[Q] Questions about Devil Kernel - Fascinate Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Before i begin the actual topic, i feel like i need to share a story. a long, complicated story.
I feel like i can't go willy-nilly flashing things anymore. the USB cable (which btw is OEM) from my fassy is starting to go bad. odin recognizes it 1 out of 3 times, and every time i try to go back to stock, the operation fails half-way through. every other cable i've tried worked just fine, and i reinstalled samsung drivers four times. i believe i also had to reinstall windows at one point (not because of odin, i think something else broke/died) and that didn't help either. so, basically, if i flash a ROM, it has to be like perfect until i can borrow a cable.
a few nights ago, after deciding cm10.1 was too RAM-hungry for daily usage, i borrowed a cable and restored back to stock EH03 firmware. and let's face it, EH03 isn't the best thing ever, but it's usable. but i may go to jelly bean again because touchwiz is bad for your health
after discovering devil kernel (and getting some confirmation from udev that you need devil to properly get by on cm10.1), i have some questions about it:
1. from where should i download and flash it: DerTeufel's site or hhp's dev-host?
2. should i bother with Voodoo Color on jellybean?
3. at what RAM setting does it break 720p recording (as stated on DT's site)?
4. what other features should i know about that could possibly break everything?
by the way, i'm not really a n00b to android. i have a broken nook tablet and an lg vortex that went in the pool

skepticmisfit said:
Before i begin the actual topic, i feel like i need to share a story. a long, complicated story.
I feel like i can't go willy-nilly flashing things anymore. the USB cable (which btw is OEM) from my fassy is starting to go bad. odin recognizes it 1 out of 3 times, and every time i try to go back to stock, the operation fails half-way through. every other cable i've tried worked just fine, and i reinstalled samsung drivers four times. i believe i also had to reinstall windows at one point (not because of odin, i think something else broke/died) and that didn't help either. so, basically, if i flash a ROM, it has to be like perfect until i can borrow a cable.
a few nights ago, after deciding cm10.1 was too RAM-hungry for daily usage, i borrowed a cable and restored back to stock EH03 firmware. and let's face it, EH03 isn't the best thing ever, but it's usable. but i may go to jelly bean again because touchwiz is bad for your health
after discovering devil kernel (and getting some confirmation from udev that you need devil to properly get by on cm10.1), i have some questions about it:
1. from where should i download and flash it: DerTeufel's site or hhp's dev-host?
2. should i bother with Voodoo Color on jellybean?
3. at what RAM setting does it break 720p recording (as stated on DT's site)?
4. what other features should i know about that could possibly break everything?
by the way, i'm not really a n00b to android. i have a broken nook tablet and an lg vortex that went in the pool
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You do not need devil to get on 1.cm10.1 cm has a built in kernel. 2.Voodoo kernel color is available for 4.2.2.
3.The max mem setting.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2

1. from where should i download and flash it: DerTeufel's site or hhp's dev-host?
DT site does not have kernels for current 4.2.2 ROMs...
My kernel thread does
2. should i bother with Voodoo Color on jellybean?
Don't see need for it but i have run this setting before and it looks great
From inside your galaxy s settings menu, (different ROMs put this in diff places)
View attachment 2167214
View attachment 2167220
3. at what RAM setting does it break 720p recording (as stated on DT's site)?
The 402 setting, but there is a patch if you search - hugemem patch - or - 720p video
4. what other features should i know about that could possibly break everything?
Read my whole kernel thread post #1
Tons of info/tips
Also read the pages of the ROMs , it's the only way to learn.
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.


[Q] Flashing Gingerbread Roms on Mac OSX

I am currently using a Vibrant USA and I am running Bi-Winning v3 with the bullet kernel1.48ghz but i keep it at 1.27 max when I'm using it for most applications. I have been getting about a full 12 hour day out of a single charge while using Juice Defender ultimate.
