[Q] Direct Wi Fi Connection between Android and PC? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys! After searching for months on google I decided to ask it to pro developer of this awesome forum. Is it possible to have a Direct Wi Fi Connection between my Android device (Lg L5 e610) and my PC (Win7, Ubuntu 13.04, Mac OSx Snow Leopard)? Is there any tool or program to do it? Or at least a developement project (I like to be a tester)? I found some solutions for my question but they need to a router to work and i haven't it
Sorry for my very bad english and applauses to this awesome community!

ZiO312 said:
Hi guys! After searching for months on google I decided to ask it to pro developer of this awesome forum. Is it possible to have a Direct Wi Fi Connection between my Android device (Lg L5 e610) and my PC (Win7, Ubuntu 13.04, Mac OSx Snow Leopard)? Is there any tool or program to do it? Or at least a developement project (I like to be a tester)? I found some solutions for my question but they need to a router to work and i haven't it
Sorry for my very bad english and applauses to this awesome community!
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You could use a hotspot app to use your device as router.
An other good solution is ES Explorer that you can do exactly the same thing and many more (Personally I preffer this app).Open ES Explorer,press menu button-->Tools-->Net Manager and you will see a choice "Create a hotspot network".Press that and you will make a hotspot connection (It will give you the password after the creation of the connection).Press back button-->menu button-->Tools-->Remote Manager and use turn on button to share your data (by default it is sharing your sdcard and sets as default port 3721)
Then just find and connect your pc to wifi hotspot of your device and create a new network location by giving the ftp address from ES Explorer:
ftp://192.168.XXX.XXX:{port number}


wifi tether on tattoo working

1) download pre8 version here:
2) start the app the first time to create config files
3) than run:
/data/data/android.tether/bin/tether start 1
4) now open wifi tether app and check logs
Thanks! I will try it and then add it to my rom!
grande suoko !
thanks suoko
sorry, i'm newb..
what do you mean by
"run: /data/data/android.tether/bin/tether start 1" ?
kongkows said:
sorry, i'm newb..
what do you mean by
"run: /data/data/android.tether/bin/tether start 1" ?
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there's a bug in the gui as always
you must run that command from terminal with root user
i use "better terminal emulator"
I cannot stop it and turn on wifi!!!
try "run: /data/data/android.tether/bin/tether stop 1"
Thank you for the method !
Tether Wifi works fine.
But I'm obliged to return the code ("/data/data/android.tether/bin/start tether 1) every time I restart my Tattoo.
It's normal?
Thank you for your help.
Sorry for my bad English, I'm french =p .
Sorry for noob question.
What is wifi tether?
Google is your friend ! =P
Wifi Tether allows use your phone as a router (modem).
Wifi Tether uses the 3G connection, and translates into wifi signal.
I don't know if it's clear, but I'm not very good in English and some words escaped me.
it's clear... i dont need this for now, but is very usable. thx.
I followed the steps but still cannot use tethering
My PC can connect to the Tattoo and get the IP from it, and that app alerted to be connected by a client, but the PC still cannot browse webpage
ww_boy6 said:
I followed the steps but still cannot use tethering
My PC can connect to the Tattoo and get the IP from it, and that app alerted to be connected by a client, but the PC still cannot browse webpage
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Same here, I tried connecting through a netbook and a iPod Touch, both of them see and connect to the phone, but are unable to use internet.
Same problem
I am using Modaco R2. for HTC tattoo.
I installed wireless_tether_2_0-pre10.apk.
My laptop able to connect to Tattoo & give Ip address.
I tried to browse webpage... but it unable to go into internet.
BUT both, Tattoo & laptop showed that they are connected together!!!
Tattoo's access control even show my laptop's name correctly!
Using laptop command prompt, I tried to ping Default Gateway (
It showed 100% data LOST!!!.
What happen???
Download the latest apk (2.0.1), it works.
Hi Guys,
I have an HTC Tattoo and want to do wifi Tethering. My phone is not rooted yet and i cannot find instructions to do this (most of the instructions are for adding new roms). I do not want to add a new rom, i just want to tether my 3G connection by turning my phone into a wifi hub.
phiber123 said:
My phone is not rooted yet and i cannot find instructions to do this
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Please search this forum before posting.
awesome, it's working.
Wifi Tethering start successfully, but when i try to connect to the network, Tattoo don't assign the ip to the PC and the connection failed.
Wich ip i've to use for gateway and dns? Wich subnet mask?
Thank you
I try to run without root access but not work.
Later on I root my Tatto and app start working with 1.6
Now not have WiFi card to try but when i get one i infform you about res.

