No sound at all sch-i545 mdk - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S 4

I bought my S4 with VRUAMDK firmware used hence no warranty
when I got it it tested fine I made calls
after rooting it just stopped making any sounds or phone calls, (I'm pretty certain I followed the rooting instructions correctly)
tried unrooting, going back to stock and rerooting and trying several ROMS I still have no sound whatsoever no headphones nothing, it does eventually detect the headphone if plugged in, even in the diagnostic menu sound doesnt work
I can browse using mobile data I can attempt a call and the other phone rings but the dialer doesnt work after placing the call the phone hangs or restarts sometimes.
everything else works I can send and receive text messages, emails, cameras work. etc
if this is a hardware issue what needs to be replaced? any idea whats the best way to get this fixed? and probable cost?
I read other threads that were similar which suggested unrooting and resetting and tried that


[HELP] Audio cuts out. No sound during phone calls.

So I recently just rooted my droid and I'm running the evileris firmware atm I'm really happy with everything except that my phone can no longer make phone calls. The sound during phone calls does not work and I think it may not work sometimes in the music player as well. It works when I plug in the headphones but when i take them out no sound.
Airplane mode and resetting do not fix this problem and the updates that I've tried flashing from [FIX] Audiofix. NEED TESTERS FOR NEW KERNEL in the Hero CDMA forum do not work either.
This phone worked fine before rooting and flashing and the problem is present on all the roms I've used. The update above simply hangs my phone at the bootscreen, no matter which one I use. (Maybe its written just for hero?)
Anyways I was hoping one of you guys could have a fix or maybe have also had this same problem? Thanks!
(from what I've read in the thread above it seems the issue is a bad kernel that hangs up or fails to reset so you have to do it manually, but resetting doesn't fix the issue for my. My problem is constant phone call audio loss)
UPDATE: I have done some more experimenting and it seems the only problem is from the in-cal speaker, because when I put speakerphone on it works fine. The problem lies with the front speaker (part that goes to your ear).
maybe your phone is broken?
I went back down to 1.5 root, works fine. Its an issue with 2.1 :/ So currently I have 2 nandroid backups, 1 of 1.5 and 1 of 2.1 so I'm just switching in between the two.
did you try....
Did you wipe before flashing? After flashing did you try *228 opt 1? This may help as it sorted my audio issues with another Rom.
im having this same problem and i have no clue why i have tried everything knows possible to fix this.
I wipe before each flash as well as each recovery haha. atm my setup is 2.1 evil eris for the weekends and 1.5root for the weekday when i actually need to make calls
*228 opt 1 did not work btw
I just make a new backup at the end of the week and recover to the other one, works like a dual-boot pc or a bootcamp mac. It works, but its getting kidna old I'd rather just have 2.1 for good haha.
Longtime lurker.....1st time poster....I just installed leak v2 (I was one of those that was too impatient to wait for root)...I had the same problem that everything worked fine except the phone had no in call sound. went through all the setting and found that TTY was set to full...I unchecked it and the sound came back. I know this may be simple...but it worked for me.
brianwin33 said:
longtime lurker.....1st time poster....i just installed leak v2 (i was one of those that was too impatient to wait for root)...i had the same problem that everything worked fine except the phone had no in call sound. Went through all the setting and found that tty was set to full...i unchecked it and the sound came back. I know this may be simple...but it worked for me.
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yesss thank you this worked for me.
BrianWin33 said:
Longtime lurker.....1st time poster....I just installed leak v2 (I was one of those that was too impatient to wait for root)...I had the same problem that everything worked fine except the phone had no in call sound. went through all the setting and found that TTY was set to full...I unchecked it and the sound came back. I know this may be simple...but it worked for me.
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I'm having the same problem... During a phone call, I get no sound / can't hear the person I am calling from the "internal speakers" (i.e. the one you hold to your ear during a call). If I switch to external speakers (i.e. loudspeakers) I can hear the person I'm calling...
What is this "TTY" setting that fixed this problem for you? Where can I find it and uncheck it?

