unbrick img for samsung galaxy s3 s968c (straight talk) - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I bought this phone a few days ago on a swap site on facebook and seemed to have hard bricked it within an hour. it was running android 4.1.2 and i wanted to try upgrading the firmware by flashing CM. first step was backing up to the h1 broadband. done. next rooting. done. good. last step was unlocking the bootloader. i saw a post that said since i was running 4.1 i would be ok to use ez unlock. Big mistake. i reset the phone and now nothing. the only light i can manage to get is a red power light when connected to a charger with no battery. I tried the SD card approach with the verizon unbrick image since the phones are similar but the file i had did not work. I have also tried the USB jig. it didnt work either. next Im planning to try the USB jig with the unbrick image but i was curious to see if the unbrick image for the straight talk version was floating around anywhere. After hours of searching, i have not came across it myself. Anybody know my options outside of jtag or replacing the logic board? and if you have the unbrick image please let me know! thanks.

I dont know if this is helpful or not but in my usb devices if i hit the power button on the phone it pops us with a Qualcomm driver. ive looked around and found that it shows up in other rom flashers like miflash but im not able to send any files to the device. Obviously its doing something if the computer recognizes it right?

nobody here able to help me with this??


[Q] Galaxy SII almost bricked please help.

I have a problem with Galaxy s2. Basically it started to drain my battery like hell.
It gets empty in about 10 hours.
Now when I want to flash the phone once again in order to get everything back as it was when I bought it I cannot. This is due to MTP connection activating itself as soon as I turn on the phone. And I cannot enable usb debugging due to that as it says that I have to remove the USB cable.
In addition my phone charges itself really fast about 2 hours. And when I try to power it on without charger plugged in it gives me charging image and yellow triangle with ! in it and thermometer aside flickering. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix my phone?
Have you tried using CWM to wipe all data + clear all cache, then do a fresh re-install?
Yes I tried it now. It still says my USB is connected when its not. And now it doesnt unlock my sim card.
Factory reset that dont work return phone to a service centre ..
Well thats the case I have voided warranty already. Wondering if there are any chances I could put old rom back before returning it?
Make a DIY USB JIG then flash it back to stock rom and have it checked.
EarlZ said:
Make a DIY USB JIG then flash it back to stock rom and have it checked.
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Not sure what do you mean by DIY USB JIG but I cannot flash it because I cannot switch USB debugging on... Thats the case it shows me that USB is always connected when it isnt and when USB is connected it doesnt let to switch on USB debugging.
Route is source stock rom and Odin load stock rom into Odin enter download mode on phone and then connect cable and flash rom .
No download mode
JJEgan said:
Route is source stock rom and Odin load stock rom into Odin enter download mode on phone and then connect cable and flash rom .
No download mode
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Thank you all who have replied. I have now managed to get over the USB issue somehow but still something is wrong either with battery sensor or battery. When I power off my phone it switches on automatically and shows the thermometer and battery charge icon. Anyone else have had this problem? It also charges up to 95% and it bursts to 100% very quickly.
EDIT: Now I tried my friends battery and I did not get the flickering temp error and my friend didnt get it with my battery as well. So something now I'm totally out of ideas.
Service centre .
I am having the same issues here, wonder if the topic creator resolved this in any way? I am thinking of getting a new battery?
Just FYI wear a condom or something on your galaxy S II. As it turns out from service my phone supposedly has liquid damage which does not the warranty apply. I have to pay 240 euros in order to get it fixed :S
Hey Guys.
I had an S1 7 months prior to buying the S2, and have upgraded/fresh installed ROMS many many times over the past year. Once the S1 bricked during an upgrade and I was able to get it into Download Mode without using a micro-USB jig from instructions on this website. If my memory serves me correctly, it was a procedure something fairly simple like hold the Home, Volume Up and Power buttons continuously until the phone goes into forced Download Mode.
