[Q] just having a hard time with this phone romwise - Motorola Droid RAZR

I have had many phones and never had as much trouble than this phone is giving me. Every rom that does work when I flash them don't have any wifi or service. Even when I install gapps it is like it skips the setup and goes straight to the home screen.
I just came from a bionic and didn't think it would be much of a change to make this phone run like my bionic did. I have tried recreating rom slots with fresh installs and wipes on several roms, most of them cm10 based and even liquid smooth wont even install which is the rom I love the most. I have looked for several fixes but nothing seems to be working.
Is there something I am missing? Do you have to unlock the bootloader on this thing or something? Any help would be appreciated.

Rmbloungeact said:
I have had many phones and never had as much trouble than this phone is giving me. Every rom that does work when I flash them don't have any wifi or service. Even when I install gapps it is like it skips the setup and goes straight to the home screen.
I just came from a bionic and didn't think it would be much of a change to make this phone run like my bionic did. I have tried recreating rom slots with fresh installs and wipes on several roms, most of them cm10 based and even liquid smooth wont even install which is the rom I love the most. I have looked for several fixes but nothing seems to be working.
Is there something I am missing? Do you have to unlock the bootloader on this thing or something? Any help would be appreciated.
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Wifi usually fixes itself after reboot, but for no-service I dont know.. Are you flashing correct version for your Razr (xt910/xt912), or flashing GSM patch if you have xt912 on GSM network?

Not to be redundant, but how ARE you flashing the ROMs? I've never had issues with connections (so long as I am using the applicable google apps, I have had to revert to a release or two earlier for proper operation in the past). I wouldn't recommend flashing ROMs via RSDlite, if that's the route you're taking. BMM and Safestrap (The latter can be achieved with Matt's Utility, it's what I use) are better options. Using a different partition on the internal storage, and retaining Stock rom. I never had any issues with Avatar (CM10.1 based). I'm about to try out AOKP. Good luck.

LuckiestNut419 said:
Not to be redundant, but how ARE you flashing the ROMs? I've never had issues with connections (so long as I am using the applicable google apps, I have had to revert to a release or two earlier for proper operation in the past). I wouldn't recommend flashing ROMs via RSDlite, if that's the route you're taking. BMM and Safestrap (The latter can be achieved with Matt's Utility, it's what I use) are better options. Using a different partition on the internal storage, and retaining Stock rom. I never had any issues with Avatar (CM10.1 based). I'm about to try out AOKP. Good luck.
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Well I have been using safestrap since I used it on my Bionic and I am already familiar with it. The one that is bugging me the most is not being able to flash LiquidSmooth 2.9. (I am on SS 3.53 btw) Also I am using the XT912 and already researched the difference between 910 ROMS before flashing.
When I try to install it the error comes up saying:
Checking for MD5 file...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found
Warning: no file_contexts
set_perm: some changes found
E: error executing updater binary in zip '/sdcard-ext/Liquid-JB-v2.9-OFFICIAL-spyder.zip
Error flashing zip
I just wonder, if that thing is saying that the zip is meant to be an update for an existing version of LiquidSmooth. But on goo.im there is only 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9.

I've never seen that error (but I've been wanting to try LiquidSmooth, maybe I can duplicate the problem). I know with AOKP, I have to install on romslot2. For whatever reason. Have you tried any other slots besides 1?
The installation instruction for LiquidSmooth 2.9 say to install on RomSlot3, and only RomSlot3. I'll give it a whirl on 1 and see if the error is duplicated, but it shouldn't effect the install, regardless of the slot #.
This is the mirror I used to get the ROM.
Installed on Slot 1 without errors. Flashed gapps, wiped cache, restarted- wouldn't boot.
Wiped and deleted Slot 1
Installed on Slot 3 without errors. Flashed gapps, wiped cache, restarted- Success!
I never could duplicate the error you had, using the JB Liquid Smooth I got from goo.im
Also, for what it's worth, in the "Issues" category on the LS link from above, it said there was an autofix that would correct the wifi connectivity problem. Mine would never fully turn on wifi on first boot. Rebooted, worked perfectly. And the CM style setup went off without a hitch.

I also used goo.im to get mine. I tried all three versions of it but no success; all three got the same error code. I am wondering if the version of safestrap I am using is causing the error.

Rmbloungeact said:
I also used goo.im to get mine. I tried all three versions of it but no success; all three got the same error code. I am wondering if the version of safestrap I am using is causing the error.
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Just threw out the version 3.5x of SS I was using. Going to try 3.11 and see how it goes. Man, I hope this works, I just came back from using an iPhone for the last two months after letting my brother have my Bionic because they couldn't flash the iPhone on his service provider. I guess if it doesn't work I will be happy having android back nonetheless. Just want something other than motoblur.

Rmbloungeact said:
Just threw out the version 3.5x of SS I was using. Going to try 3.11 and see how it goes. Man, I hope this works, I just came back from using an iPhone for the last two months after letting my brother have my Bionic because they couldn't flash the iPhone on his service provider. I guess if it doesn't work I will be happy having android back nonetheless. Just want something other than motoblur.
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So I scrapped 3.5x for 3.11 and the install went perfectly normal. Accidentally installed the wrong gapps package and had a force close assault from hell. Redid it with the right gapps and everything is up and running now. I am so glad to have it running and ready to set up now. Thanks for your help guys!


