[Q] Wifi only works in Airplane Mode - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Stock S2 AT
When I enable wifi, it does enable..connects to my wifi, then sometimes says "connected to null" then always disconnects (but shows enabled).
However, if I put it in Airplane Mode, then enable wifi...it connects and works properly.
I have a feeling I installed a power savings app and it messed with the settings, prior to my uninstalling it.
Any ideas what setting would return it to it's normal functionality?

Reflash rom with no wipe if you're on custom rom or flash stock with Odin.


Phone goes in FLIGHT MODE by default after rooting

Hi all! I had rooted my phone successully and removed yellow triangle after that using CF's method. Everything works fine after that, BUT I've noticed that now whenever I reboot, the phone starts in FLIGHT MODE turned ON by default. I have to manually go and uncheck that box everytime I reboot. Any solution to this?
Anyone knows how to fix this? It's a minor irritant, but irritant nevertheless.

[Q] Airplane mode always gets stuck for me in all gingerbread 1.2 roms

Is there a way that I could disable the airplane mode option in cyanogenmod for example? I never use airplane mode, but I accidentally press it sometimes and then the only way to turn it off is to wipe data and cache and reflash the rom. Is there a way to fix this?

[Q] USB connection problems, freezes until restart

I'm having an issue with my I9100.
What's wrong:
- the phone reacts with connecting it to a charger/usb with lag, it recognizes the connection and disconnection after unpluging after +/- few seconds-1 minute
- usb connection with PC doesn't work until restart, after restart I'm able to connect once and everything works fine until disconnecting, after disconnecting, the "connected as media device..." message on the toolbar remains, the usb doesn't react anymore until i reboot, but I'm still able to charge, connection via Odin in Download mode doesn't freeze and works fine every time
- have had having issues with overvoltage, when 100% and still connected to charger, the touchscreen feeled "funny", wasn't as exact as usually, was flittering aso., after disconnecting, the problem was solved
- after putting the battery out getting bootloop, no matter which rom, only thing, that i'm able to do then, is to switch into download mode and flash new rom via odin
what have I tried:
Full wipe with flashing stock samsung firmware (XXWLS), reinstalling usb drivers, cleaning the usb port with air, didn't help.
Anyone has an idea, what might cause the problem and how to fix it?
P.S. Now it doesn't recognize, that charger is unplugged after charging. Chared it 100%, disconnected, but the message "battery charged..." remains after disconnecting.

[Q] HELP - Bluetooth not working

I need some ideas. I bought a bluetooth OBDII car interface and I was planning to use it with my P7510. But, when i try to activate the bluetooth in the Galaxy (pressing the icon in the notification bar), the icon stays dark green for a while and then turn gray again. It don´t "turn on" (light green) like the WIFI icon, for example. The same if I try to turn on in the config menu, the button stays about 10 seconds in the ON position and then returns to OFF position.
The tablet is in the version 4.0.4, and I´m shure some time ago the bluetooth was working, because I use it to control a Lego NXT robot.
OK, I thing that some program messed with the bluetooth, and then a try to flash a new ROM with CWWM. Before the flash I do the follow steps:
Wipe Cache, Dalvik, Factory Reset, AND SYSTEM PARTITION. In CWM, use "format /system" under Mounts and Storage.
The first time, after reboot, the bluetooth was working and then a start to recover some Titanium Backup. After some time, I check again the bluetooth, and it´s not working anymore.
After I tryied to flash (all with the steps above) the same ROM and others 3 different ROM (including a 3.2 version), I can´t get the bluetooth working anymore. The questions:
- If a flash with ODIN, can I get different result or ODIN and CWM did the same thing ?
- The above wipes are suficient to erase all residues from the previous ROM ?
- A unmodded Samsung ROM is a option ?
- Any other suggestion ?
Thanks in advance
I get it working again flashing a samsung rom with odin,

[Q] Carbon rom, unable to scan wifi and screen lock

Hi guys,
I just flashed Carbon rom on my Z2. When it booted there was no problem, but after the screen went on standby i noticed my touchscreen wasn't working. I played with it for a while and it happens a lot. Sometimes i'm able to unlock the screen 3 times and sometimes the phone immediately disables the touchscreen. The only way i found to fix the touchscreen is to softreset by holding the red button. Is there any solution for this?
Also i'm unable to scan for wifi networks. I'm only allowed to go into the advanced settings but nothing more. When i slide the ON button for wifi, it gets stuck and i'm not able to slide it to off again.
I used the CARBON-KK-NIGHTLY-20141103-1906-sirius rom to flash my device. I'm sure i'll encounter much more problems.. but i can't play with it until i figure out how to enable to touchscreen hehe.
Edit: Also i'm unable to setup my mobile network, it gives an error when i click the search network button. When i enter all my APN information and press save it doesn't save and boots me back into the empty APN menu.
Edit2: So i decided to open up NDR Utils, gave me an error and now i'm unable to boot in recovery mode... It does vibrate and turn on a green led when holding the volume button.. but just boots into carbon. I was able to get into recovery mode using the carbon restart option.
Edit 3: If everything fails, am i able to just reflash the 314 stock rom with flashtool and use a different custom rom after?
Edit 4: I just wiped everything and installed a stable CM11 rom. I'm still not able to setup any wifi connection... did i break it?
Edit 5: It was the CM rom. I installed exitenz and everything works properly. I don't know what i did wrong, i followed a guide every time i installed both carbon and CM11, but no luck. If you install on Z2, keep in mind this might happen. Recovery was quite easy tho, even for a noob like me.
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