However, this procedure doesn't work with the S2 or I'm remembering it incorrectly, and I'm unable to find that instruction webpage again. Now my S2 is almost bricked showing a message I've not seen before, "Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again."
So far, I cannot get past this message and Kies doesn't recognize the device nor that emergency recovery is needed.
Unfortunately Samsung programmers haven't been quite smart enough or forward thinking enough to make Kies work from behind a proxy which requires authentication (I live and work on a university campus and the only way to the internet is via proxy and authentication) and it has never shown in the past 9 months of usage that it needs to update itself nor finds any official ROM releases. Therefore I've been forced to use Odin and ROMs from here or samfirmware.com for my updates. Until now, there has never been any major problems that I couldn't get around.
Do any of you have instructions on how I can get my S2 into download mode so as to get Odin to recognize the device? It is not possible for me to make my own JIG here in Thailand as there is nowhere for me to go purchase electronic equipment and parts such as soldering irons and resistors. I am a computer engineer and could easily build such if it were possible to get needed parts.
Thanks hugely in advance for any help offered.
Just order a high from ebay
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
cmcole101 said:
Hey Guys.
I had an S1 7 months prior to buying the S2, and have upgraded/fresh installed ROMS many many times over the past year. Once the S1 bricked during an upgrade and I was able to get it into Download Mode without using a micro-USB jig from instructions on this website. If my memory serves me correctly, it was a procedure something fairly simple like hold the Home, Volume Up and Power buttons continuously until the phone goes into forced Download Mode.
However, this procedure doesn't work with the S2 or I'm remembering it incorrectly, and I'm unable to find that instruction webpage again. Now my S2 is almost bricked showing a message I've not seen before, "Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again."
So far, I cannot get past this message and Kies doesn't recognize the device nor that emergency recovery is needed.
Unfortunately Samsung programmers haven't been quite smart enough or forward thinking enough to make Kies work from behind a proxy which requires authentication (I live and work on a university campus and the only way to the internet is via proxy and authentication) and it has never shown in the past 9 months of usage that it needs to update itself nor finds any official ROM releases. Therefore I've been forced to use Odin and ROMs from here or samfirmware.com for my updates. Until now, there has never been any major problems that I couldn't get around.
Do any of you have instructions on how I can get my S2 into download mode so as to get Odin to recognize the device? It is not possible for me to make my own JIG here in Thailand as there is nowhere for me to go purchase electronic equipment and parts such as soldering irons and resistors. I am a computer engineer and could easily build such if it were possible to get needed parts.
Thanks hugely in advance for any help offered.
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Well kiss my rosy red butt-cheeks! Speaking from personal experience as tech support, I know empirically to replicate something 52 times prior to asking for assistance. This instance shouldn't have been an exception!
Directly after posting this request for assistance, I decided to try Odin once again and DANGED if this time it found my device even with the "Firmware encountered" error showing. Odin stopped around 90% and forced me to reset my S2, but this time it went right into Download mode with nary a fuss. Now Odin just successfully installed KG6.
So if there is anything to be learned from this experience, either by other users with similar issues or myself, it is "if at 1st you don't succeed, try again and again and again and again."

[HELP] USB Connectivity Issues

Hey guys. I was going to post this on the Android Forums, but the L9 board there isn't getting hardly any traffic, so I suppose I'll just repaste here:
Hey guys, it's loopy time. xD
I've been through XDA, again, nobody seems to really have an answer for this, or even an answer for me. There's this guy over there named Kuma that made a stock 2nd-init locked bootloader ROM based off of 10e. I don't really desire to go back to it, but I like the fact that it comes with the xposed framework which you all know is an easy way to theme things that you should be able to theme, like making the status bar and notification area transparent.
I made a mistake in thinking that you can install Chainfire 3D on a locked BL, boy was I wrong. Two soft bricks later, I end up on 10d then do the OTA update to 10e. I've got the LG Mobile Support tool working as the offline flash. So I threw d on there and it worked....until I decided that I wanted to enable USB debugging.
