Elegancia Music Player - HTC One X+

I rooted yesterday and flashed Elagancia for my HTC One X Plus. I have noticed that the there are little glitches when the music player is playing, sort of like an occassional hesitation or dropped byte. It's not so bad that it is a big bother. The only reason I put music on the phone was to test the player. Still, has anyone had a similar problem?
Also, during installation, the instruction warned that if you don't have S-Off, you need to flash the kernal. Heck if I know if S was off. I just finished the newbie tutorial at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2213910, which is, by the way, the best I have ever seen. I didn't know how to backup, so I proceeded with the installation. The phone is running okay except that CoPilot won't start, and I have that glitch. I just mentioned S-Off just in case it could have something to do with the music player.

Ndmand said:
I rooted yesterday and flashed Elagancia for my HTC One X Plus. I have noticed that the there are little glitches when the music player is playing, sort of like an occassional hesitation or dropped byte. It's not so bad that it is a big bother. The only reason I put music on the phone was to test the player. Still, has anyone had a similar problem?
Also, during installation, the instruction warned that if you don't have S-Off, you need to flash the kernal. Heck if I know if S was off. I just finished the newbie tutorial at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2213910, which is, by the way, the best I have ever seen. I didn't know how to backup, so I proceeded with the installation. The phone is running okay except that CoPilot won't start, and I have that glitch. I just mentioned S-Off just in case it could have something to do with the music player.
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That issue has nothing to do with Elegancia, that's just the way the stock HTC Music player works. You might try Viper XL+ which lets you tweak the minfree settings to open up more ram for multitasking, as the phone gives a lot of it to sense. Viper also lets you adjust the minimum CPU frequency and the minimum frequency for when the screen is off, with the screen of the phone clocks to 51 mhz by default, and will dry to drop down that low without other activity. You could also root and try Set CPU or System Tuner to do the same thing without having to flash another ROM.
S-Off also has nothing to do with this, you correctly understand that S-Off just means you have to flash a kernel via USB when changing ROMs.

kylealanr said:
That issue has nothing to do with Elegancia, that's just the way the stock HTC Music player works. You might try Viper XL+ which lets you tweak the minfree settings to open up more ram for multitasking, as the phone gives a lot of it to sense. Viper also lets you adjust the minimum CPU frequency and the minimum frequency for when the screen is off, with the screen of the phone clocks to 51 mhz by default, and will dry to drop down that low without other activity. You could also root and try Set CPU or System Tuner to do the same thing without having to flash another ROM.
S-Off also has nothing to do with this, you correctly understand that S-Off just means you have to flash a kernel via USB when changing ROMs.
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I believe what causes this audio stutter is indeed a low clock rate when the app does not have focus, especially when the screen is off. This happens in Elegancia, stock HTC Music, Winamp, Play Music, and more.
The only solution I've found is setting the processor to Performance (so that it never drops below the maximum clock), but that's a battery hog.
Also, the problem seems to have disappeared after installing ParanoidAndroid - perhaps that's because Sense isn't there to hog the processor.