First and Foremost I apologize if this question has been answered already, I did use all of the search tools described in the noob video
I have no complaints about Bi-Winning, I came from project-V and I have found both roms great and beautifully designed (with the trigger theme)
For my computer I am using a 27" Imac 2010 (osx 10.6.5 with current update) model with 8 gigs of ram and a core i7 processor. I recently found a program called the Winebottler. I was able to use this program to turn Odin into an Application that Mac osx can run. I am very intriuged by MIUI and CM7 as well as other roms such as Revolution rc1 however without knowing that odin will run properly I cannot try them. If odin messes up my phone install because Im not on windows then I could have corupt files that I could for that same reson not fix via Odin.
I was wondering if anyone has both operating systems or is a mac user with expierience in this issue. I have tried everything I have seen in other XDA formums telling me to use something like bootcamp or a disk partition (on my mac for dual os) but after several attempts I have not been able to get it to work at all. I would really appreciate any replies that might help me.
I was also wondering if the advantages in 2.3 would be noticable to someone who uses the phone for calls,sms,web browsing,video playback, verry little gaming(ocassional basic game like paper toss). I was also wondering if any of the 2.3 roms were fully working for everything but gps as I have a garmin for that.
One more thing, I once tried using rom manager to download and run miui 1.6.10 from project v but it gave me a hardware lock/rebootcycle wouldnt pass the vibrant samsung screen and no recovery or download mode was available. I know that It was totally my bad but that is my one expierience with flashing non edt roms.
have you tried heimdall it is a less buggy odin and it is for mac too...here is the link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=755265
thanks button if i helped
Yes, try Heimdall. I think it's the only native app that will work on OSX. I use it when I'm booted into Linux too.
Thank you
Thank you for the very quick response, I am installing Heimdall as we speak Hopefully i'll be on gingerbread by morning
just be sure to follow all the instructions properly on any 2.3.4 install and you should have no need for heim/odin. of course theres always a chance of a random error. but once you get the cm7 initial kernel flashed youcan factory reset reflash from that. haven't had to odin back to stock and i've flashed cm7/miui and even tried the honeycomb 3.0 alpha rom. that was interesting. just take your time play it safe and go slow
as far as benefits go the aethetics alone to Me are worth the update to gingerbread. though i'm a pretty devout Miui fan the theming engine is gorgeous and the styles are slick.
Stability wise miui is good.
CM7 is... getting better
the Sgs II clone roms all feel solid and fast
and simply Honey is one many would swear by though i personally have yet to try it (really stuck on miui lol)
my recommendation get a few, try miui, simply honey and the sgs II clone (CM7 while awesome is still far from an excellent daily driver IMO) just flash one give it a whirl, titanium backup all your apps (not data) enter recovery factory reset, format system, cache, data, and datadata and flash the next one (fix permissions), rinse repeat till you find the one for you. No need to odin inbetween flashes. also rom manager when you enter it before using it to fix permissions set it up as 3.x to follow with teh version of clockwork recovery your using.
Simply Honey
OC - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1099533
Standard - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1123922
SGS II Clones (take your pick both have excellent ratings)
Hybrid - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1124734
Revolution - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1131782
Bootloaders (careful with these read ALL fine print)

ICS rom to test?

Hi, i've been awaiting the arrival of ics patiently, more specifically CM9. What i'm wondering is if there is a decent version that is easy to install just so i can test it out, as i have not even seen it yet other than half our roms trying to imitate it. I see all kinds of bogus on the international forum but i'm not about to try and install one. I would just like to backup my rom, install, test and flash back UnNamed. Thanks.
None for I777 until the official I9100 release - call audio and buttons will remain broken until kernel source exists.
I suppose if you wanted to you could flash the CM9 alpha for i9100 just to mess around. Make a backup of UnNamed . Flash and Hellraise a i9100 ROM- I used Criskelo ROM. Then i made another backup and flashed CM9. Its booted fine and was able mess around. Pretty smooth overall. Texting and wifi worked. But like Entropy said, audio and soft buttons are broken so don't plan on making phone calls or using all your apps. Then just restore your backup of UnNamed to get back to your happy place.
sent from my SGSII... suckas
Hah! Yes that would be quite nice to return to a happy place. I'll try it out, sounds like it won't be too much trouble. I would just like to see it and feel it out.
