[Q] Is there a link from Chrome or Gmail to the Android Device Manager - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

If you need to navigate to the Android Device Manager to locate or shut off your lost Android phone - does anyone know where to find a direct link to the page in Chrome or Gmail?
I think that memorizing the actual address of that page is unlikely to succeed when you are in a mild state of panic over a lost device. And there is no way to know whose device or PC you will use to locate your lost one. Is there an icon or link in a logical place in Chrome or Gmail? I can't find it.
Thanks very much.


Install a web certificate (*.cer) on an Android device

To gain access to WIFI at university I have to login with my user/pass credentials.
The certificate of their website (the local home page that asks for the credentials) is not recognized as a trusted certificate, so we install it separately on our computers.
I want to know how to install such certificates on Android, I have HTC magic and I came through this question which seems the same problem but the solution is specific to exchange server and not the browser http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=551512
This is the details of installing the certificate from the university's page [LINK]
if you are rooted, download wifi helper (its free) from market and it should help you configure your wifi with custom cert files.
I stumbled onto this topic as I had the problem (but on the Droid, Android v2.0). I then figured out how to do it and made a tool to make it easier. I call it RealmB's Android Certificate Installer. It basically gives your Android's web browser the correct HTTP headers to make it launch the CA certificate installation wizard.
Hope this helps,
I used Android's built-in certificate manager.
1. Just drop your certificate file onto the sdcard/download folder.
Note: Keep in mind the manager looks for .p12 and/or .crt files. I had a .cer file, but it was PEM formatted so I simply changed the extension.
2. Go to settings-> Security & Privacy -> Install from SD Card
Note: I use the MIUI rom, so millage may vary a bit on other roms
Done! Enter your credentials password, or create a new one if you didn't have one already, and you're all set!
Thanks MrNago
renaming .cer to .crt really makes me being able to install it. Life can be so easy ... (MIUI 2.3)
I was looking for a way to do this exact thing, and found a (potentially) easier way to install the certificate. If you have access to a web site, you can just put the .crt file on it, go to the site, click the file and voila... It installs on the device.
Worked like a charm since I do not have an SD card with me, but I needed to install the certificate.
Thanks for the comments above. I had a .cer file, and renaming it worked like a champ as well.
gces said:
I was looking for a way to do this exact thing, and found a (potentially) easier way to install the certificate. If you have access to a web site, you can just put the .crt file on it, go to the site, click the file and voila... It installs on the device. ...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, this works.
To install a browser certificate into a pre-ICS ROM, use Portecle to add it to /system/etc/security/cacerts.bks.
- obviously, ROOT is required to do this
- the keystore p/w is changeit
- In ICS a certificate can be simply added via Settings
The problem is only old stock browser sees installed certificate. This browser doesn't exist on Jelly Bean for Nexus 7. Google Chrome is default browser here.
Anyone knows a solution to this?
!crazy said:
The problem is only old stock browser sees installed certificate. This browser doesn't exist on Jelly Bean for Nexus 7. Google Chrome is default browser here.
Anyone knows a solution to this?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The solution could be to wait until the bug in Chrome is fixed.
web security
Web certificate and web site security have much need for everyone. IF any one have want web project and security you should hire developers.

[Q] HELP! Email or Device Encryption

I have already unsuccessfully searched in the forum ...
i have configured in the device my exchange server email...it works everything but it is missing a device encryption which would allow me to read the email than now are completely unformatted.
I am searching for a *.p12 file but no way to find it anywhere...
As an alternative I have downloaded Secure EAS, an application which allows me to view the email perfectly well but, at the same time, downloads the full email and cannot set up 2Kb as a default....
I am getting quite crazy here...would appreciate if anybody could give me a hint...thank you guys!
Matteo, Amsterdam