There was a thread where I was advised to use Fastboot to flash the U and X boots, which I succeeded, but it wiped most of the partitions. At first I was panicking like...OMG, the family is going to worry because at this point I thought I was hard bricked, and my father is ill yada yada. So after about twenty minutes of crying and flipping out, I was able to get the USB for fastboot working with OMAP (which is tricky to install!) Three bottles of Pepsi Cola later, some chips, and a honey bun, I was able to get back to stock 10d.
Now, I've tried various drivers to try and get this thing to a go for ADB so I could root, install 2nd-init, and get Kuma's ROM back. I tried the updated drivers from the LG website. I have tried LG drivers 3.8.1.
The issue that I am having is that I am unable to access any of the connectivity modes while USB debugging is checked. If I uncheck it and try to plug it in, everything works perfectly. However, when USB Debugging is checked, no matter what connectivity mode I am on, I suffer with the LG Software coming up in autoplay and furthermore disconnecting after about ten seconds.
I tried in Ubuntu Linux to get it to work, and the same thing happens. This leads me to believe that either there is something wrong with the phone or something wrong with my computer, but other devices work. I'm really confused. Is there partitions for 10e MS769 MetroPCS that I can flash via fastboot to correct this? Is there another tool I can use to do this? I pretty much know fastboot is the key, but i'm going to need some assistance.
Hope you guys have an answer. I sure don't.
Please help me with this. I am familiar with fastboot maybe its a bad .bin file?
Assistance would be appreciated.
Had the same problem, usb debug and any sort of adb connection doesn't work. Kuma comes to the rescue like the super hero he is and helped me fix it. Here is the post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=49475336#post49475336 . Oddly enough this problem got worse for me I had it for about 3 months and it resulted in constant crashes and constant resets. Thank Kuma's post if it works!
Thank you sir. The ADB executable installer now shows the device. Problem solved.
Sent from my LGMS769 using Tapatalk

"no sign of life after flashing baseband"

Hello everyone, so the other day I put my sim on my v10 just for a change. This v10 is rooted with elimators kernel with twrp.3.0.2. Anyway I had no radio at all. The bars showed but no activity there. I went to about phone and found that all information about the phone identity was gone , imei, service, baseband unknown, etc. I wiped to system and started fresh with lgups and tot. Files re-rooted the phone and to no avail. It still had none of the information avalable . so it thought maybe I was missingoing the baseband so I foolishly flashed one though twrp after it flashed it was light out,, power button nothing, the phone literally went cold, colder then I've ever felt. it. It felt dead for reals.........I did have it show up in device manager with Husb....bla bla... the it went to quamcom..... bla..bla... and now the computer don't see it any longer. Unless it just got sick and tired of me shoving the USB cord in and out of the socket and deactivated the USB port.... I know there is a lot of stuff out there as far as mega bricks, if anyone out there can get me out of this ,it would be awesome... my last brick with this phone was there was no root yet and I almost got though a combination of software .etc... that took me three months to Un brick it.. this brick is even worst because of No sign of life. So I'm open to use this phone as a Guinny pig for some new stuff If anyone out there's got a solution to try...... thanks
Wutever1969 said:
Hello everyone, so the other day I put my sim on my v10 just for a change. This v10 is rooted with elimators kernel with twrp.3.0.2. Anyway I had no radio at all. The bars showed but no activity there. I went to about phone and found that all information about the phone identity was gone , imei, service, baseband unknown, etc. I wiped to system and started fresh with lgups and tot. Files re-rooted the phone and to no avail. It still had none of the information avalable . so it thought maybe I was missingoing the baseband so I foolishly flashed one though twrp after it flashed it was light out,, power button nothing, the phone literally went cold, colder then I've ever felt. it. It felt dead for reals.........I did have it show up in device manager with Husb....bla bla... the it went to quamcom..... bla..bla... and now the computer don't see it any longer. Unless it just got sick and tired of me shoving the USB cord in and out of the socket and deactivated the USB port.... I know there is a lot of stuff out there as far as mega bricks, if anyone out there can get me out of this ,it would be awesome... my last brick with this phone was there was no root yet and I almost got though a combination of software .etc... that took me three months to Un brick it.. this brick is even worst because of No sign of life. So I'm open to use this phone as a Guinny pig for some new stuff If anyone out there's got a solution to try...... thanks
