[Q] Phone Rings Once, then stops - AT&T HTC One (M7)

My phone rings once, then stops ringing. I can still answer calls, but I have to be looking at the phone in order to see that there is an incoming call. I use Zedge and switched ringtones to make sure it wasn't a corrupt file, but no luck so far.
Thanks for your help

You probably have quiet ring on pickup activated so when you move the phone the motion silences the phone.
If you want to turn it off go to settings-sound- scroll down to quite ring on pick-up and UN check,that should take care of it.
Sent from my HTC One


Silence Ringer

i found this at one point but i cant find it anymore. has there been a reg edit or a cab to press a button and stop the ringtone from ringing. please dont tell me to make shorter ringtones i am aware of this but sometimes theres no good place to cut a ringers and ir woul just end too abruptly. so if someone can let me know please greatly appreciated. i have a mogul but the telus version
This might have been the thread you thought you saw.
I don't think this does what you want though. Doesn't it stop when you press ignore? I can't think of it right now. Maybe you just want any button to do this, but then you couldn't answer. Maybe explain this one more.
I think hes talking about the same issue im having with my phone. Actually I have two different issues that are somewhat related...First, i think he's talking about the text message ringer. For example...if i set a ringtone to my text messages(songs that is) and i recieve a text message, there is now way to shut the ringer off...it just keeps playing and playing and vibrating and vibrating....the only thing that will make it stop is a power down or soft reset.....whats even weirder is if i recieve a text message while the first message is ringing it plays the ringtone a second time in the background...so not only can i not stop the first one but there a second one that i cant stop either...PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!....now for the second issue....i downloaded mring for my phone and it allows me to stop the problematic ringer from before by pressin any button on my phone (GREAT!!!!!!!!) no, not great...when i set my text messages to ring and vibrate it rings, but no vibration occurs...and if i have it on vibrate only...it doesnt vibrate either....at first i thought it was problem with my phone, but the vibration on telephone calls works fine...it's only text messages...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS!!!!!! if anyone can fix the problem im having with mring that would be great cuz i want to continue using that program seeing as how i purchased the product and now that im having that problem its basically useless...

Sms Ringer Problems

Actually I have two different issues that are somewhat related...First, i think he's talking about the text message ringer. For example...if i set a ringtone to my text messages(songs that is) and i recieve a text message, there is now way to shut the ringer off...it just keeps playing and playing and vibrating and vibrating....the only thing that will make it stop is a power down or soft reset.....whats even weirder is if i recieve a text message while the first message is ringing it plays the ringtone a second time in the background...so not only can i not stop the first one but there a second one that i cant stop either...PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!....now for the second issue....i downloaded mring for my phone and it allows me to stop the problematic ringer from before by pressin any button on my phone (GREAT!!!!!!!!) no, not great...when i set my text messages to ring and vibrate it rings, but no vibration occurs...and if i have it on vibrate only...it doesnt vibrate either....at first i thought it was problem with my phone, but the vibration on telephone calls works fine...it's only text messages...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS!!!!!! if anyone can fix the problem im having with mring that would be great cuz i want to continue using that program seeing as how i purchased the product and now that im having that problem its basically useless...
29 views and no responses....does anyone on ths site know anything about phones...obviously not...
hi i am fairly new too this stuff and what i think is happening for the first issue may not be happening.....but only a professional can correct tht....when a txt message ringtone plays it basically plays the whole song or ring..before it stops....it almost as if when u recieve a text message windows media player launches in the background and just plays till the end....but it dose not do that for phone calls because any musical content or data service is stopped the second you recieve a phone call...as for the vibration issue i have no idea what too tell you oon that...but what u can try is use small sound files as ringers tht way they wont overlap each othereaside from tht i think there is a registery key tht you can change to achive a limited time ring when a text message is recieved....
as for the reg key you will have to search the forms for tht i believe....
What i do is crop my songs / sounds for text messages. I crop them to about 2 seconds or a little bit more and I dont worry about ongoing sounds playing.
Also you can change the settings on your phone to vibrate and ring, ring, vibrate and so one. See if any of those settings are interfering with your notifications.
Ive tried all of your suggestions in the past..the whole reason im using songs as ringtones is so that im aware of when im recieveing a text...if i wanted a 2 second ringer id use a stock one...guess the problem is unfixable...thanks for th input tho

Problems receiveing calls

Several times when I have received a phone call, I try to answer it, and the ringing stops, and the caller is sent to voicemail.
I don't think I'm doing it wrong, slide down bar to answer call etc. A friend said it was ringing at his end for about 40 seconds, but i only heard it for about 5?! There have been times where I see my phone light up as a call is coming in, but it doesn't ring, and I can't answer the call. I'm expecting some important calls, and don't want to not answer them.
Could it be that the processor is being overwhelmed, and not allowing me to answer/phone not ring. Or is it a fault with the phone, or me?!
1) I have had similar problems.
2) If you do hear or see it ringing, swiping down on the lower 1/4 of the screen seems to work for me. That is, if I swipe down like I normally do to unlock the screen, it won't answer the call. If I swipe down only on the bottom portion of the screen it works ok.
similar problem here. I wonder if you swipe too big, does it pull the lock screen down, and bump the ignore/send to vmail button somehow. not sure why, but its happening to me and it sucks! missed the last 3 calls today bc of it. makes it hard to run a business thats for sure!
I use a phone service that diverts calls simultaneously to my landline and mobile and my landline often gets 2 or 3 rings in before the Hero's trackball starts to flash (although once yesterday they did both manage to ring at nearly the same time). Some of the delay is the mobile network finding the phone, but the phone does seem to take a long time to respond to the incoming call.
One option is to extend the length of time before calls are diverted to voicemail. At http://www.cellular.co.za/gsm_hash_code.htm is a list of GSM Network Codes, which includes, towards the bottom, one for extending the period before calls go to voicemail. It looks like the maximum is 30 seconds. I don't know if there is an equivalent for non-GSM networks.

App for filtering calls while phone is on silent ?

I remember seeing an app a couple of months ago that, when set, would let you filter incoming calls while your phone is on silent, the problem is that i have no idea what the app is called and have tried searching with no luck.
Now what i mean is this:
If i put my friends number in the settings of the app and he calls me while my phone is on silent he will recieve an automated SMS from my phone saying that my phone is on silent but if it's an emergency that he should call me again and if they do call me again within a certain period of time the app makes the phone ring normally instead of silencing the call.
Anyway, i have no idea what it's called and would really appreciate any help in finding it
EDIT: Never mind, found it, it's called Dindy

How to make phone appear to others to be switched off?

Hi all,
I was wondering if there is an app or method that can enable me to make my phone as appear to others that ring me as being switched off? There is nothing more frustrating when I am trying to study than the times when I hear my phone ringing and I am forced to stop what I am doing to answer my friends phonecalls. Even if I ignore the calls, I feel obligated to call back and there is always the possibility that the person will call again which really puts me off my work. Having said that, I need to have my phone switched on to receive calls in order to organize car journeys so turning it off is not an option. Is there anything I can do?
You can use the built in 'Do not disturb' in Android. No other app needed.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Thanks for the reply! Would this make my phone calls go to voicemail instantly?
Airplane mode is perfect.

