[Q] Possible to get a log of past activities? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

This may seem like a weird request but I have a project which I need data for and would really appreciate if anyone knew of any way to get certain data off of my Nexus 4? Like if there is a sort of log which would show what apps I have used each day how many texts/calls I have sent/received or any other data like how long my screen has been on each day over a period of the last couple of months?!
It would be great if there was some sort of file or way to get a breakdown of this information because I then have to collate it and organise it.
Thanks you!


[Q] How can I prove that my Android Device (SGS2) has been used by someone else?

Back Story:
My phone was left in my house (shared with other people) yesterday while I was at work. When I got home I was checking missed calls, voicemail etc and I noticed that some text messages were missing. I looked a bit more and it seems that 2 seperate sms message threads had been deleted and a number of contacts had been deleted too. Now, this has happened before to another housemate but we couldn't prove that it had been done. We are pretty sure we know who did it but I need concrete evidence that the phone was accessed.
Phone Specs: Samsung Galaxy S2, rooted, running CM7 latest nightly. I also have Cerebrus installed if that helps.
So my questions are as follows:
1) Is it possible to see what activity was happening on my phone yesterday? I don't have any "logging" software running.
2) Is it possible to retrieve the deleted SMS messages?
I work in IT so am pretty tech savvy, just not in the workings of the Android OS!
All help greatly appreciated.
P.S. I have already been able to restore the contacts that were deleted using the restore functionality in gmail.
The short answer is no. It is, at least in theory, possible to "undelete" stuff, but it isn't usually practical. Even if you did, you wouldn't have "proof" in the legal sense.
That said, I have been involved in a similar situation. Here's the approach we used. It is reasonable to assume that this behavior will continue. Therefore, get some logging software installed. Do NOT talk about it. Do nothing out of the ordinary. Just quietly install some software that will let you see what is going on with your phone. I know there are apps which will email an alert when accessed, snap a pic from the front-facing camera, log SMS to email, remotely lock the phone, etc etc. Based on what you need to accomplish, get these set up and then BE PATIENT. wait a few days (unless you normally leave your phone at home) and leave it again when the person in question might be around.
A pic would be sufficient proof I would think for confronting a roomie. If nothing else log your sms's. I use integrated Google Voice so I'd get an alert on my PC even if I didn't have the phone (very handy, that), but that may not be an option for you.
I also use SeekDroid for remote locking, and I -think- there's a remote camera provision, but it's at a higher paid level than I am subscribed to. At any rate that's my suggestions.
Or, the simple solution: Put a better lock code on your phone.
A lock code would help prevent the behavior in the future. For catching the vandal red-handed, I believe an app like Gotcha! may do what you need.

App that records when you last did something?

On PalmOS I had an app called "Blue Moon" that was great, it would record the last time you did something, how many times you've done it, show the days since you last did it, even show you if you were overdue on doing it again, etc... I used it for things like changing my contacts, air filter, etc.. Stuff you do irregularly but need to be reminded about.
Anyone know an app for Android that'll do that? There are numerous ways I could do it, like making notes in Springpad or a todo in GTasks or something, but I don't so much want reminded as to be able to see when I last did it, and I'd like to have more information (how many days ago was it, how many times have I done it would be nice info, etc..)
FYI, here's a description of Blue Moon.
BlueMoon let's you keep track of when something occurred last and when it's due again. In addition to repeating events on a calendar, BlueMoon events can "float" - they are relative to when they last occurred. This makes them great for keeping track of things that happen at some specified interval but that usually don't happen on an exact day. You may want to remember to call a distant relative every couple of months, but you don't call on an exact date for instance. Another use of this capability is to keep track of when you last ate at a certain restaurant or fast-food place. If you have multiple children, this can really be handy! Keep a history log of when things occurred and some information about each occurrence. Sometimes things occur and we want to keep a log of each and every occurrence, or at least a count of how many times something has happened. Examples of these types of things include tracking medical symptoms (for allergies perhaps) or having information showing when you did some required activities (instrument calibrations and checks etc.).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Man I nailed it, I had this same problem, searched forever with no leads, finally found the perfect solution
KeepTrack from Zagalaga
Works for everything you need, set it up exactly how you want.
Hope this saves anyone else looking for something like this a lot of time.
Current Samsung Note owner!
Trying it today, thank you!

