App that records when you last did something? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

On PalmOS I had an app called "Blue Moon" that was great, it would record the last time you did something, how many times you've done it, show the days since you last did it, even show you if you were overdue on doing it again, etc... I used it for things like changing my contacts, air filter, etc.. Stuff you do irregularly but need to be reminded about.
Anyone know an app for Android that'll do that? There are numerous ways I could do it, like making notes in Springpad or a todo in GTasks or something, but I don't so much want reminded as to be able to see when I last did it, and I'd like to have more information (how many days ago was it, how many times have I done it would be nice info, etc..)
FYI, here's a description of Blue Moon.
BlueMoon let's you keep track of when something occurred last and when it's due again. In addition to repeating events on a calendar, BlueMoon events can "float" - they are relative to when they last occurred. This makes them great for keeping track of things that happen at some specified interval but that usually don't happen on an exact day. You may want to remember to call a distant relative every couple of months, but you don't call on an exact date for instance. Another use of this capability is to keep track of when you last ate at a certain restaurant or fast-food place. If you have multiple children, this can really be handy! Keep a history log of when things occurred and some information about each occurrence. Sometimes things occur and we want to keep a log of each and every occurrence, or at least a count of how many times something has happened. Examples of these types of things include tracking medical symptoms (for allergies perhaps) or having information showing when you did some required activities (instrument calibrations and checks etc.).
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Man I nailed it, I had this same problem, searched forever with no leads, finally found the perfect solution
KeepTrack from Zagalaga
Works for everything you need, set it up exactly how you want.
Hope this saves anyone else looking for something like this a lot of time.
Current Samsung Note owner!

Trying it today, thank you!