[Q] Phone rebooting after fflashing a rom on slot2

I have a RAZR XT910.
Well, i tried flashing this rom today:
[ROM][RazrCDMA/GSM][4.1.2][2-4] Jellywiz RLS5 -- Redefining Performance and Stability
Followed all steps, installed SafeStrap, etc...
but now, i got two issues:
1) My phone signal is being unstable a lot. I applied GSM's patches, but it dididn't helped much.
2) With this rom, installed on rom slot 2 , my phone reboots every 10 minutes . Yeap, 10 minutes and it reboots...
On my stock slot, i have Verizon JB leak installed and fully-working, But i really would like to give a chance to this rom , and some others i've saw around XDA.
What should i do in that case, since i followed all the steps ?
Thanks in advance.
The reboots can be caused by the ROM itself, or the slot being corrupted. Try erasing and re creating the slot.
The signal issues may be related to radio; are you using JB radio? If so, you may need to change it back to any ICS one...
im gonna try it right now
instead of erasing the slot ill create a new one
thx in advance
Sent from my MOTOROLA RAZR using xda app-developers app
Mm I'm not sure, but most ROMs require to use only slot2
You can also try BMM, for me it's better than Safestrap.
blackhawk_LA said:
Mm I'm not sure, but most ROMs require to use only slot2
You can also try BMM, for me it's better than Safestrap.
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I had BMM before.
I was having some trouble with it, then i removed. I find safestrap better/easier to do stuff.
Oh well, the problem continues. Rom still rebooting.
And now, after i applied the gsm patch specified to this rom, i can't use it anymore.
Everytime a process ".com.android.phone"(something like that) crashes.
I'll try again to wipe rom slot 2, clean all cache's / data, and reinstall it.
the verizon leak (official) works without problems on stock slot.

galaxy note 2 verizon (sch i605) will not load new rom!

So here is the issue. I have a verizon note 2 sch i605. I have had it for a few months. I used the casual method to unlock the bootloader and install a rooted rom. From there i installed jedi x rom since it was the best i could find at the time. Didnt really like any of the other roms out there, especially ones without touchwiz. Makes no sense to have a note 2 without s pen functionality right?
So i kept jedi x for a while. And in my searchings a month ago i saw it had a new version. I also saw a new version for jellybeans which i sort of liked before, and a jedimaster rom. I figured id try both since i am a flashaholic.
I went to install the jellybeans rom and it installed fine. Rebooted and it got to the galaxy note 2 screen (first screen) rebooted, and went right back into twrp. I figured it was strange. So i wiped dalvik and cache and rebooted again. Same thing. Strange x2. I then did factory reset, wiped dalik and cache. Same. I gave up on jellybeans figuring it was a bum rom.
After that i tried installing jedimaster. Installed fine. Wipe dalvik and cache. Reboot. Same issue as with jelly beans... strange x13... not sure what was happening, and figuring it had nothing to do with the roms, i quit on the new ones.
I then went to to new version of jedix titled jedixv12. I wanted to see if it would dirty flash, so i tried it. It did just fine. Wiped dalvik and cache. Rebooted. Booted up perfect. In playing around with it i noticed that superuser was gone and supersu replaced it. Opened supersu and it informed me there was no superuser binary! All my old apps still had permission, but no new ones could gain... weirrrrrd. So obviously that rom would do no good. I then wiped everything and fresh installed the rom. Worked fine again. No superuser binary still.
Ok so that rom sucked. I tried then to go to jellybeans from this new version of jedix. Still same problem.
So heres the question. Am i doing something wrong? I have flashed other roms to this device many times. I actually went from jedi x to jellybeans when i first got the device rooted! Now it wont? I can not flash any new roms to my device. I am stuck with jedi x for good unless i can fix this! I have no idea what the problem is since another version of jedi x installs perfectly and boots. It just seems like my device wont let go of jedi x.
Please help if you have any ideas. I am open to anything. I have exausted my knowledge base and i would like to pick yours now.
Also... looked around the internet and i cant find anyone with this issue at all. Not even close.
You may want to install twrp again, but this is just a blind suggestion. I seemed to have this problem before. Do you have check md5 selected in twrp?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
JeramyEggs said:
You may want to install twrp again, but this is just a blind suggestion. I seemed to have this problem before. Do you have check md5 selected in twrp?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
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Nope. I have everything checked that was checked originally. I have changed nothing. As i said before, it used to be fine, and is fine when installing fresh copies of jedi x.
I havent tried reinstalling twrp. But i cant see why that should be an issue since it installs things fine.
w4rped said:
Nope. I have everything checked that was checked originally. I have changed nothing. As i said before, it used to be fine, and is fine when installing fresh copies of jedi x.
I havent tried reinstalling twrp. But i cant see why that should be an issue since it installs things fine.
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Are you sure you are on the latest TWRP
Also, in superuser you may have an option to update binaries.
But it sounds like your root might be borked and a complete and fresh unlock/reroot might not be a bad idea.
Also, as already mentioned. Are you verifying the md5 is good on your rom downloads?
JBeXX said:
Are you sure you are on the latest TWRP
Also, in superuser you may have an option to update binaries.
But it sounds like your root might be borked and a complete and fresh unlock/reroot might not be a bad idea.
Also, as already mentioned. Are you verifying the md5 is good on your rom downloads?
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The issue with superuser only happens when i install jedixv12. It is fine on my rom that i use right now. SuperSU is the problem i believe. It says that it cant find the binary and cant install one. Basically says screw you you arent rooted. But as soon as i revert back to my original jedi x rom it is fine.
I dont check md5 but i have downloaded the roms multiple times so i am pretty sure that one of the downloads should have been good. I am attempting to install a new recovery to see if it fixes my issues.
w4rped said:
The issue with superuser only happens when i install jedixv12. It is fine on my rom that i use right now. SuperSU is the problem i believe. It says that it cant find the binary and cant install one. Basically says screw you you arent rooted. But as soon as i revert back to my original jedi x rom it is fine.
I dont check md5 but i have downloaded the roms multiple times so i am pretty sure that one of the downloads should have been good. I am attempting to install a new recovery to see if it fixes my issues.
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May not necessarily need a new recovery, maybe just make sure you're on the updated one. Are you still on the twrp version included with casual unlock? If so, it is likely out of date. If you aren't already aware, you can just install the goo manager app from playstore, tick menu, then install open recovery script and it will flash and bring you current
JBeXX said:
May not necessarily need a new recovery, maybe just make sure you're on the updated one. Are you still on the twrp version included with casual unlock? If so, it is likely out of date. If you aren't already aware, you can just install the goo manager app from playstore, tick menu, then install open recovery script and it will flash and bring you current
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I was on the original one that came with casual. I just updated to the newest using rom toolbox pro.
Just as a weird side note... i updated and tried to install jellybeans again. After the install it says "your device does not seem to be rooted. Install supersu now?" I swiped to install and it just rebooted. Then same thing as before. Stuck at samsung galaxy note 2 screen then restarts itself and goes back to twrp. I am soooo confused. Thinking about trying to use cwm see if it makes a difference.
Tried cwm. Same results. Obviously not a problem with recovery. Very confused.

