Born again noob needing advice.... - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note I717

Hello everyone. It's been a year since I last came to this site. This is where I got all my info on rooting. I'm somewhat embarrassed to say I'm still running my Gnote on 2.3.6 GB, baseband I717UCLA1, Saurom.
Recently my Gnote has become incredibly slow. More force closed now than ever before. Battery life is next to nothing. A full charge will last me 4hrs...yes 4 hours with fulltime use (txting, calling, browsing, watching videos and playing games). It will last me about 10hrs if I don't do a damn thing on it except maybe check an email, a txt or the time.
I've come back to get info on upgrading to ICS or Jellybean. My question is, have I basically done the hard part already (rooting) and just need to download a correct ROM and flash away, is that correct? Or do I need to take additional steps?
My other question is, in your opinion what's the most popular ROM for the Gnote 1 out right now. I'm way out of of the loop and I'm catching up on my reading.
Thanks and it's good to be back to this site. Hopefully I'll stick around more often this time around.

wow a year?
surprised nobody else chimed in, but I think I can get you in the right direction. with a few questions for ya, I think you will be on your way. I am reasonably new to the Note, but not to rooting or flashing. yes, I have rooted Note and flashed rom's.
1.did you root a year ago or just now? not sure if it will work rooted, but Samsung should be able to get you upgraded STOCK ICS very easily. the only reason I say that is I have not seen that modem before.
2. are you wanting to stay stock or flash custom? the Samsung upgrade is going to only take you to ICS. if you want JB, you need custom rom. pretty sure you know some of this. either way I believe, even if you want JB, you need ICS first. again, I think modem is going to be issue.
3. (not a question) in any of these issues, I, myself always believe that returning to stock is the safe bet. then start from there. there are people here with more experience that may tell you you don't need to. I need that confidence and fresh start to know nothing is tainting my process, then I have to start over anyway, but that's just me.
I will, as others will, always direct someone to the "Super Everything Thread". ALL questions can be answered there. no matter which you wish to do, its all there. from how to's to every flavor of rom.
I am sure no matter what you want to do it could involve using "Odin". which you may have done already. just check that everything is up to date.
same thing goes for a custom rom if you wish. its not that older roms aren't solid, but you may not have the support you may want or need.
and every phone is different I am sure you know. so what is great on one, is not on all. also some of newer roms (and not all are available here) work better with alternative kernals.
alternative kernals now CAN allow things such as overclocking or undervolting. these can be a fine line providing better or worse speeds and battery life. often sacrificing one for the other. don't play with it myself or need to right now.
*******again, "Super Everything Thread" and READ, READ, READ ******
hope I helped at least a little bit

BLASTphemus said:
Hello everyone. It's been a year since I last came to this site. This is where I got all my info on rooting. I'm somewhat embarrassed to say I'm still running my Gnote on 2.3.6 GB, baseband I717UCLA1, Saurom.
Recently my Gnote has become incredibly slow. More force closed now than ever before. Battery life is next to nothing. A full charge will last me 4hrs...yes 4 hours with fulltime use (txting, calling, browsing, watching videos and playing games). It will last me about 10hrs if I don't do a damn thing on it except maybe check an email, a txt or the time.
I've come back to get info on upgrading to ICS or Jellybean. My question is, have I basically done the hard part already (rooting) and just need to download a correct ROM and flash away, is that correct? Or do I need to take additional steps?
My other question is, in your opinion what's the most popular ROM for the Gnote 1 out right now. I'm way out of of the loop and I'm catching up on my reading.
Thanks and it's good to be back to this site. Hopefully I'll stick around more often this time around.
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Personally I would suggest updating to the stock ICS and the re-root from scratch and flash one of the more stable ICS Roms such as Padawan v8, it's really stable, fast and has some note 2 features, really nice rom, stable fast and smooth. If you're wanting a JellyBean rom, I suggest one of 2 roms out there. The UnOfficial RootBox which is what I am running now, really smooth fast, no FC's so far all going good on it for the past couple of days or the Sons OF Android rom build 4. All are really great. Padawan is the most stable and still keeps you Spen sensitivity and features. Flashing one of the JB Roms, you will lose Spen apps. Hope that helped

Demmonnixx said:
Personally I would suggest updating to the stock ICS and the re-root from scratch and flash one of the more stable ICS Roms such as Padawan v8, it's really stable, fast and has some note 2 features, really nice rom, stable fast and smooth. If you're wanting a JellyBean rom, I suggest one of 2 roms out there. The UnOfficial RootBox which is what I am running now, really smooth fast, no FC's so far all going good on it for the past couple of days or the Sons OF Android rom build 4. All are really great. Padawan is the most stable and still keeps you Spen sensitivity and features. Flashing one of the JB Roms, you will lose Spen apps. Hope that helped
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Ok, even though I'm already rooted. I can just update to ICS using Kies or do I use Odin? Or does it matter? Also, if I'm updating to stock ICS with whatever method I won't be able to backup any of my apps and contacts correct? Since I'll be starting from scratch again?