[APP][WVGA-VGA-WQVGA-VGA][28.09.09]PocketNoise 1.0.1

The noise in your pocket. This app features:
- a desk bell
- a double buzzer
- a single buzzer
- a gong
- a horn
- a doorbell
- the D-Day cricket
- the nuke button
A note for the gong: pressing the center the sound stops.
A note for the nuke: don't stop at first press...
1.0 – First release
1.0.1 - Released all resolutions
Small cosmetics
Executable compressed with UPX
Download PocketNoise from
Special version for HTC HD2
I ask you people not to mirror the files elsewhere: if you want to spread the app, please link to 1800pocketpc download url above
Donations received so far: Saijo 10€, Antonín 5€ thanks guys! Thank you very much!
and yes ofcourse, qvga would be great
aibonlengket said:
and yes ofcourse, qvga would be great
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I had the intention to release for this app the VGA-WQVGA-QVGA versions as well, but this means a lot of work, since all the graphics have to be resized and the code to be optimized for these screen resolutions.
But. I've released three apps so far (FakeBadge, Walk of Fake and Pocket Noise). In total, almost 8.000 downloads. And a single donation (for WoF). This means, i guess, people is not interested in my apps. Or, at least, not that much interested.
So, if my piggybank continues to stay empty, i'll go on to releas freeware apps. But only in resolution that fits my device (so, in other words, i'll share what i do for me): it's a nonsense to spend many hours working on other res for nothing, isn't it?
VGA version please???
bbonzz said:
I had the intention to release for this app the VGA-WQVGA-QVGA versions as well, but this means a lot of work, since all the graphics have to be resized and the code to be optimized for these screen resolutions.
But. I've released three apps so far (FakeBadge, Walk of Fake and Pocket Noise). In total, almost 8.000 downloads. And a single donation (for WoF). This means, i guess, people is not interested in my apps. Or, at least, not that much interested.
So, if my piggybank continues to stay empty, i'll go on to releas freeware apps. But only in resolution that fits my device (so, in other words, i'll share what i do for me): it's a nonsense to spend many hours working on other res for nothing, isn't it?
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i feel low, i'm sorry i hadn't donate yet. i think you deserve one though. so please people, donate for this fun apps.
good stuff .. beer coming your way.. plz check ur PM
other resolutions on the go: gimme a couple of days. And thanks to people that supports me donating
bbonzz said:
I've released three apps so far (FakeBadge, Walk of Fake and Pocket Noise). In total, almost 8.000 downloads. And a single donation (for WoF). This means, i guess, people is not interested in my apps. Or, at least, not that much interested.
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Don't take it personally, but all three are really bling-bling or kiddy apps. Nothing productive, whereas Your programming skills could be put to use for coding something that's actually useful - for example, there isn't currently a single sms/e-mail app on the market that's finger-friendly, functional and has many options. So there's Your empty piggybank. I think if You'd write something that's actually useful, You'd get donations from at least hundred members, not 1. Think about that.
aiiro said:
Don't take it personally, but all three are really bling-bling or kiddy apps. Nothing productive, whereas Your programming skills could be put to use for coding something that's actually useful - for example, there isn't currently a single sms/e-mail app on the market that's finger-friendly, functional and has many options. So there's Your empty piggybank. I think if You'd write something that's actually useful, You'd get donations from at least hundred members, not 1. Think about that.
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You could be right. Of course i don't take it personal, but what you say brings me to some thoughts. So, i say "could" for 4 reasons:
1. i know my apps are stupid toys. But why people download them, then? Eight hundred downloads in 10 days tell me that people like my apps, stupid or not. And download them.
2. How many "intelligent" apps have you seen for iPhone? Not so much, i think (if you've seen what i've seen). Despite this, the more an app is stupid, the more it sells on AppStore. And have you seen how many people here complain since such apps are for iPhone and not for WM? How many ask to port iPhone apps to WM? see how many did ask for iBoobs port, for example.
3. Some developers, here, develop "intelligent" apps. See, for example, Chainfire, Mitonioes, Blezalex, only to say a few. They should have become rich, if what you say is true. But i don't think so. See Mitonioes donation log for iPhoneToday: i think he is about 150 bucks: not exactely a big amount of money for such a long waited app...