Hero_Lief said:
I believe what causes this audio stutter is indeed a low clock rate when the app does not have focus, especially when the screen is off. This happens in Elegancia, stock HTC Music, Winamp, Play Music, and more.
The only solution I've found is setting the processor to Performance (so that it never drops below the maximum clock), but that's a battery hog.
Also, the problem seems to have disappeared after installing ParanoidAndroid - perhaps that's because Sense isn't there to hog the processor.
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The only solution may be upping the minimum clock speed. I also want to say that using PowerAmp has fixed this for me, but I'm not sure why. PowerAmp also has the ability to use a wakelock to keep the CPU up and also to keep service from being unloaded when in idle. The latter might help specifically with the stock multitasking values on this generation of HTC Phones which don't allot very much RAM/CPU time to non-HTC processes. I haven't had to try these, but they might help depending on what specific usecase is causing your issues.
I believe it would also be possible to set a Tasker profile to up the minimum CPU values when audio is playing, but that's a little over my head. That would certainly give the best balance of battery life and performance though, as the CPU really shouldn't dip as low as it does when audio is playing. I have my suspicions that HTC tried to drop the clock speed as low as possible at all time because in my experience the Tegra 3 chipset runs hot under even moderate stress, and uses much more battery than other chipsets for simple tasks. The chip doesn't seem to me to use more battery than others under high stress though, so upping the clock only when intense activity (like multitasking with audio playing in the background) would seem like the best course of action. I might try to use my HOX+ for a few days with a higher minimum CPU speed to test my theory.
---------- Post added at 09:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------
For what it's worth, my Nexus 7 gets MUCH better battery life on CM 10.1 with Franco Kernel than it does on stock, there might be some optimizations or tweaks enabled that help, I'll look into it.
For those who don't know, the Nexus 7 has a slightly different Tegra 3 chipset clocked at 1.3 GHz as compared to the 1.7 GHz SOC in the HOX+. There are also some low level cost saving differences in the Nexus 7's CPU though as I understand, and those compromises make it less powerful, which in turn, could have heat/power drain implications.
Also this discussion might be moot in a month or so if the HOX+ is updated to 4.2 which could very well bring more optimizations from HTC and of course from a newer version of JB.
Does anyone know if the new HTC One suffers from any of these audio playback issues?