You may want to update your recovery to avoid errors with newer builds before you flash another rom. I suggest latest twrp. As for contacts. Just sync them with gmail and they'll be restored once you sign in. As for the rom of choice. Read through the development threads, watch YouTube reviews and find one that fits your preference.
Sent from my SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2

Well the problem I've now been having is I cannot connect to kies to upgrade to stock ICS. I've tried 2 computers. The problem in my PC is I'm unable to install Samsun USB drivers. I've uninstalled/reinstalled. I even plugged in the USB adapters on MOBO to different ports. I still get "?" for USB under device manager. WIth my laptop I'm able to install the usb drivers but kies never detects my phone. I get the error "this device is not supported by kies 2.0" I have USB debugging turned on. I though it might be the cable so I went and got a couple of $2 cables and still nothing.
It seems I'm stuck on GB or is there an other way to upgrade to ICS with kies??

BLASTphemus said:
Well the problem I've now been having is I cannot connect to kies to upgrade to stock ICS. I've tried 2 computers. The problem in my PC is I'm unable to install Samsun USB drivers. I've uninstalled/reinstalled. I even plugged in the USB adapters on MOBO to different ports. I still get "?" for USB under device manager. WIth my laptop I'm able to install the usb drivers but kies never detects my phone. I get the error "this device is not supported by kies 2.0" I have USB debugging turned on. I though it might be the cable so I went and got a couple of $2 cables and still nothing.
It seems I'm stuck on GB or is there an other way to upgrade to ICS with kies??
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You have to unroot to get stock update and use kies
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app

No need to flash a stock ROM. Just full wipe and install the ROM of your choosing. More than likely you will want to update the baseband/modem/radio or whatever you want to call it. Easy to find and install. You can update recovery if you want or need as darkchyldx101 suggested.

Agoattamer said:
No need to flash a stock ROM. Just full wipe and install the ROM of your choosing. More than likely you will want to update the baseband/modem/radio or whatever you want to call it. Easy to find and install. You can update recovery if you want or need as darkchyldx101 suggested.
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it was suggested he flash to stock and re-root, which isnt a bad thing it cleans up the phone pretty good

BLASTphemus said:
Well the problem I've now been having is I cannot connect to kies to upgrade to stock ICS. I've tried 2 computers. The problem in my PC is I'm unable to install Samsun USB drivers. I've uninstalled/reinstalled. I even plugged in the USB adapters on MOBO to different ports. I still get "?" for USB under device manager. WIth my laptop I'm able to install the usb drivers but kies never detects my phone. I get the error "this device is not supported by kies 2.0" I have USB debugging turned on. I though it might be the cable so I went and got a couple of $2 cables and still nothing.
It seems I'm stuck on GB or is there an other way to upgrade to ICS with kies??
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As JamieD81 mentioned that would be your best bet is to unroot and re-root, install the new baseband: here's a link to it
Scroll down to phlunkie's post
Will probably speed you up a little too.

JamieD81 said:
it was suggested he flash to stock and re-root, which isnt a bad thing it cleans up the phone pretty good
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seems ive heard this somewhere before???? hmmmmm , maybe I am not such a dullard after all

Ok, after a little more reading I'm glad so say I'm now rooted on ICS with Padawan V5 rom. My Gnote is once again snappy fast and smooth.
This is what I did.
1. Unrooted
2. upgraded to ICS with kies
3. rooted (made backup of stock ICS, used twrp)
4. flashed padawan V5
Thank you all for your suggestions and recommendations. :good:


Serious problems or minor glitches?