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Sorry for your brick and if you can get into that Qualcomm USB mode again you may be OK, see here
The issue may be due to the anti roll back 'feature' lg gave us, if it finds firmware from a lower version you can brick or could just be a mismatch between radio and bootloader
Neither are good but you may be in luck with tungkick's method
so here is an update date, I am back to my device manger seeing the phone under Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008, i have been able to install qualcomm drivers and qualcomm's QPST config program does see the phone on COM port 5, I guess now my hold up is i need the manufactures firmware which im not sure i can get, so again im stuck i guess unless there someone out there with those files
Wutever1969 said:
so here is an update date, I am back to my device manger seeing the phone under Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008, i have been able to install qualcomm drivers and qualcomm's QPST config program does see the phone on COM port 5, I guess now my hold up is i need the manufactures firmware which im not sure i can get, so again im stuck i guess unless there someone out there with those files
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Did the files in the link i gave you not contain what you need?
demkantor said:
Did the files in the link i gave you not contain what you need?
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i did thank you i, i have not had a chance to look over any of it yet. the link you gave me sends me to google drive with lots of programs, which direction are you pointing me towards , forgive me if i sound alittle retarded i have been working on a lot of different phones lately. this v10 has fried my brain, as far as LG's programs like UPS and Bridge neither of them see the phone, it still in COM's HS-USB Qloader 9008, i was messing with qualcomm's manufacture software, but with out LG's manufacture rom i have not gotten far.... anyway thanks again ,,,,,i did see this sd card thing is that what i need to be trying? let know ,again thanks brian

How to root RCA Galileo Pro 11 (RCT6513W87) by Alco????

Well, I tried all the "one-click" apps (I don't care if they sell my info) and none work so far...
So it's time to consult XDA. Did it years ago, doin' it now. I'm new here, but you will be happy to know I read all the rules.
Time to fix this chinese piece of crap! This is the only device I own, and I can post all the processor and system info if needed. IDK if the bootload is unlocked or not, but a guy in another post for another RCA tablet mentioned he owned this same one and they said he might not need to unlock it. So IDK. NOTE I HAVE RCT6513W87 WITH NO "M" ON THE END. DIFFERENT MODEL.
So first, what am I gonna need? USB M-2-M?
I don't have any experience using ADB, however.
Don't really know what I'm doing so far.
Did you try Dr Fone?
I suggest you consult this thread for more information on rooting with or without one click tools:
I just spent the last few hours attempting to connect it to my Windows 10 PC. Nothing. 100% Impossible. Modified registry, edited drivers, tried modified google drivers but it kept saying "Windows has determined that you already have the best drivers for this device" trieda few workarounds for that. Damn, really want this rooted but it seems impossible.:crying:
Lootron said:
I just spent the last few hours attempting to connect it to my Windows 10 PC. Nothing. 100% Impossible. Modified registry, edited drivers, bla, bla, bla. END QOUTE]
Yeah, been there. However there should be a way. There's a five second window of opportunity when you have the USB connected, have the PC in the device manager. I'm willing to bet most of the process is the same when it comes to accessing the device according to Smartman Vartans tutorial for the RCA Viking Pro. I have that, the version before it and I have the Galileo, Build Number (RCT6513W87-ANDROID6.0-V21-V1.23.30-W02). It's about time I do something with it. His method is incredibly complex from the looks of it. But I'm willing to get root at least. Sounds like it's time for experimenting. Okay, I'm in. I'll see if I can pull some resources. Enable Developer settings (tap build 7 times). In The Developer settings turn it on. Turn on OEM Unlocking (to unlock the Bootloader). Turn on USB Debugging. Go down to Select USB configuration and make sure it's at MTP.
