Jelly Bean libs from Sony. PLEASE sign request - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, A

Hey! I saw this on shufuking 4.2.2 thread and couln't find appropiate diffusion so here am I, please sign! Non working camera users unite!

FiliBrushedRed said:
Hey! I saw this on shufuking 4.2.2 thread and couln't find appropiate diffusion so here am I, please sign! Non working camera users unite!
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its no point ... this has been going on for ages they will never release it :crying:

Signed by the way. Hope Sony at least see this.

Used this text on comments from another user, fits perfect for what i want.
"Xperia 2011 series mobiles are awesome, they are doing lot better with XDA developers love;
Only thing stopping us to experience JB on OUR devices is 'CAM LIBS'
Sony Dev's plz do us a favour , we are not requesting for whole JB update,
we are just requesting the codes of JB cam, so we can cook our JB Roms and use your great cam quality on Custom JB roms;"


made my sister with one x also sign it

yea signed but saw so many petition without any positive results that I lost my hope
but yes it is great because actually we need only this cam libs.

Signed it before from different divices.
I think it is not the right place to post this here Btw
Sent from my ST15i using xda app-developers app

Signed it long time ago but will it make any difference?
Sent from my SK17i powered by Zelly cream v3.0 & Lupus v5

Why is the general forum having so many sign this or that petition threads? These kinds of thread are of no use. Why do you think a petition with some handful of people signing it will matter such a company? I know you guys are not doing it intentionally and just requesting the company you have bought phone from to listen to your requests and demands. I don't say it's wrong but cmon guyz so many threads are u see any positive result? No....instead these threads just hide the other more useful threads behind and are considered no less than spam. Mods please look to it.
Best Regards,


Good NEWS Update on Xperia™ X10

Hai Friends we are soon going to get a official upgrade from Sony.......
But we will lose some of the features like HD camcorder....
But its ok at least we get a upgrade to Gingerbread.........
for more see the source
6th thread on the same topic!
jags_the1 said:
6th thread on the same topic!
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this news is really getting boring...
It's nice that many people are spreading the news! On the other hand, there are many topics on this the subject. So please use the search-option before posting..
No we will still have HD its just Sony is removing there camera and switching to android stock camera
Sent from my X10a using XDA Premium App
1)Old news is so exciting
2)It is not dev. related , please Mod, move/delete this thread
OMG CM7 Stable hohohohohoho nice
wow...really a good news...SE decided to upgrade x10 to android 2.3.3 rather than 2.2, out of my expectation.
We already know, think about searching 1st, chances are you are not the one who invented the wheel.
Why posting here?.
Thread closed.

Do YOU think we'll get ICS 4.1 "Jelly Bean"?

Simple question:
Do you think we guys with our evo'S will ever get the 4.1-Android "the official way"?
idk what you guys have it with "official", our devs work hard to give us unofficial stuff and i think we should appreciate that more.
i'd love to see a JB unofficial (if even) for our htc evo 3d gsm.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Sprints already given up on the 3D, I'm going to say no.
Nope, we will never ever see an official JB Update.
Short answer....absolutely not
At this point we will be lucky to see ICS 4.0.
A 4.1 JB Official release is a pipe dream, not going to happen.
Lord, not another one of these "do you guys think we'll get," threads.
At this point we will be lucky to see ICS 4.0.
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I see ICS on my 3devo every day, thanks to the developers. ;-)
I don't think we'll see an official JB OTA, but I really hope we see an ICS OTA and source release. If we get the updated kernel source, XDA will produce a JB daily driver.
there have been over 15 threads in this one section on the same question in the last 3 days. hmmmm interesting.
ICS and JB seem to be similar to each other that ud hope it could just be upgraded without much work... but you forget that most of us are now running Sense 3.6 and that would have to be worked on as well. given that only this device a few others even have sense 3.6 the answer is clearly that ..
it will never occur.
im sure project butter and even 90 percent JB roms will be made... if anyones working on it, hope they speak up
Well hopefully everyone that's thinking of creating another thread like this will be able to comprehend the answer is "NO" (In Our Opinion), and be able to resist. Cuz seriously, these type threads just clutter things up for everyone, and help no-one.
No offense to OP.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
Simple answer
We have about 10 threads like these.
You can follow me on Twitter - @NotSo1nter3stin
I say we just ban all thread starters of this topic for the next month. If you all notice.. ever single one of these threads were started with someone with less than 25 posts. admins need to enforce the rule that no one can post until 25 posts. make them actually use the site first.
runcool said:
enforce the rule that no one can post until 25 posts.
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All jelly bean discussion goes here for now on
Thread locked
xda moderator/recognised contributer