I got my S2 last week. Brand new. Updated to ICS via KIES on the same day and the same night my phone stopped responding and I had to pull the battery in order to get it going again.....same thing happened once more about 2 days later.
I did a factory reset and all works well now
I cannot seem to link it to any specific app but should I be worried or is it normal?
I have not done anything to my phone's software other than the ICS update.
This might seem a little bit hard for a beginner but maybe you ought to flash a custom rom on your phone. First obvs root it by flashing cf root kernel via odin. Please don't just listen to me. Read all the information that you need before actually attempting to do this. Trust me when I say this, most of the custom roms solve every issue that Samsung is too lazy to solve. And the battery life is a great bonus
Have a good day and good luck with your phone.
Yes it is normal, you should have wiped it before and after as you were upgrading OS from GB to ics.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

[Q] ROM + Cleaning Advice

Hey everyone. I have a friend who has been attempting to root and install roms on his i777 device for a while now and every time it seems like something else gets screwy. I have an HTC so I know little about the process of working on his Samsung device, I thought it would be about the same but it seems way more complicated... Anyway I think all his problems started with a bad ROM he installed unknowingly when he first attempted to root his phone. And since then he has went to ICS then back to Gingerbread and it keeps getting more crazy. He has tried to do a factory reset on it but it fails half way through now so it wont even let him pull that off.
So my two questions are:
1) What is the best way to get this phone completely cleared up?
2) And what is a good/dependable Gingerbread ROM for this device?
I did a bit of digging on ROMs and found several in the "AT&T Samsung Galaxy SII i777 Index" thread. But since I dont have this device I cant try any of them out for him, and like I said early I know little on Samsung devices.
Thanks for any help!
Bakuro117 said:
Hey everyone. I have a friend who has been attempting to root and install roms on his i777 device for a while now and every time it seems like something else gets screwy. I have an HTC so I know little about the process of working on his Samsung device, I thought it would be about the same but it seems way more complicated... Anyway I think all his problems started with a bad ROM he installed unknowingly when he first attempted to root his phone. And since then he has went to ICS then back to Gingerbread and it keeps getting more crazy. He has tried to do a factory reset on it but it fails half way through now so it wont even let him pull that off.
So my two questions are:
1) What is the best way to get this phone completely cleared up?
2) And what is a good/dependable Gingerbread ROM for this device?
I did a bit of digging on ROMs and found several in the "AT&T Samsung Galaxy SII i777 Index" thread. But since I dont have this device I cant try any of them out for him, and like I said early I know little on Samsung devices.
Thanks for any help!
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1) Full wipe in CWM.
2) No one uses Gingerbread ROMS anymore (for the most part). As a matter of a fact we'll be getting Jellybean soon! Stick to an ICS rom, I recommend either AOKP or CM9.
EDIT: If he wants more of a stock feel, try out Mystics Glory.
Ok. Number one, if he wiped with the stock ics kernel installed, there's a chance he messed up his phone. The stock ics kernel had a severe bug in it. Number two, after he's no longer in ics stock kernel , do a full wipe including system, data, cache, dalvik, and run kernel cleaning script. Thirdly, there are a number of roms out there. Tell him to try them and see which one fits.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
I thought about doing all the wipes as well. I wasnt sure if they would work or not though because he cant backup and the factory restore isnt working. I told him to try it through CWM and recovery apparently neither are working well.
And he doesnt want ICS anymore because they changed how the phone connects with tether. With Gingerbread he just had to freeze Tethering Manager to get it to work in ICS Tethering Manager doesnt exist anymore so the same process doesnt work.
However Im sure he would like an ICS ROM if it unlocked tethering for him. The illuminati ROM on my Vivid unlocked the tethering for me, is there something similar for the i777?
Bakuro117 said:
I thought about doing all the wipes as well. I wasnt sure if they would work or not though because he cant backup and the factory restore isnt working. I told him to try it through CWM and recovery apparently neither are working well.
And he doesnt want ICS anymore because they changed how the phone connects with tether. With Gingerbread he just had to freeze Tethering Manager to get it to work in ICS Tethering Manager doesnt exist anymore so the same process doesnt work.
However Im sure he would like an ICS ROM if it unlocked tethering for him. The illuminati ROM on my Vivid unlocked the tethering for me, is there something similar for the i777?
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In AOKP you can tether with no issues(it also unlocks it). As far as the other stuff, if he did a full wipe like the post above said, with stock recovery. His phone may be messed up
Alright thanks for the help. I'll see if we can get anywhere this afternoon with AOKP. I'll be back after we see where that gets us! lol