Hammersuit said:
Hah! Yes that would be quite nice to return to a happy place. I'll try it out, sounds like it won't be too much trouble. I would just like to see it and feel it out.
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Just be sure to read the OP and follow the instructions .. you'll have to flash the GApps and face unlock.. other modems available too. All in the OP of the CM9 alpha i9100 thread.
sent from my SGSII... suckas
And do NOT flash one of the releases that includes a PIT file or any that includes bootloaders (boot.bin or Sbl.bin) - you WILL mess up your phone with those.
PIT flashing will be very difficult to recover from, bootloader flashing can hardbrick you.
I have tried each release of cm9 for the international gs2 as they have come out just for kicks and they run great. Just have to use the home button as a back button and the Mic doesn't work.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA App
I have done a couple things here, 1 is I used mobile Odin (which does NOT flash bootloaders) and have installed and tested two of the i9100 Samsung leaks. I have also tried EVERY version of Team Hacksung ICS just to mess with it. I even have it Android backed up.
Now for the IMPORTANT PART before you do either of these. First off I am on CM7 so maybe that has made it easy/easier to do these testing.
3. The third thing (or first priority for me at least) was to already have a version of my current rom (cm7 in my case) that I extracted the rom, changed the UPDATER-SCRIPT which is found in META-INF/COM/GOOGLE/ANDROID/UPDATER-SCRIPT by ONLY removing all the first lines that deal with get-prop. Then I backed out and rezipped the complete rom. Moved it to my sdcard just in case my Android didn't work.
The Team hacksung ICS is really nice and I just wish audio on phone calls worked. I could live with the HOME button being a back button for a bit and the menu button as menu without the other two buttons. Fun to try but don't blame me if you mileage doesn't work the same as mine. I have not tried it from any other rooms than cm7.
Sent from My KickAss CM7 Captivate

Born again noob needing advice....

Hello everyone. It's been a year since I last came to this site. This is where I got all my info on rooting. I'm somewhat embarrassed to say I'm still running my Gnote on 2.3.6 GB, baseband I717UCLA1, Saurom.
Recently my Gnote has become incredibly slow. More force closed now than ever before. Battery life is next to nothing. A full charge will last me 4hrs...yes 4 hours with fulltime use (txting, calling, browsing, watching videos and playing games). It will last me about 10hrs if I don't do a damn thing on it except maybe check an email, a txt or the time.
I've come back to get info on upgrading to ICS or Jellybean. My question is, have I basically done the hard part already (rooting) and just need to download a correct ROM and flash away, is that correct? Or do I need to take additional steps?
My other question is, in your opinion what's the most popular ROM for the Gnote 1 out right now. I'm way out of of the loop and I'm catching up on my reading.
Thanks and it's good to be back to this site. Hopefully I'll stick around more often this time around.
wow a year?
surprised nobody else chimed in, but I think I can get you in the right direction. with a few questions for ya, I think you will be on your way. I am reasonably new to the Note, but not to rooting or flashing. yes, I have rooted Note and flashed rom's.
1.did you root a year ago or just now? not sure if it will work rooted, but Samsung should be able to get you upgraded STOCK ICS very easily. the only reason I say that is I have not seen that modem before.
2. are you wanting to stay stock or flash custom? the Samsung upgrade is going to only take you to ICS. if you want JB, you need custom rom. pretty sure you know some of this. either way I believe, even if you want JB, you need ICS first. again, I think modem is going to be issue.
3. (not a question) in any of these issues, I, myself always believe that returning to stock is the safe bet. then start from there. there are people here with more experience that may tell you you don't need to. I need that confidence and fresh start to know nothing is tainting my process, then I have to start over anyway, but that's just me.
I will, as others will, always direct someone to the "Super Everything Thread". ALL questions can be answered there. no matter which you wish to do, its all there. from how to's to every flavor of rom.