To those that are overclocking

You should share what speed and voltages you are running at, I figured it would be helpful to give other people ideas of where to begin trying their voltages at for undervolting purposes. So, what's your lowest voltages at the highest clock speeds?
I'm using SetCPU's standard voltages. 1.8/.38 normal, .87/.38 screen off and over 130F, 1.2/.38 battery less than 50%, 1.8/1.2 plugged in. Getting 4-5 more hours per charge!
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Here's the values I've currently got in my Permatemp Root .bat file (thanks Eugene!): scpll_l_val=24 vdd_uv=1060000
That gives me 1.296 ghz at 1.06 volts. I know 1.3 ghz isn't much of an overclock, but this phone is already so fast (especially compared to my old Hero, lol) that I'm not really craving any more speed ... what I'm most interested in is undervolting for max battery life. From what I've read the stock voltage at 1.2 ghz is 1.18 volts, so I'm a little under that right now. I tried 1.00 and 1.03 volts and got reboots every time, but 1.06 volts runs rock-solid reliable for me at 1.3 ghz.
is that really even noticable? the LCD draw most of the power typically
oldjackbob said:
Here's the values I've currently got in my Permatemp Root .bat file (thanks Eugene!): scpll_l_val=24 vdd_uv=1060000
That gives me 1.296 ghz at 1.06 volts. I know 1.3 ghz isn't much of an overclock, but this phone is already so fast (especially compared to my old Hero, lol) that I'm not really craving any more speed ... what I'm most interested in is undervolting for max battery life. From what I've read the stock voltage at 1.2 ghz is 1.18 volts, so I'm a little under that right now. I tried 1.00 and 1.03 volts and got reboots every time, but 1.06 volts runs rock-solid reliable for me at 1.3 ghz.
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Someone in the OC topic was asking about UV at stock speeds. You're close enough to stock that you should qualify. You should go post your results in that thread too. They'd be happy to see them.
I'm running @ 1.78GHz with a vdd of 1300000. I'm going to try and go lower... maybe 12800000.
I have it overclock to 1728mhz but dint know where to adjust the voltage. Does setcpu does this or i need a different program to read voltage/change voltage?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
eduardmc said:
I have it overclock to 1728mhz but dint know where to adjust the voltage. Does setcpu does this or i need a different program to read voltage/change voltage?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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You adjust the voltage when you type the ADB command to OC. If you're using a script that does it for you, you will need to edit that script and look for the vdd_uv= line.
bitslizer said:
is that really even noticable? the LCD draw most of the power typically
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What do you mean by "is that really even noticable"? It's certainly calculatable ... it's an 11.3 percent improvement in battery usage by the CPU. If you're saying that's not very much, well, it's all relative. If you're saying you're not interested in saving a little battery when it won't cost you anything to do so, that's fine with me. If you're saying that no power-saving effort is worth any consideration because the LCD is the biggest power draw of all and that's the only one that matters, then why did Qualcomm bother to develop asynchronous cores and low-power audio modules and low-power GPS modules? I mean, hey, the screen is all that matters, right?
Or did I misread your statement?
Edit: Sorry for coming across as so argumentative, I just don't understand why you're taking the position you are.
oldjackbob said:
What do you mean by "is that really even noticable"? It's certainly calculatable ... it's an 11.3 percent improvement in battery usage by the CPU. If you're saying that's not very much, well, it's all relative. If you're saying you're not interested in saving a little battery when it won't cost you anything to do so, that's fine with me. If you're saying that no power-saving effort is worth any consideration because the LCD is the biggest power draw of all and that's the only one that matters, then why did Qualcomm bother to develop asynchronous cores and low-power audio modules and low-power GPS modules? I mean, hey, the screen is all that matters, right?
Or did I misread your statement?
Edit: Sorry for coming across as so argumentative, I just don't understand why you're taking the position you are.
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+1! Would have thanked you, except I'm at my limit.
I'm at 35 @1450000. I know I can go lower, but if I overclock, I want stability not battery life