[Q] Questions about Devil Kernel

Before i begin the actual topic, i feel like i need to share a story. a long, complicated story.
I feel like i can't go willy-nilly flashing things anymore. the USB cable (which btw is OEM) from my fassy is starting to go bad. odin recognizes it 1 out of 3 times, and every time i try to go back to stock, the operation fails half-way through. every other cable i've tried worked just fine, and i reinstalled samsung drivers four times. i believe i also had to reinstall windows at one point (not because of odin, i think something else broke/died) and that didn't help either. so, basically, if i flash a ROM, it has to be like perfect until i can borrow a cable.
a few nights ago, after deciding cm10.1 was too RAM-hungry for daily usage, i borrowed a cable and restored back to stock EH03 firmware. and let's face it, EH03 isn't the best thing ever, but it's usable. but i may go to jelly bean again because touchwiz is bad for your health
after discovering devil kernel (and getting some confirmation from udev that you need devil to properly get by on cm10.1), i have some questions about it:
1. from where should i download and flash it: DerTeufel's site or hhp's dev-host?
2. should i bother with Voodoo Color on jellybean?
3. at what RAM setting does it break 720p recording (as stated on DT's site)?
4. what other features should i know about that could possibly break everything?
by the way, i'm not really a n00b to android. i have a broken nook tablet and an lg vortex that went in the pool
skepticmisfit said:
Before i begin the actual topic, i feel like i need to share a story. a long, complicated story.
I feel like i can't go willy-nilly flashing things anymore. the USB cable (which btw is OEM) from my fassy is starting to go bad. odin recognizes it 1 out of 3 times, and every time i try to go back to stock, the operation fails half-way through. every other cable i've tried worked just fine, and i reinstalled samsung drivers four times. i believe i also had to reinstall windows at one point (not because of odin, i think something else broke/died) and that didn't help either. so, basically, if i flash a ROM, it has to be like perfect until i can borrow a cable.
a few nights ago, after deciding cm10.1 was too RAM-hungry for daily usage, i borrowed a cable and restored back to stock EH03 firmware. and let's face it, EH03 isn't the best thing ever, but it's usable. but i may go to jelly bean again because touchwiz is bad for your health
after discovering devil kernel (and getting some confirmation from udev that you need devil to properly get by on cm10.1), i have some questions about it:
1. from where should i download and flash it: DerTeufel's site or hhp's dev-host?
2. should i bother with Voodoo Color on jellybean?
3. at what RAM setting does it break 720p recording (as stated on DT's site)?
4. what other features should i know about that could possibly break everything?
by the way, i'm not really a n00b to android. i have a broken nook tablet and an lg vortex that went in the pool
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You do not need devil to get on 1.cm10.1 cm has a built in kernel. 2.Voodoo kernel color is available for 4.2.2.
3.The max mem setting.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
1. from where should i download and flash it: DerTeufel's site or hhp's dev-host?
DT site does not have kernels for current 4.2.2 ROMs...
My kernel thread does
2. should i bother with Voodoo Color on jellybean?
Don't see need for it but i have run this setting before and it looks great
From inside your galaxy s settings menu, (different ROMs put this in diff places)
View attachment 2167214
View attachment 2167220
3. at what RAM setting does it break 720p recording (as stated on DT's site)?
The 402 setting, but there is a patch if you search - hugemem patch - or - 720p video
4. what other features should i know about that could possibly break everything?
Read my whole kernel thread post #1
Tons of info/tips
Also read the pages of the ROMs , it's the only way to learn.
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

