Overheating - Nokia Lumia 920

Just a little process of elimination on the overheating issues.
To be clear: I don't have the issue of continuous overheating when nothing seems active.
I do have a problem with it overheating when playing games or streaming.
Also the overheating and drain is so bad that the battery will drain even while plugged in during this time.
so, do you have the same problem?
To keep the results consistent please test with this scenario:
Play Asphalt 7 until it heats up noticeably. Then plug it in and note your charge level. Now play some more and see if your battery drains.

I think the overheating and faster battery drain is normal.
For example if the CPU and GPU need 10W to render such intensive game at 24fps and your charger can supply only 5W (5 Volts * 1 Amps) then you have battery drain, not charge.
Try charging your phone with charger that can supply 2A (usually phone chargers are 1A), then you might actually charge your phone while playing this lovely game.

The whole point of this poll is to determine what is"normal" so we don't have to come up with theories.
BTW: I have never seen this happen on an iPhone or Android as manufacturers usually engineer their components to accommodate.

I haven't played Asphalt, but some other games, and yes, the phone overheated, there was no battery drain, BUT the battery was charging significantly slower.

Using 3rd party navigation apps like "Navigation 3D" and "GPS Voice Navigation" overheat a lot the phone and the battery drains in a couple of hours from full charge.
Also with my 500mAh car charger the phone drains with these apps.

Overheating for me is when the phone gets so hot that it will shutdown to prevent damage.. or is damaged...
Did your phone gets hot or is it really overheating???
Phones can get really hot when you combine some of this things:
-use wifi
-use heavy apps (navigation) or gaming
-stream or watch videos
-have your screen on full brightness
-use it in heavy direct sunlight (like in the car)
the more things you combine simultaneously the hotter your phone will get...

Ikkari said:
Overheating for me is when the phone gets so hot that it will shutdown to prevent damage.. or is damaged...
Did your phone gets hot or is it really overheating???
Phones can get really hot when you combine some of this things:
-use wifi
-use heavy apps (navigation) or gaming
-stream or watch videos
-have your screen on full brightness
-use it in heavy direct sunlight (like in the car)
the more things you combine simultaneously the hotter your phone will get...
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According to the poll so far: 40% of phones don't overheat and 20% don't have the voltage drain.
If 100% of phones behaved the the same then it would be easy to accept that this is normal behavior.
But I'll keep sending mine back until I get one that works.

the term overheating implies that the device stop functioning
running hot would be a less confusing and more appropriate terms. All electronic devices run hot under prolonged load, laptops, tablets, ipods, it's par for the course.

Obviously I didn't mean that malfunctioning is normal. I agree "Running hot" is more appropriate term..
Sent from my Lumia 920 using Board Express

What I'm trying to do is provide a baseline acceptable level so we know what overheating is.
I already know that something is wrong when the provided charger cannot charge the phone and the and the heat level is uncomfortable.
Overheating is: anything that is beyond the designed run temperature threshold -which we don't know but can discern through collaboration.

Well through logical deduction on could come to the following conclusion. Phone does not charge with provided charger, phone get uncomfortably warm, there is only one thing in the phone that can generate that heat and that is the battery. It is a Lithium Polymer battery and they are notorious in any device for having workmanship issues. Since it won't charge that points to the battery even more. I would take it in and have them change the battery since it is a major undertaking for a regular user. Or just exchange the device. Just tell them you afraid it is going to cause a fire.


[Q] Dock design flaw?