Jelly Bean source code released for AOSP

Good news ..Jelly beans source code has been released for AOSP .
Heres the thread link
Waiting for jellybean to be ported to NEO V
Hey, here's an idea: Why don't you read around on the topic of porting AOSP ROMs instead of spamming things about Jelly Bean that everyone has already seen. I'm pretty sure any of the devs already knew about this long before you. Even the link you gave says don't pressure the devs... it just doesn't make things faster or better. Do something productive. Sorry for the negative post but someone had to say it.
Sent from my Sony Xperia Neo using xda app-developers app
venoma333 said:
Hey, here's an idea: Why don't you read around on the topic of porting AOSP ROMs instead of spamming things about Jelly Bean that everyone has already seen. I'm pretty sure any of the devs already knew about this long before you. Even the link you gave says don't pressure the devs... it just doesn't make things faster or better. Do something productive. Sorry for the negative post but someone had to say it.
Sent from my Sony Xperia Neo using xda app-developers app
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Hey its fine ..didnt mind the negative comment : ) ..and yup u have a point ...thank you

Why are devs leaving?

Firstly, this isn't a complain, just a way to try to understand what's happening.
I noticed some devs (from the few we already have) are leaving.
What is the problem? Personal? Phone power? It was only a temporary phone? Users aren't being polite or thankful? Xperia S seems that won't have much developers, this was a fact since the beginning.
Since the beginning, FXP and Xperia AOKP team are here, but a few other devs doesn't hurt. Doing mods, other ROMS (I confess I'm jealous of the number of roms and mods on the Arc forum. Heck, I want that Pureness Rom so bad).
Again, only trying to understand, I AM NOT COMPLAINING.
"I got my values. So you can keep yours, OK?"
A Serious Issue!
Maybe because some users are complaining too much for the hard work they get for free. I think that we should praise our devs more and also that we should donate more. Development of a rom takes days/weeks. Not everybody can afford to do that totally for free. Maybe xda could offer a humble-bundle-like buisiness model for professional devs. (pay what you want). With that we could attract skilled and motivated people. And paying at least 1$ for a rom wouldn't hurt anybody but reward the developers.
Please don't attack me for that. It's just a suggestion. I know how hard development is. At the moment I also have maybe a 100 interesting projects, but I can't afford to realize them cause I don't get paid for that. And everybody needs to live from something.
people here doing those for free, and of course they have life too.. it's sad to see some few people just rant about their mistakes...if there's bug in the kernel/ it, instead of ranting or venting anger :/
hope to see more development for our devices..
MAyB the user complain more & 4get to give credit to the DEV's who have put in hard effort to make it & sacrificed their useful time.
Maybe because they have gotten better phones than the Sony ones... But it is sad yes.. I would love a smooth and fast rom... But hope more devs will come... I have tried a little for my own and will maybe continue xsx kernel but I can't promise anything as I don't have much time because of my final masters degree assignment..
But we must hope for better days ..
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
DenmarkRootN00b said:
Maybe because they have gotten better phones than the Sony ones... But it is sad yes.. I would love a smooth and fast rom... But hope more devs will come... I have tried a little for my own and will maybe continue xsx kernel but I can't promise anything as I don't have much time because of my final masters degree assignment..
But we must hope for better days ..
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
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Which, somehow, it's strange. Xperia X10 Mini/Pro, X8 are low end 2010 devices. They still have some active devs there.
"I got my values. So you can keep yours, OK?"
Look at x8! They even have miniCM9 n 10! Haha! And many Roms and juice to taste! What I can say is that let's became dev to serve our community! It's about time to do it ourselves!
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium!
Don't forget to thank me if i help!
because our bootloader isn't editable.
and sony phones are hard to develop for
monivan said:
Look at x8! They even have miniCM9 n 10! Haha! And many Roms and juice to taste! What I can say is that let's became dev to serve our community! It's about time to do it ourselves!
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium!
Don't forget to thank me if i help!
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Yeah... That's the spirit
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
Who's leaving? I'm not leaving, I'm temporarily studying
I think the MooDeD (what's the right capitalization in that) dev left, but I don't think we've lost much here. Doom is having a lot of problems IRL, and so do I for now. Jerpelea and Kali- are working on 8960 devices, me, Nick and Keiran on U8500 and AOKP for everyone, krabappel and others work on modded stock ROMs and stuff. What else do we really need? I mean, it would be great to see more skilled people here, but we're getting by as we are right now. Give Sony a month or two, and we'll get stable JB with all the stuff working*
* - likely except HDMI, Sony uses a custom protocol that's a PITA to reverse engineer, so it's not a priority.
P.S. Also, Xperia Nexus. If it's real and not Exynos (which I doubt), I'm totally getting it.
K900 said:
Who's leaving? I'm not leaving, I'm temporarily studying
I think the MooDeD (what's the right capitalization in that) dev left, but I don't think we've lost much here. Doom is having a lot of problems IRL, and so do I for now. Jerpelea and Kali- are working on 8960 devices, me, Nick and Keiran on U8500 and AOKP for everyone, krabappel and others work on modded stock ROMs and stuff. What else do we really need? I mean, it would be great to see more skilled people here, but we're getting by as we are right now. Give Sony a month or two, and we'll get stable JB with all the stuff working*