4. Have you seen where G-Alarm is gone, and why? It was free, at beginning. then ageye has seen that, despite his efforts to make the app better and better, and despite the fact that it was one of the most (if not the most) downloaded WM apps, his pigybank as well was always empty. And so decided to make his app a pay one.
This to say that, for me as for other people that release free apps here: we do this without forcing anyone to give us a single cent, and saying that IF one likes the app, he CAN make a small donation to send his appreciation. But if people thinks that "someone else will donate, so why bother? After all it's free", this behaviour leads to the situation where almost the whole developer community has gone to iPhone, where apps are rewarded. Or, as i stated in 3rd post, one develops for himself, and if the apps is ok for you well, otherwise who cares? After all one does this for free and none cares to give him a sign of appreciation.
wow, it was a long OT. but i hope you understand why, if you could be half right, i too can be right the other half
So You did take it personally OK, just kidding. I see Your point... But I wouldn't go so far to call iPhoneToday an "intelligent" app as it (as far as I know):
1) Simply is a launcher, for which we have like at least 20 alternatives to everyone's liking,
2) It is an attempt to mimic an interface of a system on another system to look like the first system. It's like I would skin my ubuntu to be a mac. Pointless to my mind, no real productivity gain in that.
If You take a look at Iconsoft PhonEx for example, there is an app that has a really well-thought UI, options, intuitive usability etc etc, it's like a perfect example of what my point was, as it completely replaces the useless WM stock dialer and contacts. So I got myself a license, even tho it's 25$. I am willing to pay for great stuff.
G-Alarm does too many things (general mistake that every developer makes is that he thinks when his app has tons of features it makes it greater - it does not, rather on the contrary) to be a simple alarm/timer/stopper, for which 200-300KB is enogh, not 2,5MB.
For me it's all about:
1) Is there real comfort, usability or productivity gain in it for me?
2) Is it small and fast and doesn't have useless features?
For the rest of qualities, I really don't give a s..t.
But, if You are interested in developing something useful, take a look at this - It has been half a year and nothing much has been going on. Like I said, there really isn't a good sms/e-mail app outthere
My point ver 1.5 - the third half
aiiro said:
My point ver 1.5 - the third half
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About the s2s, i'm not skilled enought, at present time, to interact with system. Maybe in future
updated to 1.0.1: all resolutions now
Thank You very much, will be donating soon
it locks up bad on my lg incite .. ideas?
btw same issue with your badge app and you never replyed on that bug report either
xhozt said:
btw same issue with your badge app and you never replyed on that bug report either
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since you are the only one (out of 9 hundreds downloads) reporting this behaviour, i'd not call it a "bug". I'd not even call yours a "report", since it's similar to "doesn't work", that says nothing.
Anyway: i really don't know why your device locks up. Are you using the right version? For what i know it's a WQVGA device. Have you error messages? Do you hears sounds? Do you see something or nothing at all? What happens?
after clicking it , it gets to the main screen and hangs the device requireing a soft reset . no errors .
nice idea for a app but for now gotta stick with flaxbox ;-(
Was looking for such a fun app.
At first it works fine, but only at first as there are no seconds!
It runs fine after a reset, but is t able to start it up again after this first run!
I can press the button all I want but nothings happens no error message, nor no trace of the program in memory
Installed on HTC -HD2, storage card (do not want in in main memory).
Any idea's?
Note: Your Fakebadge app, also does not start after this app has run!
Note:2 Run first Fakebadge = ok 2nd =ok run PockedNoise = NOK
That's a realy strange behaviour, Pandor, but i cannot replicate it in any way, so i really don't know what's going on on your device... I too use the app from SD card, so that's not the problem.
I had a similar behaviour only once, when the app was still in beta: but that was because i had so little resources left (only 20% free memory) that the app didn't succeed to load all its resources and crashed. But i had it in memory (spotted via MemMaid).
So, if you have not it in memory, i guess the problem is somewhere else: maybe you've something running in background that leds to this. Don't know, sorry: as now you're the only one out of 15.000+ downloads reporting this behaviour
So I installed Memmaid, as the taskmanagers, did not show any programs running.
Here I saw that eighter Fakebadge or Pockednoise was remaining as a running process. Close the process and indeed it runs fine again!
I close the app with the Close button.
Note I have 200mb of memory left!