Constant issues with rooted S4.

Hi all,
Long time lurker of XDA and Android user/modder since before Gingerbread. I want to apologize in advance if this post is either in the wrong section, and/or if something similar has already been answered/solved in another thread. I did multiple searches with nothing coming up as a direct hit, or even close for that matter.
I recently purchased an S4 from VZW (Mid-Late July). I rooted and installed TWRP (Forgive me if that's not the exact version...) and flashed AOSP ROMs here and there. After a month or so, I started coming across an issue within all ROMs where I couldn't receive or make calls without my phone either freezing or rebooting. Anything I flashed, or modded, failed to remedy this. I tried different GApps packages, 4.2.2 and 4.3 ROMs, different kernels, and both radios, and absolutely NOTHING solved this. I searched everywhere (Even rootzwiki, forgive me fellow XDA members!), and could not find anyone with the same issue.
I attempted upgrading to TWRP and even tried CWM, and that didn't help either. Eventually, things got so bad that I couldn't boot into ANY ROM, 4.2.2 or 4.3. After nearly 10 hours of trying to unbrick my phone, I finally managed to install Beanstalk 4.3, and while it was working incredibly buggy (Not Beanstalk's fault, the developer is a great developer!) nor could I make calls, I could still send texts and emails. I was able to FINALLY get the Odin3 application to work when I got home from work, and was able to flash the stock MDK image. From there I followed the steps to properly root and install TWRP I installed Slim's Beta 5 4.3 ROM and GApps and everything was working properly! Calling, everything! However, when I made a reboot, it froze. Stuck in the "Samsung Unlocked" screen for over an hour. I pulled the battery, booted into recovery and did a factory reset/cache and dalvik wipe. It still didn't boot. From there I did a full wipe, and data format, installed Beanstalks newest 4.3 ROM and GApps, and everything loaded properly. Then I couldn't make or receive calls without the same issue. I then did the superwipe/format and installed PAC's newest nightly and GApps package, and was able to make calls, but then got stuck when rebooting, even after factory resets and cache/dalvik wipes. After multiple attempts, I gave up and reflashed the stock MDK Samsung image in Odin3 and am leaving it as is until someone here can help me.
I know this post was incredibly wordy, and I apologize for that, but I wanted to give you guys as much information as possible and explain where this all started, as it may lead to why I'm having these problems. I appreciate any and all responses and I will answer any question any of you have to the best of my ability. Please someone save me from the horror that is TouchWiz!
First, make a NANDROID if it is working perfect on the stock ROM. This is my first step after root and recovery so that I can always fall back on something to check if there is a hardware problem, or just some sort of (system) file problem. Plus, it'll save you time if you have to go back.
Not sure that it matters, but is the stock ROM odexed, or deodexed?
The calling thing reminds me of when you use the phone overseas but it has yet to be unlocked. When you root, do you check with Root Checker? Do you have SuperSU installed? How about BusyBox? I know some items require BusyBox in order to work, but SuperSU should be installed.
As far as SuperSU, do you update it before switching back to the original kernel? One thing I noted is to be absolutely sure you do so in order to not lose your root when completing the rooting steps. I imagine this could cause other problems too.
I also suggest not using TWRP 2.6, which many people will tell you is quite buggy. Best to use the previous version.
The only other things I can suggest is ALWAYS doing a full wipe of everything before adding a new ROM. I used to do this to be sure I incurred no problems on my SGS3, because if I didn't there would always be something buggy happening.
Hope this helps.
Heatshiver said:
First, make a NANDROID if it is working perfect on the stock ROM. This is my first step after root and recovery so that I can always fall back on something to check if there is a hardware problem, or just some sort of (system) file problem. Plus, it'll save you time if you have to go back.
Not sure that it matters, but is the stock ROM odexed, or deodexed?
The calling thing reminds me of when you use the phone overseas but it has yet to be unlocked. When you root, do you check with Root Checker? Do you have SuperSU installed? How about BusyBox? I know some items require BusyBox in order to work, but SuperSU should be installed.
As far as SuperSU, do you update it before switching back to the original kernel? One thing I noted is to be absolutely sure you do so in order to not lose your root when completing the rooting steps. I imagine this could cause other problems too.
I also suggest not using TWRP 2.6, which many people will tell you is quite buggy. Best to use the previous version.
The only other things I can suggest is ALWAYS doing a full wipe of everything before adding a new ROM. I used to do this to be sure I incurred no problems on my SGS3, because if I didn't there would always be something buggy happening.
Hope this helps.
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Thank you, Heatshiver!
I always do a full wipe unless I'm doing a dirty flash for a ROM update. I will try reverting back to TWRP (Whichever version that happens to be, I think it's .0.2) tonight and report my results. Also, just to clarify, I always make sure I have the most updated SuperSU/Superuser (Usually the former) and BusyBox.
