dev after sony release jb update - Sony Xperia P, U, Sola, Go

hi guys
i want to ask if we will have problem with dev cm10 for xperia p after sony release the jb update
if they release it then we have all the needs libs and sources am i right

Please dun spam with such unnecessary questions.. if u would have followed the forum properly u would hv knew the answer already..
After JB release u need its sources also to be released for a rom made from source and if sources not released the porting of rom fully will also be a hell of a job...
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda premium

soulhackereborn said:
Please dun spam with such unnecessary questions.. if u would have followed the forum properly u would hv knew the answer already..
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Such attitudes is the reason why people are discouraged to contribute to our community!

everm said:
Such attitudes is the reason why people are discouraged to contribute to our community!
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Such lame questions and irresponsible attitude of not searching the forum before posting sumthing like this is highly not accepted....
And this the reason many of such threads are not unanswered...
As far as people who want to contribute, they do it anyway unlike you ..
I have had my share of bullets have u???
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda premium

Hey soul he is just curious..
@op - it will take time..
Dun expect that the day sony releases jelly bean a week later u shall have a stable cm10
Its not like this
Just think... Ics is been out for almost 6 months and we still dun have a stable cm9...
So expect the same wid jb
Patience is difficult


Ics cm9 by maclaw ,news and q&a..

Great news for Ics cm9 by maclaw and team , the alpha 4 will run faster than gingerbread and cm7.
And bonus news maclaw by himself had fixed the headset problem.
Please use this thread for questions and answers.
Please dont ask for eta's and noob questions as its development topic.
All the creadit goes to maclaw and team..
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Screen shots for ics cm9 maclaw team..
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
There is already a thread >>
This will confuse people, search before creating new thread..
HITSY said:
There is already a thread >>
This will confuse people, search before creating new thread..
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I'm trying to help dnt need ur thread have my own view..
Anyway thanks..
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Dont start unnecessary threads!!!!
Argggghhhh..... Wy everyone starting thr own thread for ICS CM9... Our friend prateek_gemini has started a thread for CM9 long back cant u ppl post thr?? If u ppl start unnecessary posts it ll end up deleting by mods.. also creating confusions in NEWBIES... I think MODS need some action right here..
You know, there's a report button. People trying to help people don't need your condescension.
Prashanthme said:
Argggghhhh..... Wy everyone starting thr own thread for ICS CM9... Our friend prateek_gemini has started a thread for CM9 long back cant u ppl post thr?? If u ppl start unnecessary posts it ll end up deleting by mods.. also creating confusions in NEWBIES... I think MODS need some action right here..
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Who The Hell Is Creating Confusion I am Here To Help If U Have Any Problem Leave...
I Dont Need anyone's suggestions..
chevymeister said:
You know, there's a report button. People trying to help people don't need your condescension.
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Go Ahead and report no one's stopping you noob..
Calm down everyone, this thread is I guess a duplicate and just let it run its course and die or be locked. It was created with the priority to help. There alot of other better things to be flaming than this
scoffyburito said:
Calm down everyone, this thread is I guess a duplicate and just let it run its course and die or be locked. It was created with the priority to help. There alot of other better things to be flaming than this
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Well said dude... And ur true..
Prashanthme said:
Well said dude... And ur true..
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I used to always join in the flaming but now we have to learn to chill and remember that this is just a forum.
With age comes wisdom and many candles
scoffyburito said:
I used to always join in the flaming but now we have to learn to chill and remember that this is just a forum.
With age comes wisdom and many candles
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Loll.... True!!!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
scoffyburito said:
Calm down everyone, this thread is I guess a duplicate and just let it run its course and die or be locked. It was created with the priority to help. There alot of other better things to be flaming than this
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yeah dude you're right i offer my help..
i just tried the beta 1 version any questions related i am there to help ask me..