Just thinking, anyone please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know both the tablet and the dock have a Lithium-ion battery
From my knowledge, to keep lithium ion batteries in the best state you have to keep them between 20% and 80%, and not under/over charge them. The dock kinda seems to contradict this, because its constantly overcharging the tablet. This is extremely bad for the battery and greatly reduces the life span and capacity. Think of it as a laptop that you have in the socket 24/7, if you do this for half a year, the battery wont last for more then 30 mins. This, in a way, is resulting in the same problem.
Maybe this has been discussed before, but I couldn't find it, but isn't this a major design flaw? The dock should have some on/off charge switch.
It's not that simple. The Transformer, like every cell phone, laptop, and tablet using LiIon cells uses a charge controller chip that monitors charging current, pack voltage, pack temperature, discharge rate, and charge history to optimally control the power being fed to the battery from the charging input. The charge controller has a programmed hysteresis that keeps the battery from constantly charging (trickle charge) once it reaches its max capacity. Without a charge controller, the pack would eventually overheat and catch fire.
It is true that fully charged LiIon batteries will degrade in capacity over months to years. It's more damaging to the battery though to run it through a complete cycle (completely discharge). The best thing you can do for your battery without shelving the TF is to charge it every night to keep from unnecessarily running the battery down the next day.
In short, the Transformer can look after itself.
Also, this.
Thanks for your reply.
I might have used the wrong wording, I understand they have charge controllers to prevent the batteries from overcharging and exploding or catching fire. What I ment by overcharging was, charging it while the battery is already full, and undercharging - not charging it enough by letting it go into a deep discharge too often.
As stated in your link, "partial-discharge cycles can greatly increase cycle life, and charging to less than 100% capacity can increase battery life even further"
The dock keeps pushing it to 100%, and keeps it at 100% - reducing its battery life. Also, because you can not disable the dock charge, assuming you are constantly want to use the keyboard which I do, it will go into a deep discharge, also reducing the battery life of the dock. As often said, the best state for LiIon batteries is between 40% and 80%, this is hard to archive for both the dock and tablet due to it constant charging the tablet to full.
In order to preserve the best battery life, you must un-dock the tablet around 90% - and charge the dock whenever it reaches below 40% or so. Meeting both these requirements, while wanting to use the dock constantly seems like a burden. Not doing this, will rapidly decrease the capacity from my understanding.
Please correct me if I'm wrong though.
I don't see why people worry so much about this. It takes a few years for there to be any noticeable loss in battery life on lithium ion batteries, and even longer for it to become a significant burden.
It took me five years of daily usage of my old Toshiba laptop to wear down the battery to about half its original capacity, and it's still usable with only 2.5 hours of battery life. If we assume similar rules would apply to the Transformer, after 4-5 years you could still achieve a maximum of 8 hours on a single charge. If anything, by that time you'd be more concerned about how sluggish the device feels when compared to the newest tech, especially when browsing the web.