I appreciate the suggestion.
teemunknee said:
Hi all,
Long time lurker of XDA and Android user/modder since before Gingerbread. I want to apologize in advance if this post is either in the wrong section, and/or if something similar has already been answered/solved in another thread. I did multiple searches with nothing coming up as a direct hit, or even close for that matter.
I recently purchased an S4 from VZW (Mid-Late July). I rooted and installed TWRP (Forgive me if that's not the exact version...) and flashed AOSP ROMs here and there. After a month or so, I started coming across an issue within all ROMs where I couldn't receive or make calls without my phone either freezing or rebooting. Anything I flashed, or modded, failed to remedy this. I tried different GApps packages, 4.2.2 and 4.3 ROMs, different kernels, and both radios, and absolutely NOTHING solved this. I searched everywhere (Even rootzwiki, forgive me fellow XDA members!), and could not find anyone with the same issue.
I attempted upgrading to TWRP and even tried CWM, and that didn't help either. Eventually, things got so bad that I couldn't boot into ANY ROM, 4.2.2 or 4.3. After nearly 10 hours of trying to unbrick my phone, I finally managed to install Beanstalk 4.3, and while it was working incredibly buggy (Not Beanstalk's fault, the developer is a great developer!) nor could I make calls, I could still send texts and emails. I was able to FINALLY get the Odin3 application to work when I got home from work, and was able to flash the stock MDK image. From there I followed the steps to properly root and install TWRP I installed Slim's Beta 5 4.3 ROM and GApps and everything was working properly! Calling, everything! However, when I made a reboot, it froze. Stuck in the "Samsung Unlocked" screen for over an hour. I pulled the battery, booted into recovery and did a factory reset/cache and dalvik wipe. It still didn't boot. From there I did a full wipe, and data format, installed Beanstalks newest 4.3 ROM and GApps, and everything loaded properly. Then I couldn't make or receive calls without the same issue. I then did the superwipe/format and installed PAC's newest nightly and GApps package, and was able to make calls, but then got stuck when rebooting, even after factory resets and cache/dalvik wipes. After multiple attempts, I gave up and reflashed the stock MDK Samsung image in Odin3 and am leaving it as is until someone here can help me.
I know this post was incredibly wordy, and I apologize for that, but I wanted to give you guys as much information as possible and explain where this all started, as it may lead to why I'm having these problems. I appreciate any and all responses and I will answer any question any of you have to the best of my ability. Please someone save me from the horror that is TouchWiz!
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sorry for your troubles, but I am always baffled the way people just toss that word "brick" round
Your phone was no anywhere NEAR being a brick...
You simply are playing with fire flashing AOSP ROMs and not knowing how to fix the issues.
AOSP ROMs aren't technically "made" for our phones, the developers do a great job at making it seem like they are, though.
On the SG3 we had an EFS backup that Synergy discovered incase you flash an AOSP and get stuck in roaming which was quite often at first with AOSP, that was easy to fix, but with this phone I would be careful with AOSP ROMs, even myself, with a locked bootloader wouldn't flash anything besides TW, although I am biased as AOSP is my flavor.
I am sorry if this post comes off harsh or any other bad word. It's not meant for that..
Just to kindly ask you to do some research on what a "bricked phone" truly is.
it's a brick.. meaning won't power on, won't get a light when charging, nothing, your phone is just that, a $600 brick. and the only way to bring back to life IIRC is Jtagging the phone.. which requires taking the phone apart and jtagging the motherboard.
I hope you the best my friend.
As much as I love AOSP, I would have to agree with the poster above. I know TW is a pain but there are some pretty good ROMs in that flavor that you shouldn't have any problems with. I've had the no call issue on AOSP, and even though they are nice and free up quite a bit of room it's not worth missing calls over or constantly flashing. Maybe once our bootloader is unlocked things will become different but I'd stick with TW until that happens. I can confirm that TWRP 2.6 is very buggy...you'll have to download the 2.5 version and flash it instead of goomanager they install they latest version everytime I believe.
andybones said:
sorry for your troubles, but I am always baffled the way people just toss that word "brick" round
Your phone was no anywhere NEAR being a brick...
You simply are playing with fire flashing AOSP ROMs and not knowing how to fix the issues.
AOSP ROMs aren't technically "made" for our phones, the developers do a great job at making it seem like they are, though.
On the SG3 we had an EFS backup that Synergy discovered incase you flash an AOSP and get stuck in roaming which was quite often at first with AOSP, that was easy to fix, but with this phone I would be careful with AOSP ROMs, even myself, with a locked bootloader wouldn't flash anything besides TW, although I am biased as AOSP is my flavor.
I am sorry if this post comes off harsh or any other bad word. It's not meant for that..
Just to kindly ask you to do some research on what a "bricked phone" truly is.
it's a brick.. meaning won't power on, won't get a light when charging, nothing, your phone is just that, a $600 brick. and the only way to bring back to life IIRC is Jtagging the phone.. which requires taking the phone apart and jtagging the motherboard.