I am sure no matter what you want to do it could involve using "Odin". which you may have done already. just check that everything is up to date.
same thing goes for a custom rom if you wish. its not that older roms aren't solid, but you may not have the support you may want or need.
and every phone is different I am sure you know. so what is great on one, is not on all. also some of newer roms (and not all are available here) work better with alternative kernals.
alternative kernals now CAN allow things such as overclocking or undervolting. these can be a fine line providing better or worse speeds and battery life. often sacrificing one for the other. don't play with it myself or need to right now.
*******again, "Super Everything Thread" and READ, READ, READ ******
hope I helped at least a little bit
BLASTphemus said:
Hello everyone. It's been a year since I last came to this site. This is where I got all my info on rooting. I'm somewhat embarrassed to say I'm still running my Gnote on 2.3.6 GB, baseband I717UCLA1, Saurom.
Recently my Gnote has become incredibly slow. More force closed now than ever before. Battery life is next to nothing. A full charge will last me 4hrs...yes 4 hours with fulltime use (txting, calling, browsing, watching videos and playing games). It will last me about 10hrs if I don't do a damn thing on it except maybe check an email, a txt or the time.
I've come back to get info on upgrading to ICS or Jellybean. My question is, have I basically done the hard part already (rooting) and just need to download a correct ROM and flash away, is that correct? Or do I need to take additional steps?
My other question is, in your opinion what's the most popular ROM for the Gnote 1 out right now. I'm way out of of the loop and I'm catching up on my reading.
Thanks and it's good to be back to this site. Hopefully I'll stick around more often this time around.
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Personally I would suggest updating to the stock ICS and the re-root from scratch and flash one of the more stable ICS Roms such as Padawan v8, it's really stable, fast and has some note 2 features, really nice rom, stable fast and smooth. If you're wanting a JellyBean rom, I suggest one of 2 roms out there. The UnOfficial RootBox which is what I am running now, really smooth fast, no FC's so far all going good on it for the past couple of days or the Sons OF Android rom build 4. All are really great. Padawan is the most stable and still keeps you Spen sensitivity and features. Flashing one of the JB Roms, you will lose Spen apps. Hope that helped
Demmonnixx said:
Personally I would suggest updating to the stock ICS and the re-root from scratch and flash one of the more stable ICS Roms such as Padawan v8, it's really stable, fast and has some note 2 features, really nice rom, stable fast and smooth. If you're wanting a JellyBean rom, I suggest one of 2 roms out there. The UnOfficial RootBox which is what I am running now, really smooth fast, no FC's so far all going good on it for the past couple of days or the Sons OF Android rom build 4. All are really great. Padawan is the most stable and still keeps you Spen sensitivity and features. Flashing one of the JB Roms, you will lose Spen apps. Hope that helped
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Ok, even though I'm already rooted. I can just update to ICS using Kies or do I use Odin? Or does it matter? Also, if I'm updating to stock ICS with whatever method I won't be able to backup any of my apps and contacts correct? Since I'll be starting from scratch again?
You may want to update your recovery to avoid errors with newer builds before you flash another rom. I suggest latest twrp. As for contacts. Just sync them with gmail and they'll be restored once you sign in. As for the rom of choice. Read through the development threads, watch YouTube reviews and find one that fits your preference.
Sent from my SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Well the problem I've now been having is I cannot connect to kies to upgrade to stock ICS. I've tried 2 computers. The problem in my PC is I'm unable to install Samsun USB drivers. I've uninstalled/reinstalled. I even plugged in the USB adapters on MOBO to different ports. I still get "?" for USB under device manager. WIth my laptop I'm able to install the usb drivers but kies never detects my phone. I get the error "this device is not supported by kies 2.0" I have USB debugging turned on. I though it might be the cable so I went and got a couple of $2 cables and still nothing.
It seems I'm stuck on GB or is there an other way to upgrade to ICS with kies??
