Umniah network - amman jordan - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello, i have just moved to amman, jordan and i bought an umniah network simcard but i have a strange problem. It keeps drops the signal all the time. The same sim on other phones works perfectly and other samsung phones like the note 2 or grant work as they should. I was thinking that the problem might be the modem. Im on rootbox 4.1. I haven't tried a sammy rom yet cause i dont have a good internet connection yet. Anyone knows a good modem version to try? Thanks in advance..
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app

No one will be able to pinpoint a 'good' modem for you. Each person will need a different modem depending on their carrier and region. For example, I'm using XXMS2, while my brother, with the same phone but different carrier, is on DVLS3. I have a horrible signal with his modem, as he does with mine.
What you'll have to do is flash a few and test which works for you. They're not big files so you'll be fine to download a few without a good connection. Don't flash ril+modem, you want modem only.
Sent from my GT-I9100: Powered by Dorimanx, running RootBox

Yes i know but there are so many of them and i asked here just in case any jordanian was here in this forum and advice me anw thanks a lot for the reply i will try and see whats happens. Cheers
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app

Try the modems bundled with stock roms released by the carrier in question then the stock roms released by other carriers in that country first. That should help you narrow it down/save you some time.


Which modem to use?

Can someone help me and let me know which modem I should be using on my international gs3? I'm on the ATT network and live in the US. Thanks
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
brian6685 said:
Can someone help me and let me know which modem I should be using on my international gs3? I'm on the ATT network and live in the US. Thanks
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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Trial and error it would seem. I've tried for different ones so far. LE6, LE8, LE9, and LF2. So far I found LF2 to be no good for me, and LE9 to be slightly better than 6 or 8. Your mileage will vary. Just try them all and find out which one is best. You can see the list here:
If you have a 9300 as opposed to a 9300T, I believe Mobile Odin will work for you. (Doesnt work for me yet so I havent tried this) but I believe you can use that to flash them all directly from your device, which will facilitate testing since you can probably try them all without having to physically move! Take note of your dBm readings and internet performance and let us know how you go.

three network modem

Just wondered if anyone had a 3 UK mobile network modem as I would love to compare it against other uk modems
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That'll be the NELE4 modem. You can get it from here by searching.
However, it doesn't work with the most up to date firmware (callers won't hear your voice). To be honest, I'm now on the stock modem and haven't noticed any performance difference to the NELE4 I had before I updated firmware.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
thanks mate, so no real benefit in using 3 modem over latest stock (lfb) ?
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storvay said:
That'll be the NELE4 modem. You can get it from here by searching.
However, it doesn't work with the most up to date firmware (callers won't hear your voice). To be honest, I'm now on the stock modem and haven't noticed any performance difference to the NELE4 I had before I updated firmware.
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gsw5700 said:
thanks mate, so no real benefit in using 3 modem over latest stock (lfb) ?
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Well I have noticed a difference in the 3 UK firmware, as 3 UK technically has 2 networks running co-inside, you will find that the 3 UK firmware actually selects which network has the best signal, either their 2g side or their 3g side, however custom roms or debranded firmwares cannot defrenchiate between which network is which, and therefore you can find that you may be locked to the 2g side of the network (which is what I found). If you use the 3 UK branded firmware it actually says "3 (3G)" and "3 (2G)" if you're looking at the networks page, whereas custom roms do not show this, they just show two "3" networks, so you cannot tell which one is which.
I am wondering whether anyone else had noticed this or if there was a workaround for this problem?
So,i was wondering...
Since i've bought my phone in Portugal,and unlocked when i was in there,but currently living in London and using the T-Mobile(now called Three Network) which modem would you suggest me?
I'm using the latest FoxHound v2.0
Because sometimes i lose the the mobile data and can't get any kind of data....