[Q] ? about Imoseyon lean kernel

I'm running Liquid Smooth 3.2 with Imoseyon Lean 6.2.1 kernel. I also tried to activate the speed tweaks included (?) but it didn't work so I downloaded speed tweaks 7.1 from Imoseyon's website and flashed it.
This is my problem.. I understand that with this kernel USB fast charging works unless the battery temp gets too high, then it shuts off and I assume goes back to standard charging. I've been using the kernel for about six hours and the battery temp has been in the low to mid thirties mostly, so that's great.. But my voltage has gotten up slightly over 4200 a couple of times and that has driven the battery temp up, but not much. I use a battery monitor widget that sounds an alarm if the temp or voltage get outside of my defined ranges.
What I would like to know whether there is a way to keep the voltage in a safer range when the phone is fast charging? I think if the fast charge could be stopped when the voltage is above 4200 or below 3000 like it is when the battery temp gets too high would be a great feature, and it would ease my mind that the voltage won't spike to 4300 or 4400 and blow up while I'm sleeping at night (if I happen to not hear battery monitor alarm).
If that's just the way it is with the voltage spikes, does anyone maybe know of a kernel/rom combo that safely allows fast charging by keeping the battery temp and voltage in recommended ranges or by shutting fast charge off if the temp/voltage suddenly spike while on the charger?
Thanks for reading/considering my question.
I'm not 100% sure but isn't the reason fast changing works is because it bumps up he voltage. Wouldn't lowering it make it not charge as fast.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
Not sure
I looked at my battery history and I think you're right. The voltage has spiked quickly and then steadily climbed past 4200, but the charge in that time frame is like 60+ percent so it's worth it I guess. Figure I'm hurting the battery, but for now it's worth it. I I may get an iphone 5 if the features are right.
I guess I'll just have to find a toggle so I can leave it on the charger at night and not have to worry about it catching fire. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know about how long a lithium battery can charge above 4200 or below 3000 before it blows up?
Also, this is my first phone with a 4.3 inch screen.. Do all big display phones suffer from terrible battery life? I keep my brightness down to about 20% indoors, but I generally keep 4g on because 3g tends to drop the signal and I play Pokerist a lot at work. Don't like getting kicked off and having to sign back in when I'm all in in a hand. I guess it also could be that the game is taxing the processor and in combination with 4g wrecking my battery life.. Mainly though, and on a custom rom without a fast usb charging feature, I couldn't play and charge at the same time, the phone would just barely stay at the percentage it was at. My last question is, does anyone know of a phone with a large display and 4g that doesn't drain the battery as quickly as Thunderbolt, or that at least charges fairly fast while using phone without having to flash a fast usb charging kernel?
edit: I can't find an app or widget that will allow me to toggle between normal charging and fast usb charging.. Anyone know of one for Thunderbolt?
Most of the new 4G phones with the 4.3 inch screen suffer from batter drain. The razr maxx is the best stock phone for battery right now but the phones just aren't built well. I think the newer phones are getting better so I would wait a little while longer and see what is coming out soon. The battery issue won't be a problem forever and neither will the crappy data drops.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
The spike in voltage and temperature is a NORMAL behavior of this type of battery and the charging technology it uses. As a Li-on battery discharges, it's voltage drops very little for it's corresponding level of charge (Very useful in small electronics that require excellent power consistency.). As the battery nears fully discharged, the voltage begins to drop sharply as does the resistance of the battery. Shortly after that, the internal temperature rises. You are now damaging your battery to further discharge it. You're phone won't let you do this. Likewise, it won't allow you to overcharge it. A Li-on battery is determined to be fully charged when the voltage output begins to rise sharply over the nominal charge rate. The internal resistance of the battery will rise sharply as well. The you'll notice temperature rise. Depending upon other conditions, a significant rise in cell temperature doesn't necessarily indicate a charged battery. If the resistance and voltage are consistent, the battery isn't fully charged but rather exhibiting the normal rise in temperature as resistance rises. You'd be pretty shocked how hot it really has to get before the phone will simply shut itself off and refuse to power up for half an hour or more to avoid actually damaging the battery due to thermal stress. Think hot, dark stone sitting in the hot sun all day long. And that cut-off, as far as I know, is below what the battery is actually rated for.
You're HTC device uses neither voltage, resistance, nor temperature independently to determine a charged or discharged state. That is calculated through compiled statistics based upon load, voltage output, resistance, and temperature. Li-on is a very well understood technology. The ONLY way to obtain the life and performance from these batteries that they do is to have fairly advanced charging and monitoring technology. It's really pretty hard to destroy a phone or it's battery strictly through heat generated by charging (assuming all parts meet spec.). In fact, it's hard to even if the phone is sitting on a heating vent or under the hot sunlight.
Unless you're device is some brutally overclocked, customized to the gills monster of a device, narrowly switching transistors at ridiculous speeds with precious few electrons to spare, you're pretty hard pressed to damage your battery or your phone. The stuff that manages the battery is beyond what kernels and ROMs do. You can definitely do some meaningful damage to a battery messing with charge characteristics, however catastrophic failure is practically impossible.

Note 7 and Lithium Batteries. An Educational thread.