BLASTphemus said:
Well the problem I've now been having is I cannot connect to kies to upgrade to stock ICS. I've tried 2 computers. The problem in my PC is I'm unable to install Samsun USB drivers. I've uninstalled/reinstalled. I even plugged in the USB adapters on MOBO to different ports. I still get "?" for USB under device manager. WIth my laptop I'm able to install the usb drivers but kies never detects my phone. I get the error "this device is not supported by kies 2.0" I have USB debugging turned on. I though it might be the cable so I went and got a couple of $2 cables and still nothing.
It seems I'm stuck on GB or is there an other way to upgrade to ICS with kies??
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You have to unroot to get stock update and use kies
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
No need to flash a stock ROM. Just full wipe and install the ROM of your choosing. More than likely you will want to update the baseband/modem/radio or whatever you want to call it. Easy to find and install. You can update recovery if you want or need as darkchyldx101 suggested.
Agoattamer said:
No need to flash a stock ROM. Just full wipe and install the ROM of your choosing. More than likely you will want to update the baseband/modem/radio or whatever you want to call it. Easy to find and install. You can update recovery if you want or need as darkchyldx101 suggested.
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it was suggested he flash to stock and re-root, which isnt a bad thing it cleans up the phone pretty good
BLASTphemus said:
Well the problem I've now been having is I cannot connect to kies to upgrade to stock ICS. I've tried 2 computers. The problem in my PC is I'm unable to install Samsun USB drivers. I've uninstalled/reinstalled. I even plugged in the USB adapters on MOBO to different ports. I still get "?" for USB under device manager. WIth my laptop I'm able to install the usb drivers but kies never detects my phone. I get the error "this device is not supported by kies 2.0" I have USB debugging turned on. I though it might be the cable so I went and got a couple of $2 cables and still nothing.
It seems I'm stuck on GB or is there an other way to upgrade to ICS with kies??
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As JamieD81 mentioned that would be your best bet is to unroot and re-root, install the new baseband: here's a link to it
Scroll down to phlunkie's post
Will probably speed you up a little too.
JamieD81 said:
it was suggested he flash to stock and re-root, which isnt a bad thing it cleans up the phone pretty good
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seems ive heard this somewhere before???? hmmmmm , maybe I am not such a dullard after all
Ok, after a little more reading I'm glad so say I'm now rooted on ICS with Padawan V5 rom. My Gnote is once again snappy fast and smooth.
This is what I did.
1. Unrooted
2. upgraded to ICS with kies
3. rooted (made backup of stock ICS, used twrp)
4. flashed padawan V5
Thank you all for your suggestions and recommendations. :good:

MK2 - Issues with ROM

I've searched on this forum for the past few days and tested every item that's been listed.
So as much as I don't want to be flamed... I'm asking for guidance.
I've tested with 4 versions of the Eclipse rom, CM11, CM10, CyanFox, Gummy and FoxHound but all deliver the same results.
I'm using safestrap 3.71, I gained root with the script "Based on the CVE-2013-6282 exploit by cubeundcube "
All and all my installs are sticking to the docs.
*New Slot 1
*Install OS Rom
*Gapps if needed else Modules.zip
*Wipe Cache
However one of two things always happens.
* Black Screen with no response even when plugged in, this includes when plugged into power.
* Teal Blue screen that flashes, I can hear things but again with ADB it still doesn't see the phone
**With both I have to pull the battery. Both also greatly increase the heat on the back of the phone.
I've let it sit, once for 45 minutes but to no avail.
I was able to get one ROM up (Eclipse-v5.1-build5-jfltevzw-090313) however it showed no wireless or CDMA even after installing the modules.zip.
If I could get it to adb shell I know I'd be fine, these are simply kernel modules that need to be installed but it's not getting there. I've also been looking for any type of syslog function that could tell me about the failed boots.
I've had to restore twice with Odin.
I've ready through what has to be at least 75 threads with this issue and it seems that it's 50/50 for resolution. One post stated to stay with the TW Roms and I've been trying to do that, I'd like to get as close to stock as possible but understand that may not be possible.