[Q] Need Help in a bad way

Ok, I was stock rooted to allow for wifi hotspot. Once I started getting the latest OTA from VZW I decided to try to go back to stock to accept the OTA. I went through all the YouTube video's and loaded the LG software but my phone would never sync to the LG suite software. I ended up giving up and just kept pushing the OTA off. It got so bad that I decided last night to install a recovery and then flash an unofficial CWM rom. So this morning it was working fine and then all of the sudden, I lost VZW data. Couldn't get any signal. So I decided to try to flash the Official Cyanogenmod 11. That blew up during the setup and gave me an error that it could not find any cellular service. I wiped the phone and tried to restore the backup I made of my stock rom with the recovery on it. I made the backup the second the recovery was finished. It's giving me an MD5 error?? I've tried this multiple times with the same result. So, I then decide to flash one of the two roms (unofficial & official) back to see if I can get the phone working again. No such luck.... It keeps trying to set up my "cellular service" and just runs. Nothing ever finishes. I'm really worried at this point. I would be perfectly fine to flash a Verizon image and go back to stock. But I can't seem to find out how to do this or where to find the file. Please help me.. I'm getting desperate.
Edit: I tired to flash the Unofficial Rom again and this time it seems to be working. I would still rather just go back to stock though. If anyone can point me to the correct place I'd be very appreciative.
dbow32 said:
Ok, I was stock rooted to allow for wifi hotspot. Once I started getting the latest OTA from VZW I decided to try to go back to stock to accept the OTA. I went through all the YouTube video's and loaded the LG software but my phone would never sync to the LG suite software. I ended up giving up and just kept pushing the OTA off. It got so bad that I decided last night to install a recovery and then flash an unofficial CWM rom. So this morning it was working fine and then all of the sudden, I lost VZW data. Couldn't get any signal. So I decided to try to flash the Official Cyanogenmod 11. That blew up during the setup and gave me an error that it could not find any cellular service. I wiped the phone and tried to restore the backup I made of my stock rom with the recovery on it. I made the backup the second the recovery was finished. It's giving me an MD5 error?? I've tried this multiple times with the same result. So, I then decide to flash one of the two roms (unofficial & official) back to see if I can get the phone working again. No such luck.... It keeps trying to set up my "cellular service" and just runs. Nothing ever finishes. I'm really worried at this point. I would be perfectly fine to flash a Verizon image and go back to stock. But I can't seem to find out how to do this or where to find the file. Please help me.. I'm getting desperate.
Edit: I tired to flash the Unofficial Rom again and this time it seems to be working. I would still rather just go back to stock though. If anyone can point me to the correct place I'd be very appreciative.
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Here is a link to flash back to stock:
I know you wanted to take the OTA, but why not download one of the stock based 11c ROM's, like Jasmine 3.0? That way you'll still get the latest version(11c) but you won't lose root and recovery. The OTA patches root, so no recovery either. Here's a link for Jasmine 3.0 stock based 11c if you want to try it:
Also, there has been issues with data on the CM builds. It seems pretty common right now. Check the CM threads for more info on that. I believe there is a command people have been entering(killall rild in terminal emulator) to get data back, but it seems 50/50 that it'll work.
startswithPendswithOOH said:
Here is a link to flash back to stock:
I know you wanted to take the OTA, but why not download one of the stock based 11c ROM's, like Jasmine 3.0? That way you'll still get the latest version(11c) but you won't lose root and recovery. The OTA patches root, so no recovery either. Here's a link for Jasmine 3.0 stock based 11c if you want to try it:
Also, there has been issues with data on the CM builds. It seems pretty common right now. Check the CM threads for more info on that. I believe there is a command people have been entering(killall rild in terminal emulator) to get data back, but it seems 50/50 that it'll work.
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Hey thanks a lot for your reply. I understand what you're saying with going back to stock. My issues with flashing custom Roms is that I have to have my phone work 100%. I've been flashing since the original Droid Incredible. And I've NEVER found a Rom that didn't have minor glitches and issues. Usually those issues affect my daily routine. I'll give Jasmine3.0 a shot and if it works I might just keep it. If not i'll just suffer through VZW's BS! Anyway, really appreciate your input.