On another note: I can't wait until we have source, custom kernels, and I finish up the viperMOD app to get support for the E3D. Will be one awesome beast undervolted!
I'm at 1.56ghz and 120000 voltage.
Runs stable, get a nice speed boost without killing my battery. Am going to try a lower voltage. I've read the could will default to stock speed if you go too low though. Guess I'll find out.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
felacio said:
I'm at 1.56ghz and 120000 voltage.
Runs stable, get a nice speed boost without killing my battery. Am going to try a lower voltage. I've read the could will default to stock speed if you go too low though. Guess I'll find out.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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No, if your voltage is too low, your phone will freeze or instanly reboot on you.
-viperboy- said:
No, if your voltage is too low, your phone will freeze or instanly reboot on you.
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Well. I can handle that. Lol. Guess I'm going lower! Wish me luck!
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
I am currently testing scpll_l_val=22 vdd_uv=1010000 for undervolting purposes, 1000000 caused a reboot, 1010000 has been holding up well under stress tests..
If one of you guys who are overclocking could test this video clip and either diceplayer or the diceplayer free trial in the market - I would appreciate it:
Supposedly - the Samsung Galaxy S2 can play 1080P + AC3 MKV's smoothly. But the Evo3D and Sensation lag a bit according to the developer. I tested this file with my evo3D and it looked like my Evo3D stuttered every 3 seconds or so. I'm just wondering if an overclock would smooth out playback - but I haven't installed temproot.
For those of you overclocking just for battery savings, I am currently testing
adb shell insmod /data/local/tmp/8x60_oc.ko scpll_l_val=22 vdd_uv=1003100 and have been stable so far, this is the absolute lowest I can push it at 1.2Ghz on my phone, can anyone else match this or go lower? I think it will be helpful to start establishing these values now so kernel makers will have some ideas of how far they can push our phones.
P0ll0L0c0 said:
If one of you guys who are overclocking could test this video clip and either diceplayer or the diceplayer free trial in the market - I would appreciate it:
Supposedly - the Samsung Galaxy S2 can play 1080P + AC3 MKV's smoothly. But the Evo3D and Sensation lag a bit according to the developer. I tested this file with my evo3D and it looked like my Evo3D stuttered every 3 seconds or so. I'm just wondering if an overclock would smooth out playback - but I haven't installed temproot.
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Speed = 1.5GHz.
The default gallery player plays it perfectly, but there's no sound.
RockPlayer plays it very choppily, but has sound.
Dice player plays somewhat smoothly and has sound, but there are lag moments every 3-6 seconds as you said.
It's a software issue.
PaulB007 said:
For those of you overclocking just for battery savings, I am currently testing
adb shell insmod /data/local/tmp/8x60_oc.ko scpll_l_val=22 vdd_uv=1003100 and have been stable so far, this is the absolute lowest I can push it at 1.2Ghz on my phone, can anyone else match this or go lower? I think it will be helpful to start establishing these values now so kernel makers will have some ideas of how far they can push our phones.
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Right noe I'm sitting at 29 (1.56ghz) with a UV of 1170000. Tried 1150000 but phone immediately restarted. And 1160000 restarted after a while. This seems stable so far. Haven't totally stressed it yet though.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
nabbed said:
Speed = 1.5GHz.
The default gallery player plays it perfectly, but there's no sound.
RockPlayer plays it very choppily, but has sound.
Dice player plays somewhat smoothly and has sound, but there are lag moments every 3-6 seconds as you said.
It's a software issue.
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Thanks for the check! I was wondering if there would still be lag with an overclock - that's disappointing. Supposedly the SGS2 handles files like it with no problem.
OC Script
Here is a batch file I created to make it easier to OC. Basically just the Rooting script with a menu to select the speed with delays built in.
Rename from oc.txt to oc.bat if you wish to run the file.
You will most likely need to change the voltages to match your phone. My phone has been very OC friendly.
Currently running 1188mhz @ .97 Volts with no issues. I have been able to OC up to 1890mhz @ 1.32 volts.
Have not tried to go lower on the voltage at 1188mhz yet...