[Q] Internet via ad-hoc

Hi people, i don't have wifi in my house so i tried to create a wifi acces point on my laptot but in my mini pro doesn't appear my wifi.
can anyone help me?
I use win xp and ubuntu 11.04
thanks and sorry for my bad english (i'm spanish)
dare i ask what your settings are, such as...
ssid; or if its set to even broadcast?
encryption or no encryption?
is ics on?
what band(s) are your broadcasting off your notebook b/g/n?(think the mini only has b/g)
are you broadcasting from like the attic down to the basement?
My wifi chip is Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG
The connection is shared and without encryption.
I used this tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndYUkSdCQ3Q&feature=related
allc said:
My wifi chip is Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG
The connection is shared and without encryption.
I used this tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndYUkSdCQ3Q&feature=related
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anyways i'm not sure about all your settings but when i was running an adhoc network i defiantly did not have network authentication set to shared i had it set to open the video from what i could bare to watch also doesn't show you how to enable ics so google/youtube that for another 10 minute video if you need too :roflcopter:
Use connectify
connectify doesn't work. it says that is for win7
Ou! Sorry)))
Can I connect to inernet via usb? or bluetooth?
[Tutorial] How to share PC internet with the x10 mini...
allc said:
Hi people, i don't have wifi in my house so i tried to create a wifi acces point on my laptot but in my mini pro doesn't appear my wifi.
can anyone help me?
I use win xp and ubuntu 11.04
thanks and sorry for my bad english (i'm spanish)
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Maybe you tried Creating Ad-Hoc. Android does not show adhoc networks. There is also a Workaround. Thanks to blackplatypus. Details at
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. But it is not sure, if it will work or not.
So there is another way, Make your pc act as an Access point.
Easy Way: First (Did not work for me. )
Easy Way: Second (Have not tested it.)
Hard Way:
Not sure if it will work on XP.
1. Go to Start -> Run, Type services.msc
2. Find if you have the "Routing and Remote Access" [/B]
If it is ther then Procceed. But if you dont have it, You can not make a virtual Wifi Router.
3. Right Click on "Routing and Remote Access", Select Properties, Select Automatic from the Dropdown menu, click on OK. Then restart your PC.
4. After Restarting the PC, Copy and paste the code below in any text file and save it as “.bat” file.
Note: replace yourSSID with any SSID you like and yourKEY with any password you like.
netsh wlan set hostednetwork ssid=yourSSID key=YourKEY keyUsage=persistent
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Double click on it.
You can see an Extra Wireless Connection in your “Network Connections” folder.
5. Right Click on your main internet connection, go to Properties, select Sharing, Put tick on First box and select the extra Wireless Network Connection.
Now you can use internet through this.
allc said:
Can I connect to inernet via usb? or bluetooth?
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See this thread:
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If you have any problem, Feel free to contact me.

iPhone 3G wifi tether not found..

