[q] could_not_fetch_the_certificate_from_server - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

While trying to send an encrypted email on a Samsung Galaxy S4 (4.2.2) i get the error message :
- I can receive encrypted email and open it
- i have added the public key of the person I'm trying to send to
- I can send signed email but not encrypted.
when i try to send an email the mail client tries to access the mail server and i get the above error.
When using outlook to do the same on Win 7 with the same mail server and same email account it works.
I'm not sure why the mail client of the android is trying to connect to the mail server to get any certificate when it's already on the phone.
NE Ideas?


hotmail add ons not working well

why cant i send emails to hotmail.com from my inbox application
everytime im sending email im getting error mesg
but when im openninng the explorer then going to hotmail.com then i can send emails without an errror
does there is a way to send email from the main software of the inbox to hotmail.com
without surfing to the hotmail.com website

AS4.0 error "mail client can't fulfil the messaging req

Since upgrading to AS4.0 I get the error message "Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request. Please run Microsoft outlook and set it as the default mail client".
I DO have Outlook 2000 installed but my default mail client is Eudora 6.1 and it worked fine with AS3.7 & 3.8.
Does anyone know how to keep my mail programs the way they are but get rid of this annoying message.

[Q] Exchange server problem

I would like to setup an ms exchange sever account, but my phone can not connect to the server. With Touchdown I succed to connect only with Exchange server 2007, but then push email not working. I have to manually refresh my emails. Extra thing is that it does not download pictures and attachments.
With the built in email client does not work.
I think the exchange server does not have a certificate. With Samsung S2 (2.3.6) it was working perfectly. Is it an S3 promblem or is it related to android 4.0.4?

K-9 mail - and ..

It's a problem for me that I can not see the mail I send from "K-9 mail" later in Outlook.
I always use "K-9 Mail" to send mail when I send from my Android phone, but the problem is that when I use my Desktop, I can not see these mails during the sender.
Can I "K-9 Mail" make the case that there will always be sent a copy of the email I send that they get in my inbox in Outlook and automatically be placed in a folder in Outlook called "K-9 mail "?
This is the same server I send and receive from when I write mail from desktop and my Android.
User Outlook 2010 on my desktop

Email error: "wrong sign-in info. Try again"

I'm getting a strange error trying to access email using the default mail app on the G5. The mail server is at fasthosts.co.uk, and I'm using exactly same settings on Outlook on a PC with no problems:
Incoming: IMAP/mail.livemail.co.uk/port 993/SSL,
Outgoing: smtp.livemail.co.uk/port 465/SSL
I've triple-checked the username and password, and even tried accessing the same email account from a different LG phone (V20), again using the default mail app, and have no problems. It's just the G5 which refuses to connect to the mail server.
Any ideas???

