Need help bricked razr - Motorola Droid RAZR

So I was installing some new firmware and while it was installing my little brother UNPLUGGED the USB cable. And then it booted into fast boot or what ever. the problem is it wont charge in that mode. so i had to cut the wires on the charger and connect them to my battery. I dont have the right screw driver for them screws on the battery so i had to do what i had to do. but using what ever i could to loosen them up. and I realized that one of the bolts that goes the phones mother board came off came loose. Is this phone pretty much ****3d? or can I use some super glue to fix it? I have pics but I cant post them because I'm new here.
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yur gonna have to copy then fix the links and then paste them

What should I do?
Hey guys, it would be great if you can help me out a bit.
Now I'm on unrooted JB on Verizon US Kernel, because I wanted to try out JB on my GSM Razr some months ago.
For some reason I needed to unbrick my device and flash JB firmware again, so now I can only boot via bptools, no recovery, no root...
I know that amazing people on xda created a way to root GSM Razr on Jelly Bean. But of course, in BP Tools Mode, thats not even possible. Is there a way to get my phone rooted and back to offical working Jelly Bean?
When I try to restore my CID img via command prompt, I'll get the error: command restricted...
Please try to help me!


[Q] Phone recognizes dock and jib, but won't charge

I got my GSII on launch day and here in the past couple days my phone won't charge. I can put it in the dock and it goes into carmode and if I have the jig it it will recognize it when i reboot into download mode.
Is there anything I can do to fix it?
AT&T wants me to take it to a corp store to make sure it isn't damaged before they will exchange it, but I am running AOKP right now and I can't get it connected to my computer to flash a GB rom. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
dekkon said:
I got my GSII on launch day and here in the past couple days my phone won't charge. I can put it in the dock and it goes into carmode and if I have the jig it it will recognize it when i reboot into download mode.
Is there anything I can do to fix it?
AT&T wants me to take it to a corp store to make sure it isn't damaged before they will exchange it, but I am running AOKP right now and I can't get it connected to my computer to flash a GB rom. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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If I were you and intending to take it back to the manufacturer, I'd make sure the flash counter is reset (There could be a yellow triangle when you power on your phone or not, don't send it back to them with aokp on it I warn you of this.)
If you are using a linux based enviroment you could use heimdall to flash a kernel that would give you CWM back, and also if your linux and adb is there, you could mount usb storage and attach some rom that'd be 2.3 related.
From there, while in recovery still, I would format /system /data /datadata /cache, reboot recovery (under advanced, not 3 button.) Then I'd install the 2.3 zip and modem and boot it up.
Now you are back on gingerbread, but to send it back you need complete stock.
You could heimdall flash the stock firmware and would be set.
If your using windows make sure the correct drivers are installed, download is vol up+down no power button, make sure odin is open before plugged in, then connect your phone and you should be set.
I don't know your desktop enviroment but I hope this helped.
Have a good day
Thank you for your help, but I guess I should have clarified something in my original post. I can't get any computer to recognize the phone. If it weren't for the fact that the dock and usb jib are recognized, I'd think the usb port was completely dead.
I thought it might be the rom/kernel I'm running (AOKP/Siyah) but even when it is turned off I can't get it to start charging. Luckily I have an external dock charger and an extra battery I can use to keep it powered up
dekkon said:
Thank you for your help, but I guess I should have clarified something in my original post. I can't get any computer to recognize the phone. If it weren't for the fact that the dock and usb jib are recognized, I'd think the usb port was completely dead.
I thought it might be the rom/kernel I'm running (AOKP/Siyah) but even when it is turned off I can't get it to start charging. Luckily I have an external dock charger and an extra battery I can use to keep it powered up
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I had this problem with a Captivate, never did figure out a solution (link below). I ended up getting an insurance claim denied (which was 100% my fault since I didn't know the rules and unwittingly told them I was attempting to claim outside the 30 day window) so I invoked the "I'm a 10 year customer and I've never asked for anything" clause and was granted a very early upgrade to get a GS2. It was very frustrating and disappointing. I'm nowhere near an expert but I searched for weeks and I couldn't find anyone else with the same problem. It actually looks like a few others have had something similar happen since I gave up and stopped checking my thread but no obvious solutions so far.
Anyway I hope you have better luck than I did but if nothing else, I hope it helps to know you're not completely alone with having had this problem.
Well, this is what I would do:
Flash your very first Nandroid (should be a stock OS with custom Kernel), then you just need to flash the Kernel back to stock, follow this post to flash a Kernel with Mobile Odin.
If you don't have a GB Nandroid, things are a little more complicated, but not terribly so. IF your flash counter has not been toggled, I'd try the following:
Download the stock image from this thread and again use Mobile Odin to flash back to GB. Download the image to Dropbox, and unzip it there, use the Dropbox app on your phone to move all the files to the root of your SD card (or would it be the internal card? Not sure, never done this before). This way you get the files on your phone and can return to stock with Mobile Odin.
If your flash counter has incremented, you'll need to try your jig when you get back to stock and see if it clears the counter. If not, it's a bit more complicated, you'll need to flash an older version of GB 2.3.4 AND the bootloaders (flashing bootloader ***WARNING***, if ANYTHING goes wrong with this process, you hard brick your phone, flashing bootloaders is NOT recommended) once you have the old bootloader flashed, you can use the jig, take the OTA update if you want or just return the phone. Don't forget to do a factory reset and remove your SD Card.
---------- Post added at 12:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM ----------
Another thing you might try that some have reported success with, use a q-tip with a bit of alcohol on your USB port, and try a new cable, you might just get lucky and get one more connection out of it, in which case you could use the standard return to stock methods outlined here
Paper clip to readjust your port if your comfortable doing that. Not a great option but it has saved my phone twice when alcohol wouldn't
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
nyamoV2 said:
Paper clip to readjust your port if your comfortable doing that. Not a great option but it has saved my phone twice when alcohol wouldn't
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
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Good thinking! I keep dental tools on hand for such occasions, but a paperclip! What good thinking!
+ 1 cookie!

