! That was stressing. Thanks guys for helping out though!
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After hardware brick, how did you get it back to download mode agian?
i cnat do anything , no turn on no charging, nothing, how you do it?
i think if i can get it back to dowload mode, i can flash out the stock rom again.
any advise will help
Pull the Batteery
jiafu790617 said:
After hardware brick, how did you get it back to download mode agian?
i cnat do anything , no turn on no charging, nothing, how you do it?
i think if i can get it back to dowload mode, i can flash out the stock rom again.
any advise will help
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Remove the battery for about 2 minutes, replace it and immediately try to go into download mode. This worked for me
same problem
Hard bricked it too, flashed a wrong rom made for international model, i have the att model are you sure taking out the battery works?
Zenno said:
EDIT: I have been able to get into 'Download mode' somehow, but after trying to reflash the stock rom, it went back to the 'Unresponsive' mode. I have it in Download mode again currently, so what do I do from here?
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I have the same problem! Do you know how you got into download mode?
Surge411 said:
I have the same problem! Do you know how you got into download mode?
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Just keep trying,I must have removed the battery and pressed the buttons over six times to get into download mode. Hope you get there.