viperROM Questions

I recently installed viperROM v2.1.1 Redline with Tiamat v1.1 Sense on my HTC EVO3D. So far I love it! It runs super smooth and I love many of the included features. I have set maximum overclock through vipercontrol to 1.56GHz. I have just a few questions:
1.) I have occasionally had my alarm not go off. One time I caught it come on the screen, but no sound even. Sometimes the screen didn't wake up at all. This hasn't happened in about a week, so hopefully it fixed itself. I've done a few cache and dalvik cache wipes. Has anyone else experienced this issue, or may know what caused it?
2.) I have occasionally had a black screen on some incoming calls. This also has not happened in about a week so hopefully it fixed itself.
3.) How do I know how far I can overclock on this ROM and still maintain stability? This is my first experience with this on Android phones. I am very familiar with overclocking computers though and I know there are programs to test the stability of your overclock. There seems to be no such thing with phones.
4.) I know everyone says Quadrant scores don't mean squat, but why are they so low on this ROM? It certainly feels faster.
5.) What does everyone think of this ROM compared to other EVO 3D Sense ROMs? Are there any others I should look at? I'm only really interested in Sense based ROMs, I know they are heavy, but I really love the GUI and the phone seems to handle it quite nicely.
Thank you everyone for your time, and to all the developers thank you for all your hard work!!
I also forgot to ask, how is TWRP 2.0? Is it worth flashing? I'm still using the old clockworkmod recovery because that's what I've been used to.
Get TWRP 2.0. Its nice.
Do you have any screen off profiles? If so set it to 192-486mhz or 384-486mhz so the screen can wake with no problems. Also, flash an Anthrax kernel and see if you get black screen errors while waking up the phone. I dont know if the tiamat kernel is built into the Rom but it may be outdated if you picked it from the Dev Section.
The quadrant score may have to deal with the mods and tweaks in the Rom. They dont always reflect the truth.
You may be able to overclock to 1782mhz. Most of our phones can do this. Try a program like setcpu and see if you can raise it higher but "uncheck" the boot option. If you clock high and the phone automatically freezes, it means the clock speed is too high so try again with a lower speed until good.
My Blog: knowledgexswag.tumblr.com
Twitter: @knowledge561
knowledge561 said:
Get TWRP 2.0. Its nice.
Do you have any screen off profiles? If so set it to 192-486mhz or 384-486mhz so the screen can wake with no problems. Also, flash an Anthrax kernel and see if you get black screen errors while waking up the phone. I dont know if the tiamat kernel is built into the Rom but it may be outdated if you picked it from the Dev Section.
The quadrant score may have to deal with the mods and tweaks in the Rom. They dont always reflect the truth.
You may be able to overclock to 1782mhz. Most of our phones can do this. Try a program like setcpu and see if you can raise it higher but "uncheck" the boot option. If you clock high and the phone automatically freezes, it means the clock speed is too high so try again with a lower speed until good.
My Blog: knowledgexswag.tumblr.com
Twitter: @knowledge561
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I'll give TWRP 2.0 a try then.
I'm using vipercontrol to set the min and max freq. Right now it has it set at 192MHz for min freq. I actually tried the Anthrax kernel before and had constant screen wake issues even setting the min freq up to 486MHz. I then decided to use Tiamat kernel, which so far has been much more stable for me. I only had the screen wake issue a couple times on Tiamat. Anthrax would do it every 5 minutes no matter what I tried.
I might try 1782MHz tonight. Will having it overclocked too much cause the battery to drain significantly faster? Or since most the time the phone is sleeping and not running at full speed it won't matter much?
Thanks for all your help!
Decided to try 1782MHz now, seems to be working great!
Graphics on my N64oid games seem to be smoother now.
Overclocking will drain it a bit quicker. Ive decided not to set any custom clock speeds or profiles at all. I kept a stock kernel and did nothing to it.
My Blog: knowledgexswag.tumblr.com
Twitter: @knowledge561
knowledge561 said:
Get TWRP 2.0. Its nice.
Do you have any screen off profiles? If so set it to 192-486mhz or 384-486mhz so the screen can wake with no problems. Also, flash an Anthrax kernel and see if you get black screen errors while waking up the phone. I dont know if the tiamat kernel is built into the Rom but it may be outdated if you picked it from the Dev Section.
The quadrant score may have to deal with the mods and tweaks in the Rom. They dont always reflect the truth.
You may be able to overclock to 1782mhz. Most of our phones can do this. Try a program like setcpu and see if you can raise it higher but "uncheck" the boot option. If you clock high and the phone automatically freezes, it means the clock speed is too high so try again with a lower speed until good.
My Blog: knowledgexswag.tumblr.com
Twitter: @knowledge561
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First of all, not picking at you, just the first post I read and don’t have a lot of time here
The black screen errors are an issue within the kernel. Last time I used tiamat this was still a common bug in the kernel. You can fix it by downloading and installing and setting up a call recording app by the dev “voix” or something like that… don’t use the one on the market because it will do nothing for you. You need to download the one specific to 3D. it is found on the dev’s website.
Quadrant scores should be taken with a grain of salt. Depends on the ROM. I will state however that quadrant’s database read and write tests are accurate with real performance in that function of your ROM. I have personally tested this theory. Also, your database read/write tests contribute to a lot of the scoring in your overall performance summary with the free version. Just keep that in mind.
Don’t use set CPU, it is a good program, but designed for single core applications. Use system tuner pro, CPU master pro, or No Frills cpu. All of those are WAY more in depth and offer other adjustable variables that are critical for performance like setting the I/O scheduler.
Also, you need to manually adjust cpu1’s operating parameters, because when that CPU turns on and off constantly, it slows down your phone, causes lag, all this bull****. I cant figure out why it was programmed from the factory the way it was. It makes no sense whatsoever to have the two cores running two separate scaling governors. Set it to demand in root explorer by adding this line to init.d or init.post_boot.sh…
chmod 666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor
echo “ondemand” > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor
also, in init.d or init.post_boot.sh, adjust your ondemand parameters to match your settings in CPU master, system tuner pro, etc…
you will see a line like this (for “cpu0” and “cpu1”)…
echo “60000” > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate
change that value to 10000.
You will also see one similar for the up threshold… the end of it will read “…ondemand/up_threshold” with a value at the beginning probably of 95 or 90…
Change that value to 70
Basically, you should set both cores to ondemand, and tune that governor for performance by adjusting it’s operating parameters. Very responsive, good balance of performance and battery with a little more weight on the performance side of the scale.
---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------
EDIT*** also, the two lines i gave you to add, put them in before any lines with "system chown" in them.
honestly man, if you want i can just email you a copy of my init.post_boot.sh, and init.d files, and you can just delete yours and add mine. lol.
i have them saved on my sd card so every time i flash a rom i remove the dev's tuning parameters and add my own, lol
the kernel is reason your phone is having wake issues another reason viper suggests using a minimum 384 on sleep helps prevent the wake issues.
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D using xda premium
Bradfordv said:
the kernel is reason your phone is having wake issues another reason viper suggests using a minimum 384 on sleep helps prevent the wake issues.
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D using xda premium
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Is there something wrong with Tiamat kernel? I thought it was supposed to be one of the better kernel's for our phone?