[Q] advice on flashing rom 2.3.5 locked photon 4g

so i have spent hours trying to install a new rom from stock on 2.3.5.
I have bricked it loads and arrived at moto sunfire 2.3.5 using rsd.
i know that it is quite hard to flash a new rom install to the photon but i managed to complete install using an AOKP rom but after install a restart and then brick so back to the sunfire, I was wondering if someone can have a look at the install log and tell me what is going on and if there is a way of making it work? The bootloader is locked but installing using droid x2 recovery
spindoctaa said:
so i have spent hours trying to install a new rom from stock on 2.3.5.
I have bricked it loads and arrived at moto sunfire 2.3.5 using rsd.
i know that it is quite hard to flash a new rom install to the photon but i managed to complete install using an AOKP rom but after install a restart and then brick so back to the sunfire, I was wondering if someone can have a look at the install log and tell me what is going on and if there is a way of making it work? The bootloader is locked but installing using droid x2 recovery
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you cant install a custom ROM on a phone with 2.3.5
foxsdaddy67 said:
you cant install a custom ROM on a phone with 2.3.5
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yeah i can't get back to stock either. and have no gsm capabilities. i need some direction or help with where to go next.
i'm up to using the sunfire sbf and cannot flash a kernel etc. i have used droid x2 recovery which allowed an install using aroma installer. then it hard bricks and needs an rsd reset, then back to sunfire, but there is not a 2.3.5 official update from motorola or android that has worked either.
You can't install custom kernels or installers on locked 2.3.5. This is how to unbrick it back to sprint. Other than that you are pretty much out of luck.
ok i have tried that, now no charge on phone at all, it doesn't charge when plugging into the wall, when plugging it in to laptop with battery get just a green light, without get a white light, the noise to say device plugged in and then installing driver software for microboot. Any way forwards from this?
oh yeah, im in the UK so no warranty or anything.
spindoctaa said:
ok i have tried that, now no charge on phone at all, it doesn't charge when plugging into the wall, when plugging it in to laptop with battery get just a green light, without get a white light, the noise to say device plugged in and then installing driver software for microboot. Any way forwards from this?
oh yeah, im in the UK so no warranty or anything.
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Look up USB wall charger hack. I can't remember which thread it's in. But essentially you're going to need a 5v usb wall charger and any old usb cable that you dont care about cutting and splicing. There will be 4 cables inside your usb cable. But you only need the Black and Red I think. Then you will need to directly connect the appropriate wires directly to the battery terminals t the correct polarity. I had to do it awhile ago when I bricked my phone and let the battery die. It works, trust me. Just gotta leaving it charging for a few hours. NM found the thread for you.

