Problem with network file sharing - Sony Xperia Z Ultra

Hello, today i tried to setup remote shares that you can find under storage in settings i read tutorial on this website
So first of all, my remote shares setup menu is different (see screenshots and if possible upload screenshots of your menu so i can see if its maybe because i run android 4.3)
and when i click add host it dosent ask me if i want to setup windows or sftp, it just opens menu where i have to enter host info (this how it should ask me windows or sftp but it never asks me)
I tired to setup using both windows and freesshd software but both failed so i need help with two things:
1 can someone explain me how to make remote share on windows and then set it up to work with my Z Ultra
2 can someone help me to setup freesshd to work with my phone, i created user in software and entered all info in my phone but it always gives "could not connect to please make sure that you have entered correct information for this host", i was able to connect to mini sftp server ( but i want to use freesshd
Here are my screenshots because XDA developers forum is changing size of my screenshots
please help, im trying to make it work for about 3 or 4 hours already and it wont work, im so frustrated now and im about to throw everything trough the windows, please help.
Sorry for my bad English.


[Q] Samba woes with Win7

Hello, I'm trying to access my UrukDroid 1.6RC2 from a Win7 desktop.
Samba is disabled in the UrukConfig and when I turn it on it just gives error. However the one time I did get to to work was when I had it turned off and used the Samba app that was included with UrukDroid. By just enabling it I managed to get some files across from the Win7. I tried enabling a custom pass but that proved useless seeing I was able to just access the share without needing one.
Reset that, then gave up on it for a few days then tonight I tried the same thing and somehow the share doesn't show up under Network in Win7 so no way to even access it...
Anyone have any answers or advice? This is a shame cause I love me some Samba.
well im not sure waht urukconfig is doing for samba.
But if u wanna know how to start:
U can ALWAYS setup each service manualy without UrukConf.
To get started - read the sama man pages - or some general linux samba howto - its anolog to the android versions...
Anywy if u just want to figure out what's wrong with the urkukconfig-samba - start a terminal-session on your archos (or use ssh from win7) and browse to /etc/uruk.conf and /etc/uruk.d wich hold the configuration and the startup files for the UD services.
To debug simplay run the samba script in /etc/uruk.d/ and check for the error output
if u don't knwo what the error means - report it here - or even better: use google
good luck

[Q] Error Connecting Tab(Open Kang 31 ROM) to PC(Ubuntu)

i tried to connect the Tab(Open Kang 31 Rom) to a pc with Ubuntu 12.04 and i had a strange issue( i read all the posts so i selected in Setting/Storage MTP ). The pc is not able to open the Tablet Storage and this is the error msg:
"Sorry, could not display all the contents of "GT-P7510": DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken."
I tried to connect the tablet to a Windows plattaform and everything works fine.
Any ideas?
Thank you
Two issue :
the first which can be hard
1) look here : h**t://
the second which is easy :
You can simply acces to your tab wireless with app like WIFI File Transfer
Just like Brahim93 suggested, you can use adb, it will give you more than access to the internal storage, it will be helpful for debugging, testing and other related things.
But if you only want to access the files like in Windows, mount your tab with something like mtpfs.
Other option (if you have the proper network configuration) is using a FTP server in your tablet, like SwiFTP FTP Server.
Thank you both of you...i will try what you suggested.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium

[Q] Direct Wi Fi Connection between Android and PC?

Hi guys! After searching for months on google I decided to ask it to pro developer of this awesome forum. Is it possible to have a Direct Wi Fi Connection between my Android device (Lg L5 e610) and my PC (Win7, Ubuntu 13.04, Mac OSx Snow Leopard)? Is there any tool or program to do it? Or at least a developement project (I like to be a tester)? I found some solutions for my question but they need to a router to work and i haven't it
Sorry for my very bad english and applauses to this awesome community!
ZiO312 said:
Hi guys! After searching for months on google I decided to ask it to pro developer of this awesome forum. Is it possible to have a Direct Wi Fi Connection between my Android device (Lg L5 e610) and my PC (Win7, Ubuntu 13.04, Mac OSx Snow Leopard)? Is there any tool or program to do it? Or at least a developement project (I like to be a tester)? I found some solutions for my question but they need to a router to work and i haven't it
Sorry for my very bad english and applauses to this awesome community!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You could use a hotspot app to use your device as router.
An other good solution is ES Explorer that you can do exactly the same thing and many more (Personally I preffer this app).Open ES Explorer,press menu button-->Tools-->Net Manager and you will see a choice "Create a hotspot network".Press that and you will make a hotspot connection (It will give you the password after the creation of the connection).Press back button-->menu button-->Tools-->Remote Manager and use turn on button to share your data (by default it is sharing your sdcard and sets as default port 3721)
Then just find and connect your pc to wifi hotspot of your device and create a new network location by giving the ftp address from ES Explorer:
ftp://192.168.XXX.XXX:{port number}

Access internet

I have rooted OnePlus One device (Android 5.1.1 custom ROM Sultanxda) and an old PC which have installed ubuntu 10.04. That PC don't have internet connection so I can't perform sudo apt get comand. Kindly teach me how do I connect to the internet by using my OnePlus One device and above ubuntu version OS.
Thank you.
If you have wireless option on PC its as easy as setting up a mobile hotspot, otherwise you can use a USB cable as well
A quick Google (or xda) search will give lots of guides on this
Thanks for reply. I only have USB cable option. Can you please help me how do I proceed. When I searched on internet all of them saying to have some apt get, but here qestion is when (i don't have internet connection on the PC; my only tool is my device to access the internet) starts to solve the problem, solution starts itself with head of problem. Even if I downloads some file in the device, I am not able to copy them in PC because it is neither mounting the device nor any MTP/ADB functionality available. Is there any way to copy / access the device through twrp?
See if you can get MTP to work in Ubuntu with this:
edit -
ATTR{idVendor}=="05c6", ATTR{idProduct}=="6764", SYMLINK+="libmtp-%k", MODE="660", GROUP="audio", ENV{ID_MTP_DEVICE}="1", ENV{ID_MEDIA_PLAYER}="1", TAG+="uaccess"
ATTR{idVendor}=="05c6", ATTR{idProduct}=="6765", SYMLINK+="libmtp-%k", MODE="660", GROUP="audio", ENV{ID_MTP_DEVICE}="1", ENV{ID_MEDIA_PLAYER}="1", TAG+="uaccess"
Restart udev:
sudo service udev restart
As far as an internet connection, if your carrier (or rom) supports wifi tethering, then you can get a USB wifi adapter. If you are able to tether, then you can also transfer files wireless by using an app like WiFi File Explorer Pro.
There is no /lib/udev/rules.d/69-libmtp.rules in my PC. Do I have to create one new?
I tried to create one new and paste above two lines and restarted udev, but no luck. When i says lsusb it says :
Bus 001 Device 015: ID 05c6:6775 ualcomm, Inc.
Kindly don't post your answer(s) for just sake of posting because its frustrating me, why I am fighting with ubuntu, while same is running fine in windows...duh. Before posting your answer please please please check whether its is checked by you or you are just pasting **** answer at all over the internet.
None tested answer yet?

SSH server on Lumia WP10

I have updated my Windows phone with the last build 10581. and I realized that there was an active SSH server. It is not part of the application I have installed.
evidenced its signature "SSH - 2.0 – MS_1.000"
On the other hand, I did not find information for me connected. default login/password or how to create an account.
have you notice that the SSH server was present on your Windows Phone?
do you have an idea or more info than me?
PS: I enabled the developer option on my phone
excused my English, I'm French.
Interesting, have you tried to connect to it?