Will rooting fix the lag? (Galaxy Player 5.0)

I have the US version of the Galaxy Player 5.0, and during the 6 months I've been using it, I've noticed the lag, but haven't been bothered by it enough to root or fix it. I have some free time now (waiting for my Steam games to download), so I might as well root. Also, can this thing handle using an equalizer? Whenever I try bass boost on my earbuds (since bass is almost non existent on them), I get skipping/pausing.
isoDUB said:
I have the US version of the Galaxy Player 5.0, and during the 6 months I've been using it, I've noticed the lag, but haven't been bothered by it enough to root or fix it. I have some free time now (waiting for my Steam games to download), so I might as well root. Also, can this thing handle using an equalizer? Whenever I try bass boost on my earbuds (since bass is almost non existent on them), I get skipping/pausing.
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It depends. Entropy's kernel is overclocked, so it will help with lag, and rooting allows you to tweak memory settings (look up V6 supercharger), but sometimes lag is just due to the apps you have running in the background. Also, which music player are you using? The only one I've had that issue with is n7, where enabling proxy buffering helps. Otherwise, the player can handle eq fine (although it does quadruple your idle CPU use, which affects battery life).
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
Limitations of the device
Overclocking can only do so much.The device is rather underpowered compared to other modern phones, that's probably why it's so much cheaper than most actual smartphones. (1/3 the price of an S3, last time I checked)
I've tried N7 and Cloudskipper. I'll try the proxy buffering thing. Thanks. How's the battery life on this rom?
overclocking would probbly help,try entropy's kernel..n flash different rom,try a few..u might like 1 better than another
Chip 1.4
I have been using Chip 1.4 with entropys kernel and overclocked to 1.2 GHz with Chainfire 3D and POWERVR plugin and NOLAG!!! Is the best combination i could find.

[Q] SetCPU Settings

What settings are best for optimal performance and battery life? I don't have any experience with this, and I don't want to screw anything up. I just got tired of my games always lagging, but I don't want a battery drainer. I dont believe I have a custom ROM. Thanks for any and all help.
NLangan said:
What settings are best for optimal performance and battery life? I don't have any experience with this, and I don't want to screw anything up. I just got tired of my games always lagging, but I don't want a battery drainer. I dont believe I have a custom ROM. Thanks for any and all help.
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SetCPU probably won't work very well unless you flash a custom KERNEL. You can mess around with it if you like and you'll probably won't mess things up. One thing I discovered before custom kernels came out is that you can enable the second core by enabling profiles in setcpu. YOu can see that in the menu option of setcpu for "cpu". That may help you in your games. If you set max at 1500 and min 192 initially, you'll see that next time you start setcpu, the max and min are both at 1500. I used another app like cpu monitor widget to see what was happening and low and behold the cpu was scaling 'properly', so I left the setting in setcpu at 1500 and 1500.
In the end...it doesn't work quite the way it was designed for and even with custom kernels we're seeing some issues with it, but mess with it, you may find that enabling the 2nd core will produce less laggy games. You'll have to judge the affect on battery.
topgun1953 said:
SetCPU probably won't work very well unless you flash a custom KERNEL. You can mess around with it if you like and you'll probably won't mess things up. One thing I discovered before custom kernels came out is that you can enable the second core by enabling profiles in setcpu. YOu can see that in the menu option of setcpu for "cpu". That may help you in your games. If you set max at 1500 and min 192 initially, you'll see that next time you start setcpu, the max and min are both at 1500. I used another app like cpu monitor widget to see what was happening and low and behold the cpu was scaling 'properly', so I left the setting in setcpu at 1500 and 1500.
In the end...it doesn't work quite the way it was designed for and even with custom kernels we're seeing some issues with it, but mess with it, you may find that enabling the 2nd core will produce less laggy games. You'll have to judge the affect on battery.
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I appreciate the help! [Thanked]