[Q] [crDroid 15.2] SecPhone.apk is mute after reboot

Hey guys,
i really really need your help, i´m running out of ideas over here
A few days ago i installed crDroid 15.2 on my Galaxy S3 (amongst other things i chose the boeffla 3.10-beta2-Linaro-kernel and a modified SecPhone.apk during the installation with AromaInstaller). I did all the configurations and was pretty happy to eventually have found my perfect custom rom. AutoRecord, no-delay etc.: everything worked very well until i had to reboot my phone for some reason.
Problem was now that i couldn´t neither hear the caller nor the person i called (in fact there hasn´t even been a dialing signal before the connection was established, everything mute from start to the end) while they could hear me perfectly fine. Trying the speakers didn´t work, too.
Making calls with Skype worked, though, and every other "sound producing" app was able to do so. I also could hear the "call signals" (i have to translate here, in german it´s called "Anrufsignal"), but not the actual dialing signal. By call signals i mean the notification-sounds that you can set to know when the connection is established and closed again (there was a third signal, too, i think it was a beep every minute or so...).
Long story short:
I tried to reinstall with a new Kernel (non-Linaro, Stock XXEMB5), unmodified SecPhone.apk and another modem in different combinations, but that didn´t do it.
Even a hardreset (which included a system- and SdCard-wipe, so mobile was superclean) followed by a reinstall didn´t work, the problem persists. Phone works fine until first reboot.
Now i got back to a rooted stock rom (filename: I9300XXEMC2_I9300DBTEMC1_I9300XXEMC2_HOME.tar.md5) and experience no problems so far, but i really appreciated my (nearly) perfect custom rom and would prefer to use it as soon as possible
I already tried google and the search on this site, but it seems that nobody else ever had similar problems, so you are my last hope to make it work :/
Thanks a lot for your help

[Q] No system or Call sound

I have been rooting and installing custom roms for a while. I'm no expert, but now newb either. I recently rooted my S4. It's running on the stock verizon ME7 build.
The problem I have been having is that a few minutes after I reboot it all the sounds stop working. No music, notification or in call sounds. If I restart it goes away for a little while, but soon comes back. I tried factory defaulting it, which worked for a little while, but it recently started doing it again. The only thing I can think of is I installed avast Anti-theft with root access recently. Has anyone else had this problem & do you know of a solution? I can always try factory defaulting it again to see if that helps, but I would like to know if anyone else has any ideas.
Odined back
I tried everything I could thing of, then decided to Odin back to stock. Same problem started almost immediately . There are no system sounds and I can not hear anything when I call. Also it does not pick up sounds from my voice via voice commands & the person on the other end of my calls can not hear me. At this point I wonder if blocking is some how activated. Since Verizon was nice enough to prevent me from making changes to it I can't check.... Upwards on onward. I will keep this updated in-case someone else has this problem.
I have noticed that when I am in recovery, if I try to wipe the cache partition. I get a android on his back with a triangle exclamation point & then it reboots itself... Is this normal. I have never experienced this behavior before.
I installed the blocking mode MOD. It does not seem to be the problem. No sounds after using the phone for a few minutes. I guess its time to send it back. I really enjoyed the phone. But I seems like a received a bad one. Unless anyone has anythoughts.
When your sound stops have you tried to see if it is working with headphones or Bluetooth? If there is no sound using headphones or a Bluetooth device there's probably an issue with the phone itself. If you've done a stock Odin flash and its still doing it, I would have to guess the phone is bad. Send it back. The only problem you might have is if they check the flash count, you may end up paying for a new phone. I've never had to use Triangle Away to reset my flash counter, but I believe it needs to be flashed in a custom recovery (which you don't have).
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4

Call audio issues when dialing out

Hello everyone,
I have recently been experiencing a weird issue with making or receiving calls. About 20% of the time, I am able to successfully make and receive calls, and majority of the time I just see the dailer timer progressing but no audio output from the earpiece speaker. When I insert headphones or try speakerphone I am still unable to hear any audio from calls. However, music plays just fine from headphones. I can also send texts and MMS with no issues. Sometimes when power cycle the phone it will work for a couple calls only.
I have literally tried everything. Flashed different modems, went back to stock touchwiz, numerous factory resets, removed SIM/SD card, etc. with no luck. I am currently on the latest GPE build since my GS4 has the MDK bootloader. I have determined that it is not an issue with this ROM itself since no one else is experiencing this issue and I have seen it on the other ROMs I have recently tried.
If anyone has suggestions I'd really appreciate it. I have searched for days online and have not been able to find a solution that has worked, and I am beginning to think it is a hardware issue although my call audio works some of the time. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
OK Google Voice Search
I had a similar issue. I was able to resolve it by disabling the setting where you can say OK Google from anywhere on your phone and that fixed it. Unlike you, I am on the latest update, rooted. Maybe try messing with OK Google Detection settings, disable all of them and see if it starts working, then re-enable 1 at a time until you find the issue.

Calls always on speakerphone, regardless of state of button.

My calls are always on speakerphone, doesn't matter if the speakerphone button is on or not, I don't believe this is a hardware problem even though my screen was replaced a few days ago, I mean how could it possibly be. I can't be the only one with this problem, I have searched everywhere, seems like I am. I'm running stock (rooted) so I don't believe it is a software problem either, I have tried rebooting and clearing cache so far.
Details: Stock E2303 MM Rooted. Only thing that could be screwing with audio is Viper4Android, and I uninstalled its drivers already. Also the headphone jack is dead if it matters.
Sorry for creating thread ahead of time, but the problem has been fixed by flashing stock using Flashtool, incase someone has the same problem.