dbow32 said:
Hey thanks a lot for your reply. I understand what you're saying with going back to stock. My issues with flashing custom Roms is that I have to have my phone work 100%. I've been flashing since the original Droid Incredible. And I've NEVER found a Rom that didn't have minor glitches and issues. Usually those issues affect my daily routine. I'll give Jasmine3.0 a shot and if it works I might just keep it. If not i'll just suffer through VZW's BS! Anyway, really appreciate your input.
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Glad to help. I'm with you on the 100% functionality too, so that is why I'm on Jasmine 3.0. Don't get me wrong, I love custom ROMs and all the work the devs do, but until all the kinks are worked out I'd rather be stock.
Also, I'm not trying to advertise anything, but flashing the skydragon kernel into Jasmine has helped the speed/lag and battery life as well. Its worth a try - but it only works on stock/non-AOSP based ROMs. If you try it though, also download the stock 11c kernel that the OP put in the thread just in case you have issues. I don't have the link handy, but the kernel is located in the "original android development" thread. Peace
dbow32 said:
Ok, I was stock rooted to allow for wifi hotspot. Once I started getting the latest OTA from VZW I decided to try to go back to stock to accept the OTA. I went through all the YouTube video's and loaded the LG software but my phone would never sync to the LG suite software.
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Which drivers were you using? I had trouble with the Unified Drivers linked in some posts and had to use the Verizon specific drivers. I also had to usually reinstall the drivers each time I tried to use the flash tool to get it to recognize my phone.
BladeRunner said:
Which drivers were you using? I had trouble with the Unified Drivers linked in some posts and had to use the Verizon specific drivers. I also had to usually reinstall the drivers each time I tried to use the flash tool to get it to recognize my phone.
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To be honest, I'm not sure what drivers I was using. I did a Google search for LG suite and found the closest version I could find. They didn't have the VS985, Only P985. So that might have had something to do with it.
startswithPendswithOOH said:
Glad to help. I'm with you on the 100% functionality too, so that is why I'm on Jasmine 3.0. Don't get me wrong, I love custom ROMs and all the work the devs do, but until all the kinks are worked out I'd rather be stock.
Also, I'm not trying to advertise anything, but flashing the skydragon kernel into Jasmine has helped the speed/lag and battery life as well. Its worth a try - but it only works on stock/non-AOSP based ROMs. If you try it though, also download the stock 11c kernel that the OP put in the thread just in case you have issues. I don't have the link handy, but the kernel is located in the "original android development" thread. Peace
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I have a question, what is the "Modem" for? BTW, this Rom is VERY nice. Thanks
dbow32 said:
I have a question, what is the "Modem" for? BTW, this Rom is VERY nice. Thanks
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Modem is the radio. Some people reported better signal strength on the 11c modem versus the 10b modem, but I didn't notice too much of a difference myself.
And glad you like the ROM, but all thanks go to hsbadr who came up with it
startswithPendswithOOH said:
Modem is the radio. Some people reported better signal strength on the 11c modem versus the 10b modem, but I didn't notice too much of a difference myself.
And glad you like the ROM, but all thanks go to hsbadr who came up with it
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You know, it's really odd but the last few weeks my phone's signal has dropped. I listen to Sirius through my phone during the day at work. And I've always received 1 to 2 bars of 4g. But the last few weeks, It's dropped to about 2 to 3 bars of 3G. I thought maybe VZW was secretly throttling me. But maybe it's the updated Radio?
dbow32 said:
You know, it's really odd but the last few weeks my phone's signal has dropped. I listen to Sirius through my phone during the day at work. And I've always received 1 to 2 bars of 4g. But the last few weeks, It's dropped to about 2 to 3 bars of 3G. I thought maybe VZW was secretly throttling me. But maybe it's the updated Radio?
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It's possible the modem could've been causing problems. Is 11c better or worse for you? And its also possible big red was throttling you too. That seems like something they'd do.
If you use/like xposed framework G3 tweaksbox is a good app to get for customizing your phone a little bit. And greenify and amplify are good xposed apps that help your battery life a whole lot. They are worth checking out in the play store.