[Q] Galaxy S4 CPU Control (Or lack of)

Hello. I have been running CyanogenMod 10.1-10.2 since I got my device back in July, everything has been working great. Bugfixes have been lovely and all that good stuff; however one thing continues to annoy me. I cannot underclock my device properly. Let's say I go into the normal CyanogenMod Performance settings. Then I put my CPU to something like 1024MHz, then I see how the results went over with PerfMon from Chainfire, it will underclock only on Core 0, the rest of the cores still run up to the standard limit, 1890MHz. The only way I can somewhat successfully underclock is by setting my CPU to 594MHz or lower, at which point it will disable all cores except Core 0.
This has been annoying me for a while, I am running the standard CyanogenMod kernel, and recently I tried the Elite Kernel. The only thing the Elite Kernel did was remove the ability to disable the other 3 cores when below 594MHz. (And add the ability to go up to 2.2GHz, but who wants to overclock the Galaxy S4 yet?)
It may be worth mentioning if I try to tweak individual core settings with Tasker, on Core 0 it will let me set a CPU frequency, then if I go in and try to set something on Core 1, it won't have any of the default values for anything, and I enter them manually, then it will give me some errors about not finding the governor I said and stuff like that.
Anyone who knows any way to fix this (Custom kernels, different ROMs (Only for curiosity, I would stick to CyanogenMod anyway), etc) would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone who questions my motives for underclocking, question away. I don't like how my battery life is next to junk when I'm not even touching my phone all day, and the GS4 hardly needs the CPU it has, so I plan to use Tasker to set up a bunch of power saving mechanisms.
I suppose I do have one other question. Will underclocking even benefit me if I can't modify the voltage settings? Are they modified automatically when you're running at lower frequencies? (You would hope so, considering it's kinda a mobile device with a power source that isn't infinite). But if it won't help me without lowering my voltage (and if it isn't modified automatically) is there any good way to do that with a Tasker based setup, so it can be switched instantly whenever I do something? For example, launching a music player. All 4 cores shoot up to 1890MHz (I know they eventually settle down to lower frequencies, but for example's sake), I would rather have it so when I launched the app, Tasker would come in and set my CPU to ~800MHz with only a single core. Everything might slightly lag, but it would work and I would potentially get better battery life while listening to music.
Also, I never tested this on TouchWiz, as I didn't stay on it for more than 30 minutes after I got my device.
I am running the latest CyanogenMod nightly in case it matters (20131002, and it'll be 20131003 tomorrow unless it breaks something)
Thanks in advance to anyone who can possibly help with this. I'm sorry if the post is unorganized, but I hope it's understandable.
Forgive me for my ignorance since I'm on ME7 and unable to flash CM10.x yet, but couldn't you just try different governors instead? On my old phone I was using lulzactive and it gave me great battery life, and you could tweak all the values any way you want for more performance or battery life.
I also remember when I experimented with undervolting and much to my dismay it turns out it made my battery life WORSE because of all the error correcting it was doing.
I get at least a days worth of moderate/heavy use on mine and with how fast it charges I don't really care about battery life but I'm curious how much actual gain you'll get for your efforts