I am seeing too many battery misconceptions. Let me clear them up.
Lithium batteries like to sit around 50% for prolonged periods. If you need to power down your phone and store it, do it around 50-60%.
- It will NOT hurt to keep your phone on the charger. The charging circuitry cuts off power once the Cell hits 4.35 - 4.4v (If it did not, your battery would swell and heat up and then explode or catch on fire or both)
- It is MUCH more harmful to deplete the battery than it is to keep it full. Lithium batteries DO NOT like to go below a certain voltage depending on specific chemistry formulation.
For Example: Chevy Volt electric car Lithium battery is set to stay within 30% - 80%. They are limited to never exceed an SOC of 80% and never go below 30%. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_Volt
To expand on this. It is BETTER to keep the phone at 95% than it is to keep it at 5% for example. I personally would NOT want my battery falling low enough that it gives a low battery indication (usually around 15%). Usually I do not want it hitting 30%. That's a good rule imho.
Lithium batteries prefer to be charged slowly and discharged slowly. They do NOT like high charge and drain.
You guessed it. AVOID high charge scenarios such as Fast Charge. AVOID fast discharge scenarios such as gaming with high brightness etc.
Lithium batteries do not like getting hot. They don't even like getting warm. Getting hot hurts it. Getting warm isn't as bad but it DOES degrade the total capacity over time.
Again, this is usually caused due to high charge or discharge scenarios.
It also ties in with Fast charge, wireless charge and especially wireless fast charge. Wireless charging is not efficient and energy as wasted as heat.
Personally I disable fast charge and do not use wireless charging. Good old USB Type C already charges quickly enough for me.
TLDR: Disable Fast Charge. Try to use USB Type C charging instead of wireless charging. Disable stuff you don't actually use. Try to keep power save on even if using it with very little power saving settings. Try to keep brightness at a reasonable level and not too high (This reduces AMOLED degradation too).
Remember: THE BATTERY IS NOT EASILY REPLACEABLE IN THE NOTE 7 !!!!!!!! Therefore the more you baby it, the longer it will hold it's charge and the lower the chance of the battery going bad.
My old Notes (Note 2 and Note 4) both still have VERY good original batteries because they were well taken of.
Good luck !
But I like fast charging and wireless charging lol
Ironic that when your phone is new, this is when the battery gets hot and used a lot. Perhaps with the water resistant phones we should update the firmware and restore the backup under water to keep the phone cool!
I will be sure to disregard just about everything in here. Guy is spreading false panic.
Actually "store mode" example: found in 7420 kernel source is 60-70% capacity. There are a lot of checks within source including battery swell etc. Don't fret about things, use your device. It's not as delicate as you may think. Who cares about the efficiency of wireless charging. Great if you've got it
90% won't keep beyond 2 years, just enjoy the thing !!
UN-recognized Developer of my SkyHigh Kernel v5.8.x powered SM-N920C
UpInTheAir said:
Actually "store mode" example: found in 7420 kernel source is 60-70% capacity. There are a lot of checks within source including battery swell etc. Don't fret about things, use your device. It's not as delicate as you may think. Who cares about the efficiency of wireless charging. Great if you've got it
90% won't keep beyond 2 years, just enjoy the thing !!
UN-recognized Developer of my SkyHigh Kernel v5.8.x powered SM-N920C
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My device arrived at 59% charge, ties in with what you say about storage.

[GUIDE]How to avoid battery degradation. Keep it as new for years.