---------- Post added at 12:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 AM ----------
[/COLOR]The Viking Pro used a SP splash tool to see the device , I've heard it works on this. Also listed was a driver. I'll go look for the frimware hopefully we both have the same. Then there's one thing that's been making me wonder. The Viking Pro uses the exact same motherboard and components as the Acer Icona, which has current 8.0 firmware. I don't see why for the life of me why I can't float that firmware in the RCA. It's an idea. But here's the Viking Pro link,
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I feel forced to leave a note here. Stuck on some double reply mode. Where's the delete button?
Hey thanks, I saw you on another forum (unless Casper Young is a common name?) and you said something about usb serials being locked, but I will defintely look into this! THX!
EDIT: BTW, my build number is V08- 1.15.20
I'll bet that's me, and my actual name. Howdy Thar. Yes USB Serials appear locked by manufactuer. When I dig into the data section of my rooted Viking Pro I happened to notice they were somehow locked and I was unable to follow the pathway. I can still try. But what I think you're trying to do is gain access via USB, correct? I talked to Smartman Vartan long ago and we have one interesting delima. Okay so we can gain access, but then what? It's not like we can just throw anything in it. I have 3 different devices The Maven Pro, the Viking Pro (both are rooted) and I got this Galileo Pro. Long story short, I was looking for compatible firmware. Went old school, look at the specs. Not the ordinary ones you find anywhere, the real specs. Go here, https://www.productchart.com/tablets/11121 sign up, yeah, WOW! Okay so I compare a few things, (I'm off exploring the Viking Pro), didn't have the galileo yet. Now, come to find out, the Viking has the same exact motherboard and components as the Acer Icona 10.1 (I forget which specific one). Hmmmm, now that's intresting. Can I, just toss it in there? I don't see why not. Others here suggest otherwise. I don't flash anything without back-up That's item #1 we need if you're gonna follow along. #2? The SP Flash Tool. I have those. Now I gotta open this puppy up and check out the motherboard. Gimmie a couple days I'll get back.
I wish we could use Odin3 but here's what I got For starters. I'll write out the tutorial if I get anywhere. How to run the SP Flash Tool:
Current SP Flashtool: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JzB5tzTvQYOGpVfhZNKY22_N-nD-jtDA
Firmware: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zB1waSYM0iwdobu0jdxP1WJD6r1F8-XI
MTK Drivers: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wRdulyOKLgeT_VWbhM9tm1-hqtgSL_BD
How to install the drivers:https://forum.xda-developers.com/elephone-m2/help/windows-10-mtk-vcom-usb-drivers-32-64-t3267033
If your intention is only to root the device you must first enable Developer Settings and then enable OEM unlock which gives you access to the Bootloader. Now you can flash in a custom recovery and then you will be able to root the device. You cannot do so by any other means. It will reject any attempt to root unless the Bootloader is unlocked!
Casper Young said:
If your intention is only to root the device you must first enable Developer Settings and then enable OEM unlock which gives you access to the Bootloader. Now you can flash in a custom recovery and then you will be able to root the device. You cannot do so by any other means. It will reject any attempt to root unless the Bootloader is unlocked!
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Ok, I have everything, I THINK I installed the drivers, but I am waiting for it to charge to be sure. Can you be a little more clear on your instructions here? Do I flash the firmware? What order do I do everything? Custom Recovery first? Firmware first? How do I unlock the bootloader when it STILL doesn't regonize the device in ADB?
BTW, I installed the drivers by the SmartmanVartan method.