[Q] Is my SGPT121 salvageable?

I have spent a week sifting this forum and was unsuccessful in answering my own question. Please guide me as I am a NOOB to Android. Or straight up tell me I gotta send this in to Sony.
I bought this Xperia Tablet 2 in May. LOVE it! Made no Root mods, totally stock. Updated to 4.1.1 - OK! Updated to 4.1.1 release2 - issues.
Within a week, the tablet would shut off in the middle of Paper Monster and web browsing. I would restart and everything was fine, for a while. Then it shut down and would not boot back up. Sticks on SONY.
Tried soft reset, no luck. Tried Recovery (very hard to get into, fails 80% of the time to enter) no luck, still sticks on SONY.
So I don't have access to put the USB Debugging feature on, and its not rooted so 6.5 All-in-One can't help me (at least not in my current NOOB status)
I did purchase a brand new SGPT122 to replace this one, but have not set it up in hopes maybe someone could tell me how to copy the OS or RECOVERY off of it and install it on my SGPT121 to revive it.
Whats my next step?
SirStorm said:
I have spent a week sifting this forum and was unsuccessful in answering my own question. Please guide me as I am a NOOB to Android. Or straight up tell me I gotta send this in to Sony.
I bought this Xperia Tablet 2 in May. LOVE it! Made no Root mods, totally stock. Updated to 4.1.1 - OK! Updated to 4.1.1 release2 - issues.
Within a week, the tablet would shut off in the middle of Paper Monster and web browsing. I would restart and everything was fine, for a while. Then it shut down and would not boot back up. Sticks on SONY.
Tried soft reset, no luck. Tried Recovery (very hard to get into, fails 80% of the time to enter) no luck, still sticks on SONY.
So I don't have access to put the USB Debugging feature on, and its not rooted so 6.5 All-in-One can't help me (at least not in my current NOOB status)
I did purchase a brand new SGPT122 to replace this one, but have not set it up in hopes maybe someone could tell me how to copy the OS or RECOVERY off of it and install it on my SGPT121 to revive it.
Whats my next step?
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Option 1 send to Sony tell them issues and ask for downgrade in firmware. They will probably say it is not possible.
Option 2 root and use AiO tool to install rescure back-door then you can install JB r1. You can then unroot and have it as stock.
stifilz said:
Option 1 send to Sony tell them issues and ask for downgrade in firmware. They will probably say it is not possible.
Option 2 root and use AiO tool to install rescure back-door then you can install JB r1. You can then unroot and have it as stock.
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OK I have been attempting this all evening. I cannot get my computer to recognize the tablet. That is because I cannot enable USB Debugging because I cannot get past the SONY screen, right? Or is there another way to root?
It appears I can only access the Recovery Screen, and it does not like the version of I have. I have not found Recovery ROMS for this tablet.
I really appreciate your time, Thank You.
SirStorm said:
OK I have been attempting this all evening. I cannot get my computer to recognize the tablet. That is because I cannot enable USB Debugging because I cannot get past the SONY screen, right? Or is there another way to root?
It appears I can only access the Recovery Screen, and it does not like the version of I have. I have not found Recovery ROMS for this tablet.
I really appreciate your time, Thank You.
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Adb should still be available in recovery wether usb debugging is on or not. Is it asking for a driver at all?
If you had the latest update installed then. You wont be able to install anything and it will need to go to sony.
SirStorm said:
It appears I can only access the Recovery Screen, and it does not like the version of I have. I have not found Recovery ROMS for this tablet.
I really appreciate your time, Thank You.
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Check your device manager to see if the tablet driver is properly installed, if not, install it. This might help.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for the help! I called Sony today, they said since the computer doesn't recognize the device and it will only go into recovery sometimes the pad needs service. (I know OF COURSE) But is does stand to reason since I have plugged into multiple PCs and no recognition. They are sending a box for me. I just hope my 32Gb version doesn't tank also.