Hi everybody,
I have an HTC Flyer P512 16GB wifi only, on Android 2.3.4, HTC Sense 1.0, softwarenumber 2.27.1114.32.
Now I want to access internet via my iPhone 3G A1241 16GB, which I Redsn0w jailbroke, and installed PDANet via Cydia.
I'm able to internet from my laptop via the wifi hotspot that I can now create with PDANet.
But for a reason I dont know, I can't seem to find any created wifi hotspots with my Flyer..
How come my laptop can access a wifi hotspot that I created with PDANet on my iPhone, but my Flyer can't?
I used search, but it must be a combination of; too specific & my lack of knowledge in this business ..
I really hope someone can steer me in the right direction!
Thanks in advance
Ok, I did some more research on the matter, I believe I now know I would need to root, SU, before being able to place an wpa_supplicant. Back up original. Turn WiFi off. Use Root Explorer to paste it into system/bin folder. Change the permissions on the file to rwxr-xr-x. Turn wifi back on. And it should show adhoc networks.
How am I doing?
If this is the right order, I still need to find out what root I should use, can anybody tell me that?
It is important to me that all the original buttons function, and I prefer no loss of options..
Appreciate it.
I now know I mixxed up roms with root in my previous post.
In the meanwhile I have S-off''ed my tablet.
I intended to install CWM along with it, but it displayed that it couldn't be done, and I should do it manually.
I'm now on a search for the specific method of installing CWM manually..if someone feels like jumping to my rescue, would be highly appreciated.
Oke, found this:
..but again, i am stuck ..the file the how t refers to (cwm- is no longer available at that address..
Have been searching for it on Google, as well as torrent sites..no luck..
Is there anyone who still has this file?
Don't know anything about using an iPhone as a hotspot. But you shouldn't have to root and do all that extra stuff to access a WiFi hotspot.
If using security on the WiFi hotspot, try a different type (WPA, WPA2, WEP). WEP in particular does not play well with many HTC devices (and not very secure anyway).
Thanks for your reply!
That's what my understanding was at first, but I tried several wifi apps next to my standard wifi, and what I can conclude is:
Standard wifi scan (via menu):
-can't detect my created hotspot
-can detect and connect with home wifi
WiFi Analyzer:
-can detect my created hotspot (with an AdHoc label, and when I try to connect it displays "Adhoc is not supported by Android platform yet!")
-can detect and connect with home wifi
WiFi Manager:
-can detect my created hotspot (with an AdHoc label, and when I try to connect it displays "Standard Android does not support connecting to IBSS (AdHoc) type networks")
-can detect and connect with home wifi
I read I would need to replace the wpa_supplicant file, but that can only be done once rooted..
Maybe someone has the following reuested file in his/her possesion?:
..would really help me out!

[Q] How to Use Pc Internet On Android Using Bluetotth

I want to connect my android mobile with my Pc so that i can use internet on my android v4.0.1 (Icecream Sandwich). So i request you kindly give me a link to the some softares or some thread which can solve my probem.i used the Wifi Hostspot but my android stucks on the obtaining ip address but when i search for the problem on the internet. The solution was that to delete the files from the /data/misc/dhcp .Therefore i rooted my device but still the files are not deleting .I tried everythng but nothing works also the USB reverse thethering didn't worked for me.So kindly give me a solution so that i can use my PC internet on my android.

Problem with network file sharing

Hello, today i tried to setup remote shares that you can find under storage in settings i read tutorial on this website http://unsolicitedbutoffered.blogspot.com/2015/01/unsolicited-question-can-sony-xperia.html
So first of all, my remote shares setup menu is different (see screenshots and if possible upload screenshots of your menu so i can see if its maybe because i run android 4.3)
and when i click add host it dosent ask me if i want to setup windows or sftp, it just opens menu where i have to enter host info (this how it should ask me windows or sftp https://sasapetrovicblog.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/39.jpg?w=168&h=300 but it never asks me)
I tired to setup using both windows and freesshd software but both failed so i need help with two things:
1 can someone explain me how to make remote share on windows and then set it up to work with my Z Ultra
2 can someone help me to setup freesshd to work with my phone, i created user in software and entered all info in my phone but it always gives "could not connect to please make sure that you have entered correct information for this host", i was able to connect to mini sftp server (http://www.coreftp.com/server/) but i want to use freesshd
Here are my screenshots because XDA developers forum is changing size of my screenshots https://drive.google.com/folderview...RIWUYwTlRVNHh6OWFTb3VFN2VRY2Q3cE0&usp=sharing
please help, im trying to make it work for about 3 or 4 hours already and it wont work, im so frustrated now and im about to throw everything trough the windows, please help.
Sorry for my bad English.