This community is great, I don't want to be one of those that annoys everyone and just need to search. But it's not working out that well. Are there any other diagnostic utilities to look at?
This is really one of those times where I've been looking at it for so long I'd just like some ideas.
Thanks to everyone who reads this. I really appreciate your time.
Since you're on mk2 you cam only use touch wiz based 4.3 roms. And you have to have the mk2 modules to flash right after. No cm ROM will work because of the kernel difference
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
Look for sbreen94 or jrkruse roms in development
Sent from my SCH-I545
chroot said:
I've searched on this forum for the past few days and tested every item that's been listed.
So as much as I don't want to be flamed... I'm asking for guidance.
I've tested with 4 versions of the Eclipse rom, CM11, CM10, CyanFox, Gummy and FoxHound but all deliver the same results.
I'm using safestrap 3.71, I gained root with the script "Based on the CVE-2013-6282 exploit by cubeundcube "
All and all my installs are sticking to the docs.
*New Slot 1
*Install OS Rom
*Gapps if needed else Modules.zip
*Wipe Cache
However one of two things always happens.
* Black Screen with no response even when plugged in, this includes when plugged into power.
* Teal Blue screen that flashes, I can hear things but again with ADB it still doesn't see the phone
**With both I have to pull the battery. Both also greatly increase the heat on the back of the phone.
I've let it sit, once for 45 minutes but to no avail.
I was able to get one ROM up (Eclipse-v5.1-build5-jfltevzw-090313) however it showed no wireless or CDMA even after installing the modules.zip.
If I could get it to adb shell I know I'd be fine, these are simply kernel modules that need to be installed but it's not getting there. I've also been looking for any type of syslog function that could tell me about the failed boots.
I've had to restore twice with Odin.
I've ready through what has to be at least 75 threads with this issue and it seems that it's 50/50 for resolution. One post stated to stay with the TW Roms and I've been trying to do that, I'd like to get as close to stock as possible but understand that may not be possible.
This community is great, I don't want to be one of those that annoys everyone and just need to search. But it's not working out that well. Are there any other diagnostic utilities to look at?
This is really one of those times where I've been looking at it for so long I'd just like some ideas.
Thanks to everyone who reads this. I really appreciate your time.
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before you do anything else, best read the following threads before you brick your phone...ONLY TW based roms are useable on safestrap for starters for all users after release of MDK .
I really appreciate all the good advice and direction. I had suspected the TouchWiz ROM item and will continue to pursue that. Thanks again for everyone who took time to read over and comment on this.

Just trying to figure out what is the proper path with this spiteful phone

So my girlfriend's EVO 4G LTE is a bit of.. well, I'm gonna say bastard. I'm not new when it comes to rooting devices but I've never had to deal with one that fought me so much.
I've been through this adventure many times with it, and it gets more complicated each time. Here is what's happened with it so far.
It was stock, and it was terrible. It lagged so much, despite factory resets, that apps like google maps were completely unusable. It got no battery life AT ALL, and was generally freeze-happy and miserable.
So then I s-off'd it and after learning all its quirks, installed recovery and CM 11.2 (I think? It's been a year)
This worked great! For.. a few days. The phone worked, we went on vacation to a roaming area where Sprint had no coverage. We come back, and only the data works, texts and calls do not, and the phone acts like it's not activated. Yay. All attempts to get it activated are met with failure, much to the confusion of the poor sprint person on the line. The phone just will not take, at all. (damn lack of real sim cards..) We tried recovering back to a backup from twrp of the stock firmware but that won't work either? It wouldn't register with sprint even on the backed up version of stock sense. The phone seemed dead at this point. Bricked radio?
So we give up. We bring it to the sprint store, and they do some magic to it, and its back to stock, slow and terrible, but functional. We don't touch it until about three weeks ago.
But, my girlfriend is tired, again, of the terribleness, and asks me to try again. Okay, sure.