Jelly Bean source code released for AOSP

Good news ..Jelly beans source code has been released for AOSP .
Heres the thread link
Waiting for jellybean to be ported to NEO V
Hey, here's an idea: Why don't you read around on the topic of porting AOSP ROMs instead of spamming things about Jelly Bean that everyone has already seen. I'm pretty sure any of the devs already knew about this long before you. Even the link you gave says don't pressure the devs... it just doesn't make things faster or better. Do something productive. Sorry for the negative post but someone had to say it.
Sent from my Sony Xperia Neo using xda app-developers app
venoma333 said:
Hey, here's an idea: Why don't you read around on the topic of porting AOSP ROMs instead of spamming things about Jelly Bean that everyone has already seen. I'm pretty sure any of the devs already knew about this long before you. Even the link you gave says don't pressure the devs... it just doesn't make things faster or better. Do something productive. Sorry for the negative post but someone had to say it.
Sent from my Sony Xperia Neo using xda app-developers app
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Hey its fine ..didnt mind the negative comment : ) ..and yup u have a point ...thank you

Signed Petition For Sony 2011 Range Update To Jelly Bean

darklin01 said:
Here is the link to petition for Sony to make a Jelly Bean 4.1.1 ROM for our Xperia 2011 devices.
Sign for making this (hopefully) possible!
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Original thread:
Please sign this petition and share it to all Xperia forum and all social networking.
Thank you!
It's X-RAY!
I'm with you, but wrong section to post
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda app-developers app
Please stop posting this useless petition on every board.
Via Mobile
They need to face the truth your phones old now Sony don't care any more
New phone time
Xoom to you from my
Who need official jb here we have outstanding developers @ xda
Sent from my MT15i using xda premium
Singned by me! Hope they will hear us!
Thread does NOT belong in Development. Moved to General
Apparently it is thread moving day in the Neo forums. I haven't even finished my pot of coffee this morning guys!
Let's think a little more about where to post a new thread. Thanks
Srsly ppl still think this can help.....
dude if Sony would upgrade the 2011 Line up than who the F**K will buy new Phones....
Who the **** will buy their phone now anyway?
I wont, 3 phones, 3 times dumped away. Sony no more.
And they are way overpriced.
Sent from my LT26i
I think the Xperia T would definitely change your minds
Blows the XS away easily
Sent from my LT30p using xda premium
thank u

Jelly Bean libs from Sony. PLEASE sign request

Hey! I saw this on shufuking 4.2.2 thread and couln't find appropiate diffusion so here am I, please sign! Non working camera users unite!
FiliBrushedRed said:
Hey! I saw this on shufuking 4.2.2 thread and couln't find appropiate diffusion so here am I, please sign! Non working camera users unite!
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its no point ... this has been going on for ages they will never release it :crying:
Signed by the way. Hope Sony at least see this.
Used this text on comments from another user, fits perfect for what i want.
"Xperia 2011 series mobiles are awesome, they are doing lot better with XDA developers love;
Only thing stopping us to experience JB on OUR devices is 'CAM LIBS'
Sony Dev's plz do us a favour , we are not requesting for whole JB update,
we are just requesting the codes of JB cam, so we can cook our JB Roms and use your great cam quality on Custom JB roms;"
made my sister with one x also sign it
yea signed but saw so many petition without any positive results that I lost my hope
but yes it is great because actually we need only this cam libs.
Signed it before from different divices.
I think it is not the right place to post this here Btw
Sent from my ST15i using xda app-developers app
Signed it long time ago but will it make any difference?
Sent from my SK17i powered by Zelly cream v3.0 & Lupus v5
Why is the general forum having so many sign this or that petition threads? These kinds of thread are of no use. Why do you think a petition with some handful of people signing it will matter such a company? I know you guys are not doing it intentionally and just requesting the company you have bought phone from to listen to your requests and demands. I don't say it's wrong but cmon guyz so many threads are u see any positive result? No....instead these threads just hide the other more useful threads behind and are considered no less than spam. Mods please look to it.
Best Regards,