I have been reading these days that some of you are starting to replace the battery of the Axon 7 after 1.5-2 years. This is something we all have experienced with phones, laptops, wireless devices, etc. About 2 years ago I researched on batteries and finally discovered how to avoid the degradation in Lithium-Ion batteries. I have applied it to my Dell XPS 13 Laptop and my Axon 7 with excellent results. Due to the recent proliferation of battery replacement I think this guide can be useful to extend the useful life of your battery.
Battery wear is something that can be reduced to almost nothing with proper charging habits. But there are some urban legends out there completely false. Lets review all them:
Do NEVER charge it over 90%: TRUE. The battery wears a lot when charging the last 10%. actually charging up to 90% takes about 10% of a degradation cycle while the last 10% takes 90% of the degradation cycle. Charging to 90%, only this trick, can reduce the wear of your battery to 1/10 or even more if you stop at 80%. I use to stop at 84%.
Do NEVER drain your battery completely: TRUE. The high current required to pull the energy stored in the battery when the level is so low requires more time per energy unit and that initial 10% wears the battery excessively. So taking care of that will save your battery too. I use to set low battery mode at 15% but I always avoid being so low. Please note that leaving the battery drained for too long can make it impossible to charge. IMPORTANT: If you are not going to use a device for some time, leave battery between 40-70%, not more, not less. If you do not do that, you can have an ugly surprise in case you need it again.
Quick Charge is bad for batteries: FALSE. It is actually the opposite. QC is a lot healthier since the battery is not heated for a long time. Heat is a problem too for the battery. So, try to avoid old charging units as possible and use only QC 3.0 chargers for car and home as much as possible.
Short charging sessions damage the battery: FALSE. A number of small charging sessions in the healthy region between 20-80% battery level is healthier than a long session for several reasons, the most important is that the battery temperature never rises that much.
I have been doing this in my devices and my Axon 7 retains the same energy storage as new after 18 months of healthy charging habits. These advises are also applicable to laptops and any other device using a Li-ion battery. As you can see, leaving your phone plugged at night will kill your battery very quickly the same way a laptop battery wears quickly when left plugged. I am lucky my Dell XPS 13 has a battery control software/firmware that allows charging to stop at a desired value automatically so I can have it plugged without actually charging. I was looking for a similar solution for the Axon 7 and I found it some time ago.
It was very annoying being on top of the device taking care of the battery level when charging. There are some apps out there that monitors the battery level while charging and signal an alarm when the desired maximum charge level is reached. But we are lucky!!!! The latest Custom Oreo Kernels for the Axon 7 support the charging_enable switch and we can use now Battery Charge Limit App to modify the max battery value. Two main values can be set, the max allowed charge and the recharge level. The first one is the most interesting since the charging will stop at that level. I have 84% set here but any value between 80%-90% is safe and healthy for your battery. The second value tells the system to avoid starting a charging session if the value is still above the second threshold. It is designed to avoid rapid charge/discharge sessions. Usually a value between 4-8% under the max value is safe and healthy. I have this second value set to 79%.