I install TWRP again, so far so good. The phone is still S-OFF from last time, which is nice. I go to install CM11.2 from the files used from last time (the MD5 does check out correct) But, the phone complains about not having a new enough bootloader. ???? (So I assume sprint downgraded the bootloader in the process of fixing it. somehow)
I forget the exact numbers, but we can't install CM11.2, only 10. or 10.whatever. the newest 10. Okay, fine. I gather a new set of cyanogen files, gapps, whatever, and flash all of that, so far so good.
This time it works, and stays working! Yay! So I thought.
As it turns out, its on a very old version of android (so old that it goes into a special usb file host mode when usb is plugged in) and more importantly, the camera is TERRIBLE. I've read that the evo 4g lte uses a special ImageSense chip to boost camera performance, and that cyanogen 10 does not support it. I can tell, because the camera is absolutely terrible. The battery life also is terrible, presumably because it lacks optimizations. It had way better battery life on CM11.2 when it worked. Other then that, its working just fine, but the camera is just unacceptable.
So, I want to know what to do from here. I see a few paths.
plan A:
update HBOOT to a newer version to allow the install of CM11.2
(how do I do that? I heard you have to use an RUU, but which RUU? I read that there is some touchscreen driver that is an issue depending on what version you run)
(Once I install the ruu is it business as usual, install twrp and then flash cyanogen like normal? Will it do the crazy not activation thing again? was that a fluke??)
plan B:
update HBOOT, but to a much newer one that allows the install of CM12 or whatever the newer ones are. Presumably updating past the touch screen driver issue and not allowing us to go back to an old version.
(once again, what do I need to do that? Is this advisable? I quite prefer the idea of running a newer version. So if this is the better idea, I will do it.)
I thank you greatly for your help. I'm not used to it being this complicated. I've read a lot of things about this phone and it seems very conflicting at times. I just want to get straightened out.
yeah, it's probably running like crap because the firmware is so out of date.
use this RUU http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2653730
then re-flash twrp and another ROM if you want (i've been running cm12.1 for MONTHS) but she might be able to survive just like that. only fear would be staying vulnerable to security threats, but you've been living in that house this whole time anyway.
for a good while i was running this stock 4.3 with root and some xposed modules installed to get the cm functionality that i missed. but seriously, run the RUU, let it activate, then go under settings and update profile and PRL, fire up maps/navigation with GPS on so that it gets a good lock and its cache populated, then you should be good from there.
Thank you!
Can I use the same utility that I used to flash twrp (that one-click thing that seems to support a half million phones) or do I need something special? This sounds very easy to do. Almost too easy, given that the story of this phone's life is that the easiest thing I've ever done to it was take it completely apart to replace its battery.
never used the one-click stuff. flashing recovery via fastboot is simple enough.
get the adb tools, here's some easy instructions for that http://lifehacker.com/the-easiest-way-to-install-androids-adb-and-fastboot-to-1586992378
get the latest twrp from here https://dl.twrp.me/jewel/
then follow these directions to flash twrp https://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Install_CM_for_jewel#Installing_a_custom_recovery_using_fastboot
if not installing cm or any other rooted rom (you want to root stock) get supersu from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1538053 and use the twrp installable zip
If you've gone through the trouble to S-Off, then fastboot flash the latest TWRP (, I believe), which supports the new partition layout (extra 4gig of internal SD space).
From there, flash the official 651.4 developers version, go through the device setup which updates your PRL, then shut it down and reboot to TWRP and flash the latest CM12.1 and a proper gapps package (I use "stock", which is a bit much for some, but I like having everything available to me).
The one thing I do that most don't is to disable zRam and enable swap with my own script I wrote specifically for the external SD I formatted as vFat/ext4/swap.
After doing all this, I do not have the issues you seem to have, and the PRL seems to stay from the last install of stock Sense 5. Even with all the apps I have installed, it's still fairly snappy. Facebook/Messenger, and other memory hogging apps run smooth with no discernable lag, unless there's network issues.
YMMV, but look into using an app like "Ampre" to measure battery life and gauge if the battery is going bad or not.
Outside of that, there's not much left to do with these older devices that hasn't been done already.

