[Q] HELP! Email or Device Encryption - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have already unsuccessfully searched in the forum ...
i have configured in the device my exchange server email...it works everything but it is missing a device encryption which would allow me to read the email than now are completely unformatted.
I am searching for a *.p12 file but no way to find it anywhere...
As an alternative I have downloaded Secure EAS, an application which allows me to view the email perfectly well but, at the same time, downloads the full email and cannot set up 2Kb as a default....
I am getting quite crazy here...would appreciate if anybody could give me a hint...thank you guys!
Matteo, Amsterdam


DCD ROM and Activesync

Hi All,
I hope someone can help
I have run DCD 3.1.6 3.2.3 and 3.2.5 in the last week and on each one via USB and Direct push when synchronizing my folders it seems to hang on email saying
Synchonization Failed. There is not enough free memory on your device to synchronize information. Delete unused files from your device or close programs that are running to free up memory.
I notice in task manager that memory usage for activesync is aout 100%
I have other phones that work well with my Exchange Server so dont believe that is the problem and I rebooted the server.
If someone can help or needs more information about the problem, please let me know but I NEED to resolve this.
Thanks again in advance.
Just an FYI, I do IT network administration for a living and haven't seen this one before. I have done plenty of research before coming here.
Just an FYI but I limited this problem down to one folder that I am synchronizing. I have like 40 folders all synchonized by selecting them in manage folders in tools menu but when I select this one folder direct push hangs retrieving email.
Any thoughts?

Importing Certificates

I need to import a certificate for my WIFI. I can get this as a PEM or DER format certificate from our admins, which I can use on anything else from a laptop to a pda.
On the Nexus the certificate needs to be .p12 files (PKCS#12). I do not have one of these, nor can I get one, nor can I find a way to convert the current PEM/DER to one of these.
How do I do this? It seem pointless if the nexus requires a different format than that provided to people to work with all other devices. Admins are not going to start issuing a special format, just for nexus users, Especially when that format seems to need a private key in addition and/or another password too.
Anyone else managed to do this?
I installed a certificate (a .crt file) by opening it with the web browser (via HTTP). You could also try opening it in Astro or another file manager.
A lot of people have complained about this. Apparently you have to import it from the web browser. File and gmail apps don't seem to know how to handle the certs.
You can forward it to your gmail account then use the web browser to get to gmail and import it from there.
Hi Guys,
I don't mean to hijack the thread, I've been trying to find the full encryption standards and protocols supported by the nexus one and have not had much luck. I presume you guys might have an idea.
Anyone got a link ? Thanks for your help. Ash.
robert-qfh said:
I installed a certificate (a .crt file) by opening it with the web browser (via HTTP). You could also try opening it in Astro or another file manager.
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UmbraeSoulsbane said:
A lot of people have complained about this. Apparently you have to import it from the web browser. File and gmail apps don't seem to know how to handle the certs.
You can forward it to your gmail account then use the web browser to get to gmail and import it from there.
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I've tried opening with a few file browsers, no luck as they refuse to open them, tried various ways of opening with web browsers, no luck as all they want to do is save them, and then the file browsers dont want to open. Also tried email and opening through the web or client. No luck.
Can you guys break it down how you got it to work ?
Anyone know how to load a .crt and .ca certificates on the nexus one ?
I've tried doing everyway with and without the certificates.
Just tried uploading a .DER cert to my personal FTP and goto it via the browser and it simply opened it like a text file. .P12 files are recognised by the browser fine and the user is prompted for the passkey but that is expected as .P12 seem to be the only type of cert that works on Android.
You could try to manually modify wpa_supplicant.conf . Depending on the network configuration this may vary. This is the same way you would do it in Linux. I remember I did this in my G1 ( I dunno if you need root, my G1 was rooted anyway), but the location of the file was not in /etc like it is usually in most Linux. My conf looked like this:
identity="[email protected]"
There are plenty of samples and explanations around the net about changing this file. Hope this helps.
janfsd said:
You could try to manually modify wpa_supplicant.conf . Depending on the network configuration this may vary. This is the same way you would do it in Linux. I remember I did this in my G1 ( I dunno if you need root, my G1 was rooted anyway), but the location of the file was not in /etc like it is usually in most Linux.
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It's /data/misc/wifi/wpa-supplicant.conf. It's owned by wifi:wifi with permissions 770. So it appears you'll need to be root.