[Q] Why has AOSP corrupted my SMS/Mms .db? Works on AOSP not Samsung though?

I have tried the search button have anything relatively close nor the right type of people already commenting them...further to that those that are key with understanding in this area have "not contactable by PM or email" in their profiles
Anyway, it seems that searching via Google shows that I am not the only one that is suffering from a related issue??
Here too http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=521248
Read comments here....and we all know .db files are not unique to android alone, however the being able (or should I say not able) to assess the .db file in anything but android IS!
I have been running CM9/Oncecosmic and several other iterations of AOSP ICS early January. I keep a nearly all of my SMS/ Mms, its habit and I like to be able to access the information should it be needed. I have gone from Samsung -> to AOSP -> and now "trying" to go back again.
I have since migrated to SGSII (from SGS1) and have realised that the Mms .db will only open in an AOSP apk? If I attempt to open the .db file in Samsung it force closes. I am have been forced to run a hacked ROM now as I want to be back on Samsung based ROM, so I have gone about hacking the services.jar to bypass signature checking of apks just in order to run an AOSP app so that I can access and continue to use my Mms.
I don't want to wipe and refuse to believe that this is the only answer and that these isn't some kind of fix for it?
If someone is able to shed any light on this subject and as to why the Mms is corrupt when only viewed in anything but AOSP apps and/or a fix to be able to make this .db work again inside of Samsung I will happily send a donation. I donate to a lot of people on this forum, and am very appreciate of developers time as well as of this community as a whole.
Edit: Yes I have tried to clear caches and so forth, I am no n00b....save the condescending replies
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Surely someone out there understands the complexities of the Mms .db? I can't even view any content inside of it outside of Android its self. I am used to a PC and a keyboard and SQL DB and its just f*%#ed on a phone, not to mention totally different syntax to what I am used to. Does anyone know of any application that can view this data? Anything SQLite DB viewer on Source forge doesn’t work.
Jesus Freak where are you? I'm jokin, you probably get hit up about a million posts a day hense your set to not contactable. Anyone with as much knowledge that is willing to help feel free to respond.

[Q] Google Voice or other VOIP- Choosing my own number

After an hour with Google I was no further than when I began so I figured it was time to ask for some advice.
I'd like to buy a phone number that I can keep for a long time (5-10+ years). I'd like it to be able to receive/make calls, a number of my choice (ex- 202-345-6789), able to take voicemail & send/receive SMS. A one time initial payment is my preference so I don't have to worry about contracts changing etc. I really like the idea of having 1 number which I can use from my computer, phone, or tablet for basic use. I'm not a phone-heavy person.
I seem to recall reading that this was feasible but I can't find the information.
Any pointers/search tips/etc. would be appreciated.
TL;DR: I change phones/plans frequently & hate the process. Basically I want the P.O. Box version of a phone number. It would be great if it can voicemail/SMS as well. Is this possible?
(yes, I've searched, I keep coming across uninformative regurgitation of 'Ten tips you need to know about using Google Voice' & other about.com style "info")

Happy Colour Offline Compatibility Android Pixel 6 Pro

Hey there guys, I have a question first and foremost.
If an app updates daily, is there any way to make an app still be able to be updated online daily, while also having the functions to work while you are offline?
There are many people that travel, and don't have internet or phone service while they are commuting or waiting for someone or something, relaxing at home, at a campground in the wilderness, or underground in the subway, or maybe even up high on a mountain.
If there is a way to make this work, I would like to know what you guys and gals would suggest on what to do to get this started.
Some of the requirements of my hypothetical project would be as follows;
Needs to retain the Daily Update Feature so that the app can withdraw from the Happy Colour Server.
Has to have some working code workaround where a certain allotment of storage space can be used to store the app data (including the scrolling and entering the Picture that you want to color and complete) on a device.
(Currently, you can scroll the app for a little while and the coloring options will appear, but when clicking on a selection, it is not able to load.
That's pretty much the jist of it.. if you guys can give me suggestions or even remark on if this can be done, that would be great. I know that it would take some work, but if it seems like its plausible, we can see where this thing goes as a team and maybe make it a paid project really depends on how much work would need to be done.
Thanks to those of you that have read this and really looking forward to hearing your ideas and thoughts.