[discussion] why developers don't continue their projects

well we all know that XDA forums is a way to communicate with people all around the world and share opinions and problems.
few days ago, this question cross my mind, so i decide to disuss this question with you my friends.
first, thanks for the developers of our ACE for making plenty of amazing roms.
and with all the respect to them, i'd like to ask them(not all of them) ,that why dont you continue your roms to reach the stable level, and make new another rom instead, so roms become uncompleted,and the Forum become overflow.
so please give me your answers , to know your point of view
Sent from my lovely ACE using XDA app
السلام عليكم يا اخي
i will tell you why developers quit their Rom
because when it is on v1 two or three guys walk in and start bad comments and screwing it up for everyone and that kills the development inside the dev just because it was a Rom with a few bugs and not too much features they don't even let the developer make some updates first before judging
Blackwolf10 said:
السلام عليكم يا اخي
i will tell you why developers quit their Rom
because when it is on v1 two or three guys walk in and start bad comments and screwing it up for everyone and that kills the development inside the dev just because it was a Rom with a few bugs and not too much features they don't even let the developer make some updates first before judging
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That's just half true. These days were over when the thread for ace of spades ROM was closed. But didn't Trent Turvey return with geared android ? The truth is, some people sold their ace, some became busy with life & some discontinue their project because a new ROM with better stability & performance arrived ( For eg., Jellaxy team got off when Wayland_ace brought up cm10.1 ). In any case, some people leave & some new people come. We can just bid them farewell & hope that they return someday. Welcome to the ace forums !
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Blackwolf10 said:
السلام عليكم يا اخي
i will tell you why developers quit their Rom
because when it is on v1 two or three guys walk in and start bad comments and screwing it up for everyone and that kills the development inside the dev just because it was a Rom with a few bugs and not too much features they don't even let the developer make some updates first before judging
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وعليكم السلام اخي
but there is a lot of people who support the devs and give them feedback ,if some noobs post useless posts thats not enough reason to stop the project
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nizar.nasani said:
وعليكم السلام اخي
but there is a lot of people who support the devs and give them feedback ,if some noobs post useless posts thats not enough reason to stop the project
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
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yes but on early builds usually the noobs are more than those good people
beside another reason is galaxy S4
even in the galaxy S3 thread we lost a lot of developers to the S4 devs want better hardware to work with it seems
most also tAke time between updates
like few nonths
so they hav extra time to create some new stuff
and also most cant test new updates or the roms are already pretty stable/ nothing can be improved
Sent from my S500 using xda app-developers app
Everything has its peak and from there it's a downward slope... Ace is an old device, it launched 2.5yrs ago and very few people use te same device for such a long time so obviously the devs themselves have to move on.
Even my device is 2 yrs n 4 mnths old, am plannin to buy a new one soon, similarly v all will move out. Who would develop,mod,contribute, test and for whom!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
The Galaxy Ace wasn't that much of a flagship, yet it lasted so long. This device is lucky.
"你看到了没? 爱让我流胆怯的泪..."
"Have you seen it? Love has made me cry cowardly tears..."
Blackwolf10 said:
السلام عليكم يا اخي
i will tell you why developers quit their Rom
because when it is on v1 two or three guys walk in and start bad comments and screwing it up for everyone and that kills the development inside the dev just because it was a Rom with a few bugs and not too much features they don't even let the developer make some updates first before judging
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Well hv u seen those bad ROMs? The 'devs'' just simply add a new launcher/file explorer/a theme on the market and release their ROMs....that's the reason why ppl dislike them lol
Btw AOSP GB ROM must be the rom that has been discontinued mostly....fortunately now Spacecaker is back
從我使用 Tapatalk 2 的 GT-S5830 發送
ROMFlasherAce said:
Well hv u seen those bad ROMs? The 'devs'' just simply add a new launcher/file explorer/a theme on the market and release their ROMs....that's the reason why ppl dislike them lol
Btw AOSP GB ROM must be the rom that has been discontinued mostly....fortunately now Spacecaker is back
從我使用 Tapatalk 2 的 GT-S5830 發送
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that rom was discontineud that much because nobody got it to work xD
Sent from my S500 using xda app-developers app