* - likely except HDMI, Sony uses a custom protocol that's a PITA to reverse engineer, so it's not a priority.
P.S. Also, Xperia Nexus. If it's real and not Exynos (which I doubt), I'm totally getting it.
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Eracher and mericon just left.
I know. I really wish I had knowledge to at least a Sony based ROM (from Arc to XS). But I really don't know where to start. No dev knowledge.
Felimenta97 said:
Eracher and mericon just left.
I know. I really wish I had knowledge to at least a Sony based ROM (from Arc to XS). But I really don't know where to start. No dev knowledge.
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I can confirm that we don't always get credit for our work. It's really annoying when users post 10 times the same bug with every release, or keep spamming my inbox with the same request over and over again...
Anyway I won't leave soon, I just have a lot of work to do for school, but I'll maintain my Xperia S stuff
As soon as I have some more time I'll also go to making rom from sources maybe
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
krabappel2548 said:
I can confirm that we don't always get credit for our work. It's really annoying when users post 10 times the same bug with every release, or keep spamming my inbox with the same request over and over again...
Anyway I won't leave soon, I just have a lot of work to do for school, but I'll maintain my Xperia S stuff
As soon as I have some more time I'll also go to making rom from sources maybe
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
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Would be too much to ask that, if you have any time, to port the Pureness ROM from ThilinaC (if he allows, of course)?
krabappel2548 said:
As soon as I have some more time I'll also go to making rom from sources maybe
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Wanna work on aKernel then? I'd love to get someone to merge all the tweaky stuff
krabappel2548 said:
I can confirm that we don't always get credit for our work. It's really annoying when users post 10 times the same bug with every release, or keep spamming my inbox with the same request over and over again...
Anyway I won't leave soon, I just have a lot of work to do for school, but I'll maintain my Xperia S stuff
As soon as I have some more time I'll also go to making rom from sources maybe
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
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I can only say that I also find it embarrassing so see the hard work you guys put into what we (should) enjoy. I for one am extremely happy with your work and wouldn't think of "this button's too dark" or "your rom isn't sexy enough" or whatever.
I'm sure many users also appreciate your work, but only the spammers and naggers seems to get the attention.
Whatever, thanks again for the hard work that makes our toys so much better - for free!
krabappel2548 said:
I can confirm that we don't always get credit for our work. It's really annoying when users post 10 times the same bug with every release, or keep spamming my inbox with the same request over and over again...
Anyway I won't leave soon, I just have a lot of work to do for school, but I'll maintain my Xperia S stuff
As soon as I have some more time I'll also go to making rom from sources maybe
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
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I would love to get some help from you with the continuation of xsx kernel... If you want to help me a little?
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
DenmarkRootN00b said:
I would love to get some help from you with the continuation of xsx kernel... If you want to help me a little?
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
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Why continue the XSX kernel? I'll post some more info on aKernel later, it's going to be... interesting
TL;DR default kernel + universal ramdisk + tweaks and safe OC / UV
K900 said:
Why continue the XSX kernel? I'll post some more info on aKernel later, it's going to be... interesting
TL;DR default kernel + universal ramdisk + tweaks and safe OC / UV
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Because it is good.. But could be better
I will look forward to that
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
This sounds good. I'm looking forward to the work you guy's are gonna bring

dev after sony release jb update

hi guys
i want to ask if we will have problem with dev cm10 for xperia p after sony release the jb update
if they release it then we have all the needs libs and sources am i right
Please dun spam with such unnecessary questions.. if u would have followed the forum properly u would hv knew the answer already..
After JB release u need its sources also to be released for a rom made from source and if sources not released the porting of rom fully will also be a hell of a job...
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda premium
soulhackereborn said:
Please dun spam with such unnecessary questions.. if u would have followed the forum properly u would hv knew the answer already..
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Such attitudes is the reason why people are discouraged to contribute to our community!
everm said:
Such attitudes is the reason why people are discouraged to contribute to our community!
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Such lame questions and irresponsible attitude of not searching the forum before posting sumthing like this is highly not accepted....
And this the reason many of such threads are not unanswered...
As far as people who want to contribute, they do it anyway unlike you ..
I have had my share of bullets have u???
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda premium
Hey soul he is just curious..
@op - it will take time..
Dun expect that the day sony releases jelly bean a week later u shall have a stable cm10
Its not like this
Just think... Ics is been out for almost 6 months and we still dun have a stable cm9...
So expect the same wid jb
Patience is difficult