I hope you the best my friend.
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Next time, I'll just say "Soft-bricked". Thank you for your reply.
You also may want to try CWM recovery if everything else fails. I like TWRP but I kept having the exact problem you have. I switched and haven't had a problem since.
Sent from my SCH-I545
slim6596 said:
You also may want to try CWM recovery if everything else fails. I like TWRP but I kept having the exact problem you have. I switched and haven't had a problem since.
Sent from my SCH-I545
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Would you mind telling me which version of CWM you're using? I haven't gone back to CWM since I went back to stock two nights ago.
Thank you for the idea!
I also forgot to mention that I haven't been able to connect to 4G radios since before I started having issues with AOSP ROMs. Currently I'm on Eclipse's TW (With AOSP Styling) ROM. Everything appears to be working fine, other than 4G.
I've tried the SIM pull and reset, and nothing. I've tried manually setting it to LTE only, at least when I was able to do so when AOSP ROMs would boot for me, and nothing. I have a Galaxy Nexus that I booted up with this SIM in and I get 4G signal. Any Ideas?
Also, when I was on the stock image (MDK) I didn't have 4G either.
Has anyone else run across this issue? (MODS: Let a me know if I should create another thread, or search more intensively. I haven't seen a thread with this exact same situation. Plenty of 4G issue threads, but none with the same issues I've previously had, and I think it may have something to do with my past modding.)
teemunknee said:
Would you mind telling me which version of CWM you're using? I haven't gone back to CWM since I went back to stock two nights ago.
Thank you for the idea!
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Philz touch modded CWM. Don't have a link though. Sorry.
Sent from my SCH-I545
slim6596 said:
Philz touch modded CWM. Don't have a link though. Sorry.
Sent from my SCH-I545
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Thanks! I installed CWM Touch and flashed Eclipse's TW/AOSP ROM and everything works well, but it's still no AOSP ROM.
Hi all,
I'd like to thank everyone for the suggestions.
An update: Currently I'm on Eclipse's TW v2.0 ROM (TW, with AOSP Styling) and everything works properly. My current recovery is CWM Touch, and I'm not experiencing any booting or calling issues. 4G is the only thing I don't have working.
I'm hoping that someone with my same problem can give me another idea so I can get an AOSP ROM working, preferably with 4G. I'm sure some, if not most, understand my dislike of TouchWiz and strong preference towards stock Android/stock Android based ROMs. Slim6596 said that he uses Philz Modded CWM Recovery and has no issues anymore. Could that really be my solution?
Again, thank you all for your help and ideas. I love XDA for this reason.
slim6596 said:
Philz touch modded CWM. Don't have a link though. Sorry.
Sent from my SCH-I545
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Hi Slim,
Sorry to bother, but I was curious if you were specifically using the LOKI patched version, or just the regular version?
teemunknee said:
Hi Slim,
Sorry to bother, but I was curious if you were specifically using the LOKI patched version, or just the regular version?
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Loki patched, I believe.
Sent from my SCH-I545
slim6596 said:
Loki patched, I believe.
Sent from my SCH-I545
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Thanks!! I installed the Loki-Patched version last night.
I tried flashing two AOSP ROMs, but have no radio signal at all. I'll experiment.
teemunknee said:
Thanks!! I installed the Loki-Patched version last night.
I tried flashing two AOSP ROMs, but have no radio signal at all. I'll experiment.
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I have stuck to TW ROMs. Pretty soon I'm probably not going to be flashing anything. Switching to Motorola and giving Vz my MDK S4 back. (Reception and dropped call issues.)
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
teemunknee said:
Thanks!! I installed the Loki-Patched version last night.
I tried flashing two AOSP ROMs, but have no radio signal at all. I'll experiment.
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I believe you have to do the extended phone function. Its a code on the dial pad and select cdma. I have read this but don't recall where.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4
egore93 said:
I believe you have to do the extended phone function. Its a code on the dial pad and select cdma. I have read this but don't recall where.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4
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Are you referring to the *#*#4636#*#* dialer code? I didn't even try that because in my settings, everything was set to CDMA, but that's something I can try. I have everything backed up, so I can just wipe, install, and try that. If it doesn't work, I can always revert back.
Thanks for the suggestion!
teemunknee said:
Are you referring to the *#*#4636#*#* dialer code? I didn't even try that because in my settings, everything was set to CDMA, but that's something I can try. I have everything backed up, so I can just wipe, install, and try that. If it doesn't work, I can always revert back.
Thanks for the suggestion!
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Yes that's it give it a go.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4