Lootron said:
Ok, I have everything, I THINK I installed the drivers, but I am waiting for it to charge to be sure. Can you be a little more clear on your instructions here? Do I flash the firmware? What order do I do everything? Custom Recovery first? Firmware first? How do I unlock the bootloader when it STILL doesn't regonize the device in ADB?
BTW, I installed the drivers by the SmartmanVartan method.
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How do I flash the firmware? SmartmanVartan's method?
MTK drivers
Lootron said:
How do I flash the firmware? SmartmanVartan's method?
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You have Windows 10 right?
Read this:
Casper Young said:
You have Windows 10 right?
Read this:
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Yesterday, I tried flashing the firmware you linked to, and well, RIP. Bricked. Yours had build number .22, while I needed .15. So now I don't know if I can fix it. BTW Drivers worked and everything else. Did "fastboot oem unlock" and got to the "Do you want to unlock bootloader?" page, BUT the volume keys weren't programmed into it so you can't confirm nor deny. The bootloader needs to patched.
But before I get there, I need you to find a firmware that has .15 in the middle like this: x.15.x
Please, you are my only hope.
PS: I contacted Bogram, who patched the bootloader on the viking pro. If I can get the right firmware, then I can send it to him so he can patch it and I'm there. IF HE DOES IT.
BTW, I think it might be a hard brick. I don't know much about bricking, but it won't even turn on, and the charging light comes on if even it isn't plugged into the outlet (SUPER WEIRD)
EDIT: When flashing, it never said completed. I waited for a really long time and then clicked stop. I really don't know too much of what I'm doing
Lootron said:
BTW, I think it might be a hard brick. I don't know much about bricking, but it won't even turn on, and the charging light comes on if even it isn't plugged into the outlet (SUPER WEIRD)[END QOUTE]
Wow try slowing down a bit. Sorry to hear your having difficulties with your tablet. I didn't expect you to flash it yet. No-one has provided anything to flash into it yet, I thought we were going to go looking. I'm hoping there can be a way to get past a brick. I've been reluctant to flash any of my devices for exactly the reason that you're dealing with. I didn't think to post what my firmware build number was, I'll edit that in.
I'll look for your firmware or ask RCA for it. This might take a bit. What color light is showing. And somehow try getting it to boot to recovery. Where you can reset it. Thats where the back-up is supposed to go also. There can be a variety of combinations to get there. Isn't there a reset hole to the left and a little below the micro sd slot. You may have to have it docked to get to recovery (the Viking Pro is like that). I'll do some research and see what I can find.
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Casper Young said:
Lootron said:
BTW, I think it might be a hard brick. I don't know much about bricking, but it won't even turn on, and the charging light comes on if even it isn't plugged into the outlet (SUPER WEIRD)[END QOUTE]
Wow try slowing down a bit. Sorry to hear your having difficulties with your tablet. I didn't expect you to flash it yet. No-one has provided anything to flash into it yet, I thought we were going to go looking. I'm hoping there can be a way to get past a brick. I've been reluctant to flash any of my devices for exactly the reason that you're dealing with. I didn't think to post what my firmware build number was, I'll edit that in.
I'll look for your firmware or ask RCA for it. This might take a bit. What color light is showing. And somehow try getting it to boot to recovery. Where you can reset it. Thats where the back-up is supposed to go also. There can be a variety of combinations to get there. Isn't there a reset hole to the left and a little below the micro sd slot. You may have to have it docked to get to recovery (the Viking Pro is like that). I'll do some research and see what I can find.
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Whoops. Yeah I'm sorry, I've always been a bit hasty. I have looked for my firmware, but would RCA give it to you? I forgot to say my processor is MT6513. Not MT6127.
Well, thanks for spending so much of your time for me though. You have been very helpful. For me, bricking it was a learning experience. I learned a LOT about how android works messing with this tablet, and come on, it was a crap-let I only decided to
"hack" it once we ordered a new one (The keyboard doesn't work anymore)
The day I did it, I got frustrated I couldn't unlock the bootloader, so I wanted to do something else, without thinking about it. LOL. Well, more learning for me!