With this daemon your battery will never reach 100% and with it you will avoid excessive battery degradation. It worked for me so I hope you could benefit of it too. On the other side, just avoid drain your battery too much and do not fear short charging sessions during your car commuting time or while in the shower, etc... These little tricks sum and you will save the money and damages in your unit replacing a battery you probably could have avoided with proper battery care.
Some are not false urban legends at all. On the contrary I see lots of false claims with no source evidence.
Limiting by percentage still allows the battery voltage to reach higher shorter lifespan voltage. See that limit apps thread for discussion on limiting by voltage through Tasker instead. Further do you know what voltage that percentage idles at? It varies by device implementation setup.
Here's some information on voltage level health.
"Additionally, when the cathode voltage rises past 4.2 V, the electrolyte begins to oxidize (and ultimately decompose). This effectively limits present-day lithium-ion batteries to a maximum voltage of 4.35 V with the understanding that the “bad stuff” begins to occur past 4.0 V, and becomes unsafe past 4.35 V."
Got a reliable source for quick charge not harming battery life? I've only seen marketing material and such claims repeated but not any research or scientific sources.
Sent from my ZTE Axon 7 using XDA Labs
Infy_AsiX said:
Some are not false urban legends at all. On the contrary I see lots of false claims with no source evidence.
Limiting by percentage still allows the battery voltage to reach higher shorter lifespan voltage. See that limit apps thread for discussion on limiting by voltage through Tasker instead. Further do you know what voltage that percentage idles at? It varies by device implementation setup.
Here's some information on voltage level health.
"Additionally, when the cathode voltage rises past 4.2 V, the electrolyte begins to oxidize (and ultimately decompose). This effectively limits present-day lithium-ion batteries to a maximum voltage of 4.35 V with the understanding that the “bad stuff” begins to occur past 4.0 V, and becomes unsafe past 4.35 V."
Got a reliable source for quick charge not harming battery life? I've only seen marketing material and such claims repeated but not any research or scientific sources.
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Thanks for the info. However it is not easy to control the voltage of the cathode and the OP guide tries to use the available tools.
If you never fully charge how would you know if it's capacity is still near maximum?
I've kind of followed this idea for a while now ..
I always charge to a full 100% but never let the battery go completely flat ...
My Moto G is still running the same battery from new ...
My Axon 7 running Oreo is getting 4 days before it needs to be charged at normal usage..(recharge @ 15%) at the end of day 4
I get 6 days in standby
Oki said:
Quick Charge is bad for batteries: FALSE
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I switched to old weaker chargers (0.5 - 1.0 amp) as there's almost no noticeable heat at all while charging, and I've found this extends the battery life as well. If any/all heat is bad, then aren't short bursts of high heat (3.0 amp QC) worse than long periods of little/no heat (0.5 - 1.0 amp) ?
Most all of those "tips" are hogwash.
Modern day charging is handled by the phone. If there's something that hacked that algorithm in my phone, then so be it. :fingers-crossed:
Few years ago I did some research on Lithium-Ion batteries (which behave differently from other kind of batteries, such as lead acid ones for example) and I second all the conclusions by OP. If you are interested on the matter and to understand how batteries work, check this site: https://batteryuniversity.com/learn/ the explanations are crystal clear.
Disclaimer: I have no whatsoever association with the website.