i545 + ME7 + SS + Hyperdrive (Newest) + Successful install = Failed. (Won't boot)

I don't know what happened. Or why it won't work.
When Safestrap was originally finished, I installed Hyperdrive without a problem. An update came, I downloaded and installed. It made it so I couldn't use HotSpot anymore. So, I figured it was the Rom, and I installed Jellybean Rom. I didn't like it. I tried to install the original Hyperdrive I had, and once its installed and reboots, the lights come on for one second and shut off. Downloaded the newest Hyperdrive, same issue.
The instructions say wait for 10 minutes. I did, and longer. (Range usually 20-40 minutes)
Last night I wanted to try again, (downloaded newest hyperdrive. I have sloooooow internet. Took 5 hours to finish). So, I tried installing today following the instructions, same issue. It installs and says everything is fine, reboot, safestrap pops up, loads normally through that, and the lights are on after like it starts with Stock, lights shut off, phone stops working.
When this happens, the phone does not respond to anything. Power does nothing. I waited 45 minutes the 3rd time trying to reboot after install. The phone will not turn on, respond, or anything unless I pop the battery out and put it back in. I can get back into Safestrap that way.
I really want to use Hyperdrive, but it just won't reboot for my phone.
I do have the Verizon i545 version, ME7, Safestrap, Rooted, and newest Hyperdrive Rom. Used the Safestrap Kernel, but the phone locks up.
I've tried default settings, different Rom settings, (2gb and 3gb), removing almost everything from install, adding what I want, adding what I like, etc. No combination of settings will let me phone boot into Hyperdrive.
Any thoughts?
Are you completely removing then re-creating the slot when trying all these flashes?
Are you flashing the ME7 kernel module.zip ?
I redo the rom slot each time and act like it's the first time.
And i can't install the module... Tried multiple times but it fails almost instantly through ss.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
Excessumcarcer said:
I redo the rom slot each time and act like it's the first time.
And i can't install the module... Tried multiple times but it fails almost instantly through ss.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
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Have you tried to re-download the module? Preferably on the computer then transfer to your ExtSDCard with the ROM.
So... The one I downloaded to my computer failed, but the one I did with my phone worked.
Still the same issue. Won't boot past the SS message.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
Excessumcarcer said:
So... The one I downloaded to my computer failed, but the one I did with my phone worked.
Still the same issue. Won't boot past the SS message.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
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While you were trying to install did you notice if zip signature was checked if so uncheck when you install and uncheck when you install module other than that don't know what else to say. When i first started i found that to be my problem.
The zip signatures were not checked. : /
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
And I've tried the older version Hyperdrive with the new ME7 Modules, still won't work. I can't understand because everything says it was successful and ready to go, but it just doesn't.
Also double checked my i545 version, it is still ME7 and not the new one. The new update is pushy and wants to be installed more aggressively than the ME7 did. Highly annoying...
Excessumcarcer said:
And I've tried the older version Hyperdrive with the new ME7 Modules, still won't work. I can't understand because everything says it was successful and ready to go, but it just doesn't.
Also double checked my i545 version, it is still ME7 and not the new one. The new update is pushy and wants to be installed more aggressively than the ME7 did. Highly annoying...
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Get off 3.62 and go back to 3.6 if you can. use root uninstaller to get rid of the current SS and shut down normally. ( all in stock rom ) reboot to stock recovery and factory reset. put the 3.0 SS back on and install twrp through that and reboot fully. then you can go into SS and reboot to recovery and you should be good
EDIT: go back to 3.6 SS not 3.0 haha
EDIT 2: always wipe even after you just created the slot and flash the modules with HD10 and advanced wip the dalvik and the cache only. and chill for 10 and boot her up..... and make sure you didnt accdentally get the dreadful OTA!!!
!Led*Eyes! said:
Get off 3.62 and go back to 3.6 if you can. use root uninstaller to get rid of the current SS and shut down normally. ( all in stock rom ) reboot to stock recovery and factory reset. put the 3.0 SS back on and install twrp through that and reboot fully. then you can go into SS and reboot to recovery and you should be good
EDIT: go back to 3.6 SS not 3.0 haha
EDIT 2: always wipe even after you just created the slot and flash the modules with HD10 and advanced wip the dalvik and the cache only. and chill for 10 and boot her up..... and make sure you didnt accdentally get the dreadful OTA!!!
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FINAL EDIT!!! always pick the safestrap kernel during the Aroma install
If I helped at all, shoot me a Thanks and happy flashing!!
!Led*Eyes! said:
FINAL EDIT!!! always pick the safestrap kernel during the Aroma install
If I helped at all, shoot me a Thanks and happy flashing!!
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I promise you this makes no sense....and I think there was something wrong with the stock rom...only thing I can conclude. I did a factory reset and bricked my phone. I can't even get into Safestrap now...whatever the issue was with the custom rom is now the issue with the stock rom. So, i'm just going to wipe my phone and start over from scratch as that is the only available step. Ill let you know if it fixed the issue or not.
Excessumcarcer said:
I promise you this makes no sense....and I think there was something wrong with the stock rom...only thing I can conclude. I did a factory reset and bricked my phone. I can't even get into Safestrap now...whatever the issue was with the custom rom is now the issue with the stock rom. So, i'm just going to wipe my phone and start over from scratch as that is the only available step. Ill let you know if it fixed the issue or not.