The only light it ever does it bright blue, and it no longer does it without being plugged into the outlet. Oddly enough, I didn't think to use the reset button, and in device manager it still shows up as preloader device, even though I suspected to be the preloader to be corrupted. There really shouldn't be a reason it won't start now. Also for some reason, ADB never has regonized this device, unless in fastboot mode.
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Lootron said:
Casper Young said:
Whoops. Yeah I'm sorry, I've always been a bit hasty. I have looked for my firmware, but would RCA give it to you? I forgot to say my processor is MT6513. Not MT6127.
Well, thanks for spending so much of your time for me though. You have been very helpful. For me, bricking it was a learning experience. I learned a LOT about how android works messing with this tablet, and come on, it was a crap-let I only decided to
"hack" it once we ordered a new one (The keyboard doesn't work anymore)
The day I did it, I got frustrated I couldn't unlock the bootloader, so I wanted to do something else, without thinking about it. LOL. Well, more learning for me. [End Qoute]
Welcome to the place where you gotta play it safe. Yes RCA does provide the firmware, here;s your like for that.
Now what I don't understand is why RCA implies there's no different versions of the software and you have a possible bricked device. I have a few articles that say even if your bricked you can flash in the software. Here's the tutorial for using the SP flash tool and another software location. The Tutorial makes me wonder though because if you look at steps 1, 2 and 3 they're questionable, especially #3. I'll get back to you in a bit, gotta chore to do.
Oh, and you have yet to learn about playing with Androids These RCAs don't count. They're completely different from flashing a Samsung Galaxy or any other Androids.
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Help! I've bricked my android box

I tried flashing a rom on a H96 Pro Plus 3+32GB box with an Amlogic S912, chip.
First couple of times when i tried flashing, it went up to 3-4% and gave out an error. Then i unchecked the erase flash and erase bootloader options and it went to 8% and then gave out an error once again.
After a couple of tries with the erase bootloader and erase flash options. It succeded flashing. But when i plugged in the box. There was no picture, there was just a blue light on the box.
The computer won't recognize the box after that, i've tried putting a rom on a SDcard, i've tried shorting some pins, not sure if they were the correct ones, but no luck. There is power going to the box, the blue light is on, but it won't turn on or display any signal.
Please help!
Thanks in advance!
Hi if you just search u would find the answer faster than writing this thread
hopefully it will help
other wise you should give more detailed and explained info
mazjed said:
Hi if you just search u would find the answer faster than writing this thread
hopefully it will help
other wise you should give more detailed and explained info
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Trust me i've searched for a week without any success. Unfortunately the video didn't help me since my problem currently is that the box is getting power but there is no hdmi signal, nor the box is getting recognized by the pc after flashing the rom.
Thanks for trying to help.
then the only chance you have is the short method
mazjed said:
then the only chance you have is the short method
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I tried shorting pins, like in the tutorial but nothing happened. Not getting recognized still.
Ok, so i've fixed the tv box and it turns out i was doing something wrong. I didn't have power plugging it in. I was relying on the usb connection to give enough power to the box. I've done this to get back the box. Please if you don't know what you are doing, get someone that really knows. I'm not responsible for any damage that may happen. This is just what i've done to recover the box.
1. Hold the reset button on the box
2. Plug in USB in the pc and in the box
3. Wait 2 seconds and then plug in power.
4. Hold the 5th and 6th pin (i think). Please watch the video andmake sure that you know what you are doing, since 1 bad move could render the box totally unusable. Thanks. you should hold the pins for a couple of seconds and it should pop up
Also i wasn't able to install Aidenrom (while flashing it gives out an error) or Atvexperience (it cant get imported by usb burning tool)
I reinstalled the default rom. And i was using USB Burning Tool V 2.0.8
Thanks for your help.

