[Q] email account color in database file? - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S 4

I've seen lots of threads in XDA asking how to change the account colors in the default email client that you see in the combined view. The only solution I've ever seen is deleting and re-adding accounts until you get a desirable color.
I have a rooted phone so I thought I'd simply find the field in one of the database files (like EmailProvider.db) and make the change...but I can't find it. Has anyone else had success here? I just have to believe the color is in some database file.


[Q] Enhanced Email Question

Anybody who is using Enhanced Email app tell me how to locate sub-folders?
For instance i have my hotmail inbox but when i go to the move function to move an email to another folder like, say for instance saved items folder, its not there.
I have about 4 different folders for different email but cant seem to find a way to access them.
Any help appreciated
Cheers guys
Did you work this out?
No, i did post in the EE forum of which the author runs but no reply as of yet.

[Q] Seeking the Impossible Calendar App

I'm new to Android, have a non-rooted Tranformer TF101 and prefer to keep it that way for now. I need a stand-alone, non-syncing calendar app that allows me to add typed notes to each day's appointments and to attach .jpg and - here's the impossible part - .pdf files to each appointment. I also want password protection for the entire clendar.
I tried Jorte, but can't add .jpg or .pdf files to the appointments - unless I just can't figure out how, which I'm not ruling out. I've tried Private Diary. While it's not in the monthly calendar view I prefer, I could add .jpg files to each day. . . but then it kept crashing.
I love my Sunbird calendar and would go all-Android if there were something like it available. Anyone want to write this app for me? I'm a lawyer and I know other lawyers would find this useful.

[Q] modifying contacts.apk

Having searched the forums (and google), I'm gonna have to grab this bull by the horns. I want to edit the stock contacts.apk by adding the option to Sort Contacts by Nickname, and conscequently add the option to Display Contacts by Nickname as well. Since both settings have different sorting options, I imagine I would only need to duplicate the code line that sorts & displays according to first name, then change one of the values to direct it to the nickname field of each contact right? I have never edited an apk apart from changing the png's so I have no idea on what other software I need. I have JDK, Android SDK, and APK tools already installed.
radugb out

HTC one x plus - apps advice

Hello everyone
I hope someone can help me with this.
I have just moved to android from ios and hopefully i'll stay on android because of the fact that it can customize everything on it.
I have a question regarding some apps at the moment.
Does anyone know any good app for hotmail that allows to see all the folders.
At the moment the native app it makes it very hard to browse through my hotmail account where I need a few steps in order to switch folder and in addition it doesn't tell me which folder has emails unless I go in it.
On the iphone I was greeted with all the folder as a root window and each folder had a notification showing how many non read messages were in each folder so browsing was easy.
I've tried hotmail seven as well but the problem with the folder is the same unless I need to do something with the settings,which I don't have any clue about.
If someone has used hotmail and know what I'm talking about then please let me know if you know about any app.
Secondly: I wanted to know if there's an app that allows me to receive notifications about messages, emails etc but without showing the contentn of the message and that gives me also the ability to put passwords on messages so that it can't be accessed without it.
and finally: I'd like to know if you guys are aware of a good contacts manager that allows to keep contacts private so that names and similar stuff is now shown in the incoming and outgoing calls.
Sorry for the many questions but will appriciate if you can help.
Thank you
What I do to find all this information is go on Google and type in (example) best hotmail app for android and read the post.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
I've done so,that's why I mentioned hotmail seven ad it was considered one of the best but it doesnt have those features that I mentioned,reason why I'm asking if people used different hotmail clients and wheter they found better features in them
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app

[Q] Viber - How are user image names calculated?

Does anyone know this? Viber saves images on the sd card and they seem to have a hash value as name... They even change the name if a new image is downloaded for the same contact...
Actually I looked through the code but I could not find out what they are hashing to get the name...
Does anyone have any idea? They have a database with Viber users and a column image with a hash as well, but it's not the same as the images file name...
Any hint or help is well appreciated...
PS: I have an app (with root) that enables syncing contact pictures with social networks and with social apps. Therefore it would be nice to somehow find out how's pictures are available in the viber folder... at least for root users who can access the databases of viber...
Did you ever figure this out? I'm wrestling with the same issue.