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Did you have 3.62? my buddy did and his phone wouldnt let him delete it! crazy. i dont like 3.62 but i was running HDrls10 like a champ. not a single issue. With the me7 base i want to say i didnt even flash the modules over it but i cant remember. but basically ( by what i wrote down) you were going to start from scratch anyway.. there is a better root out now anyway. use the dialer codes and get a REAL factory reset!! There are a lot of people that arent digging the 3.62..... it was causing bootloops for a while but there are def still some lingering issues i think.
!Led*Eyes! said:
Did you have 3.62? my buddy did and his phone wouldnt let him delete it! crazy. i dont like 3.62 but i was running HDrls10 like a champ. not a single issue. With the me7 base i want to say i didnt even flash the modules over it but i cant remember. but basically ( by what i wrote down) you were going to start from scratch anyway.. there is a better root out now anyway. use the dialer codes and get a REAL factory reset!! There are a lot of people that arent digging the 3.62..... it was causing bootloops for a while but there are def still some lingering issues i think.
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Well...nothing has worked.
Update for everyone, I was using the older SS, 3.60.
I killed everything, put the original Verizon ME7 Rom on the phone, re-rooted, put 3.62 SS on, (Done like it), installed the HDrls10, Installed the module, (both successful), restarted, exact same thing. Right after Safestrap Enabled pops up, the phone goes dark and the battery needs to be removed and put back in for it to turn on again.
So, I tried something crazy and for whatever reason it worked as far as HD is concerned...but...I went outside of the instructions.
I have the HD rls9 Final. I installed it through SS, used the modded Kernel, (non SS), and restarted. It popped right up in about 45 seconds. (Wasnt working before I reset everything and started over)
I tried HD rls10 Final that way, and nothing.
I will be redownloading it tonight to make sure it isn't the download. (I have slow internet, itll take all night likely.) : /
If anyone is looking to actually uninstall SS (which you need to do to roll back a version) you need to use the commands hashcode has provided. Using Terminal Emulator on the stock side will accomplish that. Read up on hashcode's SS OP.
My phone will not accept HDrls 10....no matter what I try. It accepted HDrls9 without issue, minus the hotspot not working. But it will not accept HDrls10...
Im out of ideas...
EDIT: I downloaded the HDrls 10 rom from two locations, tried both, both failed this morning.
Excessumcarcer said:
My phone will not accept HDrls 10....no matter what I try. It accepted HDrls9 without issue, minus the hotspot not working. But it will not accept HDrls10...
Im out of ideas...
EDIT: I downloaded the HDrls 10 rom from two locations, tried both, both failed this morning.
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All I can think of is somehow you are getting bad downloads. Have you checked the MD5s to match per the download sites listing?
lazer9 said:
All I can think of is somehow you are getting bad downloads. Have you checked the MD5s to match per the download sites listing?
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I just double checked the MD5. It matches the download. How frustrating. Double checked the build, double checked the MD5, double checked install procedure, etc. It flat doesn't work on my phone, and there is no logical reason to it. I tried from a fresh build twice now, doing the rooting and SS install from stock everything.
It locks up right after SS, still.
Electronics hate me, it has been determined before. This is just further proof.
: /
So, I've done pretty much everything feasible. Guess Ill have to stick with an older HD or different rom. : (
Also, hotspot doesn't work HD 9 for me, (nor Jellybeans). I installed the module when I did the rom, but there is no hotspot for one. And two, when I download and use FoxFi, which I paid for to use on the Stock Rom before SS, it will try to turn it on and then it freezes and crashes.
All I want is a non-Verizon Rom with working Hotspot!!!! AHHHHH!!!! Looks like that aint happening.
Well played Verizon...well played. Perahps I should get an international phone and go to another company. Expensive, but tempting.
So, the final verdict for those following -
Hyperdrive 10 - Does not work on my i545 no matter what I tried.
Hyperdrive 9 - Works but the hotspot is glitched and froze no matter what I tried.
Jellybean - Works the same as HD 9
Synergy - Works. Everything on it works, hotspot, install, etc.
Not sure why the others did not work. But, for whatever reason Synergy works flawlessly for my i545. Installed and downloaded the same ways as the others, yet it worked.
: /
I was planning on trying a few others first, but Synergy claims to block Samsung from logging information from my phone. I realize this doesn't stop every company from doing it, but its the thought that counts. lol. So, Im trying this Rom out now. It's no hyperdrive, but it works.
After a BUNCH of tries I finally got it to work!!
I have a Verizon i545 with ME7. I basically started as if I'd never installed HD 9.1 in the first place.
Here's what I did.
1. Double check that your device is rooted. I used Root Checker Basic. I actually re-rooted my device just to be sure (I venture to guess it might have been unnecessary) and it worked.
2. I used a 4GB SD formatted to ex-fat and put the HD RLS10 AND the ME7 modules .zip file on it (Both on the SD)
3. I then booted into recovery.
4. Make a new ROM slot.
5. Name it whatever you like.
6. When you go to flash HD, hit the add zip button and select the ME7 modules.zip
7. When HD gets done flashing UNCHECK the "Reboot" box up top and then hit the reboot tab at the bottom right.
8. It will automatically flash the ME7 modules next. When it says 'Successful', then reboot.
9. Give it a few seconds and hopefully it will work for you as well. Good luck.
Latest installable version for Me7?
What is the latest installable version of HD for verizon locked Me7 bootloader, i currently have rls10.0 installed and ive tried 10.1, 10.2, and now 12 and none of them boot up.