few things that dont work if anyone can help

hi there all - installed uruk 1.5 and now trying to get my head around few niggles.
first - tried the 1.6rc2 update file several times but keep telling me failed due to corruption. any idea how to download it straight into the update folder (cant find the folder while browsing from within the tablet only using my pc - i have copied the files using ubuntu through sudo nautilus but still wont install... any ideas?
i am trying to add a shortcut to launcher pro - its the Gmail Label Shortcut which i use on my phone to go directly to different email labels but it does not seems to exist on my device.
google music wont run, keep crashing the system - anyone got this working?
thats all for now although i do expect the list to get longer...
mmoalem said:
hi there all - installed uruk 1.5 and now trying to get my head around few niggles.
first - tried the 1.6rc2 update file several times but keep telling me failed due to corruption. any idea how to download it straight into the update folder (cant find the folder while browsing from within the tablet only using my pc - i have copied the files using ubuntu through sudo nautilus but still wont install... any ideas?
i am trying to add a shortcut to launcher pro - its the Gmail Label Shortcut which i use on my phone to go directly to different email labels but it does not seems to exist on my device.
google music wont run, keep crashing the system - anyone got this working?
thats all for now although i do expect the list to get longer...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
files are downloaded to /mnt/storage/download - if u downlaod a file with tabled - then copie to the update dir.
Otherwise make sure u use the windows disconnection function before remove the device to prevent corruption.
Google mail:
not sure if u mean that - but try:
long hold (like adding a widget) -> shortcuts -> email (or gmail,.. however it's named) -> select the account (will add a shortcut to the account directly)
Google music:
which version are u trying to use? some 3.x version worked fine - while I never got any 4.x version runnig propper on froyo - while runns fine on my gingerbread cellphone
thanks for the help and sorry for posting in the wrong forum
sorted out the update
but i dont have gmail or email shortcut option ( i do have it when trying to replace an item in launcher bottom menu)
hmmm - only thing i can think of is trying reinstall gapps - e.g. using arctolls
just bricked my 101 so i can't look it up atm but the method described above works on my phone wiht launcher pro...
perhaps anyone else knows it better then me ?
good luck
will fix my device

No option to make Default Apps

Hello Forum,
Usually when you tap a link or document for the first time on a new device, you are presented with an list giving you the option to make one of the apps on the device the default app to open the link or document from now on.
In my case I just get a generic Android system error with a "report" button.
I solved the opening a link problem by using the option in Firefox to make it the default app.
However, for documents and anything else that may come my way, will crash instead of getting the familiar menu option mentioned above.
Any ideas, please?
Possibly an option that is turned on or off in system?
This is a stock ROM direct from Xiaomi. MIUI 10.1 Stable.
Thanks in advance.
I am using Solid Explorer file manager, there's such menu like you mentioned.

Is there a way to export your history on Opera mobile for android? (Please help I need it)

TLDR: Is there a workaround to view and export my Opera history on android?
What happened: I am on a Samsung Note 10 running Android 11. I accidentally closed a tab and deleted it from the reopen tab section. I want to retrieve the history of that tab. I know Opera has it saved somewhere because when I look at my history I can see some of the searches from that tab. However Opera on Android does not have a way to search or export your history.
What I tried: First, I tried finding my history file. On Opera for desktop you can find your history file and copy it somewhere else to export it. According to this post Opera for android also has a way to export data such as bookmarks using a file manager so I think there should be a way to export your history. However when I view my Opera data folder with ES file manager the folder is empty with no history file. I think you need root access to view those files but rooting your phone requires you to flash the bootloader which wipes all your data. Is there a way to access these files without rooting or can I root my phone without data loss?
Next, I tried to view my history using Opera's sync function. However according to this post Opera's history sync does not save all the pages you visited.
At this point I don't know what else to do and I can't figure out how to get my full history even though I can see it in Opera's history section. If anyone knows something that could work even if it is unlikely please tell me. Any help would be appreciated.
Also if you know any other forums I can post this question to please let me know.