[Q] Help with new to me Sensation 4G

Hello everyone,
I am a complete noob and hopefully you guys can help me out. I have tried to wrap my head around all the new android terms and my head is spinning. Anyways, I was given a HTC Sensation 4G Z710a on the Bell network. I registered on the htcdev to unlock the bootloader and following the steps, I fail to get the token. I have tried on two PC's and my friend tried on his MAC. My friend thinks the reason it fails is because the phones software is not up to date. Is it possible that it cannot get the token because the software is out of date? We tried to update the software and it fails. The problem looks like it is due to the installation of a clockworkmod. I have tried using the factory reset and the the cwm to do a factory reset and nothing has changed. Other than this, it looks like the phone has S-OFF and is not rooted.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Messed_sensation said:
Hello everyone,
I am a complete noob and hopefully you guys can help me out. I have tried to wrap my head around all the new android terms and my head is spinning. Anyways, I was given a HTC Sensation 4G Z710a on the Bell network. I registered on the htcdev to unlock the bootloader and following the steps, I fail to get the token. I have tried on two PC's and my friend tried on his MAC. My friend thinks the reason it fails is because the phones software is not up to date. Is it possible that it cannot get the token because the software is out of date? We tried to update the software and it fails. The problem looks like it is due to the installation of a clockworkmod. I have tried using the factory reset and the the cwm to do a factory reset and nothing has changed. Other than this, it looks like the phone has S-OFF and is not rooted.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Kind of hard for us to tell you if the issue is the software update, when you haven't told us which update it's on. However, since the phone has already been modded, and is S-Off, that means the bootloader is already unlocked so using the HTCdev website is not needed. You can just update via a custom rom since you already have CWM.
es0tericcha0s said:
Kind of hard for us to tell you if the issue is the software update, when you haven't told us which update it's on. However, since the phone has already been modded, and is S-Off, that means the bootloader is already unlocked so using the HTCdev website is not needed. You can just update via a custom rom since you already have CWM.
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Thank you for your reply with the good news. This is probably irrelevant now that you said i can update via a custom rom. Under software information: Android Version; 2.3.3, HTC Sense Version; 3.0, Software Number 1.35.666.1.
It looks like now I need to research how to update via a custom rom and which rom to get. (Update. I looked into flashing a ruu and my cid is SuperCID 11111111. As long as I find a ruu that is Pyramid TMOUS, it should be good?) I am exited to be getting rid of my junky iphone. Do you have any suggestions as to what rom to get??
Messed_sensation said:
Thank you for your reply with the good news. This is probably irrelevant now that you said i can update via a custom rom. Under software information: Android Version; 2.3.3, HTC Sense Version; 3.0, Software Number 1.35.666.1.
It looks like now I need to research how to update via a custom rom and which rom to get. (Update. I looked into flashing a ruu and my cid is SuperCID 11111111. As long as I find a ruu that is Pyramid TMOUS, it should be good?) I am exited to be getting rid of my junky iphone. Do you have any suggestions as to what rom to get??
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I would upgrade the phone to ICS via the RUU. I suggest this for 2 reasons - 1) so you can have the newest update and firmware as just flashing an ICS rom by itself will not be a good idea as you will have issues with the touch sensors and radios (touch screen won't respond and signal issues) and 2) so you can have experience on how to put the phone back to stock in case there's an issue during flashing a rom, or you need to resell it. Once you have the RUU and know it works, then flashing roms will be much less scary as there aren't many things you can do that would not be fixable by it. You can get away with just flashing the rom and the firmware as well, but I speak with many years of experience and 100s of phones under my belt, and I know that whenever I play with a new phone, I learn how to fix it first before I learn how to mod it.
As far as suggestions, I would start with something simple and solid like Android Revolution HD. See what you like and dislike and go from there.
es0tericcha0s said:
I would upgrade the phone to ICS via the RUU. I suggest this for 2 reasons - 1) so you can have the newest update and firmware as just flashing an ICS rom by itself will not be a good idea as you will have issues with the touch sensors and radios (touch screen won't respond and signal issues) and 2) so you can have experience on how to put the phone back to stock in case there's an issue during flashing a rom, or you need to resell it. Once you have the RUU and know it works, then flashing roms will be much less scary as there aren't many things you can do that would not be fixable by it. You can get away with just flashing the rom and the firmware as well, but I speak with many years of experience and 100s of phones under my belt, and I know that whenever I play with a new phone, I learn how to fix it first before I learn how to mod it.
As far as suggestions, I would start with something simple and solid like Android Revolution HD. See what you like and dislike and go from there.
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Thank you for all your help and suggestion:good:. I am now running the Android Revolution HD.
This is a huge change from my iphone 4.
es0tericcha0s said:
I would upgrade the phone to ICS via the RUU. I suggest this for 2 reasons - 1) so you can have the newest update and firmware as just flashing an ICS rom by itself will not be a good idea as you will have issues with the touch sensors and radios (touch screen won't respond and signal issues) and 2) so you can have experience on how to put the phone back to stock in case there's an issue during flashing a rom, or you need to resell it. Once you have the RUU and know it works, then flashing roms will be much less scary as there aren't many things you can do that would not be fixable by it. You can get away with just flashing the rom and the firmware as well, but I speak with many years of experience and 100s of phones under my belt, and I know that whenever I play with a new phone, I learn how to fix it first before I learn how to mod it.