Getting "com.android.phone has stopped working error" cm11 official vs985

I have just recently tried to install the official cm11 images for my g3. They worked fine. Then, when I installed gel x-posed settings and activated it, I would get said error. It would pop up again and again. This would lead me to reflash my ROM. Then, I do not know what happened, when I would flash a ROM, I would get the error from the start. I eventually fixed this error. But then, when I tried to upgrade the nightly, I got the error again. So I flashed the ROM again, and let it sit. After a little while of perfection, the error came back up!
Here's what I have tried:
-reflashing the boot.IMG (unzipped)
-clearing cache (recovery)
-clearing Sim tool cache/data (said they were non existent when trying)
-reflashing stock, then reflashing cm11
I really want cm11 on my g3, but with these issues, I don't know whether I can now.
Any help would be appreciated!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Free mobile app
CM Nightlies are working perfect for me with no errors. Here is the process I went through:
I am still using TWRP 2.8.0 which is the version I installed when I originally Bumped! my phone.
I downloaded CM and Gapps to root of my internal SD storage
I chose to Wipe in TWRP
I chose Advance Wipe
I picked every option except for Internal Storage and External SD Card/Storage
I then Wiped
Out of habit, I do this 3 times (don't ask why, I just do it from when I had older android devices)
I then go back to wipe main screen and slide to do the standard wipe, 3 times
Yes, this is probably overkill!
I then go to install in TWRP
I install CM, then I install gapps (using the gapps that are on this list: https://itvends.com/gapps/
Yes, the date of those gapps are a little older, but that is what worked for me per OP'S instructions
I went through setup of my phone, fixing APN, Setting WIFI to USA, signing into Google after first loading into Rom instead of signing into Google on first bootup. Did a reboot
Installed Xposed, and the modules needed, reboot
I never received any error
I have done 3 nightly updates so far, as of 11/30. I am sure 12/1 will be ready in an hour or so.
I always click on about phone, download said update and let the process do its thing automatically, walk away and the phone is ready to use
Still no errors whatsoever. In fact, this has been the first version of AOSP I have used for the G3 with 0 errors. It is perfect, for me - No issues.
Hope that helps.
mwest316 said:
CM Nightlies are working perfect for me with no errors. Here is the process I went through:
I am still using TWRP 2.8.0 which is the version I installed when I originally Bumped! my phone.
I downloaded CM and Gapps to root of my internal SD storage
I chose to Wipe in TWRP
I chose Advance Wipe
I picked every option except for Internal Storage and External SD Card/Storage
I then Wiped
Out of habit, I do this 3 times (don't ask why, I just do it from when I had older android devices)
I then go back to wipe main screen and slide to do the standard wipe, 3 times
Yes, this is probably overkill!
I then go to install in TWRP
I install CM, then I install gapps (using the gapps that are on this list:
Yes, the date of those gapps are a little older, but that is what worked for me per OP'S instructions
I went through setup of my phone, fixing APN, Setting WIFI to USA, signing into Google after first loading into Rom instead of signing into Google on first bootup. Did a reboot
Installed Xposed, and the modules needed, reboot
I never received any error
I have done 3 nightly updates so far, as of 11/30. I am sure 12/1 will be ready in an hour or so.
I always click on about phone, download said update and let the process do its thing automatically, walk away and the phone is ready to use
Still no errors whatsoever. In fact, this has been the first version of AOSP I have used for the G3 with 0 errors. It is perfect, for me - No issues.
Hope that helps.
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I did everything exactly as you did, including the 3 wipes, also out of habit. I too however, get the same error with the latest nightly. It starts popping up as I try to add my Gmail account at the initial setup. Previously, the 'unofficial' builds did not do this to me. This is the only rom that does this, I have tried them all out. I have yet to try to flash a different gapps package to see if that makes a difference. Apparently I dont get the data issues with cm12, but get phone issues with cm11.
I'm a bit relieved to see I'm not the only one having this problem. Been updating every night to see if maybe it's fixed, but I still get the same error. Didn't happen on the first nightly I flashed, though. It lol seems to be happening at random for me. Sometimes I'll set my phone down for a couple hours, working perfectly fine. Then I pick it up to check something and I suddenly start getting that error. I've tried every "solution" I find and none of them work for me. Even thought it was an issue with reading my sim card because when I get the error, it shows that my sim card isn't being read. But I still get it when I take it out. A normal factory reset doesn't fix it either. I have to do a complete data format to remove the error.
I found a quick little fix where i make a backup earlier in the day and just restore it whenever I start getting the error, but it's still very annoying.
Same issue
Hey bros,
Same thing here. It's a baseband radio issue. Notice in settings under About Phone it says 'Baseband Version: Unknown'. Either TWRP is flashing over our baseband (not likely, calls and texts can be made before the error message attacks come), or CM11 has some issue on certain builds with reading our SIM cards. I think having an official 10B or 11C flashable baseband radio to install at the time of the ROM install will fix this problem. Waiting on CM to patch the code will take too long. Let me know if you find one of these basebands or can find out how to extract it (from file manager or somewhere?) as I have not been able to find this info on XDA or anywhere.
I'm a new member, and XDA won't allow me to post links..... look in the OP for JasmineROM (all credit to author for posting this 11C modem and fabulous stock LG debloated ROM) under downloads, you'll find the 11C modem. Download it.
1. Place 11C modem.zip on external or internal, whichever you want. I prefer external.
2. Backup, unless youre livin' life on the edge.
3. Wipe it all except for external (or internal, if you prefer to flash from your internal storage)
4. Add to Install zip que in order:
a) latest CM11 nightly
b) 11C modem found in JasmineROM OP of main thread
c) GAPPs of your choice (I like nano PA GAPPs, and just install whatever else i want after)
6. profit
I have heard the 10B radio works great too. holler back and post results between the 2 stock radios for VS985.
Please hit thanks, as I am new and want to be helpful, where possible. Please share this so others know that we can overcome this nonsense.
CM11!!! Phappin' so hard right now!
Got it again.... totally blowed right now. maybe reconfig APN to match VZW and it will work?
Thanks for all the responses, it currently seems that the problem is cm11. I will probably wait for a stable build. For now, I'm using an unofficial cm12 ROM. Thanks for all the help!
Sent from my LG-VS985 using XDA Free mobile app
8pscott said:
Thanks for all the responses, it currently seems that the problem is cm11. I will probably wait for a stable build. For now, I'm using an unofficial cm12 ROM. Thanks for all the help!
Sent from my LG-VS985 using XDA Free mobile app
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Are you using that PA GAPPs package that's in alpha? I think i'm going to give up and go to 12 too... I do know that the first official nightly of CM11 doesn't give me any errors, but Trebuchet is so buggy it won't take widgets. Had to download Nova
It makes me cry. My phone lasted through the night. Woke up at around 7 and it was fine. Went back to sleep and woke up at around 8:30 and I was crushed to see the problem happening again. There doesn't seem to actually be anything thy triggers it. :/
Yeah I think I'm gonna just try out cm12 and see how that goes.
Double check to make sure the phone isn't running in art. That fixed my problems! Xposed and art do not work together!![emoji2]
Im getting the same error on my phone usually a few says after using any of the nightlies. When i go to make a phone call it gives me the force close and doesnt stop. Ive since moved back to stock hoping someone had more info on the issue. My phone was not using Art but I did have xposed installed.