ROMFlasherAce said:
Well hv u seen those bad ROMs? The 'devs'' just simply add a new launcher/file explorer/a theme on the market and release their ROMs....that's the reason why ppl dislike them lol
Btw AOSP GB ROM must be the rom that has been discontinued mostly....fortunately now Spacecaker is back
從我使用 Tapatalk 2 的 GT-S5830 發送
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hah well there are those other over excited people who piss the devs off by asking for ETA everyday plus i learned my lesson of not to buy anything less than a flagship it is the only way of getting awesome Roms
SpaceCaker said:
that rom was discontineud that much because nobody got it to work xD
Sent from my S500 using xda app-developers app
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I blame everyone involved in GB AOSP, including myself
"你看到了没? 爱让我流胆怯的泪..."
"Have you seen it? Love has made me cry cowardly tears..."
Venomous Viper 119 said:
That's just half true. These days were over when the thread for ace of spades ROM was closed. But didn't Trent Turvey return with geared android ? The truth is, some people sold their ace, some became busy with life & some discontinue their project because a new ROM with better stability & performance arrived ( For eg., Jellaxy team got off when Wayland_ace brought up cm10.1 ). In any case, some people leave & some new people come. We can just bid them farewell & hope that they return someday. Welcome to the ace forums !
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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Very well said.We have to move on,that's life.I would like to thanks all the Great Dev's like - Old Droid,Lagloose,Nims11,spacecaker,shaan,Wayland_ace and all the respected Dev's who have release sometime for our ace.You guys rocks.Thanks one again
Blackwolf10 said:
yes but on early builds usually the noobs are more than those good people
beside another reason is galaxy S4
even in the galaxy S3 thread we lost a lot of developers to the S4 devs want better hardware to work with it seems
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Blackwolf10 said:
السلام عليكم يا اخي
i will tell you why developers quit their Rom
because when it is on v1 two or three guys walk in and start bad comments and screwing it up for everyone and that kills the development inside the dev just because it was a Rom with a few bugs and not too much features they don't even let the developer make some updates first before judging
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I soo agree with your statement. I wanted to release so many jelly bean and cm9 roms for ace which would be built exclusively for testers but some noobs thought it was the same work as earlier roms.So I just wanna conclude by saying all cm9 or JB roms would look exactly the same. No matter what the developer contributes in the rom,except theming. So please cooperate with the developers. Its for your own good
altius_cooper said:
I soo agree with your statement. I wanted to release so many jelly bean and cm9 roms for ace which would be built exclusively for testers but some noobs thought it was the same work as earlier roms.So I just wanna conclude by saying all cm9 or JB roms would look exactly the same. No matter what the developer contributes in the rom,except theming. So please cooperate with the developers. Its for your own good
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Thanks man for your awesome ROMS for our ace.:fingers-crossed: Just go ahead and kindly release roms.Do worry about what noobs will say.They are immature peoples.They should be greatfull to you and others DEV'S like you, who have release such wonderfull roms for our ace.
GalaxyAce User said:
Thanks man for your awesome ROMS for our ace.:fingers-crossed:
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Umm great that is adding to my list of positive replies of my work. Expect an update for cm9 soon.
Just quoting an xda rule
Press Thanks button intsead of saying thanks
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altius_cooper said:
Umm great that is adding to my list of positive replies of my work. Expect an update for cm9 soon.
Just quoting an xda rule
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I have already press thanks button.I will once again press once the 8 thanks per day limit expires.Thanks once again GOD BLESS:good:.
Don't worry about the immature people.:fingers-crossed:
altius_cooper said:
Umm great that is adding to my list of positive replies of my work. Expect an update for cm9 soon.
Just quoting an xda rule
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i thought you just told me that your gonna release miui jb??
what happened?
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nizar.nasani said:
i thought you just told me that your gonna release miui jb??
what happened?
Sent from my legend ACE using tabatalk
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I told miui jb would release after cm10 rc2. Rc2 is out there and now I would continue to work on my stable cm10 on miuijb
altius_cooper said:
I told miui jb would release after cm10 rc2. Rc2 is out there and now I would continue to work on my stable cm10 on miuijb
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