[HELP] USB Connectivity Issues

Hey guys. I was going to post this on the Android Forums, but the L9 board there isn't getting hardly any traffic, so I suppose I'll just repaste here:
Hey guys, it's loopy time. xD
I've been through XDA, again, nobody seems to really have an answer for this, or even an answer for me. There's this guy over there named Kuma that made a stock 2nd-init locked bootloader ROM based off of 10e. I don't really desire to go back to it, but I like the fact that it comes with the xposed framework which you all know is an easy way to theme things that you should be able to theme, like making the status bar and notification area transparent.
I made a mistake in thinking that you can install Chainfire 3D on a locked BL, boy was I wrong. Two soft bricks later, I end up on 10d then do the OTA update to 10e. I've got the LG Mobile Support tool working as the offline flash. So I threw d on there and it worked....until I decided that I wanted to enable USB debugging.
There was a thread where I was advised to use Fastboot to flash the U and X boots, which I succeeded, but it wiped most of the partitions. At first I was panicking like...OMG, the family is going to worry because at this point I thought I was hard bricked, and my father is ill yada yada. So after about twenty minutes of crying and flipping out, I was able to get the USB for fastboot working with OMAP (which is tricky to install!) Three bottles of Pepsi Cola later, some chips, and a honey bun, I was able to get back to stock 10d.
Now, I've tried various drivers to try and get this thing to a go for ADB so I could root, install 2nd-init, and get Kuma's ROM back. I tried the updated drivers from the LG website. I have tried LG drivers 3.8.1.
The issue that I am having is that I am unable to access any of the connectivity modes while USB debugging is checked. If I uncheck it and try to plug it in, everything works perfectly. However, when USB Debugging is checked, no matter what connectivity mode I am on, I suffer with the LG Software coming up in autoplay and furthermore disconnecting after about ten seconds.
I tried in Ubuntu Linux to get it to work, and the same thing happens. This leads me to believe that either there is something wrong with the phone or something wrong with my computer, but other devices work. I'm really confused. Is there partitions for 10e MS769 MetroPCS that I can flash via fastboot to correct this? Is there another tool I can use to do this? I pretty much know fastboot is the key, but i'm going to need some assistance.
Hope you guys have an answer. I sure don't.
Please help me with this. I am familiar with fastboot maybe its a bad .bin file?
Assistance would be appreciated.
Had the same problem, usb debug and any sort of adb connection doesn't work. Kuma comes to the rescue like the super hero he is and helped me fix it. Here is the post . Oddly enough this problem got worse for me I had it for about 3 months and it resulted in constant crashes and constant resets. Thank Kuma's post if it works!
Thank you sir. The ADB executable installer now shows the device. Problem solved.
Sent from my LGMS769 using Tapatalk

unbrick img for samsung galaxy s3 s968c (straight talk)

I bought this phone a few days ago on a swap site on facebook and seemed to have hard bricked it within an hour. it was running android 4.1.2 and i wanted to try upgrading the firmware by flashing CM. first step was backing up to the h1 broadband. done. next rooting. done. good. last step was unlocking the bootloader. i saw a post that said since i was running 4.1 i would be ok to use ez unlock. Big mistake. i reset the phone and now nothing. the only light i can manage to get is a red power light when connected to a charger with no battery. I tried the SD card approach with the verizon unbrick image since the phones are similar but the file i had did not work. I have also tried the USB jig. it didnt work either. next Im planning to try the USB jig with the unbrick image but i was curious to see if the unbrick image for the straight talk version was floating around anywhere. After hours of searching, i have not came across it myself. Anybody know my options outside of jtag or replacing the logic board? and if you have the unbrick image please let me know! thanks.
I dont know if this is helpful or not but in my usb devices if i hit the power button on the phone it pops us with a Qualcomm driver. ive looked around and found that it shows up in other rom flashers like miflash but im not able to send any files to the device. Obviously its doing something if the computer recognizes it right?
nobody here able to help me with this??