[Q] App which puts phone on Vibrate during times posted on a site. Difficult?

I took Java in High School (10yrs ago) and don't remember any of it. However I am computer savy and am a quick learner. Here is the deal: My group has meetings several times a week and sometime several times a day. These meeting times are posted on our website. We don't like phones going off during our meetings.
Currently I use a app called "silent time lite" which I program to put my phone on silent during pre-determined times. Would it be difficult to make a simple app which pull the meeting times off our website and puts the phone on silent during these meeting times? I would imagine allowing the user to choose which days they attend the meeting and allow them to change how often they want the app to check with the website regarding meeting time changes. ?
Would it be complicated? Can someone please point me in the right direction. Any Guidance would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.
Ps(using an app which uses google calendar events to determine when to put the phone on slient, like Taker, is not what we are looking for)
I don't think it would be too complicated for an Android developer, but for a novice? Not so easy.
Also depends on how the date and time data is stored. You would have to scrape the html off the page, parse it (we're into PHP scripting here) and send the data back to the phone.
On the phone side, you have to call the php script on the server, and get your data. This app would most likely have to run as a service and sit in the background and poll a date/time every x minutes to see if it matches a meeting date/time and set phone accordingly.
To me, sounds like a lot of fun. Development, debugging, testing, implementation etc., in my opinion is 40 hours minimum. Per hour rate? I imagine that varies from $20 to $70 per hour.
Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately I don't have the means to hire someone right now, but I have plenty of free time (not currently working) and I am a pretty quick learner. I was just hoping for some guidance in terms of what I should look into and try to study. For example, do you think this tutorial is something that would interest me?
or should I look into Http GET? or the like? I was just hoping to follow different relevant tutorials and then putting everything together.
The way the data is posted online is very simple and I was hoping that the app can handle everything instead of getting into PHP:
For example, there exists a simple txt file at:
Inside this file it looks like this:
1:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:40 PM
9:00 PM
I just need to make a simple app which puts the phone on silent during these times + 10 minutes (ex: from 1:30 to 1:40, 6:30 to 6:40 , etc). The app would need to recheck the txt file every 2-3 days as it is constantly changing.
Then I would suggest getting Eclipse on your computer, the Android SDK and JAVA JDK (if you don't have a Mac).
See if you can create a simple app.
From there, see if you can add a button to the app that will switch the phone to silent mode when pressed.
Then, try to get current time from the phone and see if you can do what the above button press does, but based on the current time, i.e.
if(currentTime == meetingTime) { // you can hard-code a meeting time to test
// Silence phone
Don't forget about setting the phone OFF silence mode when meeting is over. This should get you going on a basic concept-test. And explain why developers/programmers make $25 to $100 an hour ROFL
Thanks again for your reply. I will definetly look into those suggestions.
So far, I have installed all the software needed and went through the tutorial I posted earlier and I made a apk file which I already sent to my phone. Currently, it is just showing the text from txt file on the app.
So the next step will be to find some ways to put the phone on vibrate etc.
If anyone else has any tips or links, please let me know. Thanks again.
llamas are awesome
this is not exactly what you asked but I am confident you'll muse, "I need that!"
master4g said:
My group has meetings several times a week and sometime several times a day. These meeting times are
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If the meetings are a mobile tower away from where the phone may be loud consider the app
Ps(using an app which uses google calendar events to determine when to put the phone on slient, like Taker, is not what we are looking for)
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Then you wouldn't use
for that.. but you might want to use it otherly
my other WS has a bookmark for 'learn android java by example' or somesuch. no, I don't sync all my profile's bookmarks. If I can find that and remember to post it here then it will appear here edits allowing
thanks for that, I currently use something similar, however it will not work for the rest of the group because of various reasons.