Recovering Android Passwords

Hi all!
My GF is getting a new phone and we are having real trouble remembering her Google mail password!
We have tried all the recovery options on-line, but Google are pretty useless at recovering passwords and its driving me insane!
Now, on her old phone, it all still works, and Im just wondering if there is anyway at all as to recover or dig out the password from in the phone somewhere!
Any help would be appreciated as this is driving me insane haha
I found this with google from another forum, password could be stored in
and related files to google account in
Haven't tried myself cause I have no account of any type, so I dont know if passwords are plain text or hashed...
If this fails, I can share you my method anyway:
Connect both your PC and phone to the same home wifi network.
Install a POP3 server on your PC (ok this could be a pain in the @ss, I give you a hint on a easy one: Argo Mail server)
Activate and run it, then take your PCs IP (let's say it's
Edit your Gmail account from the phone, and change the server from gmail's to, edit the ports and set it to use POP and plain authentication without encryption (default port should be 110).
Check your mail from the phone ! You just hijacked your credentials from the gmails secure server to your home mail server, that will of course give you an error because there is no account for that address. But you are then able to intercept the password because it's sent as plain text !! And should work for any email address, as long as you are able to edit the server address in the mailbox settings.
Just don't use it to bash into ur GFs email
not a clue how to get into /data/data/com.google.android.gm/database/gmail.db! haha
But i just tried you 2nd method, and i have the e-mail server setup no problem, but there isnt any options to change the Gmail address/port on the phone :s ARGH!
Keefo said:
not a clue how to get into /data/data/com.google.android.gm/database/gmail.db! haha
But i just tried you 2nd method, and i have the e-mail server setup no problem, but there isnt any options to change the Gmail address/port on the phone :s ARGH!
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You can use adb shell to get that file, but I always use my dear QuickSSHd and get it with WinSCP on my pc. If I get any permission error, I open my Root Explorer and mount the root with r/w permission ! With that you can access any file in your phone/memory card.
As for the second, this is supposed to work only if you can change the address of the server and auth method ... if you are using an app with hardcoded server and port (and you could even hijack it that connection to your server) it will still be encrypted and you might not get the password...
Wow! Didn't realize recovering a password would be such a pain in the ass! My issue is I have been using LastPass and last night it decided to lose my Gmail info. Now I can only get to it from my DInc. I had LastPass generate a 20 digit secure password and it is too long to remember it all.
Google, being the dicks they are expect you to jump through hoops to try to get it back and will "get back to you" in 3-5 days. if you haven't tried They want the last password you remember, when you opened the account and on and on....
Reading this second method here, I am unsure exactly what to do. I am a noob at this linux based stuff and not terribly familiar with adb. I barely muddled through all it took to root my DInc and install a custom ROM.
A little more help? Maybe?
EDIT: Got QuickSSHd and WinSCP working together, but I have no idea where to look for the file to change the POP IP address to try to recover this password.
Never mind .....
Hello! I have a little bit different problem.... I have changed the password in Facebook last month and is stored in my Samsung Galaxy 5... How i can recover the password? My android app has stored the password so i can login only from this... i can't restore the password from my pc because i don't have anymore access to this email account.... is there any solution?
cloudtrax said:
Hello! I have a little bit different problem.... I have changed the password in Facebook last month and is stored in my Samsung Galaxy 5... How i can recover the password? My android app has stored the password so i can login only from this... i can't restore the password from my pc because i don't have anymore access to this email account.... is there any solution?
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If you had added any mobile number of yours then it could help you enough or if any alternative email address.Either you got no choise to get it back.
Help me to decrypt please
in accounts.db file and accounts table I have:
1/Csd9isUuYtNpka5reHGjLshQ1nztm5YliiJlaQMjp70 2p78x01x1iRttFP70uH-tWhz as password field for com.google type
YUhOdmIyaHpiMjl0 as password field for com.htc.android.mail type
So can anybody help me to decrypt it?
ell3 said:
If this fails, I can share you my method anyway:
Connect both your PC and phone to the same home wifi network.
Install a POP3 server on your PC (ok this could be a pain in the @ss, I give you a hint on a easy one: Argo Mail server)
Activate and run it, then take your PCs IP (let's say it's
Edit your Gmail account from the phone, and change the server from gmail's to, edit the ports and set it to use POP and plain authentication without encryption (default port should be 110).
Check your mail from the phone ! You just hijacked your credentials from the gmails secure server to your home mail server, that will of course give you an error because there is no account for that address. But you are then able to intercept the password because it's sent as plain text !! And should work for any email address, as long as you are able to edit the server address in the mailbox settings.
Just don't use it to bash into ur GFs email
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Thanks ell3!! It's a really witty solution that i would never have come up with and I just used it to recover my mail password from kitkat's mail app. I used Wireshark to sniff the traffic during the authentication attempt and it worked really fine.
end_092 said:
Thanks ell3!! It's a really witty solution that i would never have come up with and I just used it to recover my mail password from kitkat's mail app. I used Wireshark to sniff the traffic during the authentication attempt and it worked really fine.
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The method is good but you do not need to complicate yourself. Do not install mail server install wireshark and with a r73 or any wifi that can capture promiscuous you can sniff your username and password
---------- Post added at 02:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:42 AM ----------
ell3 said:
You can use adb shell to get that file, but I always use my dear QuickSSHd and get it with WinSCP on my pc. If I get any permission error, I open my Root Explorer and mount the root with r/w permission ! With that you can access any file in your phone/memory card.
As for the second, this is supposed to work only if you can change the address of the server and auth method ... if you are using an app with hardcoded server and port (and you could even hijack it that connection to your server) it will still be encrypted and you might not get the password...
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Maybe wireshark and live Kali linux ...do the job
Recover passwords of stock browser
I found an app, which can recover and edit stored browser Passwords. You can give it a try: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tkstudio.browserpasswordrecovery
mrhamed said:
in accounts.db file and accounts table I have:
1/Csd9isUuYtNpka5reHGjLshQ1nztm5YliiJlaQMjp70 2p78x01x1iRttFP70uH-tWhz as password field for com.google type
YUhOdmIyaHpiMjl0 as password field for com.htc.android.mail type
So can anybody help me to decrypt it?
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For recovery of password from HTC Email app you unbase64 the password field, then you unbase64 the result and then you switch pair of characters like this "0123..." -> "1032..."
Following this procedure your password should be "shooshoom".
Can you please confirm this is correct?
Yes it works but I can't understand exactly how?!
I decode the "YUhOdmIyaHpiMjl0" via base64decode.net and result is: "aHNvb2hzb29t"
What is your mean about "switch pair of characters" exactly?
mrhamed said:
Yes it works but I can't understand exactly how?!
I decode the "YUhOdmIyaHpiMjl0" via base64decode.net and result is: "aHNvb2hzb29t"
What is your mean about "switch pair of characters" exactly?
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At first you have "YUhOdmIyaHpiMjl0"
you decode base64, you get "aHNvb2hzb29t"
then you decode base64 the result, you get "hsoohsoom"
now you switch pairs of characters (first with second, third with fourth...) and you finally get "shooshoom"
CuberX said:
For recovery of password from HTC Email app you unbase64 the password field, then you unbase64 the result and then you switch pair of characters like this "0123..." -> "1032..."
Following this procedure your password should be "shooshoom".
Can you please confirm this is correct?
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Hi!!! I have the same problem! I forget my password on mail app but is a imap account ... how i find this file? I have HTC m9 plus with android 6.0
eduaf1 said:
Hi!!! I have the same problem! I forget my password on mail app but is a imap account ... how i find this file? I have HTC m9 plus with android 6.0
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if your device is rooted then navigate to "data/data/com.htc.android.mail/databases" and copy the file "mail.db". Then open given file in some program that can open sqlite database for example SQLiteStudio. Then locate the table with name "accounts" in which are the _password and _outpassword values obfuscated in a way that was described above. If your device is not rooted, then you can extract the file through ADB backup.
nice one bro
ell3 said:
I found this with google from another forum, password could be stored in
and related files to google account in
Haven't tried myself cause I have no account of any type, so I dont know if passwords are plain text or hashed...
If this fails, I can share you my method anyway:
Connect both your PC and phone to the same home wifi network.
Install a POP3 server on your PC (ok this could be a pain in the @ss, I give you a hint on a easy one: Argo Mail server)
Activate and run it, then take your PCs IP (let's say it's
Edit your Gmail account from the phone, and change the server from gmail's to, edit the ports and set it to use POP and plain authentication without encryption (default port should be 110).
Check your mail from the phone ! You just hijacked your credentials from the gmails secure server to your home mail server, that will of course give you an error because there is no account for that address. But you are then able to intercept the password because it's sent as plain text !! And should work for any email address, as long as you are able to edit the server address in the mailbox settings.
Just don't use it to bash into ur GFs email
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mate in defalt email in glacsy s5 i just used imap insted of pop but gave me no security options and boom wiershark i was going to try ssl srtip or some **** u saved me the head ake thanks bro
Hello I bump this old thread I got similar Problems. I wonder if there is an app that can do this job?
CuberX said:
if your device is rooted then navigate to "data/data/com.htc.android.mail/databases" and copy the file "mail.db". Then open given file in some program that can open sqlite database for example SQLiteStudio. Then locate the table with name "accounts" in which are the _password and _outpassword values obfuscated in a way that was described above. If your device is not rooted, then you can extract the file through ADB backup.
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Thats works!!!!! Thanks so much!!!!!
Can anyone help me, I lost my yahoo mail password, i cant recovery because is a old account and the number that they have on file is from another country , im been looking for help everyone, i have the email on my android phone but i dont receive mail for some reason, i try to reade the database of the samsung.mail but all i see is the email that im trying to recovery and at the password field i see a code encryted i think . 4fLOS0UXlNkBh1Uc8kDW6g== ..
how do i decrypt that no idea someone help i really need this email back

[Q] Mint App/Account (Android) Recovery Help

Not really related to TP, sorry, but I really need the help.
I signed up with Mint.com via the app, I must've put in the wrong email address while signing up, Mint.com does not see my email address (says is does not exist).
Now my device is rooted, is there a way I can open the mint data via the text/db viewer and get the email address that I signed up with? Anyone know where the Mint data is stored?

[Q] Is there a link from Chrome or Gmail to the Android Device Manager

If you need to navigate to the Android Device Manager to locate or shut off your lost Android phone - does anyone know where to find a direct link to the page in Chrome or Gmail?
I think that memorizing the actual address of that page is unlikely to succeed when you are in a mild state of panic over a lost device. And there is no way to know whose device or PC you will use to locate your lost one. Is there an icon or link in a logical place in Chrome or Gmail? I can't find it.
Thanks very much.