Battery Charging Issue?

Got this device around a week ago and I'm finally daily driving it. I've noticed a big issue though... I can't charge the device past 80% when its turned on. It stops itself from charging it seems like. I have to turn off the phone completely, and plug it in when powered off to get it to 100%.
Is there a setting I have checked or something? maybe a Kernel Tweak I don't know about that could be causing this that I could change/reverse/modify?
KaptinBoxxi said:
Got this device around a week ago and I'm finally daily driving it. I've noticed a big issue though... I can't charge the device past 80% when its turned on. It stops itself from charging it seems like. I have to turn off the phone completely, and plug it in when powered off to get it to 100%.
Is there a setting I have checked or something? maybe a Kernel Tweak I don't know about that could be causing this that I could change/reverse/modify?
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Turn off optimized charging.
ohhhhhhh. Epic. Thanks
It's not a good idea to charge with screen on especially in high temperatures or in direct sunlight. You can cause hardware damage like this... auto thermal shutdown may not engage fast enough to save the device.
In general charging while using skews the charging curve, increases charging time and battery stress. These phones have a fixed heat sinking capacity which cases and glass screen protectors further compromise.
Constant operation with battery levels near 100% will impact battery longevity noticably.
Keep watch for any signs of case bulging. It indicates battery swelling/failure. Replace it immediately if this happens. Other signs of a battery failure are a sharp drop in capacity, erratic fast charging or failure of fast charging to engage. A swollen battery can destroy the display.
The risk of a thermal runaway event increases exponentially with a failed or degraded Li.
Replace them when their capacity falls below 80% of new to avoid a failure.
blackhawk said:
It's not a good idea to charge with screen on especially in high temperatures or in direct sunlight. You can cause hardware damage like this... auto thermal shutdown may not engage fast enough to save the device.
In general charging while using skews the charging curve, increases charging time and battery stress. These phones have a fixed heat sinking capacity which cases and glass screen protectors further compromise.
Constant operation with battery levels near 100% will impact battery longevity noticably.
Keep watch for any signs of case bulging. It indicates battery swelling/failure. Replace it immediately if this happens. Other signs of a battery failure are a sharp drop in capacity, erratic fast charging or failure of fast charging to engage. A swollen battery can destroy the display.
The risk of a thermal runaway event increases exponentially with a failed or degraded Li.
Replace them when their capacity falls below 80% of new to avoid a failure.
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99.9% of the time I'm charging, the screen is off and I'm watching tv before bed. I'll unplug at 100% and go to bed. I also won't plug in until I'm under 15%.
I work in cell phone whole sale and repairs, so one thing I understand well is taking care of a device.
But, disabling that setting recommended above, it still stops charging at 75% entirely and never goes to 100 unless I turn it off entirely
KaptinBoxxi said:
99.9% of the time I'm charging, the screen is off and I'm watching tv before bed. I'll unplug at 100% and go to bed. I also won't plug in until I'm under 15%.
I work in cell phone whole sale and repairs, so one thing I understand well is taking care of a device.
But, disabling that setting recommended above, it still stops charging at 75% entirely and never goes to 100 unless I turn it off entirely
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If the screen is on it may not charge at all.
This is normal.
Cycling the battery like you do stresses it and will reduce its lifespan.
Li's like frequent mid range power cycling.
Not under 30% or over 80%
If it didn't use to behave like this the battery may have degraded. 1-2 years is a typical lifespan for a heavily used Li. Approximately 200 full charge cycles.
Replace when it degrades to less than 80% of its original capacity to avoid a failure.
This phone has only been out since January 2021, so its not a batter degrade issue. Plus, it was pulled brand new out of the box like this. You also didn't read what I said. I'm not using it while charging at all. Its sitting on a table next to me while I'm watching tv or gaming on my PC/Switch. I'll check it once in awhile to see battery percentage and it will stop at 75%, then discharge as if its not plugged in at all. I have to turn the phone OFF COMPLETELY to charge it to 100% once I get to 75%
I'm assuming software issue. when I had GSI roms on the phone, it worked fine.
KaptinBoxxi said:
This phone has only been out since January 2021, so its not a batter degrade issue. Plus, it was pulled brand new out of the box like this. You also didn't read what I said. I'm not using it while charging at all. Its sitting on a table next to me while I'm watching tv or gaming on my PC/Switch. I'll check it once in awhile to see battery percentage and it will stop at 75%, then discharge as if its not plugged in at all. I have to turn the phone OFF COMPLETELY to charge it to 100% once I get to 75%
I'm assuming software issue. when I had GSI roms on the phone, it worked fine.
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Li batteries can fail at any time.
Symptoms; diminished battery capacity, erratic fast charging. Any signs of phone swelling, usually the rear cover is a battery failure in progress. Replace immediately.
If the phone is drawing more current than the charger and/or the power controller can supply, it will drain the battery.
It may be a software, firmware or hardware issue...
Check all settings, disable all power management. Enable fast charging (toggle on/off 3 times then leave on).
Clear system cache and do a hard reboot.
Return associated updated apps to their factory loads.
If you did any major firmware (OS) updates do a factory reset.
A defective/improper charger or cable; try known good Samsung charger/cable.
Defective C port PCB.
A failed mobo.
Time to send it in for service or replacement.
blackhawk said:
Li batteries can fail at any time.
Symptoms; diminished battery capacity, erratic fast charging. Any signs of phone swelling, usually the rear cover is a battery failure in progress. Replace immediately.
If the phone is drawing more current than the charger and/or the power controller can supply, it will drain the battery.
It may be a software, firmware or hardware issue...
Check all settings, disable all power management. Enable fast charging (toggle on/off 3 times then leave on).
Clear system cache and do a hard reboot.
Return associated updated apps to their factory loads.
If you did any major firmware (OS) updates do a factory reset.
A defective/improper charger or cable; try known good Samsung charger/cable.
Defective C port PCB.
A failed mobo.
Time to send it in for service or replacement.
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It's a standard OnePlus feature at work.