[Q] Possible to get a log of past activities?

This may seem like a weird request but I have a project which I need data for and would really appreciate if anyone knew of any way to get certain data off of my Nexus 4? Like if there is a sort of log which would show what apps I have used each day how many texts/calls I have sent/received or any other data like how long my screen has been on each day over a period of the last couple of months?!
It would be great if there was some sort of file or way to get a breakdown of this information because I then have to collate it and organise it.
Thanks you!

[Q] Organisation App

Hey there, I've had an android phone knocking around for some time but only recently started really using it. The main reason I need it is to organize my self, my work and life.
So with this in mind I went and got and such apps but as I downloaded opened and discarded them I started to find that they all seem to run into the same grave limitations. I have a room full of lists on bits of paper and what I want is to keep them on my phone. But the apps I try offer the option of creating a list and that's it, about 70% of them I discarded because you cant even change the order of the items in the list which is useless to me as i need to write them in priority.
The next problem is that apps such as which is the best I've found so far can create folders such as work and play and then one long list of everything i will ever need to do at work. I have many tasks to do at work and those tasks consist of other lists of tasks and so on. For example I need to sort out transport up north for a group of people to do a job so I have a work list with the current jobs on it and on it is this job's name, on another bit of paper iis a list of things i need to do for this Job. One of the things I need to do is sort the van out so under fix the van is another list of things I need to do to fix the van, in that list amongst other things in insurance, so i have another list of things to do to get the insurance.
This is how it all works, breaking big tasks down into smaller and smaller tasks till life is all clear and doable. One folder labeled WORK with all these things listed is useless. Great for doing the shopping or organizing a party but no good for organizing your life unless your life is painfully simple.
Because the method of lists within lists is so old and simple and suited to an app I presumed they'd all be able to do it but I cant seem to find one anywhere and I've been at it for a while but then I can barely turn the thing on. So please anyone who knows where to look or what I'm doing wrong I'd appreciate some guidance.
yadnom1973 said:
Hey there, I've had an android phone knocking around for some time but only recently started really using it. The main reason I need it is to organize my self, my work and life.
So with this in mind I went and got and such apps but as I downloaded opened and discarded them I started to find that they all seem to run into the same grave limitations. I have a room full of lists on bits of paper and what I want is to keep them on my phone. But the apps I try offer the option of creating a list and that's it, about 70% of them I discarded because you cant even change the order of the items in the list which is useless to me as i need to write them in priority.
The next problem is that apps such as which is the best I've found so far can create folders such as work and play and then one long list of everything i will ever need to do at work. I have many tasks to do at work and those tasks consist of other lists of tasks and so on. For example I need to sort out transport up north for a group of people to do a job so I have a work list with the current jobs on it and on it is this job's name, on another bit of paper iis a list of things i need to do for this Job. One of the things I need to do is sort the van out so under fix the van is another list of things I need to do to fix the van, in that list amongst other things in insurance, so i have another list of things to do to get the insurance.
This is how it all works, breaking big tasks down into smaller and smaller tasks till life is all clear and doable. One folder labeled WORK with all these things listed is useless. Great for doing the shopping or organizing a party but no good for organizing your life unless your life is painfully simple.
Because the method of lists within lists is so old and simple and suited to an app I presumed they'd all be able to do it but I cant seem to find one anywhere and I've been at it for a while but then I can barely turn the thing on. So please anyone who knows where to look or what I'm doing wrong I'd appreciate some guidance.
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sorry, but you are searching for an notes app, am i right?
i suggest you to try google keep, easy to use, reorderable, you can set alarms and its in the google enviroment.. so it is synced between devices and browser
.. or ask the nsa for help, if you forgot something
I'm searching using the terms: Organization, to do list, Productivity and things like this to try and find an App to help organize into one orderly document of easily assessable lists of what I have to do.
Google Keep is another one that you can make lists in but the list's can not reference each other so you can list everything you have and need to do and buy and so on but you can not group or nest the lists beyond the first level much like the other apps I've seen. You can list WORK,HOLIDAY,SHOP,PARTY and then within the WORK list you can list NORTHERN JOB, FRANK'S, TAX RETURNS. But then that's it. You cant list anything inside TAX RETURNS. It's to basic to organize anything beyond odd jobs and the shopping.
It is one of the ones that is reorderable as in you can move the order of items in the two lists and synchronizing and alarms and all that is fine but I just really need a simple but effective app that allows me to create lists to organize what I have to do and in what order.
I guess I can do it by using folders inside folders with names on them for jobs but it seems like a hell of a work around. Be easier to just live with all my bits of paper but I'm sure there are apps out there to organize things in a little more depth than things like Google keep, I'm sure just not looking in the right place? Anyone?

How to Focus by Removing Distractions from Android

I've been experimenting with removing low quality technology time from my day to day to improve well being and simply make more time for other things! I find it easy to end up on youtube or browsing for hours aimlessly.. especially when I am burnt out after a days work.
I previously put my laptop and cellphone in the garage and that worked fairly well but also cut me off from phone calls which was the trade off. I found this great, especially if I did it the night before.
The main sources of distraction I see are a result of Data. If I don't have data I can't browse, I also can't go on YouTube. Yet I still have the benefit of using maps (offline), journaling, evernote (offline), photos, alarm clock, music player.
I've tracked my time on my cell phone weekly and I think I waste somewhere between 9 - 18 hours browsing or watching youtube. My issue isn't the time, but the fact that none of that left a mark on me as something I loved doing.. and that I think is a sign of life truly lost!
I thought if I put my SIM into a non-smart phone I can still call and text and use my smart phone for all the benefits I listed above. My only concern is WiFi... having a simple on-off switch on wifi makes it too easy to use. Do you have any idea of how I create more barriers to WiFi?
For my laptop I've uninstalled the wifi driver and keep it on my screen in a zip file for re-installation if needed. (it's too much work if I'm lazy... and yes this does work.
My goal is to increase the barriers to doing the lazy short term gratifying activities (which I don't enjoy but do out of shear habit) and to make it easier to do the things I value- friends, family, cooking, reading, ect... I find I enjoy these activities once I get into them, it's just the initial barrier.
I don't know if I am the only one that has these thoughts, if you do and have ideas for solutions please share!
Format your system partition by using a custom recovery
I have a custom recovery installed already, what would that let me do?