Galaxy note I717 running on aws(wind/T-Mobile) with ics

OK guys does or has anyone gotten some luck running a i717m note on aws band with either wind or T-Mobile? I have tried different roms, radio and mods still no luck
If someone that has gotten it to run good please post what step you took and what from and radio plus any mod required that would be awesome.
I need a stable ics rom. I have a i717m which is from bell mobility
. Thanks in advance
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
The author is studachris. I copied this from a thread about T-mobile, just a little way down. There are several threads infact, so take a few minutes and find them. I know the xda search function sux but googling "using at&t galaxy note on t-mobile or wind" will get you all the advice and files.
Come back if you have any questions.
"Roms and modems are interchangeable, meaning you can use whichever modem you want, on whichever Rom you want.
The blaze modem is what you want to use for t-mobile
Also the apn settings for t-mobile would probably be beneficial"
I'm not blowing you off. Learn by doing.
Here is an example:
Capt is absolutely right. Been using the orig Blaze modem/radio on several ROMs (used mostly ICS CM ROMs). All have been stable with 3-9 mb d/l and crummy upload speeds as reported in the T-Mobile modem thread.
hey I have tried to look for it.
I've spent over 20 hours the other day/night flashing different roms and modems and searching though forums on here and google.
That is why im posting to ask if anyone has had any luck. it seem the modem I have flash really some only work with aokp rom but and the speed are good but i lost out on the s apps or I have only been able to get things working with the kid test modem it seem the blaze or blaze 4g lb7 doesnt like to work on wind while using uclf6 roms custom stock roms. but i will give that a try and see what in that link. I am just trying to get this thing up and running so I dont have to be carrying around 2 phones with me all day .
ps: I have over 7gb of rom data download that other night too its still sitting on the desktop so pretty much every ics rom and stock restore rom plus radio has been downloaded
escabar said:
Capt is absolutely right. Been using the orig Blaze modem/radio on several ROMs (used mostly ICS CM ROMs). All have been stable with 3-9 mb d/l and crummy upload speeds as reported in the T-Mobile modem thread.
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can you post a link or upload your radio file?
the only good link for a radio I have found was all dead already, I am guessing its the only one I have not tried yet
T-mobile Blaze radio link:
Sorry for your trouble.
Here is a super resource from Bigjoe, a very knowledgeable, helpful member:
Save that link, and hit the thanks button on his page.
Thanks will give it a go when I'm off work
rangercaptain said:
T-mobile Blaze radio link:
Sorry for your trouble.
Here is a super resource from Bigjoe, a very knowledgeable, helpful member:
Save that link, and hit the thanks button on his page.
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Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Its seems either gave a radio for voice or data but not both. The blaze seems to work for voice but. Not so for data but the telus t989d radio works for radio but not voice I really hope the aws modem will be out soon with tmobile getting the note
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Are you inputing APN settings? You can't get data without that.
Yes I have done that and the phone auto finds the apn for wind
but even after manual input still same thing. I have even tried the *#*#4636#*#* code and configure on that as well and *#2263# for the other rom still either one if the radio is good for voice or the other for data. I wish they had one that worked on both and good
rangercaptain said:
Are you inputing APN settings? You can't get data without that.
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Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Do you have any bars showing?
In settings>phone what baseband is shown?
I get like 4 bars and baseband is unknown
rangercaptain said:
Do you have any bars showing?
In settings>phone what baseband is shown?
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Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Ok you don't have a modem or the flash was bad. Is the null symbol next to the bars?
I have the modem but it always shows up as baseband unknown and. Get like 4 bars but the sound is all mess up with the blaze ics radio
rangercaptain said:
Ok you don't have a modem or the flash was bad. Is the null symbol next to the bars?
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Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
When I install the rom before modem flash it shows the stock modem that comes the from but when I flash a blaze or kid test modem it show unknown but works still
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
I went back to gb becase i was getting poor signal and when a incomin call comes in thers this terible sound. .. Know pn gb and still poor sig
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Hmm. But I like ics and I finally got it working OK on the note data is slow but can live with it I guess its the sound that bugs me
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Do you get better sound and data on gb mod?
daminux said:
I went back to gb becase i was getting poor signal and when a incomin call comes in thers this terible sound. .. Know pn gb and still poor sig
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Same thing data gets stuck it taks long to download a small file but it does show 4g crapy signal and data am in puerto rico
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium

Which modem with CM10.1?

So after going from Jb leak, which had XXLS6 (or LSJ6 can't remember) modem to CM10.1 I decided to switch to XXLQ6 which is the modem that came with the phone. Reason for this is I thought leak modem was for Poland and such areas only and I live in North Europe so I figured LQ6 would work better. I also thought calls sounded weird on cm and tried if this would solve it.
Well, it didn't. I think it's a rom "problem" and tbh it isn't even a problem because calls work fine, I just didn't remember having that sort of complete silence when no one was speaking (no static sound as before). Hope that makes sense
Now I'm thinking that ls6 will probably be the modem here as well, or the successor of it will be, so should I use that with CM10.1? It worked fine and battery was good too, or should I just stick with the old LQ6 since my ril matches with it, although this apparently means nothing. There's also option C) "Use whichever you want to"
I heard that this modem (LS6) has a battery drain issue for some users. I used it for a week and I didn't noticed any major issue personally
Bvlp7 is awesome, use this to find modems also don't change any rils
Modems are location dependent, so try to find people who are in your area with good signal or your stock carrier modem
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
kilometers4 said:
Modems are location dependent, so try to find people who are in your area with good signal or your stock carrier modem
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Lq6 is the stock modem, I'm just wondering if the ls6 is an improved modem since it's for jb or do modem stay pretty much the same. I'm not sure though what the jb radio will be for my location obviously.
dud3me said:
Lq6 is the stock modem, I'm just wondering if the ls6 is an improved modem since it's for jb or do modem stay pretty much the same. I'm not sure though what the jb radio will be for my location obviously.
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I would try it . Make note of your current modem and give it a try. Take note to try it for a few days for the best results
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Perhaps try the M250K!
I'm using it since several month and it is great.
But I searched very long for the best modem for me!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app

Very poor signal

I am a UK Vodafone user I have a Samsung G S 2 and all is very well. I have just brought a new Samsung G S III it had Android 4.0.4 I have used Kies and upgraded to 4.1.2 and all is ok apart from one very small no Big problem the signal strength for making calls and TXT is so poor I have rooted the phone as well.
Can any one please help me find away of getting a half decent signal.
Many Thanks
Ian B
Try flashing different modems,
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
^try flashing another modem.. it just might help
Or use 3rd party apps from the market like network booster
Sent from this girl who's an android nerd
saywhatt said:
^try flashing another modem.. it just might help
Or use 3rd party apps from the market like network booster
Sent from this girl who's an android nerd
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Hi could you please advise me on how I work out what will be best for me or is it just a matter of trial or error and if so can i do any damage by installing any modem.
|47th|topcat said:
Hi could you please advise me on how I work out what will be best for me or is it just a matter of trial or error and if so can i do any damage by installing any modem.
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Unfortunately it would be just trial an error. However, no problems can arise from modem flashing. It's just a plan to have to work your way through all the ones available.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