As far as suggestions, I would start with something simple and solid like Android Revolution HD. See what you like and dislike and go from there.
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Here is another update, and I am not sure if you can help. I thought everything was fine with the install, but it seems like my mobile network is not working. I followed all the steps from except I used Clockwork Mod instead of 4EXT Touch Recovery. I looked through all the related settings and even tried changing them, rebooting and seeing if it made any changes. I also even followed the steps a second time and got the same result.
Messed_sensation said:
Here is another update, and I am not sure if you can help. I thought everything was fine with the install, but it seems like my mobile network is not working. I followed all the steps from except I used Clockwork Mod instead of 4EXT Touch Recovery. I looked through all the related settings and even tried changing them, rebooting and seeing if it made any changes. I also even followed the steps a second time and got the same result.
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Is it just data or are you unable to make calls and texts as well? If it's just data, then most likely it is an issue with the Bell APN needing set correctly. If you don't get a signal or any connection to the cell towers, then you might not have the right firmware or radio. Did you update to the last update HTC put out for it?
es0tericcha0s said:
Is it just data or are you unable to make calls and texts as well? If it's just data, then most likely it is an issue with the Bell APN needing set correctly. If you don't get a signal or any connection to the cell towers, then you might not have the right firmware or radio. Did you update to the last update HTC put out for it?
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:good:You are good! It was just my data that was not working, and you were right on the money. After reading your reply, I checked my APN settings and adjusted them accordingly to what my carrier states. It is working perfectly now. Thank you so very much for your help. Take care.
Messed_sensation said:
:good:You are good! It was just my data that was not working, and you were right on the money. After reading your reply, I checked my APN settings and adjusted them accordingly to what my carrier states. It is working perfectly now. Thank you so very much for your help. Take care.
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I do this kinda stuff for a living. Glad all is well. Enjoy your "new" phone. :victory:
es0tericcha0s said:
I do this kinda stuff for a living. Glad all is well. Enjoy your "new" phone. :victory:
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I have been getting around 12 hours out of my battery with not too much use on the phone. I am running the SebastionFM Kernel. I read that I will get better battery life on the Bricked Kernel. Can you tell me if that is the way to go? I am trying to dl the kernel to flash it, but I am not sure which file to download. Also, when I flash the Kernel, Is it pretty straight forward or are there settings that I would need to choose.
Thanks again.
Messed_sensation said:
I have been getting around 12 hours out of my battery with not too much use on the phone. I am running the SebastionFM Kernel. I read that I will get better battery life on the Bricked Kernel. Can you tell me if that is the way to go? I am trying to dl the kernel to flash it, but I am not sure which file to download. Also, when I flash the Kernel, Is it pretty straight forward or are there settings that I would need to choose.
Thanks again.
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Depends on which rom you are using... The developer of the kernel mentioned near the end of the thread that his kernels are a little outdated for the newer Sense roms that are out there, so you might need to proceed with caution. Whenever you are flashing kernels, you should both make sure you have things backed up somewhere safe (Google, your PC, etc) as well as make a nandroid backup in recovery before flashing. It's typically recommended to wipe the cache and dalvik cache before installing new kernels (since you are S-Off, S-On users need a slightly different path to upgrade...). You might look into why your battery life is not as good as it could be in it's current configuration first before changing major components such as the kernel. Look into Greenify to hibernate apps while the screen is off and something like GSam Battery Monitor or Better Battery Stats or Wakelock Detector to break down the battery stats and wakelocks as those typically cause the biggest loss of battery life.
es0tericcha0s said:
Depends on which rom you are using... The developer of the kernel mentioned near the end of the thread that his kernels are a little outdated for the newer Sense roms that are out there, so you might need to proceed with caution. Whenever you are flashing kernels, you should both make sure you have things backed up somewhere safe (Google, your PC, etc) as well as make a nandroid backup in recovery before flashing. It's typically recommended to wipe the cache and dalvik cache before installing new kernels (since you are S-Off, S-On users need a slightly different path to upgrade...). You might look into why your battery life is not as good as it could be in it's current configuration first before changing major components such as the kernel. Look into Greenify to hibernate apps while the screen is off and something like GSam Battery Monitor or Better Battery Stats or Wakelock Detector to break down the battery stats and wakelocks as those typically cause the biggest loss of battery life.
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I think it is my battery. I picked up an Anker and the phone is now at 20% after 21hrs. Is there a way to get Emoji to work on my phone? When people SMS me, on the lock screen they show up as a question mark in a box but when i go to read the text message there is nothing there.
Using a different keyboard will let you send Emojis, but not really sure about enabling the view from other people's messages off the top of my head, sorry. I recommend SwiftKey for a great keyboard replacement with lots of built in Emojis.

